[Music] you [Music] do [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] at this wayround surrounded oh uh be is [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yes [Music] Shake coming them to they got stuff so I will be break Brown the bro hold how oh no no we got to get the print though we got to get everything so what you [Music] thinkk we got to get [Music] going [Music] no I don't know I don't know [Music] or you and I both this is what I thought you were talking be surprised how many Shea this is what I thought you were talking [Music] about we will go ahead and call meeting San FR mission for Monday January 22 2024 and the first order of business is legislative PR by Pastor of the B Place Worship Center followed by the good evening let us pray father we we know that government has been ordained as an institution called by you and and Lord your word declares in Romans 13 that uh these officials have been placed here by the authority that you've invested in them and Lord we pray first for them for their wisdom and the knowledge that will come from you that they will make the decisions that best fits this community father and we thank you we pray now for those that come representing their prospective areas but God let all things be done in decy and in order and God we give your name of praise and glory for you are worthy and father we pray for this city we pray for our community our children our elderly those that have been overlooked we pray that all things things tonight God will be for the coming good for all men and Lord we tell you thank you we bless you and we love you now in Jesus name amen [Music] amen to the flag of the United States of America the for it stands Nation God indivisible [Music] all thank you next we are um honored to have congressman from District Cory Ms here to give us an update thank you so much I'm grateful to the mayor to our City commissioners our elected officials but also our constituents and let me start by saying that too often we're plagued by the issues of politics to the extent whereby everything becomes a partisan issue Community issues are Community issues the same as American issues are American issues and ensuring that we continue to serve the underserved communities and making sure that we're actually doing things that's going to build and Le Economic Development and growth in our communities for more opportunity as well as for better opportunities for our children as they graduate whether it's from a similar State College or whether it's from one school or any of the others is a key factor the reason that's so near and dear to my heart I want to explain into that is from my own personal up I came from a family that was a broken home both my mom and dad were drug addicts had substance abuse issues my father spent 30 plus years in prison for a nonviolent crime my mother 7 and A2 and I bounced house to house being fortunate enough that one of my cousins who was only 6 months younger than I was able to have his mother my aunt be able to take us to the same school you know we bounced house to house until I was about 10 years old my grandparents finally adopted me and I was blessed you they call them grandparents for a reason because they are Grand but they were a very simple family my grandfather's a welder my grandmother's a stay-at-home mom who did hair on the weekends after church and every second to third Sunday we got to go to Golden Corral or one of the key areas so we could have Buffet which I would eat a tremendous amount of the rolls but I say all that to understand that what we're trying to really preserve and protect here is the fact that we can come from any socioeconomic background that doesn't Define us but that's only when we actually provide the opportunities and the support the community needs and I want to start off with just going over something the pastor was talking about with regards uh taking care of those here blessing those here we're all truly blessed to have representation and to have the Democratic process but also have those who put the best of our abilities and our skill sets at hand to serving the communities really understanding public service that that's what this is about you know someone who has served in uniform in the military for many years who has spent over seven years in Iraq over three years in Afghanistan Kosovo Pakistan North Somalia blown up twice by bombs in Iraq in 2006 I understand public service and it's just about giving back this is about finding issues that impact us all like sping our economy like looking at things like housing affordability and availability looking at ways that we can invest money that helps to repurpose commercial spaces that have been abandoned to ensure that we have homes for those who are in underserved communities you know that's why I was very proud of the fact that in addition to many of the individual bills and I'll go through those you know just in our first year in Congress we had sponsored 15 different bills 125 bills that were co-sponsored 30 plus amendments that were passed trying to improve the quality of life for our service members but also looking at our military veterans 52 plus committee hearings as a member of the armed services committee and the Foreign Affairs committee holding our adversaries accountable protecting the American people our ideals and our values as well as for 46 letters that were signed doing things like Deming some of the anti-semitic rhetoric but also ensuring that we come together to understand that we all B red and that we're all Americans you know some of the things that we looked at was how do we improve Sanford one of the things that we did was we set aside and allocated over $5 million to help with our local airport San International Airport where we can help with the water easement that's going on purchase additional land but also look at the fact that where the warehouses are that we can build up and strength in the sub streets right next to the railway that allows it to be a central Focus for our business and commerce Hub to help provide more opportunities to be really the focus of Central Florida you know we're not going to compete with an MCO we're not going to go ahead and try to shuttle in tourism but we can do is trying to make this a Commerce Hub an interstate business outlet that allows for more opportunity for our local vendors but that's also going to take one other thing into account which is our sub streets and our roads and so we have to start thinking about how do we develop in a very safe and constructive manner that doesn't lead to overdevelopment that we saw that gives in to things like we saw in Hurricane Hur the cold with the amount of flooding that we' se just histor the other thing that we talk about and while it's not in San direct a longwood but helping with our underserved communities and one of the things that we looked at was the 495,000 to the Sharing Center that allows us to be a f houses to the homeless look at mentorship programs but also deal with counseling for those who come from broken home that may still have some of the traumatized kind of effects from that that they still need to be working through you know what are the triggers that cause the subject's abuse what are the things they're dealing with for a mental health issue and all these things are exceptionally important so I'll go into a little bit about what we've done you know the federal government and all of its glory is a very broken institution an institution that has really stopped serving the people and really started think think more about serving themselves you know this is kind of the issue of why I've done things like support the stock act which would stop buying selling and trading of Stocks by federal elected officials and as well as their spouses they're also looking at things that's very adjacent to our 22nd amendment to try and help support term limits because it was never an ideal situation to try and create people to have a political background as a career it was about public service and so we've returned $18.7 million to our constituents not just in San cross for 7th District and an array of different Federal bureaucracies whether that be FEMA or that be the IRS and treasury SSI VA and all the other areas that are trying to hold the money that has belonged and deserve to the people of for to7 you know as a Statesman and I don't consider myself a politician I've been called a lot of things in my life politician would probably be the most derogatory but as a Statesman it's important for us to understand how to work across the aisle and how to basically find commonality as opposed to looking for division through dangerous RIT you know that's why I'm proud that I've actually co-sponsored and co-led by part of the legislation like HR 91 with one of Florida's Democratic representatives from the south Sheila mccormic who looks at the enac which Clos loopholes for disposable electronic nicotine systems like our Vapes disposable Vapes that are targeting through the idea of utilizing under candy flavored you know VAP to entice children not to try and do anything but entice children to get to addiction and not KN things like hr38 and I hate to say it because I love our great state of Florida but partnering with Sarah Jacobs out of California our Arch Rivals if you will you know this required medication a lot of people fail to remember that it wasn't just toilet paper shortages that we were worried about during Co but children's drugs Children's Tylenol things that we couldn't even find in our own stores and departments that we had no indication on and so doing the drug shortage prevention act actually forces these manufacturers to notify the FDA if there's experienced six consecutive weeks of an increase in product demand but a minimization and increase in drug shortage capabilities you know these are some of the things that we want to look at as far as bipartisan legislation allows us to think about not what party affiliation we have but good legislation and Common Sense legislation as you all know is all that matters when it helps to support the community it helps support the district and helps support the country that's really what we're focused on and I'm going to continue to focus on that as my top priority now I'm bouncing around a bit but I also want to look at some of the things you know again Community is essential but I'm also a guy who's a true constitutionalist all seven articles all 27 Amendments when they're ratified I was just talking to this gentleman here who's also a constitution which I loved and before I could even say what the actual amendment was he knew immediately and that's always reassuring when we're taking the Civic obligations and our constitutional fabric to be able to come together and understand and remember debate is healthy the intent of us being able to challenge ideas is what's known as the nation this Melting Pot that comes together from different backgrounds socioeconomic development that we have looked at or focused on and how we can adjust it we all have Solutions but it's all about coming up with the most effective so we focus on community but also we need to start thinking about from a federal level what we're doing to hold adversaries accountable and to boost our own economic growth at home that's why we looked at things as a member of the Foreign Affairs committee on helping to continue to key sanctions against Iran and its terroristic acts that's why we looked at things like trying to honor the heroes of the 7th District like we did with Colonel kinger to name the post office after him in Castlebury Florida or looking at the ideas of creating new special investigation uh General Spectras uh for Afghanistan reconstruct or other areas to ensure that we have the necessary oversight as elected officials and you all know this all too well there's three things that we owe to every single person who puts us in office and that's accountability transparency and accessibility you know our office is one of the most accessible and that's why we've done over 1,800 cases and even though it's my first year in Congress and you've got many other seasoned members we were just awarded two days ago legislator of the year and that's because we put the people first above everything it's people above politics we also look at things like the condemnation of anti-Semitic and unsafe acts on our universities and on our schools protecting our children is a key focus and that's one of the things that whether it's HR 863 that looks at the materials that are being presented for our children to protect them or whether there other key things is ensure that we have the necessary support for our children to stay safe that's something that we're certainly focused on when it comes to the House of Representatives now that's just a few pieces of the legislation that we have introduced just this last year to help keep our children safe hold our adversaries accountable also to honor American Heroes here in the Seventh District and we have to do more to address the veteran issues and government's biggest issue in my opinion is that we a metric of spending as a measurement of Health we're an outcome based society just saying that you're spending 20 to 30% more in vender and Affairs doesn't mean that you're reducing the 22 a day suicide rates if you came to me and said for example that the $10 billion I can cut suicide rates in 22 to 19 I'd ask you how much could you do in 25 I'd ask you how much you could do a 50 but the metric within the federal government and why we have a 30 $4 trillion deficit is because our metric of success is based on what we spend and unfortunately not the outcome that we receive and that's a key thing that we need to change you know I've talked about some of the things that we've done for community and grow one of the things we all face and as a former business owner myself is continual overregulation you know Federal overregulation has done nothing more than sing businesses and in some cases even shut them down whether it's NE OSHA or any of the others who are trying to fine and regulate and again I always say that regulation is just another fancy term for taxation same way as inflation is another thing of invisible so we have to do more and that's why we look at things like the rains act now this act was actually luckily put together by another FL representative Pat K from up in the north tanle area of Florida and what this really focuses in on is stopping regulation returning power back to the individual states to the counties to the commissioners and the marriage and ensuring that our business are not over regulated not over taxed that in itself going to promote not just economic growth and capability of their ability to hire more people into the workforce but that's only possible once we get control of our own supply chain and invest in our own American industrial base this is something which is lacking most of all any business owner in here can tell you simple mathematics my account payables cannot exceed my account receivables if they do we are insolvent as a business unfortunately the federal government doesn't understand that concept they think that an increase in my gross domestic production means an increase in my national debt spending that's something that we have to get in control of is that GDP national debt ratio that's why as a former business owner I'm continuing to encourage the idea of not looking at Cuts we all talk about Cuts in the federal government we're going to cut 20% to this we're going to cut 30% to this but we don't talk about economic growth we don't talk about reforming programs to preserve and protect our Medicare our Medicaid our social security you know my grandparents used to get caught in this thing called the donnut hole and a lot of you know what the dnut hole is where you have to spend to a certain level before it kicks in now when you're already on a fixed income and the cost of living is increasing based on inflation we don't have the same disposable income that we had before so now I've actually heard from our constituents who are saying yeah you know I've I have to take my heart medication but I've cut my blood pressure medication and my dosage in half so I can go ahead and stretch it out a little bit longer this is America you know if we've got unlimited supplies of funding to send abroad we've got unlimited funding to give to those who are violating our sovereignty I'm fairly certain that we can do something about ensuring that Americans veterans and others get the necessary treatment they deserve as well but government doesn't think unfortunately in these ways the very same people who will serve for 10 20 years who have been the problem for the overspending the out of control budget so the same people who miraculously are all a sudden the solution it's comical but I can tell you that me being elected as the House Representatives I'm trying to bring that sity that understanding and that bipartisan support Congress will have plenty of issues that we will have to address like securing our Southern border finding a way to adequately fund our government and addressing the rising deficits by protecting Americans from our adversaries the midst the rising concerns ofro as former combat veteran myself I can tell you who have conducted multiple American rescues whether it being Afghanistan in 2021 or even as recently in October 11 when I went over to Israel 4 days after the attacks pull out over 255 Americans I can tell you that our geopolitical threats in our adversaries is is a true threat that we need to be taken seriously as a member of the House armed services and Foreign Affairs committee I anticipate that we will see more hearings this year on issues such as threats by China Russia North Korea and Iran as well as topics that address how we advocate for our armed forces and ensure that we increase their quality of life their pay and maintain the retention that is necessary as we see record high deficits of the 33,000 that we were unable to be over hit recruitment goals you add that to the 9600 who was constitutionally purged in my opinion you're talking four military divisions and shortages tomorrow is a very special day for us because we get the opportunity to go forward and have our ceremony for our military academy nominations bringing in new young men and women who are willing to serve this great nation in uniform and attend our military cies to lead by example a great day that we should all celebrate it's clear Congress has its work cut out for it and I can tell you that our commissioners our Mayors our city council members our state representatives our state senators they are truly the ones who should be leading on our community issues with the federal government ensuring that they are remaining in a check and balance system that doesn't overreach and violate our 10th Amendment and your abilities to do your jobs I want to thank you for this opportunity to be able to continue to serve Florida Civic District serve this Community Serve this nation I want to thank you all for what you do day in and day out and for the constituents for bringing the issues forward to allow us to better understand because at the end of the day we work for you we represent you this is about we the people not we the government I thank you once again for everything that you guys are doing God bless you and God bless the United States thank you thank you thank you Congressman we appreciate your time next we have a um Proclamation for certified registered nurs anesthetic anesthe how do you pronounce it anesthetist an anesthetist anst nurse anesthetist anesthetist I'm not going to get it do we have somebody was there somebody here to receive this that want to read it then whereas certified registered nurse anesthetist crnas our ADV practice registered nurses providing anesthesia care to patients in the United States for more than 150 years crnas are among the nation's most trusted professions and whereas legislation passed by Congress in 1986 made nurse anesthetists and anesthesiologists the first nursing specialty to be accorded direct reimbursement rights by Medicare and whereas crnas are primary anesthesia providers in Rule and underserved communities and continue to be the primary providers of anesthesia care to US military personnel and whereas crnas practice in every setting in which anesthesia is delivered from traditional Hospital surgical Suites to obstetrical delivery rooms to critical access hospitals from ambulatory surgical centers to the offices of dentists podiatrists up opthalmologists pain management Specialists and more and where is crn are qualified to make independent judgments regarding all aspects of anesthesia care based on their education training and ler and whereas crnas are trusted anesthesia experts on the front line caring for patients safely and compassionately delivering specialized coste effective care to all patients from newborns to seniors for every type of procedure in all types of facilities and whereas crn's experience in critical care nursing in addition to Anesthesia care provides the training and education to address unique Health Care challenges of some of our sickest patients including veterans now therefore [Music] I mayor AR Sanford by virtue of the authority vested in him as mayor of the city of Sanford Florida do hereby proclaim the week of January 21st through 27th 2024 as certified registered nurse anesthetist week thank [Applause] you okay um just briefly about speaking um during the city commission meeting to facilitate public input if you plan on speaking on an item it would be helpful if you would throw up one of the forms you will find in the back the city park um an opportunity to speak on any of the items before the city commission during the meeting before consent agenda I will ask if anyone has an item that they would like to speak on they're in public hearing on on each item I will ask anyone which is to speak and then during regular items if you have not turned in the yellow card and you want to speak you raise your hand right three minute time limit for each speaker on each item except for a person representing an organization um at the end of the meeting there or citizen participation um during which individuals may address the commission on any topic there's a 5 minute limit on C citiz comments that thank you than to the business of the commission um minutes of January 8th 2024 work session and regular meeting move to approve second motion second any discussion all in favor I any oppos pass answer does anyone in the audience wish to speak on any of the items in the consent agenda no one I'll bring that to commission for a through K unless somebody wishes to pull second motion second all in favor pass first public hearing second Mar ordinance 4763 Mr G yes Mr Mayor ordin of the city of s Florida anting by voluntary petition certain whe property tax identification part 07 -2- 31515 000010 which is generally addressed as 35453 melonville Avenue located continuous in the city of Sanford in accordance with the voluntary annexation provisions of section 17144 Florida Statutes redefine the boundaries of the city of s to include set property amening the boundaries of the city in accordance with provisions of section 16631 for the statute providing for findings providing for conditions directing the city clerk to record the ordinance with the clerk of the Circuit Court the chief administrative office of senal County and with the Department of State providing for a legal description and a map and providing for incorporation of that exhibit refilling all ordinances and conflict here with providing for cability providing for non codification and taking administrative actions and providing for an effective date Jord by Mr Mayor members of the city commission City staff have reviewed the request for anation and found the request to meet the criteria set forth in the for the statutes relating to voluntary annexation therefore the city staff recommendation that the city staff that the city commission adopt 4 4763 annexing the property is legally described into the city okay this is a public hearing anyone from the audience wish to S to this any that I'll close question he bring commission move to approve second motion second any further discussion all in favor second reading 4764 Mr yes Mr Mayor of the city of s Florida relating to expar Communications and qu judicial and legislative hearing procedures provid for legislative find and providing for procedures and processes relating to expart Communications and qu judicial and legislative hearing procedures providing for Implement administrative action providing for a saving provision providing for conflict providing for cability providing for classification and the correction of scri erors and providing for an effective dat that's Mr Mayor Mr Mayor M of the city commission the city commission has not enacted an ordinance to address quasi judicial and legislative land use procedures and has addressed procedural issues on an ad basis over the years for the city staff recommendation the city commission approve ordinance number 4764 which would enact procedures relating to those matters you want to there were some changes that I had asked for or not really asked for last me I questioned about um the difference between a party and a public participant and um Wanted to make it very clear that members of the public um just seeking to um give comment were not going to be sworn in or subject to um cross-examination and Mr G has worked on that and all that he spelled it out pretty good the changes are to ensure that nothing changes relative to just CI PL your plain old citizen who wants to appear at one of these hearings they will not be sworn in they will not uh be cross-examined by any party that are treated just as they have been the clarifications the changes in this version versus the last version just makes that absolutely clear um everyone had this packet of changes at the Das um I think most of it on page 12 and 13 that's correct so we spld out that members of the public who just want to comment will not be subject those so I appreciate those changes um this is a public hearing anyone from an to speak no close the public hearing bring commission move to approve second second any further discussion all in favor any oppos pass brings us to resolution 3206 and 3207 475 Sor one first read 4765 thank you Mr of the city of s Florida acting by voluntary Precision certain real property tax identification pareles 11235 a220 11203 5 a22 a and 11-20 d305 a0000 022b which are generally addressed as 275 West Lake Mary Boulevard and Associated lands located contiguously the city of sords with the voluntary annexation provisions of section 17144 pord statutes redefine the boundaries of the city of San to include set property amending the boundaries of the city in accordance provisions of section 16631 Board of statutes providing for findings providing for conditions dirting the cler to record the ordinance with the clerk of the Circuit Court the chief administrative office of C County and with the Department of State for legal description and math and providing for the incorporation of that exhibit killing all ordinances and conflict here with providing for Ability providing for non-citation in The Taking of administrative ACS and providing for an effective data your Mr Mayor member of the city commission the city staff have reviewed the request anation of found the request to meet the part set forth for by the for of statutes it is therefore the City staff recommendation City Commissioner approv the first reading of ordinance number 4765 to Annex 5.95 bearing the project address of 275 West Mary bouevard as legally described into the city of s this is a public hearing anyone from to speak to this hearing bring commission [Music] I I'm curious what a a community residential home of 15 or more residents is it say living facility on on almost six acres that doesn't make sense to me it's in my district and I'm just curious if there more have more information I don't really have much more than what's in the iation petion but a residential care facility a 15 or more is basically a a community home um we have three classifications one's under six one's six to 15 and then one's 15 or more essentially like n assist living facility so residential care facility by our definition could be a residential I mean could be an assisted living facility could it be could it be a drug rehab facility that would be a community resource facility that's a different definition okay uh I didn't want to Annex um into the city um any possible future issues right thank you anything else well I'm sorry so are they going to be held to that right now all before you is the annexation we don't have any Lings proposals um the zoning coming in or even if they were to change it to something Community Work Source facility would come before this commission regardless because uh you're mixing residential with commercial property there a long l Mar Boulevard in 1792 at that corner is commercial I know but currently it's residential there's several homes on this property yes so but based on where at there is potential for ler res zone change that being said um anything that would be a community resource facility is required to go through a series of public hearings and meet distance separations which I don't believe that this property does but right now all this before is the annexation of it and future use of the land we don't really have control of until they something it's a current it's currently Z commercial commerci is a residential home allowed in General commercial well there's homes all there now several of them yeah they're just existing nonconforming them if they're there now and to redevelop them are code does allow for single family in commercial with conditional use before the plan is only commission so at Max moment they're just doing regular single family home property they would be able to go before the Planning and Zoning commission and request that if they're doing anything of higher intensity it would potentially either be a Lan change it need be but commercial is about our most flexible um L use end zoning because it allows for residential by conditional use through normal commercial uses through industrial uses by conditionally used so it is our most flexible L category thank you any other questions we have move to approve second motion second any further discussion all in favor any oppos pass that brings us to resolution and7 considering at the same time you have to adopt separ excuse me conversation that's yes Mr Mayor m city commission City staff recommends that the city commission adopt resolution 326 detailing and expressing the city's views as to the matters under consideration and City staff recommend City Commissioner doc resolution 3207 thereby approving internal agreement between the CTA and the city the resolution as noted is in effect modification of revision to resolution 202 3 3172 as part of the approval the city manager vit con Junction guidance from the city president City attorney is granted full authority to change dates and other Minal matters in the resolution and in and in the interlocal agreement who is going to um take the lead on explaining to the public why we're back here yes I can I can hopefully help there of the city commission as you'll recall back in November you rejected a resolution that was brought forward relative to approving financing of the uh partial full or partial financing of the Cal site to the capital trust Authority um which you all know is is a organization created by a combination of the City of Gold Breeze and hav Florida um since that time I I think we may have bought it back to reevaluate anyway but there was a demand letter defa letter assed uh issued by the Becker poop Law Firm on behalf of s Partners which did crystallize our reevaluation of of the matter and what is before you is resolution 3206 which which details in about 12 pages of recital the history of the Catalyst site Heritage Park project and then in section two in three subsections expresses what the Crafters of this uh resolution and and I I appreciate the assistance of e Henson who was instrumental in putting all this together what we believe you all have expressed relative to hey frustration with the progress of the of the project but be adherence to the standards of the development agreement and and see the fact that you have never engaged in any activity that could in any way be deemed a violation of the be Housing Act and actually to to the contrary so this resolution is an opportunity for you all to speak outline the history of the of the the project and express your your views as to where you are where you want to go okay which our understanding is where you want to go is full complete absolute adherence to the provisions of the development agreement were enacted in 2017 that development AG has never been changed these documents outline what the mixed use development is it's approved on and that's what you want what you expect to get absence some Amendment which only you can do okay the second resolution is a modification of the resolution that was rejected back in November making it all the more clear that all you're doing is saying go forward developers of the project get your financing develop your project but develop it in accordance with like I just just said mean redundant but that's seems to be the key issue here the standards of the development agreement so the second resolution 3207 does what Federal Law requires in order for these this type of financing to be authorized by giving your authority to that financing going forward you're not approving any change to the development agreement not one period not one Comm nothing it all stays in effect and City staff is ready to make sure that no development is recommended or to you that is inconsistent with the development so in summary I'm glad to answer any questions 3206 details the history expresses your your views 3207 approves going forward with the financing under the clear Provisions that the development agreement is what is required to be developed on the site and I'll be glad to answering any questions before I open the public hearing does anyone question okay just a basic one if we pass the two resolutions what's the next step what happens next the next step well the next step the city is to to wait I suppose for the developer to come forward the plans to implement the development agreement and allow for vertical construction the next step for the the developer is to go get the financing complete that process with the CTA and to then hopefully at the same time while they getting the funding getting with City staff to start the process about having permanent applications submitted that will allow that project to be implemented in its form as approved under the development agre does that help yes I know because it now it kind of confuses me with the second resolution if you're saying they need to go and get the funding but what actually are we approving in resolution 3 okay well that's a good point the CTA which is like I said it's a governmental entity which is created through a combination of two two cities those cities have no jurisdiction that act in the city of San now what they are is a financing instrumentality but they're they're they're asking you to allow them to do that and the reason they're doing that is because federal law which is how these bonds are inst structured as I understand it requires a local hearing by the local governing body to authorize the funding mechanism to go forward the financing the bond Vision in short really this is just another me method for the developer to try to finance the project and if the bonds are issued there's no indeed this on behalf of the city there's no obligation on the city there's no Pledge of the Full Faith and Credit of the city the city is is fulfilling this role by authorizing that financing to go forward that's all indeed the the one of the conditions is that the cost of the city and this whole process have to be paid by the by the uh you by the Bor and how how do we ensure that that happens suddenly I and I were talking about that the other day we will figure that out we have to submit a statement of some kind saying here's what we think you ow us what kind of cost what kind of those you know I I'm the world's worst with that I have to confess and not insignificant how's that for legal for you know so we getting ourselves on potentially on the hook for money that that um we don't even know how much it could be if if for instance the developer doesn't pay it because we're going to sign that inter local agreement with them say that again I'm sorry well when I ask you how do we assure that the developer pays those costs and not us and you said we'll figure that out I mean I don't want to well I I meant I figure out the amount okay the the the mechanism is pretty easy when the bonds are issued we get paid we get paid first we get paid as part of that process and do we get paid by the Bonding Agency or the developer well who actually writes the check it's it's in the agreement so my guess is I don't know exactly but it's the developers OB the borrowers obligation and the borrower is going to have to fulfill all its obligations as a closing or else CTE is not going to be happy the or any Underwriters aren't going to be happy so there's going to it's going to be one of those Pro you've heard Bond closing before a lot of been a b maybe the mayor lot of people sitting around the table watching people sign paper and passing them around and making sure everything which I rigidly scrutinize before they hand to anybody I don't think he'll pay it I I do think he would but you know I just curious as to how much money you know who gets paid and and how because we're signing an inter leval agreement my my understanding is it all happens at the same time because I asked the WR people do so the the actual funding of it and signing all the bond documents and the transfer of the property all of that happens at the same time okay and so if that's not part of it then we're not transferring proper all of that has to be done yeah I mean it's not yeah I think it's a prob a legitimate question to ask it is yeah I just can't tell you how much time we spent or how much time I bet you North at this point in time unfortunately you don't get that's true the mayor was a very busy over the week all right any other questions from the ask okay this says a public hearing I do have two request to speak I'll start with um Brian Applegate representing San water front Partners thank you mayor uh good evening uh mayor and council members uh I'm Briant dgate I'm a consultant with Sanford water front Partners LLC and we are here tonight to respectfully request that you accept your staff's recommendations and approve resolutions 2024 3206 and 3207 you know it has indeed been to quote John lenon and Paul McCartney a long and Winding Road in this project and the road has had some very sharp turns and some bumps along the way but with your approval tonight your C City and Sanford Waterfront partners are going to be on a straight and Long Highway the highway will allow your great staff and our team to work together efficiently expeditiously and professionally to bring Heritage Park to completion and the result is going to be a beautiful downtown Catalyst development mixed use with commercial and percentage of affordable housing that's going to be a shining example of things to come for downtown Sanford and we look forward to continuing to work together in this great partnership thank you very much then le le K 26 South El just a few box from here and a few box from here at dit Park I've been coming to Sanford even before I lived here was a part of the whole process that got us to where we are here today the charette held at the Civic Center and the presentation from Sanford Waterfront Partners which I guess is 2017 and the contract was signed um all I've seen from a citizen perspective is a lot of delays probably a little fault on all sides not just one side um there was a series of hearings I think it was this past summer maybe summer it just drags on and on like four continuations where the sanord water Partners is trying to get another partner in and that eventually after four continuations it seemed like the city commission just was tired of that and just voted three to two which you know that's not really wide margin against uh but we're here tonight because of the continuing from uh was it October or November I spoke to at that time at that time I spoke a bunch of other people spoke we had a long aru meeting and at the very end the City attorney kind of comes up and says oh I guess we're not quite ready we don't have all our ducks in a row we didn't get papers out in time um didn't seem to me like the City attorney was very prepared um who do they work for do they work for you I don't know you know I was at the San FR hisor trust meeting about five six years ago we had John rean the city manager of St Augustine there and he spoke a little bit about the role of the City attorney to a city and you know another historic City another city with a parking problem another city with uh uh historic areas and and building development areas and he said that uh the City attorney is there to protect you but the City attorney is also there to help you get done what you want to get done to find a way to do it and so that should be the role of the City attorney to find a way to get this done and I want to see this get done um you know there's been a lot of delays there's a lot of failures but I think it's just time to move on I hope that you I read and by the way I read resolution 30 206 or 12 or 15 pages that well skimm I'll say the whole thing and I read the resolution Al there's a lot of legal language I probably placed over um and I I read the uh some of the other things all regarding this you know there's been a lot of finger pointing and delays along the time move on put the ball in their Court put ball in his court Rich's court and let's see if they can produce what they promised to give us in Sanford it's been way too long coming 2016 at 6 years ago let's just move on and let let them try and get done what they want to get done time to do it thank you thank you I would like to clarify though that it was our City attorney had sent the information to their attorneys and they had not red it you know I I'd be interested in finding out how much money the city of Sanford has spent at what $200 an hour for a City attorney in this process in the last six years how much has the attorney benefited from it and the City of sanord been off that money probably a lot of dollars thank you is there anyone else in the audience wish to speak to this item hi8 South Mur Commissioners bnie um I don't understand where what's going on here tonight I was at the last meeting when the Commissioners rejected their uh uh request for funding from the MTA uh based on the fact that the the development wasn't adhering to the original agreement has has anything changed between that meeting and this meeting I I don't understand L of 32 7 uh 3206 you vote on that there's no change to the original AG right is that what you said by voting for 3206 3206 really just says this is what we have to say about this item which is about the the process about what we expect what what the goals were and and the history of the process it it does not actually affect any particular change right so there's no change at all to the original agreement 32 3207 does have some changes um which more clearly spell out that the the development agreement will be followed and it took out one of the key Provisions I had trouble with um and that was what was described as the Paramount per purpose of the project to me the Paran purpose is economic development and so that document has been changed though not the da just the resolution allowing them to do the funding U so but the funding is based on according to NTA the funding is based on 20% of low-income housing and that I thought that was the objection of the last vote was you rejected the the project or funding because of that because was loan from housing was not qu the original agreement that was not my objection my objection was that I did not think the Bond documents clearly ref reflected what the development agreement calls for and that what does the development agreement go for the original development agreement Catalyst Economic Development yeah the the type the the development agreement only um looked at you know what the buildings would be like what the buildings would be what would be in the buildings um the mix of of uses in the buildings okay it had nothing to do with how it would be financed or who it would be rent well that's doed to me because I sat at the last meeting I was under the impression that the primary OB objection to it was that there was low income housing involved there there were a lot of comments about that yes I you and one of the things that I have considered is um you know if it were not for this going through the CTA and having us to have to approve it you know the developer could get his financing from wherever he wanted and out of the goodness of his heart make it 100% low income and as long as he develops the project that we that is in that development agreement and that development agreement only talks to the the zoning not to who will live there then he would be able to be that so in other words you're approving tonight low income housing at downtown C yes there is no h of housing in terms of who this whatever the ultimately developed units are who the rented to at what rental amount and what terms no there's no there's no matter set forth in these documents or the da or could should there be for any development in terms of the city mandating a rent structure unless it's a deed restricted affordable housing development under the LI Li local act but cities counties don't get involved in who rents properties at what price so what the the da authorizes is plus or minus 35 want me to go through this real quick 35,38 ft of restaurant retail plus or minus 8,550 ft of office plus or minus 235 residential units which includes a range of Apartments lobs townhouse and live work and then an array of par spaces that's what the da provides for and nothing's changed then original agement way back when have have a couple of owner ship hous it's still there there's still there's still a master plan that and E's better describing this than I am there's still a master plan outlines is it eight Villages or eight six six uh but but when they they met their presentation last time that was off the table he said was feasible that was not I'm going to tell you something and I don't mean to whatever was said doesn't matter it's what's in the development agreement so he's he supposedly will build six ownership houses town houses ler than I I have talk to City staff at at length to their you should pity them and uh they are ready to ensure that development occurs accordance with with the development agreement and I don't think the city commission from what I've gathered talking to them individually would accept anything less than that you can correct me if I'm wrong but that was my impression anyone else want my name is Kathy Hall I live at 1014 South Oak Avenue and I just want to point out that this is not the project that the commission the citizens and the taxpayers happen to life and agreed to in 2016 this has changed gone are the three-story town houses replaced with studio apartment it's not what we it's not what your constituents wanted it's not what we originally thought we were getting and it's very disappointing I would just like to say this is going to be your legacy thank you thank you why can I yeah you need to make understand do all those things can I call I for a [Music] second I don't want to take this over I want to help clarify matters okay I you're real familiar with the development aren't you yes and there's a master plan in the development agreement there's an Associated master plan with the development agreement yes does anything that's being done T not change the master plan and development agre at this point we have nothing submitted that's contrary to the development for development and are you going to ensure that development agreement is adhered to including the master plan the outline of development I just outline that is the Char yes anybody else want to ask a question I'll turn it over to I'll turn the witness over to you so so so and we are talking about the original development AG the original master plan with the three these three single family HS yeah okay so there was some shet and some ideas that had some other parts to it but then the final development agreement which was finalized in 2017 is the same agreement we are talking about tonight so there were some other things proposed before we agreed to this development that is great the table and the miniature concept of the neighborhood layout is in your the various documents before you today and they show the eight different neighborhoods and the layouts that they're supposed to be and the types of um commercial exuse housing that we are that we will be reviewing for when we receive the documents that allow us to do that great question thank you anyone else from anyone else from speak I will close public hearing um bring it to commission for discussion or action other point if you do move to approve it's the it's the revised document that put before you with the changes the mayor mentioned that that further strengthen intent and the linkage of the action so so so I have I just have one thing um that that you know is is still concerning to me Lonnie and that is at the very at the last meeting that there was some talk about how much money the developer is going to get for these St fund versus how much it was was going to cost to complete the development as it is in the development agreement and it it was short several million dollars and so you know my question is if this isn't enough money for him to complete this project how do we ensure that we don't end up you know with the half project a 3/4 done project some shells of buildings and if there's no money to complete it didn't happen well what the issue is funing is the project was not funding the whole project well and Mr Hein said said that himself then they'll have to be other but and he presented a financing stack you know this money this money this money that he says is enough for the entire project that the bond company says is enough for the final project but the the the final stop Gap is unless there's proof of funding for the project then we don't he doesn't purchase the property but is that proof for for funding of the project in its entirety or funding just to start it or funding for halfing pro of what mean funding for the entire let's hear from their lawyer yeah wait wait a minute wait we were told that this 75 million could not be used at all for the retail portion of this development that's right right there's another taxable bond that we don't have to approve because it's not tax exempt okay that will that is added to it okay that's what separate Bond a separate Bond we do not have that part of the good okay but based on the cost estimate that was provided and that was was backed up by talking to the the bond people there is enough financing for the entire project but you know but once the construction documents come through and then you know we have clearer um idea of what that cost will be when we get to the closing table we'll be able to make that decision more clearly Mr R uh I I think you just covered it uh there are guarantees um when I was on the other side uh years ago um the teer hearings these are all guaranteed under the law uh there are protections the city has no liability under tea um the financing will be in place I can tell you um uh Sanford water front Partners staff is diligently working on getting the documents that your staff has requested and uh they are ready to go Mr may members of the commission Mr app just made a comment saying he was on the other side this one application is to appdate with the former County attorney for S can we approve this resolution 3206 and 3207 have to be approved together can we approve 3206 and then half of the discussion for 3207 we have to do 7 the vote has to be separ all right so move to approve 3206 second motion second any further discussion 3207 none all in favor I any opposed pass so that gets us to 3207 I'm still confused about 3207 and what what we're actually doing 3206 is basically spiled out so there's no further confusion about what the city what their statement is basically so everybody understand that help me understand again 3207 because the 12 Pages was a lot for and every time we have this discussion it to change so help me understand exactly what 327 is okay the mayor well pointed out part of the financing of the project is to be tax exempt Bonds in order to have those tax exempt bonds issu that have to be issued by an entity such as the CTA CTA doesn't have authority to operate in the city of San CTA and and also there's a requirement under the federal law that the local governing body approve that type of financing within their jurisdiction all this resolution does say says CTA go ahead and issue the LA s Waterfront Partners so we're giving them permission to fund a project in our in our right that's it that's it and and what we've done and and maybe I confused it by saying this over and over again is we've put into that resol this is not the resolution in any way shape or form that Bryant M handed to the city and said this is what we normally do we took that resolution and we left the Parts in that are needed as a matter of law but we've also put in and I think the mayor and ort would agree a significant amount of language saying tying what is approved to the development agreement that's not normal we did it though because it was important and it was right to do you sometimes boiler plate documents aren't what you approve I've never believed that to to the disdain of some people sometimes but that's all it does you're you're not changing that development agreement Abyss you're just saying actually you're saying go develop but in accordance with the development just me right said go develop go develop in accordance with our development agreement so I thought you were just saying that this just basically gives them permission to do business well it gives go get the money to develop or you're allowed to go get the money however you want to okay any other questions question I'm sorry for pointing my finger at you because I don't normally do this you can and so that the public knows nothing has been submitted to us there's no approved permits of PL in nothing like that all we're doing is approving 3207 just so that there there it's just clear well the original development agreement was approved in 2017 in 2017 and that's what we're approving all of this based on is that they are going to use the 2017 development agreement so that has been approved AB no I get that I just want the no amendments no changes no nothing so this is all based on 2017 de absolutely it's no wonder some of this is faded in our memory and all the heartburn I think for a lot of people was as a condition of the um funding 20% of the units have to be designated low income for 15 years but we never when we're dealing with a funding or development issue never say well you can only use certain kinds of funding or you can only have certain kinds of R here so I think um I didn't like you we' already said it the the issue for me was I didn't think the document that we were being asked to approve made it clear that it was the development that we ever approved that will be funded with this money and I was concerned that you they could come back and say well when you approve the financing it said this and so Mr Gro has done a um meticulous job of making sure it clearly stated that this is an economic development project from our point of view that you know it is a housing project and that it will be based on the development agreement somebody want to make a motion um I just want to say first I don't I no longer see this as C site in downtown and I'm not really sure if I have faith in the financing the community buy into it is no longer there and the development changes every time it's being presented however the resolution that stands is um today I'm going to go ahead and move for resolution number 32 do we have a second have second vice mayor made the motion I'll pass I will make the second so we have a motion in a second is there any discussion all in favor I oos H call for opposed yeah I'm sorry opposed so so that ply is that what you heard okay thank you all right that brings us to for City utility services at 1669 yes Mr May City commission the property own and S have submitted a petition for annexation the property is unincorporated from the and not contous to the city bounties and is not Annex and therefore the property owners Utility Services only at this time it is the stff recommendations to approve the request of uity services for the Cain Supply industry [Music] i' like to ask um you know currently in the legislature uh this this 25% search charge is going to be taken away um it may be time for us to consider that these aren't in the city's best interest anymore unless they want to do full annexation uh all think that way well I was thinking the same thing and considering that you know um pushing cities to not provide utilities outside of their um their limits actually harms Economic Development from this point but a lot that happens in Tallahasse doesn't make sense to me anymore and I'll be up there next week to tell them that I'll be there with you oh you going up next week um so I'm I'm curious uh Mr attorney um if we approve this tonight and we don't have the 25% sir charge anymore uh there's really not much benefit for the city um are we able to deny these oh annexations are not you can decide that I'm sorry for provision of water water service outside your service area all it says right here it's ation they cannot be annexed we require everyone to turn in an application so that when they can be annexed we can do so when they are continuous everything else is right and they can but there's there's a caveat to that now this is you know an existing business which would be a different situation but if you think about all the houses that we have approved water to but not annexed and they built those houses and paid all their impact fees to the county and the county has used those impact fees to you know purchase police sh sheriff's cars or Fire Equipment if we come go to Annex them at some later time we don't get those impact but we still have to provide the service I'm just confused right down here MD yeah this this is their side out on SES okay their downtown expansion okay um so uh I me if we approve this and the legisl follows through it's not grandfathered in it's it's reversed the legisl lobby to quotequote best local government who have already charg is prohib the future but that I don't as I recall the legislation doesn't say that right and the other only other way that I know of is the out they can't interfere with well I think our Rue is bonded right so the followup question that I wanted for the staff to look at before we go next week is what impact will this have on our utility yeah I sent Mr Bart a list of question the Le the cities wants us to have answers before we go there you might want to ask Bond two whether property that is provided utility service at this juncture that 25% is still is is pledged irrevocably so that the bill couldn't that make sense yeah um should we explain exactly what we're doing and why we're asking question sure you want to or you want me to I so um and I guess you mean to the public right yes yeah okay so we typically are willing to provide Utility Services to um residents or businesses that are outside the city limits um if they are can be annexed at the time we require that they annexed if they cannot be annexed at the time because they don't um touch city um touch the city limits we require them to put in an application for annexation and we can Annex them at any time in the future when they are eligible um but we also have a 25% search charge on Utility Services if it's provided to um someone outside of the city limits so if you're outside the city limits and benefiting from our water service you extra 25% for that that benefit um the state the legislature has proposed a bill that would prevent us from charging the extra fee um to out of out of um limits people outside the city limits but you know if we're providing service outside the city limits there's added cost to that because you're further away um but anyway so our concern is that Contin continue to do this it's going to cause us some Financial issues in our utilties department in the future so typically the state's going to keep people potentially keep people an because municipality an from getting service without without being yeah because what we say no more if we know to do it like we would say no to this right because there is no benefit to the city to provide the service this save their water for those that live in the city right it's not our TA our city resident taxpayers responsibility to cover what they should be pay for I can't believe our legisl sometimes okay can I quote you on that next week please D please help yourself although I will say there's one or two bus that I actually like a couple one or two out of of so anyway well still early none of this is for sure it made me question I want the question yeah well if this were a 200 home subdivision I'd be putting it off yes yes but since it's a single business I don't have a problem and it's pretty close to the city it's not like move to approve any further discussion all in favor any oppos manle um we're pulling item D which is the W Pro rate increase um so that brings us to approve DET services for tra yes Mr Mayor M commission staff is requesting commission approval Forum of services to trade WIS power company of Miami for generator repair services the staff's working towards having backup generators working properly at all the lift stations in the city and this would contribute to that implementation is cost of $ 48,49 and the City St recommendations commission approve the um session Mr Bill Mr Maru yes oh is it is it is it your puppy Okay um I don't see Grove view on here is Gro view a separate matter no sir the reason why we're going to commission is that's part $49,000 just to repair some generators the gro view pumps were one of the five pumps that we already purchased you guys already the commission I'm sorry already approved for like 300 and something thousand okay we already have the PO that's already been approved okay because they're they're running off of a generator right now no sir we have a we have a loner pump from from Tradewinds um out there right now well that's I just want that to be a priority uh I don't know is the backup generators are a priority I want to make sure we get our systems working that aren't working properly right now first does that make sense uh we doing bothe simultaneously we that good yes we are all right thank you you're welcome move to approve motion second any further discussion all favor transfer yes Mr Mayor City commission the city staff is requesting the commission approval budget reallocate Grant funds in the amount of [Music] [Music] and me oh my bad J City program manager it's actually three um agencies for this budget transfer two of them is under the public facilities and it's uh rescue Outreach and United Medical Social Service those two um rescue Outreach is the homeless shelter and the United Medical Service social service is the free clinic and they are looking to build and an actual free clinic in the district 2 area so that's what that's what Virginia Miller helping others in need Virginia Miller is the daycare on 13th Street the old Ice House the old ice house look and so she's our new EV uh grantee agency okay um can I ask something else at this time okay go ahead well it doesn't it doesn't work today um it's come to my attention that the shower trailer that we purchased with American Rescue funds or whatever that was uh and was given to a local church um so it's not being used and and they're turning it uh back back into us correct um it's my understanding the rescue Outreach Mission would like to have that um are we having those discussions or so from action church we had a conversation with action church and all the pastors uh they had all the volunteers you know had all this set up but they didn't have the amount of actual people using the shower trailer so it was being underutilized uh so I haven't had conversations with rescue Outreach regarding the shower trailer um I was not aware that they were looking to use it but I did talk to other local churches in the area and in you know speaking to the mayor you know how to utilize the shower trailer well that's why I brought up I'm trying to get him to let me take it to Golden Rod on Thursday nights yeah CU I work [Music] for y I know okay but I just had a meeting with but it it's sitting around and one night a month to serve as homeless I asked the question if that was possible why do you go to Orlando to take your homewor we have right here because some friends of mine started a Ministry and asked me to serve on the board so I had a Mee with action Church like last week or the week before and they show it's still on no it's still on site they still have it yes yeah there are several action church locations yes the main one is Winter Springs I I believe it's might be one the main one but there's one in sford and it's that's where the shower trailers will be up on air for bouevard yes yes yeah they talked like they were still using it are one of you involved with the rescue one one of Y we just contributed to right um can we can we have someone have that conversation with Chris yeah I can I talk to Chris if it's not if it's not being used we should be using it right well and that's what they're working on as a plan there's some agencies that are uh interested and have put in inquiries um salt has inquired about the shower trailer and uh another pastor Pastor Hernandez has inquired about the shower trailer so we're in talks with them to see you know and also HUD how can we right CU it's still God bured under HUD rule yes it's not just like it's our shower we can't just give it to right but uh the Goldsboro rescue out has to meet every requir oh yeah we just I'll talk to Chris this week okay thank you all right there was a motion second yes it was all in favor yes City commiss C has received an amendment to the sanord airport authorities Bard operating budget and this recomendations to the commission approve the proposed budget amendment San airport authori annual 2023 24 operating budget 11 M 11, 63452 and 8,639 58 and $500,000 respectively as detail in the operating Revenue operating expense and capital budget proposal adjustments and just to make it clear why it's such a large amendment is the airport Authority will take over the actual operation daily operation of the airport terminal which to this point has been a um private company so they are having to take on all the expenses and revenue of um employees operating and so they will be bringing the employees over and so all of the daily operations maintenance will be dandled um by The Authority rather than by a thirdy and some have a representative here from the airport if anyone has any question and some of this is for um needs that have not been met and taken care of by the former operator how's that which is why which is why this has happening yes to your point commissioner yeser said it's going to be addressed as part of this transition see I listening to that phone call oh gosh I got to meet face to face to approve discussion favor1 yes May m of the city commission is the annual budget amendment is request the city commission approve resolution 3201 amending the city's FY 24 budget by [Music] $3,438 5767 the amendment will make the total budget 324 m582 26 for City Wide [Music] budget discussion all in favor pass resolution 3202 yes Mr amend to the commission this amendment is proposed to recognize past Grant year budgets that have not been spent along with the CH administer expenses need covered to by transfer from general fund the staff recommendation City commission approve resolution 3202 amending the city's FY 24 budget by $ 4957 move to approve second any further discussion all in favor any oppos question good job yes Mr May City commission fire prevention operation like to purchase fire safety tools and equivalent to fire inspectors and the of fire safety information flers to be culated to the sanord citizens via utility bill commands therefore city commiss city staff recommendation that the city commission approve resolution 3202 3203 to amend the budget the amount of $8,500 to purchase five safety tools equipment and fire safety information Flyers move to approve second [Music] discussion repairs maintenance cost clean of are extra cont cost and rep to the vacum it is therefore City St recommendation the city Commission resolution 3204 to amend the budget and amount not to exceed 50,000 to increase storm water care and maintenance account move to approve second motion second further discussion all in favor resolution 3205 yes Mr the city commission City recation that City commission approve resolution 3205 to amend the Budget Building Department fund with increase purchase order 30 8421 to cph in the amount of $3 36,6 in relation to the CP work on the building briway approve second motion fur discussion favor answer City attorney comment [Music] pass thank you for all the clk's report city manager report I just point out to the May City commission that last Mee there was discussion we looking at special events that have 10,000 or more people and staff prepared something from 2021 to 2024 was on the this afternoon you arve and just call your that's [Music] all look at that stuff yet which which is that it was on our desk just this one page yeah oh thank you events thank you now I noticed that like [Music] um like find not 10,000 no sir those numbers are based off of what the applicant actually submits to us okay on the paper all right thank you wait a second porest is [Music] on all right any questions about this all right um anyone in the audience wish to speak to the commission commissioner BR thank you all so much for the Imp tonight I'm not sick I don't know what's going on but it's kind of like when you're in chch and you're laughing and you don't want to laugh then continue to laugh that's just with this cough I'm trying not to cough so therefore it's making me want to cough even more I'm trying to control it um the only thing I have and I'm only saying that Mr Bart said that it's on record because I need for the business owners to hear is to please make sure that you send out the information to those three businesses that we spoke of in the work session regarding the lift stations I know you already are going to do that but I just wanted to be on record sir thank you that concludes District On's report I have my monthly community meeting Thursday at 6 and I'll be doing my full giveaway in Academy man Park uh Friday at 3 and then I'm going to uh need 25 to uh $33,000 for my I'm having my second annual community event on the 17th of uh February I would love for you all to be there when be at Westside and at U C so I would love for all of you all the 17th from 10:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. Patty 17000 of next month P I would love for all y'all to come now stop by please it's cat show weekend and I got to talk to you about that too on the isn't that p no I moved it from there P 24 okay I made it last year I'll be in blacko this year what's up there come out I'm can't I got to beat the catchup from like 7 to 6 you know she runs that place y but I'm going need to use my phone so 25 I don't no no no no no I don't know yet I just told Mar about because I know I had to come talk to yall are you asking for us to so up to 3,000 yes up to 3,000 second this is February 17 yes that's not you catting the funding for a public he said I need the person that made a motion uh for a public purpose for a public purpose thank you yes can we ask S the update on the funds that we want to give to outreach we good with that with the funds commissioner Brit and I want to give to uh Outreach that are we good with that I Haven so that's on Mr ham okay he told me he going do it okay so it's on them thank you I'm done there okay all in favor any those okay um um I have a couple of things um I recently saw uh in one of our reports that the Washington Shores o o I knew that was wrong getting a new uh is getting a new sign oh um and I had to uh take money out of my commissioner funds to do a signed for another neighborhood last year um what's the difference are taking I'm oh you are yes well it hasn't come before I know because we haven't approved I'm I want to show the sign to the neighborhood okay before we move forward okay okay so yeah yeah anything else yes I have bad news for you oh dear I opened my account today for my reelection you did already I did today I've already given money to everybody else I can find so uh with God's favor Mr Wiggins I'll be here to bug you for four more years how you going [Music] no anything else that's it all right commissioner I'm going to open my account good all right all right we keep the band together all right um the only thing I have is the appointments to boards and such I decided I change everybody something different okay so I love a change um so the only changes okay well you I'm all right what I am okay so let me say what it is yes sir so our new vice mayor will be Patty mahaney oh no what are yall doing that no I have enjoyed being Vice man for so long I didn't know time God so fast now I feel guilty do you want to for another I do never it to you again she going have make me feel sad so um and for Central Bo zo um Tracy will be are we are going to keep some on The Zo yes they asked they have asked that we keep somebody on Tracy has said she would like to do it right okay and so that's what we will do they guys troubles out here and I'm assuming since no one said anything everyone is happy with the rest of their yes okay I wouldn't necessarily say we're happy Tracy if you would just send out the list I will so that everyone is refreshed on what they're supposed to be doing the next year and we are keeping Sarah we are adjourned oh