##VIDEO ID:Yh2ZgFxB0Uo## all right good evening the uh official GPS time says it's 6:02 so we'll go ahead and get started thank you so much for all of you that are here tonight our Mr chairman committed online audience isn't able to attend but that's okay I think you know hopefully uh something else on TV will keep their attention we are recording it tonight and going to broadcast that tomorrow and that's why you see uh Sarah up front here I couldn't think of a better thing to do on a Friday night and go back and watch this meeting so I look forward to that and thank you to uh I'm looking for you who brought me the bottle of Jin up here there you are I didn't see you so y'all feel free to drink this I don't think there's a rule against it while we have a meeting it could be more entertaining and uh but we'll go ahead and get started um real quick we have uh since 20 2019 been opening every meeting up in a word of prayer and then the pledge I'll ask commissioner Caulkins if he doesn't mind uh leading us in prayer as we open the meeting if y'all will uh rise and join us and then I'll ask commissioner Wright if he will lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance please bow your heads Lord we want to thank you so much for blessing us all with living in the greatest country in the world the United States of America Lord I ask you to please bless our country please keep our country safe please be with our leadership bless them lead us all in the right direction bless this County Lord let this County make good decisions in your will Lord we thank you again in Jesus name we pray amen amen please join me in the pledge to our nation's flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you gentlemen all right next we will go ahead and uh open the public hearing and I believe Sabrina is going to go over the tenative budget with us yes sir so because we do not have the capabilities of PowerPoint point tonight my presentation will be quite short um there are very few changes since um the July Workshop that we have um of course the major change in this year's budget is um the reduction of the millage rate and so um we still had an increase of course in avalum Revenue due to the fact that property values have increased um so we saw about a $6.5 million Revenue increase in avalum but that was still um with a reduction in the millage rate our total budget will be $265 million um the highest budget that we've had in um our County history and unless you have specific questions I do know we have several people in the audience who have specific questions about specific line items and we can certainly um go into that if they would like but that's pretty much all I have for presentation thank you very much do any of my fellow Commissioners have any questions for Sabrina or Brad no thank you gentlemen for coming prepared for that um see here we will uh we will have a section for robust public comment here at the end after we power through a couple of these things and this is a reminder that again tonight is the first hearing so this is not the final adoption so I don't want you to feel shorted if we move forward on a couple items before we take the public comment uh the tentative operating millage of 5.95 5 Z Mills is 3.4% above the roll back rate of 5.75 93 and uh just if somebody out there doesn't understand what the roll back rate is it's what the millage rate would have been to collect the exact same amount of Revenue that we did last year so as you heard Sabrina say that the revenue has went up uh that is because of all the new construction uh as well as the property appraiser on any properties that they deemed that the value increased so that is where that came from I will entertain a motion to adopt the tenative millage rate of 5.9 550 Mills so moved all right second any objection to that item hearing none uh that motion without objection good you good with that sure without objection to adopt the uh new mil R all right hearing no objection that item moves tenative operating budget 265 mil5 96,9 29 if there's no objection I'll make a motion that we adopt that tenative fiscal year 25 budget without objection hearing no objection that item is adopted uh we will will close that public hearing and open the public hearing for the msbu I know we have some new mbus uh Sabrina would you like to mention anything about uh the approval of the new msbu yes sir there's really um no major changes other than the two new lighting msbu and we have had no concerns from the residents on those okay uh and all the residents that had any changes in msbu and I know I see some of you out here that are in areas of Street lighting would have been notified uh we're going to go ahead and open it up for public comment and uh I don't have a sign in sheet but I feel confident that y'all will be able to work out the order amongst yourselves probably if we could just maybe for uh be a little bit smoother is if if we have residents that are within the same area about the same msbu I would love to hear from all of those before we go to a totally different msbu and that way we're not bouncing around uh so we'll do it in an orderly F I can help you out is anybody on the front row do any of y'all want to speak anybody on the next row behind them following row any of y'all have any kind I'm just trying to help you kind of work out the order here either one of you young ladies have anything to say folks in the back okay yeah come forward here you'll have to come up here whenever you come uh to the podium there should be a button there on the base it's got a little person talking yep stand right there hit the button and then it should light up green and that way they can hear you just hit the button all right there you go that's per and just give us your name and that way we'll have it for the record okay my name is Tanya all right you can let go give us your first name and last name and then we had to put it in the minutes of who come up here to talk I don't know I don't want anybody uh taking anything against my property because if I put my name out there that's what I'm worried about I don't want no repercussions from this but I would like to say something about the fire tax that they have put on okay I just don't um see how you guys justify it for all of the uh people that are on disability ities and and um limited incomes and such like that I just don't understand how you guys justify that amount per year when you have the 300 you know minimum 300 yeah where where do you live at San Rosa County I I'm not trying to pen you down are you in a a special taxing district do you have your tax bill with you yes I do yeah well you don't have to tell me where you live but can you look at your tax bill and tell me does it say are you in uh are you in like the Avalon fire district Midway Midway okay all right yeah so the citizens of the County uh all are special taxing districts like Midway Avalon Pace uh Navar Beach the citizens and I don't remember exactly what year Midway went on Brad Mike couple anyhow they voted to give the fire department authority to set their own tax rates so they have an elected Board of fire Commissioners and they set those tax rates by law that's out of Tallahassee we cannot intervene in that we have zero jurisdiction so there should be a thing on your tax bill and you're not the only one that contacted us and it should have a date and a time for that meeting two different and that'll be the one you'll have to go to for them to be able to have any effect uh I share with you my mine's going up where I live and it it concerns me so I don't want you to think that we don't care we just have zero legal ability uh to intervene in those now we do set fire tax rates for folks outside of those areas and that's why I wanted to make sure where you live uh but we haven't had any increase this year why why is there the difference in the place with them yeah again that's something the citizens voted on in that area and so against the the uh Cent six and a half cent sales tax I believe it was coup years I I would I would encourage you I'm not sure is that uh state representative Alex and D's District Midway or is that state representative Joel rman yeah most of it is Alexandra yes so if you will uh if you'll just try to reach out to them they might could answer any sort of that legal question for you I'm sorry I wish we could help more all right so it's probably not going to help any more going to the meeting tomorrow now it might help to go to that meeting I I would encourage you to do so I mean you're you're basically doing the American thing and trying to fight against big government and raising taxes I would encourage you to go well it's just with everything else you know that they keep putting on us I understand B bill you know all of the little people have save up I I got you all right anybody else over here in this section want to speak all right come on up yeah yes you're the only one with your hand yes sir you'll have to hit that button again and tell us your name hi uh I'm here for the same issue and I realize there's not a lot you can do uh my name is Jim hagat I'm the um president of Sterling fibers I've been working there since 1989 i' also a resident of Santa Rosa County um so my fire protection bill has gone from $7,000 to $117,000 this is this is totally outrageous and unacceptable um everybody I talked to I've talked to the property appraiser I've talked to the fire chief I'm in the uh Avalon mulot District everybody's sympathetic everybody says there's nothing they can do do everybody's pointing at other people um I've tried to contact uh Andre and Rudman Andre doesn't return any calls Redman's secretary said he will get back to me in a couple of weeks he's out of town of course he was also on channel three this morning so I'm not sure he's really out of town um I recognize the way that this is set up that it was it was a law but you all are the elected representatives for for our County for all of our people and for these fire districts um you know Avalon is going from 1.1 million budget to 1.7 million budget no I'm sorry 1.8 an increase of 700,000 I'm paying 100,000 of the 700,000 um Pace where my home is they're going from 4 million to 8 million and I just feel like there maybe there is something you can do besides just say sorry um you know I feel like this is an end round of a way to increase taxes um without voters having any input um I'm looking for some help um remind me of your name Jim hagat yeah I'm that's a that's a tough one I'll call you Jim if that's all right good um yeah your your particular case there at work was brought to my attention by the property appraiser early on is is probably the most uh drastic increase that I know of in the county $100,000 is is um it's a little bit more in Pocket Change to most of us um and I will tell you this uh I know I went I see a few other people in the audience that went um back I want to say it was like the 17th or the 18th to the PACE Fire Commission um and pleaded with them I know it's not Avalon but you know we had a room full probably 70 people give or take um that pleaded with them to to help and not increase the budget it was definitely foreign to me uh from the standpoint of they said there will be a budget probably change but we won't see it ahead of time before the meeting like and I say that's a little foreign to me because we try to publish ours a little bit ahead of time to where people um know coming into the meeting but uh I will tell you U I agree with your standpoint of you know I I don't like it when everybody just throws their hands up and say there's nothing I can do I can tell you I've talked with the representative Alex Andrade personally and I've told him you know this is my fire assessment I believe and I don't want to give you the wrong number but I think it was like 5251 per. so over a five times increase on uh some commercial property I own in the pace District my personal house went up 76% in the pace district and um I think that that is untenable I think it's uh it's it's ridiculous you know we we've got people that that's my opinion and uh so I've talked with the state representative I'm in the uh you know soon to be in in a lot of exciting way going to be in the same boat as you as far as not being an elected official and I've encouraged him to look at you know they could run a state bill that will disband all of these special fire districts because I think uh you hit the point that says hey the people voted him in and they supported it but I haven't met a resident yet um except for the ones that work at the fire department that got up and spoke at that meeting that said that they didn't have a problem with the increases of that much and I'm sure we'll hear from some of your other citizens tonight and you just I mean it would be unbelievable if we tried to increase our budget by seven uh 70% in one year or in some cases of you know as you mentioned the proposed Pace fire budget of Almost 100% 99 something percent uh I will put a plug in he he may not want it but uh that that uh fella back there next to that goodlooking young lady Dan Sher is running for uh one of your pace fire Commissioners and uh I've encouraged him to to hopefully St in the race so they are elected positions and uh you know it may be one of those things where we all have you know wild increases these next few years until we can replace enough of those fire Commissioners through elections uh they come up for election alternately just like we do every two and four years and we get some people in there that say Hey man let's uh let's listen to the people it may be a little tougher and they may have to be disbanded I I don't know I mean that's that's not my position to determine that will be one of those state representatives would have to run a bill for that to be possible I think if you saw it come back to the board of County Commissioners uh there may be a a slight increase but I can tell you historically over the last 30-year period I don't think you would see the County Commissioners have any sort of appetite to raise it near to that standpoint and I think you would hear Public Safety officials and I'm sure there'll be plenty that watch this video at a later date that would say hey because of the increase in population we now need to provide a higher level of service and I'm not arguing that um but again as as I urged in that public meeting it has to be to where people can can absorb it you know and again we we might want a better service but we can't double that overnight and expect the PE I mean again me and you were probably in a better financial position than than awful lot of people in the community uh but I can tell you there's some seniors right now that I know of I can probably count more than I have fingers that don't even have property insurance because they can't afford it and now you throw this on and next thing you know we're going to be in defaulted property taxes so it is concerning it's a real issue here in San Rosa County I'm scared to death I told Brad I definitely anticipate after I'm off the board you're going to see taxes continue to go up um I I really really believe that I believe that is sort of that that burden call that we hear we want more more more but now when the rooster comes home to Crow of the cost people are people are starting to see it but as far as Sterling fibers um man that breaks my heart I remember y'all y'all came out in the 50s you know Bell Lane and cyanamid were built for that factory my wife's granddaddy retired there and I know y'all we actually we actually donated the property to the Avalon fire department trying to keep it alive right now most people most people probably haven't been back there but you know they're really I mean I they are trying to survive it is not the robust time that it was in the 70s 80s 90s and and so my heart goes out to you and the best thing I could encourage you to do is please go to that Avalon meeting and uh you know if if you don't get some relief I mean ultimately it's one of those things where it won't happen overnight but try to get involved in those fire commissioner elections and try to get one of these State represent AES or the incoming Senator I'm sure it'll be Don gates to maybe consider like hey if it's if enough people in our communities would band together and reach out to them and I think you'll hear from Pete Morgan in a minute and he'll tell you when you fill a room up if enough people will band together I think you could even cause those folks that go down to Talahassee to maybe do something you know at that or just do you know the American thing just keep voting them out until you find somebody that maybe will I mean that's ultimately what happens with the County Commission you know it's like we run a term or two and then vote us out and get somebody different and uh that's the best thing I could encourage you to do I appreciate your sentiment um but there are some the county has had some impact on this process if you read the um text of the bill it talks about measuring things per square foot and the county and the fire chiefs decided even though most things propertywise are based on Heating and cooled square foot they went with total under roof square foot it doesn't say that in the bill and for somebody like me who has concrete buildings and concrete roofs some buildings have metal roofs nothing can burn yeah I want to tell you the county had the property appraiser zero to do with that and and I can tell you that the first time I learned about it was when I got a briefing in the office um which you know the fire chief said was I guess a week week or two before they did and it was just hey we're letting you know these are the bills that are being filed uh our board has never had a single discussion or policy action move concerning this because it is it's outside of our purview you know and um J Williamson just a phenomenal man Mentor of mine uh you know he was a county commissioner and then he went to tassy and like he said he goes you go to tasse and nobody really knows what happens over there until it's kind of already too late because y'all can't go down there you know like you can drive down here and 20 minutes and uh it's unfortunate but this is the world we live in and and um I don't I don't know I hope folks will wake up in November too about some things that are that we've watched happen over the last four years go to that go to that Avalon fire meeting I to but I already know it w good well I don't know already said allow the maximum and he's Go sir if I'm if I Mr chairman this is a a prime example of um what I believe to be State getting involved in something to try to solve what they perceive to be a problem and it causing problems for the locals and problem for the county there I I could I could find you hundreds of examples of State mandates or unfunded mandates where the state legislature puts things in place and says as a County a city you have to do this and then don't provide the funding to us to do it with so every year there's more and more put on our backs the taxpayers back to accomplish things and do more with less happens every year same thing happens when they when they um preempt Us by putting a law in place that says the county or a city cannot create a regulation ordinance that would be in the benefit of the people that live in that community that are asking for that ordinance right something to protect prot them or something to help give them some some other safety measure and we're not allowed to because the state says well no we want to we want to create this legislation that's broad brushes that's good for the whole state and you know that Miami is drastically different place than Milton right um but they don't view it that way they view the whole state as based on um what the majority of the population is in the State of Florida so oftentimes here in the panle we get stuck with really bad legislation it happens all the time um I can tell you that I own three properties in Santa Rosa County one of which is a commercial property and I've had some I've had the same concerns I'm in Midway fire district um I think they're trying to be as responsible as they can with the situation but the problem is you had some people that paid a very high rate based on the square footage their property and where they were located and the value of that home then you have other people that are paying next to nothing or nothing for fire protection based on the exemptions they had and the value of their property it's my understanding the thought by process that the state level was to try to balance it out and make it more fair I don't think it was very fair the way it was done but Mr chairman commissioner Parker he he he's correct that this board of County Commissioners has zero control over it even when any of us have have voiced our opinions to to the state legislature and senators and I certainly did myself I'm still just one person so as a as a constituency you're going to have to make sure you reach out to this incoming state senator the existing representatives and talk to them about this issue and tell them look we understand maybe what your thought process was but there's some serious unintended consequences here that need to be addressed and hopefully they can get that done quickly but as as commissioner Parker said even in calculating that square footage this board had zero control over it we can't do anything about that that was a Property Appraiser's office that looked at it and said it's just total total square footage total under roof it doesn't have to do with how much living area they didn't take into consideration metal buildings concrete right versus wooden structures um multi-story on pilings is obviously more expensive and more costly to try to put a fire out than say a single story ranch home right I mean common sense says that but they didn't take a lot of that into consideration and the legislation isn't written that way so I think there's a tons and tons of room for improvement but unfortunately this board doesn't have any control over that other than I'm one vote when I vote for those representatives in Tallahassee as well and I'm one person that can email and I'll certainly continue to do that but it's going to take you and the rest of the constituency to say hey there's some unintended consequences we need some help with so I just encourage you to please do that but we hear you we totally understand and we understand also that it's easy to get to us it's easy to come see us it's easy to come to this meeting I realize going to Tallahassee is a you know An Inconvenient drive right and if you can't get an answer by phone or email it's frustrating it's not as easy just to show up at their meeting you know and sign in and and have your voice heard um this is a pretty common thing that we hear people frustrated with things in Tallahassee and the federal government and we bear the brunt of it and just saying that we're not just trying to sh the responsibility it's just we have zero control and it's I can promise you it's equally frustrating for the five of us when we're having to deal with some situation that the state put on our backs and we can't do anything about it it's very frustrating hey but I want to leave you with this and I and I mean this for everybody here in the audience and anybody that watches in no way like I I'm sitting here explaining it but in no way am I telling you not to be and I'm I'm just going to call it for what it is well here I'll be nice in case my child watched it no way am I telling you not to be upset or to take this line down you know my eighth grade son we've been talking about he's going through the historical stuff and we're just recently talking about Fort McHenry there in Baltimore which is you know based upon the battle 1812 we were fighting the British Navy and where the star spangle Banner came out of and it's crazy because I hear this lady tonight and then you and then I know we're going to hear other people and then you got me all and P I'll tell you I get all fired up about this I want know over 40 pieces of property in this County I mean I'm definitely a stakeholder of paying property tax um and I'll tell you like I don't want the citizens to take this mess laying down at some point it's going to be no different than the colonists did when they said hey you're breaking our back here and they stand up against the government I don't know what that looks like and I'm I'm scared if this election goes a certain way in November it's probably going to get a whole lot worse but the reality is is like the blood in our bodies from our ancestors you know and our forefathers were not the type to just sit down and roll over and take this and um you know I promise you Sterling fiber's budget hasn't increased the same amount as this County government's budget has over the last eight years you know and so I mean the fact of the matter is is I see a lot of hardworking small business owners in this room including some up here on this dis but it may get to the point if it keeps going we're all going to have to go get government jobs just to be able to keep up with inflation and uh so I'm not telling you to hey not be fired up I want you to be fired up I want her to be fired up I want Pete to be fired up because quite frankly if we don't the government's going to steamroll us at every level and uh we've seen it happen history repeats itself that's what I've heard my whole life and I think we're waking up to it so I just want to leave you with that I'm not trying to tell you hey it's okay don't be good we can't do anything I know $100,000 is not okay yeah I mean we're not a big company this is well I told you hey I'm you're you're you got me beat I got A500 25% increase with pace and Pete will tell you I mean I I went there I'm I'm a a citizen there too I get one vote on that fire commission board and um you know I I think it's going to get worse before it gets better but uh I wish you the best on it but I I want to leave you with this I'm not telling you to lay down and take it you know so thank you for coming thank you for hearing me yes sir all right we'll start over here towards the front or you want to start in the back Pete you want to come up I I I evoked your name just cuz I knew you were coming you know yeah you probably won't even get to see Peete fired up tonight this is like Pete simmer down right here this Pete Morgan I'll give you the introduction but you got to hit the button so they can hear you Pete Morgan I think most of you know who I am um so last I think it was January February I came to you guys and I gave you all a book called the doctrine of the Lesser magistrate I don't know if any of you read it or not but part of this is you guys our County Board okay is supposed to stand against some sort of legislation perhaps coming from the state or legisl or from the federal level okay that's probably going to impact the citizens of the or the residents of the county okay that's that's really one of the big things you're our last you know really our last protection so when you argue that it's not you about this this this 8 House Bill 15 1973 it really is because it was put forward by Andrade I'm going to give you all what I know okay and it was pushed by broxon who had Andrade push it through okay broxon as I understand it and this is probably the nasty stuff about it is it looked like he's scratching somebody's back over in Golf Breeze because they're getting the adval Orum tax the the ADV valorum assessment was was very high for some of these properties over there just because of the value the properties obviously so this is what I'm hearing all right which sound which sinks to me because you're not representing the citizens the problem is when we went to the PACE Fire Commission meeting okay those guys knew about it back in October 23 right that this was coming through and I want to know why we didn't perhaps have a meeting like we had over at City Hall of Milton okay over the water district push on that legislation you know the Brock was pushing forward to go into a franchise and if like what you just said if you would put the the the power of the people we probably could have had that shut down but most of us I think anybody who attending that meeting we're going when I got my trim notice and the properties I have over in Pace and I'm up, 1400% on the fire assessment 1300% on a fire assessment 400% on a fire assessment and that's a assessment is more than my taxes my adum taxes on that property You're darn right I'm I'm fired up and and I want to know where the failure of leadership was because you're supposed to be looking out for us understanding it was in the adalum you had to know about the bill being pushed by broxon and Andrade so they did it under the cover of Night P let me that's what's underhanded about it though if I can I think I'll add I think it'd benefit if you'll let me inject something the bill so two things I want to say I cannot imagine another commissioner I don't know how they possibly could have known I know I let me give me let me give you go ahead I'll tell you I know I never saw that proposed budget until I got my trim notice I was not made aware by my staff nor any of my colleagues so we had no idea but let me let me say this the bill okay we knew the bill was coming through the bill adjusted as Mission wri talked about with the way they can assess where not everybody's going to be paying zero trying to make it Equitable or whatever may not may be a far from perfect bill but I just want to make sure I touch what you know was touched that night these fire commissions are the ones that are choosing to increase their budget and I feel like from when I hear just like that gentleman said they're wanting to go 1.1 million to 1.8 million Pace fire want to go from 4 million to 8 million that is not in the bill that is is those elected officials using whatever excuse they want to to increase their budgets bomb is double so let me let me just point that in there we had no way of knowing that not a single one of us nor any citizen for that matter and like I said I'm proud that November 19th I'm be just like you but the the fact of the matter is we didn't know these Fire Commission boards and I think you'll agree we got there and one of them the chairman of the board said he didn't even know where the number came from so when I said foreign I use that instead of the term scary or pissed off or whatever you want to say but it was unlike anything I have ever seen from a government level for people on that board to even say that you heard it the chairman said where didd that number even come from so we had no way of knowing I I would join the fight with you I mean I was there on my time my wife even cared enough to come because like she said this is taking money out of her family you know grocery account and so I I'm just pissed off with you but I just want to make sure you understand we didn't know where the fight was it's like when you get shived in the back in prison and you couldn't defend it because you didn't know it was coming that's how I feel about it and and that's the other point on that when we were at the commission they said they had like one day to make the decision on what rate to set that's what they said one day or or two days or whatever it was they had to make a snap decision and I'll tell you what this is why in and in the fact that they had that meeting I didn't find out that meeting was going on until till when I had my got my trim notices and that day I called Pace fire fire department to find out what was going on where this is coming from I called andrade's office Bron's office Governor D Santa's office um rudman's office the only phone call I got back was from Andrade Andrade said well you know they they didn't have to do that and and the fire chief is lying if he's saying that he didn't have to that he had to go that to you know to the maximum rate they could charge so and then of course we get in the meeting and I said what andr andr called the fire chief a liar so what you're doing is you're putting us as the community in the middle of this piece of crap bill that was pushed forward under the cover of Darkness okay without the citizens approval this is exactly flies into the face of this representative Republic it does you're not representing the people brockson isn't Rudman isn't andr isn't and if you knew about it and and I'll tell you this I did get some phone calls the next day after that meeting okay from folks that did know about it had been approached by Andrade I'm not going to say who it was but apparently they knew about this bill because they were getting it was being bounced off against them so somebody knew about this bill going up and certainly the pace fire Pace fire Commissioners did I don't know about the Avalon and everybody else did but dog on it they should have come out to the people because this is this is crap and just like gentleman with Sterling I've got and I do I have affordable housing okay y all clamored for affordable housing all right what am I going to do when my taxes go up they did go up because the valuations went up the maximum amount okay for non-ad for non-homesteaded properties then I get whacked with a, 1400% increase in a in a fire tax am I going to put them out on the street cuz I'm going to have to raise our rents in order even even pay for it even cash flow it that's the position you're putting us in and I'm telling you right now just what you said before this is how 1776 came about taxation you're taking our freedom away you're taking property ownership away which is one of the basic tenants of freedom in this country and when you start taking that away and stomping on us there will be consequences and the and the elected officials need to be hearing what I'm saying because you're right if this happens at the federal level there's going to be a lot more crap coming down because I tell you what you take the fruits of my labor all right I work hard you take that and I got to give it to whatever to house illegal immigrants to to pay for whatever that is a basically a just a a complete criminal expenditure of money is is what it is the only thing I can do is affect at this level it's hard to affect at the federal or state level but I can talk at this level I we depend on you guys to watch out for this and I understand the legislation okay but you know then the problem is why can't you you know the the legislative Coalition I fought them they shouldn't even be an office in I know brockson is a lame duck okay but that I mean I'm serious it wasn't some Miami you know Coalition it was right here in Northwest Florida to put House Bill 1573 forward and they didn't come out and tell you know have some have a meeting like they did for the water districts that was a forced meeting I'll tell you what that is political corruption I read you the definition of political corruption last time I'm fired up something I I mean you you throw your hands up something that can't be done there's always something that can be done to stick somebody with a $100,000 fire assessment and I'll tell you what after that meeting I was being what I what I was being told is they probably aren't going to change it and then you have a commission that goes in without a budget and you're trying to talk to us why you need to have a double have your budget double from four million to 8.1 million I tell you what this stinks this is the kind of thing that I get fired up there's no honor somebody's lying to us and I don't appreciate it okay I'm glad you're fired up I thank you we if we can get y'all fired up and we can get y'all to turn out and vote for the next few years we can change this country but I think we still had about 75% of people in this County that didn't vote all right I'm going to keep working my way for you you got anything to say all right Jen Ro you got anything yeah okay did either one of you gentlemen have anything to say this evening okay I signed the petition I hope these gentlemen I won't be here but I do hope that they'll pave gen Road for you um Julie you got anything to say Sarah I know you don't want to talk all right uh I think we covered everybody there after listening to public comments I'm going to close the msbu public hearing and I'll entertain a motion to approve the fiscal year 2025 msbu rate resolution motion to approve all right without objection obje all right any objection to that all right hearing none that items approved uh we do have a upcoming Final budget hearing is scheduled for this room on September 17th uh at 6: pm and so so we should have the cameras working if you're not able to make it but you wanted to watch you can log on to our website and do that um and I appreciate y'all coming I I really do I appreciate you being here I appreciate people getting fired up and it's the only way we're going to affect change in this country so tell your uh tell your neighbors hey in November you know if they don't vote my dad always said I don't want to hear you complain so make sure they vote whether I agree with you or not people went and died fighting in war so that we had that right so I think you should I think you should exercise your right to vote so gentlemen thank you for being here staff Sabrina thank you for uh I know you put a lot of work into the presentation and I know y'all put a lot of time into all jokes aside I mean a full day of just making sure we were briefed and I appreciate you gentlemen working really hard to make sure that you prioritized uh you know Public Safety infrastructure and cutting the millage so I appreciate uh what you gentlemen are doing for that so uh with nothing else we're going to go ahead and adjourn the meeting thank you oh what there several of us here that want to be in the public comment section um I'm come forward real quick before I Jour it yeah yeah I'm sorry I thought I went through that I my name is Sheila Salerno this is my husband Benjamin solerno I wanted to thank you gentlemen for your public Public Service it takes a lot of dedication to um listen to and act on um public comments my husband served in the United States Navy for 23 years retired as a commander in the US Navy um I commend him all the time for all the work that he's done that was before I married him um and so I decided to buy property down here in Santa Rosa County and we bought 15 Acres part of a group called sweet Water Creek North we're on waterfall Street and I um convinced my husband dragging his feet to come down to Santa Rosa County and I say that because at the end he's been very upset about the road um we have had family members come from Washington State where I'm born and raised where my family um came in 1914 to Washington State so I had family come down and visit they both complain about the road um when they leave it's well wait a minute it's raining um maybe we should go out tomorrow when the mud kind of dries up it's a little easier to pass I've had uh visitors come and complain the first thing when they come up to the house they complain about the road and getting there you've heard about my housekeeper um interviews and one of them said no way am I going to work for you the road's just horrible and I don't want my car beat up I brought you down signatures you should have been all emailed 567 signatures on petitions wanting to pave Jin Road that's how I got to know the neighbors by the way hi some of my neighbors are here that's how I met them in a solicitation of getting a rally going and get fired up about Paving J Road when I was leaving the county offices after dropping off the petition I had heard about another wreck on Jin Road it was my Florida pest control that was coming heading South heading from the pave section down into the creek went sideways and GE he won't be able to make it to my house now that is also the road that our fire chief takes from Allentown to get to our homes our new homes there is this road that's either rained and washed out and it's a creek bed when you're driving it or it's a muddy sloppy mess where you hope you have all-wheel driver four-wheel drive vehicles my husband doesn't even take his vehicle out on it after it's been so muddy because there's too many ruts in the road I mean this is getting to some point dangerous when you have truck sideways in the millings because it's so soft so we are a group in our um HOA of 12 15 acre lots and we bought out there because it's a little more remote than what's happening in Pace um we're glad sometimes we're not in the fire district by the way fire chief but we also have that um allowance to have Wildlife come into our property we've got uh forested acreage we've got Creeks running through most of the properties there we've got Springs we have lots of animals coming in there so we're a part of helping preserve some of the future look of what the county can look like because we chose to buy larger Lots we're taxpaying we have limits of our homes have to be at least 2500 square feet or larger we have a 200 foot setback in the HOA we have a 50 foot side yard setback so we're governing ourselves but we come to the point where besides us being good citizens we need your government's help back and I can tell you as a spouse of my military husband you would solve a lot of arguments when we get in the car to go to town that we don't cross this muddy dirt road that I bought property on thank you you have anything to say dear no thank you all right there's a few words I'd like to say um I also live on Jin Road and I've been on Jin Road for seven years and I guess where my disappointment with the board um and what I really see in the county is just a lack of consideration for infrastructure we seem like we have a philosoph ophy here that says let's build the houses first and then let's figure out what infrastructure we need to support it later and that frankly is just totally ass backwards there's no question about it I don't really understand how we get ourselves in those kind of positions out there in that area chucka Jin Road happens to be the only Road that's dirt and unpaved I can drive out past 182 all the way to J and what is there nothing but Farmland with a few houses scattered around and guess what every road there is paved there's not a one that's a dirt road not a one I've driven all over that area there's not one road that's not paved so what I question to the board is what is taking so long to get a 2 and a half mile stretch of that road that's paved on currently one end of Jin Road and the connecting end at Molina Bridge what has taken so long for that to occur go ahead commissioner cins thank you Mr chair uh this has been one of my top priorities with Jim Road uh we have had staff meetings about this item and I'm talking for years now and uh I've tried to move it as quick as possible and government works slow that's the worst thing about government it's not like Private Industry where you could just you know throw money you got to wait and wait and they got to do all these you know I I went to them and said why don't we just just throw some pavement on it and they said no you got to do this this drainage this and all this stuff stuff I don't understand I'm no expert but good news is uh staff has stepped to action uh they are working on getting a huge bit done so again promisees made Promises Kept we're getting it done uh so Brad can you tell them where we're at and on it yeah we do have 500,000 allocated in the dirt road paving that in the budet that y'all just tentatively approved um the first 1.1 mile of gen road is included in that that will be brought to this board in December our normal time that we bring our dirt road and and annual road paving budget to you to approve and uh that is there the next section from waterfall down the creek and up the other side that's going to call it's going to have to have some extensive drainage in there for the erosion factor and uh funing into that Creek and um that would it is on the capital plan so whenever the board so chooses to fund that design and then ultimately the construction it will be a a much more um I mean this is probably in the 220,000 range if I remember right for the first 1.1 mile the remainder of that will probably be $2.5 to3 million so is that ask question there so is the two and a half to three million that's due to the bridge that runs over Thomas Creek that's due to the topography and the high Banks and the you have to attenuate the water anytime we do improvements I mean it it is a dirt road right now so we can we can grade it and maintain it and I know the soil is still running into the water but once we put impervious surface down it's a whole new standard and we have to meet that standard and and go through permitting for that um if we just well I'm certainly encourage to to to hear the fact that there's some money in the budget I just hope that the erosion control side of it because you're right several places of that road has embankments above the road that range anywhere from two foot to 10 foot and U all the water challenging runs down that road basically the road is the drainage ditch at Two and a Half Mile Stretch correct yeah and um we do have just so you know um I don't have the number right off the top of my head but um I'd be happy to send you a list of it we have plenty of dirt roads left in our County well I know there's others I know there's like Kaiser Landing Road goes down there it's over five miles but goes down to a public access area but it's interesting that we've got around 15 to to 20 Homes located down Jin Road on a dirt road and yet I say I go out there to the Farmland that's thousands of acres and every road every one of those roads is paved two-lane paved road yeah I haven't found a dirt road out there yet yeah uh one of the ways I've always done things is is if there's a lot of people wanting something uh I I will respond and do the best I can to get it get it done and Jen Road has was you know one of the most proactive group of people that have been asking for this road and it it's a lot of money and uh my top priority was to get it done and I hope I hope this board truly you know get gets this gets this road paved and gets it done eventually Santa Roa County won't have any dirt roads eventually but I would I would respond to the most proactive people uh when they when they ask I mean there's a lot of dirt roads that people aren't asking for them there's actually I was in Holly by the Sea and uh talking to some folks out there and I'm I'm like hey y'all want this p no we don't want it pave I'm going this is Holly by the Sea this is I mean why wouldn't you want it paved I would want it paved if I live there but there are actually people that don't want paved roads so those people that don't want to PVE Road you know let's let's divert funds to these you know just my thoughts uh but I hope y'all uh get this done it's going to take a the board the the new commissioner come up here and and uh I hope he drives the effort and gets y'all's Road fully complete and done and uh but at least we at least we got we're going to get well I hope they drive the effort as well I me I'm encouraged to hear that there's money in the budget um that that's a great start but we got we got to get Paving down on that road that's money for the first 1.1 mile for the first make you that yeah I G to tell you I are are you finished with your comment yeah yeah you can turn it off I I'll just say a few anecdotical comments for maybe people in the audience I you don't have to respond to this you can sit down um and then also maybe just something for I know we've still got two Commissioners that are definitely not Junior they've got two years in but uh maybe I'll shed something over eight years of what you said couple funny things um you know you you talked about why don't we do infrastructure before development and commissioner Smith ran on the slogan of roads before development and um I will tell you anotic because we don't do that with anything in life uh we don't build schools and then hope that kids come there we wait and we're required to have schools at a certain capacity uh we built a road in my district to address traffic that was already a problem and I was criticized over building a road that then they went and built houses on and when they do pave the road you will have more development and that is why what commissioner caulin said is true there are people that don't want their roads paved because they know when they do more people are going to move there because the dirt roads attenuate people from moving out there um but we don't do that in life we don't do that commissioner Wright is a phenomenal small business owner he doesn't go out there and and make purchase contracts and then hope to get business you go out there and acquire business you know it's that old adage I could go buy a fleet of dump trucks today and then hope and pray I got business to to pay the payment and I'd be a fool and out of business I go get contracts we've got utility workers here in the audience he gets contracts and he takes those contracts to his lender and then he buys his heavy equipment to do the work am I am I right that's how it works so just anecdotical it sounds great when people run for office and they say hey we're going to build it before the people are there but if that was the case it would mean all of us in this room would be paying for that paved road before the person ever lived on it so I'm just throw in a few things of eight years of reflection of how sometimes we say things but it's is not reality it's not reality in anything we do in life let me just make one last comment to your comment um I understand what you're saying there's only one problem with that um we look at areas where a developer comes in and he wants to build I don't know 500 homes a thousand homes whatever and we and we go and they go and and they get approved and they start building it and then all that happens is all the people that moved into that development plus all the people around that development just get angry because they're sitting there and saying why wasn't this thought of as part of building that program rather than waiting till we build it and we sit there and we wait till hundreds of people complain and then we decide well maybe it's time to do something yeah and I don't want you to think that again the the reason you haven't had more Road space I'm responsible for it these gentlemen are our budget when I took office me and Mr shev over here was 174 or $176 million this year it's going to go to 265 million you say my God Sam where did the money go in hindsight again I'm one of five and it takes one of three to do anything and Dan will tell you and I point because he used to be here at the county and me and him went through some treacherous times together uh I'm gonna tell you one thing that's changed is our Sheriff's budget was $3 39.2 million when I took office it's at over 80 million doar coming up so I granted that didn't all happen overnight but let's do rounding math that's 40 million dollar a year increase that I made the decision I ultimately I voted I'm a big boy and these gentlemen made the decision that instead of that $40 million annually that we could have been fixing roads we put it in public safety so we made hard decisions and it's not that we didn't care it's not that we didn't have the money or we weren't able to we made the decision on where to spend it I'm encouraged maybe the next board will say hey we're going to fix a lot more roads but I got to run and bet with the County Administrator says I think you're going to see the sheriff's budget go up and you're going to see Road pav and about stay the same um but that's the thing at the end of the day maybe it was good to get that off my chest and I appreciate that after the past eight years it ain't that we ain't had the money to fix the roads we chose to spend it in other locations we chose to make sure that Public Safety so that you had I mean we got about 25 more Patrol deputies than we had when I took office we've got more Correctional deputies we've done an Annex and all that thing and you know yes we have provided pay raises for our msbu fire departments we've provided pay raises for our First Responders and so no we didn't do that but we also held the line without making it be like you know main or or Rhode Island or Boston or Delaware um to where we didn't do a skyrocketing property text and that's why I said and I mean it what I said earlier tonight I'm afraid that you're going to see property taxes go up because I think there's going to be so many people like you that are coming and saying it's untenable we've got to fix the roads that I think you'll see the next board say okay well everybody wants the roads fixed so let's go up on property taxes and then it'll be the pendulum swing to where people like me and Pete get fired up because I don't know you know if I asked him I don't think he's prepared to say how much how many minutes in traffic are worth how much property tax do you because I promise you this board has the ability we're only at 6 point or 5995 Ms we could go up to 10 mills I mean we could almost double our budget and it's not too late this is still a tentative budget meeting even though we advertise my point is we have the ability but then what do you think's worse the people complaining about dirt roads or if you doubled your budget how many more people do you think would be here that's a question future boards are going to have to ask I can tell you that's what happened we put Public Safety as our number one priority it's not what I hear from the public but I thought it was a charge for our community to keep the folks safe and so that's what we did but I just want to debunk the disclaimer that well we couldn't have fixed it or we didn't know about look we're not idiots but again we have to there's a fine line there how much are people willing to pay well I I I appreciate the fact it's a balancing act and I understand that um but I think when we when we hear people like Mrs serno here saying you know and I've obviously been up and down that road for seven years U there is times you can't even navigate the road after a rainfall I mean there's 18inch differential from one side of the road to the other did we ever try msbu you said you've been there seven years have they ever talked with you about msbu in it yeah any of those discussions every had that's what I was goingon to say I was going to say so I I'll tell you I'll let the G I don't know if y'all publish the agenda today or not I didn't check my County email but I'll tell you if they did then the Genie's out of the bag I've been listening for eight years and if 50% of you are enough to vote in Commissioners I think it ought to be enough to say whether we want our roads paved or not and so I'm going to ask this board next week to approve changing our msbu policy where right now I think it's crazy Cy to require 66% of citizens on a road that wants to get paved to vote for it I'm going to ask this board to change it to 50% plus one I mean most of us on this board at some point have been elected by I mean especially if you've been here through more than one election been elected by less than 66% of the people and matter of fact both of mine I was elected by less than that so I will say that's encouraging um I'm actually going to help some residents over in District 2 run an msbu package to try to get a road paved if the board lowers that threshold and I would encourage you that that may be something y'all look to do because there is and I'll leave you with this just so we can move forward The Balancing Act I can promise you this I could go find thousands of people if I wanted to put the time and energy that would tell you they don't care a thing about your road because they pay taxes in this County the folks in nvar and gold Breeze don't care if you got a dirt road or a PVE road all the folks on Woodbine didn't care that the P connector was there because I had I mean I had hundreds of them telling me you should have done wood bind first so my point is msbu will allow you to take control of that and you'll be able to pave the road within a year's time if you choose to do that expeditious uh way but anyway I appreciate it commissioner Smith yeah I was going to say I did use that slogan but I wasn't thinking of Jen Road when I was talking about it the road already existed so but that's what I'm saying when you're looking at this and 7 years ago I was out there showing property and I was being asked that question is this road ever going to be paved let me ask I started asking that question then and I was assured there is no plans for this road to be paved so that made that customer say yeah let's not look there anymore I think they ended up buying in Buffalo Ridge so they wanted a large estate property but they weren't they weren't willing to live on that dirt dirt road and that's the way I'm looking at it when you're looking at that that road and the expense that it does because they had already identified that as a drainage problem and a very expensive roadway it was expensive then now it's really expensive because now we're past 2020 but that was on the other side of 2020 I was going to suggest if we're going to look at that that would be something we'd want to probably look at on an msbu standing so and I was was interesting that you said that because the msbu standard would have seen I've personally seen a whole lot of projects come in this board in eight years where we offered them that and they said oh don't because I I've got a road I I I won't tell you the name but I've said it actually sitting here plenty of times over the last eight years that I'm going to try to help some residents get paided and when it when you go door to door and you ask them hey do you want to pay to pave it it starts changing the tune so um but that will be an Avenue I encourage you if you'll make sure if you leave your phone number uh with this young lady over here when you leave we'll make sure some people get that process to you it's a pretty straightforward process and that way if you and the neighbors say hey we want to try to do it to look at the cost of it we've done it successfully especially down in District 5 on quite a few roads where the Neighbors hit the point they say we just want a paid Road and we know we're going to pay for it because the board I mean they have to triage it and the people on Woodbine Road will go nuts if they find out they're spend you know Paving that before we four line Woodbine I mean you know so it is what it is I like I said my hats off I appreciate these guys serving I mean I appreciate the opportunity it was great but I'm I'm looking forward to private life too you know so commissioner Caulkins you want to bring us home thank you Mr CH uh an mspu for that area would be absolutely I mean you got I mean how how many residents you got like you know not a whole lot you're talking what a a half a million dollars per resident per you know and and they're paying taxes too the whole County's paying taxes and and it's it's it's like I see I've seen money being wasted and I'm not going to go into that just constantly and you know these guys just need a road I mean it's and this is what we're supposed to do so I I mean I would never you know be in favor of you know an MS I mean the thing that I guess I really get to is if if it were a private road I could understand it you know then I could sit there and say there a private road if somebody wanted it paid it'd be their responsibility but this is a county road yeah um there are roads up there that are obviously private roads I I get that but when it's a County Road and then we're going to go back to the people that live along it it's taxpayers and say well if you want the road paved you're going to have to pay for it exclusively you're right my advice to y'all keep coming up here keep demanding gen road to be paved and it will be paved just don't give up thank you all right thank you yeah you got something I gotta go tow a broke down Traer come on I apologize uh my name is William Grantham I'm a resident of uh J Road I've owned property out there since 2015 uh within the past two and a half three months uh my daughter-in-law uh rolled her car because of the wet conditions as a result of a light rain because of the wash out and some of this buildup because of the way in which the road is graded the the car slid the front wheels plowed spunner completely around till it rolled on its side with my daughter-in-law and my grandchildren inside it was frightening for us but fortunately nobody was injured so praise the Lord but the fact remains is that there is an issue that exists on that road and I can respect the fact of all the priorities that that exist in the county where money is shuffled around uh for the sake of whatever that higher priority is and I'm not going to speak for anybody else I I am I am not personally pushing for the pavement of the road I want it but I understand the fiscal uh demands that exist on the county so it may not necessarily be an issue but I do understand that it is a county maintained Road and at some point in time I don't know how long before 2015 the road was dedicated to the county and the road being dedicated to the county if I remember correctly under County ordinances there's a a specific duty to the county to maintain the road to a specific condition and that condition is actually Road worthy and at the time that it was dedicated there was an expectation for the road to have been uh established to a condition where the county can assume it and essentially just maintain it I don't know exactly how that transfer occurred nor when but I do know that on on paper on all the systems and whatnot it is reflected as a county maintained road so regardless of how it was inherited the expectation is still to maintain to a county standard County uh dirt road I'm asking at the very least whatever amount of money whether it's 500,000 this year or 2025 500,000 2026 or is that 500,000 dedicated to dirt roads throughout the county or is it a portion specifically to Jin road I don't know but at the end of the day I'm begging and pleading for at least the water mitigation because the water mitigation after after nearly every single rainfall county has to come out and regrade and if there's more than like two or three days of continuous rainfall there's one half of the roadway is eroded in such a way that I could stand in a rut that is up to my waist on half of the road right before you get to my property I'm not begging to take money away from the rest of the county to pave my road I'm begging to Main contain it and if the phased approach is doing 1.1 mile of pavement what happens to the water mitigation the lack thereof for the remainder of two uh mile and a half or whatever that doesn't do us any favors because whenever there's a major incident on uh chimuka Highway and road traffic is diverted onto still the remainder of the worst part of the road as you so identified why not spend the money at least on a phase approach on at least getting some of the water mitigation done whether it be Retention Ponds for uh holding the water Whenever there is an imperviable surface that is put out there but putting an imperviable surface without water mitigation further down the road is going to make the problem worse right before I'm not saying my property like I'm concerned about just my property but any traffic that goes on that road is going to suffer the same consequences that I do and if it happened to to be a school bus using it as a diversionary route is that the road you want a school bus to go go on whenever the chuckle highway is uh blocked off because of a fatal traffic accident which has occurred other traffic uh being diverted because of accidents preventing that passage from 10 Mile Road thereabouts on Shaka Highway what's the conclusion uh whenever or what's the solution whenever you're dealing with that so my question is is now a question my proposal is a phase approach that somehow or another deals with water mitigation first and if the money comes later to PVE it great but the water mitigation would solve a lot of problems right now thank you thank you guess we finally got a timer going on that yes sir and I will say I believe it or not I I think commissioner Caulkins is speaking uh Lord I hate to use the word prophetically but I guarantee you if y'all if you could rally up and keep going I I bet you could get your road PID pretty quick I mean $265 million budget it'll go up next year they'll have the money just say it fast that's all you got to just say it real fast yeah it's uh hey get it done you know it's we increase the sheriff's budget you only hear me pick on that one because that one kind of tends to go up more than the other ones $95 million doll this year so if you think next year when he comes back in and it goes up they'll hold act $2 and half three3 million me and commissioner Caulkins won't be here but if y'all advocate for it you never know we might have a few less squad cars but they'll pay that road and uh but anyway it's kind of antidotal but uh go ahead my name is Tom holwell I live on gen Road and I can tell you I spent almost a year getting those 567 signatures an msbu will never happen you just wasting your time about it people livid about it the vehicle talking about flipped over and did on my driveway going down the road and I don't know how many of you guys actually D driven down J Road anybody show a hand I know Brad has yeah I think we all have and just like commissioner Smith I sold a bunch of that property out there before I got in office there weren't no houses out there when I 10 years ago so there was when I moved out there I'm just telling you this concept to build the road first no I'm not you know it there wasn't nobody to build a road for 10 years ago well I'm let give me a few minutes to talk okay when I moved out there it was a white sandy Road it was well packed maintained and then all of a sudden hundreds if not thousands of dump trucks semis delivery trucks started running up and down the road and every time there was an accident up up where the Tom Thumb is on chimuka they the highway patrol diverted people down the road and it just has so much traffic that the road will not stand what's going on up and down it now I don't know how many of you guys built roads but I've been building for 40 years built interstates built many roads and what I see the County Road Department doing out there is stupid they go out there and dump loose sand on the road spread it out they don't compact it because you can't compact it's like trying to build a road on a beach then they go ahead and dump millings on top of the slope over there and the first truck goes down it mirers all the way down to the ax and runs off the road so in particularly area you're talking about that 1.1 mile stops at the end of of a subdivision the road is better from that subdivision on down towards the bridge about another half mile than it is going the other way so there's no engineering necessary to stop at 1.1 unless it's just a budget problem the other thing is if you had somebody that actually knew what they were doing instead of just when it rains it washes and whatever the loose sand is it disappears so they come out and put more sand on it and spread it over the holes and people come down the road thinking they can do 25 30 m hour and all a sudden their front wheels fall off in a sand trap now I will say they've fixed quite a few of the areas back towards moleno bridge but there's still quite a few of them and I hope that's not me um but the uh but it seems to be that something needs to happen to fix the road not just keep showing lip service and just drag drag the road grader down the road smooth out the sand and say I fixed it that's not fixing it yeah I I'll tell you this now between now and November 18th I got a little bit of pull and if you're willing to volunteer some time oh I've met with you guys I've Vol I mean I spent a lot of time out there but I can't see I'm like commissioner Caulkins I'm not a road expert and I'm not an engineer and I mean I can build a house and hope that it withstands a hurricane but I don't build roads and I'll tell you if if you got a better solution you got experience building I think you said 40 plus roads if you're willing to volunteer six hours eight hours a week in a advisory role I think I can tell this fell down here while he still works for me we could slip you in down there and we'll use that expertise because quite frankly is you sitting here telling me sand don't pack well I don't know we use it on foundations it packs awfully good when we wet it runs if you contain it right so maybe the issue is ribon curbing I don't know but if we got experts in our community that say our guys are idiots that ain't doing it right I'm not saying they are I'm just saying if they're not doing it right then let's get you out there to tell them how to do it I've I've met with a supervisor out there several times we buy you lunch I can't authorize no other pay but we'll cover you L me and Brad will cover you lunch Brad ises that sound good I mean if he's got expertise you know we'll put you out there and get you go I mean we between you and Eric he he could run all the utility line and uh y'all can get it fixed we'll we'll Supply the equipment the the thing is and I'm not being funny here if you say hey our guys ain't doing it right and you've been watching all these years and let's get out there and show them how to do it and constructive criticism I've taken my equipment out there and fixed quite a few of the bad spots in the road yeah tired going out there dragging people out of the road so I I don't know I like I say itim well I've met with James and I've met with Brad on it and you know it's a simple fix it's just got to get somebody we're not looking for an interstate 10 just looking for a county paved road trying to get you an inter if um yeah if you'll make sure that you get your phone number the commissioner they both have my number and know where I live well here's the thing I mean like I said if you know how to do it then we need to tap into that I mean we got a fell right in front of us that build interstates it says we ain't doing it right I've built many of them and commissioner Caulkins could I'll volunteer him he he's got an hour or two these coming weeks I don't see why you and Andrew can't go out there and let him tell them how to do it I'd love to do there you go just make sure here he's got a pin let's get your phone number before you leave tonight you and commissioner Caulkins will be in the truck me in his phone there you go all right make him buy you lunch for all right all right we got anybody else that hasn't had the chance to speak tonight all right Pete we already had you one time I'm not trying to be disrespectful I just and I gave you like 25 minutes I know is is there anybody else that hadn't spoke tonight all right I appreciate y'all thank you for the enjoyment we're going to adjourn the meeting