##VIDEO ID:xJrH56akpSk## councilman samuca here councilman Garrick councilman gck unable to be here this evening councilwoman Sanchez councilwoman Sanchez unable to be here this evening councilwoman Maser council president AR here please rise the flag United States of America and rep for stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all adquate noce this meeting has been sent to All council members and to all Leal newspapers in accordance with the pro provisions of the over public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 the public is hereby advised that any statements made during the meeting of the township Council of the township of s may not be privileged or protected and have persons or entities who take issue with such comments or are offended by saying may have in the pass so legal redress through the courts any member of the public who addresses the council speaks for themselves and not for the council second fa Mee to the public and wishing to speak is yours hi guys happy summer s's had 236 L AB I was here last month and we talked about Walmart and I have not heard anything as far as that letter but I just want to bring to your attention this is what we get woken up [Music] to I don't know if you can hear but this is at 4:00 in the morning okay and it happens almost two to three times a week we do call the police numerous neighbors they do come I don't know if there's any tickets issued or whatever but I can tell you within a half hour later they're back again so calling the police again CU pointless in my book I just want to know is anything is there anything that can be done about this Walmart's looking to expand they want to put a loading dock back there they can't control this how are we supposed to sleep can I ask ity sh the the SS I mean I can't make it out is that Walmart tractor trailers dumping no those are cars racing they go back and forth and then they do their little I don't know what you call them crazy APS or whatever somebody's going to hit a wall and when they do maybe that's when something will be done I don't think Walmart actually control I mean it's all well okay the property owner I should refr is that I know that the the Walmart application they got to go to D and then they would have to come here to our zoning board so you certainly should attend that meeting whenever it's whenever it's scheduled for but again it's it's enforcement and uh it's it's like anything they you might see somebody go through a stop sign 100 times a day if they post a cck there for 2 hours and he just sits there and he might give out a couple of tickets but he's got do something else there might be somebody else enfor I'm Notting the police department I'm just saying something whether this man receives summonses to his Corporation whatever something's got to be done I mean we we get woken up out of sound sleeps with this perhaps I don't know may do you know if they have their own private security there they don't I could tell you that now not overnight they used to tell that might be something that somebody can that might be a suggestion I just don't know what else to do do they have deliveries at night or no you know honestly we don't hear those so if they don't have deliveries at night why can't we see if they can put some type of barrier up when they close for the night well there are trucks that Park back there they just don't idle so I don't know if that would I don't know I don't care just come up with something I notified the Police Department your officer in charge he's aware of it I believe he was going to get contact with the owner I have not heard anything since the last meeting I will check into it you know I'll have him reach out to you thanks you know it's I know you don't blame the police department but it's you know I don't blame I don't know exactly what's going on there but it's their job to enforce it so they do go out what they do I don't know okay they may have written something I I don't know well they're back a half hour later I can tell you that thank you I'll get a report from the captain thanks good evening everyone Tom L 128 Lincoln Avenue Saddlebrook um just want to as usual bring the marriage youth group updates to you tonight um we have a couple of events coming up in town that we will be involved with um the township picnic and the May's walk both of those events taking place on Saturday August the 24th at the park um or the 25th if it rains um for the picnic which goes to 12: to4 we're asking the marriage youth group to help uh bring food and beverages to the seniors and attendance um and we're also for the mayor's walk which is at 9:00 in the morning we're inviting the mayor truth group to join to join mayor white and everyone in participating in that walk and as usual we invite new members who are entering fourth through 12th grade and reside in Saddlebrook to go on the marage youth group website at spny g. we.com to sign up we're looking forward to um all the events coming up the the two events that are coming up on the 24th and the many events that will'll be participating in in the fall and in winter months thank you and enjoy the rest of your good evening everyone Rodriguez uh council president I'm going to meet some extra time I like to touch some topics related to the police department Public Safety also as well asry of robberies that are going on in a certain area in town and I have some things that I would like to bring up to the table thank you for your conservation uh first I would like to touch just one more subject one more time and I will not touch this again and it's nothing against coun who is doing a job is will be up to the voters in November to decide what to do but I believe that the ni that he wants to get back is wrong because he can have his position but the real the matter is that it might cost a million dollar from him and his family because he can Remar whatever and he can cost a million dollars uh for all viers at home if they multiply 0.05 which is a 4,300 oh you said was an important issue yeah no this is my introduction and I will stop was nothing you said it was nothing to do with politics this is the politics because this is 0.05 multi time 4300 equals $215 that's it so it's a math error somehow that is not about it's just correcting the number that's it so now coming to all of you might be aware of a first we for the last two years I've been coming here and saying that we have too many Captain that the to should be revised and actually the language and instead of saying up to three captains it should said not to exceed two captains case on point all the sub uh the neighborhood or the neighboring uh towns Angar l Garfield feron all of them have a bigger force a bigger police force than S Ango Park have more than 72 police officers Garfield is on 67 more or less and they have two captains our table of organization has 37 I don't think that we are to the max if I'm I'm talking just from top of my head I believe that right now with all the retirements we should be around 34 but even if we reach 37 why do we need three captains what we need is rank canile a patrolman on his first year and please forgive me if I make a mistake of a penny or a dollar because I'm talking from top of my head a patrolman on his first year $39,000 a captain makes [Music] $177,000 but the captains and I got nothing against it but they do overtime and their hour of overtime compared to one patrolman is very expensive but what we need is to have more Patrol men higher first I propose to reduce the list the table of captains to two to increase that number of police officers either by federal grants estate grants or any type of Grants and trying to increase it why because more businesses are going to come out and all of us now that has been passed they're ready to open in ra 46 more businesses will come all type of businesses from all qus of life we got to need more Patrol I already stated that during office hours there is almost no patrol cars outside the police headquarters but on the weekends most of the cars are stationed there these theves have to know that there are not enough P Patrol men on weekends however I would like to even elaborate Chief CER is ready to go on October 1st this is nothing new it's just now a solution is there any way that we can sue either the state or any entity for the salary that we pay him without work he was clear of the charges maybe we get some money back we can buy equipment or something that we don't have it other towns happen I check with a couple of police officers how come S Brook don't have high resolution cameras why why why three times why nowadays Anything Can Happen look at just what happened on Victory street it's over and over that is happening in that vinity how come we don't provide equipment to our Police Department to identify who these people are that maybe who knows where they're coming from but every single Town well not ever most of them have high resolution cameras nowadays when Biometrics is speaking up in the day to day we walk into the airports we walk we go to New York they know about our face recognition who we are how come s we can't tell who brought the house who entered the house God forbid if when they enter into the house to look for the key and they got into the house who tells me what would happen if a child it just happened to be there or the mother how will how the police will follow or track those people if we don't even have cameras just I just point of clarification what what do you mean by cameras you talking about the police car cameras you talk about we talking about strect yes all cameras high resolution and all the neighboring towns have high resolution cameras and the entrance to the town and exit of the town is very easy and we don't have Cy doesn't have too many entrances or exits and if we don't even have the money and I know that the mayor is listening very carefully to my points of topics we can start tomorrow if the mayor and Council decided Tom more we can start with Z investment we can put a camera riding in front of police headquarters so everybody that goes by will be recognized no matter the speed you're driving those cameras pick you pick exactly all the faces that are inside a camera or inside the car that's just safety security I believe again that s should concentrate more on hiring many more police officers now nowadays with these kind of people that are coming from all walks of life into SRO I don't want them to find out or to find it that is very easy to come and do and do whatever they want I believe that we should prevent it and be proactive instead of being reactive and uh also uh finally I would just like to to to say this you have been seeing me coming to the meetings proposing some Island and some other islands and some of them you guys were very helpful on trying to pass like a helmet uh ordinance uh scooters but now once again police and I got nothing I have spoken actually to the candidates to become captains it's nothing personal instead of having too many chiefs because the moment that you make somebody else a captain then you need more lieutenants then you need more sergeant but we don't have enough R fire we don't have enough patrolman what we need is to go back into the days when the police department used to ride a bicycle used to walk the beach we don't have none of that what happened I thought that we were a neighborhood a neighborhood town in which the the cops know every single resident we losing that touch and finally I got nothing against the police department other than just to to to be very thankful I was one of the proponents when we built the Cent Police Department that my name is on a plaque over there and always Pro police but if we don't give them the right equipment and the right amount of personnel it's not much that they can do and again I asked the last time and I'm going to ask again instead of they being a station and R 46 or hiding by the cemetery I don't know if it's spinning ticket or whatever but all day long you can see them there why not to patrol the small streets these people are coming in daytime thank you all for listening and have a blessed summer thank you for time thank have good night are you going to open later for the area of Rehabilitation the selling of the pie of property or should I touch it now because it's a big difference between Area Redevelopment or area of Rehabilitation we're going to again thank you very much anyone else wishing to speak seeing none close second thank you I want to start out uh talking about the rat issue rodent issue that we're having in town um it's really not a laughing matter so I don't want to to Chuckles a little bit but um just because I I I felt that the last meeting we had some residents here that were talking about it and quite frankly I was a little disappointed in myself that it it didn't I didn't explain what the town was doing and uh I think somewhere somehow it just got lost and there was a lot of back and forth chatter and it didn't go the way I wanted to so I I have some notes here and I want to go through it uh because we have had uh a couple other sightings so anyway I'm just going to go through this so we've received calls from residents that I've seen Rats on their property or their nearby property um their nearby property to them in two cases residents sent videos videotape confirming the rats the activity most of the complaints have come from the north side of town on or near the following streets B Parkway Lane Harley Place Burgess Drive Graham Terrace Alberta Drive n nli Drive Oxford AB Cambridge ab and Colonial dri I'm not saying that this is the only place that the rats live but they do seem to be most prevalent in these in these areas at least two incidents we've gotten reports in which the rats have entered someone's house oh God total disclosure here I want to be totally honest what we got there is however a rumor that's going around that a resident was bitten by a rat but there's no evidence to support that claim no official report has been filed um if if resident Was Bitten you would think they would go to the hospital um or go to get medical treatment if they had done that that would have been reported to the health department that's a a requirement a state requirement uh I want to reassure residents and the property owners at the town is fully committed to resolving this issue uh I'm not trying to downplay anything no one up here is trying to downplay anything um I think I got in a little hot water last month I mentioned the word isolated and the people that were here thought you know maybe like again maybe I should have said it used a different word I wasn't trying to say that it was isolated to their house or their block I was trying to say that it appears that it is contained maybe is a better word to those streets that I just mentioned I also want to update you on the proactive steps the town is taken to address the issue every time we get a complaint we notify the Bergen County Health Department and the the inspect that's assigned to Saddlebrook goes out alone with our property maintenance officer and they checked the health officer conducts an inspection to confirm the complaint and identify the location of the nest or the burrow the property maintenance officer checks the area to determine if any conditions are contributing to the problem or attracting rodents this includes neighboring properties and the location where the rats were initially noticed if property main violations are found the property owners will be issued a warning notice and provided a grace period I think it's 10 days don't quote me on that to rectify the issue in response to the rat issue the town will strictly enforce Property Maintenance regulations the town website has a notice with tips for roading control I'm not going to go for you with all of it but basically it's keep garbage cans is covered don't feed Wildlife remove piles of wood off the ground Etc we are planning to organize a seminar in which a pest control expert will discuss rats and how to eliminate them or reduce them uh that's probably going to happen sometime next week but uh you know we will notify everyone of that um I was thinking this is a question for the town attorney could we have it at the work session CU we have a work session in two weeks do we need to we need do anything as far as no if you if you had it at the work session that that would be fine okay if if you had it outside of the work session and more than three the members of the governing gu you have to notice it as a meeting okay so maybe a bit better off just waiting a couple of weeks and having at the work session so I want a council to be here as well um we have received some backlash from residents who feel that the town has not done a good job of notifying them about the problem we have sent out notices some residents in the affected area but we will likely send the mailing to alert all Town Property Owners uh I'm thinking to save money maybe we'll do it with the tax bill um so uh but I think I think it's a good idea we are getting people that say they don't know and they're hearing about it and they're obviously they discussed it the year that we have rats in town so that's it that's it for the rats I hope that clears up some things next I want to talk uh about the budget just quickly uh we still are working on the Capital Improvements budget uh the 2024 Road program is uh we had a meeting um Bob our engineer um had the meeting the preconstruction meeting so we'll be getting started with that hopefully uh in the fall um we definitely want in this uh Capital Improvements budget we want to renovate at least one park we have Grant funds I think we're going to do Mill Street we want to finish that off um we also have to going to have to spend some money on uh sewer upgrades we had a sewer break sewer main break uh over the weekend that was repaired but uh we do have a $1.3 million grant that we got to use but we're going to need more than that to upgrade uh the sewer system or ordinances tonight we have a second reading on Congress Street the no parking between 9: and 10:00 a.m. Monday through Friday um we also have a first reading on the handicap handicap parking space on Bell Vista um this summer this year we had our summer camp this was the first year we expanded it it went for a month it was a great success the kids uh really had a blast and we had a lot of positive feedback from all the parents so kudos to the recreation department uh also we're hoping to expand the program next year um we had 50 we're hoping to do maybe 75 to 100 next year um the kids are going back to school so please drive safely uh I urge everyone you know be careful watch your speed in the school zones and parents please cross your children at the crosswalk be aware we had a concert here here's Elton Elton John tribute band on Monday August the 12th it was uh a real real nice time it's perfect weather we had a couple cancellations upcoming events we have our junior Police Academy which starts next Monday August the 19th and goes to Friday August 23rd graduation is going to be held in the evening at 5:00 here in the gym uh St pH Festival it starts Wednesday August the 21st and goes through Sunday August the 25th the town picnic is Saturday August the 24th with a rain date of Sunday August 25th it's from 12:00 noon to 4 p.m. uh tickets are available you can pick them up uh the senior center library or the rec center you can get them there at the door if you'd like or you have to give ID make sure that you are a resident um it's everything's free at the picnic the mayor's walk is the that morning of the picnic from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 we have T-shirts while supp last come out and uh take take a walk around the around the pond at the uh sadle River Park another summer concert is going to be Tuesday August the 27th the 80s Revolution that's one that was cancelled um I believe that was July um we have a summer concert again the next day Wednesday uh August the 28th that's our last one alter State that's a local town band that will be playing Labor Day we're we're is Monday the September the 2nd Town Offices of DBW are closed uh section one the north end of town yard weights will be picked up on Friday September the 6th uh because of uh DBW being off on that Monday the buron County Senior picnic is Thursday September the 12th at van so par Park from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. also we're having a 9/11 remembrance ceremony which is Wednesday September 11th in the evening probably around 5: at the municipal complex in the parking lot and then finally Our Lady of Mount Virgin car show is it's going to be Sunday uh September 15th 10:00 a.m. I think till 4: somewhere in that range um late morning early afternoon thank you yeah I just have a question to the chair um mayor we have any update on the proposed U playground of the county park the playground of the county it's it's really it's in the hands right now of uh the county but they they sent their application to Green Acres so I don't know if they got notification back whether they're going to get the funds I if they don't get the funds they're not going to kill it cuz it's very concerning so many people you know are concerned about being there it's such a dangerous location you know okay well you know what it uh I I did speak to uh Tom Tom Dutch the uh business administrator I mean you know they they don't have to do it they won't do it if we don't want to but you know it's uh I don't know you know I feel it's uh location's not the best but I hate to lose out on that you know it's it's I think it's something that we should really talk about you know with the council other council members and and they're spending a lot of money there and it's it's going to look nice and it is a benefit to the town but you know that's uh you know we we got to make a decision they'll they'll you know they they won't do it if we if we tell them not to but you know I just don't know if that's the right move or not be any more meetings on that on the county level not really no well there they had a bunch of meetings back a bunch of our residents you know Dave uh councilman Garett went to one of the meetings and it was there was some talk about moving it to a different location but they didn't want to move it they didn't want to move they did not want to move it no okay they didn't like the location where uh they were proposing no so it's either there or nowhere so I don't know I'd like to be on record that I'm not you know for that's for sure over there I've been I've been to that Park a couple of times I've been watching what's going on there really I'd rather not see it to be honest with you that's my opinion anyway also congratulations on you oh thank grandson that's it right now why we on the parks any any update with the fishery Park well actually you know Bob why don't you or uh Jimmy talk about that um I think Bob might be the the better one in this uh in this scenario for that Park uh I believe there's there were a couple phases um yeah we have some Grand money now and we're waiting for word on another Grant so we find out if we get that Grant I I see this is more of a next year project we start to work money I think from the count SP thank you uh in regards to fiser park I I know that fairon transformed a couple of their tennis courts to pickleball courts and pickleball seems to be all the rage so so um I was unable to be here I had a wedding to attend congratulations to Ashley Bello and RJ bzaro on their marriage it was a great wedding um but I had asked that that be brought up I'm not sure it was but I I wasn't here to do it but I'm thinking that possibly we should consider as part of the Fifth Street revamp uh Fifth Street Park revamp uh putting in a couple of pick aall courts I don't believe that it's cost prohibitive uh they're relative ly small compared to tennis courts um we can get an idea of the cost from fwell but uh they I think they have eight courts now I'm not sure if they're Green Acres funds they they're saying that it's uh limited to F residents however I happen to know probably about 10 people from sorg that go the right way so that's something I think would be um a nice addition to that Park and for our citizens because um so it's the up and cing thing and we've got to go if we got to go out of town when we have a place that possibly can uh can house that I think that's a decent idea uh just briefly on the rat situation some people watching this have no idea what we're talking about in terms of the rats uh and that is because and I know the mayor said he got some fla for say isolated but I'll say it's limited isolated I want to ter hung up on words here uh to a particular section of town now remember rats like any other wild [Music] animals go where they can I mean we have a river going through our town Rivers have Banks and rats generally burrow into the river banks so it's not unforeseen that we would have rats but like the mayor said go on our website and it'll give you the uh ability to look at control measures to try and limit it because listen if your neighbors if you're living next to a pig sty and there's open food and open containers that's where they're going to go mosquitoes tend to be near standing water you got to get rid of it to get rid of the mosquitoes you got to get rid of the open garbage to get to get rid of the rats or to make them move someplace they're always going to be there it's just a matter of keeping them out of uh the neighborhoods and keep where we would hope in their burs as long as possible but uh for those who don't know about this it's because you're not being affected by it and some people are and we feel for them and I had one in my garage that probably was a little bit longer than this thing it was it was big but it happened to be the dumbest rat in the world because it got stuck in my garage or I don't know how but um so just if you have a neighbor that's got a piig spy call like the mayor said call property maintenance if you notice that you've got your own cans that are open and you're kind of attracting that stop it just do the right thing that's probably the answer to most of our problems is just do the right thing uh and I just I had a couple of friends friends I gu that uh keep talking about the the lack of things to to do with S I just want to point out that just in the month of August we've got three outdoor concerts here we've got the town picnic with a live band that they're great summer Brees is awesome uh we've got we had the National Night Out but unfortunately it got cancelled we're hoping that it gets rescheduled um we've got this Police Academy going on for for the kids something for them to do besides the camps that we held uh St Phillips is hosting a 5day carnival um so there's a heck of a lot to do in s book and we try and give the most to the township and for the residents as much as we can and obviously try and keep the cost out by getting donations and uh having benefactors so that's a again some people laugh at me cuz although I wasn't born here I wasn't raised here in sou of I love this town and I just want to keep seeing it Prosper follow that I just want to congratulate Bob and his family on his under nous member um even though it's a couple years down the road I'm actually looking looking forward to it but I I'll wait hopefully like five fast it's a great Club to be in it is I said I wasn't going to be one of those guys but I'm one of those guys we we all say that we all become one of those guys I just I just want to wish everybody a wonderful rest of the summer it's it's gone by so quick just enjoy it enjoy your time with your kids loved ones um look forward to meeting some not meeting seeing some of you people some but everyone at the uh the picnic picnic seems to get better and better every year um more and more people want to get involved not just residents but vendors so uh I I always look forward to that I forward to the um the carnival with St Phillips as well um but listen enjoy it we're only here for a little while but that being said that's all I got engineer just to update on the road program for this year we did um have a pre-construction meeting the other day on it I would expect work to start uh right after Labor Day sometime don't have an exact date set yet but we'll keep up with the contractor and that's about when he indicated he would start and uh that's really it any [Music] else ordinances ordinance 1755 d24 in ordinance amending the Township Code of the township of sat chapter 196 vehicles in traffic uh Pago Street for a second reading motion second councila Council M Maser yes council president Al yes your is amending the Township Code of the township of sa chapter 196 vehicles and traffic why give token to the public anyone wishing to speak on this it's uh on ordinance 17552 24 see none be resol by the township Council of the township of sbook that the ordinance entitled an ordinance amending the Township Code of the Township of sber chap 196 vehicles in traffic is now passed on second and final reading at the Township Clerk be directed to adverti set ordinance or titled thereof in the Press together with the notice of the date of passage of set ordinance according to La motion motion second all in favor just wanted to say one thing on this for mayor I just want a slight correction it's 8 8 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. said 9 said said 9:00 a.m. it's 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and the reason for this is uh because the residents there need someplace to park and it seems that even though the seniors at the high school um have the lot to park in um sometimes they choose to park there and it does not leave any parking spaces available for the residents on that street that's why this is being enacted and I yes next ordinance first reading ordinance 17564 in ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 106 and C parking of the code of the township s provide for handicap parking space at a residence at belista Avenue councilor yes council president yes an ordinance amending now therefore be resolved by the township Council that an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 106 handicap parking of the code of the township of sbook provide for handicap parking space for residents of Bist Avenue here to for pass on first reading be further considered for a final passage at a meeting to be held on September 19th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. where sooner after thisa can be reached at the municipal complex 55 Mayhill Street and that such time and place all person's interest to be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance according to law with the notice of its introduction passage on first reading and of the time and place when we said ordinance will be further considered final passage Mo check move Council Maser yes council president yes all items listed with the aster are considered routine and non-controversial by the township Council and will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion on these items let say council member memb so requested in which case the item or items will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda the one motion signifies adoption of all resolutions receive and file letters correspondence reports and approval of minutes and applications the minutes of the June 20th meeting is now part of consent agenda and we have a substitution for Community Development reps that's going to be Council major and councilman sua motion motion second councilman samuka yes Council Maser yes council president Comm yes we have the minutes of the June 20 2024 public meeting motion second councila yes counc counc Comm new business mayor the only thing I just I wanted to mention about uh the table organization of the police department it is it's it's 34 um I believe one time we didn't go up to 36 or maybe 37 but um it it's written as 34 right now um well put when the chief retires uh will be down to 31 but we're going to hire I'm hoping to hire three more we just had three commity Academy I'm hoping to hire three more in uh January so that'll be the 34 um as far as the the table organization we're going to sit down I mentioned this before to that the council with we're going to sit down and look at it it's uh the C especially the captain's position we have thought about um you know possibly lowering it to two but uh you know that's something we I have to sit down with the retiring Chief and the new Chief and and see what uh what the best idea is I can tell you as much we definitely need to um that's that's for sure I've looked at it a bunch of different ways you know we we definitely can't have just one Captain we would definitely need to and right now when the chief retires and the new Chief is made we'll be down to one Captain so pretty much we're going to have to make a Captain right away one Captain right away and then we're going to look at once we get a lot of people don't realize you need to have the people on the bottom you know you kind of alluded to you know you need to have those people there so that there's enough police officers on the street you can't promote once you promote especially do a captain's position they're taken off the street and they're put as administrative Personnel so have to say they can't be promotive and stay on the street but that uh doesn't usually go go over very well with the person promoted uh and the other thing you mentioned about U Omar mentioned about the cameras the video cameras that's something we've discussed here at ly and uh it is it's a great idea it is a good idea they're expensive I know for sure I know for sure carfield has them I don't know about El Park but I know for sure carfield they have more over town townwide they're very expensive but they they're great at reducing crime and solving crimes so it's something that we you know we do want to consider in the future and just as a as as a you know kind of a looking back at history I can remember probably 20 cuz I was on the police department at the time it had to be 20 25 years ago Joe seta case brought that up C and Joe set case and everybody thought everybody looked at him like he was crazy you know this is like some new fangled idea but here we are and you know we're in the in the you know since 2024 and really for the last I would say five six years it's it's become the fat and uh and it it does it's a good thing to have so we're we're going to be working towards that hopefully we can get some Grand money and uh we'll at least start out maybe with a couple and then Branch out so thank [Music] you to the chair to to the mayor since you were the in Chief for a long time and you would Noti this and I don't think a lot of people from the the AUD maybe people in the audience but people of the public do not know the makeup of the police department in terms of right now we have three captains and it's not just they all do the same job they each have their own their own all division all Division and my understanding is one is basically administrative one is detective and the other one is traffic Patrol Patrol so they they all do different things currently um so uh and the second thing is I I think that right now we have three captains so if we keep it at three captains we're not losing anybody but um what happens with the promotions is that everyone pretty much jumps the lieutenant becomes a captain you know Sergeant becomes a a hotel and so on and a patrolman would become a sergeant but the sergeants also are on patrol yes they're not sitting in an office all the time no they're actually doing active Patrol work either but they're in charge of the shifter that they have men under them or women under them yes okay uh in terms of the cameras um sounds like a good idea I know Jo I was anyone but he proposed that and I said Joe you're crazy I remember that uh because he was concerned about finding people that were leaving the town I I don't I think that that's what it's for you're not going to solve a robbery on Victor Street by having a camera because the camera is not going to be on Victor Street there are not going to be a billion cameras drolls going over town I that sounds like a like a science fiction movie so the cameras are not going going to be there and we got to worry when we walk out our house that uh you know underdressed that somebody in the police department going say look at Sim hooki he's only got his T-shirt on um it's for following up on if you have a vehicle that's got a description they can follow that and the cameras would be on Main on Main Ro would assume be on basically Market Sal Brook at P maybe and uh Midland Avenue but I wouldn't expect that they would be in the middle of neighborhoods looking around well they they have um they have these mobile ones and they licensed plate readers I mean it's so sophisticated what they have today but yeah there's mobile ones that certain towns that you can buy them um as a matter of fact we were looking into that with forfeiture funds we can purchase you know at least one we have reader I'm sorry Plate Reader yeah well it's a camera and Plate Reader and uh you know you can put it if you know you're like you said if you're at the entrance or exit to the town if you know that we're getting a lot of stolen cars in an area we can put it you know in that particular Area Parks if you're having trouble you know got issues going on there you can really put them you you can move it around problem with that is you know when you move it you move from one location that's Murphy's Law you know they go to another location cuz they they know the thieves know I mean they're they're and a lot of times too they'll you know these especially these rings that are these these car burgy and car theft brings they're in a stolen car or or they change the plate you know so and they and they they know enough that the cameras are so you know so they're so good they can really you identify even in the car you know if the windows aren't tinted but you know they'll wear a hat they'll wear a hoodie something said you know so they can't be seen so but uh you know it's constant battle but they they do work they they really do and we've been talking about this for for a number of months potential of that we looking for grant money to to help us out that and uh in terms of I don't know if it's old or new it's it's new now but we've talked about in the past in terms of our toes I've been approached by a couple of uh towing companies uh that our rates are much lower than everyone else almost all the other towns are using State Police rates and we have our own rates which are significantly lower um than everybody else maybe we didn't update it because we we usually use the state the state raids too but we may not have we may not have the the update you know did it maybe we maybe we did it four or five years ago so now it changed in between I'm just asking that we we don't want to overcharge but we want to be on on part with everyone El I already I mentioned that to the captain he's going to look into it change in the ordinance that's why I thanks motion open meeting to the public for items only second meeting is open for items only Omar Rodriguez mayor I'm glad to hear that you're going to be working on it because for the last three years that I've been coming here especially with the workshops I do not remember anything being talked about cameras lately this is not about who's going to take the credit or not as long as all the residents in s benefit from this and just a comment from Council Lua he just mentioned that he will not help help us much is someone is still in Victor Street that is not going to help us I believe that you're totally wrong because you could have in any Street as long as we have in the entrances and exits of the town that we don't have that many and if the person the victim mention what kind of car what kind of car is driven by the thieves or the police just see them what kind of car we can just locate them to the police department who it was in the when they enter c and who is leaving in the vehicle when they leaving these cameras right now nowadays like the may just mentioned even if it's think the window you can see it too very sophisticated cameras and it's going to help to resolve a lot of cases and a lot of people once they know they're going to say be careful with that because if I see someone driving driving a car getting down the car with mask and everything I'm going to have to be alert because they doing something wrong because they going to know there's cameras in town but anyway that's just into turns that cameras but any anyway uh now the reason I'm bringing that up that is attached to the police and especially to the beer at home by now stretch nation of the mayor and Council and seeing right here that just by having more cops on reviewing the to with all these new stores coming into 46 because going to attract people from other towns coming to buy cannabis in R 46 which is approved nothing bad with that but we going to need more petrol so at least 105 but by trade on a financial controller and I want to see the taxes to go up that's one of the things that I've been fighting for so long so there's a lot of Grants a lot of the towns got grants for 3 years to hire new cops of $339,000 how many can we hire Because by the time that some of the police officers that going to be retiring we have to think ahead of the game give them equipment give them personal and no cost to the tax payers so just the clear that so in addition to that I see that you guys are approving resolution number one which is to uh name an area of Rehabilitation the all Police Department that has been sitting there for over 10 years I would say now is also sitting there the Old Town Hall you are moving tonight on trying to call a reh I was expecting that was going to be named the area in need of Redevelopment for a simple reason I believe a municipality do not go and again I might be bor uh but municipality should not go into the business of real estate I believe that we should just go into the business of son in the area whether we want a stores to the front or all commercial or maybe with some units like like the new duning Donuts maybe but with a maximum x amount of limit but an area of need of Rehabilitation not necessarily that they have to turn it down they're going to keep maybe keep some of that in place they don't have to knock it all down we have to give them tax payments to the new construction and need of Rehabilitation I believe C Luke is very well versed into this because he is an attorney in this type of expertise and do not pretend to be an expert on this but my question is have we thought about what is going to happen with these revenues that in in indeed it's going to be millions of dollars that it can be also helpful to hire more police officers or to buy camera equipment for the safe Public Safety for all residents it can be given to some of the fire department and some to the ambulance I don't know maybe you guys got other plans what to do with the money because it's going to be millions of dollars and finally finally I would like to say is the process going to be uh for biders or is going to be that the town will choose a developer how is going to be the process if you can just elaborate Mr council president thank you attorney here yes uh through the chair uh first you're correct in saying there is a difference between designating an area of Rehabilitation and designating an area of need and Redevelopment and one of the major differences is that and in fact this was discussed by the council and one of the reasons why they didn't want it designated in an area in need of Redevelopment is because they do not want to give a pilot when you designate an area of need of Rehabilitation you cannot it's not eligible for a pilot program if you designate it as an area or need of Redevelopment it is eligible for a pilot program so there will not be a pilot program in terms of the Govern body being a developer they are not the developer what they will do as the next step is they will formulate a plan as to the type of development they want to see constructed there and then whatever developer and and it could be through a process of an open advertisement in the burrow and the town uh governing body could hear presentations from different developers as to what they would want to put there but the cost of the project is all on the developer they have to purchase the property and of course they have to assume all the cost associated with the construction of the site and then quite the opposite of it costing the town money you'll now right now as you know it's public property it's tax exempt so now you'll have a very good gradable on the property and it will be generating taxes so at the end of the day uh by going through this process one there'll be no uh additional burden on the uh on the town determin of taxpayers paying any of the costs associated with this two it will add a new rateable to the community and three the development will be consistent with what the governing body and ultimately the planning board believe is appropriate for that site uh so it's had a lot of success in other communities and I'm sure will have success in this community as well thank you let me let let me ask this and just mention something is that the going to pay money for the property because why course that's what I just said I said the developer has to pay for the property the town doesn't donate the property the town as you you correctly point out is not the real estate developer this is not a project that the town is saying we're going to build something there and then we're going to sell what we're going to build that's not the purpose of declaring this as an area of need of Rehabilitation the purpose was to put all that course on the developer and then in fact secure money for the site and and just one I know you didn't mention it although you mentioned uh the time this is taking but unfortunately there was a title issue to the property and that apparently a portion of the property for whatever reason was still in the name of the original owner from I don't know was it 50 or 60 years ago and uh that had to be cleared up which took a great deal of time to go through the records try to locate the property owner first and then go through through a court proceeding to have that portion of the property the title clear to the municipality because otherwise a developer was not going to buy a property with is a question as to well who owns this portion so that's all been cleared up took a lot longer than what we have like but this process is moving along and this was the first uh significant step taken and uh hopefully by next year you'll have something approved and being constructed thank you in closing I would like just to say this that why not to put a price why not to put a price put a price just to be more transparent and open to everyone not just to a developer that it might be political connect put the put the song just make the son because you don't have to be actually shown because they have to go to that planning or sing or anywh we have to on what area we need to see there and put a price we can have a lot more money if we go forbidden because we are just limited to just dedicated to one developer when actually we can have 10 BS if somebody's going to come with $2 million what about someone else is more interested and will put three or4 million to any other town that is doing it just in in the name of more transparency thank you very much and Happ motion Clos all in favor than anything no good thank you just want to I agree the cameras may be beneficial to see people leaving if you get an a description of a vehicle it can tell a fleet vehicle if you get cameras at the basically the entrance and uh and exit points of the town uh again I said it Midland Market s road places like that feel BOS but we the intention is not to place cameras in the middle of residential districts monitoring everyone's day-to-day activity that's stopen all in favor I got second okay