good [Music] I want to make it very clear that representative I think we're breaking ground pretty soon [Music] [Music] this is what they this is what they I know so I know that but I think there's a [Music] [Music] yeah okay they've been working on that for a while not um like it [Music] work that's that's too I love your hair by like is the SC [Music] what I mean it's got offic walk in lobby offices conference room and then like a little mini the conference like a little e and then behind that is cover not not air condition but cover with fans four 12T doors 16 whatever then stash equipment and then outside another do I give this to you Com or else just right there okay and they said something about pictures they said they need the material [Music] too yes you I can attempt kind of large oh it scen I it was just so they can see oh yeah yeah once you pre present it during your presentation and then you you'll turning them over to the city though it's fine okay I can more no problem just put it right there yeah just leave your card driv right you're yeah the CLK will be here in just a minute here all right thank you yeah you are and then ins wellity the last I heard the last I heard was that ultimate goal is to transition them answer but it's Tak some time well that's true too [Music] it turned into [Music] must [Music] [Music] working figure [Music] [Music] was that the final was that the final outcome fure do [Music] so we're going to put money in their account give it right back [Music] to but I'm also getting a rever and that way f33 really wild it just doesn't I'm not but it doesn't seem it wouldn't beur at allad we allbody there [Music] [Music] not really we own the property that home just Tak out of Na [Music] everybody is okay exactly the same [Music] [Music] well remember would have be able to pay our cost my point is we pay so that little truck probably ended up being 450,000 I didn't expect and then the kicker I guess whoever charg out don't really want it was they need something to go back the new [Music] guy we don't need running around well it's sitting over there with a tag on ready to go I'm just waiting you get the tag yeah but if if I need to remove the city it's let me know I yeah when I go over there little [Music] transfer so you can email them directly there emails on okay no I'm [Music] Emily Emily is that yeah [Music] [Music] last cool I'm kind of a we so I thought it wasting trying to add more [Music] [Music] say [Music] ask [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this was also the [Music] oh my God I am so EXC [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I'm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I spoke to me [Music] meeting will and come and these are friends cirle so I'll leave it to you [Music] right yeah I'm fully aware and their concern is that if it's being held [Laughter] up we're nursing it along the city manager and I are meeting there at 8 in the morning tomorrow so it's coming along but the ref flap all of that thanks to I'll keep you okay thanks but if you would mention at that would be we're good [Music] [Laughter] [Music] well I have no idea how about that [Laughter] I know like I had to put bless true how play how play l i remember you know I [Music] [Music] [Laughter] got [Music] listen last time I you you were help on North Carina week yeah yeah all right [Laughter] brother at all be [Music] [Laughter] ,000 not to hurry things along let's hurry things okay so we're going call to order meeting of sanord City commission for Monday May 13th 2024 first order businesses legislative prayer followed by the pledge of Alle um prayer will be given by Pastor Davis of the Allen Chapel [Music] everyone let us pray Almighty and tri God we give you thanks and praise for all your Mighty Works you're loving you're good you're gracious and we thank you for creating us and Su standing us this day thank you that you made us in your image to exist in community with other people we thank you for our city Lord thank you for our elected officials businesses churches families and individuals that make our city the great place that it is but Lord we acknowledge that we do not deserve these good gifts we are not worthy of your favor for we have sinned against you and thought word and deed we do things that we should not do and we don't do the things that we should do we have not loved you with our whole heart and we have have not loved our neighbors as our Savor we appeal to the Lamb of God who died for our sins forgive us and give us hearts of obedience to your holy scriptures grant that our city would be known as a righteous city city of peace and hope City with happy homes a city that welcomes The Stranger a city that cares for the needy a city that defends the innocent for evil from Evil doers Lord thank you for civil government I pray that our civil servants would acknowledge the calling that they have and perform it Faithfully be with our judges attorneys and law enforcement firefighters City employes and others grant that they would never neglect or abuse their Authority but that they would stand firm for truth and Justice keep them safe from harm as they serve our community I pray for this commissioner meeting tonight give the members wisdom and guidance as they deliberate on the items before them may every decision be righteous in your sight for our benefit and For Your Glory in the name of the tri God amen amen to of the United States of America for it stands Nation indivisible andice for all thank [Music] you we have a couple of presentations start with our business Spotlight for I will ask yes mayor thank you uh tonight's business Spotlight is is very interesting I'm going to have uh Chris Smith uh play a short video on this company then I'm going to give you a little background on the company and then introduce uh a byproduct of this company that I think this community is going to be very proud of Chris [Music] defy the traveled path under Seas where light dares not reach in The Invisible currents of the air and in the intricate weave of cyber space this is where the world's most Cutting Edge technology confront the most formidable challenges this is is where moving fast requires trust and moving forward requires disruption we are the synthesis of tradition and boldness not merely competitors we are creators we are creators rapidly developing Advanced capabilities for a world in constant motion a beacon of bre FRS in a sea of status quo we understand the mission we embrace the challenges and we're hungry to outpa ever thre you seek Innovation we Pioneer you face threats we neutralize you demand performance we deliver together together together we seize the opportunities of a new era focused on National Security and Technology we are L3 Harris The Trusted disruptor [Music] all right thank you Chris uh briefly uh a little bit about L3 Harris L3 Harris is a global company that has 50,000 employees they're located in 100 countries and I'll give you a couple stats on on uh L3 Harrison and how remarkable it is to have the presence we have here in the city of sford so their market cap in other words outstanding shares of stock versus price of said stock is 42 billion dollar this is a billion with a B so Cynthia Lindsay may be shaking in her boots but don't worry this isn't money we owe Cynthia there annual revenue is about 20 billion a year so $20 billion are coming in and out of this company uh the Sanford economic impact of what corporate footprint we have here in the city of Sanford is L3 Harris Flight Academy so they're close to depending on the cycle there's about three or 400 flight students in Sanford and I know commissioner mahaney and and mayor Woodruff are are pretty familiar with this company but at any given time we have three or 400 students here in Sanford learning how to fly right and I I looked at a stat 20 some odd perc of Americans have never been in an airplane so uh if oh well how many on the Das can fly right this is something that's remarkable uh here in Sanford uh L3 Harris Flight Academy is going through a transition now uh but their footprint and Mr udy and I were just talking about this will remain and the economic impact to this community is tremendous when you have three or 400 students at any given time interacting living shopping restaurants uh it's it's a pretty remarkable impact but uh on our video there was uh listed that L3 Harris is the trusted disruptor well about a month and a half ago I'm reading the Sanford heral which speaking of trust and disruptors how about Bri Jones right so Bri Jones writes for the sord Herold so I just found this part of the story out that I said how in the world did you and Bri ever cross paths and they both graduated from Simon High School I believe in the same class so I read about a young lady Sanford resident who had the dream to fly so I am not going to steal any Thunder from this young lady I would like her to come tell you her story uh when the dream began and how the dream dream has come to fruition uh Miss Desy farell please hello good evening everyone I'm Destiny I'm um the person in the article um iin L3 Harris I graduated as a Private Pilot a few months ago um continuing on to my training all the way up to CFI um my story began when I was about 6 years old I always had the love and dream to fly in a um when I was a little girl I used to always say o airplane that my mom driving behind the car pointing out which airplane was which kind which airline it worked for what kind of aircraft it was um right after high school it's always been a dream since I was about 6 years old but right after high school um I did three years of Air Force ROTC I had planned to join the Air Force Reserve and fly in the air force at the time I decided to take a different route and I went to the healthcare route um it wasn't for me U I'm very thankful for it though I do have a degree that I can fall back on I attended s State and obtained a degree in Healthcare Management so I always have that before I got on um After High School when I was in that weird limbo phase where I was unsure of what I wanted to do when um I decided I couldn't attend the Air Force at the time um I did attend um at the time it was called Florida College of Natural Health it's now called cortiva Institute where I I have a um license in Aesthetics so I am a licensed institution as well uh did that for a little while and then decided to work at you know a hospital um and while I was on shift you know I've always had this dream of becoming a pilot and I knew Healthcare wasn't for me so I decided what can I do to get my foot in the door to get back on track with the aviation route so I decided to apply as a flly liutenant which I've been doing for the last two years as well as doing my fight training I was able to take some time off of work to obtain my private pilot license and [Music] yeah so what Destiny is being very humble about is how she did it and the point of her article was if you want to do something just do it right so there's another young lady I didn't even tell you this gu just walked in I Believe Miss Lizzie Kosco has the same dream so I run into her mother in conjunction with this so what what Destiny has done is has inspired people in a great way I just want to say I I thank L3 Harris for being here but I thank L3 Harris more importantly for the products that they are producing every day in this community it's it's a tremendous asset uh and we do have from the commission destiny a nice gift for you it's it's a s t-shirt and earpods so say your captain is speaking hopefully you have those out so at the helmet in control so are there any questions for Miss barell or I was going to walk her oh and I forgot to tell you there's another special guest her mother is here uh another seral high school graduate so this is a dominated Night by the NS so any any questions for Miss barell or I'm going to walk her out so what what is your ultimate goal commercial My ultimate goal is commercial but I'm open to Cargo as well it's about a 640 right now yeah I had a friend that did cargo and and and loved it that's that's amazing congratulations thank you so much and I do want to say for anyone who has the same dream who wants to do it and just don't know where to start just do it and that is a perfect segue so what Miss Costco does not know is we are arranging on her behalf this young lady goes to alsol I believe eighth grader at also we are arranging a discovery flight which is a flight where she or Mom can go up with a certified flight instructor drive or fly Drive fly out yeah uh fly out to kind of uh where they used to launch the shuttles it's it's a really neat way to uh see if that's what she's really interested in so we've got that arranged for her as well EXC thank you all very much unless you have any other questions for this great G lady we're extremely proud congrat us what our next let let us keep stay in touch with with with Brady and let us know what your next steps are I think I've seen her on a Spirit flight before thank you all so much thank you okay we're going to change up the order a little bit and I'm going to go ahead and do the proclamation for police week because we have some police officers back here that I would like to get back out on the street so Chief you want to come up and bring your [Music] officers you coming up I I'll provide security while you're up there whereas there are more than 800,000 Law Enforcement Officers serving in communities across the United States including the dedicated members of the Sanford police department and whereas in 1962 President John F Kennedy signed a proclamation which designated May 15th as peace officer Memorial Day and the week in which that date Falls is Police Week whereas approximately 55 5,054 assaults against law enforcement officers are reported each year resulting in an estimated 16,26 injuries and whereas since the first reported death in 1786 over 23,7 185 law enforcement officers in the United States have paid the ultimate sacrifice and were killed in the line of duty the names of these dedicated public servants are ered on the walls of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial dedicated in 1991 in Washington DC with the names of the 136 officers killed in 2023 whereas there have been no line of duty fa fatalities from the Sanford Police Department whereas the service and sacrifice of all officers killed in the line of duty will be honored during the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial fund's 36 36th annual Candlelight vigil on the evening of Thursday May 9th 2024 whereas the members of the Stanford Police Department presently provide essential Public Safety services to the residents business owners and visitors of the city of sord National Police Week is a time for us to all to pause and reflect on the incredible sacrifices thec make for us every day now therefore I are by the virtue of the authority vested in the as the mayor of the city of sford Florida who hereby proclaim the week of May 13 to 19 2024 as police week in the city of sford and publicly salute the services of law enforcement officers in our community and communities across the na just want to briefly thank the uh the mayor and Commissioners and our citizens for their continued support we will do our best to uphold the standards that the high standards that have been placed upon us and we continue to ask for your support uh throughout the remain of this year thank [Applause] you mayor as you're getting ready for the photo I like to say the last Thursday I accompanied a number of the sord police officers at the County's law enforcement memorial it was very moving there's also a list that we do not want to be on wait the rest of commission coming [Music] dep [Music] I'm ask har commissioner Wiggins to come out and and help me with this one and um Dr Rens from s state is here and she can come on up Anderson Nico Palmer I'm G to hand this off to we uh last week I was able to go to a graduation in cinon State College and uh we were able to honor uh two young ladies that was at the doc you can come on up there with us too come on come on the Dr BMA Williams uh Center uh and this was something that I'm going to let these gentlemen and ladies speak on that came to fruition but after coming to their graduation last week I wanted to see if we could do something for him so Mr Henderson was like but won't we go ahead and acknowledge them at the meeting tonight because they did something that was uh something a lot of people take for granted you know they could have quit stop and not follow through but they the first two to get their GED at the do W Center that should be an Applause we want honor those tonight but I'm going to pass the mic to one of these so thank you so much for the recognition of our outstanding students tonight uh this is part of the Cal State commits program in which we Endeavor to bring education to communities rather than expecting everyone to just come to the college and we're happy to partner with the city of Sanford one of our founding partners for this program and we're funded through seal County um through some Co relief dollars to help those who are unemployed or underemployed or who have had um challenges accessing education we're going to bring it to you and Nicole is our fearless leader thank you uh it's my honor and pleasure to work with these people to be able to get their GED we're working on uh numerous other programs for the community we have workshops coming to help the Spanish speaker be able to take a class in Spanish and learn how to do their resume their cover letter and then be able to do an interview in English so it'll be dual languages we also have project management classes coming we have conflict resolution classes coming we have some other things that I don't want to tell you about yet because the M aren't signed but the point that Dr duren's made is we're bringing the education out into the community and then we're giving the people an opportunity to do other things so the beautiful two ladies who graduated from our GED program we're working with them to see what they want to do with their education and also with employment so it's really exciting to be a part of this process excellent other than that I would like to just congratulate the honores and I really really enjoy the support that we have developed the Partnerships that we developed with the colle thank you lastly um again uh kudos to our two young ladies that uh was our first initial graduates of the community program GB program at Dr b h Williams Community Center um as was mentioned they could have easily gave us excuses um but they hung in there stuck in there uh grinded out and it's paying off now so we told them that they're the mouthpiece of the program now uh and there's so many others that's coming behind them so already for the next turn we're already full and possibly may have to relocate because of the space but definitely um we actually continue to support thank you so the two young Le we're talking about the first one is starting McMillan and the other young lady is Marcia har [Applause] [Music] congratulations congratulations he [Music] state I'm G ask um to come up receive the next one who El okay AC numbers St from here I didn't realiz all the members of geing [Music] Team whereas the Emancipation Proclamation was issued September 22 1862 by President Abraham Lincoln in the H effect of January 1 1863 declaring that all persons held as slaves within the rebellious States shall be then henceforward and forever free whereas the Emancipation Proclamation was enforced as Union armies took control of each state of the Confederacy moving south and west from eptic Virginia and whereas Union Brier General Edward M mcook AR in Tallahasse on May 20 1865 and announced the Emancipation Proclamation on the steps of the KN house whereas the Emancipation Proclamation help lead to the adoption on December 18 1865 of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution which ended slavery in all of the United States and whereas the Georgetown steering team is hosting Sanford's thirdd annual Florida emancipation Day celebration the weekend of May 17th to 19th with events at the sord Women's Club and at historic Opera Academy and whereas although Emancipation Proclamation and 13th Amendment were crucial steps in advance ing the ideal ideal of our Declaration of Independence that all of us are created equal and spite many steps of progress in the past 158 years we are constantly reminded that we still have work to do whereas the government and the people of the city of Sanford are committed to working together for Equity equality and inclusion for all members of our community recognizing that our history does not define our future now therefore I art W by the virtue of the authority vested in me as the mayor of city of cord Florida who hereby officially Proclaim May 2024 as Florida emancipation day in the city of c um so thank you guys we're the George Tom steing team and as you mentioned we have events coming up this weekend on Friday May 17th we're hting a Gala at the Women's Club where we'll be partnering with the gallery on First Street to hold an auction we testing people's knowledge about Georgetown with the trivia and we'll be just having different presentations from the sord museum and from the UCF bries program on Saturday we're hosting the third annual FL emancipation Day celebration at historic coer Academy partner with several different Community organizations including SEO State who'll have their outreach program there we'll have the SEO County Public Schools Early Learning Program Center presentations with video andos about George history food vendors Community vendors and just a whole font of events and then Sunday we're hosting a gospel Jubilee again at historic oper Academy um and that'll have different uh high school and Community Church choirs who will be performing throughout the day there will also be Community Food vendors and local businesses selling items as well so a whole list of events you can go on to our Facebook page George to steering team Tom more and we hope to see you there thanks for all the work [Music] [Music] he to facilitate public input if you plan to speak on an item please can delete one of the yellow citizens input form um that are found on the back table and submit it over on this end we're going to C it down um now just help us keep track if who wants to speak on which item the form is a little different um it's now one full set page because none of us including me ever read this part that apparently was on the back all along so um the public will be given an opportunity to speak on any item before the city commission during the regular meeting before consent agenda I'll ask if anyone wants to speak on any of the items um during public hearings there'll be a chance at each one of those and also tonight we are starting a um new process on I judicial hearings which we will talk about when we get to public hearings um and then for regular items um if I don't call for comments and you would like to speak each that to be recognized or fill up on the other forums there's a three minute time limit for each speaker on each item separate person presenting representing an organization and presenting this views during qual hearing citizens participation at the end of the meeting individuals are May address the commission on any topic and there is a 5 minute time limit for those that brings us to the minutes of January 2024 work session and regular meeting approve second motion second any discussion all in favor oppos anyone in speak [Music] item commission for motion to pull to approve Motion in second on consent items a through Q all in favor I any opposed Mr Mayor members of the commission on consent item a while technically you are declaring B and v as Surplus they are officially retired I was going to ask I was I was going to say something and then I thought if I don't take it I don't want to one of there account yeah truly there truly we all know they're not Surplus they're beloved family members now is what they are getting their very well deserved that brings us to public hearings and we're going to have the attorney given me something [Music] beginning okay well you're doing part I'll see you I we're getting ready to do public hearings there are two kinds of hearings there are legislative hearings which are identified on the agenda there are quazi judicial heing which are on the agenda the public can speak in any of the public hearing for quazi judicial hearings I will identify those now on the agenda and for those particular hearings if any member of the staff is going to speak on the Quasi judicial matter or any applicant is going to speak on a quile Judicial matter or any applicant has expert witnesses to speak on a qu judicial matter I will swear you in all of you who are here to do that in a few minutes if you're a member of the general public and simply want to speak on any of these items you do not have to be storn when it comes up you can come and address the commission you will not be subject to cross examination or anything but this is a little bit of a different way than it's been handled it's being done to comply with the Court decisions that have been made and without any further Ado the qu judicial matters are item 7A which is ordinance [Music] 477 item D3 which is coordinates 47 30 82 item G which is ordinance 2108 and item eight which is the approval of the final CL any member of the staff any applicant or any expert witness on those specific items if you would stand U at this time okay right now we have one person standing are there any applicants who want to speak on these it it or any other expert Witnesses all right seeing none please state your name I Hon I'm the plan Miss Hanson would you raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the evidence that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth is Rel for this matter I do let the record reflect that she affirmed that that's all I have thank you and in order to conserve time I will read the statement once tonight be R to agenda items involving the qu ey judicial process Commissioners must disclose all expart Communications including the name of the communicator and the time place and substance of the communication written Communications must be disclosed and made a part of the record commissioner's investigation site visits and receip of expert opinions must also be disclosed made a part of the record persons who have opinions contrary to those expr in the next part a communication they refute or respond to the communication at their hearing when they make their presentations the parties to this proceeding are the city staff and the applicant and they are subject to crost examination must give their testimony under others who seek party status are also subject to cross examination persons who are only participating by providing comments are not subject to cross examination are not sworn in as evidential awarenes yes um so when they talking about I mean this isn't new but it's new it's new yes when we usually say Okay I I communicated with the developer or I made a site visit we need to now say I made a site visit on December 1st at 1 p.m. because it says time and if you're able to be that specific that that is fine there's not too much information if if you don't recall the date you can say that you visted the site with the developer in December or whatever or I've visited it two times and I've had three telephone conversations or okay as much information within reason is fine okay and what you just did we have to do every time when it's Jud yes why and in the future I will be do I yes we need to learn how to do it okay you more work okay so do we declare as we get to each other them or do we declare everything at the beginning either way is is acceptable um it it's up to the commission whether you want to do it for each item or if you want to look at the agenda and do it all at once there there's no absolute way that it has to be done it just needs to be done for the record okay for future reference what do we want to do each bring it up each item okay all right so that brings us second R of ordinance um 4775 thank you mayor this ordinance is entitled a ordinance to the city of Sanford Florida annexing by voluntary petition certain real proper generally addressed is 2705 Richman Avenue located contiguous to the city of Sanford together with Associated RightWay within the area of the annex property in accordance with the voluntary annexation provision section 17144 for the statutes redefining the boundary of the city of s to include s property amending the boundaries of the city and accordance to the provisions of section 166 of 31 fla statutes providing for findings providing for conditions Rec the city cler to record the ordinance with the fer court with the chief administrative office of C County with the Department of State providing for a legal description of the map providing incorporation of that exhibit refilling all ordinances in concrete ability nonic taking administrative action for Effective Mr Mayor members of the city commission City staff have reviewed the request for annexation and found the request to meet the criteria set forth from the FL the statute Rel to voluntary annexation the property bages are contous to the seiz bounties and are compact is therefore City staff recommend station with the city commission Annex 9.36 Acres located at 2705 Richmond Avenue as legally described into the city of Z say the public from audience speak to anyone public commission for Action second commission second any further discussion all in favor any oppos pass second reading of ordinance 4776 this ordinance is entitled an ordinance city of Sanford Florida the city of Sanford comprehensive plan is previously amended providing for Amendment of the future land use map of the future land use element of the city of sord comprehensive plan relative to certain real property approximately 9.26 acres in size owned by a ccgn said property being addressed is 2705 Richmond Avenue fighting for future land use designation to be amended from Simo County high intensity plan development airport to City Airport industry and commerce providing for legislative findings and intent providing for assign land use designation for the property providing for cability providing for ratification of Prior acts of the city providing conflict providing forication direction to the code eff Mr Mayor members of City Commission on April the 4th of 2024 upon the recommendation of City staff the city's Planning and Zoning commission voted that the city commission adop ordinance number 4776 small scale comprehensive Amendment anded de stff recommendation the commission adop ordinance number 4776 is there a public heing anyone from the audience wish to speak to the side anyone public heing bring commission for Action second motion second any further discussion all in favor any oppos pass ordinance 4777 ordinance is entit an ordinance city of sanord Florida zoning of the parsel real property totaling 9.36 acres in size located at 2705 Richmond Avenue which property is located within the Sanford city limits from Seno County Agriculture to City plan development providing for findings and intent providing for taking of implementing administrative actions providing for adoption of a map by reference providing for conflict providing for cability providing modification providing for an effective Mr Mayor City commission City staff supports the adoption of ordinance number 4777 for the resoning subject of conditions res subject to the listed in theal which should be considered to any approval Association this is public I'll close public hearing Commission question now when we have our second readings are we allowed to to say I've had no changes this the last or do we need to go back and recite everything I would recite it every time there's a public hearing you have just so the record than motion or second motion and second any further discussion all in favor first reading ordinance 4778 this is to the city of sanord Florida implementing the state statutory mandate to prepare business impact estimate prior to the adoption of proposed ordinances pursu section 16641 PARTA statute providing for legislative findings and intent providing for implementing administrative actions providing for the savings provisioning for conflicts providing for cability providing forication correction ofri errors providing for an effective Mr Mayor M of the city commission ordinance number 4778 as stated by the City attorney implements the statutory requirements of section 16641 comma 4 of the for statute and proce st's recommendation that the city commission adopt the this is a public area speak to this um it says beginning October 1st 2023 should it be 2024 or we just 6 months we're not behind it was passed and part of it was effective in 2023 the last session of the legislature added some language which requires it to be attached to ordinances and where this last session that just ended yes okay all right and Mr member of commission you have been seeing these [Music] statutes okay any other questions I I really don't understand what it need it's the um SC back a couple of pages and there's one for the previous reason business impact statement which we have been doing administratively and to make sure we're in compliance with state law we're adopting the ordinance which says we will actually attach it to ordinances right what's the benefit like what the Z the state legislature decided that we should always pay attention to um the business impact of any ordinance we pass just to add just a little bit the courts have been having litigation and things there's a tremendous amount of development going on here but it's also going on in Broward and day counties and the courts have been prolific down there in some decisions and the legisl is picking up on that and adding requirements in every session and what we're trying to do is to help the city stay a breast of all of those so that if somebody chooses to make an appeal the city is noted the eyes and cross the te and we won't have a judge finding a reason to deny understood okay thank you sir good wel all right so do we have a motion move to approve second any further discussion all in favor any oppos pass the answer ordinance 4779 Mr this ordinance is entitled an ordinance city of sanord Florida annexing by voluntary petition certain real property generally addressed is 1807 Peach Avenue located contiguous to the city of Sanford in accordance with the voluntary vation provision of section 171 044 statute def finding the boundaries in the city of sant to include said property amending the bound of the city in accordance to the provisions of section 16631 Florida Statutes providing for finings providing for conditions City cour to Accord the ordinance with the Circuit Court chief administrative office County with State providing for legal description of the maping for incorporation of that exhibit raling all ordinances and conflict providing acceptability foration taking administrative actions providing for an effective Mr Mayor members of the city commission City staff have reviewed the request R section and found the request to meet the criteria set forth in the for statut is therefore thece staff recommendation the city commission approved the first reading of ordinance number 4779 to anex point4 9 Acres of property located at 1807 PE as weekly described into the city of s move to approve public heing sorry this is a public hearing the public hearing commission protection a question I I just wanted to ask a question uh I see that this property is like a middle middle of the block um is is the is the map showing uh how it connects to the city by the white or by the uh by the dotted proper does that make any sense in order for you to have a property annex you you have to have other properties around you right right to theity the hatched are currently City the white are currently unincorporated so we're filling in as far as I can on that unfortunately the box is over the rest of leg description I believe that if you go further on the map it shows that that whole area is actually enclosed in ancl that we're enclosing in okay approve motion second any further discussion favor oppos next is first reading ordinance 4780 can I can I ask another question about this yes how does that affect the rest of the city services how does how does the police department know that that one house surrounded by other houses is ours same way they know everywhere else [Music] do i' seen where both police and Sheriff show up because sometimes there is a question right years ago I had both Police Department the police sheriff and both fire department show up they weren't sure so we should just say an ex but you know I mean the sh not Poli inire so the SE County Waste Pro truck has to go down those streets and the city of Sanford waste [Music] truck that's like that all over the okay [Music] sorry 478 a ordinance 478 yes all right ordinance 4780 is an ordinance City San for Florida annexing by voluntary petion property generally addressed is 1695 Alexander Avenue located contous to the city of San accordance with the voluntary annexation provisions of section 71044 FL statutes redying the b in the city include said property amending the F foundaries of the city accordance to the provisions of section 16631 part statute providing for findings providing for conditions directing the city clerk to record the ordinance with a f Serv the court and chief administrative office of sen o County with the Department of State providing for a legal description in the map providing for incorporation of that exhibit repal on all ordinances and conflict here with RIS providing for severability providing fortification taking administrative action providing for Effective Mr Mayor members of the city commission City staff has reviewed the request for anation and found the request to meet the C set forth in the cour statutes it is therefore City staff recommendation City commission approve the first reading of ordinance number 4780 Annex 718 during theart address of 1695 Alexander Avenue as legally rest in to the city of s the public hearing anyone wish to speak to this public hearing second motion second further discussion favorin 47 this ordinance is entitled an ordinance city of Sanford amend city of San plan previously amended providing for amendment of future land use m the future land use element of the city of sanord comprehensive plan Val the real property approximately 0.711 acres in size owned by Habitat for Humanity s County and greater depa said property being addressed is 1695 Alexander Avenue providing for the future landage designation to be amended from Cal County low density residential for City low density residential single family [Music] Pard providing for legislative findings and intent providing for assignment of the land designation for the property providing for cability providing ratification of Prior acts of the city providing conflict providing forication directions to the codei providing for an effective Vision Mr Mayor m city commission City staff the propos small scale land use amendment is appropriate and suitable for the subject site and is comparable with the surrounding land uses and consistent with the city's comprehensive plan and chapter 163 of the for statute and is therefore the city staff recommendation that the city commission adop ordinance number 4781 on first reading proposed this is public hearing from the audience to speak to this it know I'll bring Commission approve motion second any further discussion all in favor I any oppos pass ordinance number 4782 this ordinance ordinance city of San Florida providing for resoning of certain real property AC 0.711 acres in size owned by habitat of humanity of s County by the S County property located within the city sanord City liit addressed in 1695 Alexander Avenue from Simo County single family dwelling to single family residential providing for findings and intent providing for taking of administrative actions providing for adoption of a map by reference providing for conflict providing for cability providing for non qualification providing for effec Mr Mayor members of City Commissioner City staff finds that the proposed resoning ordinance to be appropriate and suitable for the subject site in comp with the surrounding land uses and consistent with the city comprehensive plan it is therefore City staff recommendation City commiss adop number 4782 on first reading as proposed this is judicial um I not with the applicant probably in April to discuss this and the other projects no this is the public he anyone from a speak to this [Music] it bring commission second second in favor oppos ordinance 4783 ordinance is entitled an ordinance city of Sanford Florida annexing by voluntary petition certain real property address is 3750 Laura Avenue and 3850 East Lake Mary Boulevard located con to the city of sanfords voluntary annexation provisions of section [Music] 17144 FL statute redefining the boundaries of the city of San in proping the boundaries City and provision 1661 for statutes conditioner theiner chief administrative office County with the Department of State for a legal description M providing corporations that exhibit ordinances and confing for cability providing foration taking administrative actions and providing for Effective Mr Mayor MERS of City Commissioner City staff have reviewed the request land session and found the request to is set forth in statute voluntary annexation therefore the City St recommendation City commission approv first reading aordance number 4783 to Annex 2968 which VAR of 3750 for all Aven and 28 Mary as legally described into the city of here this is a public he and anyone from the audience to speak to this item close public BR Commission to approve I did is it possible it's okay because I hesitated it wasn't your fault is it possible for us to pull this up on the map usually I try to do a site visit one but I didn't right across from um when preserve slug of it I still couldn't figure out what that was cuz it was like saying gens and I'm like that no Chris do we have that's no's house over there was about where okay so I was just trying to see like because we have so much residential over there where it was located so it's going to but then there's resid behind and we're going to put the warehouse it's that whole box right there right yeah oh them yeah okay no it's just those first two and then the ones behind that are still County right yeah and then part of this is um bols property is that right pass got the to the right of [Music] that yeah this is you don't have to I'm just concerned about where how close it was to residential um but I'm looking at the property behind it and it doesn't it's not a subdivision but it's still autal behind it um looks like different Cals do they have anybody come to their c meeting um they'll be coming back before you with a plan development reone so they originally came in with a straight reone and then opted to proceed with a plan development reone because it is AIC and that's the requirement um the applicant will have c meeting NE input all of that at the project judicial so this is just annexation annexation and like thank you second okay motion second any further discussion all in favor any oppos pass unly ordinance 4784 this ordinance is in ordinance City FL City's sandord comprehensive plan as previously amended provided for Amendment of the future land use MTH future land element of city of sanre comp relative to certain real property approximately 2.96 acres in size owned by sfb air Parc said property re 3750 laa Avenue 2850 Boulevard future land to be amended from sen County industrial City Airport industry and con providing for leg findings ining for assignment of the land use designation of property providing for cability providing for ratification PRI the city proving for conflict providing fortification directioni and providing for Mr members of the commission on May 2nd of 2024 the city's planning res commission voted recommend further recommendation of the city staff that the city commission amend that the city commission approve the request to amend the future land use from industrial to airport industri and therefore is a city staff recommendation to City commission approve ordinance number 4784 on first reading okay this is public hearing anyone from the audience to speak to thetion approve motion second second any further discussion all in favor I oppose first reading [Music] 4785 [Music] 13654 Florida which enacted section 1.52 314 statute the public Camping sleeping on any public proper legent for implenting admin [Music] ordinance number 4785 for approval on first reading as it is toensure the city is in comp of SE 125 0231 of the Florida stat to public camping and sleep public speak motion on this particular not on this particular item but on this particular subject in general I'm sorry that s majority of the services you know I can sure see it solving a lot of problems like commissioner was was talking about if everybody if every if everybody that was camping in all these locations and starting these fires in these locations and causing disruption of these locations had a a more semi-permanent safer more appropriate location I actually I don't think it's the worst thing in the world disagree don't disagree but I also disag agree I hear you I think we should be able do better but we not doing I saw [Music] um they're looking at um helping fund individual um home owners to convert their garages to Living Spaces to low which that I think B idea to get put them in a garage because we know that 4 in lower than everything else I keep thinking maybe we should I'm just yeah that have enough space and actually live on the property um that's was I still think it's the intented this is a step in the right direction well the unfortunate part about this this is only applies to public property a lot of heart issues happening on pivate it doesn't really help um help that part so well I so I was seeing it as getting them off the private property and onto the public I don't know we'll never stop have a but if we're setting fire that's all right so we have motion second discussion on this this all in favor I any oppos pass um approve ex development order yes is that where we are yes okay Mr City commission due to un fact and the volunt of the material cost changing in the market the construction of the project has been delayed as events for out of reasonable consideration the development the developer has contined forward amendements project through the negotiations for airport submitted development PL to P sta St the hotel Property final approval of development PL are subject to the expension is therefore the city staff recommendation that the city commiss approve the extension the devel dev order for the plan devel 2020 47 Market Avenue to ones and Associate for an additional 3 years this public hearing anyone wish to this public commission for action okay and this is quite Jal now I literally can't remember but I know usually when something happens on maret I'm either talking to staff making a visit or talking to the developer so not actually happened long time years ago six years ago okay that has to do with right this this was done six because I and I was sitting there thinking like okay well I had a conversation six years ago I didn't have conversations about this so so the this project actually made it through all the governor's extensions too then they're still asking for three more years sorry because this has been an issue on a couple of my properties um actually no this property did not exercise tolling request they just happened to work this close to approving the engineering in every one of our plan developments our plan development regulations has a standard that says after 3 years if it has if a major infrastructure has not been constructed the PD can last as we've seen in other projects right so the major infrastructure has not been they use the to that answers my question yeah no the original development order I think was signed in 2021 okay so um they went through a review process there were some issues with legal and all of that original deal was signed in 2021 so they got three years it expires this year okay but because we're so close to completing the process for engineering we would like to request an additional three years to make sure that the hotel that's proposed out by the airport gets constructed but we're assuming we're not going to need years correct yeah now they I I think that's to the end of construction okay because they in order to build a building the site work doesn't usually get done or complet until close to the end of the construction of the building so it's it's not both the site work site work and construction of a hotel okay so it could take some time thank you thank you right so move to approve motion second and second any further discussion all in favor final of SE Mr Man of the city commission the city staff recommend City commission approve the final fact story s located at 4500 rounding Road Circle based on consistency with land government regulations and compliance with chapter 177 of the qu State Statute subject to the fact meeing all the legal and Technical requirements that determined by the City attorney and City survey are prior to being recorded [Music] appr favor for construction yes Mr May City commission L West Street drain ping and drainage project includes drainage and sidewalk improvements also includes bringing mostly cultural Road up to C stand and need some more vehicle City stat recommendation the city approved the to Old Construction in the amount of 1,832 $21 for the A and West Street p and project question can you give me a second before you sir second okay it says sidewalk improvements sidewalks on that area now right think that's just it's an industrial road we have we saw neighborhood we don't have sidewalks put Industrial Road well but at the end of that road is and the so the sidewalk are going [Music] F okay nobody knows that makes more sense and we're making that road bigger fin actually making it a [Music] road been used as a road yeah um Public Works manager Mike Cash s me has a proxy because they government Governor conference right he briefed me on it U basically that road currently is not does not meet City standards at all and fdot is putting a light a traffic signal there and a 46 and in addition to that it's going to accommodate the rebuilding of Fifth Street um because of all the new neighborhood on white seedar because that's a West fit street is a one way it's basically one lane road right now so okay but the sidewalks are going on fit not eror as far as understand yeah okay okay um now I remember this being a discussion when we approved some of those projects over there um is this not something we should have could we have had the developer help pay for the 1.8 million not a question but my understanding that that was not a topic we did approve the houses that's point on white to I don't recall this being part of the [Music] discussion after and the public maner also uh briefed me that this was a approved CIP project that actually came about half the amount that was or oh wow that's [Music] unusual thank you sir thank you thank you all right so we have a motion second any further discussion all in favor yes Mr commission commission approval so for procurement anding for criminal and cost systems in an amount of $3,919 for the the year and this is to engage the process for the um bringing the total amount to 336 the total amount would then be $681 approve motion second discuss all in favor iOS resolution 3242 yes City commission City resolution number 3242 to you know the city's classification pay and this is a request to add one full time police police Lieutenant s Police Department this is an addition not a reclassification is that correct okay so we have approve second motion second second all in favor I iOS resolution 3243 May City commission City staff recommend City commission approve resolution number 3 to 43 in the amount of 483326 187 for the downtown Marina group Parish Mo [Music] approve all in favor I oppos pass resolution 3244 City commission commiss approve resolution number 3244 to amend the budg and increase the purchase 39312 for fire station 40 Target preconstruction and construction Management Services in amount of $285 making the new Total of $286,800 Z A Incorporated I will make motion but I was informed before the meeting that we might possibly finally be breaking ground in July and the fire station will be constructed in less than a year and with that KN of a head I'll go ahead and make the motion appr favor may I see the you did [Music] yes Mr May City city staff recommend City commission approve the fire station for project as an additional fund project under under the interal agreement that the city has with approval of the 1 local government infrastructure C to amount of $4 million for the construction of fire station number move to approve second discussion all [Music] favor attorney add city clerk's report city manager report yes M of the city commission today I received a request from the gold front porch that the city fund a table and AD at the upcoming G it is in $475 I did give you after Das the letter that I receiv today and if it's agreable to the city commission we could have a consensus for the city to pay the $475 move to approve second any discussion all in favor iOS that's all that you have two citizen participation request Richard better thank you for being you mic there's that um it's still about the rep what are we work with Bill um I really have more a question is there going to be any plans increase capacity on the rep water system I know you're busy with the SE cheat system upgrade right now other things but um it has been uh year half I know we're not getting a lot of rain right now but it's progressively getting worse and the other thing is just to show you what is happening in our neighborhood since we can't get any water this is more than a Year's worth of no rain and it's not because it's not working you can actually see where the Springer heads are letting water out but there's no pressure and it's just slowly spreading in our neighborhood we did this redid this probably 2 and a half years ago thousands of dollars and it's just dying um we've got some things we're working on with the city to kind of sve it off but I don't think it's going to be a long-term solution because um by 4 we had just a little over 20 psi and I don't know what we're going to do I know you told us we at the end of the system but it's Regency Oaks um and to make it clear what I'm concerned about is is built on a hill and if the back side of those Hills ends up looking like that what's going to hold the soil right then it's going to hold and we're right in front of you and and in off of orgon so we and we're experiencing it now too yeah because like Bill said the system is very very um at half right now which I believe that right um but even when we do get we don't have pressure it's just and I've noticed that this seems to be slowly getting worse and be clear um those us a lot so if we can give the commission Audi update on what's happening with that don't um we recently received some pressure uh recorders that we'll be able to put uh into play here um we have this scenario here it's a it's a dead end system that comes off the Central Parkway that goes you out to some old mall and it's competing with a lot of other systems in that Corridor we have to take U we have to get a pressure recorder and see out there we uh we are drafting off the river to help augment the system you know allowable by perit uh we were a few weeks or a couple months back kind of um in a a difficult State at the plant but that has since been overcome and so we're fully operational in that regard uh in general it uh when you we go about 2 weeks without rain it's a it's a exceptional challenge for re water to to provide enough demand there a week is is okay you go two weeks and uh we just cannot give the full 100% that people are hoping they can get from irrigation and so um that's quite a challenge but I I didn't have the opportunity to work with him since we last spoke but now that he brought this attention kind of brings the uh to my attention that we can bring the the pressure record in there and see what's happening throughout the day generally speaking overnight uh you know we're filling up the uh the uh well we we have the the demand then during the day we're filling the tanks and such and then we're we were trying to make into the Mana at night um but that's a a difficult location similar I think M was pointing out there on oron Avenue it hasn't kind it it that ends at cold it doesn't go all the way we don't Loop that currently and that might be one of the ways we can improve that Corridor um but that is that insistent too so that those represent bigger challenges than when we have a loot system most of the city is you know under but um is there any opportunity to Loop in his case well we would have to we could possibly um bring a the line continue down ups and connect at Central Parkway near the fire station because that's where uh we're coming north and south there um but there's the the challenge there is there's no additional customer we pick up in that Corridor so you know we have higher you know priorities in general that would be a way to help improve that that particular but we'll have to take a look and see if that is that might help you know facilitate the service there they've been a they've been a customer for over years neighborhood buil like years yeah longer so we've had success out there but there's a lot more demand than ever before with the Departments and all those demand so so are we continuing to require everyone that builds to connect to reclaim of their clubes yeah the concept is the takeback concept that basically whatever you contribute in terms of Wastewater flow we have to find a home for in terms of disposal so that's where you know we've always we have that component there and uh the augmentation system with the river really helps you know when it's in the driyer periods of the year a lot of parts of the year when it's rain or any more rain we can meet that demand in general takes about four customers to make one re Water customer in terms of demand the house is like 6,000 uh G or you know about 6,000 gallons for residential house and it can use at least 12,000 uh at a residential for Iration and it can be more you know uh depending on how your law so you're kind of upside down in the situation to begin with in terms of meeting ofand so then does it make sense to continue to require new development to go on rep we can't provide and we're not providing and I assume this is seasonal later on the summer when it's raining every day we'll have plenty of rep well is that correct of course that's the nature things rains have too much water store that stored in Geneva s 10 and and and tank storage and mil Creek yeah they have that uh the the nature of the development now a lot of it is multif family and so they're not taking kind of works in our p in that regard there's not a lot of turf they're generating you know creating an auto flow so there is an opportunity to you know to help you know support the supply um it's just been a you know we've seen with all the improval the past few years and tremendous and demand on the system and out there what has changed so much is that we just with the new apartments that are going both on on rart road and and St John Parkway um and sale all that you know demand we haven't seen that for quite a bit out there so we it's kind of a whole new Dynamic that we're seeing and it's impacting obviously you know some more I don't even think they've LA s yet I think which they Happ what the is it can we increase our storage storage that's why we have the spray Fields right we have storage and we are augmenting so it's a it's it's just you have so much capacity in the pipe we're pushing which you were saying earlier like 90 ESI out out of the system at night so we are pushing it there but the demand is greater okay you said you said because of the rain we haven't had enough we're not getting enough water no there's more demand there's more demand okay yeah it's about 100 50% demand when it's drier than normal and it's very hard to me that's that's a dead end where exactly does it in where does yeah where exactly does it in on for your or yes for ours yes um yours ends at the apartments at the very and the last departments on um reard reard and H Thomas it's you know you have the school oh and get the last department and then where does his end his end at his complex they they have a loop within it but they don't have the dead then who's covering who's covering the new apartments on um HG Thomas and Reinhardt uh right there right there on the um right there on the the northeast corner of H Thomas in linhardt the brand new okay near the Hyundai deip in there right right there right there across the street vintage vintage the Vintage I wanted to say the Heritage the Vintage yeah we have reclin water that to that system and that ends that that does not Loop all the way back to [Music] Oran uh well it it take that backage yeah that one [Music] does because we have a line that goes all the way to r a lot of no I was saying it's kind of upside down they have less landscape but they have a lot of you know flow coming out of those system so you know we can meet those demands pretty well uh typically but uh but we have a lot more of them that's the thing and explain to me just from an engineering perspective why the loop system works better than the dead end system because it seems like it seems like the loop system serves a larger area than the dead end system right or you you m uh you maintain a a pressure the pressure much easier in that whole loop system that if then if it was just ended here and you're not connected to was just one dead end there are multiple dead ends on the system yeah okay we have that on the water system too a lot of C dis act that kind of things I thought there was there was one were multiple Loops in you get the benefit of having the pressure come both ways so that's why you have can we look at what it would take to Lo that even though we would be adding customers serving do a c that and then while we're doing that what is there anything else we can do for regen well these regen right right right is there anything else that was a question you said want to do it an estimate what we can do in the inter while we're doing in the interum that correctly uh we can do I was mentioning at the outset that we can put pressure gauges to see um what's happening to that system throughout uh throughout the day and over multiple days and see if um you know help us troubleshoot at you know from the plant putting out pressure is it is it what we're assuming that it is or is there a valve off that's contributing it could be different factors might you know sometimes within their own system but he saying yeah over so much we have somebody come through every month we can do some stuff all right thank you right and then yes close I was there I you just take your name and address for door you want me to say my name okay my name my first name is Bahan and my last name is ham okay um on February I wake up in the middle of night and I was almost dying seriously like I before at 9:00 I slept I had no issues at 2: a.m. I wake up I can't talk I can't breathe and I'm a single mom I have a special need son as you see I don't have any want to put it and I have been raising him on my own for the past six years by myself with no help no support and nothing at all like I don't receive any food stamp or insurance or anything I pay all my bill after I went to emergeny room of course the inance staff thought I was a drug ad because how a person not speak or talk or breathe believe me I was in shock I was completely in a perfect health was it a stroke it was a migraine attack that it caused me to actually be in a hospital wanted to me admit it and I just refused because who's going to take care of my son while I in the hospital so I really haste to ask for wave my bill which is $750 especially in front of my son this is not what I wanted to teach him but I truly cannot pay it between his medical bill and cost of living I work full-time job there is no way I will pay $750 and next time if I die I wouldn't call iance because I know it's going to cost me a lot of money and which I don't have so I really don't know which what to do so is this the city of Sanford yes yeah I called the far Department about two three weeks ago I even came to the city they told me the only way to reduce or W this is to come to the city commission meeting and they told me good luck with that um has never was great I'm like it's so I will give myself a shot because I truly like I work full-time I do all I can and I what's your address Prett the regular it's 3461 Windsor Lake Circle stand for Florida 32773 and I got so disrespected by the stuff which maybe they see a lot of cases not in me no no I am just your you can look at my Miracle history I never even did Dr in my life and never I actually don't even remember when I was last on not person but they treated me so disrespectfully um the ambulance ders yes the staff and I went to the fire department I talked to them about how they treated me they asked me like would have been nice if I was honest to tell them the truth I was shocked just like them and I was so weak in the bed I couldn't even talk for myself um so now I'm having $750 I really cannot pay again like I can't like I will give you my paycheck and I'm every month's $400 $400 short and I'm almost maxing on my f car yeah I would love to put my Exel sheet here with all my scent going out you tell me how I can pay this and I'm not talking even about all the medical B for my son in tax col seriously like I cannot even pay co- payment for my own house when the doctor after this first Tri me to do an ultrasound that cost $400 I said forget I'm not doing that t because I cannot pay that Cod payment after the insurance so I'm here to ask if it's possible to wa the fee or at least Oru it there's no way I can even start a payment and of course the problem that we have in in in in is that I can I can hear the wheels I can hear the wheels I can hear the mayor's wheels are turning um and and what what what the what everyone's going to say is if we do it for one person then we have to do it for everybody that that comes and ask although everybody's situations are are are different and certainly you're the first I've been I've been a City Commissioner now um for several terms and you're the very first person that's ever come and actually explain their situation and ask for help and um I'd love to know what the rest of you all think I'm highly inclined to want to help this lady I really am I just recently um not terribly recently almost a year ago my husband uh left a trap in my garage I say he left a trap he didn't my husband rolled up a rug and put it in the garage and I was coming in with a handful of groceries and didn't see the rug and I hit the garage floor broke my shoulder in two places my collar bone and two ribs and I couldn't get off the floor and the ambulance had to come and pick me up and literally and take me to Central Florida Regional and by the grace of God with tri care insurance because he was in the military not everybody is that fortunate by any stretch and it was it was a $750 Bill and and the insurance company you know paid it in entir provideing with service it deserves $750 right no we understand what saying if you don't have the insurance what are you going to and and and your a single mom what is she going to do so I want to work out a way that we can help her it's not like I'm not working I seriously I'm working fulltime we know that we don't appreciate just like don't get upset just just stressed stress because I took him to the doctor last week his is hearing lost Dr more and then he now he have a lot of other health issues with his back now I'm like stressing out how I'm going to Just sh take a deep breath take a deep breath it's okay it's okay I promise take a deep breath it is so hard to be a single mom for a special home son when you don't have any sport system believe me I have to take half a day off to go an I meeting advocate for my son reading papers I taken time off trying to make take him to his doctor appointment and keep a job right it's just so hard seriously you're not up here asking but you're it's okay it's okay do you want some water no ma'am okay take a deep breath okay we're going to try to help but I'm not sure it's something we can give a final answer to tonight T right but we're going to try to help manager or Deputy city manager may be able to we going to require all of it at at once I this is my first time finding out city and we turn it over to oh gosh yes I turn it over to collection she's probably been turned over to collection I do have I see more than 250k my son medical bill tax collection if this is going into it and my credit card is messing you told me how I was seriously I mean it's not it's just like I can't and I owe a school lunch $920 that also is not it's not pay I don't even know it's going to happen I you tell me seriously I'll give you my paycheck and if you could pay even $5 I will be so happy because every month I am sh was me Craig r assistant city manager the fire chief and the deputy fire chief at our conference town south Florida and for the record I was fire chief for about 9 years and I receive a lot of requests like these I've received them from city employees city employees spouses other firefighters and you get innovated with these and the policy before I was Chief actually two chiefs before me established policy that me anybody them at all because that just cracked the door for anything so um what the process is I've always encouraged the patients to um contact the billing agency and set up payment plan if you pay 10 bucks a month as long as you're making payment they'll work with you so that's what all these advis and then after they don't receive payment they go to collections and I think our policy has changed now if they don't uh collections is in responsible after a year and the city weighs it off but I think it's um the patient or the resident will have some credit issues with that so that's what I've always encouraged and um we did receive a lot of these and I always tried to encourage that contact the billam and see if they had insurance or anything but that's the I could tell you it just opens the door for all kinds of requests that you the commission request that is that that I understand and saying that I'd love I like I want to help her I I completely understand that um but honestly honestly this is just breaks my heart and and I think there's some more I think there's some conversations you can have with the school board too you're you're you're to be Lunes and nobody could do and anytime I apply for I'm not qualified because I too much money because you're working that's problem I have to qualify I have to work in M with my parents unfortunately I have no family we here and and very unfortunate I'm originally from AR so I see old the world and hunger and you mean what Dar all the war and hunger I born and race in Ira oh the war and hunger okay yeah yes so believe me I I did know how to break in my life I did know how to break in my life right right I understand when you when you get excited you're harder to you have more of an accent I'm sorry I speak three languages wow that's amazing I'm sorry yes and I I'm being a good resident and I have been living in Florida for 12 years and you can look on my report and see where than just working taking care of my s in any environment where do you work um what kind of work do you do I work as a traffic engineer for a consultant engineering cult ler engineering yes that's that's that's engineering degree ma'am I cannot pay my no I come to City commission meeting to defend a developer for traffic stuffy come to a date that I'm here asking for help I'm very embarrassed right now oh don't be embarrassed but I'm just saying I work full time hour don't be embarrassed we're going to figure out a way to help and I'm going to tell you something and I should not I shouldn't do this this is just a big stupid mistake on my part but I'm going to see you after the meeting and I'm going to help you with this a little bit too out of my own pocket because we got to be able to we got to be able to work something out so many people come here and they they just they want us to kind of take care of almost their every need you know and and and and you know when I see somebody that's working this hard taking care of a very adorable little boy that you say has some I can't tell by looking at him that he have five mental diagnosis asthma heing loss now his back and his NE um my possibly near surgery we trying to avoid that seen one one part of his body and fall off apart me i i d know I'm not in thect so you want to speak with her afterwards yeah I do but I also want to know want want us to you know I I hear everybody I know everybody sitting here being silent because I know is not much we can do but there has to be extenuating circumstances and there are times that people just mean we when we were younger you know I could see us in this situation we we totally sympathize I just went to the emergency room and I have doctor's bills on my counter myself so I I totally understand that I'm making payment plans because I cannot afford to pay them all out of pocket even with really great insurance but I also agree with what the deputy city manager um said and maybe it's something that we can look at the future like how the water department has the Good Neighbor fund or something that we can put into a a a a pool so when special circumstances happen and people meet the qualifications just like we have the L Heat program that we may be able to assist with it so M will talk to afterwards if you'll hang on to the meeting in our will you say too because you know about the Billing System more than we do just to be clear I really don't mind pay the co co-payment I have so many beautiful bills that I pay it cannot be fit on this is this is my situation I I pay my school school loans for my son it's it's just cannot fit on because it's keep going F enough doctor after doctor after doctor it's nonstop and he does not have medicate I [Music] I'm just this is why I'm not here maybe we can take her information in this off get with her she has a list of public service providers yeah so get with commissioner and with Mr okay anyone else from the audience Commission [Music] [Music] for the thank you uh my name is Jacob El 375 sore Spring Street Florida 3271 I'm here to discuss Sanford baseball and the coach from the major 12 VI division that should be removed from the field my family has been playing in Sanford for three seasons now I've been a te- ball coach and most recently the manager of the 12u Cobra team for the spring of 2024 I had three kids playing in the league one in rookie one in minor and one in Majors on May 8th the first championship game was held between the mens of the Braves the Braves manager is named Mr Barnes and one of his coaches is Mr Monro in the third inning my son hit a home run yes 12 years old hit a about 240 ft over the fence wow um as my son was rounding second base the head coach of the Mets heard Mr Barnes say to Mr Monroe this kid is 500b that's why it went that far Mr Monroe heed it multiple times when the Mets had coach Mark who couldn't be here tonight but the other coach Julian uh for the Met team was courageous enough to come today heard this comment he immediately went to the home plate hump and explained what he to what was just said the two umpires spoke and each to each other and the game continued only coach Mark heard this comment during also during some point of the game my son was pitching ran to the plate a pass ball uh to try and get the runner out from third Mr Barnes told multiple parents on his team my kid this kid runs like a senior citizen I have a parent from our team and a coach from this year's Majors division that also heard this comment so it's two additional adults that heard this com um an instance from an earlier in the season Mr Barnes do not like to call it home plate after arguing with the Umpire he yelled for the kids to truck the catcher next time if you're unfamiliar with this term that is where the runner coming home would violently collide with the catcher to try and knock the ball out of the catcher's glove this play could Land The Catcher And or the runner in the hospital and more than likely the runner would be thrown out of the game a grown man should not be speaking about a child like that and even worse this man coaches baseball for this city he argues constantly he respects no one on the field including the umpires and obviously the kids that play against him he was also selected to be the 12 you All-Star coach this season so he'll be representing sford for for dozens of other cities to see my son is one of the most humble kids you will ever meet he is a straight A student that skipped half the fifth grade when my son plays first base if an imposing player makes it to the base on a walk or hit my son gives him a fist bump and says good job my goal tonight was to let you know about what happened Mr Barnes and Mr Monroe or what is wrong with coaches these days a coach that is willing to degrade a 12-year-old because he hit a home run against his team is a Manchild and should nowhere be nowhere near children let alone coaching them thank you very much and you guys have a great night thank you I'm [Music] confused explain our team what our team is called and what age group this is baseball I'm unfamiliar with I'm just trying okay so M Miss Jones has already been made aware of this has started investigating it it is involves coaches from two of our teams so there are coaches volunteers volunteers they're volunteers they're not paid cye and so Miss Jones is already um sorted looking into it and I believe she already spoke with you today right yes sir yes so I'll leave it to the city manager if he wants to have her say anything or want to leave it at that as they complete their investig I did inform her that I would be here tonight as well and she was well and she was actually very gracious and um and said yeah definitely go right ahead I would welcome you to you were mentioning the Mets that's a all of ouram after Stones us thank you very much the status of the UN yes good evening everybody Lisa Jones Parks and Recreation director uh I did speak with Mr elen today for quite a while along with Jerry Sullivan my manager division um and we ask that we have some more time to look into these concerns and allegations and comments I've spoken with Mr P who is here this evening who runs our program and clarify that a little bit as the mayor just said all of our teams are named after Pro leagues so these volunteer coaches who give up their time um come in and and U so they're in charge of one or more teams as Mr elen was so we're looking into this we take it very seriously and we want to get to the bottom of this and address any issues I think um I was first made aware of this late yesterday it began sometime last Wednesday so we're going to work on this Expedition and our team's name is we have all sorts of we have the Mets the Yankees both our team oh okay yes they were playing against each other okay that's what we have over 30 baseball teams and they're all named after professional one time lar used to coach it yes he did so miss she so miss uh wants to know what opening day is again so she come out I will agend I will send you invite for next February yes well you know you know what po poor Mr triplet before he passed away he had told me he that he was going to have let me do a first pitch one time next year and well next year but we also have a fall season but you would not want me to do the first pitch because I think if you see somebody's puppy out there running after it it would make it very far you could do no worse than I did oh you did that I wasn't going to say nothing all right anyone else from the anyone else from the audience speak commissioner BR you got anything else okay I I did the majority of mine um at the work session so I'm just going to ask for the consent for the 2024 calendar um for the historic Trust for $500 approve second and then also the parks use all favor I I okay and then also the parks usage fee uh for the T for cultural Guild um for the um the garden tour it's in the amount of $526 62 Mo to approve second and both of those were for public purpose for public purpose that's what I was tring to um for a a public purpose okay all in favor I I any opposed AB unly okay and then um Cindy does that need they don't need to pay it and we reimburse it the city can just pay that right because they received a letter from Parks and Recreation with the bill of 52662 do they need to pay it and then the city reimburse them yeah okay so I'll make sure that um I let them know of that okay and I have one small little concern but I have to make it public because I meet my residents and businesses to know I met with the city manager Deputy city manager the economic development director and the Public Works director on April 23rd about our constant concerns about our sewage I was not pleased with the meeting um specifically because um we we were told that we were going to Fast Track some items and uh two weeks prior to that we approved the lift stations um and we were supposed to move quickly and I remember it exactly because uh Patrick moved to approve and the mayor stopped them so that I could approve it because it was something that I really wanted to do when I spoke with the gentleman at that meeting they said that they did uh contact the City attorney and that they were going to get with the uh procur office to get that done and I asked when did he do that and he said yesterday which was that Monday that's a problem with me because that's not FASTT tracking it if it takes two weeks after we approve it so I'm going to continue to inform the commission inform my constituents that I am not pleased with how we are moving with our SE program although we did um approve something today I would just like for us to move more swiftly on the projects and if I have to continue to bring it up every meeting if I have to go to the paper if I have to go to 26 uh 9 and 35 I will continue to do that until I think that we are moving swiftly on this project because we have been waiting on it for years um on it and especially with the meeting that I got called in which I know all of you got called in separately regarding the FTE findes I I I'm just not pleased with public works when it comes to our water and sewer and I'm just making that statement for the record and that includes the district one report M um the last food giveway we were able to bless 60 families I want to thank the guys of picnic project and Rec coming out serving and then um on last week we had our boys and men social where we had about aund and uh little over 100 and something guys that came out boys and men and so uh excited about that another just BR you an opportunity for our guys to meet with men and uh be able to U just come together so we're going to keep on working to do that for our youth as well as for our men that included my tradition too um just for the record I'll repeat what I uh discussed earlier tonight we've had several fires that uh within the last few days in District three um presumably by some of our homeless um I'm asking again for us to pursue any and all avenues uh to remedy some of these situations uh as well as uh homes that are uh habitually uh hazed by the same individuals and are dealing drugs and having overdoses in them um we have we have to find a better way to deal with some of this and uh and not let people hide under the cover of the law um I have a couple other items uh there is a major Road rehabilitation project being done Craig uh since the other gentlemen aren here um I had a complaint again today about the work being done on Cordova and Concord Concourse a gentleman did a video uh it doesn't it doesn't look like good work road work that's been done over there but I'm not an exper uh and I just want to make sure we have somebody uh checking up on on the uh contractor and the work over um and then my other problem uh my other issue is uh chickens uh and when I travels around the city uh I come across uh folks that are selling eggs uh from their hom grown chickens and I myself would love that have a couple of chickens of my own but uh I know that it is not currently legal in the City of sord it is [Music] when it's not I know so so I want us I want us to have I want us to have that discussion and make it legal before it becomes an issue like the pig issue a couple years ago youall can remember that there was discussion I'll believe you but I could I thought i' looked up ordinance and it had to be like so many feet I don't want to leave that door open there so not to have chicken Tony ROM development services director for the record good evening members of the commission you can have under certain circumstances um for example and I'm just kind of paraphrasing I don't have every Cod memorized but they say youge you can keep chickens if you're 150 ft away from your house so few places in the city of s where you could have it never could you have any roosters I suspect that the the chicken Caper that you're alluding to commissioner is probably in the area of Captain D's restaurant and uh that's not no no that's a that's a different situation no seriously there were roosters in that picture I think there are well intended residents that have chickens and they're also maybe selling egg uh but I do know that it probably uh at least half of them do not meet code uh and so I would like us to review that and reconsider those parameters we we had multiple open uh chicken cases see that's what I'm afraid of I'm afraid of of Mr Cranky Sullivan filing a complaint against his neighbor and his neighbor getting in trouble and his neighbor never intended to I think there was some ambiguity a number of years ago you know the S County modified their ordinance uh my understanding is that theyve since were sended that and I don't know that that's true for certain I'll be search that to be and so I think some folks thought it was okay for a while right we try to get a handle on it and uh you know it's not an accident that in the Citizen Academy when we come in here and we do our our magistrate our mock hearing we use the great chicken Caper because it is something that we have had to deal with and and it's a Nuance I don't want it to be like the pet pig case a couple years ago that made the news one of those we've had one you haven't even known about guy with three pigs in three pigs in the backyard I don't want unintended consequences uh for some well meaning people to have so you would like us to to talk about revising yes so upcoming work session maybe remind us of what the actual ordinance is and maybe examples of other cities that allow chickens chicken understood okay easy give us some options of how we could we're not talking about [Music] talk so um so as I as I mentioned in the works that um of my um of my uh what do we call that I'd like to I'd like to make a motion um for our donation from from um my portion of of our um for public purpose Economic Development etc etc money um of $1,000 to um support uh the annual $1,000 that we uh support the big cat show at cic Center in the city a and that's for a public purpose very much a public purpose we just have to say that so some I'll make that motion second motion second further session all in favor I all right that's that's number one I had a couple of other things and then I just got a shock um Mr B what meeting with with FD why was I not or invited to said meting uh oh we invited each member of the commission and each except two came you were scheduled and you didn't show I never got anything okay I okay with the staff I was told that you were set for a certain time to come in okay if we're going schedule meetings that are as important as that and and and whoever is scheduling them at this point I does not hear back from us should we not be called and notified that there's a there's a meeting that we're about to miss so the two of us I don't know who the other commissioner was the two of us that and I'd love to know if the other commissioner did also was not aware of the meeting um nobody's saying anything the two of us didn't miss that meeting how do we get that rescheduled that's an important thing and I'm really kind of upset that I had got scheduled that had each of you scheduled for a half hour and it will set up by PR I will get with her tomorrow as reschedule one was it was it meeting just with you or was it someone from no okay so we can restu listen guys we need we need a policy maybe it needs to be us if a meeting scheduled those they usually come out to us with an RTP right we're supposed to let you know if we're if we're coming or not if you don't hear that I assume we' be contact I will check to see if she do but do you all not think that maybe we should start having some followup I agree there should be a phone call has actually doing a great job on that I said mrar if you don't hear from me please call my personal cell and I get I I have gotten that response so I'm saying the same thing if you don't hear from me call me okay and let's get that rescheduled please because as soon as um somebody said something I was very much unaware of that meeting and stuff happens Things fall through the cck I totally get that um and and it it certainly hasn't happened before so um you know can't complain much but that concerns me we'll have it rescheduled thank you sir anything else so right now that's it [Music] okay so we are thank you Mr Mayor [Music] I [Music]