order councilman samuka councilman s will be here shortly councilman Garrick here councilwoman Sanchez here councilwoman Maser here council president aam here please rise for SM flag remain standing for a moment of silence in memory of over former plan one [Music] chair I like flag the United States of America to the for stands Nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all I a quick notice of this meeting pleas to all council members to all legal newspapers in accordance with the provisions of open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 the public is hereby advised that any statements made during a meeting of the township Council of the township of S Brook may not be appr or protected and have persons or entities who take issue with such comments or are offended by same may have been pass so we will redress through reports any member of the public who addresses the council speaks for themselves and not councel motion open [Music] second okay motion over the meeting to the public for the open space Grant application for fishery Park and for any other items motion all fav for the for Fifth Street part first about that anybody anybody for Grant application okay good evening everyone L8 Lincoln sber just want to as usual bring forward my us marriage youth group update um since the last casual meeting the marriage youth group participated in the annual Earth P cleanup which was held Saturday April the 20th that was held at tricentennial Park by CL Avenue S River Road um kids planted flowers along the flag pole for spring and also cleaned up trash at the trienal Mark they did a great I want to say they did a great job with that we great turnout um of kids we have officials there as always so thank you all for your support on that day um it was just great to see the enthusiasm on these kids faces as they were picked up the trash and they to do all the planting so again I want to thank everyone for coming out um looking ahead the only thing we have coming up for as usual you ask the marriage youth group to participate in the annual fishing year be on June 15th so pretty much all I got right now again the last thing I to say is as I say every month anybody any sber Youth and creat 4 through2 can join the mayor's youth group at any time any time of the year thank you thanks good evening all my Rodriguez s um we wece and found this newsletter and I praise the mayor because he's trying to say the people to come here or to tell us to come here to exchange ideas but then in 3 minutes it's not much that we can do to change any any ideas at the last meeting I was ACC actually trying to push for my platform as most of you might be aware I'm going to be running for counil um when the time comes we'll open the meeting to the public 10 20 30 minutes whatever is needed but right now by reading this if he pushing a platform I believe that the town should not be paying for these political statements this a political statement by all means he should be pay by S Brook Democrats 2024 and actually if anything on all these pictures of all the candidates that are running at least they should make sure that the numbers or the names are correct unless they trying to push somebody and they don't like a name the names are wrong right here here but anyway moving with my two minutes um the insurance rates I believe that we are going to have time to talk about that and I'm glad to see that it's a second reading for the mod uh the scooters actually basically same pages and the eighth page what we see is going to be the helmet uh everybody the WR scooter will have to wear helmets I believe is uh proactive uh but just for the council it took a lot of time and I know there is a lot of work 6 8 months and that's what I'm trying to tell you that I believe that you should start working on anything on any kind of ordinance in order to change the table of organization of the police department three captains with the small town of s is too many and again when it's 3 minutes I believe that some of you that are sitting over there should be given us more than 3 minutes the people desire uh need to speak up because some of you out there are the town we the taxpayers are paying health insurance for a husband and wife of $30,000 for a family is $440,000 that's we the taxpayers pay for some of you out there at least you should allow us to give more to have more time because the same way that you approve a $30 million building of uh uh the new building this new building cost $30 million but in 3 minutes you cannot argue nothing and it doesn't matter if you are just one party rule right now it doesn't matter once you get elected you are for the people and by the people you should ask questions you should oppose to some if you're not in agreement you should oppose like the water rates today that are going to try to be increased the question to you is that it's almost half the year and you haven't introduced the budget what is the budget The Bu should be introduced already long time ago next month is half of a year when is it going to be adopted that's what it bothers me about the waterways but since it's going to be a second reading I'll be back with questions about that but then again let's not just forget about tax payers got to for the bill also for a 300,000 business administrator that's what the people at home and all the viewers need to hear and we need to discuss thank you you anyone else wishing to speak no one motion close Mo all in favor May thank you council president I just want to respond while it's freshing my mind um Omar uh I understand that you're not happy with the 3 minutes but I know you also aware that you couldn't can and you do come to the work session and you can speak as long as you want at the work session the only difference is that that's not televised but there are minutes that people could be so you can't get your point across uh regarding the budget uh Jimmy hamy our business administrator our CFO uh Vince Bono and our town auditor Steve walcot and I we've been working on the budget preparing it this year's budget um we did need to resolve this water rate issue before moving forward but um after tonight I think we're going to be in good shape to be introducing that shortly uh we will also be introducing a bond ordinance uh probably next month for the 2024 Road program um again that prob at June's work session there are several ordinances tonight there's a second reading on the scooter ordinance second reading to fix the water rates there's a first reading on State tree and salt shed mandate which is a state mandate all towns have to adopt that ordinance and there's also two handicap space applications uh that should be awarded tonight uh that's for handicap space in front of the person's house um they have to F out an application and qualify uh for that encourage all the council members uh to approve these ordinances the road program which is Paving in the streets Hopson and Dewey Avenue were Mill this week and will be paved as soon as weather permits uh we will be going out to bid shortly for the 2024 Road program uh you looking at me did I say something wrong about Hopson oh they work okay thank you so much that I know right I knew it was uh going to happen so uh we'll be going out to bid shortly for the 2024 Road program uh roads that going to be that are going to be paved this year are Lincoln Avenue Van Orton Street Nightingale uh Elm Ash Dyer Place Sterling Place and Orchard Lane uh Alberta Drive will be done after determining whether Public Service uh electric and gas are going to be replacing the gas Mains that's still up in the air whether they're going to do so or not I believe they're going to try to get it in and then we'll there's no sense in Paving and then have them rip the street up uh County Roads saddle Riv Road Midland uh where it hasn't been done uh P Avenue West Minister Place uh will be paided early next year County Road Department will fill potholes on Midland Avenue between Erie and P which is by far the worst area so they will be filled in those Pooles but early next year probably in the spring the county has said they're going to paid those those County Roads that needed Property Maintenance uh I want to tell everybody that we're working very closely with our subcode official and our property maintenance officer to identify areas that need to be cleaned up we're trying to bring violators into compliance uh we do investigate every complaint that we received and we're trying to be more proactive and uh we are we are doing uh better with that we get complaints and we try to uh try to remedy it right away the Garden State Parkway bridge uh construction that's going to be the Turnpike Authority will be demolishing that whole Bridge the Garden State Parkway bridge which is over s River Road uh it's located between Burke Street and Bell Avenue uh the project it's been going on for a long time now but they haven't had to block the street what they're doing though this is the main portion is they're actually going to demolish the bridge but they're doing it in sections the sections are prefabricated and they're going to be brought in and they're going to do it over one section at a time over the weekend so on the parkway it's going to be reduced to one lane in that area but it's going to take from excuse me from uh and the road is going to be closed uh from Friday at 6:00 p.m. to Monday at 6:00 a.m. and they're going to remove that section put in the new section and secure it and that should be done but it's WEA it's it's WEA uh they need to have the right weather can't rain they don't want to do it on a holiday weekend because they can't close the parkway completely or even reduce it down to one lane so it was supposed to do it this weekend was going to be the first first uh time uh but they cancel because it's supposed to rain one of the days so they have to have pretty much perfect weather the next weekend they're going to do it it's Friday uh May 31st at 6 p.m. uh again 6 p.m. uh through Monday June the 3rd at 6 p.m. um and then they're going to there's two weekends they're going to try to do in July but they're going to have to try to fit that other one in so uh but the road the road is going to be completely blocked during that time between uh you're going to between uh Bell Avenue and Bird Street now local traffic can maneuver in between there but they also have detours that are going to be further like by Route four they're going to direct any traffic that's coming Northbound excuse me southbound say over route four that's going to be detour um if there's not going be police there but there's going to be a sign they're going to try to direct the traffic to go Page Street and then on the other side on the south side if you're coming north by Railroad Avenue they're going to direct the traffic again not local traffic other traffic they're going to they're going to detour it to Railroad Avenue to ra to Road shell Avenue so buses and vehicles like that are going to be they're not going to be allowed to even come down side of river road so uh it's going to be difficult but I think we're going to get through it um four weekends it's the best way the bridge needed to be replaced uh it uh it's old it's Rusty and uh they needed to do it so so please uh be aware of that and we're going to announce it advertise it put it out there as much as we can over all social media nixel probably reverse 911 everything we can to alert the public there's big signs out there now that the state have out which uh we're getting a lot of questions people see it but uh we're going to do the best we can we'll get through it okay now where was I uh okay prior events and activities um this past month we had as Thomas said we had the Earth Bay cleanup Saturday morning uh thank you to the youth group Thomas DBW for assistance that same day girls softball opening day was was that day um the commissioner Eric toric all the coaches volunteers did a great job um thanks Thomas vanwinkle for taking photos uh on Saturday April 27th the Cub Scout Pack 222 blue and gold ceremony was was that day at St Phillips so all the CB Scouts moved up and and uh it was a nice ceremony I attended uh core leers from the SAT High School Middle School performed at the local art meeting on Monday May the 6th at the senior center thank you to Malcolm kudan the teacher and the core leaders for an awesome performance they really are a i attended that as well they really are a talented group of of young men and women uh we had a schooly Aon meeting uh myself and uh councilman Garrick on Wednesday May 8th at the side of our for ah head office uh items of discussion were parking on Congress Street which has become uh problematic uh they moving the crosswalk on Mayhill Street the one on South by Rell Avenue they want to move it more towards the middle more I guess it would be uh eastbound towards the Middle where the kids go in the front of the school and also better communication between the town and the board ahead so we're working on those so those were the three primary things we spoke about the VFW installation dinner was Saturday May the 11th at the VFW Post 3484 congratulations to all the officers from post 3484 Riders group motorcycle group and the auxiliary uh the Women's Club held their scholarship award ceremony at the senior center this past Tuesday evening uh May the 14th congratulations to Residents Spencer bergon of pamis cck and antonet thetes of Bergen Tech um s the Saddlebrook Police Department Memorial was held yesterday May the 15th 12:00 noon at 93 Market Street uh it was a very nice solemn event but a nice event for the families of the deceased officers we had uh unfortunately we had three police officer retired police officers that passed away this this year so um on this past year um I also want to say we had it at the old the monument is at 93 Market stre which is the Old Town Hall I just want everybody to know the public to know that we do have a committee um of myself and council members and the business administrator and Peto to town clerk um we formed this Comm I formed this committee because we're going to sell the Old Town Hall uh property and uh at 93 market and a portion of 73 market so we have our uh our town planner involved and this is this is going to move forward so we don't want to sit on it too long we want to do this we said we were going to do it when we built this Municipal complex and we're going to move forward um upcoming events the fairon Rotary Club is hosting a drum circle uh at the senior center uh May the 21st at 12:00 noon they're going to serve lunch afterwards uh if you're interested please rsvb Joe uh our director Joe Ley uh lead graduation pizza party is Tuesday May the 21st uh 5: to 8:00 p.m. at Veterans Field congratulations to all the graduates uh the Memorial Day parade is this is Sunday May the 26th beginning at 1:30 at fman Parkway in Evans Place there are Services taking place all morning starting at 9:00 a.m. at the American Legion Circle at Mark and welcome and then there's three others after that uh the VFW parade program will be distributed and posted when it's available the VFW is working on it this parade we we help sponsor the parade but it the VFW they're the ones that that run the parade uh congratulations to this year's Grand Marshall police officer Joseph scan s police offic is the Grand Marshall uh the VFW Memorial Day ceremony is the next day Monday May the 27th 11 a.m. at the BFW Circle Saddle River Road and Mayo Street um because Memorial Day it falls on Monday it's a holiday uh grass and yard waste for section one of the town will be picked up by the DBW on Friday May the 31st our outdoor our first outdoor concert will be Thursday May the 30th 7 p.m. at the municipal complex here a a local band called tuned up will be playing the primary election is Tuesday June the 4th po polls open up at 6:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. and finally the mayor's fishing derby is Saturday June the 14th 9 to 12 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at SLE River County park by the uh aake thank you counc I have a couple of things um I had the honor of attending the vsw post uh 3484 officers installation on Saturday May 11th congratulations to all that were installed uh on Tuesday May 14th I attended the S Women's Club scholarship award ceremony uh congratulations to antonet eats and Spencer beran uh and thank you to the Women's Club for all that they do for sad Brook um yesterday I attended the S uh police memorial service to honor all of our deceased members of our Police Department I just want to thank everybody that participated and made that a huge success um I also attended the uh softball opening day I'm coaching my daughter this year uh and the blue and gold ceremony for boys Scots out at um we have our next flood committee meeting on Thursday June 27th at 6:30 here at the municipal complex anybody that's interested please attend again that's June 27th at 6:30 here and then finally um I'm looking forward to seeing everybody at the Memorial Day Parade thank you councilor thank you council president um I'd like to um acknowledge two professions that were uh celebrated this month was National Nurses Day on May 6th and on so National Teachers Day May 7th these are two professions that um could not do it out and I'd like to thank them for the commitment and dedication and I um uh different not I'd like to um express my my cond condolences and sympathy to R Rober and her two daughters um passing of fall um he was a like you said a planning board um member but who's also a personal friend to myself and I know many people up here uh our hearts and prayers are with you than this c s um well I I hope all the mothers out there enjoy their mother's day um as the mayor and Dave said congratulations to all the BFW officers who were installed congratulations to J cranny on being the Grand Marshall congratulations to all of our graduates um and I just want to wish all the fathers out there Happy Father's day as well not here um May 5th was National firefighters uh day I want to congratulate joose G he's a big honor especially being uh as young as he is a lot of guys have to wait until they their 60s 7s some of their 80s to get that honor so congratulations to him um like everybody said the Women's Club I don't know if anybody's aware of what they do but they're involved with everything in town everything we do they're there they do it for no notoriety no money everything they do is at their pocket so if you ever see them around and he want to say thank you I think they take donations say thank you they'll go a wrong way because they really uh do a lot for the township and the kids um just wish everybody Happy uh more you have anything you want to say I know you're just walk in yeah uh and I hate to do this and I apologize to everyone out there and in here um was there something that was discussed by the residents that may something that I should address any comments from the I see a whole bunch of people so I'm not sure what they were talking about not really anything specific did we talk about the traffic St no okay okay okay so last month um the traffic study was on actually it was done a few months ago but last month the mayor had asked me a question and I said I I hadn't reviewed the study because I didn't have it um so we got it and it's clear we had two we had the Speed box uh put on two locations um one is near 92 which is the lower end the W gr hour um and they found that about 10% of the vehicles were above the speed limit 90% below were at the average speed was 27 mph it's 27 25 mph zone so it just trying to figure it out it seems weird that only 10% of the vehicles were traveling above the speed limit and the average speed was above the speed limit that means that the 10% that were above the speed limit were really above the speed limit but most of the vehicles 90% were at or below the speed Lim now the other part of claron Avenue Upper apart uh closer to U Westminster uh there were more Vehicles almost double the amount of vehicles in that area and uh 5% were above the speed limit and 95 were at or below the speed limit but again the average speed was 26 mph so the average speed was just slightly above the uh posted speed limit but only 5% of the vehicles were above the speed limit again meaning that the people that were traveling above or really above personally with with these figures and again we're going to talk committee wise my initial feeling is that this is more of an Enforcement issue than some some uh locations that require or would be helped by a speed speed HP because you got 90 to 95% of the vehicles that are doing the speed Lim uh but we will talk about that in U in session I I just wanted to address I don't know if the person came up here today to talk about the water utilities from I cuz last last month there was some issue uh uh resident came in and talked about the water and how much the water uh nothing should be in the water we should pay people out of the water department well when that particular person was on the council I believe council president uh we the salary and overtime for water departments were uh between 623,000 679 th000 um the last two years Sal salaries in overtime were 4 435,000 or 455 so we do have people that are dedicated to the water department and pay them out of that but the point is is that when somebody comes up and says you should do something and then they did the exact opposite and know for well that they did the exact opposite I just think it was um just it's not right here it's U he gave the wrong impression and people who might not see this and just for that uh might say hey you know what this guy's got a point but uh just not the right thing um so just come from the doctor so a little off kilter here so uh everyone else is Happy CU I'm not going to talk a lot uh I'll see everyone at the Memorial Day parade and um have fun we have a reading of 17454 second reading of the ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 196 of the code of Township of s BR entitled vehicles and Tra for second read second councilman samuka yes councilman gck yes Council Sanchez yes Council Mas yes council president yes in ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 196 of the code of the township of s vehicles and traffic favor open public anyone wishing to speak no fa Township Council of the township of sbook that the ordinance entitled an ordinance amending supplementing chapter 196 of the code of the township of sber entitled vehicles and traffic this now pass on second and final reading and as the Township Clerk the directed to adti set ordinance or title there in the Press together with the notice of the DAT of passage of set ordinance according tow Mo motion ordinance 1746 d24 for second reading an ordinance to amend and supplement an ordinance entitled an ordinance to fix water rates and service charges and penalties for the Municipal Water System of the township of sadle river now Saddlebrook in the county of Bergen rision of 19 31 as amended and supplemented for a second read motion motion second in favor i s is open to the public wish to speak all our uh just real quick to reply to the May the same way that they open an award session at any time all the time why can be possible right here where is the difference whether advice or not the time is there some people we are paying $30,000 of health benefits so you should be open and open liit anyway coming back to this um fix um the water RS and someone out there some of the council members that are going to vot on his today can tell me what is the actual rate today the water rate what is the actual rate today do someone else keep talk get oh no I'm just Wai because he he follows up in the me that you're looking for it right I also would like to ask you to any of the council members that are here to vote on this have you received a notice from the water company that the rates are going to be increased believe that's one of the reasons that we're doing this there is an increase that was not my question again through counc present to any of the council members have we received a notice from the water company saying that the water rates will be increased that's through the chair notice wouldn't be appropriate until an ordinance is passed establishing the rate otherwise it would be considered premature and as you know an ordinance may not be adopted and an ordinance may be amended so I'm sure once the ordinance is adopted if it's adopted and it's not further amended that the residents will receive the appropriate notice but that's the way it should be done and that's the way it's going to be done here in this instance uh we do all respect Mr attorney my my question has been very simple at the last meeting they say that we don't make council members said that we don't make make any money out of the sale of the wood today I'm asking a simple question the TA the the fixed tax rate is going to put in motion to be increased because the water rates have been increased by the water company my question is simple have we receive a knowledge from the water company is stating that I think we misunderstood what you what your question okay you're saying did theia give us yes are they yes yes I didn't understand I thought you were I don't believe for this year but for the last four years okay last four years okay so there's no time liit for second uh read just so you know um now make rules current water rate is $5 $513 per 100 cubic feet it's going up to $525 per 100 Cub feet run run run Rong please read it is going to be increased to 5.13 if you do not exceed 12 ,000 cubic feet if you exceed 12,000 cubic feet then it jumps to 525 but still it's not the answer to my question what is the c rate it's not 5.13 please before you vote you need to educate yourself a little bit more in the meantime they keep on looking we they waiting for this increase the water race because this is a second pass every year the water is making a surplus the year before it was 600,000 last year 500,000 so how much more they planning to do at a surplus what is a surplus a money that you just use a lash fund that comes back into the general budget to try or to sell the public oh my your taxes are not going up too much that's a lie too because you already paying the water but why that's fine what councilman um s look at just4 I believe some DPW workers are getting paid out of that account but then also we are paying $95,000 for purse purse is the system where civil employees get paid when they retired then also is getting paid $50,000 to Social Security then we also paying a bond for 317,000 then is an interest on that Bond of $110,000 I believe I believe that if you said before at the last council meeting our public reported that the town is not making a single penny out of a transaction of sale in the water that's all un question he was said right here and then for the record you should stated then the water it is a business that we reselling to the residents of s and a lot of money is coming I believe don't take me on this one but it's just my memory working loud I believe that somehow we pay like 2 uh7 million something like that to per year to that water company uh but then we collect somehow like 3.5 3.6 m million so that is helping the budget the operating budget so we using that as a cash C in order to balance it out the budget so as long as the people at home or the residents are knowledgeable that's all my point right here because then we are D tax in there property tax and then it's a water tax that's a second tax and we are trying to increase it but then again so far I haven't receiv received because I know that it's done it hav't been a water tax increased in the company because on the website is noted and it doesn't say that they have increased a water range and second and second 5.3 or or 5.13 it is not a c r so please I urg you if you are not educated in this please table it get that proper information and vote at the next meeting because what you just guys are ready to do without showing that you got no knowledge about this water RS basically it's not the right way to do it and and and I'll just uh finish with this if we are paying a bond which by the way might be proper he might be proper $300,000 in a bond out of this account and we paying also 110,000 imagine how much money is in that account and I just want to leave it out there because it's not a controversy it's nothing I was just trying to clear out your point council president when you said last month that we don't made one one penny out of that sale and I'm just here to prove it that you were Miss and then again I don't believe that the word going to someone's pay we're not profiting from it's going towards a p someone's pay it's paying their their salaries that is that is the difference what what you mean by profit yes the to is profit because it's charging more than what the company is selling the water to to the town it's a profit that's what there is a surplus it is a surplus of $500,000 that it comes into the general budget to pay roads or to to to pay the lights or whatever we have today $500,000 is coming out of the water so we trying to continue making the water line item as a cash flow coming into the buget all I'm trying to do right here is a point that all the residents in s have to know what they paying and where the money going yes the town is making money out of the water and if you have any other questions thank you very much for listen uh yeah by the time we come back I don't know if it's going to be another meeting but Happy Father's Day to all the father's at home and to all the view viewers thank you very much for listening and for viewing thanks [Music] through the chair they just want to say it I forget I just want to say that I believe that Mr Rodriguez is wrong it's not a it's not profitable it just maintains itself like like you were you you don't you didn't mention anything at all we own our own system we have to maintain the pipes watermain braks all those other things so this we do have employees that work under the work department but we're not making any money years ago when you were when you were here under that Administration I know that they used to take money we haven't done that as far as I know we have not done that in the 10 years that I've been here so I mean yeah I mean is do we sometimes have a surplus in there but it always you need to have a certain amount of Sur in case of an emergency but we're not not moving that money around from water to the general budget I can tell you that you still definitely use and you're right when you were here they used to do that I'm not saying that you you know you were wrong for that but also through the chair water rates have gone up in the Last 5 Years there has not been an increase in 5 years if you compare our rates to other towns it's a lot lower than one other the towns in the area I'm going to get that that so thank you CL [Music] fa by the township Council the township that the ordinance entitled in ordinance to amend the supplemented entitled an ordinance to fix the W rates and service charges the penalties for the Municipal Water System of the township River now S Brook the county of Bergen revision of 1931 as amended supplemented do now pass on a second final reading that the Township Clerk be directed to ordinance tile press together with the noce pass of ordinance second yes Council gar yes Council Sanchez yes Council council president yes first reading ordinance 17474 an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 106 indic parking of the code of the township of s to provide for handicap parking space on Street on Avenue and for Resident on 8 Street for First [Music] reading second councila yes dere yesc Sanchez yes Council council president yes we resolve by the township Council an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 106 andap parking of the code of the township s provide for inap parking spaces here to four pass on first reading be further consider for plan of Passage ad meeting to be held on June 20th 2024 7:00 p.m. or soon there after this matter to be reached at Municipal complex 55 M Street as such time and place all persons interested given a notice of this introduction passage on first reading of time and place when we set ordinance be further considered for fin Passage motion motion second call councilman Sal yes councilman D yes councilman Sanchez yes counciler yes council president yes first reading of ordinance 17748 d24 it's an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 173 of the code of the township s entitled storm water management PR reading motion second all in favor hi hi hi it Council that the ordinance amending is supplementing chapter 173 of the code of the township of SB entitled St Water Management here pass on first read be further considered for final passage that a need to be held on 20th day of June 2020 4 before at 7:00 p.m. where soon after this matter can we reach at Municipal complex 55 May Hill Street and time place all person is interested and given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance according to law with the notice of introduction passage on first reading and of the time place when set will be further considered for final passage second all in favor I first reading ordinance 17494 it's an ordinance amending supplementing chapter 192 of theota Township of sber entitle trees for first read Mo second fa res by Council ordinance and amending supplementing chapter 192 of the code of the township of s and tile trees pass on first reading be further considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on the 28 June 2024 at 7:00 p.m. sooner after this m we reach at Municipal complex 55 naal Street as such time and place old person is interested they give an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance according to law the notice of this introduction passage on first reading of the time in place when we set be considered Passage question for Council yes okay um do you have this one in front of [Music] you I'm looking at section six have a question on this my reading of the um entire thing this is for clear cutting of lots and not for individual tree um and it says for violation there shall be 5 250 each tree is a separate violation um there is elsewhere in the ordinance something that if you're going to clear cut the trees that you have to go according to a schedule to replace the trees but if you don't do that if you you know just clearcut it without the permits and you know going through review it looks like it's just a fine of 250 um there is something else in addition to fines the zoning officer may require imp implementation of any remedial measures recommended by the township engineer and or Township planner to correct the violations I mean we could assume that they would say well you got to you got a replant in ORD with the um with the schedule but would putting the requirement in there without just leaving it up to other people to make that determination would that be a u a major change that would would uh require going back and starting from tratch or uh can that be amended at this point or or before the second reading without going back to square one well because the uh the that could result in significant cost of a property owner I would think that we'd have to that would be considered a significant change that you would have tover introduction oh Inver you can make change right now if you want it wouldn't would slow down the adoption this but when you say clearcut why do you feel so by clearcut to me that means if I have 10 trees in my backyard down that that would be $250 point for each re right it would just be one no no no no but section three regulated activities is basically it says application for clear cutting permits so I I my reading of this is it's not about somebody just cutting cutting down one tree um it's uh it's for C cutting a lot and then in section c it talks about Tre replacement requirements and what kind of trees you got to replace them with I'm wondering if if in addition to the Fine instead of just saying well it's 250 plus whatever the engineer or the planner feels is appropriate can if they go according to law and actually do the right thing and apply get site plan approval and all that kind of stuff uh make the permit application then have to abide by the schedule but my my initial reading says if they don't do it they kind of get a break because 25 right no there's certainly discretion involved and if you want you know if you believe that you know he own officer you know needs more specificity to that and you know make change otherwise you would hold that if there only look at it the way you just did he come to the we or she would come to the conclusion that well if someone does it the right way and they have to replace all the trees why wouldn't I require someone who didn't do it the correct way but if you don't want to give him that discretion you're free to change it and it wouldn't impact the introduction of this one well way I look at it is that the there's got to be a recommendation from the engineer and the planner so those are two people they make recommendations and then now after their recommendations the zoning officer can say yeah yes or no basically and I don't know I kind of think that if people are going by the law and they do the right thing um that they should also be required here to be in addition to the fine to go back and do the planting replanting of trees or or whatever else is in there as the um as the remedy for you know you're C cutting lot you got to do something either by way of funding funding trees or um or replanting on your property or another property designated by Township the only thing and I don't know what the rational was was they didn't Prov but this was the model ordinance language provided by the by the state so again that doesn't mean you can't change that if you choose to I just again can't comment on what their rationality them I guess them believing that may be circumstances that don't warrant that type of uh uh you know mandate that you have to replace all the trees you cut down uh but again it's your prerogative if you want to leave it up to the discretion of the zoning officer or to uh take that discretion away chair I just want to mention to now speaking about this will't have impact us voting on The ordinance but um two things I've been approached by by many residents that appeal that uh we don't have in trees anymore between the sidewalk and the curve and they've been asking if we could start a a shade tree committee or commission or or or something to uh led by the town to start planting the right type of trees um between side what can occur um that's one thing which it has I mean I grew up in this town near most of my life and uh there really are I live on Tree Street I think there's one tree left between the sidewalk the curb so and we do get quite a few complaints about that um so that's something I I want to consider and you ask we don't no one has to respond now but if if any member of the council would be interested be on that committee uh please let me know um I like to move forward with something like that uh and the other thing is I've been approached by our uh zoning officer regarding um regarding that he feels because he's the one that I guess is in charge of uh of enforcing this this ordinance and uh he feels he's not a tree expert and he had he had mentioned to me that uh it might be a good idea in town to to get an aror is the tree specialist that we may have to call out on occasions to see whether or not the tree is uh was alive or is is sick it needs to needs to come down that kind of thing he doesn't want to make that determination because he's not a specialist but do you know mayor if the county has uh a person with that capacity may we could do some kind of shared service agreement yeah I think they do they do have probably do check that it's a good idea yeah I believe they do because I know that they've entered into a Shar Services agreements with respect to removing trees and uh the way that share service agreement works is that the town identifies the trees and they send the list to the county and the county then verifies whether the tree is dead or not so I believe they're taking on that responsibility uh that they must have somebody who has qualifications to make that determination just my my suggestion is just so people don't think that we're pulling things out of air if we could add something including but unlimited to um the tree replacement requirement set forth in whatever the paragraph is something uh Section 3 subsection C and that that subsection has the table there of how big the tree is and how much uh it's got to be but if you take out a giant tree you've got to replace it with you three equ you're not going to replace something that's been around for 100 years but you've got to you know you're not going to plant twig to replace it give the appropriate type of replacement tree but then that's all set for it in that subsection city of of SE that's just my suggestion well again if if you make that in way of a motion you get a second you make that change right now I guess you can either pull I guess or if anyone's got opinion on that what would be coun I'm thinking including by not limited to um adherence to um article Section 3 subsection Section 3 C which basically is tree replacement requirements and table now we go Section that would be under Section six violation penalties yeah so be 250 a Tre plus you've got two plans as if you got the permanent like you're supposed to be for some people I guess you know cutting down the trees and pay5 tree you know is beneficial to them but now they've got to do should come to begin with it might make them think twice about not getting the permit motion to change ORD to uh reflect with Council CC second in favor I thank you V on the introduction has amended the ordinance 17494 an ordinance amending supplementing EXC me as a the do do anything yet no but you're voting on this intruction has Amendment okay now therefore be resoled Township Council Township that an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 192 of the code of the township s tle trees as amended be further consider final passage that need to be held on the 20th day of June at 7:00 p.m. cind matter reach at Municipal complex 55 mle Street and as ch old person is interested be given an opportunity to he the ording to the law the notice of this introduction pass reading time place be consider pass all fa [Music] all items with Master considered routine and noncontroversial by the council will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion on these items unless a council member or member so requested in which case the item or items will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda the one motion signifies adoption of all resolutions for receival and file letters for responds reports and approval of minutes and applications the minutes will be voted on them separately it's not part of cons agenda motion motion second all in favor hi have minut February 15 2024 counc second St Council yes counc councilwoman Sanchez yes Council council president yes I just want to something on this is my fault I was wasn't fair for uh G our our current rate is $427 cubic foot up to 12,000 after 12,000 it goes from 427 to 437 is our current rate the rate they want to charges for up to 12,000 from 427 is $5 that's an increase of 86 cents for up to 12,000 over 12,000 it goes from 437 to 525 for an increase of 88 so again I apologize to people people watching that I was aware of that I had my papers only had the new not the old so I apologize for that and this is something that was prescribed to us by the CATE and our order to to do so in order for our budget to be as good as our budget is and uh with that being said our and I I said this one when I learn Council two years ago this town has never been in the financial shape it's been in in exist in its existence as it is now and anyone wants to challenge that they can come here and challenge it we are now now in over $6 million in Surplus town has never seen such a surplus as is seen now under this mayor of this Council so we may not have the exact numbers but we always do what's right for the people that we represent whether care if you're Republican Democrat on this side if you're if you're living in town and we can do the right thing for you we do the right thing for you I don't care what part you with but this Council has done more and better for the township any Council as far as this $27 million building not $30 million building it gets used in ways that we never imagined we have kids here on a daily bases utilizing it staying off the streets had a F's way it's it could be utilized a little better and we're working on it it's all for us so to say that it was a waste of money it's I don't want to say it's a lie it's just misinformation because it wasn't a waste of money it's uh something that needs to be done it's been talked about since 1979 and this was the first Council to get together like adults and realize that it was a right thing to do for not only the town residents but the employees as well but and that's that's all I my chest I apologize for not that numbers it's my fault I'll take a BL for that thank you old business new business Sor just the uh I didn't get a chance to say anything but the uh the first ordinance that we passed was about the E Scooters and the ebikes which we got a couple of officers here and uh they're charged with enforcing it and they will tell you that when operating properly they're great but unfortunately like like anything people uh have a tendency to take uh liberties with the law um up to now we had not we did not have any kind of regulations for the police force but now they have so uh we hope that people on these scooters drive safely but they're not only when they don't drive safely they're not only U putting themselves in danger but other people and what ends up happening is people have to avoid them and who knows what happens uh I see this in other towns where you you've got uh Bunch whack driving around especially I keep saying on Hoboken so there's all these guys it's one square mile and there's no place to park so we got all these guys on these E Scooters making delivery throw to Ash and reads and things like that but they're going the wrong way they're going in and out of traffic they're they're going in between vehicles uh they have to I've said it a number of times I can't walk off the corner uh if I don't catch myself uh there's a guy wiard really got to look and the red there's a red light and then just go right through but uh we're giv our law enforcement something to we put some teeth into ulations I just want to say one more thing I I mentioned in my comments about the the Old Town wall 93 Market Street in the police department and municipal court at 73 Market I just want to mention I said in my comments but uh another real benefit for Town and the tax payers is once that property sold to will make the money on sale but the real benefit is if it's and will be purchased by someone developer that's going to build something there and build a rable property that we're going to be able to tax so it it's it's a real big benefit to the town on the taxer the more more people or businesses that are paying taxes the better the better for everyone so it's to me it's not an option or it's a it's not really it's not an intelligent move to just keep it there and do nothing I mean if we're going to do that which I know I'm positive way counil feels the same way that I do because they want to do the right thing and uh and help out taxpayers um but I mean if that were the case we just going to let it sit there might as well just tear it down and have it be aart if that were the case rather than just keep those buildings sitting there so it's the right thing to do and as I said before that was something that when we built this 27 million building we said we were going to do and I I int on fulfilling that I CS that I know you were two ago you had the safe, sewage Commission in they did P sagging on the S Riv I was hoping we can get in touch with the S Val and see if they can come down and take a look and see if there's any down trees anything that they can clean up any of that that we do have a flood of that um so I here here mayor you remember couple years ago right about a year and a half ago year and a half ago so uh all day I hope contact them and see if um they can come down and take a look and uh do some more here for you thank you is that yes I just want to let you know you weren't here we missed he's been coming to every meeting to work on a liting like ordinance he's been very relig like you miss the meeting we hope he was Happ because we had individuals here that are implementing ordinance iring out we have it for only J so you can come to next I but thank you for than you sorry just to this opportunity to wish of course all the dad happy Father's Day dad's St dad's grandpa um and also congratulate uh since um graduations has have begun I'd like to congratulate class 2024 but I also like to congratulate two special um two special girls one like my grandaughter Julia uh she graduated u c University and also my granddaughter FR who graduated mag Academy very proud congratulations andw um I I want to express my condolences to [Music] the was one of the least of the things that he did was he was on our plan board for a number of years sorry that but uh he was a good friend and a good man anyone who had the uh opportunity to beet him was was a better person for that uh and also on Happo uh we were surprised on Mother's Day by my daughter Gabrielle announcing that she was going to have our third grade job so congratulations congratulations where Council of Township desires me purpose of close session to discuss negotiations whereas the open public meeting Mak an exception allows a public body hold the Clos session to discuss these items be resoled by the township Council the township the Clos session will take place on May 16th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. or soon around this matter to be reached at the municipal building close to the public and to the Press at the results of the discussion close session will be released to public and reasons for discussing act on close session coun yes coun Sanchez yes Council and counc public so so Gover body will be in Clos session for approximately 15 minutes out time meeting will reopen to the public you will be invited back in if you choose to stay and wait further action may be taken but in all likelihood will just be to a Jour meting need a need a motion to motion to come a closeit I'm sorry [Music] okay motion come out close Mo second all favor the meeting is now open to the public for agenda items only anybody wishing to speak good evening Jan Ferguson in 321 8th Street I just had a um question regarding the status I I missed the early part of the meeting where was about the grant for the park so I'm not sure where we are with that at that question yes we it was approved that we're um no one came to speak on it but we are going you know go forward with the Grant application so we should find out we already have some money we're trying to get as much money funding as we can to do the project I know it's taking a long time but we are it will get done I promise you okay thank you motion close favos toour second no okay my OB