City commission for Monday February 12th 2024 first order of business is the legislative fa which will be given by Pastor Robert Dy of redeeming lives International and also the coordinator of the [Music] young let's bow our heads in a moment of [Music] prayer dear heavenly father we thank you for your leadership and we thank you for your hand being upon this great cabinet this great City and we thank you for the opportunities and we thank you for the servant leaders that we have serving this great community and we thank you for our young people having opportunity to lead and to guide because of all the great funds and opportunity that you this great city is giving our young people so God bless them Inspire them keep them Empower them God allow them to have Vision that will impact generations and generations to come God and even as we celebrate Black History my God we thank you for your ability to cause the lifestyle of all of our citizens to come up we thank you for entrepreneurship and we thank you for future Governors and Mayors and we thank you for future City commissioners and we thank you God for um future um chief of police God and God we thank you we pray for the decrease in our crime God we thank you for our brothers loving each other and respecting each other God we thank you God God for the unity in this city God and God we thank you God that we're able to live in a place God that we can laugh and we can sing and we can dance and not only respect each other but build each other up to so God we thank you for decisions that would be made tonight God that we impact the lives and the people and our young people forever and ever this we ask and our son Jesus name amen and amen and [Music] amen the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all thank you [Music] Pastor we have a number of presentations tonight we're going to start with the mayor's youth Council and young men and young women of legis action days and I think Lisa older is going to introduce [Music] that good evening mayor commissioner City attorney city manager tonight I have the privilege of introducing the mayor's youth Council we went on a trip on behalf of city of Stanford representing the city of Stanford on this Statewide stage in Tallahassee mayor wood was there commissioner Patrick Austin as well as commissioner Carrie Wiggins the clerk Tracy hin was there in attendance as well and the students are here tonight our youth Council and members of the young men of excellence and young women of Excellence group and they're going to share their experiences from their perspective by going introduce a president of the rich yes so we're going to ask everyone to please come up to the front of the room while shares information hello my name is Rich and I the president of the high school um good evening everyone my name is Sonia bapu and I'm here on behalf of the mayor's youth Council Hello My Name Is Amani Thomas I the president of young woman of Excellence at s High School hello my name is Lea and I'm part of the young the youth Council hello my name is mala cant and I'm a member of seal High School young women of Excellence hello my name is Gabriel Goro Rosales and I'm the president of the San youth Council hello my name is Tyre I'm a senior I'm a junior at 7 EXC my name is I'm a member of the mayor's youth Council how y doing today I'm trans Ros and with the young man Excellence my name is Omar Griffin I'm with the of Excellence my name is H ABS I'm part of my name is Jaden Blake I'm part of Excellence my name is David I'm a part of Y my name I'm I'm member of the my name is Marlo Knight I'm a 12th grade vice president of program High School my name is Jordan I'm part of Excellence hello my name again I'm the exellence and I would like to also add if I may miss Laria Thomas is seminal High School teacher and she help out with it we not as a city be able to have this program if it wasn't for the partnership with sual high school and C's Academy also so but it would not be possible to have this youth Council and she is wonderful Miss Thomas thank you and two weeks ago we had the honor of attending legislative action days up in tallah haskan Capitol Hill and not only did we get to meet our legislators there but we also had the opportunity to acquire a bunch of new different skills that we can apply to our future on our first day in Tallahasse we attended a workshop focused on strong presentation skills the objective of this presentation was for us to identify ways to connect with our audience and ensure that our meage our message is understood we also learn ways to cope with the nervousness and anxiety that comes along with public speaking some of the advice we were given was to use value words that helps capture the attention of our audience paying ATT to what is important to our audience as well as avoiding negative words that may cut our message short we also have the opportunity to collaborate with other youth youth council members from all across the state after working with other youth councils we were given the tour of the capital and met with some of our legislators we specifically met with our local legislator David Smith as he provided us with time to talk about our government and legislations later we sat in on a committee meeting and we saw as multiple bills got passed on the second day of the Tallahassee public speaking Workshop we had the opportunity to speak before a mock City commission we proposed a budget along with presenting our plans for the design and safety of our skate parks in our group we were able to get an idea of what presenting to an actual board looks like we conducted our research and then presented our proposals with Commissioners we were able to answer their questions about the impact of the skate the city and ultimately able to get our state points approved part of day two was also taking an active part in advocating for our community as we listen to Tallassee intergovernmental agency blueprint give us their experience about what it was like to propose a skate park to the city of Tallahassee then we use their experience combined with our research and collaboration with other youth council members to create our own presentation and advocate for our communities and Hope hopefully learn the skills that we are we will apply in our own communities when we return home the legislative action trip provided the opportunity for students from various communities to come together and practice public speaking abilities it also allowed us to really like Tak in how our city is run in the state government legislature and how City commissions are run and the main thing that we got to see how people from different cities think and how they put together ideas that solve problems um it helped it helped us recognize the importance of City Civic engagement and being able to join in our communities and make it better for future Generations excellent um so our comine use councils would just like to offer our thank you to all of the Commissioners and our mayor for supporting us and supporting our projects and our ideas we'd also like to thank of course our sponsor Miss Thomas and Miss holder for allowing us to take these like important trips that we otherwise wouldn't be able to get these great experiences of meeting our legy players so yeah this is just a final thank you for all of your help and your support and just generally being there for us students so thank [Applause] you thank you D you have sharing we're going to take a group photo but mayor or Comm WI would you like to say a few words well I will say something to to the young men of Excellence the young women of excellence and the members of the youth Council I applaud you all for getting up here and doing public speaking I'm 42 years old and I hate it I'm like terrified so for you all to get up here and do such a wonderful presentation I really appreciate it and kudos to all of you guys photograph with the mayor M WI this is something you all know is we do miss Thomas she always skips out the commission can go up if you'd like please do that please because if it wasn't for the city of sanord we wouldn't have the he's just like you so thank you so [Applause] [Music] that is a phenomenal group of students right there [Music] y'all [Music] next we have several presentations first is for Black History Month and if I could have the REI committee members that are here need to come [Music] forward this these are some of the members of our race equality equity and inclusion committee who have been working for two years um helping give advice to the city on things that um that we can do to better the lives of everyone in the city whereas in 1926 historian Dr Carter G Woodson established what would become Black History Month to bring a special awareness of black Americans accomplishments and contributions to American history and whereas the city of Sanford recognizes the significant contributions and advances African-Americans have made and continue to make in s and in the world by urging reforms overcoming obstacles and breaking down barriers whereas President Joe Biden in his Proclamation stated we celebrate the legacy of black Americans who P whose power to lead to overcome and to expand the meaning and practice of American democracy has helped our nation becoming more fair and just Society whereas the city of sford continues to work toward becoming an inclusive community in which all citizens past present and future are respected and recognize for their contribution and potential contributions to our community the country and the world whereas the city of Sanford should recognize and honor the history and contributions of black Americans as a crucial part of our history and whereas in keeping with our commitment to build an inclusive community that values its diversity the city of Sanford proudly celebrates Black History Month and acknowledges those African-Americans who risk everything to realize their god-given rights as the shared history of all Americans now therefore I W by virtue of the authority vested in me as the mayor of the city of St FR Florida and on behalf of the entire commission hereby recognize February 2024 as Black History Month and ask all the residents of all racial backgrounds to join in celebrating the importance of African-Americans in our nation's history and fut you want to bring up the rest of mission [Music] yes thank you we're going to hear a little more from the um REI committee later this evening um but we appreciate all the work they have done for us if I could get the um our government communicators believe we have we have from the police department have good evening everyone again I have the privilege of working with these fabulous pios public information officers you can Google that and determine what it actually stands for but it's pretty obvious we have Tammy Townsen off police officer Stanford Police Department Tammy Townsen sergeant from Stanford Police Department Sanita just and Jennifer Brook special event supervisor with the city of Stanford thank you Le the hold it whereas the role of government Communications professions is to inform educate and engage their communities and whereas robust communication and government creates trust and inspires residents to take action and be involved whereas government Communications create relationships and calls to action build awareness and understanding through story telling engage in Foster engagement on Civic issues and use all communication channels and platforms both digital and in print to include people in the critical decision-making process and whereas it is essential to have strong Communications in government because it is a foundational element of living in a democracy where citizens have the freedom to make their voice and where whereas government communicators help to ensure we have knowledgeable residents visitors and business owners by providing information about city services projects events and programs which Aid in the great quality of life and whereas government communicators are on the front line when emergencies such as national disasters occur ensuring the public is well informed with official information and whereas the city of Sanford is proud and has a deep gratitude and recognition for government communicators professionalism dedication hard work commitment enthusiasm and sacrifice now therefore I by the virtue of the authority vested in me as the mayor of the city of Sanford Florida who hereby Proclaim February 24th 2024 as Government communicators [Applause] St talked with almost all of y'all at odd hours of days and nights I certainly appreciate the help to come up that please thank [Applause] you now if I can have members of The Love Your Shorts Film Festival forward I am uh Chris Wise and the president of the board and Le of the founding board members Nancy and Jee cerar [Applause] y we going to do something a little bit different with this one whereas the love your shorts Film Festival was founded in 2010 by several Sanford residents and has been managed by volunteers since that time and whereas love your shorts has become an iconic Festival attracting attracting films and visitors from around the world and whereas let your shorts out at the r Stater featur short films of 30 minutes or less arranged in blocks by genre and whereas in addition to screening short films the festival offers an education day to help film makers improve their craft and whereas love your shorts promotes the city of Sanford throughout the four day festival always on the third weekend of February and during the love your shorts rewind in August and whereas many of the 2500 attendees are visitors who spend the weekend enjoying the film festival and Sage many other businesses and whereas the 14th annual love your shorts Film Festival will show 66 short films from 14 countries now therefore I art by the virtue of the authority vested in me as the mayor of the city of sanord Florida you hereby recognize love your shorts as the official Film Festival of the city of s we'd like to thank the city for the support through the years they've been the they've been the city's been the trophy sponsor for the past several years this is the award that we give out to our winning filmmakers we call it them in row after our row that's and tickets still available for this coming weekend right [Applause] love your shorts is one of my favorite events in in s so thank you all so much okay and then we wanted to um mention recognizing some people who have done some good in the city um Nancy grov come down Glen here you can come down um Mario is not here but I think his son is here yes okay and please come on down whereas in 2013 antique Gres of yellow door realy began a generous effort to provide Thanksgiving turkeys to those in need and whereas Glen Cofield and Smart Guys computers join the drive supporting it every year and helping it grow to provide meals to hundreds of families eaching seat and we in 2017 Mario hits of OTC toe Carlos leech the leech L of lee law join with Nancy Groves and Glenn to greatly expand the turkey Drive side dishes gift cards and desserts as they reached even more residents of the community whereas these individuals with many volunteers and donors have devotedly continued annual turkey drives demonstrating a steadfast commitment to community service and support and whereas during the last 10 years over 3500 turkeys have been donated significantly contributing to the festive Spirit of ensuring that numerous families in our community could enjoy a traditional holiday me whereas the efforts of these organizations and others exemplify the spirit of giving unity and compassion that defines the community of sber whereas their actions have inspired others to participate in charitable activities and have fostered a sense of togetherness and gratitude within our city now therefore I W by virtue of authority authority bested me as the mayor of city of sord do hereby officially acknowledge and commend to to businesses and the many volunteers for their invaluable service and dedication to our community Through the annual turkey drive for Thanksgiving [Applause] [Music] and [Music] [Music] that is a lot of turkeys NY yes it is did you want the did you you want us [Applause] I just want to say thank you to the city because they you guys have been great to work with us and make the ball field available for us through of that event so thank you for that you stole my ther I was going to say the same thing um ever since the city became a partner of this it allowed us to expand our reach and uh we can serve the community in in such a great way so thank you all Mr Mayor the commission for being a partner on this and I've seen the grow over this over the past few years and we promise our efforts will try to make it's a bigger event next [Applause] [Music] year new art in the chambers yeah okay it's older may apologize for that sort of skipping over it's okay it's okay I have the privilege of announcing our new art and Chambers and working with the city of Sanford's public art commission as you can see here we have beautified the commission Chambers with art art riches everyone right now I'd like to introduce Cassandra who is member of the public art commission board and Shelley Jean is with the Florida wax but we'll have more information for you over there thank you good evening mayor Commissioners and S residents thank you for coming on behalf of the members of the public Arts commission I'm proud to announce this month's Gallery here in Chambers however I do want to remind everybody and for some people in the room let them know that there are three galleries in the city hall the first one not necessarily the first one but there's the mayor's gallery on the second floor um there is also now the employees gallery and they did an excellent job so if you have an opportunity please come by and take a look um tonight though we're giving your attention to the public arts in Chambers and in Chambers we have different artists that come in and just share different types of art there are so many different mediums we are so used to looking at uh paint on canvas but there's so many different types of art as you'll start to see not only the Electrical uh boxes around town but there's some beautiful statues going up around town and I'm taking this opportunity to say Don't just look downtown look all around town we're so proud of the new art that's going up in District 3 and all of the other districts around the city of s and so we're very grateful and I'm very grateful to be a part part of what's happening in sord for the art and Chambers though I'm introducing Miss Shell Jean and Shelly is a member of the Florida wax which is a chapter chapter excuse me of International Inc costic artists and she's going to share with you what type of art that is but if you'll look around the room you'll see what they brought for us and just just enjoy it and I hope you get a chance to enjoy it before you leave today um without further Ado Miss sh Jun thank you all for having us here I'm I feel very privileged to have art in Chambers I um my name is Shelley Jean I'm the president and founder of the Florida wax group um I actually am really excited about being here because I grew up in a family that serve at the city in count in County positions like you guys are my parents live in Brooksville Florida county my mom was on the um state board for Contractor Licensing in Tallahasse back in the day before she retired so I appreciate very much I shared this with Lisa the fact that you guys actually have art in your city and county faes like that's like a huge thing for me I mean I grew up you know finishing you know class and 10th grade and running down to the courthouse and doing my homework you know with my mom there so but I I just that's just a little history I appreciate that so I am the President and founder of the florid wax Group which we founded in 2017 um like Cassandra said we're a chapter of an international group of artists everybody says what's in costic in costic sounds kind of dangerous um but it's actually a word the word in costic in the Greek means to burn in so all of the paintings that you see here in this space and in the hallway are actually done on a birch panel um and when it's the wording Cost needs to burn in so everything you see is either been heated with a blowtorch so we paint with a blow torch or heat gun so it's beeswax and dear resin which is a tree sap and pigment from the earth so it's very organic um and non-toxic um but it is a uh you have to fuse the layers of the paint in order to make them stick it's he on a hot plate so you're working in a different way than like working with acrylics or Oils or watercolors all of the paints are layered um and you can take the the different ways you have people that work in photography you have people that work in collage people that work in watercolor drawing you can incorporate all of those things into creating the art that you see um if if you when you leave in the back we have a little um rack card for you um the sense of community that we've established with this group is really phenomenal we've shown in places like with the Marriott U the bond boy Marriott in Sarasota to Mills gallery and um each person I I feel like we kind of have like a little um a community that's an Incredible Gift each person brings something unique to the table that elevates as humans and as artists but the common threat of the love of painting with costic and the camaraderie is what band us together so thank you for having us in this space I really appreciate it thank you so much thank you candra too Oh Cassandra where's the employee um the hallway leading into the utilities department and they they've got some great Art thank you all right um before we get started with the rest of the meeting um just a couple words umate public if you plan on speaking on item you can please complete one of the other um input forms with the FR of the back of the room pass um that will make it to help us keep track of who needs to speak for each item um the public will be given us opportunity to speak on any item before the city commission before the consent agenda I will call see if anyone wants to speak um during public hearings um we will call for um anyone that doing regular items if you have not completed the yellow card you would just take um we'll let you do that three minute time limit for each speaker on each item SE a person representative organization presenting hearing um at the end of the meeting we have citizens participation where individuals can address the commission on any topic um there is a 5 minute limit on CTI comments that will bring us to The Bu um there is a change to the I have wanted I want to clarify what was stated just before we read the motion on the T um [Music] [Music] resolution by oh here we go mayor would have summarize the discussion by stting that concerned for many people is that the financial requires Comm L income housing however in its owning decision the commission does not dictate the type of plance or the type of Ral and a project issue with a resolution that was been and in his my opinion was it not accurately reflect the appr development plan resolution states that this is an economic development project which includes housing and will be built to of development agreement it's important to have that clearly stated in our move to approve second any discussion all in favor oppos this consent agenda is there any um the audience wish speak to any other one agenda or motion I'd like to pull Q I move to approve a else has favor any opposed pass unly I saw a uh concerned citizen send a message asking for an explanation on this matter so I thought it might give us to a better explain this evening uh I believe basically uh what his question was was why are we taking money away from the important vacuum sewer we have project so I just thought probably should explain did you respond I did respond to I responded yeah I just said you know um the American funds are get moved around based on timing and and how budgets change and the actual money that was first allocated to that actually came in from a different project the um touchless bathrooms and that there is no change in the scope of that project it's just sort of managing where the money is coming from at what time to to pay those bills because there's a limit on when we can we can use that money some of this stuff is self-explanatory some of it's not so I wanted make sure that we uh explain that thank you sir so we have a motion move to approve Q second all in favor I any opposed pass unly bring secondly this ordinance isled ordinance assign from Florida aning voluntary petition certain real property this is addressed as 275 Boulevard and Associated lands contiguous to the city of Sanford and accordance to the voluntary annexation provisions of section 17104 statutes redefining the boundary of the city of sanord to include s property amending the boundary of the city in accordance with the provisions of section 16631 Florida statute providing for findings providing for conditions dirting the city clerk to record the ordinance for the cler Circuit Court chief administrative offic of s County with the Department of State providing for legal description and amount providing for incorporation of that exhibit repealing all ordinances and contract here with providing preservability provation taking administrative actions providing for an effective Mr Mayor member of City commission the city staff have reviewed the request for anation and found the request to meet the crit set forth in the flo the statutes reling to voluntary annexation is therefore the city staff recommendation City commission adopt ordinance number 4765 and legally Annex the property into the city of s this is the public car and anyone from nor interest to speak to the S anyone I'll commission for um action or questions second motion second further discussion all in favor iOS ask me the first reading of ordinance 4766 this ordinance is in an ordinance of the city of Sanford [Music] Florida vacating and abandoning an existing North Sound north south Bri and utility e 20 ft in width generally located 101 105 special point is recorded in plat book 69 page 12 and 13 between and apply law one and two on the plat of UPS of business part recorded in public records of s County FL providing for legislative fining and intent providing for Corporation of exhibits by protction of implementing administrative actions and owner agreements providing for conflicts providing for salability providing for non appication providing for Effective Mr City commission the city staff received a application from the from the owner to request the city vacate the north south trage and utility easements that are dedicated in PL book 69 Pages 12 and 13 in the upsell business partk that riew the request and as now recommended to the city commission approve the request on ordinance number 4766 on first reading this is a public hearing anyone to speak to this item know I'm commission for Action I've never seen it before so I just explain it to me before I approve something this has never come before while I've been here to they get what exctly do that there's you to the picture thank you commissioner Chris meth project planner in the development services department what's before you is commonly uh has come before the commission before I know you've probably not seen many of these in times um these usually when you do a plat there's a commonly easements that are by default put on Plat Lots until they're developed in this case the owner owns both lots and the building itself will be straddling this eement therefore probably providing a tile incumbrance underneath the building compromising the development so in order to improve the development he would be not using this unused easement there's no plan for this easement of the city nor the developer and he'll be providing other easements as required for the development of the project so this is requiring for the vacate of the easements for this development I see thank you sir move to approve second second for discussion all favor oppos approval ring for the fire station number 40 [Music] yes request down to three and then went ahead and evaluated three and now the city staff recommendation City approve the ranking of the three Firs delegation to a contract with CN for the preconstruction services station number 4 you want to say something Chief he's we got down the three and then um we're bringing them on while they're doing the architect and all that hopefully they speed up the process tell them what will work and what we can get AIT quicker to spe up the whole process overall so one of these will end up building as well yes okay thank you move to [Music] approve acceptance of the City sord race yes mayor before you Mr May m commission before you City request to accept the committee report from the race equity and policy inclusion the 2023 final report look that ask want to say a few words about that good evening mayor City Commissioner City attorney and Nicole Osburn director of community ation and neighborhood engagement um we came before you in today's session and Shar with you that we had our final report and you we answered some questions that you had so we thank you and hope that you will accept the report from the rality equi inclusion committee as um Miss osbor already stated we discussed this at the work session but um at the public meeting I want to thank the committee for all of your hard work and um all of your future endeavors and I'm really excited about the pathways to reconcil thank you thank you i' would also say that the report now is on the city's website it will be will be we want to make sure that you approve right so any other questions right can we get a motion to Second thank you any further discussions all in favor oppose request for water service amend of the city commission staff is recommending the city commission the request for City heing Services for 1738 and 174 Roseberry Lan when utility services are available the owner will be responsible for the payment of all application fees and connection of the city's distribution system with all utility connections and Lin to be installed C City's utility manual utilities manual standards the developer will be required to install all water sewer and Rec water property develop this expense is therefore City staff recommendation accept [Music] soltion I just had a quick question and just me not not KN I thought that in order for you to get water it had to be like contiguous to it there had to be a connection like I don't where where would they get the the water line from I'm just the water L there they are not continuous so that's why they're not being annexed into the city they're just requesting Water Service okay got it we have an agreement with s County that we provide Utilities in a certain area and this is in that area but there's no I don't see any water service by one and two so I'm confused on how that process works if the line doesn't go in front of their house they they are responsible for extending the one and then and and our staff is continuing to look at because I pulled this one up again and studied that state statute and still don't quite understand it but I believe if it's in our water service area and we can get an agreement with the county we can Annex even if it's not contous and so I would like us to look at doing that okay because otherwise we're going to end up would be continue to have these places that are in the county but are really you know right in our right okay so we had on motion second second all in favor I I oppos pass resolution 3169 yes am of the city commission this is requesting the approval of a budget amendment relating to the previous approved resolution 316 in the amount of 6, 255,000 for the one for the oxy pment programed this is a grant from the for the Department Environmental Protection and it will go towards the cost of US fixing our problem with the total price of 80 million but this is 100% gold forgiveness Grant um and I would just point out that this is one of the things we FASTT tracked and Bill Mark and his his group and Jake VN attorney and Ronnie brute and um Mr bonapart pushed this through as quickly as possible because it is a a race to get to the finish line so I appreciate them working quickly to get to this we have motion move to approve second motion second any further discussion all in favor I any opposed pass the resolution 3208 Mr May City commission the city staff is recommending the city commission approve resolution 3208 which author which authorizes the Department of Transportation to act on behalf of for the benefit of the city to do all the necessary specifically construction Improvement benefit of the City by providing construction engineering inspection services and securing Regulatory and environmental commits relating to the work to upgrade traffic signals on stream poles um to painting Black Mass arms at two intersections for a total cost of [Music] 29336 and widening Milling resurfacing and restri restricting to include two southbound lines a sou learning and a right Le costing $242,500 and that's at per right State Road 46 the road work is one for summon it yes okay this will improve for summon near day train station M intersection of 46 motion to approve second motion second discussion all in favor any oppos um resolution 3209 yes Mr City commission City staff is recommending the city commission adopt resolution 3209 on January 2nd the city commission approved the purchase of three tax fil consisting of real property assigned by the S County tax Fen ification the main purpose of the use of the property is to improve the STM water drainage issues within the city and therefore the city staff recommendation City commission approve resolution 3209 motion or question approve second motion second any further discussion all in favor I any oppos pass resolution 3210 may members of the city commission it's a city staff recommendation City commission approve resolution 3210 to amend the public art budget amount 25,000 this 25,000 will replace funds taken from the FY 2023 24 budget the public commission request a total of 25,000 budget complete theur of two COL two statues installed in the Aon square and on the corner of Par Avenue in Street okay and I think I understand this but I want to just double check to make sure this was planned to be spent out of last year's budget the invoice showed up four days after the budget year and so we're just shifting the dollars back okay all right M so discussion quick question why did we have to have a resolution for that though we do it every year we just don't realize we do you remember last you remember last um last month when we uh when we approved budget amendments that were 40 miles long um had we realized it at the time this one would have been on it too so essentially it was it it when money is when money is committed money is committed but not expended um there's some necessary notifications that need to go to Cindy Lindsay in this case that got overlooked and so she just didn't have it with the list of of everything else that was rolling over so this is being done separately from those two yeah I I get the the financial process I was just wondering about the rollover Why didn't it just roll over why we have to have a resol that because um Cindy should have been notified by the public art commission that they had a rollover but but the public art commission did not um did not get that done as a as a somewhat of an oversight I think it's not truly a rollover because at the end of the budget year your money is gone you don't get to keep whatever's still there but you no department does but they so we do it by by budg okay so we had a motion second all in favor oppos pass uh 3211 yes am City commission city is recing the city commission resolution 3211 to amend classification this was discussed in the work session by Chief Smith and that he is requesting to add three fulltime community service offices in the San Police Department estimated to the cost of the city including gr and benefits of 8,867 for the remaining of the fal year Police Department cision funds this allows Chief smth said to allow the police offic to focus on specific CLS and these community service office Mo approve second second further discussion all in favor oppos pass thank you resolution 3212 yes am City commission staff isend City commission approve amending the C operating budget to allow the use impact and support Police Department's purchase of Furnitures and accessories this will be a $5,000 impact move to approve motion second any further discussion all in favor I just what a receip pred was is that a traffic more power to okay so motion second all in favor pass resolution yes Mr May City commission City staff is recommending the city commission adopt resolution number 323 City may receive compensation and Cass actions involving claims arising to the benefit of the city potentially similarly situated clim the city's legal CS are resolved into the course of the pass action for having the general authority to engage in these actions the time both commission staff be sered in the course of AG gending each matter will be avoided basically same motion second any further discussion all in FA resolution 34 314 the city budg 85,000 increase other charges and obligations authorizing the issuance of a request for Department Environmental Protection to a fine of $65,000 second motion second any further discussion all in favor oos resolution 3215 yes Mr City commission SE that recommend to the commission approve a memorandum of under understanding amending the collective B between the city of Center and the inter International Association of Fire partments as well as the corresponding resolution 3215 which is a request of increase the fire department's previously bargained individual paramedic pay by $2,700 per year impact for the district year [Music] $3,462 Mo approve motion second all in favor I I any opposed City attorney comments additional items thank you city clerk's report nothing for me City manag report assistant I do have one request from James Davis Davis [Music] my name is James Davis I live at 6 Sala Circle uh s Flor we me a test for of the concerned uh the 2022 concerned citizens t for we stand here today because we want to initiate the recall process of car Willams senior um we uh the statute the recall uh St and the recall the procedure begins our task force followed the first petition signed by me the chair of the concerned citizens task force with the uh Clerk of the city and so we are take that we are following the third first petition and we're obligated uh by the supervisor of elections to collect one family one 1,6 more petitions uh we're given 30 days to collect those petitions and once we collect those petitions um there are certain um um procedures that uh Mr Wiggins can go through uh and uh there are certain tasks that the um city clerk has to perform for us to go into the second part of the petition our to uh bring him up uh for election um and so the reason that we're doing this publicly is because we had some difficulty when we called the city uh and an attempt to get some direction on how to do this we got to run around sit and so now we come public before the city and before you all to officially let you know that we are kicking off this recall as of tonight and that 30-day clock begins right now to collect those 1,6 signatures that we'll have in the first part of this that's essentially we have thank you Mr Gold is there anything that we need to do other than have say that all right is there anyone else want the audience speak to the commission that bring us to commission reports commissioner Britt um um Mr I would like to schedule a oneone with our District um our C District officers I know we have two I don't know if we have two new or one new but I would just like to meet with them one onone it won't take long long it's not anything official just introducing myself to them um they are the um the officers that are paid by the CRA and so I just like to make a brief introduction um also I would like to um meet 101 with our uh businesses in district one last week I attended the merchant meeting um it was very informative and I got an Insight on um a lot of the struggles that the businesses are facing and what their plans are for the future and Mr Bart I don't know if I'm allowed to use City staff assistance in that um but if I could get the economic development office to assist me with that um it's just one onone I reason why I'm doing it now is because it's not election season for me I want the businesses to be free and open to have conversations and not thinking that you know the commissioner is just trying to get their votes and whatnot it's the perfect opportunity for me to have those one-on-one conversations about how the city of Sanford um could could could assist them um what their concerns are and whatnot and that's just for the district one um businesses well certainly and certainly feel free to get with Mr Brady was our economic development director he's been charged with working with the businesses I'm glad to be I'm sure be glad to okay thank you sir and then um I'd also like U permission to get with the Parks and Recreation staff um even though it's just uh February I like to get planning for the back to school bash for teachers and I know that our city facilities get hooked up really quickly and um if I have permission to speak with Lisa Jones regarding that matter of the the scheduling process and how that would look um I'm just asking the permission to absolutely pleas feel free to get Mr and I also like to schedule our 101 with you okay um oh okay so I had one more question regarding lift stations and the director informed me that uh Mr Johnson informed me that the lift station uh vid Pro process that I came to on Thursday was not the one for the lift station even though I thought it was because it was advertised for the um the three businesses that are supposed to go off the gravity line but my question is and if Richie could explain it to me just so our businesses that are watching um are informed when we have a bid and no one shows up what's the process after that and then how do we speed that up so let's just say for example if that one was the lift station bid no one showed up this project has been behind for about a year or so our businesses are concerned we have this issues just reiterating things that we all know about how do we proceed with that process how do we speed it up or do you do does the city have to just keep putting it out for bid and no one show up because I I know that they're having an issue with uh you know having the bids and people just not showing up for the work want to spot water plance manag um Shea fortunately that's never happened before but if we do um we reach out to vendors that we worked for in the past and basically maybe extend the bid and ask the bid on it um we also do have a company Dan utilities that we have under contract has been doing a bunch of our rehabs so that would be something maybe we can look into like I said because it's not going to be a brand new lift station like Sunland that was $750,000 constructed you know it's going to be a little packaged wet well so we could we could own direct purchase that and have them just do the install and there's another company Mater electric um that's come on board they do some of our work they're actually expanding out live stations as well so we can contact them if the bid process becomes a problem okay so do you know which one that was that I attended Thursday I do not Dar aolin this one yeah this one opens next Thursday okay so what was that a pre-bid one because I can I can hear it was two members of staff and then as well as Mike Cash and we waited we did the recording no one showed up so yeah if my cash was on it was a public works not in's project it was public works okay okay I just wanted to understand how that process worked thank you so much you're welcome thank you um and then my last thing is um the next meeting are we recognizing volunteers or is that in the month of mar what volunteers you know you do a recognition the proclamation for volunteers yeah I we we did the volunteer thing once where we actually had a call for volunteers and didn't get a lot of response so not we're not I don't know what we do this time okay sounds good that concludes the distri one report commission William uh Mr bonapart commission oh and Mrs holder she's still here I want to thank you guys for the opportunity again for our youth be able to go to tahash and experience what they have experienced uh yet I uh get excited when I'm able to allow our youth to uh potentially keep growing um I have a community event hopefully you guys can make me my second annual community event this upcoming Saturday from 10: to 3: we'll be at west side of the CR last year we had folks so everything is free if you guys want to come on out um announcement for Mr Henderson on that Sunday the 18th he have his black history program at Westside so that's going to be from 3: to 5: um as always my community meeting the 4th Thursday of each month for all the information if anybody wants to come out and get the information it's there uh we meet at 6:00 at uh Dr Bill W West Side Community Center and last but not least food giveaway will be on the 23rd at 3 p.m. uh it will be at vent Le Wilson Park and I want to thank you all for all your support I will continuously keep doing what I'm doing to make sure that our citizens that put me here will be proud of what I'm doing thank you'all uh I uh I had a great trip to Tallahassee talking to some of our uh state senators and representatives um there's a lot of troubling stuff happening in tassy like every year and I feel like we uh we gave our best effort up there in meeting with some of them um and then uh last Friday I was uh invited to be a part of the first ever Florida Li of cities leadership class and I attended that and uh it was a great day of uh working together and brainstorming with uh 60 other city leaders from around the state over in CMI uh so uh that was that was a nice thing to attend um Mr bonart I have a couple of uh issues uh of followup um I remember a couple months ago I I asked about uh maybe uh you contacting the county about why the mediums that they control in the city don't look the same as they do in other cities that they control and now asking you to add the Lake Mary Boulevard between 1792 and Sanford Avenue to that list it is uh it is a disaster area as I texted you and Mr razzac about over the weekend there's trash all over both sides of the road and it and it baffles me that if you drive on the Lake Mary side how beautiful and green and Lush the the trees and the grass are but on the Sanford side not so much and uh I've asked about it uh a couple times and and I want some answers uh and some cooperation and I don't think the area around the mall has gotten any better um I was out there as well this weekend wor um so it uh speaking of the mall um and I believe uh we have a case going against them uh but at some point uh there has to be a resolution to uh to what's going on out there um it's it's you know maybe the excuse is the economy maybe the excuse is retail is dead whatever the excuse is the outward appearance of the property and the medians and the parking lots is just atrocious and it's embarrassing uh and so if if it's not a Code Enforcement issue it's something um we just can't let it just continue to Fester would you like code enforcement respond good evening Commissioners mayor Tony development services yeah you are correct uh commissioner I I agree with another thing you said we uh we do have several open cases uh in the mall area um for failing to maintain um they've made little improvements where they but not even close in compliance um so I don't know I I will engage the city attorney's office and I'll look for more Creative Solutions uh what we can do besides keeping these cases open keeping the fines running and those things and then I you know partner with Mr Lazar taking a shot on him coming up here but uh really it's going to be a matter of Economic Development getting that place sold for us and repurposing it and figuring out what's going to be the next greatest thing at theor I understand there's some background work being done on that part that's not my concern my concern is is if this was a home we would have already gone in and moed the damn brass at least uh why don't we do that out there that's an option I can look at I uh well there's there's no excuse for there's no really no uh answer for your question question we do do that in various locations we have not done it there uh you know there what's the St that bre the Campbell's back I can't expect Briton his crew to to actually cut the entire city for these errant Property Owners but at some point I mean you're right they're we have contracts for that as well right I do have some money for that you do yes for um I don't know about anybody else up here but it's been long enough that was that was something we talked about during your campaign Mr Mayor um and we're we're we're getting worse we're not getting any better so you know the frustration this is this is the part it's truly frustrating is is is you know br's been working with the the group the current holders of them all you know they don't have any money and they've gotten in over their head and and you know clearly you think the outside looks bad the inside of that mall is is is utterly horrible so but but but there's nothing really we can do other than code enforcement I mean we can go in there take their property you know it's still privately owned property so really all we can do is Code Enforcement but you know I mean what so Brady what you know I know you've spent a lot of time talking to them I mean what are your thoughts are they going to going to try and and sell that property get get out from under it to what what are what are they going to do because you know there's only so much you can do with them it's your District well I I know it's my district honey but I'm not the one that's that's talking to them as much as Mr Mard is well you should maybe what you Ed maybe I had maybe you have no idea and he is not going me and wigg I said something in my word totally disrespectful totally commissioner mahy to uh kind of retrace the uh the conversation back to what Mr amundo alluded to one I would say that that current ownership theal does have the funds to maintain that property according to city code they they absolutely do so when I talk to him he he claims that he does not it is it is clear dun and Brad street on on the ownership group that they do have the funds so I I do think that the city needs to in in this case be in a position where we are facilitating the transfer of ownership that that is the the end result that that the community is looking for to Patrick uh Austin's uh point about maintenance uh Mr Bart gave me the direction to start those conversations with the county and Andrea Broner westner who's relatively new at the county those conversations have escalated to the point where I do think commissioner Austin and the rest of the commission you're going to start seeing uh the the county and the city work closer on that uh I I will say that retail around that mall our Restaurant Row is doing extremely well I mean we're talking north of 90% occupancy uh the mall in of itself is a problem we all very well aware of that uh the ownership group that you're talking about owns everything except the Elevate The Dillard and the JC Penny so they they own the vast majority of the square footage out there and the vast majority of the parking field that some of these Mowing and uh maintenance issues I I'm not a social media uh giant but but I've I've been following the ladies at 327 in the Facebook post so uh I do think Mr rundo has come up with some very Creative Solutions but at the end of the day I can tell you and I offline would love to have these conversations with each of you individually we're getting very very close to uh a resolution on that ownership side great thank you thank you anything else um so along those lines of tra I recently sent you and Mr radack pictures of uh the current conditions on live Boulevard um and uh again it's our it's our homeless uh CS um but it is private property I do know that I believe Captain pan helped us get trespass from the property owner to uh keep our campers off that property I'm not sure if we're still staying on top of that or not uh but the trash has um has grown exponentially and it could be seen um from the road uh and we can we can say it's not our property we can say it's it's not a problem but it is a problem it makes our city look bad it's the same situation Boulevard and what happening on Sanford Avenue yeah there's other areas for sure um so it's it's time for us to quit Fe warning and scratching our heads and actually coming up with some some resolutions um you know we had that meeting earlier about uh how bad apartments are uh and and planning and the mayor have pushed for more commercial and Retail well I I don't I don't I don't work uh for a business uh I don't build businesses but if I came to Sanford in some of these areas I wouldn't want to open business here the way it looks and I and I believe a lot of other people would agree with me on that uh so it's it's time for us to do something Comm you're absolutely right what we will continue to do working because as you point out the private profit we just can't go on to private profit so we can get the finds as code enforcement indicate they can go they can site them and the fines of C but that doesn't clean it up so we do need an appreciation number looking at how can we be more creative in cleaning up properties on private property that's it Comm man you have been finding them I've just got two things um this this Thursday at 5:00 p.m. is the um designation the um ribbon cutting designation for Artisan Square Shen um I'm going to be at the airport are you going to be able to go to that at the minimum and and and maybe I don't know what everyone else's schedule is like but with you being the district one commissioner I can't be there um but but that's really kind of a big deal I don't know have you seen the the the latest art installation there it's really Artis square is just wonderful and then the other thing is and I think this shout out goes to the county but I'm going to tell you what thank God and Hallelujah this morning they put a speed bump on oron Avenue Mr Bart you better be careful in that little Jaguar because it'll catch it'll get you we have a speed bump and I cannot tell you how happy the neighborhood is hopefully is going to is only one you know where it is right one by the school well that's been there but this is the new one you know where it is hopefully it's enough I don't I don't know if ex there'll still be some room to accelerate but anything that can get those cars slowed down when those kids get out of out of school is is going to be wonderful so can you pass on the thank you to that's all I have um I need a motion to approve $4500 from my um the city funds that I direct I don't even know what we call that fund to replace the Wasington second favor [Music] oppos