I'm ask [Music] [Music] it's a good call did you [Music] [Music] really I spent 20 [Music] minut I don't know how much I have left he s [Music] do you have access to how much I have left now hey Virginia did you know we voted on and it passed the $10,000 contribution to and Lisa's already got the invoice and I think it's already being paid to him we'll also thank you in minut oh you don't you don't need to I mean hey it's City money it's just a great public purpose everybody loved it we showed a picture of it and everybody loved it really really like L and we're say no it's not going to go in until we're finished out here you know I'm not running again right I told you I don't like that you'll love the you but anyway really thrilled with it and um and everybody didn't y'all didn't y'all think that was really nice the S absolutely yeah but they SP yeah I know I get that all the time [Music] s for all right and call to order we ready okay go for the meeting of San FR commission for Monday June 24th 2024 first order of business is legislative Prayer by Pastor Franklin tenno of St bar [Music] Christian let's bow our head father we come before you tonight just thanking you for your mercy and your grace we ask that as the commission meets tonight that you allow this to be a a productive meeting that does your work here in the city of Sanford because we know that in the Bible it says that you have placed all leaders in the places that they are and so father we just thank you and we honor you in the mighty name of Jesus we pray amen amen amen [Music] States andice thank you [Music] I believe we um Mr May i' asked Chief Smith to come and introduce some of our newer police officers we've had a number of saring in in the last couple of weeks and I thought it would be good for the city commission to see the new officers and for the new officers to see the city commission so with that Chief said mayor commer C manager Community one of the things that we have been working diligently on is uh bringing in new officers we've always looked at the fact that uh experienced officers is one of the most important things that we can uh bring on and that's because we have the ability to get those officers up the speed relatively quick and on the street as should you know when we have someone who was going through the academy that Academy is about 5 and 1 12 months long then another four to five months while they're in fto before we have an opportunity to get those officers on the street so essentially we you actually lose about a year with those officers because we had an opportunity to bring on veteran officers who've been in the field for a number of years we have that ability to expedite a bunch of their training mostly because a lot of the language we speak whether it's in north northern uh Florida or Southern Florida we speak the same language to a certain point it's just the ability for them to get up to speed with our local ordinances streets and the things that we're doing here but before I introduce U the officers I want to have uh uh Lieutenant uh lean come up as most of you know uh Tina was a sergeant a couple months ago and most recently she was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant she began her career with the police department in 20 000 uh known as our resident scholar within the organization she got her doctorate so we call her Dr Leman for many times he's a recent graduate from Northwestern University School of police staff and command where I will tell you that's one of the more difficult police uh staff of command schools for you to go to she spent 22 weeks in the process of graduating from that Academy and uh she has taken over the Lieutenant's position and professional stand and our our community relations unit next is [Music] Sergeant Sergeant n was promoted the same day as Cena was promoted began her career with San Department in 2015 in Patrol unit uh in 2020 She was transferred to General investigations in May of this year she was promoted in position of Sergeant I will tell you a little bit about her real quickly she's a mother of two um probably one of the hardest working uh officers in the department she has led a number of Investigations including a number of homicides that have taken place within our organization she has been a huge team leader and team member within the organization for a number of years and it's uh it's great to see that she has had the opportunity to move up in her career within the organization uh new officers Officer s officer the Silva there you go okay work the law enforcement for the City of Winter Springs uh he brings 15 years of security experience as well as a number of years with uh Winter Springs Police Department to my immediate right say your applause until we're done it's all good appreciate it's all good um to my media right is Officer debie Johnson uh who came to us from the Monroe Sheriff's Department she has 13 years of experience including dispatching victims advocacy field training and the investigative unit uh when I say Monro County you should think about Key West area so when I said you we're getting folks from up North and from down south who are coming to the central Florida to um EMB better our agency Abraham Rodriguez worked in Patrol with the city of Miami before Ling in the United States Army National Guard as an infantryman um I'm going leave it alone uh he was employed to Qatar and the Jordan Syria border back in 201 20 and uh he joined us as well bring in a number of years of experience in law enforcement from South Florida and officer Carlos ruis has been an officer in the ocal police department since 2016 during any time he is a PO training officer and worked in Street Prime so again a a opportunity for us to go out and reach out to other agencies those who are looking to do something a little different having an opportunity to expand our uh Department with veteran officers who will have an opportunity to impart the information that they have they're bringing into the organization for our young officers I think officer Pierre there's one of our newer officers who's just kind of hanging out in the back he's been around a little bit longer than everyone else has so I give you our newest additions to S Poli party Mr May commission Chief I want to commend Chief Smith for bringing the diversity of experienced officers and a wide variety of different kinds of officers it's making the Sanford Police Department a premier Police Department within the State of Florida at the last swearing and I was in there were three new police officers all of which are bilingual wow so that's allowing us to reach out to the community so thank you than awesome Dina yes ma'am congratulations again you you deserve you deserve every all the best app super so that will bring us to the minutes for the June 1024 session approve second second any discussion all in favor that was the one that y'all been making me sit in for months and I just decided it was time for the big guy who makes the decisions I'm sing it back to you it's horrible you serious about how bad it is it's time it's time they need to be all put all right um we're going speaking before the commission to facilitate public input do you plan to speak on an item if you would please complete one of the yellow citizens input forms which you find in the back of the room and submit it to the city clerk um that will help us keep track of um who will be speaking um and we'll also ask that you state your name and address for the record before speaking the public will be given an opportunity to speak on any item before the city commission during the regular meeting um before the consent agenda I will ask if anyone has any comments on any of those items during public hearings um at each one I will have an opportunity to give opportunity for people to speak and for regular items um if you have not filled yet out the yellow card if you would just raise your hand when you get to an item that you want to speak to um we will all you to speak there's a three minute time limit for each speaker on each item except the person representing organization and present views during judicial hearing will be allowed five minutes at the end of the meeting as citizen participation where individuals may address the commission on any topic um that is not on the agenda and there is a 5 minute time limit comments so that brings us consent agenda is anyone in the audience wish to speak on any item on the consent agenda commission for items a through L approve I'll second that but then I want to discuss a couple of them which ones um the battle of the branches and I believe the open gar event FG and maybe H yeah you want to pull FG I don't want to pull I just want to discuss uh I want to approve the whole thing I'm not I'm not trying to not approve anything I just want to discuss okay well let's so let's pull those and can the motion be for a through e and I okay second all in favor okay um I'm curious why we uh are making uh some of these businesses go through this process um after is during the day ends at 400 p.m. we're making them get a noise permit and they're uh um they back up to I4 right and in front of them is a noisy noisy car dealership yeah I it's right there and it's in their own business right they're doing their event on their own property um I I just feel like uh sometimes we we are not it's how we Define special event and M Jones is going to explain that good evening Commissioners Mr Bart Mr hbert Lisa Jones Parks and Recreation director um you indeed correct uh these layouts are uh in simple terms it's out in their parking lot but their parking lot is being used for something other than parking there will be vendors entertainment um in some cases outdoor alcohol sales or consumption and that's why go to the process okay but why the noise permanent particularly battle the branches the DJ is going to be inside the building right um we've been dealing um working closely with the owners of the Tactical business there and there's been some fluid movement in those items so we thought it best to go ahead and cover any outdoor amplification that they may have okay so so again uh the car dealership has Amplified noise all day and all night do they apply for a permit daily uh I'm unaware of that's just car activity that wouldn't fall under our per I'm sorry if it's just car activity no they have loudspeakers on their property they all day long we would have to look into that same thing the auto auction that now backs up to my neighborhood hollers all day long um the drive-thru restaurants that back up to our neighborhoods holler all day long uh what I don't understand why an event from 11: to 4: you have to get a noise permit to have an event on your own property again you're not you're not affecting any residents there not a single one that is currently how the ordinance and code stands sir um I can only tell you that if it were to be any residents out there or if it were in a different location in the city I don't know what that buffer zone would be uh other than what we have it now how much is the noise from I think it's $10 but you have to go through this whole rigor moral process as well but that would I mean that's based on what our ordinance says is basically a special event involves anything using property for things other than what it's design where you will be doing advertising to the public and bringing people into an area where they usually are not so you can advertise your business to do something in business but if you're advertising something that's going to be outside of your normal business that's what our code requires if you want to change that we would need to change the C that well but this this goes back to one of the things that I've I've complained about for a couple years now and we started doing this to Texas Roadhouse also um we we are counterintuitive to business of this city doing events is crucial to these businesses to be able to survive and then you got to go through this this red tape and you got to pay fees because they're paying way more than $10 that's just one of the per they sell alcohol on that property all the time but we're charging them a fee to be able have alcohol in that paring yes sir um respectfully those are is your footprint you have filed with the dvpr so if that is just for the footprint of your building uh we're trying to assist those business owners so that they don't put their license in peril all [Music] I'm if I thre a party at my house I'm not getting a permit are you advertising it to the public I you need a permit only the viewers tonight Mr Rondo put his address on your list places to check he already came and took my chickens okay thank you Mr my [Music] question yeah thank you I mean I question that you know we may be a little overboard on on some of the things but it really would be that we need to take a look at the ordinance and see if we can loosen it up I mean it would be one thing if they didn't have a a gigantic footprint and they have plenty of parking left over it's not like they're like anybody around them is going to be affected by extra cars that day or the par not being used so just but how do you write that in code I know you don't you don't have to get a permit if you have a really good par yeah well maybe there's a percentage I don't know that's something we want to look at okay so question G or h no it all apply to all okay we have a motion on FG and H move to approve fav first reading ordinance 4788 thank you mayor this ordinance is entitled an ordinance city of San Florida providing for the resoning of a parcel of real property toing 2.96 in size located at 3750 laa Avenue which property is located within the sanord city limits from Simo County Agriculture to plan development providing for findings and intent providing for Ring of AD implementing administrative action providing for adoption or map by reference providing for conflict providing for cability providing for nonc appication for Effective Mr Mayor of the city Commission on June 6 2024 the city's Planning and Zoning commission Ved to recommend that the city commission approve the first reading of the request to Res Zone 2.96 Acres at the project address of 4750 La Avenue and 2850 East Lake Mary Boulevard from agriculture which is s trans which is the city of s this is a matter involved inal process as Commissioners must disclose all expart Communications including the name of the communicator and the time place and substance communication communication us be disclosed and made a part of the record before final Act taken Commissioners investigation site um said expert opinions must also be disclosed and made a part of the record persons who have opinions contrary to those expressed in or communication must be given a reasonable opportunity to refute or respond to communication at the hearing the parties to this proceeding are the city staff and the appli applicant and they are subject to cross examination must give their testimony under oath others who seek party status are also subject to cination person only participating by providing comments are not subject to cost examination and are not sworn and evidentiary with qualifications thata published in the city's website or will be submitted at the hearing and I'm going to read that one time tonight to cover all of our clal hearings and I will just mention whether they areal when we get to them I need witness this [Music] parties do we have any parties that wish to be sworn on this all right this is the public hearing anyone from the audience wish to speak to the side close the public hearing BR commission action move to approve second motion second further discussion we have to dis have do you have anything on this item no I do okay anything on this item so any other discussion all in favor any oppos passion us to First reading of ordinance 4789 M this ordinance is entitled an ordinance city of Sanford Florida annexing the voluntary petition certain real property only addressed is 460 State Road 46 located config to the city of Sanford in accordance for the voluntary indexation provisions of section 17144 statutes boundaries the city of Sanford includ property and many of the boundaries of the city accorded for the provisions of section 16631 part of the statutes providing for finding providing for conditions Direct the clerk to record the ordinance with the clerk circuit court with the chief administrative office of s County with the Department of State providing for a legal description on the maping corporation that exhibit feeling all ordinances in Conflict here with provil taking administrative [Music] AC mayor the city commission the city staff have reviewed the request foration and found the request to meet the criteria for for the statutes is therefore the city staff recommendation City commission approved first of ordinance 4789 to Annex 6.16 Acres located at 4060 East State Road 646 has legally describe into the city of this is a public hearing [Music] anyone approve second further discussion [Music] all in favor I oppos this first reading of ordinance 49 this ordinance is excuse me this ordinance is entitled in ordinance city of Sanford Florida amending the city of Sanford C plan is previously amended fting for Amendment the future land use map of the future land use element of the city assign top land relative to certain real property approximately 6.16 acres in size armed by torian Properties LLC said property being addressed 460 East State Road 46 finding for the future land is designation to be amended from commercial to General commercial providing for legislated finding and intent providing for assignment of the land designation to the property provid ability for ratification prior acts of the city Prov for conflicts fting for qualification direction to the pr CIF fire providing for effectiv Mr Mayor members of the city Commission on June the 6th of 2024 the city's ping zon commission voted to recommend that the city commission approve the request to amend land use from commercial to General General commercial it is the Sap's finding that the small scale land use amendment is appropriate and suitable for the subject s and is comparable with the surrounding area uses this is the public hearing anyone from audience respect [Music] toiss [Music] favor 4791 entitled ordinance City for re joining of certain real Prof approximately 6.16 acres in size owned by the city which property is located within the sanord city limits address is 460 St 46 from retail commercial to General commercial providing for fings and intent providing for taking of implementing administrative actions fing for adoption of a map by reference providing for conerts providing for severability for non ucation providing for an effective day Mr May the city Commission on February 41st of 2024 at its regular c meeting the city's Planning Commission voted to recommend that the city commission approve the first reading of ordinance number 4791 to Res Zone 6.16 Acres located at 4060 State row 46 from retail commercial to General commercial based on consistency with the joint planing agreement the East stary Court of study and the City of sanord comprehensive I believe we have a copy and paste error in the title of the ordinance because this is not owned by the city yes that corrected by second and this is phas I judicial if anyone has anything to disclose are there any parties going to want to speak this is the public heing as any from second all in favor oppos brings us to ordinance 4792 this ordinance is entitled an ordinance city of sanord FL the city of Sanford to plan previously amended providing for Amendment to the Future land use map of the future land use element of the city of sanre comp plan relative to certain real property approximately 5.77 acres in size owned by CHR Sharing Center and d and Company the property being is 6498 North future Landing designation to be amended from low density residential single family to Neighborhood commercial to General commercial providing for legislative and intent providing for assignment of designation for the property proving foring for ratification prior acts of the city finding for conflex providing forication Direction codify and providing for Mr may members of City commission at the June 6 2024 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting the C Planning and Zoning commission voted to recommend that the city commission approved the first reading of ordinance 4792 the staff finds that the small scale land use amendment is appropriate and suitable for the subject site and is comparable with the surrounding land consisting the city of San compreh plan The Joint planning agreement the E State Mary small area study under the chapter 163 of the for statutes do we have a map that shows which part has which fature I can't find that in mind [Music] are you P enough standing there because we've got a little thing we can pull out I can probably pull this okay if there's anything we can do to make it more comforable you let us know there you go family yes where that red line is for [Music] okay all right all right this is H caring um you are the applicant you would like me go ahead yes sir Mr Mayor and Commissioners thank you for the opportunity to speak I'm Scott Banta 97 Hickory Tree Road Longwood Florida representing the Sharing Center I'm here to say that we uh have enjoyed working with your staff on coming up with a plan that was acceptable to the city and matched everything required in the PED um also very happy to speak to you about a little bit about the Sharing Center if I can take a couple seconds to do a commercial um the sharing Center's been in in sub County for over 37 years I think probably most many of you are familiar with them um last year they served over 20,000 people in sual County um over the since over the 37 years they've served over 470,000 people in suol County um we have 6,000 volunteers and last year had 55,000 volunteer hours of service to the community this development is 79 units of work what we call Workforce achievable housing whereby it's basically to serve the missing Mill um so it will be under Market rents but it will be the rental department complex um the Sharing Center will be having long-term ownership and there will be um uh Professional Property Management for the property um I'm here to answer any questions and uh thank you again for the opportunity any questions yeah well why is it going to be County Water and Sewer when when I see um gravity line and water M uh adjacent property there uh we've been working with staff over the course of the last two years um the city of Sanford is unable to provide us with an adequate water supply and in for the sewer and we have letters from staff of your staff saying to the county saying that U they agree with the going to the in several counties willing to provide us war and that's news to me we have we haven't been told we have an issue with that we've just recently had this discussion didn't we well and we'll get somebody from our staff down to explain that that now um what what kind of fence or uh well what kind of fencing is interrupt you okay because we in to explain to the public we have two votes that will take place the first one is just on the future land and then the second is on the actual zoning and plan um sometimes we sort of combine those two discussions right but we're going to do that I probably need to um [Music] where if you're going to have testimony yes part should be some that would be any member of the staff and the applicant if you're going to to take testimony and and get answers to specific questions about the project okay so that would make sense to do that now even though that will carry over to the next carry to the Mr Mayor we didn't approve the procedure at the last meeting we continued it until we had the further discussion what we did not approve to have that new these new procedures we Contin remember was on our agenda worksh I take that as we were not going to do we didn't approve the workshop is scheduled for the next session of the commission the law applies now even though the city policies may not be in sync and I could not recommend the city more the laws and the case law and that's I mean we adopted that ordinance yes you adopted an ordinance judicial matters in January of this year Well it's not law it might be it's our attorney's interpretation of case law it's not a new law okay but it is the ordinance that we passed so in order that everything and both discussion from both pieces can be considered zon we should move forward with that now yes okay so we are going to if you are going to be a party to the decision which means you're the applicant or staff that will be speaking or someone else with specific um knowledge I'm going to ask the attorney to explain this part who who a party is a party would be the applicant and any any Consultants that the applicant uh has hired who will give a professional opinion the uh City staff has reviewed this and will'll answer questions is also uh a potential wit us if there's any member of the public who just simply wants to come and express an opinion uh or make a comment or ask a question they are not parties and do not have to be sworn they can stand up at the appropriate time and say what they choose to speak for or against the project or ask a question okay so if I could have everyone who um wants to be a party if you could please rise and stay your home St St your name Scott okay do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give in the matters now hearing will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth thank you all right commissioner Austin want question uh I don't see you on here where what kind of fine is being used or wall or we have a 8ot masonry wall going on the west side the entire West Side the north side and the majority the east side and then we agreed at the Planning and Zoning commission meeting uh for the Carriage Cove neighbors next door to install 6 foot PVC fence or some kind of screening around the retention I'm confused I need clarification I thought we weren allow to ask those questions when we're doing land use I thought we had to ask those questions on 7 C2 not 7 C1 am that incorrect we just need to be clear that the first vote will be just on the land use but because people frequently associate them together there may be questions that come up that are related to that okay and so I'm trying to accommodate that because we have a lot of people that want to speak on both items but in the past even even with the qus that judicial and swearing in we were told not you ask those questions when it's not the L has that changed I I may have just changed that I'm intention all right okay right Patrick anything else um so basically a 8ft wall 6 sir Sor Oh I thought you said eight six you said 6ot PBC no 6ot masonry wall on the west side and the north side and coming down the majority the east side and then transitioning to most like PBC around the pond around the pond okay um and what about a consideration for life lighting will be addressed through the site plan process in accordance with the city of Sanford Land Development code St about that sure looks like we're cramming a lot in one little space but that's just me okay any other questions yes um so this is an apartment complex and I just want to clarify you said that there there will be opportunity for ownership no ma'am what was the ownership it's long-term ownership by the sherff so we're not just a a developer coming into town We're Here Local and we'll be um owning of this and operating it welcome [Music] a few more but I think it needs so all right all right thank you for now um did you have [Music] anything okay I Hon planning director I'm going to split the two parts up I was going to wait until after the public had the opportunity to speak but so before you are the two parts the first part being the lanus amendment where there is a split lanus right now and we're looking to consolidate it into one so that they can move forward and develop the two properties because the one in the back is very limited on their ability to access um the second part is a reone the rezone is to multi the reone is to PD for the use of a multif family the multif family has been designed generally to meet our criteria um with a few variances that you'll find within your your staff report um I don't know if you have any direct questions up front or if you want to save them until after public Ino question okay thank you do we have someone from utilities that can explain why or we have someone from planning that can explain it's basically just has to do with the line capacities of what's there now it's not that we as a city don't have water it's the lines that could feed this from our side are less than those that the the county can provide for out of RA rean so we're doing a DI Minimus change between jurisdiction as to who's going to provide the water and sewer just because the water and sewer that can be provided to them affords more capacity if you need anything more than that then I have to talk to but I think that I mean it's basically just what we have in the area the pipe size yeah volume pipe size all of that so it's just we need to pull up with something greater right there in front of the property so run additional lines would sort of you beat the purpose for the project commission all right um Andrew lanon reminder to the public what the first item we are voting on is just the teacher langage uh yes sir um I think that I need to reserve my comments for C2 okay yes sir because the legislative item one okay KY ISAC um I'm just speaking for want me to get up there I'm a homeowner um I live on Tucker I'm at 47 Tucker so I'm the second house from the end um I mean I'm just you know I'm not thrilled with the idea of having all these apartments crammed in if you're in this space it's really not it doesn't feel like that big of a space um my biggest concern is that the the code it needs to be 100 ft from our property line to where their start and if you look at the plans it's only it's only saying like 21 ft from the from our side from the sunlin estate side so we have all these mature trees that and power lines that were just concerned that will be tear you know just torn down I mean they're just you know these trees have been there forever and um my backyard isn't that big I have like 40 ft from my literally my house to my fence line and then you know I'm looking at this and there's like sewage know processing like basically my back door so you I'm just opposed to this whole thing I think it's just too big of a project for that space that's all thank you thank you okay I have a couple other cards but they all listed C2 specifically is there anyone else that wishes to speak for this okay my name is I live at 403 Tucker Drive our biggest concern here is that the setbacks that provided in your codes are not being provided to the home the property owners along Sala States the setbacks are only 25 ft on the buffers and there should be 50 the setbacks from our carp line should be 100 for the first um apartment there are only 25 they say they're going to build 3T off our property line Build It Up 3T put a 6ft wall on top of it that is so unacceptable to all of us at property buers the only one in this whole deal that seems to be WR uh even close to 100 ft is Carriage code and they're not Property Owners all of us are property owners and we're very concerned about this this is a very heavily uh lotted area with trees have been there for over a 100 years which our power grids run through and then the uh drip lines in these trees have connected into our trees it's a big concern but we just wanted you know as developers they should bu find I'm sorry follow the guidelines just like any other developer you know follow the codes and stay within um right now we're looking at these uh plans that they subm for their master plan and nowhere in here are they giving us the footage that we deserve as property and that's very stressful for all of us right I mean all other developers if this is someone else um I just don't think there should be any uh you know exclusions for are you I don't even know how to say I'm so upset about it I just said the buffers need to be what what yall place in code this was brought up in the zoning meeting that they were not to code they said it was due to the size of the property and the shape of the property to why they want to code to the property owners that's not our problem nor the cities they need to build and develop within the Cod thank you thank you thank you anyone else any want to speak to this do the applicant want to respond to anything at this point okay I'll CL public caring for Action to approve we second motion and second is there a discussion Austin um I'm just not comfortable with it we're making six exceptions to the the setbacks um in considerable but that's not what we're are you okay with the change in the land and I understand it's it's all tied together but it's two separate VES right but I don't even like changing the land use because that allows allows this to be done no the problem is you know we got these codes and codes in place and codes have been in place you know Land Development codes have been in place for a long time and everybody that comes to us want in you know it's like there for a reason we're going to come in and negotiate how close we can come here is it and I completely agree some of this is some of not comfortable with either however I also understand we're just voting on the lands change that a lot of of my issues are going to come up in the next right correct and that's that's what the part that's confusing me because and I agree with Patrick and I have a lot of concerns when it comes to C2 but technically you would have to have a legal reason why you why you shouldn't change uh the LAN use in order to deny it so that's the reason why I'm not denying it because I don't have a legal reason for Del lay use now for C2 and something totally different and from what I've been told that this is what we have to focus on for the first one right not anything else that is correct okay it does according to our staff um the change in future landuse is a purose well discussion well we don't have to we don't how have to agree the change of land use I don't I'm not I'm not so sure it's appropriate the land use was put there for a reason um but yet we always just rubber stamp um so how would you legally deny it well the motion currently is is your motion to approve um there hasn't been a vote called so I can't makeing another motion it would be whether it's compatible or not it's the key right it's compatible all right let's go I'll and call vote on this all in favor I I I I motion you see and all okay so that passes through two it brings us to ordinates 4793 Mr this ordinance is entitled an ordinance city of San Florida providing for resoning of a parcel real property building approximately 5.77 acres in size located at 6498 Northway in Boulevard which property is located within the S City Limits from Agriculture and Commercial to plan development findings and intent providing for taking of implementing administrative actions providing for adoption of a map by reference providing for conflict providing for separability foration providing for Effective Mr may members of the city Commission on June 6th of 2024 the city's Planning and Zoning commission took a vote to have the city recommend City commission approved first reading of ordinance number 4793 the request to reone 5.7 Acres of project address of 6498 North B culture and restricted commercial to plan development there are a number of conditions listed in the staff report and it's now for the city the commission consideration this isal um action and so if there's anything to disclose I did meet with um the applicant and her staff um this morning and discuss the project and um else public hearing um are we going with Staff first good evening again okay um I'm not quite sure where to start so with the obviously the the's first reading was approved can always be denied on second reading if after all proceedings the commission determines that that's not the best route to go but given that it is against 427 it has various means of commercial along the way The General commercial found to be the most compatible for that that um intensity the roadway it does come up backwards to the north up toward the residential which um the only access need is through Ronald so it's one cohesive property essentially so making it one L is is where we need to proceed from now um what they've designed does reduce the buffers significantly in most areas they have provided the required wall but the distance separations um fall short as noted by some of the representatives from the neighborhood that it is a an very irregularly shaped property that it's irregularly shaped so it's it's challenged to give the setbacks that are necessary if you were to maintain the single family RS and Zoning the single family um and neighborhood commercial that are on it now and built it out to Max you would hit 76 units what they're proposing is 79 of the units that they're proposing they're twostory no more or less than the typical single family home today if they were to develop it as in a very compact single family subdivision as we've been doing those houses would be permitted to be within 15 to 20 ft of the property line with no buffer no wall and no separations so given that these apartments as designed not the setbacks but the apartments as designed actually come as close to our regulations as any apartment complex in recent years um we have the majority of ours are four-story towered they you know they have Community areas in the middle they close in around properties and they make them as dense as possible this one is two story units small cluster homes like we have an our code and they've tried to design to the best their ability with the parking PT surrounding each smaller building and then they separate the apartments themselves from the residential property with the use of garages do you have a site maybe maybe not um they separate the buildings the twostory buildings the single family properties along the border with the single story garages so it's also serves as an addition buffer in addition to the wall what that so along the the borders themselves you see the smaller buildings with the ex's those are parking facilities versus resal properties cor what about the front those are buildings uh the back of those buildings look right over those homes right they're 25 ft back and they're only TW story so if they were single family homes they would they could be two story as well with no issue and they wouldn't have to be 25 ft they would only have to be 20 and those buil property that's not zone for single family only the back part is zone for single family the front of Zone neighborhood commercial well it's currently right it could do commercial you could have a restaurant which could be as close as 20 ft from that property line you could have a a hotel there if you wanted you could have a number of things that would be far more intrusive than the the lower impact residential that's proposed um we can argue in trance of all day long right in terms of traffic and noise though some of the other uses that could go into a commercial property could create far it could generate far more in noise why only a six foot wall I I could look over that well the proper that's standard that's the standard that's our buffer requirement is a 6ot wall and then on top of that it'll be taller because they are raising it due to flood requirements these days for elevation of property right but it still allows them easily to look over the multi family will have the six and then on the back side of that the other side should have more than six if not eight or n so it'll buffer them that much more what okay so if you have the as long as the wall is built on the elevation of the apartments you'll have the residential the elevation that's added and then the wall sits on top of that so it'll be the 6 ft plus whatever dirt is added and then the resid so there will probably be closer to eight so that that that high of an elevation is also going become a real water problem for the surrounding neighborhoods not if the not if the storm water is designed properly like they're supposed to require they're supposed to retain anything that's on site and then a wall also contains that so it keeps the water within the company as only across the runs right around the wall and no the wall runs the entire length of the West side and then all across the north side and then halfway down the East Side okay and then the region Pond is what's surrounded by PBC correct and that just has to do with maintenance of the pond to make sure that it can be accessed um where is the buffer requirement coming from somebody took um the paper I used to have in my drer that had the it's from schedule J okay schedule J has compatibility standards and it's commercial industrial and multif family as they're adjacent to residential uses okay but industrial to single family is only 75t where is the multi family to single family multi family to single family I didn't bring my laptop up with me but I can grab it if you want schule J okay and um it's the compatibility standards and I think I know them but I don't want to clo them under o without the [Music] laptop let me ask sorry that I got a question about the units per building okay okay so it's saying our requirement is no more than eight dwelling units per building and theirs is up to 16 units per building a one 100% increase right most of our buildings are 200 units like if you look at all the ones that are on Reinhardt Road they're anywhere from 75 to 100 units per building these are 16 they're very small seven buildings with 79 units total M and 50 detached garages [Music] spes 50% of the space is provided um I'm not sure that they're all covered parking not garages okay they're like we've been doing with a lot of our multif family they're not um solid garages they're the ra carports for cover Okay so these AR garages correct it's saying zero direct access garages however 50 detached garages provided that equates to 63% of the units having in cover parking so it's just it's not actually garages they're not garages they're just covered parking and that is consistent with what we've done with a lot of our more recent so essentially the covered cart boards are backing up TOs hous in the back in the back right so the six foot wall with the covered parking behind it separated by a drive lane a series of parking sidewalk landscaping and the [Music] buildings got it but our code says no more than eight dwellings per building is that correct that is how it's currently written correct we have not had anyone meet that in 20 years why do we we need to we're in the process of rewriting the multif family unfortunately some of the other regulations have taken precedent and the multif family majority of multif family comes in as a plan development anyway yeah so in doing that it's the negotiation between the city yeah it comes in as a PB because they want to negotiate it because most of them can't meet the code if right in this case it doesn't really apply in terms of density but if you want density like we do over by the mall and in certain other high intensity areas of the city you can't put only eight units per building you would never meet the density requirements that are are necessary so this allows like the PD process allows design changes but in in general this particular plan is far closer to our code than anything that we've reviewed that but it's also the first that I know of that is being built top of plenty of they they run along 1792 with the residences behind them the three and four story apartments most of the ones on 1792 are garden style and they have bought res newer ones that we've approved last year the TOs behind um which prompted [Music] our and that was before my no so I mean there are there are a number of three and at least three story apartments that have but residential single family we did add these um changes and they were based upon the large house or big house type apartment complex there's one in the city that's somewhat designed like that but I don't even think it only has eight units for building but it's Arbor LS which later on went on to be condominium so the rest of our Apartments have far more units for building than just e so yes it's we understand that the the multif family code has to be amended like I said there are some others that have taken precedent a lot of the procedural things in our articles during the process of amending so is this your District okay setback is to Vertical construction is that correct setback is to the primary structures or accessory structures depending on how it's written in the multif family I don't think they account for carps because it wasn't the trend at the time um but the setbacks are to the primary buildings okay so in the back we've got I think it's almost 70 to 90 yeah set and the front B some of those buildings are 25 ft off the wall but the neighborhood commercial zoning would allow for multif family through conditional use process only or through a PD process it would also allow for to and then live local would allow them to Ser all of that and go 502 units per acre and four shores tall because it is a commercial [Music] zoning so just in reviewing all the elements and the components sure there could be a less intense use but there could also be a far more intense use at this location okay and I I I appreciate that um Miss s uh but um don't you think um don't you think it gets a little old saying well it could be worse um so we're going to go ahead and allow all this it could be a lot worse but we're going to go ahead and let do this I I I'm really not I'm not well this is okay how would I change it up and say this is far more compatible than something else could be it's not it could be worse it's just in terms of compatibility from a l perspective this use is far more compatible to the adjacent uses than something else that we could build in what's already existing if we change nothing well I I go back to um a current issue uh in in district one uh where we were trying uh we had before us a commercial property right next to a residential property and we made them all kinds of changes to that commercial property to appease one resident and right here we've got I'm not going to take the time to count it but we've got at least 20 uh residents uh intimately connected to this property um and we're not really doing much for them at all we're not we're not doing much that you okay um I I think the wall needs to be higher um I'm concerned about the lighting um and I'm I'm not even sure about the parking but uh you know I know there's not much we can do about it but well the parking actually meets parking code I know this is the first Department complex that had that has not come forth and asked for ruction right but we have we have 51 units that are two or three bedroom and I can almost guarantee you that going be two or three cars for each of those units and they count for two cars per unit across the board which is what our standard is right but those three bedrooms are are most likely going to have three vehicles and those two bedrooms might two um and so then where are all those extra cars going to go and Lord forbid if anybody ever has family getting together or this property where do they [Music] go I I know it's in here but Tove me from searching what are the approximate size of these units um they range from a one-bedroom at 550 to a 3 bedroom at 1170 51 three bedroom at 1170 wow oh wait 61 of the units for jeez that's small for a three bedroom it is um I agree with when he was made the comment when he was in C1 that I do think that it's a lot crammed in the one space there are a lot of items on here where they haven't met the uh PD so there's plenty of ways to um either request that the developer changes those or to deny it because you have legal bases on it we went so hard for that one District in in uh that one resident in District One cuz their commissioner wasn't going back there and I didn't and you have plenty of room here and you but you also had backup huh you also had backup up here and I'm with you I'm with you that's why I'm thr it out there P it out there look I need to put this on the record I I appreciate the the the purpose of this property I appreciate the owners of this property and what they're trying to do for our community it's not that I'm anti- Workforce housing it's not that I'm anti anything positive uh but but unfortunately and and yeah I I could sit up here and go well most of these guys live in the county so you know what do I care but I'm trying to put myself like everything else I do up here in their shoes um and if I'm in their shoes right well staff is just presenting application that's been provided with the layout and design with the information that we have and if the commission chooses to recommend denial for reasons such as the compatibility or not meeting the requirements within Land Development regulations that's the that's the prerogative of the commission let's move on with the public the top any questions now for no thank you m [Music] [Music] and did applicant want to okay then Mr L [Music] mayor member City commission thank you so much for the opportunity to speak I was temporarily insane for about 10 years was a City attorney over here so I'm familiar with these processes and so I saw you working your way through the legislative process earlier now quaza judicial only reason I'm here is on behalf of the Sharing Center not as an attorney I'm doing as pro bono um as uh commissioner Austin pointed out a few things that are excellent um the benefit is the workforce obviously you know that's and so going back a long time because not only am I gigantic but I'm old uh in 1986 my brother older brother graduated from an elite school as a uh tight end with a scholarship and Kum out and couldn't get a job and lived at home for 3 years so this is the kind of housing for you know nurses and firemen and stuff like that so that they can service these people that's a reciprocal benefit for the community that's the legitimate public purpose commissioner M you asking about so that's what this serves and also as far as intensity commissioner Austin that's absolutely correct and you're worried about your own District which I completely appreciate and you need to do so and I've listened to every single person that's here today to address these items the biggest issue though is your director of planning has said the intensity for this property could be enhanced more than what's proposed and since you already approved the comprehensive plan change it's an legit excuse me an legitimate public purposes here I recommend that you approve and I ask you do so and thank you thank you Kelly ISAC oh I you want to speak again okay uh Lori Downey me see the City commissioners committee I've been in s little counties trust me um I have some pictures here i' like to present if I could of the property lines and the power grid which runs directly on the both properties it sets on ours there's just a few of them if you could look at them and see what we're up against as far as clearing and and you know the dangers of it being so close to these uh tree lines in our property lines you know where they're running and the drip edges are integrating at the tops if I could you can give those to the clerk but we will not be able to get them back to you that's fine hey or do we have to pass yeah can't put up on the screen also I just like to add you know um like you um Mr Aus you said they're not preserving anything for the residents um they're just wanting to come in there and stick a a brick wall up against our back pencil that's not something we want us at um they're not preserving any of these the tree line for us they're not giving us anything they're basically saying okay we're 25 ft off your property and you're going to like it we don't want that we want the codes to be followed and we understand more than anyone I was a single mother when I bought my home so myself I worked very hard I sacrificed a lot for this home um I understand the need for lower income housing all of us did but not my back like that I don't I think it's an conflict of interest of both parties because there is a different way you know style of living that you're placing upon us and we're just asking that you know the cods be you know set forth and they're there if they'll just help us out and help making sure a blind and that's all we're asking and I understand it could be commercial I'd rather have a commercial building back here I'd rather have commercial property back there and know what I'm dealing with on a daily basis than to have different folks in out all the time all hours of the night and again the lighting uh the parking areas you know I mean there's a lot of factors here and as as Property Owners I just don't think we're getting getting any uh any help from them they say they want to be good neighbors but I don't see where you're a good neighbor when you put a 6ot wall 3 foot higher on my property line it's going to flood my property cuz there's no there's no vegetation there or anything in between our property line in this brick wall you catch any of this water so where else is it going to go but coming to our you know there's no proper drainage in this area at all you're taking all the fers and all the trees but that's what our backyards look like at this present time the power grids God bless the power company over the years they have done a great job you're going to get buzzed okay I just didn't want you to be Al when it goes off okay all right so so I've got a question not necessarily for you um well actually he wanted to let everyone speak first I'm sorry I wa I'll hold it Michelle task T or1 Tucker um both of the me um my thing is they said they're going to put car points back there and everybody I know hang out in the backyard so we're going to have all this exhaust and noise um also you know the I had a block wall surrounding my property then we're going to build up three foot my Wall's only 4ot put another wall on top of that and my yard um you get a Harding it Bloods I don't want any more flooding I don't want them there at all and I go everybody else to did you say you already have a wall in in your backyard it's a it was built with some I think a lot of them do right no no no it's got a three but they whatever it is they they're going to build up it's going to be up to my wall and then there's no Woods there's no there's nothing lights in our backyard the noise from the the the big hway out there like said the you know car missions and then the noise I can't enjoy my family if they're all to go right your back yard lifestyle Etc and you are going to be hit very hard you're going to have it on both sides yes me my family bought that house in 66 Navy people yes great anything else okay thank you Z [Music] Watson hello thank you guys for your time a little bit sorry I live at great bwood circle um so couple things I just wanted to bring up um with this whole plan um since the first meeting that we've had I feel like there's just been um kind of I don't want to say misleading information but um you know it's garages and it's carports and then it's 6ot and it's 8ft then it's 6ot um then it's it's low-income housing it's not low-income housing so like what what's going on you know um so I think there is just like kind of causing a lot of uncertainty with like me and my neighbors because we don't really know you're getting told something different at each meeting essentially um and then also I wanted to um touch on the um buffering and the landscaping and um the things that pretty much everyone's already been talking about um but according to the um comprehensive Community growth plan um and policy Fu 1.12 um it does say that the we need to PR promote Community appearance natural amenities and Urban Design principles um I don't see how jamming as many homes into the Space is really doing that um if you drive down rald Reagan it seems like just pretty much every spot you can fill we're filling and um that's concerning um in addition to that uh the density of the area um I wish I had photos to share with you guys but just over the last week and a half we've had some rainstorms and um my backyard literally like floods um from regular rain and it's coming up like on the porch um the front yard same thing it's it's a lot so we already have off of Tucker um some single family homes being built currently I think it's about 20 of them um so then then you add in this proposed development and I'm just really concerned about how that's going to affect the drainage and um just you know those types of concerns so um and then also policy flu 1.16 um states to protect residential areas um from the adverse impacts of jici and land use so um when we're being told that it's only going to be a 25t gap and you know bare minimum 6t wall that doesn't feel like it's protecting the Integrity of the existing residents there um so that's something I wanted to bring up um also yeah and there's another part um in policy F 1.21 um just kind of talking about density again and minimizing the impact of Blood hazards so um now go ahead and finish up oh sorry I was just also going to bring it because I did um look over the schedule J uh code and so at the last meetings we did ask like you know what is the Landscaping buffer going to be like are you going to play you know this these little um SK we have 100-year-old trees back there so that's pretty significant to um not only just take down for coverage or drainage but just historically um you know preservation wise so um yeah that's all I want to say and just thank you guys again for your time thank you Carol Sierra did you want to speak on this item or on a different item this okay so hi my name is k Sierra I actually work for Workforce about a m care sour in Florida so I know very much how much help the community and everything that we do and we do partner with the Sharing Center so that's how I know how familiar we are with the people that they serve and unfortunately I don't want them in my backyard because that is a veryy tight space to put so many units with the people that I do see in their front yard and Longwood when I drive over to work it is very concerning with having such a short walk which will eventually be only a 3 buffer from mine which I'm actually in Black 39 to add insult I cut a tree in my yard because it was dead and when I decided to ask if I could cut the yard behind my which is in the Eastman property which is still considered my land because I can't the guy told me that I cannot just uproot because the branches go under my concrete and rip up my concrete that I have on my color ey so my other concern is are they going to cut if it gets approved or they just going to rip up trees cuz that's a whole different issue I do not have any water issues right now at the moment because I do have a lot of land and a lot of trees that will eat up that water and it's great once that's gone that's a whole different problem I've had in the land issues with people jumping over my fence and for col Cs and I do only have a 6ot fence wall right now so not having so much more than what I already have is not really going to keep me and my kids safe from playing in my own property that I own um it's very unfortunate that we continue to raise issues in multiple occasions and visits and they just keep getting like okay let's let's work around it Patrick thank you very much for making it obvious that certain times we bend the rules and it's okay sometimes but in this one as is affecting so many houses on that side it's concerning to all of us as the other person said we already have another build going on on supper where my kids have to be driven to the bus stop because they can no longer walk because of the heavy truck traffic that is there not having not even a sidewalk to walk on they have to walk on the pond so now to have also another issue where my at just learn how to drive and got her license and it's already freaking out of getting out of the exit into run a and now having to also worry about another traffic coming in or out of there so close together to the entrance or exit up our community is concerning so there's a lot of issues that we are concerned about but those are the main ones thank you thank you than is there anyone else from the public which just wish us Scott B again um I'd like to address some of the issues U first off on on any flooding issues there's specific City requirements and state requirements that we're not not allowed to drain onto anybody else's property so that would be covered the um lighting could be directed away from the homes and if there were you know as e mentioned other single family homes that were 10 or 15 ft Behind these houses it would have someing issues without any any wall barrier Etc um the traffic issue is the only one place you can put the entrance on this and we work with seal County because it's a County Road in order to have proper uh separation from Tucker and from the entrance to Carriage Cove the um access was directed into the middle of the property which is over 700 ft away um the multif family provides the least amount of traffic under it traffic Generations but based on some of the concerns of the neighbors Etc we would respectfully ask that you table this for a month and let us see if we can address a couple of those concerns and then come back to you in the two or three meeting period I would think that'd be great if you can figure out these setbacks and maybe you know frequently you frequently if if there's a way to leave some vegetation to to provide for not just wall but but a but a nice dense L vegetation buffer would really be beneficial I would think one of the you know as as I mentioned at the Planning and Zoning meeting we we really do want to be good neighbor and we really do think the ultimate this density is at 13 units per acre which could go significantly higher under live local you know we could go up to 20 30 units per acre or whatever which you know would put us up significantly higher than the 7079 units so in terms of that we were also most of these units are designed as Town host style there's very few stack Flats so the the majority of the units that are inside the the um from the ends on the inside units are townhouse units so from a density perspective it's about the lowest you could do relative to that in the traffic but what we can do during this let's say month or six weeks that that you grant us if you're kind enough to grant us that is take a look at our grading and some of the existing vegetation and see what we can come up with in terms of providing some additional buffering again the the city regulations on some of the buffering when you look at the Triangular shape almost make the property un totally undevelopable unless we go into some other type of commercial or high density use like a four story three or four story building in the middle of it and I'm not sure that the neighbors are going to be real happy with that either so um relative to that the trees that are behind their houses you know obviously I can't do a whole lot about that the power lines are not on our property so um in terms of the power line easement is is basically not our issue because we don't own it and uh it's on their properties within so some of those things you know we can't address some of the things we may be able to address so we would respectfully ask that you allow for a month or six weeks I would certainly um and and during that um I think I want us to all mention the things we would like that concern us that we haven't already mentioned um one of the things that we talked about today was the elevation change coming off of the property line and being able to get that further from the property line um I think also being able to have undisturbed buffer they not um you can avoid taking out any of the trees within that buffer um you know which obviously you wouldn't be a to change elevation so that would um be be an issue for you to have to look at um and um you when I first looked at this and I was thinking well the carports or the garage is there you know right behind that's you know that actually acts it's a little buffer between the building but then I realize how little veget vegetative buffer there is between those and the and the property volume so I'm not sure those accomplish everything we were hoping for but I think my biggest concern is the where you only have a 25 foot set back understand in looking at that relative to the wall for example you know we're going to have to have a footer underneath that understand so the footer you know call it 3 ft and then wall going up so there's going to be some of that is going to be totally disturbed because of the wall requirement right so um I mean that's basically a city requirement not a development requirement so I mean we can take a look and see what we could do in terms of saving but in in terms of most development the commercial Etc I mean everything's going to be wiped out on most of the sites which you've obviously seen all the development that's happen all throughout the city so um but we'd like to keep um even if that requires moving the wall um and putting some the buffer outside the wall that's that's something we can uh we'd be happy to talk to and staff on those type of items and see what possible compromises we come up with that make sense to the neighbors and to the city okay anyone else have any that they haven't already mentioned thank you close the public hearing and I'll motion I'll make a motion to continue uh to the second meeting in July is that enough time yes that's so make motion to continue until the second um meeting in July which is the fourth Monday in July 27 thank you July 20 second second motion second all in [Music] favor thank you everyone thank you um that us to resolution 3253 yes am City commission staff resolution 323 to amend the budget and amount not to exceed 1,5 ,000 to increase the utilties dear and maintenance fund for the utility operations questions or motion approve second have motion and a second all in favor I oppos resolution 324 City commission staff recommend City commission approve resolution 3254 amending the city budget of $5 million to move funds into a utility capital account to fund goo hyri infrastructure questions or motion move approve discussion in [Music] favority commission recommend City commission F resolution 355 amending the utilities budget in amount of7 7 767,000 [Music] anyos resolution 36 yes City this be approval for the M water treatment plan in facilities plan if this discussed during the work session and sta recommend City commission approve resolution 3256 and resolution [Music] 3261 motion second discussion all in favor Manley resolution 3257 I think we wanted to continue okay can I get a motion to continue move to continue um to the first meeting in July second all in favor pass nley resolution 3258 Mr yes Mr City commission City St recomend City commission approve resolution number 3258 to amend the budget and amount not to exceed $200,000 and authorized procurement Services of a budgetary service for Citywide tree trimming and mitigation questions or motion Mo approve second motion second discussion all in favor any opposed pass unly resolution 32 City commission sta seing City commission approval resolution 3259 related to the funding of the public art commission by the community redevelopment Agency for two public art projects in toing 6938 yay questions or motion move to approve second motion second discussion all in favor I any opposed resolution 32 yes am commission City staff seat City commission approval to amend the classification pay plan by the adoption of resolution 3260 and this is a request to add a 0.25 or quarter fulltime equivalent to a halftime part-time maintenance worker to affect the um maintenance of the city facilities questions remve second second any further discussion all in favor C attorney comments have no additional items C Clerk's report the um Sanford Airport Authority would like to um have their joint work session budget meeting with you guys on August 26th I'm fine with that so this would be would we be doing an early work session or would this be the 4:00 portion of the work session um I don't know I'll let you know it'll be midnight one um sent you an email from Grands that is now on the gravity sewer system Tak off of the vacuum system so they are now on the gravity vacuum sewer system and then secondly at the last meeting there were some comments regarding uh commissioner BR expressing concern about the timing for heing up were three businesses now two businesses that are still on the ground uh we discussed having the city have a contract with a company talking with purchasing they for that because they have to go out to bid it would take time I did send an email to all three of the businesses asking them about their thoughts of them being able to contact whoever they want and simply them sub Bill to S seeking reimbursement from the city I've heard one um respondent saying that that would work fine I have not heard from the other I just want to one sort of so now just one two two so have we heard some cies do we are they are are they working great over there I have not heard Mr Johnson have you heard um no but we did check the system after we installed it and everything was working fine and it was installed before the weekend and we hav't heard it Hallelujah down okay I have a question first CU I don't know the the legal way to do this I just had to vote n for the continuation I cannot talk to the commission outside of this meeting so can I clarify or no no okay I saw room for deny that is the reason why I was opposed just wanted that to be okay um congratulations to uh commissioner Patrick Aon um for four more years at as um The District 3 um commissioner and I wanted to say it publicly there are sometimes when Patty and I both look at you cross side um and sometimes when I want to do this to you however um you wear your heart on your sleeve you are extremely passionate you hold those in leadership accountable which I appreciate you're very knowledgeable and involved in a great representative and I am proud to sit next to you for the next two years so congratulations really she's talking about my failure to find anyone y you failed you fail on your uh yearly evaluation we're going to mark that oh yeah yes congratulations commissioner a okay um I'm all right I want to ask for uh permission to use the district one public funds for a public person for the teachers back to school funding um but before I do that I want to make it known that it is really hard to get uh sponsorships right now because everybody is pulling from the same pool and so I was wondering when we were going to have that meeting with the CRA um regarding well it made me think of that when I was asking for sponsors for the teachers um we're going to be facing that issue when the CRA Sunset and we were supposed to have that conversation a joint meeting with the CRA and I don't remember having it on my calendar so I just wanted to make sure that we are planning to do that to talk about you know what happens to the funds that come back to the city the funds that go to the county and then we were having a conversation you know um early in January with uh Pam Lynch and Brady lzard about U the criteria for Community Partners for our events like uh the Arts Festival that that bring thousands of people so when are we going to have that conversation and I thought of that when I went to go ask for sponsorship and a lot of people were saying they're not going to give to one because they'll have to give to all or because they' already yeah right we can't you know that you know you know commissioner Britain you're so right and of course I won't be here but I am deeply concerned about about that because know how how much so many of these public of these special events rely on this the CRA sponsorships and I know how much um I know I know um I lost my train of thought um gosh um but you're so you're so right and I don't know what we're going to do are we having that meeting mayor or I think it's we had set a day for but I would I would point out that most of the events that the sponsors turn a Prof I did that but still we we've had plenty of them to come and leave their case before us with the profit in loss and some saying that they will cancel the event that's neither here nor there I'm just saying there are some that bring a lot of value to the city of sford and one reason why the CRA funds them is so that they can come and visit and see the progress that the CRA has done that's what their basis is so and you're leaving out a real important part Mr May if I if I may yeah a lot of them turn we use that poet for public purpose and I know that the for instance the St John's River Festival of the Arts uses their Propet for teach for their art to arts for kids program at Hopper I believe the porch P ladies don't they donate some of their profits also so so so I think we have to be really careful when certain individuals say they make a profit they make a profit they do but they're giving it back to the community so so we I'm not I'm not going to have that I'm not going to get that arum had that discussion before well we know we know where you stand yeah we know where you stand uh so two thoughts one is I don't think that needs to be a meeting with the CRA that needs to be a discussion amongst ourselves what are we going to do when they Sunset no but the the reason why we were having the joint meeting is because well I guess it doesn't even Happ to be with the c but the C executive director to to talk about okay because not everyone is familiar about where those funds list of what right how that's divied up um not everyone understands that okay certain amount goes back to the county we keep a certain amount so I just thought that we were supposed to have a meting to clarify what actually happens after the CRA Sunset and what one other thought on this issue and it's just one person I wonder if we should wait until I new member this here because uh it will affect them and that's all but that's not until December 9th I know but we're not talking about sunset for two more years well yeah but that's going to come up pretty quick and listen all I know we've had the conversation of about how a lot of this money goes back to charity but but it's I think it's still going to be it's still always going to be part of of the issue you know whether the C has the sunset or not that's that's still going to be part of the issue and and probably what we we ought to know is which which organizations do have a a community benefit and which ones don't well I think that goes back to something we discussed previously where we just need to decide what our Signature Events are right City supp yes that's why we call them Community Partners I we need a mediator all right so back to the reason I brought that up was the teachers funding and the teachers funding is low but we're still going to do it so I'm going to ask the city commission if they would approve $ 4,824 33 um pending clarification with sending um for the back to school teachers bash for a public purpose and if anyone would like to donate to the teachers back to school um fun I'm pretty sure the city of stford teachers and those that teach in the city of stford would appreciate it so I'm confused Madam 4 how much $4,825 that must be what she has that from your okay that's from yours okay so I think what I'm frustrated about is because we just did the 10,000 is that um is that I wish I knew I have some money do you know if I have anything left I thought I had way more than that I wish I do the rest of youall know how much you have left I have uh $112,000 you have 12 and you can give big well I've been trying to work on another project but I'm not getting any cooperation so help some of our teachers Shea I want to help I just don't know how much I have to help with let me speak to my friends on the audience that aren't helping me and I'll get back to you um can we when is this event August 3rd it August 3rd it's the the week before uh the teachers day back is it is so is it all right if um since we're just coming up on July can we can we give you an amount at the next meeting once we know how much we have yes I'm only ask well you need to ask for it early anyway but the I go through the city um and they order the all of the school supplies through the city and have them delivered here and then staff takes it to the building for the teachers so well I second her request oh yeah me too yeah's take care that one all in favor I don't know 4,000 oh we we ran out extremely fast we opened the doors at 8 and by 10: it was gone I will definitely help I just have to know I don't know if I have 500 or something tells me I have about 3,000 left but I'm not I'm just not sure but the teachers were so appreciative of it and we even took pictures of badges for those that we didn't have additional supplies for and we took paper out to um the schools from other people who had donated we also had a box in the s for information center at the district one office for people to drop off um donations but for those teachers to not have to come out of their pocket and to see that the city because it wasn't just a district one thing I made sure that on the flyer it said it was the city of sford and I believe everybody except for the one teacher up here donated um last huh I did the so they were if I told you I've got stuck being delivered on Wednesday for oh you did yes all right that concludes the one of my my actual money okay well yeah that's wonderful art and I I'd give some of my actual money too I mean it's a it's a great program work uh just a reminder I have my uh community meeting is Thursday at 6 and then we'll do a food giveaway Friday in cem man um I know we'll meet one more time before this one but we have my big food giveaway uh July the 12th at Allen Chapel we start at at 10: that's nor be about 3 400 families so please spread the word that's it Aus uh I am reelected un opposed as commissioner Britton uh said and U I'm grateful to serve my birth city another four years and sit here and harass art Woodruff every step of the way wait but what did you say about me earlier T you to I said you're I said you're doing a good job as mayor that doesn't mean I always agree that's it there's a problem that we always age right I also than Comm um we need a um voting Delegate for the leue cities and I understand commissioner Austin has already signed up to go is that correct I will carry the torch is that um that's just consensus right okay so we got consensus to let him be the voter yeah all right I [Music] think can I nope yeah go ahead I don't know if yall are aware the national league of cities is actually meeting the Campa this year for their annual convention in August it's in November oh um and so it's not typically held so close to home um I I have signed up to go I think it would I think it would be a good thing for us to to be at I have hand but I thought it was in August so August is a state August is a state a is Florida so if you're going to be there in August you can be the delegate I don't need to go be all right just cuz she signed up doesn't mean she's going you got to wake up early Saturday morning I was there every you got to wake up early Saturday morning anything else [Applause] [Music] we going follow up on yes sir