yeah about what e e e e e e e ail hear you can't hear you we'll go ahead and call to order the meeting commissioner mahany [Music] sorry my apologies you guys uh first order of business is legislative prayer led by Pastor Sam toan Police Department pleas rise good evening would you please bow your heads in your hearts with me this evening father I want to thank you for the beautiful beautiful day that you gave us today to enjoy in this wonderful City that we call home thank you so much for that Lord as we gather together tonight uh for the purpose of the business of the city Lord I just want to thank you for those who have uh come for taken the initiative to learn more about our city and go through the program that they did on want to thank you for those who uh volunteer to assist our city whether it be a department specifically as a police department or other areas of the city we're thankful for that and those people and Lord I want to especially thank those who have stand up and be counted as leaders in this community and I want to pray tonight especially for uh this commission and for our leaders who are here this evening father that you would give them wisdom that you would help them to be able to understand the next best step to take in regard to uh how to continue to move Sanford forward we're just thankful Lord for the blessings that you've given us and we are asking you to continue to do that it's in your name tonight I pray amen please remain standing FL United States of America for it stands one nation God indivisible [Music] and thank you Pastor a number our presentations tonight um first we're going to start with a legislative update we have Senator Jason brother here upate on there he is there he is Aus for a minute and represent D Smith is also here so they will be giving us a update from the legislative session brother thank you very much Mr Mayor and thank you all for having me this evening to do a bit of a legislative update of what we've accomplished this year uh by way of a little bit of housekeeping a reminder that uh every year the Florida legislature goes in for a 60-day session and we just completed ours last month for the year so we actually don't go back to do anything else until March of 2025 so we hope we did a pretty good job I think we did um we did a number of different things that are going to affect the state but more importantly I think we did really well locally for a lot of the priorities of Sanford and seal County I'll go through what some of those are so you understand what what might be coming uh we had a $17 billion budget this year but here is the caveat the governor has not signed the budget yet Florida's fiscal year runs July 1st to June 30th so the governor has until July 1st to act uh no and so a lot of the things that I will cover tonight are things that pass the house and the Senate but have yet to be signed by the governor and so we'll have an asteris by a lot of these things just in case um the governor wants to bring that number down um we have heard anecdotally that he does want to make some adjustments to that budget and because he only has line item veto Authority that just means down he is not able to add anything to what we did a couple of the big highlights this year um besides the budget one of the big things that um I did this year was for a number of years we have struggled to meet the needs of our families of those with disabilities and this year I ran the agency for persons with disability bill that funded categories 3 four and five on the weit list to make sure those folks got services and so in working with a lot of folks already that are here um and my staff we are able to make sure that as folks um are not covered under either a federal plan or an existing state plan that we're augmenting that we've also lowered the uh age for caregivers from 70 to 60 as to when they can be on category 4 weight list and that'll help folks get Services as well it's something you may have read about in the paper for a number of years uh and this year we were finally able to fix fix it and lastly the governor was in town this morning and we signed a uh bill that is uh called the revive awareness day we all know that fentel and opioids have been a scorge of the State of Florida really across the country and we've been very aggressive about trying to offer a number of different alternatives to um to what's happening starts with education it goes to prevention we offer things in treatment such as medication assisted therapy mobile medication assisted therapy abstinence therapy and then counseling on the back end we also do a number of things with law enforcement because we want to make sure that anybody pedling this stuff is put away because uh fentanyl kills a very very tiny amount one microgram of this stuff kills and this is not what we would normally consider to be a problem of of what you would traditionally consider to be drug addicts these are folks that a little tiny bit of it is enough to hospitalize or overdose someone and so we've done a bunch of different things over years and this year one of the things we did was we made sure that everyone recognized that recently the federal the Food and Drug Administration is putting a lockone and Naran over the counter this is an opioid antagonist that reverses the effects of opioids in Fentanyl and is allowed to bring people back and now everyone can have it their home and so as a community awareness piece yes we've done a lot in law enforcement yes we've done a lot in having treatment facilities the education piece is really big and so today we signed a bill to make sure that the Department of Health Health in conjunction with uh local communities is going to be uh having all of those um education pieces available for community members so that they know uh not only NASA and Naran but as other Agents come on the market and they are approved for over the counter uh that those will be available to everybody so that it's really a community helping the community with this so those are three of the big things that we did this year um we did a number of things in uh the environmental world and so I'll start a little bit with um what we got in the environmental World from a a um agon natural resources standpoint which is really I think being right on Lake Monroe what folks will be interested in hearing um so Sanford nutrient reduction at Lake Jessup and Lake Monroe we got $2.6 million for that so that's going to assist assist in a longtime strategy that we've had with regard to macronutrients leeching into our water bodies that nitrogen and phosphorus that lead from septic tanks that come off fertilizers and making sure that we keep the water body as healthy as possible um Sanford Airport Authority Midfield Economic Development Area $2.8 million um we had um in the Waka area I know it's not quite Sanford but seal County Septic to see conversion for a million dollars we did get the seal County Fire Station 28 bay door near here for $600,000 uh Central Florida Zoo uh got a total of 1.22 million for security enhancement and accreditation theou is SEO County's largest tourist attraction and so the degree to which we can keep that updated and make sure that we've got that as an attraction for our kids and adults is going to be a big economic driver for the area which we've been able to do uh other places around seminal County The Hope and Healing Center which is our opioid addiction recovery center got 500,000 the Florida Alliance for poys and Girls Club another opioid prevention program uh empower the Grove which does a lot of our Jal drug court stuff uh recovery connections substance abuse uh really down the list there were over $3 million in local infrastructure projects for here and around the county that it was able to bring back uh and over 7 A5 million uh in projects to combat opioid and substance abuse problems uh $10.5 million for local water projects here in sow County we're able to get back so really a very very successful year for us as we tackle infrastructure we tackle macronutrients and um the um nitrogen and phosphorus leashing into our waterways to make sure that we continue to be the Florida's National Choice uh and look forward to working uh working uh with everybody in the future one of the things I talked to the mayor about this morning is that because it's now almost a year until the next session we've got a long Runway to work on some of the things that um either it's either the next couple months or uh that we uh weren't able to tackle this session so we looking forward to it uh making sure that we're available to to try and meet with everybody who has a concern about whatever we might be able to tackle next session and with that I can either turn over to representative Smith or take Q&A however you want to do it mayor any question one question I'll have for one or both of you is um give us a little bit of background or feedback on the um Camp legisl sure so this is a bill that says that the counties are responsible for designating an area that have restrooms and cam water available for those that are unhoused uh this is also required that they have a leading agency that is able to get them resources to help them not be homeless anymore and this means that they're going to be assessed for mental health they're going to be assessed for benefits that they may be eligible for it's really an attempt to get folks the the help that they need we recognize homelessness is a multivariant problem not everybody is going to benefit from just some government worker saying hey you know you're eligible for this program we get that but for those that are this is going to be a way to get them assistance faster there are some that are one paycheck away from it and just need somebody to help help them out and this is really what we think is going to help um I recognize that in the city of Sanford U we are kind of a dumpy I live here I get it um we have a lot of services and that's where other communities tend to want to put folks but this is going to be up to the county the county is probably not going to choose to locate here because it's County Land and the city has the right to deny the county if that's what they choose to do and so from a city standpoint I think you're going to be okay and and you're not unlike probably 40 45 other counties in Florida that are a a countyy seat that are also worried about the same kind of thing but we're trying to get the services to those that need a most the most vulnerable and then identify what are the other ones that aren't being met because we know between mental illness substance abuse and um one one bad relationship or one paycheck away there are folks that sometimes just need a hand up for a week or so and they'll be right back at it and these are ways to identify them early so that a transient homeless person doesn't become into a chronic homeless person and so we're trying and we really appreciate feedback as that's implemented as to how that goes this is a big idea and uh I'm sure that the members from Miami and Tampa and Jacksonville are going to get plenty of feedback as well because they're going to have to do it also and it's but it's elected County doesn't have to do it right or the county does have to do it it it is it is it's elected for where the county locates this um I I think one of the things you're going to find is that all the counties are going to choose to implement it differently if you're gilchris County you don't have a ton of folks and they don't have to do that sort of thing you you would you might not have to do that kind of thing uh if if we choose not to it's not prescriptive that every County by July 1st must identify somewhere no interesting we're we're trying to address the problem you know there one of these things that come up organically I mentioned this morning people ask well how do you get ideas for bills well sometimes you read the paper and sometimes there's feedback from other electeds and sometimes you're driving down the street and you go hey there's a lot more of these folks than there used to be what kids the and those are perfectly organic reasons for for trying to address it then you talk to your colleagues and they all go hey me too and and you try and put something together if anybody had ever cracked the nut on that we' do it unfortunately the problem like I said is multi Varian so every community's got needs a flexibility to kind of handle it differently the mayor opened up with the can of worms is there any reason or thought process behind the fact that y'all you'll pass these bills and don't fund them at all well the issue is that if we funded them remember our money comes from the taxpayers back in the county and so County people are funded by the county so if the state were to fund it we would simply take money from County people and give it back to the county but by by making this mandate uh and and as you already admitted there's going to be some areas that do it and some that don't yep those areas are going to be drawing people from all around the state at that point when they have services that other areas don't have potentially so one of the things that we do is for the 29 fiscally constrained counties we have uh enhancements for those because they don't have the same tax base we are not a fiscally constrained County but we are used to putting elevators and scalable things in from the state as we see inequities so that happens all the time particularly around tax evat so it's been done before and if we see it we're not like we have it for we know we can do it but I get it un funded mandate wor home roll I got it I'm not trying to give you a black on no no well and and truthfully there's there's 39 other Senators doing this in 66 other counties this month as well and they're going to be getting the same feedback and they want to be able to work and say all right well what was a win what what do we need to work on we've got all summer to do it this bill I don't think goes into effect until July 1st and so um really between us and between you all we're going to be waiting to see what the county does and then from there how to some C ACT versus others in need to do any other any questions all right thank thank youate pleasure to be with you so for those who don't remember me I'm David Smith unfortunately I lost Sanford out of my last uh last re reapportionment or realignment U but uh we still thanking you as ours I do the same way and as we were talking earlier may remember uh I got more money as as like Senator broer was talking these appropriation Pro projects what we call member projects where I can go and ask for money for for Sanford or for this city or that City I got more money for folks outside of my district in seol County I'm 100% seol County but I got more money outside of my own District than in my district so I'm willing to partner with people have Bonafide needs and anybody you know I'm David Smith I'm the easiest person to find I got the easiest name to remember uh and I folks approach me all the time hey I'd like we have this project and I'll listen to anybody that's got a good idea how to help uh seal County how to help Central Florida or house District 38 you often you'll hear me use all those terms interchangeably because we have so many Regional issues uh like homelessness like water quality like Transportation you can't just be singularly focused on my own District we we have to work together and and we did very well this session uh let me just piggyback uh on a couple things that Senator broer said so $1 117.5 billion state budget that's actually down $2 billion from the year before so we were tightening the per strings because we're concerned not not overly concerned but concerned about a downturn with Rising interest rates higher inflation that that Florida's economy uh might might suffer a little bit so we're put more money into reserves we have more money in savings or what we call Budget stabilization funds than we've had in the history of the State of Florida so Florida is is fiscally very strong and we're ready to go forward especially cutting into hurricane season we have money and reserves to address those type of emergencies let me just talk real quickly about some of the areas of where did we put where did we spend the money that that that we had to spend this year uh and uh clearly it was in education uh we're continuing to build on uh uh historic record of funding so K through 12 uh are public schools today more money per pupil than in the history of the State of Florida anybody that tells you that school choice oh that takes money out of the post absolutely not true uh we went back past another school choice bill that clarified some issues uh and added significantly more money into K through2 also into higher education that was a 7.9 per spending increase mostly dealing with uh deferred maintenance construction building issues in our state universities of which continue to be Premier uh universities in in the United States another area so education of a top priority infrastructure roads Bridges sea ports airports and coming spaceports so Florida is investing in infrastructure because those are the jobs of the future uh and I'll say I don't think we could have put another nickel into infrastructure because we don't have the companies in Florida to do the work and they don't have the workers because we have you know what three now 3% Unemployment uh Florida leads it 40 months Florida has had a lower unemployment rate than United States as a whole and seol County lower than the state so we're doing a lot of good things right uh but we have more people um there more job vacancies today in Florida than people looking for work so we're doing good things in Florida infrastructure is that second area in the other area and and U Senator broer uh uh really he did not take enough credit for the champion he is uh for environment and in particular water quality water preservation and restoration projects because he leads the state in that area and he doesn't get enough credit for that often uh but uh water quality and and everything Wildlife Green Space uh clean water are important AFF Florida water is the single most important issue on how Florida will grow in the future and we're trying to manage that at the state level so we've got enough of it and it's of the highest quality that we can to grow the population again keep in mind a thousand people a day moving to our state a thousand people a week moving to Central Florida where where are we going to put them affordable housing is an issue we continue to work on so you've heard the Sadowski affordable housing trust fund fully funded same as other Bright Futures the college scholarship fully funded so we're making those strategic Investments with State the state's money taxpayers money on how we grow Florida in the right direction uh Florida it's been my experience um so now this was my sixth legislative session uh certainly this one was different than my other five uh a lot of it was making change uh tweaks to other previous legislation uh we did affordable housing last year significantly this year was on live healthy the live healthy act trying to get more healthcare workers into the State of Florida because we have who doesn't know we have a nursing shortage and you see Great Schools like seminal State UCF and other of our private uh U uh institutions that are trying to grow the nursing also uh getting more doctors and more residencies in Florida because we've got to uh remember that thousand people a day well about a third of them are retirement eligible and they're coming in and taxing an already over burdened Health Care system so those are some of the things that we're doing uh let me just throw out um we were talking about earlier before we started so somebody uh said what were my legislative priorities and and I had I got three bills uh that I hope the governor will sign in law one other one got my bill got got killed and they took my language put it in something else and it'll get across a f so I got we'll get four of my bills uh signed this year but my legislative priority was the budget I wanted to ensure that cinal County and Central Florida got our fair share of the state budget because if I've learned nothing in my six sessions up there is the answer is always know unless you ask so if you've got a good idea for a project or you need some help uh now is the time as we start working towards the next legislative session to build build our case on on why this is good this is would be helpful and it's it's not say it's not hard to get money it is hard it should be hard to get money but if you can lay out your argument and you can you can prioritize it uh and make people understand why it's good to spend Florida taxpayers money right here in s County uh we can get it done and and I got 21 of my appropriation projects funded in the budget not knock on wood if the governor doesn't get that big red pen out and go crazy he he's gonna he's going to take take a pretty good whack at it I got a feeling U but I think we'll do I think we'll do well because we got good projects we worked on them we worked on them together and was able to convince U uh committee chairs and otherwise he approached chair to fund it let me just talk real quickly I I keep saying that but this is important because everybody's favorite subject homeowners insurance uh we continue to work on that issue there is no Silver Bullet there is no one legislative handle to pull that's going to fix Florida's homeowners insurance crisis but we are making progress in that direction and I know that because the data tells us so in February for the first time in the last five years in a Statewide uh survey of rates we're starting to see homeowners insurance rates start to go down and and thankfully and but there's more things individuals can do like the wind mitigation report the fourpoint inspection and now we have a program at the state level called my safe Florida home we we had it last year now we've added $200 million to a this year starts the 1 of July like the fiscal fiscal year and there's $200 million that that Floridians can go and apply for to get homeowners and inspection get up to $10,000 uh and match and grant money for safe of Windows roof repairs inspections all those type of things that can help bring your homeowners insurance down and before it was first come first ser and and it ran out of money about that fast well now it's income based where lower income to median income will have a first dibs I don't know if that's I don't think that's a legislative term but the other thing is also if you're are older than 60 then you'll get to start to apply for that money first so uh my Flor my safe Florida uh home is is the program uh let's see the senator talked about the unauthorized camping we talked about school choice there one of the things that I get U calls from my constituents on and I know it's probably a factor in in and around sfer to some degree is HOAs and we've got we've had some HOAs in particular in South Florida that have have gone off the reservation that have become corrupt uh so we've now brought in Greater control and scrutiny uh training requirements on HOA board members and now hold them legally uh responsible for some of their fraudulent actions uh there's another one that I I like to talk about that I I tell people p this on you're going to save somebody's I don't say save somebody's lives but you're going to help somebody for making a real big mistake and that's the porch Pirates people who steal your FedEx box your Amazon box off your porch and all those kind of things not anymore not in Florida so we pass House Bill 549 it's called theft you know you could do a whole lot with that but it's targeted is the people that steal things off your front porch and and now it's a it's still a Mr me are bumped up but you do it within 120 days now you're not going to have be facing a felon you you you could steal somebody's $10 pair of underwear that they ordered and you're you could be winding up faceing felony time because you you know and lot of it's these kids running around the neighborhood think it's all fun and games until somebody's facing a felony so I I I've been talking about this since we pass it in the law because this is going to wind up ruining some young people's lives and I've dedicated my six years in the legislature so far and helping young people rebuild their lives that have made mistakes so let's not add to it but uh we had a good session I think we spent money wisely wish we'd had a little more to spend I thought we could have done more in a couple areas and particular in homeowners insurance my U uh plan would could have helped homeowners immediately normally you have to wait till your homeowners policy renews to to get any lower rate of of um an option I had could have helped homeowners immediately that would have gone into the tax package it didn't make it uh but we'll like like Senator Brer said we got you know nine nine and a half months now to work on next session and hopefully we'll see Insurance trates continue to Trend down uh but happy to answer any questions any questions remember answer is always no unless yeah and if anybody would like of a full recap of the nearly 200 and something bills that we passed you know davidsmith at my flah I'd be happy to send everybody but keep in mind the governor has not signed the budget Governor has not signed Bill he gets bills every couple days and and he he's vetoed a couple and he signed most and you know again knock on wood and signs the budget without much Bloodshed and and signs my bills thank you I just want to add thank you because you're one of the ones who really goes out of their way to meet with our kids when we come up there and I appreciate the time boy what a what a great time we had and you know always uh you you can't you can't find time you have to make time and I always make time for Sanford and and the young folks that come up there anything else I can do I'm the easiest guy to find and and most of you know I I spent my career in the Marine Corp 30 years so I've got a good pension from that my health care is paid for so I may being your state representative of my full-time job uh and and uh that that way I can get out and visit the schools and get to the businesses and you know tour the nonprofits and find those good Investments for tax dollars and and then Champion those causes up in Tass and like happy to be living right here in s County right thank you thank you thank you appreciate it thank you thank for your service and um next we have our business Spotlight yes Mr Mayor thank you may M of the commission bring up economic devel thank you mayor and city manager uh commission prar Economic Development Department it is with great pride that I introduce our business Spotlight tonight this is uh 20s something years ago the mayor will remember this family showed up in Sanford and said hey we want to take over an old food factory and make it viable again uh and my first reaction was well what do you need they said nothing we just want to be part of your community fast forward 20 years later I'm in a Wawa pumping gas 6 months ago let's say and I see a gentleman with the father's table in his shirt I said wow you all are still in business this guy looked at me like I was from Mars and he said where have you been we've doubled triped quadruple in size so um I know the Citizens Academy is graduating tonight or the Citizens Academy folks here so this is a gentleman that you have to credit with the cheesecake that you were giving yes so I I I am not going to steal any Thunder from the individual I'm about to uh to introduce this is a company uh the father's table and you'll get into the background of why it's the father's table um this is an or organization that's based around a family it's not for-profit which I'm sure he'll also discuss uh but truly uh this is a company that it's not what they bake it's the difference they make in this community and and I hear it so many times I can't tell you how many phone calls I've received over the years wow did you hear what the father's table's done for us so with that I'd like to introduce the president of the father's table Mr Jeff lyy Mr Smith is going to run a a sh PowerPoint for Mr lyy and then I think Mr lyd's got something he wants to share with everybody on the dice but I will say this pay particular attention to the second slide it will prove that Jeff ly like me wants had hair I'll turn it over to Mr Jeff L thanks very much thank you all very much pleasure to be here tonight Mr Mayor commission uh city employees distinguished guest City residents City s for business owners I don't want to leave anybody out it's a pleasure to be here tonight thanks for the opportunity um would you hit the first slide first let me tell you guys a little bit about who I am first of all when I hear people talk I want to know who's talking right I'm a husband been married 42 years my wonderful bride who's uh probably done more work in this relationship than I have but I'm not going to I'm not going to dwell on that um we were high school sweethearts that's our high school picture up there 42 years later we're sitting on jet skis over there that's what I like to doing this Murphy she likes the mountains so we go to North Carolina to make her happy I have four wonderful kids on the left and the bottom left hand side there uh three daughters and a son the son actually my son Jake actually works at the business with us I'm a proud papa I have five grandkids um life changes when you have grandkids if you don't know that trust me you'll find that out uh I'm a son I'm a brother I have nine brothers and sisters my wife has seven brothers and sisters I have 41 something nieces and nephews and I got a text on the way in here I have 70 grand nieces and nephews the picture on the right is one of our family parties when we have a family reunion there's over 180 people that show up and there's still folks missing that's because they know they're going to get cheesecak so that's my personal life and I wanted you to know a little bit about me um a million years ago when I graduated college with a fin degree I had accepted a job with the Ohio uh employee retirement fund and I was going to invest the money for the folks in the state of Ohio that's what I was going to do right out of college and as I'm packing my bags leaving for my finals I get a call I got my wife and I got my my one and a half-year-old um were married student ORS in college I get this call saying hey um we need some help the owners of the father's table used to own a company called gelardi frozen foods and that's where I started my career so I left idea of investing money and I went to embark on this food manufacturing thing and uh we were with them for 15 years and we sold the company to ConAgra which is what allowed him to do the work he's doing now in Sanford and I'll get into that as we go to the next slide so our story The Father's table is a privately owned National Dessert company guys we sell in every single state we send stuff on boats into the cariban everything comes out of Sanford Florida every single case comes out of Sanford Florida we have two facilities here this little company is the number one cheesecake manufacturer and the number one cake roll manufacturer in the in store bakeries in all retail stores in the United States right here in Sanford wow uh we do branded and unbranded so you'll see the father table name out there what what you're going to see tonight I brought you a little sample is a is a private label Walmart product so we do we do private labels for our customers and demand that and and the reason they demand that is they want to be differentiated from the the guy across the street so all the want to sell the same thing that the Dollar General does that the highb does that the Engles does right so our larger customers will do that for them and we do it quite we do quite a lot of this so our goal has always been to make the best quality product we can make at the lowest possible price this organization was started on healthy foods at the lowest possible price so everybody can afford them next slide please so little bit about our prizes first of all fructose free no pars hydrogenated soil you know we want to make sure this stuff is healthy for folks right we have a variety of flavors 22 different sizes 18 different configurations 22 27 flavors we also have a coaster Orthodox um labeling for folks as well next slide please so a little bit about the history I started talking about it I got ahead of myself in 1999 um the gelardi family had sold their Frozen business and they went to Daytona Beach and a lot of bought a little company called um little angels Bakery and they operated that in Daytona Beach for four years before moving to Sanford 200 floor as Brady was talking about we began operations on the country Clever Road fast forward a little bit in 2009 we started another product this cake roll that I'm telling you about and we put that in the lake marry Road facility um we the business has been growing and growing this whole time um we started um making some significant inroads um we ended up putting another production chec production line with Lake mer facility uh late 2021 and that's when I was asked to join the company so last year fourth quarter we decided we were going to Rebrand because we've been in business for 25 years 20 of those right here in Sanford 24 years I'm sorry so we got our 25th anniversary labels that are already hitting the market now that you're going to see um this year in preparation for our 25th anniversary so again we're the number one branded cheesecake the number one private label cheesecake and the number one cake manufacturer and this is all in your backyard we're right here folks next slide please so 3 years ago I was brought in and the company was in a little bit of disarray and I was asked to to help get us on the right track and so you'll see a couple of those names up there that's my senior team um Mike Keenan has been with the company since its Inception a phenomenal sales guy Adrien Harman our BPM marketing has been with us nine years um and the rest of us are there 3 years or less we had to come in quickly assess what was happening Co was rampant supply chain problems were rampant prices went through the roof Freight rates went through the roof when I joined the company 36% of my raw materials arried late how am I going to take care of my customers and get them their products when I can't get mine so there was there was a lot of work to do um besides this team I had to assess the needs of the organization I brought in a director of Maintenance a director of QA uh a plant manager for the lake Mary facility uh a director of logistics so this little family business is starting to become a bigger business um next so our facilities we have two manufacturing facilities as I've said one on Lake Mary and one on Country CL Road over 212,000 Square fet um one of the things that these facilities may not be the newest ones but one of the things we're very proud of is we get audited in the second week of January till the end of March we get audited by everybody that you can imagine Florida Department of a aib sqf um the the coaster folks come in everybody our customers have audits of us so for about six or eight weeks we're just getting audited right left and I'm very very proud of the scores that we post put them up against any food manufacture I don't care how new their facilities are so the team does a phenomenal job there we've always got excellent stores and I want to tell you that um the owners of this company have continued to invest um since I've been in my role for 3 years we've invested over $21 million in both these facilities we just put a brand new Warehouse on the Country Club Road facility that has refrigeration and tempering room capabilities just put a new cheese cake line over in the in the Lake Mar the Lake Mary plant and um we've invested in some things to help our employees bakery's hot right so we put in brand new hbac systems with filtration to try to make those hot bakeries cooler for employees because we understand we're in competition as as the colonel said unemployment rate is very low right so we have to fight for these employees so we want to make it a place where people want to work next slide please so a little bit about our operations first of all let me just let me just show you who we sell to on the left hand side we've been selling to 60 plus customers for over 10 years those customers are Walmart aold Albertson's Al UNFI H and in that time we have been able to even through Co the that score on the bottom is a threee average but we've been able to hit 99% of our on time and info rates to our customers even though we're having trouble getting products in ourselves we've been able to M that's why we're grown and that's why we're getting business because we take care of the customers take care of us um on the other side some of our suppliers it's an interesting read we've been with them for a long time but if you look way down at the bottom second from the bottom Evergreen right next door to us on country pul road we've been buying sugar for them for 17 years so we're a good we're a good neighbor we're a good partner we try to do with folks that are in our own town thanks so I want to give you just a couple minutes on the owners of my company I have the best job in the world I have no stockholders to to listen to if I mess up nobody's yelling at me because the stock price went down if I mess up I beat myself up because somebody didn't get a clean well that that year somebody didn't get some some clothes that they needed somebody everything that we make the father's table said we're a we're a nonprofit we're not a nonprofit the owners of our company choose to take the profit they make and donate it into the foundation that they started back in 1984 okay so when I mess up when my team messes up when we have a Reaper go bad on a trailer and lose a load of product the stockholders aren't mad we can't put another well in Africa or we can't build another hospital in Zimbabwe those are the kinds of things that I have to lay my head on the pillow and worry about so it's a different stress than when you work for for shop holders I love it it's terrible it's hard sometimes it's bad but I love it it's the best job I've ever had in my life um here are some of the things that we we like to invest in hit the next slide for me please these are some of the local things that we work with and some of the where the money goes locally next slide please I got to tell you about this project because when I found out about the work that we did it impacted me significantly so years ago we started working with the Africa wealth project first you got got to put a well on the ground these people will dig how far they can dig and they'll find water and that water table at the very top is usually very very dirty it's infected with terrible things and that's what they live on and a lot of times the children die they can't make it long enough to get through this right to to to get to some place where they can sustain so the Catholic Rel Services ourselves we'll go in we'll dig Wells so they get down into some clean water then we decided that's such a great idea let's put windmills on top of them so that that water comes up all the time and nobody has to go with the pump and the bucket right so then you can see this field on the bottom left hand side now they've got these windmills that are supplying water and they can irrigate these fields automatically right it's like it's like it blew up over there right this is the latest technology for these folks so what we're doing is we're creating infrastructure we're creating jobs we're providing food year round now I want to talk a little bit about Mala this these pictures of are of maloi Africa they have three seasons have The wet season the dry season and what they call the hunger season in the wet season they grow their food and they can eat it and in the dry season they can't grow anymore but they still have food left over and in the Hunger season they're running out of stores now and they can't grow anything so they've gone from three meals a day to two meals a day to most people don't even get a meal a day now that we're doing this they can eat they can sustain themselves they have a job to go to too and it is a amazing thing to be part of to say that we help these folks do this right it changes your life guys it really does I a proud member of Sanford I'm a proud member of of the the community here and the work that we do I work for some phenomenal people that chose because they made money in the previous organization to put this organization together specifically to do these kinds of things I employ about 850 or 860 folks in Sanford FL and I'm doing everything I can every day to make that a better job and to make those folks want to stay you heard the talk about unemployment excuse me we're going to have to do some automation we don't have any choice one of the one of the missions originally was to provide work for folks locally to help the community but it's getting so hard to find people we're going to have to start doing some Automation in the PLS that we will but it has been a pleasure for me to be here I I'm happy to have this opportunity to share with you guys a little bit about who we are and what we do I'm going to stop right now and I'm going to take a couple cheesecakes to the guys up front and please know that Brady has some cheesecakes out outside for those of be after meeting thanks very much everybody are there any questions Jeff before he shows you product sample can we take a picture of sure of course is the business Spotlight on our City website it it will be and it will also be on YouTube okay yes I just want to clarify that Lake Mary facility is in s is Lake Mary Road I'm sorry yes sir yes sir L the stre I also I also refer to our company as TFT right the father's table is a mouthful we're TFT so if I said that tonight that's who we are and when I was a kid I worked in that facility for Bill naaps commissary no way so so after Bill naaps commissary I don't know how many years but it was also a produce operation ran out of there our owner owned that at the time at leased that to them until needed it K them out and put put our operations and I I've T to like Mary cell it's phenomenal [Music] operation if we're going to take a quick picture that's great and for anyone that's interested in the cheesecake Mr ly did it's it's amazing so you don't have to rush out Jones I'm G to keep an eye on Lisa Jones but but please get with me in the lobby on your way out there's no rush there's Mr ly was kind enough to bring plenty that is so kind cake is our newest item in Walmart if you'll see it has the marketplace label on it it's salted caramel which everybody's going to say well salted caramel has been out for a long time but it takes Walmart a long time to make [Music] decisions you want you tell me where to go and I'll be [Music] there I'm send [Music] that thank you so much [Music] again next we have a proclamation umer one um and after that we're going to be uh recognizing our police volunteers so if I can get the police [Music] volunteers [Music] [Music] so whereas nationally more than 100 million volunteers are working in their communities giving up their time and talent and making a difference and where as volunteers are motivated by the sa satis ction that they are helping their fellow citizens and by the appreciation they receive from the people they serve and whereas the city of Sanford is blessed to have many volunteers working alongside our employees supporting the work they do and providing additional services for our residents whereas the city's recreational programs could not function without the over 500 volunteers who support our sports program Museum and events whereas volunteers provide assistance through our adopter park and adopter Road programs and where volunteers can support the police Poli Department through citizens on patrol administrative assistance and helping at community events and we're asked last year 24 trained chord Police Department volunteers supported the department and together contributed 774 hours in 2023 saving the city almost $23,000 now therefore I AR wer by the virtue of the authority vested in me as the mayor of the city of sanord Florida you hereby officially proclaimed the month of April 2024 as volunteer month in the city of of samp and thank our many volunteers for the service they provide to the C mayor Commissioners it's um it's astounding to see that we have such great Volunteers in our our community willing to uh be there to assist us on many many events you'll see them uh from National Night Out to many of the U other events that we have here in the city that takes place so there's three different phases of our volunteers we have our general volunteers we have our citizens on patrol which are citizens who have the opportunity to assist us in patrolling the streets in our community to have that that connection that conversation and that ability to talk about what's taking place then we have our chapy program where we have our chaplain who are also volunteers who are there to provide spiritual um leadership and needs for uh our officers and when there is a major crisis or major event they also respond with our officers to bring Comfort to uh the people in our community so uh I I know we have the uh Citizens Academy graduation tonight so you know this is a great opportunity for you all to move into the next phase you know you had an opportunity to see what's actually there so this is a great opportunity for you to to move into that next phase of continuing to learn about the city and to be a part of the great solution that we have here in [Music] s right smile one more thank you one more picture one more picture one more the back least if there's somebody else with the camera oh so I want to introduce you all stand W she's an important lady because she sits on Services gr board and has for years and she's you guys a lot of you never met her she lives in mway but she also represents sord I thought it was important to introduce her and to say thank you to her everybody to know to call when we have a quick presentation so the audience can see what the academy has gone through so I have the pleasure of announcing class 20 I mean really City sford that's unbelievable um so they started uh they started January 31st and on the April 3rd the first class met in this room the whole purpose of the Citizens Academy is to learn about city government some may have no interaction with city government they've not been to none of the facilities know nothing about our services they they met the City attorney the city manager the mayor the first night the assistant city manager Communications they heard about public art they met with the city clerk and they tour City Hall for the second night we met with community relations and neighborhood engagement and human resources and risk management in the utility training room and they were taught everything about cdbg lahi program lowi income heat energy assistance program and that is it um Economic Development bus tour of the city of Sanford that was pretty amazing they all really enjoyed that and um and they got to see all the development and all the things that are happening across the city of Stanford who gets to tour on a bus with the city with the economic development director and hear firsthand what's going on in this great City so that was and there's no feet by the way this is free to the citizens to register and they went to the police department of course always an exciting great night and you could see the folks there with u in the community room that they have and they heard from the deputy chief and the chief we saw a k9 demonstration which is always amazing development services they learned about land use planning zoning regulations the building division all about permitting if you're a resident I mean just to navigate that whole system they learned all about that and then code enforcement of course which is very important information to know as a resident or citizen Public Works we went to the public works complex they met with Street Maintenance we walked over to the fleet maintenance facility went to the uh facilities gentlemen we saw them changing a street light they saw storm water and how they performed their daily tasks and then we saw a solid waste and recycling demonstration which was pretty cool if you ever seen that truck clush crush a couch in front of your eyes fire department was really great they uh of course we went upstairs to the EOC the deputy chief was there on the left that's the picture of the EOC of the city of Stanford which means emergency Operation Center and then we went down and saw them do a um retrieval some sort of task and um which was emergency life saving initiative and we learned about emergency preparedness what they need to do as Citizens in terms of prair seminal stford connects how to stay connected during this crisis with the city of City especially weather events and next we were with utility department here at City Hall talked about all of the regulations and the rules about City uh utilities customer service is a big hot topic nowadays Water Production treatment and transmission and then water water collection treatment and reuse and so they heard about our new water meter replacement program that we've got going on in the city and a lot of other things Parks and Recreation we can't forget about those folks they went on actual school bus ride a real school bus and it wasn't a fancy motor coach like with economic development but that was a lot of fun we met at the sord Civic Center and then we went to the Westside Community Center and saw that incredible facility they walked up they heard from uh Recreation manager about what goes on there and how we assist the community at the Westside Community Center um and then the finance department uh the piece of resist song or how do they ever say that in French it's the cherry on the the the cake so to speak because they heard from our director and her staff about what it means to actually be in your shoes the mayor and commissioner shoes to balance a city budget and they played the famous city of Sanford budget game and it was pretty interesting they heard from it we talked about cyber security and also purchasing which is a really wonderful of course important information how to do business with the city of Sanford so that is it in a nutshell that was 10 weeks and I can't tell you how fast 10 weeks fly by I don't know if everybody could say that but it is just an amazing opportunity to meet the citizens and and kind of be with them throughout the 10 weeks and we cannot say enough about the city of Sanford directors and their departments because the and the Citizens Academy would not be anything without the Departments and the directors so let's give them some so we're celebrating class 20 may all right here we are congratulations okay so we will call you up one by one come on up and the mayor will give you your graduation certificate and then if you would remain up here we will do a class photo congratulations again everybody Sue to all Candace [Music] Washington Corissa [Music] mclen Daniel White House and are they Hector [Music] Rodriguez Alissa [Music] s Chelsea [Music] Martin ad [Music] Liverpool Jenny Lee Josh Joshua jackon [Music] I Roger [Music] morfield roari tth Joshua minger also don't hurry [Music] [Music] so Miguel aosta y Teresa [Music] Anderson EV [Music] bario son pick jie [Music] cook Jen [Music] deambra [Music] Melissa l y Robert picker what a pleas Heights Dr bow anthon juai and there you have it this is for anybody want to say anything now your CH anybody your thank you Lis to come down here take a photograph with everybody okay come on [Music] down I am I can barely [Music] read [Music] [Music] okay so count of three one two [Music] three look this way want they won't remember [Music] ready okay got it thank you thank you all thank you class 21 is going to be offered in September and applications will be available in June so the work thank you you L good idea you [Music] CHR that was a great class all right so um briefly to facilitate public a state on an item okay so I should talk like this okay you facilitate public input if you an item please yellow citizens input form subed to um to the city court we also ask that you'll take an name address dire before speaking public will be given an opportunity to speak on any item before City commission dur a regular meeting I will call to see if there's anyone want to speak on a consent agenda item before we on the consent agenda during public hearing we'll call for um for public comment on each item and if during a regular item you would like to speak if you either turn into the yellow form or just raise your hand when we get to an item in oury there's a three minute time limit for each speaker on each item um citizens participation at the end of the meeting individuals may address the commission on any topic um there's a 5 minute limit on and comments that brings us to minutes of March 25th 2024 or session meeting approve second motion second any all in favor any oppos pass answer we are going to pull items a b and j and move those to the um other items and then I understand commissioner BR wants to pull item D yes he is there anyone to speak on any of the agenda items want ab and J were pulling to discuss a and j need to be moved to regular meeting okay agenda rather than we get them done we will get them done okay just purposes of application attorney offic indicated that they should not all right so if I can get a motion for C E F G H and I move second motion second all in favor I any oppos item d special event for rhythm and Jennifer just for clarification the HOA has agreed to all of the the things excuse me the rhythm and blues has AG to all of the things that the HOA has has stated yes ma'am okay and then I just have one question why is the street closure overnight for this event U for the barbecue um they need time to cook awesome thank you okay to appr item D second three second orance 4773 this ordinance is an ordinance city of sanord Florida granting an economic inent TR Holdings [Music] LLC pursuant to the supplemental economic or tourism development program established chapter 2 article 3 of the city code providing for legislative finance and intent providing for implementing ministrative actions and strict Conformity provisions of chapter 2 article 3 of the city code providing for conflicts for savings provision effect of reinat providing for cability providing foration as well as correction ofri Zas and providing for an effective Mr May the city commission City staff recommend City commission adopt ordinance number 4773 after hearing their applicat request and supporting documentation reling to the granting of the supplemental economic or tourism devel the development inclusive tax ra traffic pings LLC in the amount of $100,000 for the first 5 years calculated on a l tax [Music] revenue this is a public heing to speak know commission action approve motion and second any further discussion all in favor any opposed pass on ordinance 4774 this ordinance is entitle in ordinance City assign for FL to repeal all Provisions part two chapter two Administrative Code Article 5 Economic Development Division three supplement economic for ISM development program Cod of ordin city of Sanford to include sections 2.3 73 through 2. 385 the city code providing for legislative fining and intent for administrative actions for saving provision fing for conflicts providing for cability fing forication correction errors provid for eff Mr Mayor City commission City staff recommend City commission approve ordinance number 4774 repealing the provision for city code relating to the economic or tourism development incentive program on first reading is the public here anyone speak to we have M staff presenting this is coming from Miss linday I think basically it was a sense that this is a program that was setting back some years ago and that we feel is no longer necessary okay does this does this repeal the whole program or just the includ so including the industrial and um commercial part of it correct yes is there any thought of bringing something different to us you can look at yeah as you have seen with both residential as well as commercial we have been rather um successful in attracting a lot of the businesses and a lot of the businesses in this the is not here right now have come about May to have this we staff FS like this is no longer necessary however we can look at whatever the commission desires okay because I was really sort of thinking roll back to the original program but I think we only had one we've only done one under that haven't we which was the allegiance and there are other programs by other entities to help those still County Job yeah there's some job incentive things and some couple others County two different yeah and we Pi you back off of theirs as okay all right so this would be getting rid of what we used to have as our jgi no no not that this is just the property tax okay okay all right okay I'm okay on first reading on second reading I may think about this some more and um some well or suggest that we just go back to the reenact the original one with a a couple of I want to think about it some more I want to talk to um the to Brady and I I know the airport has a couple of projects that they're trying to get that are not air related which would actually provide us with some tax revenue yes wow um and theyve got three I think they have three they're working on now that are coming through the State Department of Commerce so it's a you know the the secret right picture site kind of thing right um and then they've got several others coming from Orlando economic Partners economic whatever it's called um so I want talk to them and see if they they think we still need the other but I'm I'm good with getting rid of it and coming back okay second was there anyone else wanted to speak to this public hearing okay now motion second any further discussion all in favor any oppos okay let's go to consent a approval of Soul Source procurement for w pumps to approve read it staff's recommendation City commission approved remaining sole source procurement for subal pumps internal mixed liquid recirculation mixer valves flow meters and level sensors from PSI Technologies an amount not to exceed $65,000 okay and the reason we want they were that's correct okay and I saw some comments from from the attorney's office that en puring staff to avoid these kinds of things yeah we're we're not we're not opposed to this we're pointing out the sole source there's a special category frowned upon but there are times for it this is probably one of those times and we're not saying don't do it we're just saying don't do it regularly okay all right did we have a motion a second second all in favor any oppos pass and then consent s source for yes Mr City commission City staff recommend City commission approve the SLE Source procurement and the amount not to exceed $3,350 is a direct manufacturer of Cl clarifier equipment and replacement BS in the asso source for replacement of 35 in Jack fire fire [Music] Drive approve second forther discussion all in favor oppos Hy [Music] J Mr Mayor m city commission st's recommendation that the city commission extend the addal 6mon period to make necessary modifications to the ldr as it relates to the articles three and four and apply the provisions of section 3.16 of the Land Development regulations relating to zoning INR [Music] faor other it a of the 16 yes Mr May City commission City staff recommend City Commissioner F the procurement of goods and services from camport construction company and not not to exceed $ [Music] 9,215 for installation of a 16in watermain valve repairs and a 6 in line located at 900 Central Park Drive move to approve motion second any further discussion all in favor any oppos resolution 3238 commission staff recomend commission approve the purchase of C pill CP 2.7 double Dr ta compacta an amount not to exceed 64,0 962 and adopt resolution number 3238 amending the city budget approve motion second further discussion all in favor any oppos resolution 3239 yes Mr City commission City staff recommend City commission approve resolutions 3239 to amend the city budget in amount of $100,000 to approve a change of to plant it goo and FL plant treat second motion second any further discussion all in favor resolution 324 yes City commission City staff City commission resolution number 3242 amend the budget and approve M GMC of 8, 8, 99263 for services for the new Fire Station Number 4 project this is for the Full Construction of it yes yeah so y'all were just scaring me with that other price so I go along we save some sir okay I appreciate that you're welcome for you just for you thank you um and this is ready ready to go at this point unlike what is happening at the golf course yes we're hoping to break ground the end of this month so we're going to break ground before the golf course even though we did a ground break they did a ground breaking do it before we do well you know I'd always said I wasn't going to build a golfar we bought of fire St apparently it sort of works out yeah apparently okay you have a motion sove second all in favor any oppos that's I was really expecting like confetti or something to come flying down from the F okay well no no because he already mentioned to me uh before dinner that uh you know that that fire station will approved for an engine at this point we're still going to need more so oh I know he's already working I know they're going to hose you down when you okay um resolution 3241 yes Mr Mayor members of the city commission say staff recommend City commission approve resolution 3241 authorizing the execution of a 4-year lease purchase agreement with bank funding subject to the delegation Authority set forth in the resolution with quarterly payments of $ 76,2 6477 for a total of 1,2 $20 [Music] 33632 for police vehicles at this looking about 12 17 to 20 Vehicles all right we have a motion approve second fur discuss City attorney I have no additional items tonight thank you city clerk's report yes I have a few okay um I have a notice from uh Mr group that we need to have three or four additional alternates for pnz three four yes why I do you want to help with that well and I saw a stack of applications for other stuff when are are we do yes you also have Stanford Museum and the okay are we putting in on the next agenda I if you want to do it tonight or you want to do it next I didn't bring my appli okay we were at the Planning and Zoning commission the other day and frequently we down one or two members no matter what Med it is so we used to have two alternates we now have one alternate and our current alternate has not been present for several meetings and Mr Gro thought that we should have several alternates I think we could go back to two like we had before three or four might be a lot why hadn't we filled the second one we never had we eliminated it so we had two we went down to only needing one but I think we need to go back to possibly having two because we frequently have one or two we need to replace the one misses I'll talk to the office don't we have a rule about that yeah we have never done it in the history since I 11 years but we have a rule covering attendance oh we released somebody from a more unexcused absence it's not clear on what is an unex definition yeah okay well let clear that out make sure the person knows they're expected to be there so that that's a discussion that I will have okay all right but if we're open we're open to two I don't know about three or four because you can only have seven of the exactly seven voting members at any point in time so can make them come down sit to the meeting I'd rather have at least two okay does that mean we need to change the ordinance I don't know what it says and work with Lonnie we just met on Thursday and it came out this weekend so Tracy and I haven't had an opportunity all right so we'll have more information on that at the next meeting and do we want to interview or just pick from the application some of these are new some of them are from the last time let's just pick our our interviews are really vanilla I'm I'm okay you wanted me to put them on for selection at the next time and then I I'll work with um Mr G on YY and we'll get applicants for alternates so we probably need to keep these things yeah you should look through those oh work um the other thing I have I put in everyone's book in the front is the administrative rule relating to qualifying um this happens every year because of our schedule so qualifying this supposed to be Monday through Friday we are closed on Fridays and the Monday following it is Memorial Day so we're close that Monday so we extend the qualif line until Tuesday at noon so they have Monday through Thursday to qualify and then Tuesday of the following week would be the fifth day closing at seems like you're going to run you know and I also have I don't know if May or you have the um Richard John veter her speaker request okay and I finished okay yes Mr two items one sum that land ground opening was Tak place this Thursday the housing authorities requesting a that's 30 by 60 18800 s ft and the staff is not feel comfortable just approving that therefore they're asking the city commission for your consent for those of you that M earlier in the earlier meeting he said 18,000 ft 10 we were like what 1,800 is huge how many people are they expecting at this event does does he I'm sorry did you say the amount of money you cost no we're not paying we're not paying oh requires a a permit I guess the timing is not conducive to staff processing okay so staff don't have to do anything with it then we don't have to pay for it sounds great second move to Second all in favor any will reflect that and also just want to remind this commission that on Saturday the Sanford clean the Sanford Street cleanup will take place on historic Rose bu at 9:00 and we're encouraging people to come up and be part of it what's the we're meeting at true Health on historic go for a Boulevard okay right um I have request from Richard better to speak come forward please hi um my name is Rich better um some you might be aware that reclaimed water right now is going through a qu operational issue um um it's kind of vague what that is and why I'm bringing it up now I mean it sounds like I'm complaining about my grasses are green it's that's not the issue this is actually for more an issue for the entire Community for regeny o um it's causing some longterm issues it's been more than a year for us it hasn't just been recently we haven't had pressure reg pressure at night for I would say we're going to a be and it's actually probably been longer um we're not the only Community I'm hearing from our landscaper grone is having the same issu is yeah um it's causing e have a harm the Landers got right now $10,000 of s wants to get money to plant and he can't plant it there's no recan water um we're also a community that's built on a hill and yeah they exist in FL Florida um when that grass starts to dry out we start to have erosion and that's a big issue um people's houses foundations that literally will SL slideing down help if this all dies we've already had this SP some of it was not because of drying out some of it is just it's Florida it's SMY um we probably up to 200 Grand over 3 years in train repairs trying to mitigate some of this um we've also spent I don't have the exact number but I can tell you last year we spent $90,000 replacing Landscaping to be more less water thiry more tolerant but you spend $90,000 on it and when you do need it it's not there and it's issue I know we I get it you don't rain um things happen but we don't even get notice that it's not going to be operational I like you literally email the city to manager and then finally we got to notice the next day that it wasn't available so we don't even know what it's off and it's actually costing us causing us to use more water and you would think that's a little weird um the issue is that the heads maybe when we do have pressure is not a lot so the heads kind of come up but they don't fully engage so instead of it just doing a little bit of missing now it's got water kind of oozing out of it and I don't know just you would like to know what's going on with it you say this this been for a year you haven't had probably more but I see some of our utilities people in the back trying to discuss this I think it's been affecting I would say it's probably the landscaper R is that Loop that I mean I'm going say on that but it's this is our our utilities department [Music] director you can give him your contact information or our bill um I knew we had some shortage recently did we know that we had an issue for a year yes and I'm sorry but I'm going to have to way in here I just I understand because I'm angry and I'll tell you why it has been over a year it has been more like two years and um I have been contacted several times by the homeowners out at Greystone and and it's not an inavailability of water it's that they're down there on the end the very end of the loop and they're not getting any water pressure and what really angers me greatly is when I spoke to someone in the utility department specifically about this this issue um um uh I was told oh commissioner it's been resolved and um it hasn't been resolved and um uh and it it's another it's another embarrassment okay because these people are paying you know they're they're paying what they're supposed to be paying and um and once again just like commissioner Britain you know meets that meets that dead dead wall um I'm at the same thing in trying to discuss this and get something done about this oh commissioner it was but it's been fixed no it hasn't okay um this is first I'm hearing about their concerns um I'll certainly look more into it uh and and speak to him um prior to him leaving um we did have some issues at the plant some biological issues we were cleaning the basins uh and basically system got um to the point where we could not pum reclaim water we couldn't get it to uh quality that we needed to get it to but what we did was we pulled from another source and we were able to Pump from 10 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. which we did S no this is out about so although you may not be able to pump during the day or to use the system during the day you can use it from 10: p.m. to 5:00 a.m. I think we're still on that restriction additionally we reach out to S County and had them open up um their our Laine we got interconnect with s County for reclaimed water so we reached out to them to open up their line so that we could uh Supply folks with reclaimed water um and if I'm not mistaken I think we're still on that restriction right 10 to five so we're still on that restriction and we did put notices out um but like I said to this particular issue I haven't I haven't heard anything about it but I'll get the staff and find out uh what the concern is obviously it's at the end of a line that does pose a problem as far as pressure um but um I can find out you I talked a week or two ago about this I thought you said we were done with the Restriction what's the hold up now well we were at some point we got the system back up uh we were able to pump and then we ended up after about I don't know if it was a week or so we ended up having to go back to that restriction because the system start to fail on again oh dear and what we were doing was pulling well we're still treating waste water we're just not pushing reclaim um and so we weren't able to um Supply the quality of water that we need for re so that's why we had to stoping while we um Reed our system we see the biological part of oh I see like a bacterial growth right we have to Brin in basically liquor or water from the south PL the north PL right so it's not a lack of reclaim water in other words I know that that um it's not a lack of of water it's a lack of properly treated water to to the level where we do we still sell to Lake Mary reclaim water does serve some of the sites in Lake Mary as regular customers from us no longer at k golf course but on Lake Mary Boulevard and on Reinhart Road and timan Boulevard and the sports field off rol we have so we have several customers I mean sever sites that are from the cities Lake Mary but no longer have that Arrangement at timan golf course where they significant volum are they under the same restrictions no uh um city of Sanford imposed water restrictions on re water a number of years back um at the suggestion of developers because they were over irrigating and so we have three days per week while the portable or fresh waterers two days half the year and one day at the other half of the year so that's one of the incentives is you have an additional day with water and that's really how much you need to irate okay okay okay okay I'm referring to the 10 to 5 a.m. restrictions that our our residents are under marry under the same restrictions and no they so we're able to provide the City of Lake Mary all the rec cleaning water they want but we're we're not able to do it with our residents no Lake bar from the booster plant the main plant we haven't been able F the booster plant the north plant out of the system Lake Mary's not getting any water right oh okay okay they're off all okay but they don't have water restrictions uh in in their city in general but they're getting about restri they're being restricted by volume by IND all right do we have is there a timeline when we think this will be finally resolved um when speaking with Richie earlier he said that things improved that a plant the hope is within the next couple days if things continue to improve by Wednesday at the latest okay all right but it sounds like this is a different issue that we I think this is a this is a chronic ongoing pressure problem and it's bill has been going on at gravestone on and off for mostly on more than off for for two years we we were closely with the um landscape uh contractor there and him it was the same one and we were able to improve the situation marketly Set uh recently as you indicated some before obviously we've had this problem last couple of weeks and St and this U this gentleman with Regency Oak it is a dead end line similar to Greystone and Retreat um like we have on Oregon there and so we'll talk to there and see if there may be um some either different elements there could be a Val could be some flushing on their end because when you have a system at the end of of the dead end line sometimes it takes additional fling so we'll work with him and try to trouble shoot his problem man PA Moore was still here when I first got my first complaint from those at the end of the line and Paul Moore's um response was and it makes a lot of sense to what you just said those at the end of the line accumulate all the debris that the debris gets pushed down to the end of the line and then there's nowhere for it to go and it then and that they have to flush out all that debris periodically yeah we have that at Chase grows we have um reclaim irrigation on that uh line for the common areas that's a dead end system at the end of the system they have to pop the irrigation heads flush that system periodically and clean out filters on it there's a maintenance Associated a heighten level maintenance associated with dead end systems um but that may or may not be an issue here but we work with them um but we I couldn't really address this concern during this time where the plant was being limited it really helps you know or just makes it more difficult trouble should no circumstances that we'll talk to them further and we'll coordinate thank you there anyone else in the audience wish speak to the commission okay and the commission reports commissioner BR I have one thing um Lisa Jerry um Edgar is he under under you you don't have to come up um edar Brown Edgar Robert Edgar and then the gentleman that works that that's in the cart with him okay I other than Cedric Coleman I have never experienced employees that are that happy and I just wanted to say kudos to them and can you let them know that commissioner Britain said that on record Edgar is so polite and he is so thoughtful and our businesses love him downtown I'm downtown all the time and I tell you I mean I I love our city employees but there are some that just really just are outstanding and Edgar is one of those he takes such pride in cleaning up our downtown in in the the shrubs the maintenance of our landscaping and I is it is a pleasure just to know that he works for the city of Sanford so thank you thank you commissioner L I want to thank uh food picnic project well my young inter told to share Department partner with me on my food giveaway he uh blessed 70 families last um Friday and then I want to reiterate um again uh with the grand opening at Somerset uh that'll be 84 four units that we'll be having our citizens move into and so I'm excited about that affable housing yes that is correct thank you sir um and then the last thing is I want to um take $1,000 of my money and uh give to a Westside senior citizens uh they were getting lunch uh given to them by um uh God the organization that was giving them lunch is ran out of funding and so um I wanted to go ahead and use, bus for the next two months here'll pay for lunch for those seniors over there so he has about 40 to 50 senior citizens that over there I so I talk about it and so I want to run that by you guys is that a motion yes for a public purpose yes is there second second all in favor thank anything else miss it commiss Aus um I'm sure most of you are aware of the vandalism that's occurred at another one of our Parks um I strongly uh I strongly feel it's time for us to re-evaluate how we're operating uh these restrooms they're not going to be valued and taken care of um and maybe we need to consider what we're offering um I mean last meeting I heard about damage at washing notes maybe it wasn't a bathroom damage in cosign damage in Leb more damage of been k um I'm sure there's more on the list that's just off the top of my old head um I've talked about security cameras I've talked about closing Parts up but now they're being vandalized in the middle of the day I mean this sink was destroyed um that's first second um we had a fundraiser today for uh battalion chief Luke kimik at Mayfair um and it was a pretty Moving Day Luke came out and spoke to us um he is he is in the Battle of his life and uh we still have uh we still have this fundraising page set up go [Music] I would encourage and ask anyone uh listening watching or here uh to to try to uh help that family um he's having to go out of the country for treatment uh and it's burdensome on them and um you know I could get on the soap box here about our Health Care system and all that but I'm not going to do that but what what what is uh brought to my attention during this process and something I would like uh the city to consider is uh uh I don't know where the proper legal termination would be a a terminology um but uh at my agency we have a seat program where employees uh donate money into a a fund and there's a committee uh and and when employees have situations like this they can go and ask for help um and it's not tax dollar it's donations uh there are other uh agencies around here that have uh foundations that they've started um for their employees for the same kind of stuff um I think it's time for us to start uh figuring out out a better way to take care of U our family and that's that's what I consider the Kims to be is salil um so that uh that is that part uh and then last um I would like uh maybe a meeting of the mind um Mr bonapart um you and your executive staff and and perhaps uh a representative from our legal staff um I continue to hear of just excruciating hurdles and getting projects off the ground getting projects done getting uh people to bid on contracts because our contracts are inordinately huge and wory and long and people just don't even want to F on our projects any um I think it's time for us to consider uh a different avenue with with how we're approaching some of this stuff um and I made a comment earlier about the golf course we went through all that stuff and now there's there's a dispute and the contract legal terms uh from their side um and it's just it's just continues to happen over and over and over and I don't want to get started on the on what happened with the uh caly site but I'm still not very happy about how that ended up coming back to us and and we were kind of forced into into doing this through agreement um I think there needs to be a long uh discussion on uh where we're headed uh with that element and uh that's that's all I have cr my hand so I'm going to piggyback on that just a little bit because I need to ask you something that we can't that I can't just call you up and ask you so a couple little housekeeping items literally um and so I want to ask you yours first and I want you to understand this is this is literally no criticism because I support what you were doing but a lot of times things just get dropped we talk about things we talk about things in work sessions and and it really frustrates me that we just never hear about them again so you had months ago brought up some issues that I certainly wasn't aware of I think a lot of us weren't aware of with the issue of the proliferation of dollar stores and we talked about you know this and then you provided us some information to take come and read which I did and we never heard of it again and um so having read all the information you know I certainly think you have some very valid points in driving up here you know there's a there's there are so many in such close proximity are we going to continue on with with with that or is that a dropped issue it's minor stated from the presentation done by staff uh and and and and I felt like the the consensus up here uh oh we really can't do anything about it there's nothing we can do um if we if we hinder them we could hinder Trader Joe's from coming here or somebody else from coming here uh but I'll tell you this now we've got another new Dollar Tree coming see in our brand new Shopping Plaza uh that we're proud to finally have out there publ there a Dollar Tree Dollar Tree um the good news is the good news is uh they might be fixing themselves a little bit because uh some of them might be going away I I did hear that I heard that I heard that and that's another thing that reminded me to bring this up again but my question is at this point I would be I would you know after after you know I I think when some of these things come up would be discussed we have to have time to to do our own research because it was all news to me um because I was at that point still infatuated with the with the new one um I'm not against you know putting some limits on them I mean you know and yeah I I I hear you say that staff said we couldn't but that's not staff's decision it's our decision so you know do we don't do we want to pick that back up again and and because Patrick you know you you bring up a good point I mean the town the San is going to be what kind of devel velopment we bring into s so you know that was my number one thing is what happened and were we going to continue with that and just a citation staff didn't say you couldn't just pointed out some of the rep and some possible unintended consequences because that's what sta always does no matter what we want to do it seems like we get faced with an overwhelming amount of reasons that we can't do it it's really I think gave a good presentation on her research and I think it came down to us coming up with what a definition of a dollar store is that we don't want it's a Dollar Tree or a Dollar General or a 99 cent so no business that has the word Dollar in its name can open see here we go I'm just how do you define it well so so so but even even as even simpler than that mayor uh I remember asking if if we could even consider distance because we have a proliferation in Historic downtown Sanford have a proliferation of them um and so I I brought up distance um but distance between what though those stores what to define those stores items who so who who the majority of items that they sell are for $125 okay I mean I know you get your Five Below but but and let's say we need to Hash it out tonight I just think that Patrick was on to something and you know I just wanted to say there's a couple ways to go about it there's uh square footage dedicated to produce which most of these do not have good point uh and and they are part of the proliferation of food deserts in our country um and then there could be you know pricing the products there could be spacing of the stores there's a there's a lot of options here none of which were were really given to us as an option so you want it brought back well commiss he brought it up is that are you asking for it to come back yes yeah I with she be coming back all right that's number one so you you know it's amazing to me that that that we can be brought stuff that they don't like and and they don't want and changes they think we should have but when we present something like this there's not really a whole lot of uh thought or or push to to go with it does that make sense at all does that's the way that that that I think a lot of us steal a lot of the time okay I don't remember anybody up here saying no here's the definition I want bring it to us in an ordinance and we're going to pass it but we that's that's what we get to do we can tell him we want this ordinance and this is what we want in it bring it and we're voting I I presented a couple of different options from other cities so which so which one do you want them to present for us to vote on that's working on a PO okay again in FA that I you made a great presentation and we didn't hear from the commission on how to move forward but we were Mr Bart I think commissioner man will at least back me up on this we we are always given a lot of reasons why we can't the same same thing with with with why why we can't like he did earlier T night you can't Soul so should s Soul Source B well we've got crises in our water plants if Soul source is what works for the water plants by God we should be doing it and we did I know but we were told it was bad naughty naughty shouldn't be doing this well Soul source is not a great economic way thing to do if there is only one company that can sell something to you you're stuck with whatever price they're going to give you may that be the greatest and but we rarely do it and like like they said we don't over we don't overuse it don't use it when we have I don't think I don't think staff brought that up as a soul Source just you know just no the the issue simply was that it was on consent rather than on a regular it rest of but then we were given the speech of soul for f let's not make this happen and I get it okay can I go can I move Mr Mo and part this is primarily for you commissioner Britain when I get started on this please do not think that I am including you in this okay I'm not so don't anybody start yelling at me couple of weeks ago Mr nean ping was in from Main Street and he gave us a wonderful presentation on what m is doing and when he closed out he closed out um and and he he he got kind of angry and he talked about how filthy The Welcome Center was and he said that um in fact that there was an event um there was an event at the Welcome Center and that commissioner Anthony armania had to vacuum and we should all be embarrassed because commissioner armanda was vacuuming and he was really mad and he wanted more cleaning and okay I I get that and I particularly get the bathrooms but but Norton here's what I want to know for here's what I want to know for you from you and here's what I want to say about that you know I was caught off guard I would have gone down there and vacuum if I didn't know it was such a deal right but in my thought and and you tell me how I'm thinking long yes I understand the public is going in and using those bathrooms and yes I understand that we the city do need to be assisting with that bathroom maintenance but I called Kim house because Kim house was one of the first organizations to use that building when she and uh her people started be alive after 5 and I said Kim how often did the city come in and clean and what did they do for you and she said City didn't come in and clean it was made clear to us that we were using the building for free and that we would do the cleaning she said the city did no cleaning and so you know my way of thinking is that the building's being used by at the minimum Main Street the semino Cultural Arts Council and the Chamber of Commerce and I'm sure I'll get some blowback I'm sure I'll get a phone call and I'm sure I'll find myself on Facebook but all I could think of was no one in that group no one in those three groups could pick up a vacuum cleer and do it we got to be embarrassed because we should be embarrassed because it wasn't back in chamber doesn't have chamber's paying 708 ,000 to a director a year now they can't run the vacuum nobody can run the vacuum over there so okay well if they can't run the vacuum and we've got to do all the cleaning I need to know are those things not clearly defined in their contract because they get free use of a building all those organizations they get their water paid and they get their power paid and I think when those outside bathrooms are built I feel like maybe uh at that point point I'm not sure we should be providing cleaning services as well when we're doing all that we're doing and we're using the taxpayer own building and taxpayer funds to do it so I just think but but particularly what bothered me is what would prevent that kind of a of an uncomfortable situation is if it's if it's defined in their contract I mean obviously they're all signing contracts or maybe they're not because they say they all come under Main Street but I'm beginning to wonder contractually if if we're doing enough and our contract is detailed enough uh because we certainly need to cover housekeeping services as in whether we do or we don't do them but I do think in an emergency situation there had to be somebody that could pick up a vacuum that it really was not there to yell at us um over the the place not being vacuumed I was really um quite quite surprised at how angry uh that he was about that and it was very uncomfortable when when I when I know good and well I picked up a vacuum I know Sheena vacuum is around own place because sheena's got a gorgeous looking place I'm we all put a vacuum I I don't I don't understand and I need to know what you can do to put that all in hard so it doesn't happen again we do have great agreement with those organizations I'll look into them see what it says about that well cleaning maintenance I know we are looking at doing the back more but we do have dis agreements with different organizations super can I please do but I have one more thing after that that commissioner U pulled me aside after that and said that he was embarrassed to be uh mentioned that way that he didn't see any problem at all for vacuum when his group gets to use that facility I mean I can't tell how many times I vacuum you probably vacuum Hopper or the floors in Hopper and I I I just felt like wow you know we're giving the place to you guys for free we're paying your C we're paying your water and you're actually raising your voice and you're angry because someone had to you I didn't understand that right so you look at the contract all right you guys another item I do I want to know where my cheesecake is Creos got another one I can't right who took my cheesecake all right no we're not leaving here until they fess up no I so joke all right I put the um city manager goals there were a couple additions if y'all could just review those make sure they're fine if you have any questions about them pass that to the um city manager please and who's got you where had you girl you a got to wor abouty