hey home oh sh don't I know that nor music so what's the theme of the music thise get on the sun side of the street way looking you know I'm not a you're try to get a hold of your county commissioner it's hard try to get hold your state center was they'll get back to you in about a month you're what AOW y AR started okay okay thanks ER I guess that's your you I'm going to go ahead and goodle what [Music] oh I could do justice of what you do CH training [Music] meet them you go [Music] [Music] everybody everybody [Music] you got a gun what do you want me to take huh off b a video on I do I do okay all right they gave everything that's it should be two yeah there's two back to back yep you got them both you had them they were all together okay got them all together you just got to tell me when roll okay I'll go up and then I'll tell you the roll and after that I'll say a few things and give [Music] that you see [Music] special events yes I saw the name City [Music] commiss sorry we're not used to this big of a crowd this is this is great um we'll call to order the meeting of San francity commission for Monday April 22 2024 first order businesses legislative Prayer by Pastor shandre McGregor of the calary Temple of Praise followed by the pl everyone can please [Music] stand father we thank you for this day that you've allowed all of us to partake in father I thank you for this beautiful city of Sanford I thank you for all the beautiful residents of this beautiful city and I thank you for our elected officials who have been charged to handle the business of this city father we pray that they're able to work with a unified mind and a unified heart to uh move the business of this city forward effectively and efficiently in Jesus name I pray amen amen amen congrulations of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you [Music] we have as you can see a lot of things to celebrate tonight A lot of people and a lot of events going on um great great things going on the city of Sanford And so we're going to start with our Police Department good evening everyone good evening it is my happy privilege to stand before you tonight as we I guess it's a happy and uh a sad occasion as well but we get the opportunity to recognize two of our K9 introduce yourself oh Trel bur is the deputy chief of police of s Police Department I'm sorry I thank you mayor city of commission for the opportunity to I'm just trying to coordinate this there's a lot going on back here I want to make sure that our K9 officers are brought in and there are no incidents everybody stay seated yes please we can have the doorway clear and everybody stay seated but we have an opportunity tonight to recognize two of our k9's they've been with us for roughly six to or 7 years um and it's tonight they retire they had a long and successful career with [Music] us this is that's Ben and here is K9 Bane and as you can see even though it's his retirement he's still ready to work but we have a short video for both of the the kin that you can see tonight some of their work that they've done throughout their careers it'll bring highlight what they've done and what they' meant to the Sanford Police Department their handlers and the citizens of Sanford [Music] [Music] second [Music] radio of the police department ised service of the police [Music] department off with her well we express for his service of sacrifice we wish him well and a well retirement both with Rush relaxation and end [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] get together [Music] unit this is the final read for K of the police department after years of exceptional service to the Police Department K9 is sufficient from Dy hased serving a country off with education and gravery can I with deserve relaxation attendance Adventures the contributions will not be [Music] forgotten and each of the handlers will receive a certification or plaque I'm sorry and the plaque is from Sanford police department and it reads being and recognition of your faithful service and dedication to the citizens of Sanford the Sanford police department and officer Austin Robinson 20 8 to 2024 officer Bane will receive the same plaque but it will be presented to officer Andrew Emery 2017 to 2024 officers Emory and officer Robinson thank you for your service and commitment to the the partners and to the C of samp although the their K9 partners are retiring tomorrow we will be welcoming their new partners so hopefully one day we'll stand before you and retire them as well thank you for your time join their retirement with these officers yes ma'am that'll be brought before you the next meeting to how long are these two boys Wonder a long rewarding career and I hope they have a [Music] long thank you um I would love to but no they don't want me that close to I got pictures of them thank you [Music] want to honor some exceptional young [Music] ladies we can have the water polo teams from s High School come on up [Applause] whereas seal high school girls water polo team completed a historic undefeated season this past weekend in Miami climing the FHSAA state championship with a 10 to6 win in the title game Over West Orange High School and whereas the lady NOS were particularly dominant throughout the playoffs winning their final six games by an average margin of 11 goals per game whereas the team will undoubtedly go down as one of the best Florida high school girls water polo teams of all time with their 31 and0 record a national number one ranking for the spring of 2024 and the most wins in the US among all team States and teams now whereas the team is particularly grateful for the city's steadfast support of the Larry aale Aquatic Center which is provided a venue for scores of young swimmers and water po players to develop their skills since the pool's opening in 20 now therefore I WID by the virtue of the authority vested me as the mayor of the city of Sanford do hereby congratulate the lady noes on their historic achievement of the 2024 FHSAA water polo state champion Tony Aon please come up here I know [Music] conratulations squeeze one way or the other see we have the lovely podium do you want us to do it like how we do our pictures them up over there ex not moving to the right everybody move to the right wait where do the seniors go CU we're easy all right [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] congratulations want to say [Laughter] something I just I want to thank everyone for uh for the support you know we we have a you know we were feeling love and support down in Miami so uh and hopefully we're able to go down in future years and and do it again too so thank you and thanks to our boys team is here shout out to our boys team they were uh they were excellent Excell support my Championship g go ahead the boys did uh the boys also the boys went to the final four for the first time in uh in school history so they they'll be hungry for more [Applause] teach um as principal of 7 High School I have so many things to be proud of uh and I always tell people our sports are just amazing uh and it's not about the wins and the losses it's about young women young men that are growing into exceptional young adults um but WIS are good aren't they guys they are so uh I know they had an exciting team washed out on the porch with my wife uh great things are happening at seal High School academics Arts Athletics were surrounded by amazing coaches new athletic director in the back uh I thank the city commission my friends here they have been more supportive than ever of seminal High School seminal High School is the core of what goes on in Sanford uh and I appreciate everybody's support every Community member support it's funny I come here like I know you and I know you and I know you so uh anyways thank you so much come out support all the sports and I'm I'm so proud of you guys I'm so proud of you gentlemen uh proud of you congratulations [Applause] weightlifting so uh weightlifting tooon and Environ there you go Environ 2o so AC academic state championship weightlifting state championship water polo state championship [Applause] right keep it at Sanford I like it all right ran [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you say you do aner [Music] I was I thought they were lined up across here not really dat [Music] here a little bit better you can see it better [Music] you were here I was wonder where you were standing right here okay next we have a proclamation for Arbor Day and a uh special presentation following that whereas in 1872 the ne Nebraska Board of Agriculture established a special day to be set aside for the planting of trees and whereas the holiday called Arbor Day was first observed with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska and whereas Arbor is now observed throughout the nation and the world whereas the trees can be a solution to combatting climate change by reducing erosion of our precious top soil by wind and water cutting heat and cooling cost moderating the temperature cleaning the air producing oxygen and providing habitat for wildlife whereas trees are a renewable resource giving us paper wood for our homes fuel for our fires and countless other wood products and whereas the trees in our cities increase property values enhance the economic Vitality of business areas and beautify our communities whereas trees wherever they are printed are a source of joy and spiritual renewal and whereas sford has been recognized as a tree City USA by the National Arbor Day Foundation and desires to continue its tree planting ways now therefore I Would by the virtue of the authority vested in me as the mayor of the city of sanord Florida you hereby officially Proclaim Friday April 26 2024 as Arbor Day in the city of San from Florida and I urge all citizens to support efforts to care for our trees and Woodlands to support our communities our City's community forestry program and to plant trees to Gladden the hearts and promote the well-being of present and future [Applause] Generations good evening everybody good even okay so this year we did something a little different than the last three years we did a call to artist um for 2024 Arbor Day trees and me and we did um Miss po would you like to come down from the she's from the u city of Sanford public art commission she's the chairman and um they have this uh utility box WAP project and so we wanted to reach out to students this year from high school for from ages 14 to 19 and so so we selected our winner and his name's Matthew gy and he's from KS Academy and I got a little bio about him Matthew would you like to come up [Applause] please so this is Matthew his artworks up here um in the box is at down at Fort melon um it's in where the green space is there's still construction going on but you can see it it's it's lovely um the media company that that did it they were very impressed they said they want to give you a job that um Matthew 16 he's in the 10th grade at CWS um he is from Filipino and Mexican heritage he has three siblings and a very loving parents Matthew's hobbies are drawing gaming and music and his dream is to become a freelance artist and contri contribute to some type of big project in the future tonight um we have his picture here framed in a frame for him and then he is going to receive a check tonight for $200 from the city of Sanford public [Music] commission them over there okay Robert you want to go by the flag okay why you get to my right this [Applause] that's pretty cool yeah this is this is something that we've endeavored to do the the last few years um Elizabeth's been a big uh help in facilitating a lot of this I will say this is Elizabeth's last year um with the city she's retired so we won't have her here next year for our AR day but she'll definitely be [Music] [Music] missed yeah bring your family up CH then I'm dead never had to do [Music] posted um are you here for denim day sir come on down great whereas the month of April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month calling attention to the fact that sexual assault and harassment is widespread and harms our community and whereas the shocking reality is that one in four women and one in 26 men will be sexually assaulted during their lifetime and whereas the D Day movement started in 1999 as a Grassroots protest against an absurd controversial Italian supreme Supreme Court decision in which a sexual assault conviction was overturned because the victim was wearing tight jeans at the time of her attack whereas denim day is the longest running sexual violence prevention and education campaign in history which seeks to rid the world of erroneous and destructive attitudes about sexual assault and bring about real Justice and support for survivors and whereas denim day encourages everyone to make a social statement by wearing jeans on this day as a visible means of protest against the misconceptions that surround sexual violence and to speak up when they hear comments that blame victims or make light of sexual harassment or assault and whereas together when we can change how people think and talk about this kind of violence and create a culture of respect equality and safety for our entire community and whereas the city of Sanford strongly supports the victim Service Center of Central Florida in their efforts to prevent the traumatizing effects of sexual violence and help heal those that have been impacted now therefore I are at wood by the virtue of the authority vested in me as the mayor of city of Sanford Florida who hereby Proclaim Wednesday April 24th 2024 y get that dat we're all wearing jeans on Wednesday all right as denim day in the city of Sanford and urge all citizens to wear jeans on denim day to help spread awareness about the physical and emotional trauma that accompanies sexual assault and to show our support for survivors in our community thank you very much mayor woodr Commissioners for recognizing denim day here in Sanford we've been at this now for about a decade and this is the first time that we ever invited Sanford to participate but I can tell you they joined great company with uh Orange County Oola County simal County already cities of S A poka um Orlando tomorrow and and you all um I'm my name is Lou damiani I'm the executive director of victim Service Center of Central Florida I'm joined by one of my board members Debbie van Gale who is actually resident here in Sanford and um for 25 years the victim service center has been serving the central Florida Community we run the only Rape Crisis Center in all of Central Florida last year we responded to 350 for sexual assault victims in crisis we provided 3200 therapy sessions and we answered 2200 calls on our 247 helpline and for a total of over 9,000 um individuals that we ended up helping so drawing awareness and attention to this issue is is a is a Monumental undertaking that relies on all of us and we we do that every year on the last Wednesday of April and that is what we call denim day participating is easy easy easy all you need to do wear your jeans as the mayor said on Wednesday and then here's the important part folks take a picture of you and your colleagues dressed in your Denim and then you use a hasht denim day and you post it to your social media we're on every single uh uh social media platform and you tag us at VC Florida and when you do your entire network will be opened up to your post and then it will just spread like wildfire last year um we reached all the way into Southern Georgia so our little agency is making an impact and we're creating a conversation about sexual violence and how we aren't going to tolerate it here in our community so I commend you all for participating I plan on coming back every year I saw that commissioner mahy was in advance with her denim on so thank you for that um and and we really appreciate you making time for us today thank you than you for all [Applause] [Music] now do I that to volunteers volunteers read that one okay so um we have quite a few volunteers that have been nominated to be recognized and so I'm going to read the the proclamation and then we will read a little bit about each of the the volunteers and at that time if the volunteer and if the person who um nominated them this year um if y'all would come on up um we've got a copy of the Proclamation and a little gift for you and then of course we will take pictures so whereas National volunteer week was established by Presidential Proclamation signed by Richard Nixon in 1974 to promote and show appreciation for volunteerism whereas more than 77 million Americans give their time and service each year and whereas the city of Sanford wishes to join the corporation for National and community service the national league of cities the National Association of counties the points of light Foundation along with Mayors and County officials across the country and recognizing the significant contributions of volunteers whereas the city of Sanford is blessed to have many organizations and individuals who selflessly give up their time and talent helping others and improving our community and whereas volunteers are motivated by the satisfaction of helping their neighbors and their fellow fellow citizens and making your community a better place to live and whereas the city wishes to recognize the impact of these Volunteers in our community now therefore I art wer by the virtue of the authority vested in me as the mayor of city of Sanford Florida do hereby Proclaim April 21 through 27 2024 is National volunteer week in our great City and honor the hard work and selfless dedication of the volunteers in the city of Sanford I commend and thank the many residents who donate their time and effort in the spirit of volunteerism making the city of a great place to live and move so whereas the city in BR Henderson wish to recognize Dr Pat Patrice Anderson for her work with Westside Community youth minoring since 2014 serving hundreds of teens and making a lifelong impact on their lives [Applause] got oh I had the wrong information weasa said and in Savannah LD pool and Bri Jones wish to recognize Julia Brunson Who as a leader of the Georgetown steering team s preserve the history of the community and promoted events to recognize the importance of that history [Music] you look just beautiful today you look so pretty whereas the city and Jennifer Eve wish to recognize the central Florida cemetery project which has worked for the Last 5 Years cleaning and restoring Sanford cemeteries including repairing hundreds of headstones where as a city in mild Caribbean wish to recognize stash and Diane DC for incredible dedication and generosity in supporting the Sanford Police Department their unwavering commitment to the community along with their smiles and selflessness have touched countless lives and we are endlessly grateful for the light that bring t [Applause] [Music] whereas the city and Bri Jones wish to recognize Carlton Edge who was born and raised in bookertown and now is known as The Unofficial mayor of Booker Town continually working to keep the town going [Applause] welome whereas the city and Savannah B pool and Dr Deborah Bower which to recognize Jennifer E who along with the central Florida cemetery project has worked tirelessly to restore and preserve paig Jackson cemetery and our Municipal Cemetery Jennifer works with the Sanford Parks and Recreation Department the Sanford Museum and the Sanford historical society and the preservation and restoration of important local Sanford and simol county [Applause] is whereas the city and Bri Jones wish to recognize Emery and Shannon green who have worked through the Midway coalition to improve the quality of life for all Midway residents their advocacy and service has helped bring attention and solutions to the neighborhood and the events they sponsor enhance the community [Applause] yay Sports [Music] whereas the city and Megan Killingsworth wish to recognize Jamie Grover who gives volunteer leadership to the special needs advocacy program which supports families and children who have disabilities and helps folks to navigate challenges trying to access disability resources because of Jamie G know they are seen cared for and [Applause] remembered Sor whereas the city and Bre owns wish to recognize Robert guy for his leadership in creating and managing the young men of Excellence program in s County school for his involvement with the Georgetown steering committee and his service to the Emancipation Proclamation celebration [Applause] [Music] event whereas the city in Savannah B wish to recognize Teresa Johnson who along with the central Florida cemetery project has volunteered time and effort in the presentation preservation of sanord cemetery history veteran history and family genealogy working with Jennifer Eve Teresa has assisted in restoration and placement of any headstones in Sanford Municipal cemeteries [Applause] [Music] can you get more than one me oh okay whereas the city and China Brittain wish to recognize lean kki who stands out as a true Beacon within the city of Sanford optimizing the spirit of volunteerism and account community service Leon's contributions as the district one volunteer where he devotes countless hours assisting constituents and business owners underscore his commitment to fostering a supportive and thriving [Applause] Community whereas a city in marimar rosero wish to recognize Maria Louisa Lord who serves on the REI committee organized a foreign direct investment convention to remote Sanford in Central Florida volunteers with the Emancipation celebration right to freedom and his inspiration for all of us as she brings progress and joy to the town where is the city in Brent Henderson wish to recognize marshan McBride who started Community Girl Scout Troop 226 at Westside Community Center 15 years ago and that trip is still meting and providing girls hope and [Applause] opportunity I love your talk whereas the city and William Negron wish to recognize Shannon Negron for her work with Hamilton Elementary School PTA including volunteering at the school at least once a week she also leads the Nana Ministry for elementary age children at her church she is always thanking and doing for [Applause] others whereas the city in Megan Killingsworth wish to recognize Aron odonnell who works behind the scenes for many sford nonprofits she chairs the board for the picnic project writes transf for nonprofits and helps connect the dots across organizations serving our city because of errands behind the scenes work many others can do more of the work they love and more people can be impacted by Community [Applause] programing whereas theet Embry Jones wish to recognize Francis Oliver who is collected the history of Goldsboro for many years she has formed and used the Goldsboro Museum as a way to share the history of gold with others the Museum's Library highlights countless local authors and stories giving them a platform to reach a large audience [Applause] where as a city and dominant puso wish to recognize Randy Richardson who coaches three youth flag football teams in our sford Parks and Recreation police athletically one team in each age division he is a great mentor and leader to all the kids he coaches and has a passion for coaching the kids Randy is one of our finest coaches I was wondering why Dominic came this whereas the city and Brent Henderson wish to recognize Rebecca Richie who is a longtime volunteer for the Westside Community Center and the voice and Girls Club program she was the Reading Coach and ran a reading program called rap which taught kids how to sound out Works she also serves on the picnic project board the Simo County Schools Equity advisory advisory committee and Golds Ro front porch she also going to be recognized by a congressman on coming [Music] soon whereas the city in Holton Mills Patrick Austin and chinaa Britain wish to recognize Kimberly Walker who leads the PTA at All Souls Catholic School guides the women build team for Habitat for Humanity supports the rotary Rotary Club of Sanford as secretary and president-elect serves on the pines and Paul's board and on leader Seal's executive councel Kimberly's Tire efforts to support those in need truly contribute to the strengthening of our community and whereas the city and Mary Snipes wish to recognize Gillian Wilson who adds so much to the activities at the Sanford Senior Center she is the face of mobile access and supports many activities for the seniors of Sanford treats staff and participants with respect and integrity and adds a special touch to the progress [Applause] and to all of you thank you for everything you do for [Applause] all we get everybody slide down this mm [Music] [Laughter] [Music] n you're great yall [Music] Take N move out the way I'm moving [Music] kud kud the mayor Woodruff for doing this program different this year we had a much bigger response and uh this is pretty cool [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] smile than so [Music] thank you I [Music] [Music] know conratulations make [Music] [Music] [Music] blur lur Flur [Music] all [Music] [Music] right piure the one you gave last [Music] [Music] next we have a a proclamation for municipal clerk week whereas the office of professional municipal clerk a time honored and vital part of local government exists throughout the world and whereas the office of professional municipal clerk is the oldest among public servants and whereas the office of professional municipal clerk provides a professional link between the citizens the local governing bodies and agencies of government at other levels whereas professional Municipal clerks have pledged to be ever mindful of neutrality and partiality rendering equal service to all whereas a professional municipal clerk serves as the information center on functions of local government and Community who as professional Municipal clerks continually strive to improve the administration of the Affairs of the office of the professional municipal clerk through participation in education programs seminars workshops and the annual meetings of their State provincial County and international professional organizations whereas it is the most appropriate for the city to recognize the accomplishments of the office of the professional municipal clerk now therefore iart Wier by the virtue of the authority vested to me as the mayor of city of Sanford do hereby recognize the week of May 5 to 11 2024 as Municipal Clerk's week and recognize that the Florida Association of city clerks the professional association for Florida's Municipal clerks and further extend appreciation to Trac Tracy hin city clerk MMC fcrm and Kathy Lampo Deputy city clerk CMC and to all professional Municipal clerks for the vital Services they perform and their exemplary dedication to communi a [Applause] represent yeah I notic we want to go over there or think so [Music] thank than thank you okay back here very patiently whereas Public Works professionals focus on infrastructure facilities and services that are vital of vital importance to the S sustainable and resilient communities and to the public health high quality of life and wellbeing of the people of the city of Sanford whereas these infrastructures facilities and services could not be provided without the dedicated efforts of Public Works professionals who are Engineers man managers and employees at all levels of government and the private sector who are responsible for rebuilding improving and protecting our nation's Transportation water supply water treatment and Solid Waste Systems public buildings and other structures and Facilities ESS essential for our citizens where is in whereas it is in the public interest for the citizens Civic leaders and children in the city of Sanford to gain knowledge of and to maintain an ongoing interest and understanding of the importance of Public Works and Public Works programs in respective communities whereas the Public Works professionals provide essential solid waste and right Recycling services for the citizens and why didn't we call them up here before I start a reading all come on [Music] [Applause] down Everybody Go Britney oh [Music] I where I was whereas the Public Works professionals provide essential Solid Waste and Recycling services for the citizens and whereas the 2024 the year 2024 marks the 64th annual National Public Works week sponsored by the American public works Association and the Canadian Public Works Association whereas the city of Stanford urges all citizens to join with representatives of the American public works Association and government agencies in activities events and ceremonies designed to pay tribute to our Public Works professionals Engineers managers and employees and to recognize the substantial contributions they make protecting our national health safety and quality of life now therefore I art Wier by the virtue of the authority vested me as the mayor of city of Sanford you hereby proclaim the week of May 19 to 25 2024 is national public work [Applause] than thank you yay no just before you all sit down I just want to say uh thank you all for your hard work I know we don't often times get the compliments and the accolades but um trust me your work does not go unnoticed and unappreciated so I want to thank you all for everything that you do for the city of sanord thank you [Applause] [Music] hey here [Music] Swit back one and two all going to say for the whole Mee Chas them all than you got to make that requirement we're doing proclamations at the end of the okay so that brings us to the business commission minutes um april8 2024 work session in regular meeting motion second any discussion all in [Music] favor consent a through approve second all in favor iy hearing orance 2024 4774 yes Mr ask foring all provisions of part two chapter 2 Administration Article 5 Economic Development Vision three supplemental economic or tourism development program of the code of ordinances of the city of San city code to include sections 2373 through 2385 of the city code providing for legislative findings and intent providing for impl administrative actions provid for sa provision provide for confli provide for setability provide for compation and the correction of in providing for an effec that's Mr Mayor memb of the city commission City staff recommend that the city commission adopt ordinance number 4774 as read by the assistant City attorney that repeals the provisions of the city code relating to economic or tourism development incentives program this is a public and anyone from audience wish to speak to this I do want to ask our economic development director that did not get a chance to speak with him about this before I don't know if you had a chance toar City Sanford Economic Development you would ask mayor specifically that between the first and second reading we reach out to the airport and get their uh take on this matter of fact Cynthia and I were speaking about this a few minutes ago I did speak with Robert uty Nicole and other key players out there and we don't anticipate this being a hindrance this repeal of being a hindrance for any of the future projects uh primarily the ones who are working with L on right now economic partnership okay thank you appreciate that anyone else to speak close the public hearing approve second second any further discussion all in favor I any opposed pass uh first reading of ordinance 2020 or 4775 yes mayor of the city of San flating by voluntary petition certain real property tax Parts implication number 0320 [Music] 31501 which is generally addressed to 2705 Avenue located continuous to the city of sord together with Associated rway within the area of the annex property in accordance to the voluntary annexation provisions of section 17144 fora statutes redefine the boundaries of the city of San in property many City andion Section 16631 statute provid finding provid for conditions the C court with the chief Office county and with the Department of State providing for legal description and a map and providing for the incorporation of that exhibit fing all ordinances and with providing for cability providing forication and The Taking of administrative action then providing for an effective that's Mr Mayor members of City commission City staff have reviewed the request foration and found the request to meet criteria set forth from the FL the statute therefore there's a city staff recommendation City commission approve ordinance number 4775 of unex the property is legally described into the city of s this is a public hearing anyone from the audience speak to this move to approve second second all in favor I opposed pass un first reading 4776 yes Mr Mayor an ordinance of the city of sanord for amending the city of sanord Competency plan as previously amended providing for Amendment of the future Landing M of the future element of the city of s conferen plan relative to certain real property 9.36 acres in size owned by acccg tax part identification number and this is the same property Supply ordinance this the pilot is is of this origin so the same tax identification as the annexation Orin read said property being addressed at 2705 Richmond Avenue providing for the future land Des amended from simal count high intensity plan development airport H AP decidious Airport Industrial encage AIC providing for legislative find intent providing for the assignment of the land use designation for the property providing for setability providing for vcation prior acts of the city providing for conflicts providing forication and directions to the codifier and providing for an effective dat that's Mr Mayor members of City Commission on April the 4th of 2024 the city's Planning and Zoning commission voted to recommend that the city commission approve ordinance number 4776 in therefore is St recommendation that the city commission approve ordinance number 4776 okay this is the public heing anyone from speak to see no move to approve second motion second any further discussion all in favor any opposed reading of ordinance first reading of ordinance 47 77 yes Mr Mayor said the city s providing for the resoning of the parcel of real property approximately 9.36 in size located at 2705 Richard Avenue and assigned tax paral identification number the same number as was read in ordinance number 2024 4775 by the C County property which property is located within the San City Limits after the PD property is attached C count agriculture a to City Land Development CD providing for fining providing for the taking of impl administrative actions providing for the adoption of a map by reference providing for conflict providing for cability providing foration and providing for Effective dat that's your May Mr Mayor m city commission City staff recommend City commission approved the first reading of ordinance number 4777 with the resoning subject following to the conditions stated in the staff report this is a qualif Judicial matter and as such requires of to part Communications investigation regarding this [Music] matter this is a public hearing anyone from the to speak i'lliss second discuss in favor yes Mr May City commission City staff recomends the city Commission approv replant of Concord phase 3 a 121 blot phase of the single family subdivision located at 200 silver dist Boulevard based on consistency with the Land Development regulations and compliance with chapter 177 of the Florida State statutes subject to the meeting order legal and Technical requirements as determined by the City attorney and the city survey this say the quat are mattering n such requires disclosure of all communication station [Music] so motion or question questions yes I yeah we have a question just real quick [Music] okay just what are we actually it's a replot what what what happened oh no the original plot was the um Silver Lakes industrial park and we are replotting the industrial park to the residential that we approved this is just phase three of Concord okay we've already done phase one and phase two okay so phase three's infrastructure is now in and we're getting ready to record the pl okay got it thank you Mo further question move to approve second Mo second any further discussion all in favor any oppos pass um to Mr Mayor m city commission St staff recommends that the city commission approve the recap of semal town center track 1 and two located at 30 at 350 town center circle based on consistency with the Land Development regulations in compliance with chapter 177 of the Florida State Statute subject to the P meeting all the legal technical requirements as determined by the City attorney and City surveyor prior to being recorded okay this is a project matter and asset requires disclosure of exper communication investigation matter I wish I had let you walk all the way back there because I have a question I talked to staff about this I need to dis close that did you get an expert opinion yeah was s that require I mean generally I I I trust that these are done right and I don't ever really have questions once I figured out what they were but since this is the mall I don't understand what we're doing what's what's the point with this flatting out two portions to be able to sell them we're breaking off a piece of the mall to sell it which can I tell them what it is if you know what it is tell Meck and old mean Burlington okay and I have talked to Mr lard about this in the past you expert well I didn't say that now I understand what we're doing thank did you hold on hold on hold on I want to clarify something Dix is not going anywhere they do not own the building they are a renter of that building and that building is being sold that that is correct has a number of years uh left saying the single digits left on their lease to put in perspective to E's Point uh the dick space is about 60,000 Square ft uh the former Burlington was about 60,000 ft this is the first step in what we hope to be many steps uh in the trading of of the mall so uh the mall is the mall all is 1.31 579 ft and this is 120,000 ft of that so it's just under 10% of the total mall so it's that's a good step forward so this will be placed in private hands similar to elevate deler J all right thank May m of the commission I want thank both e and Mr Brady for working on this this is working towards the revitalization of the semal down I I being that it's my commission District I I'm in full support of it right thank you so do we have a motion I'll move to approve second motion second any further discussion all in favor opposed brings us to the reput of leadership Ling subis yes it's amend the city commission City staff recommends the city commission approved the final plat for leadership Lane subdivision located at 12 9 West 20th Street based on consistency with Land Development regulations and compliance with chapter 177 Florida State Statute subject to the plat meeting all the legal and Technical requirements that determined by the City attorney and the city surveyor prior to being and this will be a subject into six slots consisting of single family homes and this is a project judicial matter and as such requires disposure of all Communications es station site visit regarding this matter none regarding the planations mo approve motion second second any further discussion all in favor I any opposed pass approve the preliminary subdivision plan for Mr Mayor M of City Commission on April the 4th of 2024 the city's planning and z commission consistent with the recommendation City staff approved the prary subdivision for 905 West 25th Street in conjunction with the conditional use for the urban Ino Bas and consistently with the goals objectives and policies of the SE comprehensive plan this is calling for one night for 19 unit single family detached community in the residential district and this is a qu matter requ investigation questions or motions second further discussion all in favor passion for 2900 West Airport progam yes Mr Mayor M the city commission under March 7th of 2024 the city planing Zone information consisted of the consent to the recommendation of the staff approve the preliminary subdivision plan at 2900 West Airport will in conjunction with the conditional use for the urban in based on consistency with the goals objectives and policies of the city's comprehensive plan staff recommend City commission approved the preliminary subdivision based on its consistency goes and policies and this is a matter of all exper naations investigation next questions or motion approve second motion second further discussion all in favor any opposed Mr Mayor I would point out that the last couple of items have been with Habitat to humanity and there is a representative for Habitat thank you thank you all how many units did we just go through a bunch okay 36 officially I don't know what the first one was be all right uh Source procur yes Mr may members of City commission City staff recommend City commission approve theing solce procurement for theral air blow dry equipment from thermal processed systems in the amount of $ 38,1 120 for the remainder of the hold on Mr Bart you said we're spending 38,000 on a blow jar move to approve second you he said he thinks he's still that's not what it said motion a second any further discussion all in favor yes City commission City staff recommend City commission approved any remain expance in the amount of 84,000 F rold pumps internal mix Li certifier mixer vales clo leaders and level senses from PSI technologies will now not to exceed $175,800 [Music] all in favor attorney comments just two things quickly first of all it's always such a blessing to come here this mie is so Dynamic interesting and diverse that just touches my heart every time I'm here and I really appreciate the opportunity to be here they soundy but that's the fact and the second thing is I I realized that there was a shortage of proclamation tonight and I really regret not bring forth the L for May so I apologize time thank you thank city clerk's report I just want to remind you that we do need to um appoint a Sanford Museum board member this evening I did put some of the applications on your open just one new board member okay I move approve Jean cire I would second that is this one person Mr parkme was was he on the C before no no I'm not sure he's been on he just involved in love your shorts but he's not been on the city before that he with the newspaper okay he says no he hadn't sech on the board okay all right so how many are we doing for just one I think one okay all right so we have a motion on J km second all in favor any opposed and I think it's worth saying you had a lot of great ad for that board yes hope that they willse Madam clerk okay we don't need to do the c one the supposed to do c but we got weever get yeah we got last meeting okay you want to you can go ahead and do that remember you forgot the no I didn't because I I'm I would say Tim go okay there's only a year left yeah I talked um um when it came up explain to him now what what the situation is I believe he talked to a couple of the C members that's going on need to get somebody over there a motion I'll make a motion to appoint Tim Dolan to the city uh the C Board second motion second any further discussion all in favor oppos city manager report May nothing to report except to say that I P today's meeting with the recognition of volunteers Public Works city park that was a very nice touch to say this is what the city government does so I want to thank the commission for recognizing right which brings us to Citizens participation is anyone in the audience wish to speak to the commission I do have one comment [Music] uman cury um there are multiple cricket teams and leagues within with many sampa residents required to all the way to Holden Avenue and Central orle Cricket instead of inal fields here in s so maybe we can make the BS for our Fields Cricket field well this that's just another reason why we need more multi-purpose Fields yes they play cricket in green I don't think they had done it on 18 it's not usable anymore it's been destroyed what happened to it B oh we've used it too many times as a dump site am I speaking out of ter Mr B okay tell us about it and we don't it's my understanding we don't want to put an investment into it because it's the only space we have left for those kind of situations well it's not officially a park either right Parks yeah it's not officially a park we do have a lot of activities that happen at the park football practice uh golf practice um we have the teams that do show up for the cricket um they have kind of set their own pitch up and they show up in droves and play um but yeah we don't have a field officially for Crick how large of a space do you need for Cricket field what is the the size of cricket uh it's a little bit it's a little bit larger than like a softball field oh it looks like they're playing softball it's it's similar but different okay what's the condition of the the turf Feld very uneven um with the uh last couple of storms that we've had it's it's had a lot of debris placed on it um all the debrises didn't removed but the ground hasn't been leveled out so there's quite a bit of um [Music] ulation throughout the entire site probably got 10 acres thank you we uh it's in my district and uh me and the Lisa Jones I have several discussions about it um we kick some ideas around but um it's really not in our best interest to put a whole lot of money into it need it for those unfortunate occasions yes ma'am there is going to be a group in the May meeting that is going to be discussing that a little bit more in depth but the one gentleman who was in charge of the group we just overseas so he won't be back until May okay [Music] thank all right anyone else want to anybody from Okay so commission okay um I have a couple of concerns might take about five minutes I won't keep you long on uh suery Avenue the elevation of the subdivisions is really concerning me remember new tribes Mission sold the property there I'm looking at the homes that are being built and it from what was presented to us is not what I see there the the houses are very high I foresee their being lots of water um coming down into celery there there's uh trees that are planted behind the house on a a a decline I'm just really concerned about that and I don't recall seeing that kind of elevation when it was presented to us I you don't have to come up if you can look into that for me and then I can talk talk to you sometime this week but that's it's really really concerning I don't know if a fence is going to go there but if you're standing on the street Street literally the where the house is is above your head almost really and I don't understand why that elevation is so high and then it is a clear like there's no backyard for the houses that are on celery Avenue it literally goes it's a slope so let's I want to talk about that um there are two large boxes on seminal Boulevard where um pal Meadow and Simo Boulevard like you're going towards the marina and I wanted to know if those big electrical boxes are are our are ours those are fbl those are are we able to wrap those I think that the art commission could do something beautiful with those they're they're their big sword ey swords we do too oh you can't do anything not right now okay well I I was walking and I saw that and I was like that would be a great reason place to um Chris remind me what the problem was with those it it it it wasn't an easy agreement As I understood yeah FPL only only allows some people aren't as Cooperative as others okay I think it's now that one has been a a source of frustration for the public art commission for a couple of years commissioner Britain we haven't forgotten about them oh I I had never heard anything about them I just I noticed on the walk and I was like oh my God that would be really nice yeah it's it's amazing how how these giant corporations that have you know use of our right away yeah okay personally I think we should just wrap them anyway and see what happens um it's see right here now so yeah those two big ones right there exactly that L not it's not one in my front yard well apply for it we have them all through l in our front yards I know well we need to Patrick we're moving down we're mov I mean we just W how many just how many just yeah we're moving we're moving along I'll bring it up again tomorrow at the public art commission meeting thank you see okay it's not a big concern I was just when I saw them I was I wondered if we had thought about it or not trash okay so I pick up trash in my district tomorrow I'll be in celery heys picking up trash in my Sub sub my subdivision the trash behind the Wells Fargo building was like I've never seen before and there were literally 14 of the large alcohol glass bottles in the Medan and isn't that don't we take uh we lease that parking lot are do we not do the maintenance of it too the median where so behind the Well Fargo Building Muhammad's parking lot okay so there's like a little grass I'm saying it's a medium but the little grass area that separates the the cars it was completely filled with trash I could not lift the bag to put it in the dumpster because that's how much trash that was in the bag just from that little grassy area was that that was last week what what day ago you remember Wednesday okay I believe um it was the weekend I would say maybe we didn't have anybody no it was during cuz I will walk during the week during the week we should have somebody check it but it looked like it had not been done there's no way it that that it was that much trash overnight and some of the stuff had just been like you know you can tell that it had been trampled so have been there a lot so but the amount of alcohol that was there I mean I don't know so I was talking with a couple of residents um and business owners and I would like to do some kind of campaign I don't really want to elaborate on all of that now um but I don't believe that we have any trash can in that parking lot um but it was it was a lot and I took pictures of it and whatnot but again what I'm saying is I I go from 7th all the way to 1st and I pick up trash on Sanford Avenue the amount of trash was about five times more than what I pick up on all of Sanford Avenue just in that small grassy area there it was a lot so we need to I don't know so I wonder if once we took that parking lot if the word ever got to the people clean up ourselves we look into that also we'll look trash can okay you know what I'm curious about is are these people doing a lot like what bring you in bottle I mean not it had to be P these weren't just like the little Coors Light bottles these were the Tito yeah yeah vka B bottles it was 14 that's scary on a lot of levels yeah and that and that and that's 14 bottles not including the small glass bottles I've also noticed a lot on tampered Avenue the glass cups real so because they're always in the beds they walk out of the bars so that's really concerning I know we have uh Edgar and the other gentleman they do a really good job of cleaning but they have so much going on so sometimes I go in and I pull what's in the bed out and it is usually one time a week I have two or three glasses outside of the beds so I I I don't know no sure okay um this one isn't in my district but I just have a question the Auto Train on perent it's now it it's getting really long and I took pictures which I'm not going to hold yall up but turning onto pmen and people trying to come out because they cannot see the traffic and then sometimes traffic will stop as a courtesy to let people out when that's not really legal that that's becoming a nightmare and there is no Side Road any had a discussion that is going to address part of that when they do the project there well something's got to be done I mean I agree I see but I agree because I don't know if that day you saw it she it wraps around guys all the way to airport so uh there's something that we can can do to that F fdot this summer is starting their uh um maintenance project which is a Paving project with that they are doing lighted intersections at three areas um for Simmons is one of them well let me ask you know but so we're going to have to wait until summer before somebody get hit this it's real dangerous it's understood but it's on their on fdot's timeline um they've let out the project so I know they put it out for bidding where they're at in that process I'm not sure um but I know the plan for the summer is to be doing the work but they're also I think supposed to put in a dedicated turn line all that guys all that just second was she saying all that sound great but I'm telling you it's very dangerous an accident is bound to happen is that dangerous you have to creep out I live on you have to creep out to get out and now like I said say they swung all the way around not just that perum right they're line all the way back goes up the hill the airport go up the hill and then down the hill at the airport there's a line they're even putting warning lights as you're coming up over the hill to to warn drivers of cars being in there it's crazy side of road so something I'm letting y know something happen we need something well PR I'm asking the deputy police chief to see if we can have some of these officers cuz that's only a one time well couple of hours but that's when the train is loading yes couple but it's a couple hours almost every day but why has it gotten so much worse I I don't think it has been going on for a long time no it's been going yeah it's got worse it's gotten worse I drive up and down all the time and I was shock down during the pandemic right back to what it was like whatever happened to that project that Congressman Michael was working on with the the overhead y remember that yes that's something Commission of we has been asking about we have gotten with do we have gotten with the Amtrak because they Amtrak the do needed permission from ANA to go on certain properties and they were having difficulty doing that and and I mean I I was shocked the train could handle that number of cars I mean I had no idea okay I'm almost done um I wanted to bring it before the commission we talked about a little bit uh about it during the work session uh the three businesses that are uh impacted by our sewer system hollack toughies and Stanford bre company I asked Mr bipart to look into what's the possibility of reimbursement and I wanted to address it to the commission because they have to buy clean up supplies they they also have to shut down um sometimes they have to tell employes you know to go home and whatnot and so I asked Mr bonapart to look in that and I wanted to know how you all felt about it and then also thinking outside of the box is it possible to do a credit on their utility bill because technically they're paying for something that yeah you know um we are not providing the service that they're paying for and what happened to the toilets I saw they were looking into that are we going to be able to provide toilet uh Brady was looking into that um I have not read the the lady's email on that but uh he was looking into that but that doesn't um help the fact that one of the businesses was sped again right Patrick I know but I I as as we're discussing all of it I wanted to have the toilets too and so these are only three that let keep we should be a do something well I mean let's let the cting manager answer the question yes we are looking at matter fact we had conversations about maybe looking at getting a contractor that if does happen that the City Contractor could go and assist in the cleanup so it's not all on the property owner on businesses okay but okay so okay um that one doesn't satisfy me Mr donart I mean then that means they that's another step that they've got to do it's already difficult for them to get someone to come out on time to to to to bring the vacuum truck now they've got to wait for some someone in management to get a contractor to come out that's another Che we were looking at having an on board contractor so we just need to call contractors so go out and do it yeah still it doesn't matter that still takes a lot longer if I've got waste I'm trying to clean it up immediately I'm going to ask my staff would you help me if I'm a business owner I'm trying to take care of that immediately especially if I have staff there I've got a buy the MS I can't wait for for the city to dispatch someone out there not when that it's it's immediately happening but that's that's just how I feel about it it was my business so anyway I brought that to the commission wanted to know how y'all felt about that um and last but not least commissioner Britain is returning to school and I wanted to publicly State Dr Loren has done a phenomenal job at Simo State College I had a conversation with the administrative staff about how to welcome returning students uh especially the those um like myself who are in you know that uh second chapter of their life where their children um are now adults and I'm an empty nester and going back to school is high priority for me um the city of Sanford and Lake Mary have a um phenomenal education higher education system and I just wanted to publicly thank Dr Lauren for that and the ad Administration staff uh for not only assisting me but for other adults going back uh to school and that concludes the dist report just to reminders um my uh community meeting be at 6:00 on uh Thursday uh we as always have City staff and I have bu on public school with a lot of information then we'll be doing the food giveaway at uh mentley Wilson Park at 3 pm um my guy our team uh Mr Ben ly and the guys the young inors we were out there serving uh RO with picnic project uh just to brag on those guys there really uh went out to the event on this past Saturday and uh Every Blessing they get they deserve because uh Mark and Ryan have very big hearts and don't mind giving to any and everybody so I really appreciate those guys that's it on my end um I asked um the chair of the public art commission earlier um but if you could make a note Miss's not here uh I'd like to know when they're doing um those box RS in my district they did a new one the other day and I was surpris to see it well we can let you know I mean is there a reason you want you want to be there I've asked for before we're still it's going to kind of be last minute cuz we never really know no what day it's not last minute you know they're getting done you know they're going to get done but we can't tell you it's a Tuesday at 3 I'm not asking what time I'm asking just to be told they're actually being done because I had asked before for more projects in my district so I'm happy about that but I didn't even know it was getting done so I would just like better communication on that um and then the second part is uh I would like to uh use some of my funds uh to donate uh how do you say it interest of public uh for the uh for the girls state championship rings a donation to the booster club uh to help fund those that is that a public purpose for the city we give a ton of money to young men of excellence and young women of Excellence every I don't know what the difference is versus RS put that what are we paying for mentoring those the public employees already paid to do the work for we pay for shirts I think what we pay for okay motion I don't can I make a motion on yeah I move to use uh $500 of my commissioner funds to donate to uh s high school booster club I second all in [Music] favor thank you Comm well two things first of all um uh and I'm surprised um nobody else already mentioned it you know we we lost a jewel in our community in cast yes heartbreaking um I cannot tell you what a wonderful man he was I served on several boards with him we Pastor Murphy for a long time had nothing but but respect for pastor Murphy and um I uh I know that his mission is going to continue and be run by his family and I just hope that we all can you know support them as much as we can individually and as a city because Castor Murphy did one he didn't just talk to talk he walk to Walk he did so much for the city of sanord um and so that's the first thing and the second thing is please y'all don't forget fellow Commissioners fellow city employees this coming weekend is this the St John's River Festival of the Arts I know the mayor's going to be out of town but I'm hoping to see everybody else at least get a chance to stop by and and uh when you do buy something when you that's right when you do please thank the artist let them know you're a City Commissioner uh the Art Festival Loves for us to um go out and say hey I represent the city of Sanford and want to thank you for being here it's harder than you think to to get really good quality artists and the Art Festival does a great job of that and so let them know how much we appreciate them else and um that's all I have tonight um I was thinking maybe at the next meeting it might be um a good idea to give a little update to everyone on where we are going for that out I see a lot of those emails I'm not sure the rest of the commission is is up on that and I sort of allra a little bit about exactly where we are um there have been a couple of times lately where um either police or fire has been recognized for going above and beyond the fire department ended up rescuing one of their own um men um and I see it you know um the hospital you the hospital or just the the department you know recognizes them I'm wondering if those kinds of things maybe we have I know guess you have to then you have to talk about well what what do you have to do to get I think we can work that out I think as I said earlier that when the city commission is recognizing city employees Public Work CL and others if that's mean well not your time but but you are we we'll put five we'll put five more minutes on this clock um we did the retirement tonight for the dogs but we never do that for our employees or officers or anybody else that's I I think we need to step up our game and in uh recognizing our employees overall at commission seem like we used to do that more I remember police officers that years ago but I'm we do when they do their guns because we have to approve that no I'm even saying you know other employees I don't know that we really recogniz we got a 35 year employee maybe they don't want to come to commission meeting out saying something may some don't want yeah don't let give the let okay that wey