##VIDEO ID:x_r3rl-a6Io## good evening and welcome to the regular meeting of the St Peter School Board it is Monday October 21st 2024 we are in the St Peter Governor's room and it is 6:31 p.m. we'll call the meeting to order first item up is the Pledge of Allegiance please iedge to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible andice for all all right we need to consider and adopt the agenda which can be found in the packets and also in the board book I'll make a motion to adopt the agenda Al second we have a motion in a second any any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign agenda is adopted uh next up consider request to speak on the agenda Kimberly there are none there are none item five appr approval of consent agenda items the consent agenda is uh found in the board book packet and also in the packet in front of us would entertain a motion to approve so move I'll second we have a motion in a second any items of discussion from the consent agenda it's kind of light it was kind of light discussion discussion discussion hearing none we'll proceed to vote all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign motion carries the consent agenda is approved next up the best part of the night student Spotlight we have Muhammad Saleem with us yeah Mr Dory wow you're looking good you know yeah Mohammad has ever since he was in second grade he I think he took great pleasure in making sure that he was dressed up more than I was every day did it again at least once a week for sure he he took Tai Tuesday to a whole other level this guy right here so um it's my pleasure to introduce you to Muhammad Saleem he's a fourth grader at North um and as you know we always put um a message out to teachers asking people to recommend student Spotlight students and he was hands down second third fourth grade teachers all had his name on the list so that's why he gets the attention for this month because he's definitely deserved it so Muhammad why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself and maybe some information about who your teachers were so far to this point in your school career uh hello my name is Mohammad uh I'm in fourth grade in Mrs Fredrick's class and uh I really like it that we do fun projects uh and sometimes I get to help out uh I've had Miss fic this year uh in third grade I had Mrs zitter and when I was in second grade I had Mrs Walters yeah now I talked to all these teachers and they said that um all of them said you were kind of like a teacher assistant or maybe even a student teacher right like when they have to step out of the classroom for a little bit they usually put Muhammad in charge that's that's kind of what they all said so what makes you a good leader at North well like I guess uh like as you said like I get to like take charge of class when my teachers leave uh also sometimes when I finish my work and nobody else is finished I get to like help other students usually so there's some of that student teacher action that you have going on and then also Muhammad has a position at North this year that's never been a leadership position on student council you want to tell them about that yeah I'm student council president yeah so if you need somebody to fill in that spot right there he's ready to go all right how about let's talk about academics like your learning like tell us about some achievements you've attained in your years at North uh I've been in the spelling be for the last two years and uh I like to do I Exel at home and read at home a lot yeah so tell us about so EXL is like a math and language arts practice and every once in I'll put out like a principal challenge in my weekly video just okay let's next week we're going to see how how many types of math problems everybody can hammer out like tell us about that because in second grade you seem to have uh been the leader in the whole building yeah I I usually win like the principal challenges but how do you do that how how do you get so many problems done uh I usually work at home and I work at school hard to like I find a spot away from other students so I can focus on my work yeah but then talk about at home because you I couldn't believe how much time this guy puts into he takes maybe Saturday or Sunday off once in a while but Monday through Friday how many hours are you putting in on reading andl hours two hours a night this guy just puts in just under his own decision and maybe some parents encouraging you a little bit too so all right so you're definitely always a force to reckon with with withl that's for sure um how about books we talked a little bit about books you have a favorite series uh I like to read a fantasy series called the end of stories very good and that's your favorite genre fantasy fantasy very good all right so we talked about school a little bit how about outside of school like what do you usually like to do with your time outside when you're not doing your two hours of school work uh I like to play football and I like to go on walks and ride my bike and I like to go on uh uh road trips with my family sometimes we go shopping the Mall of America oh yeah and then how about this one I I like this one uh I'm also excited to run the school store and play chess during the passion project this year you want I think we have a match coming up you and I here pretty soon I better practice and I better practice all right so very busy dedicated well-rounded student we're all very very happy for you and we uh definitely use you as like a model student around the building so I appreciate your leadership in and around the whole building so you brought some family members with you you mind introducing them uh my sister on the left her name is ran and then my other little sister her name is May and then my dad his name is anoir and then my mom's name is moah all right congratulations all you all right we are we are very you have a huge bright future in front of you um and so now we can open it up to the school board they they might ask you some questions here so be ready I want to know what you're going to do when you get done with all your schooling my my schooling like during the summer break no like when you're all grown up are you going to be a teacher no no okay I'm not going to say good what do you think you want to be I'm not sure yet maybe take your time okay you've got some time keep the options open yeah yeah I'm thinking from what I heard Muhammad that you ought to have the Muhammad challenge back to Mr dhy better brush up on my math too Mohammad do you um help your siblings with their homework ever sometimes my little sister if she needs help they probably aren't very receptive to you helping or do they let you help sometimes yeah they let me help they do what what um what age are your siblings I don't know if I heard that uh so Ruan is um she's 11 and Mayar is five and my dad is like to keep that I just want I just wanted to know your siblings your mom and dad can tell me later thank you yes you are the sharpest dresser for sure just wondering can I borrow your tie no that looks great and you know after you finish school and go onto a career and serve eight years in the white house as president you think You' want to come back and be principal at North let's get through that principal's challenge first to survive that one I want you to go on record on who's going to win the chess match I think it'll be a battle it'll be a good one you think you can take it yes confidence is not an issue either game on well congratulations Mohammad I'm very proud of you thank you congratulations thanks great congratulations you good job Mom and Dad that is an impressive young man can come get my kids to do two hours of homework every night we'd really be in business awesome uh the next item up is I don't know what's going to top that tonight but yeah uh student council report we do not have one Isabelle and Emmy are not here tonight because they are at rehearsal for the musical all right we will move into our action items portion of the agenda the first item up is to consider acceptance of gifts donations and grants there are three items under the gifts donations and grants section of the board meeting tonight uh the first is a $1,788 72 donation from the St Peter booster club to reimburse the St Peter public schools for purchases the district made on behalf of the booster club uh based on conversations with our board Treasurer um we determined that it was uh important to recognize that transfer of funds from the booster club to the district on a regular basis and so you'll see that from time to time throughout the year the second is a $35,000 donation that was received on behalf of the estate of Frank fredland and is to be used to support the athletic program at St Peter High School uh Mr fredin was a longtime teacher and coach in the St Peter school system uh and activities director orassie is working on finding a way to make the donation a part of something special that Mr fredin would be proud of and the third is the St Peter tourism and visitors bureau uh they've approved a grant in the amount of $1,000 to be put towards the indigenous daywalk that was held in October 202 for uh there's a check that's been presented for $900 and an additional $100 will follow uh so I would recommend accepting these gifts donations and grants second we have a motion and a second any discussion yeah so in the case of for instance with the Frank fredland donation do we write a formal thank you to whoever is representing the state and so we do a formal thank you to all of the gifts donations and grants correct I was just going to point that out because that was a nice donation kind of a significant donation so I'll be hopefully um Mr orass will come and kind of let us know what eventually comes of that because that was very generous and want to thank their family for that correct I didn't have the by the time I came to St Peter Mr fredin was done with his Glory Days at uh St Peter high school but I still heard great stories so I know there's some great stories out there so oh there are I I wish I would have been able to experience some so there are a number of us at the table tonight who had uh Mr fredin is a teacher and uh a coach um and just appreciate those times and appreciate the gift very much Mr chair you know and maybe this is premature but would the attempt be to spend those proceeds on something that's tangible and utilized or to invest part of it as an endowment for the athletic department I don't know if there was a the only restriction was to use for the athletic right support Athletics that Mr rassie might have sorry was the question the question is would we uh and this is probably premature sh the decision probably has not been made I just was wondering if it's something that the uh the gift proceeds would be invested in in something in a fairly near term that could be utilized within the programs various programs or part of it or all of it would be invested as a long-term adment utilizing the earnings off of that to benefit the the athletic program um I guess we haven't gotten that far the only thing that was part of the letter was that he wanted to go to um St Pier Athletics that was the um the one and only stipulation that was part of of the donation sure um and there is more coming this was just the first part as they continue to um finalize his estate and so um you know we won't probably really start the discussions about what that'll look like until we know what that number will be in the end um but I guess we haven't talked about that but um you know the my idea was getting with Dr olssen and maybe Denny Bine and someone that coached and taught with him for a long time that would know what he might think would be a good way to to use that money for something more than just you know more basketballs and more baseballs andu something durable yeah yeah absolutely so and we I think depending upon how this all turns out then they may be that discussion on would there be a way to invest Aller part in in an endowment and and use it on an ongoing basis or um you know a number of different ideas I think need to be explored but right that's a good point you while you're up here sh I'd like to thank you for the accounting of the booster club expenditures and so forth yeah absolutely it's nice to know that those little notes you put on the bills are followed through yeah absolutely absolutely so any other compliments for Shay while he's up here good looking haircut yeah I like the haircut for the board me yeah all right so we had a motion in a second any further discussion good questions thank you for asking them any further discussion discussion discussion hearing none will'll proceed to vote all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign motion carries we've accepted the gifts and donations thank you to the generous donors next up consider approval of a of the compulsory attendance report Mr dhy yes chair pots members of the board in your uh packet tonight you have two documents um and that gives all of us the data for our annual compulsory attendance report um so basically um every year um I gather information on students that live in our reside in our School District and either homeschooled or parochial U private schools within the district and just keep track of of uh the age of each student and um get all the schools uh to supply uh their student rosters and stuff so that we can basically have an account of all students that reside in our school district and where they're attending if they don't attend St Peter Public Schools so the first document is simply a spreadsheet broken down by schools uh that our students are attending or if they're homeschooled and then their age and then how many students in each age category with a total um under each category that's in the darkened um horizontal cell that goes all the way across and then uh way on the bottom are 10year totals so you can see um broken down by each of those school years with the current school year um at the very bottom So currently we have 100 158 students that reside in St Peter uh area and are not attending St Peter public schools and then the other document that's um in your packet tonight is a trend line so it's a graph based on the last 10 years and then a a line that's inclined up a a line that's going up to the right and you can see that traditionally the first six about five or six years of that we were kind of hovering around 120 around there um covid is the year that it's spiked 2021 and we had a 188 students and since that um Peak right there we've been slowly the numbers have been slowly coming down again so that trend line um was pretty steep a couple years ago and now it's starting to level out a little bit more Trend back down stud back into the district or is that students graduating at the place they left us um student there are a good number of students coming back in the district yep are they are also it's a combination of all those vares trend line is heading in a positive direction corre yep definitely we'd rather see that going down on the right um but it's certainly not as steep as it was a number of years ago any questions or would entertain a motion to approve that we accept the compuls report okay second Motion in a second competing second uh any discussion discussion discussion hearing none we'll proceed to vote all those in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign motion carries thank you Mr thank you next up consider approval of a second uh and final reading of revisions to the policy manual there are two policies that are being presented uh for a second reading the first is policy 506 student discipline you can see in the red the section about other District uh School District Personnel uh and the exception for a Minnesota police officer or a school resource officer and then the second is uh an addition under the crisis management plan uh relative to an active shooter drill and when we get to that section we'll ask John to sort of take us through that again but um any members of the policy Review Committee that want to add some comments here I haven't heard anything from the public on any of these so John I think it's worth spending a few minutes going through a review again of the change with the active shooter drill yeah so policy 806 um our recommendation is to add the statute language back to that policy and just a little background on that statute statute 121 a.38 was adopted in 2023 and really that um impacted the way that schools do active shooter drills Step One is it defined what an active shooter drill is and by definition an active shooter drill is an emergency preparedness drill designed to teach students teachers School personnel and staff how to respond in the invent of an armed Intruder on campus our philosophy is run hide or fight when we prepare for active Shooters um within our schools so by definition the policy committee and the safey committee felt that we fall under that definition of an active shooter drill if we fall under the definition of active shooter drills or perform active shooter drills there's a host of things that we need to become compliant with um by Statute and just a few to highlight uh that we talked about at the last school board meeting um we need to include a reasonable amount of time after the active shooter drills in our schools to debrief with students um our active shooter drills must be accompanied by an announcement that informs students and staff that there is no danger that this is a drill and only a drill School must provide notice to families when possible 24 hours in advance that we're doing an active shooter drill uh and then students can opt out with no um negative consequences and lastly um in that list of 13 items that we must comply with school boards must discuss uh the effective active shooter drills on the safety of students and staff and the effective active shooter drills on the mental health and wellness of students and staff and at the last school board meeting we highlighted that um the effect of those active shooter drills in our opinion really positively prepares us so that we know what to do in the very rare event that would happen um but we are also acknowledging that you know trauma is a real thing and when you bring this up in schools uh it could trigger some things for students um so we understand that there is a downside to that as well Dr can ask a question please um could you just high high level quick overview of like what does that processing look like in that time after the drill with teachers like just yep so this would primarily be for the secondary level so speak about the middle and high school um so in our preparedness plans we start with lockdowns just simply hey there's lots of reasons that we might lock the door uh one of those reasons might be if there's somebody in the building that shouldn't be in the building that might be an angry parent that might be you know whoever so just locking the door the next level to that is that there's somebody in the building that shouldn't be knowing where that person is let's say that they're in the gym in the middle school we would make decisions as St and students decision number one is to leave the building so if you're on the opposite end of the building and we know where the bad guy is we'd want to get out and then the final step to that in very very rare occasion would be to try to distract that individual so we would have that conversation in our classrooms to prepare students for that and we would progressively work through that so first drill lock down second drill here's where the person is you make the decision to to run or hide and then um the debrief is talking about how this is preparedness and being prepared allows us to know what to do it's a peace of mind very rare would this happen but this is why we do it explaining to students and then also letting students know that our student support services are available uh if anybody would like to talk about that further or if any emotions are triggered one of the responsibilities this board um specifically at a regular scheduled board meeting discussing the effects of the shooter drill um on the mental health Wellness of students and the effectiveness of it is that an expectation of having that conversation every year or every time uh a drill is T happens I guess I would anticipate every year annually and I'm just looking for the statute language right now and perhaps at the point at which we review the policy you're right makes the logical sense probably yep yeah and and so we're the first reading and then this reading we're considering our discussion of that particular uh element at a public board meeting by the school board yeah okay very good but even if we didn't have a change at the next cycle that could be a discussion point to make sure that we are discussing I would read that to say you have to do it every time you have a drill yeah that has conducted an actor shooted drill must consider follow so when you conduct a fill you have to consider the follow I guess I would have to read the statue to see what it says well but the policy is what we're approving well I know but we can change what the policy says yeah based on the Statue right so see and I guess when I was looking at the statutes um it talks about 121 a037 that an active shooter has to meet what's in that policy but that policy only says you have to have five fire drills five lockdowns and a tornado drill doesn't even mention active shooter so as a lock down the same as an active shooter so the clarification that I received from the state is that our active shooter drills whether it be locking the door or evacuating count as one of the five but a lockdown is different than evacuating in preparation War sorry to cut you off that's I'm sorry I interrupted and and in the discussion that we had this can't be combined with like a tornado drill or anything else it has to be distinct and there has to be notice if possible to parents so that the student can be opted out and that student has to be provided with um alternative safety instruction that would have been presented during and I'm I understand what you're saying about the the way it reads but see I feel based on our discussion that a lockdown drill is different than an active shooter drill an active shooter drill may be part of a lockdown but you have lockdowns for many different reasons and every time you do that you wouldn't have to have a debriefing at the school board but if it is an active shooter drill where you go through all that then there should be some discussion at the school board for instance if we had a huge number of people hopped out we may want to look into that um if we had a bunch of kids that needed to go see the mental health Prof professionals what was the root cause of that could we have done the drill differently that type of stuff I think we'll seek some clarification on that as well but I my understanding from the discussions that I had been involved with and with other superintendant was that and I think probably annually you would need to discuss it because you would have conducted an active shooter drill but we will see clarification on that well I would think out of those five lockdown drills at least one of them will be an active sh drill absolutely and then that's when you would do the other four don't have to be atoo Dr so and in our current practice at the middle and high school probably two would be the decision making the the active shooter preparation piece Beyond just locking the door and how do we do the opt out the opt out so we haven't fully discussed this um but we would provide and it's not perfect but we would provide an alternate location for those students to go uh who do opt out free from some of the movement of bodies what is that part of the notice uh that they need to notify excuse me that parents need to notify the school no I mean so when we give the notice to the parents that drill Y is if fact that they can op about part of that yep that's a requirement corre we need to wait clarification we we have more question questions on this yeah do we have more questions before we have a motion i r I think that that the item of when you would have to have discussion at a Schoolboard meeting we can see clarification on it that and and I think we're good I think our plan would be once those drills have occurred we'd have or at least on an annual basis or twice a year or whatever timing those those drills might be yeah I don't think that decision precludes the p of policy because we've now had the discussion for this year it gets into the implementation of the policy at this point right so based on that clarification I move that we um accept these two policies uh on their second I'll second we have a motion and a second further discussion thank you for the work you did and for defining all those things because it is kind of you know it is kind of the definitions are important you know and it's unfortunate that this has become such an important item I mean it is absolutely necessary that our students understand this but it's a sad state that they have to uh we have a motion in a second discussion discussion discussion we'll proceed to vote all those in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign we have approved policy 506 and 806 thank you Dr G next up consider policies with legislative requirements for approval with one reading there are any number of policies where uh legislative changes have required a an adoption of policy language in some cases a deletion of policy language uh the policy committee has looked at four policies uh so far with legislative changes there will be more to come um the first one is policy 102 equal educational opportunity and that just adds a leg legislative change to the discrimination definition and you can see that in red where the word unlawfully was deleted and the phrase one or more of the following was added policy 207 public hearings it removes the address requirement so you no longer can require that a person provide their address when they want to in uh discuss or make comments about an item before a public school board meeting uh policy 419 tobacco free environment possession and use of tobacco tobacco related devices in electronic devices vaping awareness in prevention instruction um that adds a section that prohibits the school district from doing business with companies associated with tobacco products or from promoting tobacco products and that's under the general statement of policy D in red it adds carrying a medicine pouch as a permissible activity and that clarifies language under exceptions for an American Indian uh adult or student it also uh adds smudging as a permissible activity and it clarifies the language under exceptions for an American Indian student or staff member may use tobacco Sage sweet grass and Cedar to conduct individual or group smudging in a public school and then finally policy 425 staff development mentoring it adds Prof professional training Provisions uh for par professionals and letter e you should note is a one-year only uh item would need to be looked at again as we move into next year to uh remove that item from the policy um but it um talks about the test preparation uh and materials for the par professional uh certification requirement uh and then Under reporting there is no longer a world's best Workforce after last year it is now the comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness report cacr and you'll hear more about that Mrs zelinger next month rolls right off the doesn't it so I don't know if any members of the policy committee want to add U items under this or discussion under this there ultimately pretty small changes based on statute and MSP yep discuss we don't have the history on this but it is I'm always from time to time something will come through in my policy and you're like where did that come from like what was that really addressing yeah and so when it's like statements like the school district will not promote Tob tobacco products um or E whatever delivery devices on school property or School sponsored events someone signed a marketing deal but I I support it I have a question um it says you can't require an address that someone wishes to speak to Lord correct can you ask for if they're a resident of the district um I that's a good question yeah um I don't think you require it I don't think you can require I think you can ask I I should double check that I think it's just you can just ask for the name and and contain either the name and the name of the group represented if any and a brief statement of the subject to be covered I do not think you can ask if they are a resident of the district and actually this might go back to some things that happened in our neighboring District uh where there was quite a controversy over uh the requesting and requiring that an address be given in order to speak on an agenda item yeah do remember we talked about this um that's some I'm just curious I'm going to admit to not having looked at the cards on those cards is there an an address the request to speak to the board is there a a line for address is there still so it would be a discretionary thing we can't require it but they can provide it no I think we I would think if we if this policy if these policies are adopted we should delete y okay and that's why I was wondering if we could we can double check it yeah yeah ask I think it mentions I just don't remember what it says to me depending upon what they're speaking about it's important to know if the individual is representing an outside interest group or representing a faction of in in according to the policy you can ask for the name and and name of the group that person is representing but yeah I just think you know if someone's going to come in from outside and try and tell us how to run our school district I have a problem with that but I'm just kind of wondering though there's an asteris or a star next to address on these cards which IND indates required but if we were to put it to the bottom and say optional they could provide I mean we wouldn't have to prohibit anyone from providing their address would we we can we just can't require it words words matter so let's go back and look at the words yeah badly do you want that address I think I think the language under formal request with address deleted is specific to what you can ask for okay and that was a that was a change in the law correct you don't have to know what statute that was I don't not right off the top I'd like to go back and look at the statute and see what the legislature did because if you look at the if you look at the full policy on statute should be listed at the end of the policy speaking to the policy given the sadly the the volatility of the world we live in I can certainly understand the concern over provid address M and as much as we would like to have it for whatever reason to show that it's it's a local concern and that kind of thing but it's uh sometimes the U the consequences of someone giving out an address could be fairly negative for sure all right so where do we leave off we reviewed the policies we asked for questions so we did not yet get to a motion we did not have a motion okay H there was a motion there was a motion yeah I didn't ask if there were questions oh who the Kimberly doesn't I think I moved the first one the first one I don't think we I don't think we've done a motion for this oh okay we're doing these separate yes yes because these are first readings okay or only readings I guess I would move that we accept these policies on one reading we have a motion I will second that and a second any further discussion discussion discussion discussion so are we voting on all four of these now yes one reading with one reading one legislative change yes yep so this is 102 207 419 425 correct all as one and only readings we have a motion in a second any further discussion we proceed to vote all those in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign motion carried next consider approval of gymnastics Cooperative with lur Henderson Public Schools Mr Rass still like your cheap from had to get one at the same time as my son so it was nice and cheap so um yes so this is um hopefully in front of you you see um should be a couple of documents one is a um kind of a checklist if you will of um a way to go through and get to um whether we think a co-op is a good idea for our schools and our program or not um this is something that um was initiated by Dr Olen just from in the past it was kind of like we talked to the coaches maybe had a conversation with um some of the um board members and then was kind of like yeah this let's do it kind of thing this is gives us a little bit more structure about what we're looking for the um wise we would might need it um and different people to put in their opinion and have a lot of I guess um checks and balances in order to see if it will um be a positive um piece so this is something new that we're we're going through um hopefully you can kind of I don't need to read through everything um as far as the you know the step by step um but it is something that we're talking with the um gymnastics coach um that is something that they are um excited about is the possibility of having a co-op um it is something that was actually brought um to me from them because of our um issues with um numbers overall and so they are wanting to try and strengthen their program by just having more um students be a participant and um so they're excited about it and um yeah so as you go through you can see we've gone through we met with the advisory committee um we've had um our Big South Conference has um approved this as well um and we also met with the education committee um a couple weeks ago talking about this um Co-op so um I guess we're on number 10 here to see if anybody has any questions um it would not be something that impacts our um financial status would actually probably help because they would pay for part of our rental with gustavis um you know would not CH change anything Transportation wise event wise anything along those lines so um usually the biggest question is does it impact our students um it would not overall impact our students it might actually help by having some students that maybe aren't ready to play at that Varsity level not have to make that step up because they aren't ready yet this would allow us to um have just more numbers that can always strengthen a program especially one that has um unfortunately seen some decline over the last few years so and I think sh if you reference the U actual application for Cooperative sponsorship the the pro those are the projected number of students first in our from our high school or middle school program and then uh just one student at this point would Express an interest from lur Henderson yes of course that those numbers obviously can change y um and and even ours are probably that's probably a little bit higher than what we will actually um get for this year um and talking with um Mr Swanberg over at L um he's hopeful that by just kind of getting that door open um that there might be some more that are interested to participate as well from from lour can you remind me when we review these is it only when A Change Is then made to the agreement or requested to be made um that um well that had been the case and last year we kind of with the hockey Co-op we reviewed it um and made it more of a yearly thing okay um so it' be something that we could add to that as well and so you know if we get a large influx of all St Peter kids that want to join gymnastics then you know yeah it' be something that we would revisit and and review and I think there's like a a onee out essentially right Shay if you were to decide you wanted to three years from now dissolve The Cooperative I mean that's yeah usually at the you know the common place is to say like a one-ear warning if you will so gives everybody kind of a chance to decide what they want to do moving forward from from there um and no school can decline it so we can't be like hey we don't want to do this anymore unless who is like well too bad you're stuck with us kind of thing um you know but we just have to give them a warning that this is the path we want to take moving forward yeah just clarification the application indicates for 20 24 25 but but Dr Olson just said it is really been another one year in terms of a warning if if we would opt out so it's really a two-year Commitment if I understand that correctly um yes and no I mean but I say we get started and we get into early December realize like this is just not a good fit you we can give them it out and still like it's not like a year to the day kind of like you give them a um like hey next year for gymnastics you know if we come in you know right after the season gets done and say hey we're not going to do this again next year that's you know probably would get P but it's just kind of in bad faith to do it that way but if you give them plenty of time and a heads up then it's usually oh sure you know so it's not like the year is more just kind of like the guideline of the season I guess so that the that program is in oh I'm certainly in favor of it I just uh our primary concern is for our students yep and we also want to have opportunities for other students if it doesn't impact us negatively yeah the nice part with gymnastics is so they all do a JV and varsity at the same time um so all students get to participate whether on JB or Varsity um just with some of ours we might have some that are not ready for that Varsity especially with gymnastics you have to be able to like perform a certain level of skill before you even can score at a varsity meet so we have some that um are almost there but not quite there so we'd probably not be able to fill on some events um you know all five or six slots that are are required for a full Varsity meet so this would help this person that has expressed interest has some um good background in gymnastics which is why they wanted to come here as well they may also want to take advantage of some academic programs potentially yeah right just in case maybe um a question I had after the education committee I thought about this um after this happens with lour um if there was another school that wanted to have we thought about that already I have yeah okay yep okay just one of those like we just start this process kind of over again um okay like I would be wouldn't be surprised if uh trate United or somebody came knocking on the door pretty soon um but then that's why I think having that checklist is a really good thing to have because it's not just like oh because I feel like it you know um it's like oh well if we if we had you now we're double A and we're going against you know the prior lakes and new PRS of the world that aren't that really isn't a good benefit for our students at all then it's an easier to kind of hear why and have a no and you know those kinds of things or um so but I think yeah I wouldn't be surprised if that is a possibility because the seatings for um athletic events still are partially based on the free and reduced launch applications they haven't changed that have they I mean it's based on I get no I okay let back back back up it's based on attendance but that is factored into that correct it is yeah so so for example like for St Peters you can see our enrollment on that application um was 711 a few years ago it was about that and our high school league enrollment was 606 so it takes into those numbers which is why we're at that 2A or like single a for for gymnastics and um you know that's a whole another conversation about where we're at for other sports but um then when we have a co-op it takes half of that so it takes half of L's enrollment um to add that to ours to whether or not we make it to that next level up and so um you know for a St Peter adding lour it would not automatically bump us to that second level or 2A of of gymnastics since there's only two levels um but all of a sudden you add another TRC City United it might you know I don't know what that math looks like but so they take that half of the other school that you're adding on the full enrollment of the largest school and then half of each of the um unfortunately like you take a one student we're still taking half of L's enrollment so the percentages don't work out but lot easier on the School league to do it that way I'm sure so now that Trac brought that up I know I'm just confused because they changed how they're giving out some um aid from the state and they took the it away from the free reduced lunch and so I was just wondering if they were changing how they were going to be figuring out some I'm letting my brain go into too many different places sh so just how you enrollment in general enrollment is just I just need to let the cards fall where they may and just enjoy the ride and it'll be fine really honestly and they honestly have not come out and said um what they're going to be using um with a little bit of the conversations I've had you know they are going to use free introduced um possibly county numbers like there's a lot of different ways they can go to see how that impacts each school um but I'm not sure what they impct us so well um in the other area so that's why I wanted to know yeah so I'm I'm not sure how what what that um what that is yet I haven't heard this is a year that will actually get re um readjusted this this school year so we'll know more moving forward so in the you know the first step is usually after the new year they have a um kind of they start The Dominoes of um so we've submitted all of our information about enrollment um and then they go through and kind of give us could be interesting yeah well and I think the other factor to note is that uh in the event that another school would be added and there may be reasons why you would not want to do that based on going through a process I mean you can always petition the State High School league to stay in a class based on other circumstances which is what we've done with the hockey Cooperative yeah yes so we if we stayed where our hockey true enrollment would be we'd be as big as Eden Prairie you know but competition wise that's not good for us or Eden Prairie so you know like it's just so we're able to petition down competition wise and and a lot of the conversation is like we get one student from B plan we don't necessarily take on 250 of their kids as as far as the enrollment goes you know and so um so it'd be kind of that same conversation about this Co-op as well if a third School approached us is the decision ours old Lo the sewer doesn't get to factor into that do they they would have to agree as well because they're part of a Cooperative but if you didn't have all parties agreeing it's a no go yeah is that on the checklist here I'm guessing it is what's that like I'm okay I'm just we're playing that if we're adding that third School y then that must be on the checklist here somewhere like would the that is it would it would have place the activity in a higher level of classification at the section level that that's really the factor I mean even if it would not put you in there does lur have a voice that's deciding is does that other school have a voice they do um but with it being so outweighed I think that they would be like yeah we're going to do what you want to do cuz it's your program um when you get into like we're now the Minnesota River bulldogs and so there's a lot more you know um equality as far as number of students that they're providing then it's yeah like we better make sure we're all on the same page but with this one um because we could also be like okay well we'd rather go with TCU because they're going to you know pay this much money for the and so now we want to dissolve the partnership with lour so so they're kind of playing that game if they want to you know hold that over our our feet so in in that case we would hold like the cards but knowing um Mr Swanberg very well and and then over there I don't see that being a thing but it's apris for sure yeah you're you're in a position to decide yes or no yeah we already had a motion on this I don't believe so I'll make a motion to approve um for lur to join to form a cooperative for gymnastics thank you I Motion in a second further discussion I just I appreciate when we have opportunities like like this that come to us and you know opportunities where it makes good sense for everyone involved yeah it's just for the betterment of everyone so and I appreciate having the checklist yeah I like that it gives us a formality yeah well and those numbers are low and hopefully we can get some more girls and that just builds excitement right and so it would be nice to see those numbers gr a little bit for those girls yep have a motion in a second any further discussion discussion discussion we will proceed to vote all those in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign motion carries we've approved gymnastics Cooperative with the sewer Henderson Public Schools thank you sh she gets to stay there I'm gonna stay right here still has a nice haircut yep still here uh next up consider approval of a resolution supporting the district's application for a grant from the Minnesota State High School league Mr R so this is the same one that we've come to the board with the last I guess four years now since I've been in this role but um this is through the Minnesota State High School league Foundation um they have a form a and a Form B form a is to help schools um get some money back for the scholarships that they give to students to participate in in any activities um mainly mshsl activities but really it's just a um money that they give back to schools based off of um free and reduced and participation numbers there's a worksheet that I um have Tiffany um fill out and would send that in and then they use their formula whatever that is to say here's how much money you get back and you know we get the money so it's pretty yeah it's pretty much kind of free money back but um I wish I knew like what the actual formula was but to say like here's how much we should be expecting but I I don't I just know the numbers that we have in front of you well and I I'm pretty sure that the legislation the State High School league tried to get an exemption from the same sales tax on tickets for state tournament events and they weren't able to get that legislation passed but they were able to get legislation passed where then the state pays them back into their foundation for the amount of that sales tax which is kind of a goofy roundabout thing but at the end of the day it's good for us so yeah and the high school league just with the last couple years is in a very good um situation financially so our dues as far as a like a member school um has gone down quite a bit so they do have some money that they're wanting to give back to districts so um you know every little bit helps obviously so when do you find out um we would it's not due until November 12th or 15th um and then usually we get the check right around the holidays um usually I believe if I remember correctly just um in the past it's been anywhere from like four to $8,000 give or take uh cool you know so so it's it's fairly significant it's not you know which is for our um amount for um fees to participate as as quite a few scholarships that it helps to cover yeah so Mr chair I the resolution I'll second we have a motion and a second any further discussion am I reading this right that we have 490 students that are free and reduced but only 22 are participating um they didn't have the those are the participate in the activity program yeah oh um so the 490 is our number um that total number of students or total number of free and reduced students I believe those would be free and reduced students okay and the unduplicated number that means there are 22 individuals out of that 490 that particip corre so we have 4 60 some kids that are free reduce and not participa maybe that wrong but my interpretation and again I reserve the right to be wrong but I I believe that the 22 our number of students on free reduced to participate in only one activity the others would be multiple activities two or three again that's my Layman's interpretation if you look at the examples with Sally Smith and Bill Johnson so like so may and maybe I need to ask Tiffany to re relook at step one because I don't have any of that access so I just have her those out but um well the way it says Sally counts as one student regardless of the number of activities exactly okay and Bill counts as one student just because he participated in one so if that total unduplicated count I just think I think if sorry to Sally counts in there yeah certainly but so there're only 22 people that are participating they might all be in three things there like 20 yeah yeah that's what you're saying and I can have U like I said have Tiffany relook at um those numbers unless those numbers seem again I don't have I'm not to those information that information but I don't know if there's 150 students that have fil on the 12th grade that have filled out the free and reduced so that's filled out the form or qualifi like qualifi that's what I mean so like I'm guessing I wonder if she maybe just marked down Mrs pracy do you have this sheet if I could bill are you what you is what you're asking that or is what you're making a point here that there are very few students who have who qualify for free and reduced lunch in for 23 who are participating in activities is that what you're yeah noticing okay I'm I'm concerned if we have that number of people and only 22 of them are participating in one activity I would like somehow to see if we can't get that number okay that's participating greatly increased I think that that makes good sense to me yeah it's a very right still not convinced that that's proper interpretation well I can't believe we have 150 seniors that are qualifi for L too well maybe we just probably just need to clarify just to make sure that we even have the 22 number right I'll have because I don't think that step one number is correct after the discussion we don't have 150 seniors I was going to say the number must be we we have 161 total seniors yeah that's it could have just been a 15 regardless I think we want to support this yes we do yes but we want to turn in a correct work for sure absolutely but that's what when is the date of the November board meeting November 16th I believe oh is that correct bill that was my point we want to clarify it to make sure we know you would just support support the application and with with perect I can with corre I can data if necessary somebody with updated numbers but um yeah sounds good to me yeah so we can support the application but we'll do a double check to make sure the numbers are right before it's submitted and the fact that that ratio is as large or small as it is may impact on the aid that you get right that's why it's important to get correct okay yep I thought we had to have it right before we approved it but okay so we have it we just need to do the eyes yeah we have a motion in a second resolution yeah oh it's a resolution any other discussion discussion discussion hearing none we'll proceed to vote it's a resolution so we'll go around the table m rpot i Mr Russell I I I Mr count hi Mr Dixon i m Martin I the resolution carries so we've approved uh we're supporting the district's application for a grant from the Minnesota State High School league Foundation we will double check the data and make sure that it's up to date before it is signed by the board chair and board Clerk and sent off to the high school lead all right thanks sh thanks sh thanks sh you next up school calendar for the next three years so uh tonight we're going to ask you to consider the school calendar for 2025 2026 you've had these three calendars presented to you at the uh last study session they were presented to the uh believe education committee correct uh and we have shared the calendars with the leadership of the St Peter Education Association we've also had numerous discussions with our construction management company IC in terms of their need to have as long a summer time period for construction as possible as we moved through the discussion on the calendars it became apparent to me that we had some questions that were out there regarding our 2026 27 and 2027 28 calendars so while those are presented as draft calendars we're not asking for action on those calendars tonight the IC folk have indicated to us that the most important thing for them right now is to have as long a calendar as possible or as long a time frame as possible in the summer of 2025 that's due in part because they want to install a chiller so that the most of the building not all correct John most of the building would be cooled appropriately at the start of next school year uh anybody who was in the middle school or early early childhood sections of the building in late August would very much appreciate and be happy with that particular idea because it was really hot in the hallways and classrooms of that building in in August so um the calendar for 2025 2026 has a post Labor Day start uh note that this is the latest or excuse me the earliest Labor Day possible uh it ends uh the school year on Thursday June 4th with a teacher workday and graduation on Friday June 5th uh and we've looked at lots of different ways of of uh shifting this calendar around but in order to have um even semesters particularly for the high school where credit is is given on the semester basis having an 86 day and 87 day semester is is important trying to balance out the quarters is important and trying to end Quarters on either a Thursday or Friday is important because then there is a teacher work day and a logical break for students following the end of the quarter so through those steps the education committee has recommended and I would recommend your adoption of the 2025 2026 calendar as presented with the understanding that the uh start dates for the elementary middle school and parent teacher conferences will be included uh at a later date but those would follow the same pattern as in past years that being as an example the first two days of the school year uh for high school would be parent teacher conferences at the middle and elementary level Etc so questions what was the Ed Minnesota response well I think they realized that uh you you can't get everything you want in a calendar uh and I would agree with that and and you know we kind of referenced the a process that had been used where there were multiple people involved and there were multiple calendars that were favored and nobody was happy with that process either so uh this I think is a reasonable school calendar I I do think that uh taking a look at how to uh shift those draft calendar so that there could be an earlier end to the school year would be important but they're out there for a beginning uh placeholder at this point in time again we're not asking you to take action on those calendars tonight so we had the education committee that was before these became drafts correct these two so what what changed from just hearing Lots you know just different comments including with the the teachers and even discussions that at the administrative level about yeah boy that getting out on June whatever it was 9th it seems really late and is that going to be productive and but then there really wasn't any way of adjusting those calendars right now so I think um especially as we get into uh identifying contractors go through that bid process you'll be able to maybe work with them and look at ways where you could perhaps start school a bit earlier and end a bit earlier shift some other times around but we those are unknowns at this point in time but I think that's going to be pretty possible okay I agree I think what we what we discussed and the the we have three templates we have one that we need to approve and I think that the having just something in front of us as a worksheet or as a template is a good idea well done with the difficult task so I would move that we accept the 2025 26 um calendar as proposed here second we have a motion and second further discussion so when do we approve like 26 27 what is the normal timeline for approving that next year's calendar I'm not sure what your practice has been in the past we in in my tenure before the typical goal was to approve two-year calendars yeah two calendars in a row so I think getting the construction process outlined with the bids uh identifying who those contractors are continuing to work with IC uh with with John with Seth with our project oversight committee we'll get more clarity uh and my my thought is that you you would be able to start school earlier in in school earlier but that still remains to be seen I mean we still need to kind of that would be a weighing Factor okay so I would think maybe uh next year at this time you might be back in a calendar discussion again for those next two years I was going to say there for a minute there you weren't answering my question I was going to say you were a pretty good politician there for a minut but did I get an answer you did finally answer so good good good any further discussion discussion discussion hearing none we'll proceed to vote all those in favor signify by saying I I oose same sign motion carries we've approved the 2025 2026 school calendar thank you next up information items first up is a report on student enrollments yeah so you just take a look on the uh page 55 the item right behind the addendum on the report on student enrollment um those numbers that you see on actual enrollment are from October 14th and October 1st on the left uh chart and then we have weighted pupil units on the right chart so this is trending in a really really good direction and just to share with you as of this morning we were up four more students so we're at 235 uh actual students not including ECS uh so that's up four students from where we were on October 14th um and uh again moving in the right direction and the other Nice Part you'll note that grades seven through 12 and rock Bend are weighted at a 1.2 factor and uh so that 2272 uh weighted uh adjusted pupil unit number is what we get our state aid off of so we're happy we like those numbers so a couple questions um that rck classroom how many could how many is the good number for that rckb classroom full 15 okay um what about I mean I like the numbers but do we have any class um grades that are like uh oh like these are this is a lot of kids like you know in recent years especially we' oury in school St okay so your is your question more like at the elementary gr the elementary but I really did appreciate the high school update as well but yeah I was thinking more for the elementary oh but I do I really did appreciate that yeah I think our our uh Elementary numbers are up there are a number of overload assignments and we're getting close to an overload assignment in kindergarten so I think probably am I right in grade we're close in are we there at grade one no we're close in grade one as well closer in kindergarten I misspoke during our meting okay yeah so we're close there but then fourth grade has one we usually grade so 27 so those are really still good numbers yeah but morale can remain high and the teachers can appreciate that you know we have the numbers and we are all on the same team and that we like those numbers High I know that teachers it's hard when classrooms get full I recognize that but um I'd hope that we all could appreciate that these enrollment numbers are growing it know it is it's as we're looking at our our budget adjustment plan we really like these we really I mean we obviously I mean I'm not saying that it's just I know there's a there's a side of that where it's like the the kids are going into those classrooms and the teachers the rooms get full so for sure other questions comments thank you Dr ol okay next up fundraising Plans by site 2024 2025 we'll just ask the principles to roll through those fundraising plans with you and see if you have any questions yeah we're just up here in case you have any questions about it the high school does um have one new one on there this year and that is the uh fundraising that their theater program will be doing specifically at the fall Musical and the middle schools are the same uh we'll do the fruit sales optional for sixth through eighth grade band PBIS does a box top and grocery receipts student council does two to three dances per year and then we do our Scholastic Book Fair twice a year board policy fundraising plans are presented on an annual basis to the school board do you have any questions about the midare high school fundraising plans okay thank you South and North I guess I'm next since we're going oldest to youngest um the north fundraising is the same we've we've trimmed some out we used to collect um receipts and things from area grocery stores and that's um not really fruitful too much anymore so we've taken that off um and currently we are doing like clubs Choice fundraising which is for playground updates that's going on actually right now and the rest just goes back to you know books in the media center through this clastic Fair um some saints funds with um a a tiny markup for yearbooks maon that money goes toward um t-shirts for students um at North all every student gets a T-shirt and student council has a couple items sticker machine and school store which they use to um fund projects they have around the building so what is the sticker machine it's exactly how it sounds it is a sticker machine in the media center put some quarters in yep you get football teams and stickers and stuff like that well he actually assigns where those funds go so last year uh student council did purchase a set of soccer Nets and gold posts for the playground so every year they try to set their goal on something and um that's where they get their funds from there are no changes right now to the South list from last year um we also do the Scholastic Book Fair to help fund U media center and classroom Library purchases the yearbook um for us it goes towards some different building initiatives um sometimes uh like new toys and things for our imagination stations um we do food sales at parent Council events and we also just finished up our Saints Pride clothing fundraiser um and those funds go to parent Council for their events we do a readathon uh different than the mathon but the it funds the same kind of PBS t-shirts for the kids and then again we have also trimmed back on the Family Fresh and high ve receipts so we we still collect Box Tops for our activity account and we just had our parent council meeting and they would like to do fundraisers for the playground next next year so be looking for that next year this time questions question box stps what what boxes or products are they can anybody contribute how do that work good question so it's now an app it used to be actual like things that you would cut off of the boxes now it's an app it's like General Mills cereal Nature Valley granola bars and so it's an app you have to download to your email address and then you can pick which school it goes to and you scan a photo of your receipts okay and then it does a little confetti and tells you how much money you just raised for the school okay so I'm learning all about this now yes and in our office staff really likes the digital version because they used to have to group them into 40s or 50s send them in good point digital is good okay thank you next up is review of policy manual revisions first reading we just have one the one you have is policy 522 Title 9 sex discrimination policy grievance procedure and process due to significant changes to the title 9 rules um the msba Minnesota school boards Association recommendation was to adopt a new model policy in its entirety and so that's what the policy Review Committee uh has looked at and um presented for a first reading the changes in that policy are uploaded in board book uh if you would like a specific copy of that policy Kimberly can download one and get it to you but you'd be looking for I think the green changes or additions in that policy uh and we went through that in a uh sort of Page by Page where there were changes necessary format at the last policy Review Committee bulky it's bulky so the one that's is not that's just like all black and white so there's a different one with all the stuff accepted okay the green line cap yeah okay so that would be if you take a look at that for a first reading and then uh if you had if you had a chance to look at that poliy if you had any questions or suggestions to get those to the policy Review Committee and at our November meeting we would look at that and determine whether or not to bring that back for a second reading and adoption at the November Schoolboard meeting all right thank you awesome thank you next up is reports building principles noted noted all right well good evening everyone um just a little update on Early Childhood we are having our first of three Early Childhood screenings uh this week on Thursday as you might recall Early Childhood screening is required by law before a child enters kindergarten so we hold those three times a the three times a year in children ages three years six months and up are invited to come um go through a developmental screener and then any concerns are brought to parents um potential assessment that type of thing and so we appreciate our families coming out for that so that our first of three this year is Thursday so we're excited about that next week we have our first early release of the year and so we will continue on with our react the first one right our react training um with our staff members so that will be good at the same time um as you did the first reading of the title 9 policy we're holding a title 9 training we have a representative from Kennedy Graven coming down that person will meet with our building principles and our student support team to go over those new title 9 UM requirements and rules so that's what we've got on our agenda I'm going to go out of age order and talk about Ashawa first um at Ashawa Learning Academy they've been doing quite a bit around indigenous people's day um we have a fair number of students from Red Lake Nation so they've been very engaged in some Project based learning with Mr Doug Boer as the leader and then we are starting to prepare for some transitions um our electives rotate at Ashawa and so with only two weeks left of this quarter we're starting to talk about new teachers new classes new rooms what transitions look like just so that that goes smoothly for that group of students students um at South Elementary we've had lots of exciting events we had Fire Safety Week in early October that we celebrated with the St Peter fire department they came and educated our students on fire safety at school and at home and they all got to take a tour of the fire engine which was very exciting um and I just I'm sure that Annette's going to talk about hispanic Joy day but I just want to give a thank you to Veronica Castillo Clark and Liliana figuroa and marpa Romero who brought a group of Native Spanish speakers students to south and north um for some um activities with our students and just to really highlight some cultural things and traditions our kids love the Kem and er dresses especially they they thought they were all princesses was very fun so I'm sure similar experience yes so just thanks to them um and thanks to the students who just did a standout job um this month our first grade classes are going to Ferguson's Orchard kind of an extension on their science lessons about seasons and um specifically tying it in with the apple orchard what happens to trees throughout the seasons um so it's a really fun experience for them in the fall and our teachers again are doing a great job and we have had lots of parents that are helping with the chaperoning it's a really fun event and I mentioned before we had our first parent council meeting we had really good engagement and they are looking forward to providing parent input on a couple of specific items this year and planning some events and raising funds for playground improvements just like North that's right yes so never improve the playground enough free time is important greetings from North Elementary and I I do want to Echo um what Janna talked about with Vero and her native Spanish speaking students they were at North they did a fabulous job I heard from a lot of The Home Room teachers they just wanted more time to get through those rotations they set up stations in the media center in the music room um art room and uh teachers and their students just wanted some more time uh to celebrate and learn more about Hispanic Heritage Month so that's phenomenal we really appreciate that partnering and then also um pretty much right the next week we had Char um who chair of napac um come to North with high school students um and middle school students and they set up a traditional teepee and we're this is the first time we've done this um I was thinking like oh we could probably set that up in the gym yeah that's not going to that's going to hit the ceiling that would hit the ceiling easily so we had to be outside at 8:30 in the morning and it was a little brisk a little chilly out there but they set up about a 30 foot tee in about 5 minutes fully canvased like it was amazing and then just talk about how they were traditionally used and then broken back down again so efficiently um and so that was that was really wonderful so we did two sessions of that um on that following Monday so thanks to sh and her student Representatives uh bike to school day uh was on October 9th that just continues to grow larger and larger and larger I mean we just we call it packed the racks and they were the racks were covered we could not see them um probably around 100 bikes out there um and so I always want to send a thanks out to officer Hughes he helps to coordinate that he talks with um the deputies um in Nicola County here they show up they're doing crossing guards detectives through the PD locally and so they're all over the place and like I always say we always even the busers are walking they get dropped off at First Lutheran and they kind of are in awe when they get off the bus like we have to walk a block yep it's downhill you don't have to go back up it's okay so they're made they actually end up sprinting the whole way down of course once I get the nth so that's October 9th um science and nature Camp is tomorrow we have about 80 students third and fourth graders going two teachers so that's like a record number lots of parent chaperon um so it'll be a little little quiet tomorrow at North with 80 students down but that's a full day event um and so thanks to uh Miss zitter to help to coordinate that and gets all the parent chaperon and group set up so can't wait to hear about all the learning conferen is coming up K8 same days November 7th 8th and 12th I'm mentioning it um because I'm excited we have a steering committee of eight teachers um that are going to do um some student like some really Hands-On student light conference um and we're taking a um playbook out of Hattie's research and uh students are going to provide some visual uh learning over the course of their three-year career for ERS of course to show like how they're growing on screening tools like a reading and a math and Sabers and so they have to plot that out on their their script and then do a lot of reflective statements and then lead their conferences so we kind of want to we want to see how those eight home rooms um potentially are different than the rest of the traditional conferences going forward and that could potentially be a a template that we use second third and fourth grade going forward so I'm excited about that and of course Muhammad shared that he's studying or he's practicing his chess for the passion projects which are coming up on October 30th 1 hour in the afternoon at Celebration at the end of the first quarter of the year and uh many staff members just put out um activities games hobbies and then theyd lead that with students and they sign up for which activity they want to go to and I will be seeing how well I can do at chess again Russia good luck yes thank you I'm GNA need it thanks thank you last minute I just invited Shay up because we've got so many awesome fall athletic activities going on and great kids so I would forget something surely when we go first sure sure all right um yeah it's been actually an incredible fall for um especially our female teams have had a really really fun fall they um we've had um three conference championships between cross country girls soccer and girls tennis um and we also have had um few records set between um school records and set assist by Iris Elias and volleyball um which is over 2,000 which is um a pretty crazy number um and um Kira Frederick in um single season goals for um um soccer and she just recently set the school record for cross country at the big South meet last week so she's had a pretty exciting and she was just named All State yesterday was it yesterday at the banquet um so she's had a pretty fun 10 days but um so yeah it's been a very fun um uh couple weeks in that regard is just kind of celebrating those those things um coach Bri lener also had her 100th career win and um so it's just it's been a kind of a fun way to um you know celebrate all of those accomplishments as well as um getting ready for a big week of section events with volleyball starting it off on Wednesday um football plays at Hutchinson on Saturday at 3 o'clock and then our cross country has their meet um in Mano Thursday afternoon starting at 3:30 um and if our um Girls run like they have been um um hopefully a good shot that they will go as a team represent St Peter in the state tournament or state meet I guess you would say so um which would be very exciting because I'm not sure um when they sent as like a team um if ever honestly so so but yeah it's been a very fun um fun and exciting fall and then the weird part is girls hockey starts on Monday so thank you good job hey thanks I would have forgotten half of that okay school so on October 11th we had our first cration Day celebration day is very similar to Passion day at North sorry he's over there passion project day at north um where teachers offer little mini sessions and students elect which ones that they want to participate in um we set those dates based on pride tickets we set goals for the number of pride tickets kids earn we set that at 1,500 typically that takes us a quarter so it works out about 1 per quarter this year the kids did it in four weeks so we've got to double our pride ticket goal next time uh but a great day uh Ryan Meera who's our fifth grade science teacher and Shelby Glover who is our sixth grade science teacher taking 83 fifth and sixth graders to the science and nature conference tomorrow at gak uh what that is is an opportunity for kids to do little mini sessions with some Hands-On science we all know science is the most important topic uh that schools offer if I were to go I would be joining the super tasters session it's the science of taste the bug show and animals nobody loves those would be my my choices I don't get to go this year uh and then lastly our sixth grade students are starting to prepare for Biz toown their annual trip to BizTown in St Paul uh little reminder Biz toown is a simulated uh City that students run for a day uh they've started preparing in interdisciplinary units in their English and math courses so Brittany Walters and Jake mauls are taking that on some of the highlights from that experience really are um managing finances going through a job application process where they actually students actually interview with community members um and then culminates with a trip to St Paul and running a running a town for a day so pretty cool stuff there uh and then I said lastly but I do have one more uh conferences are coming up so the evening of November 7th and 12th and then all day November 8th we really encourage families to come in and check in on their students I failed to bring my glasses up so hopefully I don't forget something uh everybody else uh talked about Joy day at the high school um and some of the spin-offs that happened at the other buildings but thank you to those of you who were able to come uh last not last Friday a weekend and a couple days ago Friday um Hispanic Latino Joy day was a huge hit with kids our um attendance numbers were way up compared to the Joy days that we held last year um so I think that just shows that kids and their families are seeing it as a valuable experience too um and and the kids in we have a class um a native Spanish speakers class that has over 30 students um in the course and those kids uh that we we had very knowledgeable and talented speakers that we hired to come in and musicians and dancers and by far the most popular sessions were hosted by our very own students um they have spent they spent just a ton of time prepping for them and um their mothers were in cooking and it was it was just a really great day um and and we have we don't have the feedback yet but I can see the difference in how kids are carrying themselves in the hall and seeing themselves as more of a part of the school community so it was another great day uh thanks especially to John Warren and verl Castillo Clark and Liliana and maripa uh for all the work that they've put in on that and we will miss Liliana terribly she's done a great job for us so thank you to hopefully the city will let her go every once in a while to come back and participate in this kind of stuff um we're one step closer to being able to offer um the Minnesota transfer curriculum at the high school we had another teacher um accepted to to teach a chemistry course at the high school so we really just have a couple more logistical things to sort out with schedules and we should be set to offer that starting next school year Mr SLE why don't you remind the board and listening public what that transfer curriculum is the Minnesota transfer curriculum is is a certification um we would be the first High School in the state of Minnesota to have an official certification in a program um to offer students they would have all of their uh General Ed courses that they would that would normally take about two years to to take in college those would transfer directly into any Minnesota State University or college or um or uh Community College so it really opens up um it's not just that certification that's important but it really opens up some opportunities for kids once they are in college if they go in thinking one thing and they've but they've already got all these generals out of the way um that opens up a lot of opportunities for them to try different things once they get to College uh the Hope um is that we have a a cohort of kids when they enter high school I know that sounds very young especially when say you're talking to an eighth grader um but it's and a cohort of kids that will have that four-year plan set for themselves uh so that so that they know that that's their track as they're coming coming through high school um it's a great opportunity for families also a huge cost savings for um for families as well uh that doesn't mean that other kids can't be in those courses they'll still fill up um but at least that cohort of kids would be following each other through so we're we're getting very close uh other exciting news our fall musical is coming up and and one interesting it's the Adams family this year so it'll be a a fun one um they're also participating in something called the henpen Arts Spotlight education program which means that somebody will be coming from the henpen Theater Arts uh to to view the performance and then there's a high school day where it's a possibility that if they're selected they would be able to perform um at the State Theater in Minneapolis um it's the first time we've ever done it but I we've got such a talented group of um theater advisers and directors and students so they've been working really hard the set is is going to be amazing um and they've been working extra hard because they know that they're going to have some professionals coming down to watch the show so hopefully you're all going to be able to make it to the fall musical this year it's going to be great um it is the I don't know the specific day but it's the weekend before Thanksgiving okay okay thank you y four performances Thursday Friday Saturday and a Sunday mad name thank you thank you thank thanks Dr I just want to Echo uh the comments about the Hispanic Latino Joy day I thought it was a phenomenal event opportunity for our students to learn a whole lot more about Spanish Heritage Spanish Heritage and culture uh and a way to get more of our students to feel included and feel a part of the school setting and as I was out there particular in the afternoon I was reminded of two things how you can have fun and learn number one and two how I didn't really miss chaperoning dances no no no uh and then I just wanted to to mention uh Seth puttz uh received an award from masmus uh for his uh work in managing school facilities he was recognized as one of the honores at the recent masma State Convention and then also uh Dr graph and I will be uh meeting with a chief of police and SRO I think it's this week uh Wednesday maybe to uh continue our sort of tabletop on how we conduct our threat assessment uh protocol communication and collaboration with local law enforcement so that's it for me great uh board members around the table read um I just love having the student Spotlight back again it's so great to hear from our students and um just goodness gracious all the activities that are going on it's just fantastic um just having the joy days for all of our students and um musicals and goodness gracious our student athletes are doing fantastic too so thanks for everything that you're doing um just uh at the risk of being redundant to the previous redundancy prior to the redundancy before that the uh the U Hispanic Latino Joy just want to make one comment on that um I had theity one of the sessions I attended was the chief of police from lur and uh a woman and uh went through some really interesting background of the struggles she had had because of her gender and being in that role and how that's worked out she has served as a state patrol as well as City uh so very interesting go ahead and be redundant to my rund no I'm I actually don't really have anything just like I kind of talked about a little I was going to talk about the increase enrollment and excited about that and just kind of give a little shout out to the teachers um because just recognizing that knowing well and partially from you know living with the teacher too knowing that you know numbers are up and that can be stressful but good and so just wanted to make sure our teachers knew that we um appreciate them so that's all I got sorry I uh also would like to congrat rulate all the fall activity teams and sports um their success is you know brings Pride to the community um I also want to convey a welcome or hello from Tom and Diane Martin I was out in Oregon last week uh visiting them Tom was a former guidance celor and Diane taught science and math and they say hello to their if any of you are former students Kate uh trivia contests and so forth yeah so they say hello and then I would like to also uh give a shout out to Stephanie Evans for the work that she's doing on the project oversight committee she represents the faculty well and I the last session brought up some stuff that I had a stinking suspicion not too many people thought of as far as time set aside to move out of the rooms so that the people could get in to do the work that they're going to do this summer so uh her input is greatly valued mron nothing for me was M um I Echo Dr Dr olssen not missing the dances at all because there was a lot of energy on that last part of the joy day U lots of it and uh all of these wonderful students that we've got I mean this Excellence is there and just a quick report on the indigenous Joy day there were about 60 70 people there and we have a really really good effective napack and Sh is definitely among them so just a great uh event was held for the third time that's institutionalization there we go all right that's it oh thank you uh committee updates education is there any update from the education committee you know it's kind of tricky with education because you know it's everything we already talk about and so to say it and then to do like a skim on anything but just to piggyback a little bit on what Annette had said and just to kind of to kind of highlight that a little more with that Minnesota transfer curriculum and to just kind of boil it down into real Tracy terms that's like two years of college so that's say telling your kid like you can take your first two years of college and go to college like as a junior you know your generals are done so I just kind of really wanted that's like a big deal and so I just wanted to mention that I mean that's a pretty cool thing that St Peter has an opportunity or will soon have an opportunity for and I think that's pretty cool so and like I said we could talk about some of this other stuff but it's stuff we're going to do in the I mean personal finance course we talked about that but it's stuff we are and everything else you already talked about so it's just kind of hard right I mean we're going to highlight things but yeah read the minutes it's nothing big we already talked about it all pretty much so great business committee you two have anything you'd like to say um we're chugging along on the budget um personally I feel that uh we're well organized and I feel the board will be um well informed as the budget preparation begins so forth so not to put any pressure on Dr Olen but uh I think uh hopefully things will go well we were scheduled to have our quarterly but we decide to postpone it a month right quarterly fund balance tracker yeah yeah so that'll be unveiled next month and I think you'll app appreciate it one Dr olon and Megan provided excuse me some some financial data and it's an overused word but inflation everybody hears about going back to 2003 up to now uh the uh we're approximately 18% behind in terms of of formula funding versus inflationary costs Translating that is somewhere around $1,300 per student per year multiplying that it's somewhere around $2.6 million don't hold me that number exactly but that's what obviously have a huge huge impact on our finances so just a point of information everybody views their inflation it's getting under control but you know at one time it was a a significant concern and we're still living with that policy committee we have anything to add we've gone through some pretty half deep documents and we're we're working our way through it we've decided that it was a lot easier when we were just changing the numbers from the old system into the new but we are making progress with good policies HR committee can't wait for negotiations to start I sent some sarcasm no sure okay yeah nope that's good uh upcoming meetings of the board we have uh business education and policy committee all meeting uh in mid November and then our regular board meeting Monday November 18th right back here in the governor's room at 6:30 pm I'll make a motion tojn we have a motion we have second all those in favor I meeting is adjourned thanks everybody