##VIDEO ID:-tm8aYiBBJ8## fall days where it's going to be different different time don't like what we had dish I feel like that's what after eating it you would feel like you like that how much how much can't oh it's a big dayri before we call the order you want take an opportunity for Candace to introduce herself to everyone and if people want to introduce themselves to Candace our new Bo hi hi I'm Candace jman kind of Newt to Minnesota been here about 5 years still getting used to the weather up here I'll never be 100% used to it originally from California but I've lived kind of all over the country and I'm happy to be here and joining you guys hi welcome nice to you you guys want to start or you not gonna just name oh I'm Jen Smith I'm Emily Trisha Matt hi Jason and Scott nice to meet you thank you [Music] live yeah are we live trying to check in here I'm barely alive I mean I'm glad you're alive but why yeah it's live we're live it's live oh it is okay thank you y I'm find that okay it is now 6:30 um and it is September 5th and I'm going to call our board work session to order um our first order of business I just want to get let kind of start the conversation of when Mike and I sat down to start to kind of craft the agenda and look over it um our goal in in creating it was to to kind of limit our time so that we're not we all working we're all we all have lives outside of this to try and limit us to like 2 hours if we can um so originally we did not have this many topics on here but all of our topics tonight are pretty important so with that in mind I just wanted to kind of just let you guys know that that was the idea um if that is something that you guys would like us to continue to do um that's what we will strive for um I'd at least open up at the conversation are we not doing the pledge of allegiance anymore before work session um that is good catch I did not catch that one we made the agenda we still can well let's do it let's do it okay to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you for catching that so did anybody have thoughts on the two hours I mean I think it's it can be our goal you know depending on the topic and the and the urgency it might be longer just Benchmark okay I think yeah from what I understand is when you're going to sit down and put an agenda together you're going to aim for something that'll take about two hours I yes fully agree with that but like Emily said if something ends up taking longer in the moment that's maybe the way it's got to go every now and then so agreed okay well then with that um we are going to do start with Bon Stern's education District facilities update thank you okay so thank you again for having me back um my purpose today is just to give you an update of what has been taking place with the V Bo regarding our facilities discussion and our district agreement um continuing from when I was here last so what you are receiving is a of the bylaw and District agreement amendments that have been approved by the V board at our August meeting um for your reference as an education District we need to have a set of bylaws that we function under and we need a district agreement that outlines how we carry out our procedures um it is reviewed and approved by the vet's board but then each member district board must also approve the district agreement in order for it to go into effect so that is the step that we are added so I the we did the red line copy because it makes it easier for you to see what changes we have made um the bylaws is a very brief document and so if you start with the bylaws um the primary changes are under letter C Finance where we made an adjust to the definition of non-reimbursable expenditures what that means is there are items that can be paid for with special education funds and there are items that cannot and non-reimbursable expenditures fall under what cannot be paid for the special ed doar so historically it has solely referenced the voyagers building lease and or mortgage and now that we have a lease with Pioneers our site at Main is paid for and we have the voyagers leas remaining needed to make that adjustment um to also include any future leases which would likely not be the voyagers building itself so making that change to allow for future lease language to be accurate um changes in the reimbursable expenditures just and some of that is updates to the language that the reimbursable expenditures include cost for example of the business manager school board cost custodia most of those Services have to had student programs and that really in the bylaws themselves are the the only changes made to the bylaws the district agreement which is the second document is much more specific um in the first few pages you will find that it is primarily just edits for example agreement being capitalized um instead of referring it to it as a joint Powers as an education District so nothing of significance I would say until you get to number nine which is Project finance and the where this is where the meat of the changes has occurred so once again if you notice it will break it up into our current how we structure and account for the costs with our member districts for our current lease and mortgage expenses and how what we would propose moving forward and so with both of our current leases which is our Pioneers lease with you which you don't pay a lease for obviously um and our mortgage at voyagers that we first look at the enrollment of all of our students any students who are not members of one of our member districts which happens due to Foster placements and Foster homes in some of our communities um open enrollments that result in in Our member in one of our level four programs if you are a not a member you are first assessed and access fee so that ensures that the burden of these costs is not totally being carried by Our member districts it gives us a means of applying an access fee to non-members first which then reduces your cost upfront once that access fee is assessed then we assess what your costs are for the mortgage or for our other members their portion of the Pioneers cost which is based on usage our mortgage for voyagers because you own that building is an equal distribution because you all equally own that as member districts so you'll notice there is a prior to August 1 2024 and after one August 1 2024 and that is with the goal of if we enter into a future lease there is a separ a between that as we discussed Our intention if we enter into a new lease would be do they voyagers obviously we would not need this leas and self me so those would all go away and we would have more places after all um one of the other pieces to this Finance is in the in the language it confirms the authority of the B Sterns board which Matt is a member of to be the ones toer weeks what's spelled out in here for you is the options each district will have to pay their for at least and our Assurance as an organization that we will notify you with ample amount of time each year of how you looking for it or give you time to choose how you looking for it um if you look at the the very last page exhibit a is what walks through how that c structure will be set up up and there's an example at the bottom so as we talked about when we met last um so it's on the back side of the very last page um as we talked about when we met last the the the structure that we are hoping to use is based on adjusted pupil units so we look at the entire enrollment of all of our member districts based on the numbers we ran it was roughly 15,700 students um $65 per pupil is available through East lby Authority um and that is how we arrived at our maximum lease would be $1 million because there should be at least that available through Le Authority and then your percentage of that is based on your total enrollment which is an equal distribution for all of our districts Kim and holding fors portion being much less compared to you s is that how it's broken up now no so right now because we you are owners voyagers that's equal distribution and Pioneers is based on distribution which you and S rapid right are the primary users okay another advantage of moving in this direction is we also because our goal is to have our district office per se in the same building there are uses and costs associated with that that cannot be easily distributed by usage because of the staff that are assigned and so by having it be based on total student enrollment it's a fair distribution for everyone big or small so first are there any questions about this are there any um thoughts on what we talked about when I was here last or the process that enter into you're looking for this to be approved this month so yes I mean as far as the district agreement so there's two steps to the process the district agreement our goal would be and the intention of Our member the other member districts is to have a a vote on this with each of their boards in September and you do not need a two-part like a review and then vote it can be done in a single action because the vet Sterns board needed to review and discuss and then vote which is the process that was taken so the the intent the request would be if you're um willing to consider it is to look at this in September and make a decision in September on on the contents of this um once all six boards have agreed that's when it goes into effect and then also in September would be to have as part of your lease Levy Authority discussion to include the $65 discussion for the V Stern lease the $65 can only be used to offset costs associated with the education District Cooper so those are the two parts those would be the two parts yes and then the bylaw do not need to be approved by you they're purely there for your reference that they were amended as well okay so this specifies how how a future lease would be paid by member districts and also by so do does a future lease um do access fees get applied to that access fees will still be applied so in other words it's just a scario if a student is enrolled in the St Cloud School District because they're not a member of this right or I'm sorry is a resident of the St CL school district is enrolled in let's say Sock Rapids or so Sant fulltime sure they are placed in a V program okay like our current Pioneers per se yeah in in this new building that's being leased is is an access Fe charged to St Cloud even though that student normally would attend SEL schools yes okay because it's their resident P enroll their resident district is not a member of that JS and that most often happens as a result of a foster placement so we have students from all over the state of Minnesota that might be residing in a foster placement within one of our member districts who then is placed in one of our level four programs so that but the residency goes by where the parent lives correct the res district is where the parent lives not where the student lives unless they're Award of the state and that's a whole different discussion and that's a small number of our students what percentage is non-member do you think I mean I know you don't tell you know exact but just guesstimate probably somewhere around 5 to 10% at any given point in the year and how long do they have to be a resident so there isn't a an amount of time it is purely about where so they move from St Cloud right away to sartel in an apartment then then they would become a resident of the SEL school they don't have to wait a year it's about when you we where the the parents or Guardians live at any point in time and that can be adjusted multiple times throughout the year if for some reason a family um Joel this is maybe more for you but does the numbers that we saw earlier in the year when you presented kind of the breakdown of how this would look for sartel has that changed since we looked at it here that was this is from April so I can just pass this around copy that just go Um for my knowledge it it the only thing that would change potentially is um you know the the fiscal year 25 adjusted pupil units is an estimate but should be pretty close it should be fairly close and then so that's the upper leftand corner and then down in the bottom box Ellers did a tax impact estimate and it says basically estimated pay 2 25 tax impact so that would be for next that would be the levy that would be set this fall and paid by property tax holders in 2025 um and I they have to make some assumptions about what our net tax capacity and what our of the district is to get to that so that at that point that was probably unknown I believe they recalculate that well right now while there while the state is running our preliminary levies for next year um those getting published tomorrow afternoon so those were based on a net tax capacity assumption that may have changed a bit now I believe there was an adjustment in February or March of last year yeah they may have had that data already A's probably did um so that should be very similar okay and the way I understand it is the $65 tax $65 total lease Levy Authority is what has been loaded into our Levy system now again that'll that'll be issued tomorrow afternoon uh we'll go over that in our finance committee meeting next Thursday but um so I don't know the total impact of our Levy changes yet um but my understanding is that full $65 is loaded into that which would be a tax impact of $26 a year anually on a $300,000 home so the gened rebate has has not been that hasn't been reduced by our gened rebate so what we talked about was using the gened rebate that we get from The Cooperative to offset that therefore reduce our lease Levy um responsibility in future years that's where we're getting the eight is that eight okay y okay right so the it's currently would be loaded to Levy to the max at that $65 right and there is each year that you would have that conversation and make those decisions it can be adjusted you know Down based on the decision you also make to use your gened rebate up front or not sure nowhere in our district agreement did we specify how an individual District would make that decision that's your decision um would not be ours we just want to give you the opportunity by loading it to have access to that lease Levy Authority if you choose to do so we know in the first year as we have talked about our goal will be to sell Main and and sell voyagers and only you as Property Owners each individual District can decide what you would do with that portion of whatever comes of that sale we don't have the authority as a board to make that decision what you would see in a future District agreement is language added that suggests the process we will take to inform you of the sale and then whatever steps by Statute need to be taken for your board to make a decision you might decide to apply that towards a future lease cost that would be something that you would decide outside of us in each district will make that decision okay so in agreeing I I just want to make sure I'm put in in agreeing to the agreement we're essentially agreeing to kind of what we're estimating here for a cost I mean there'll be a finalized dollar amount but if we agree to this agreement we're agreed to the um payments the tax impact occurring in this upcoming fiscal assuming that's how our district decides to fund it like sure what what Aaron is saying is that we have the option to fund it however we want sure sure I me technically we could say we're not living an sure we could use all General but if there's a leaste to paid we got to come up with money to right so and the other thing you can do is least levies are always um they're they're continually adjusted year after year based on what you actually paid so you know if we don't Levy for it and we end up paying then the following year there's a catchup and there's like a bigger increase in our taxes or you can do the opposite and you could say we're going to Levy a whole bunch and then we don't end up getting into a lease till late in the year or maybe not at all and now we didn't use that and then it just there a subtraction the other direction that year so okay Le levies are always a little bit of a leg and and to be our specific to your question by agreeing to the district agreement you're agreeing that you know you as a board are acknowledging and supporting that the beton Sterns board has the authority to enter into a lease for B Stern's education District programs once again that doesn't bind you in any way of how you pay for it but it does ensure that you understand when a lease occurs there will be a cost to liability yep okay are there any other questions that I can comment on um is there any update on the search or is there there are continuing to be conversations with one potential property owner and that's really all we can say yeah okay but I I I also I'm hoping for nothing soon and are you uh talking with all the other districts too are they looking at this positive I would say that um yes like this is a good deal for everybody as far as not just paying equal share it's kind of percentage yes because the reality is it's a very small District does not have the revenue coming into the district to allow for it Kimble right and I would say um all of our conversations have been very supportive and I think everyone is in consensus that to do this to to provide what we are obligated to provide in statute independently is a is a significant cost and that we want buildings and Facilities that we can be proud of for our students in our level four programs as well as residents of your District so that is okay Scott I can say when we approved all these changes it was unanimous so unanimous support among the six districts and all the superintendents that were there seemed on board as well so well I appreciate your time if there are any follow of questions I'm sure thank you so much thanks very much then we can move on to our discussion of potential referendum questions all right I've got a little slideshow like you I together based on uh facilities and operations committee meeting that we had a couple weeks ago so I'm going to airpl that here um and the actual presentation be pretty brief but there we go all right okay um so like I mentioned we met on August something 20th 21st yes it was yeah uh and with the purpose of really kind of regrouping talking about uh some things been talking about with some facilities uh Jesse Pagan gave an update on kind of what we've done over the summer vers ltfm items kind of what's Ono um some things we got planned for next summer um and then uh we also talked about some things that we thought we should timely to bring to this work session so most mostly around what a potential referendum might look like um this year and then what um kind of the questions we came up with or what we decided should be discussed are so what are the potential questions what would the tax impact of those be um and then we haven't talked a ton at this level um with this with all involved here about what the outdoor facilities would look like at the sartel high school if if those were added or or constructed there and then what would the estimated cost uh be for running an actual election that doesn't fall on a general election and then what does the timeline with like so attempting to to provide some answers to those things those are kind of the questions I think that the facilities committee came away with wanting to discuss at the board level yes accurate so far correct all right so this is this the gist of them and and when we are if and when we're ready to vote on um actual ballot questions the a they'll probably be longer than this and we'll have to pay um Bond counsel legal counsel to actually draft them to make sure they're compliance with statute like that but looking back at previous questions the gist of them is shall a school board be authorized to issue bonds not to exceed the project amount essentially in this case the I put the current estimates we're working with uh not to exceed 20.75 million to provide funds for an HVAC Improvement project at Riverview Intermediate School and shall the board question two would be shall the board uh be authorized to issue bonds not to exceed 8.1 million to provide funds for outdoor facility improvements at SEL high school and um I don't think anyone in the room um disagreed with that if these ballot if these questions were on the ballot question two would be contingent upon approval of question one yes um and again we can work with we can talk about what actual amounts might look like um really at at some point you draw a line in the sand and say this is the amount and we're going to do the project for that amount and then if if things you know if things uh bids come in too high that's where value engineering comes in um um that's where sometimes interest earnings on the bonds come in to provide additional funds things like that but at some point um you know these are the kind of the estimates we're working with right now at some point before the um election before the ballot question is approved theine s say this is how much we're hasing so ju just really quick when we say question two would be contingent upon approval of question one the way that they're worded will make that clear that however they're actually worded would make or will it just say that I think it's actually worded at the end of question two that yeah if I remember right from the way these have got is that this you know this um basically will not be take place unless question the tax impact of these and there's a couple I've got a couple charts or at least one chart uh here to illustrate this to um but just the estimated cost of of $300,000 homes you can scale that up and down basically based on a baseline of $300,000 is 7827 annually for question one or 652 monthly and then the outdoor improvements were uh 3058 annually or 255 monthly um so you can see what the totals would be if both would be approved which is just almost $109 a year or about $9 a mon month now these are a little bit different than when we were looking talking about ltfm bonds or or indoor air quality bonds those were based on a 15-year Bond term uh because I believe that is I don't a requirement for those for General obligation bonds to be eligible for State Equalization Aid so some of that is offset by state aid basically based on what our net tax capacity is for any given year they have to be 20year bonds or more so Beed provided estimates going you're probably going to want to maximize your local property tax dollars to get as much for them as you can so it probably makes more sense to do them as 20 yeares so get Equalization yes um this might be a little hard to read I have to handout of this to if you want to pass this around we've got um this is the bottom portion of the handle that's going around right now the top portion kind of breaks down Each Bond issuance and the total interest cost and all that stuff related to it and this is the tax impact of each one so kind of in graphical form what I just said in the previous slide that highlighted line is a $300,000 benchmark and you can kind of take whichever one you're comfortable with 250 and look at that I mean that way it's kind of easier to look at for each quarter of a million how much does it cost um they did structure these such that they both would have the same proportional tax impact so for each million issued it's the same tax impact uh for each type for each of the finan you know what I mean so it's not like um skewed such that the 8.1 looks more expensive than the 20 per per million than the 20 you can structure these in a way that would be one big bond issue two separate Bond issues you can you can break these up in different um you can break these up in different ways if they're approved and and when you actually go to issue the debt um but in the long run you know our our high school Bonds were broken up into two issuances because that's what made sense for the market at that time and how they wanted to structure those so once you know how much you're issuing they can um they can work with you and do some different things on how they're actually structured but for this purpose this is how um they looked at structuring these um kind of trying to you know uh really look at a tax impact that was pretty similar to what we were looking at when we were talking about IQ bonds um and also keeping the overall cost of of the financing down so this would you know cause our total debt so this graph right here basically shows our existing Debt Service um per year in dark blue and then adding these what adding these projects would do to what goes on our tax levy so it would take them from just under 8 million a year up to about 10 million a year in debt service for the first was that 14 years 13 14 years and Joel dark is the existing debt from the high school yeah from our last Bond is 13 13 years yep so it's 13 years that kind of brings the 10 million and then a pretty big drop off on the out years basically to get us to 20 years worth the financing now they could we could we could have them develop different scenarios where the tax impact up front would be less so maybe it's $9 million of debt per year instead of 10 but those out years would go up significantly and we'd be paying a lot more an interest over the life of a b so there's always that balance between what do you what are you willing to take on for um tax Impact versus what do you want the total cost of the borrowing to be and you know there's a responsibility of the public to overtime you mean you might be able to keep that tax impact down to you know three bucks a month next year but then over time that's just going to mean it's going to drag out the debt forever and that's not good for the health of the district either and at some point if another fond needs to be issued or if a school needs to be replaced in 20 years it's a lot harder to do that that when you've got a larger debt bow that you're still paying on how much uh uh interest is on this 20.75 mil we're looking at the overall 31 mil yeah if you go down to the um about about 4 lines about two lines up from where that yeah it ends up being 30 just about 30.1 and that's on a 20 year yes so the true interest cost then is below that is about 4.1% so they could change that based on how they issue it what you're alluding to before Jo but it wouldn't change it sign well it it it can change very significantly if you decide to structure it in a different way so what they've what they've Illustrated here or would propose as you know call it a recommendation um you know they can come come up with all the scenarios we want you know if there's like a tax impact if if the goal is a tax impact Target they could structure it towards that but then there should also be a total cost of principal and interest Target that you're staying below as well so it's always like I said it's a balance so so the interest rate doesn't lock in like you would in the mortgage not fluctuate not until it's not until it's issued so once it's issued then it's locked in yeah and there and there issued at different rates throughout the life of the bonds because they're selling some of these back to the bond owners you know every year in different ingredents and obviously the issuance doesn't happen until after after the referendum passes so this is months out yep at least yep they do a sale where they Market it to all potential buyers and then that's where the issu so there's a little bit of you know the market can change this right here up in the upper left hand Corners ass assumes current um nbq non-bank qualified Market rates plus 50 basis points or .5% um so it assumes an increase in the interest rate based on current I mean the fed's saying that's going to go down over the next year um obviously there's election in between anything can happen so that's kind of the deth piece of it um and I'll be happy to answer more questions on that if we have them um riverv viiew we've talked about this a lot but the estimate that we used in this was kind of the option two and then ramping it forward to the spring 2026 um construction timeline so looking at kind of the estimates that Lee and his team had provided earlier and and looking at that you know 5% contingency added for spring 2006 construction versus spring 2005 um includes sign construction so this is based off what we were looking at from the I AQ budget it doesn't include does not include LED lighting um I think we would have to do it actually by that time because there was something in recent legislation that basically said you can't put in um uh why is the word florescent lights anymore I think it's once you touch yeah so we would work that into the project budget somehow either through value engineering UPF front getting into the total cost of the project or using ltfm funding but this estimate isn't based on including that LED lighting placeholder we could add it to The Upfront cost or we can say okay now now we need to include LED lighting so figured out your contingencies better be too high and that was roughly a million for the LI yeah I believe it was like 1 M qu somewhere there but we're saying basically what we're saying right now is that if it truly is required at that time and we've got to do it we'll figure out how to fit it essentially into that through creative value those ways yep or ltfm okay yep yeah or through interest earned on the on the bonds that are in our bank before we PID okay contractors y can we get some of that money back from recycling all the stuff from the building if we're remodeling it I mean we get it we get we get some back in lighting rebates and then yeah there always is some of the um some allowance with it's usually within the construction budget there's some allowance for credit for things that we're going to get recycling for some of those components that are worth quite a bit recycling would that have been in the cost estimates we've already seen we know it's hard to estimate the value of recycling okay because it's all based on weight weight and Market of that product at that time so we don't in our estimat account for recy okay all right the high school outdoor uh improvements so I've got some visuals of this too um and leave you want to join me up here so we went through I'm trying to think of the timeline here I I believe it was summer of 2002 is we sat down and did quite a bit well was in 2002 whatever he's been talking about 2005 and 2006 we don't want [Laughter] school yeah it was uh 22 22 we did we did about 6 months worth of meetings with design tree uh Bradberry Stam um you know various coaches various coaches atic principles yeah and and went through kind of the wish list at that time or the wants what this facility would look like some of that was discussed already before the whole high school was laid out to my understanding um Buffalo High School their what their current setup is was kind of what the footprint was based on the template of how the design got done way back in 2015 I think when that process was to high school Jason you probably know a lot of this history um when that site layout was being done this site was modeled after Buffalo school that had been recently constructed just prior to thaten yeah so as you'll see there um kind of we can explain a little bit of what went into the thinking in the layout but um what includes just two multi-purpose Fields one of them being a artificial turf surface and that kind of has to be done right if you want to have tournaments and stuff like that is that true dep host host sball sections that does and soccer right I'm not sure what SOC I'm pretty sure soccer sections maybe I'm WR yeah so so this would have two multi-purpose Fields one of them would be artificial thir service it would have which basically would make it usable for fiad at both high school and o Bridge because it would be between the two buildings um so having an artificial turf surface really extends that into early spring and later into the fall because as our athletic programs are using those now on the grass fields I don't High School fiad might get out there um but there's I doubt kindergarten is using it at all or early child I mean it's it's just not a it's not a surface that that they would need they don't need to go out there to find grass right but if they want to get outside early they can get out there early in the early in the spring on an artificial surface without worrying about um tearing up grass making a making a Big M pit um so there would be some benefits there it would also uh from the Athletics and activity standpoint uh would move our main track and field facility from River View there um lacrosse football soccer would all be moved though their main soccer's main fields are already there but this would provide um additional or I guess longer use availability for all those activities and then we also did build in additional parking for all or door activities out there if you go to any events out there now you know that's already issue so kind of go through some diagrams some some U the mockups that were discussed a couple years years ago the location is just south of the current High School um those two fields at that points two are there two performance soccer fields right now okay and because the lights got installed we are kind of locked into the footprint of the well and even before the lights went in the grading of those fields has been done in such a way that it' be tougher but there was still opportunities before before the lights went in to make changes but now that the lights are in you don't want to yep so so the left of the arrow that would be where the surrounding the stadium that would be the proposed or here I'll go next so this is looking at it from where our current so this is like the baseball field softball okay so that's the West Side yep so the track would be the side of pine yep yep the track would be closest to Pine Cone Road and the football field will be closest to where our current softball Bas is that a throwing area in the top right corner there for traic fi that's a throwing area and so the near field would be the one that's Turf you can see on that mock up that it also has lines from soccer cross as well as so are they proposing Turf artificial turf on both Fields just just on the budget only includes Turf on the those are fantastic a football field it's a multi-purpose multi-purpose field and soccer play there and soccer I understand y um the diversity field Diversified Diversified okay got it how many how many people can sit in our bleachers currently currently I know this was I don't remember the number we looked at 600 on this one it feels a little rickety so maybe only 10 it was it was like 1,800 or something I think when we looked at it in this this was much bigger much I think these are 26 26 2600 on the home side and then another th000 on the visitor side and then on the visitor side it's back to back so it's 1,000 for the CH field and a th grass okay so this is the oh so they're both sides y yep so the bleachers between them would face both it's a 2,000 bleacher yeah with a Press Box on top of it so the visiting team for football games could have their own Press Box from the home team right now they basically everybody sits right next to each other in the same room um a big thing more so so that they can have fights we had so that they can have a Press Box available also for the track and field scoring and all that view from the opposite direction and this one up in the upper left hand corner you can see where the parking lot would be going in um a little bigger than the current Bridge parking lot no that's not going to infringe on the um pollinating oh gosh all the work that they just did on the on the grasslands right that's not part of that parking that was not part of that area that they just did right well if it comes down to it we'll get rid of it we're going to put Barking Lot if we get a stadium I think we did I think we actually and that parking lot is part of the budget for the stadium too right that's all one thing not the secondary deals it's in here on the sheet FR you so just for a little history here what was the reason for Buffalo being the kind of the inspiration do you know or remember I can't remember who had all visited done site visits at the time the dese there were a bunch of side it was before my time in the district so I wasn't actually a part of all that either um there was a team from our our facility steering committee that had looked at a few different options the footprint where it is simar to foots like there campuses when I think of D the Buffalo field it feel simar what we oh the actual build overall not the school but like the campus and the layout of the camp Oh I think they have more field I mean I think we're a little more condensed than they are but generally I feel like I have a real long walk to the bleachers when I watched my daughter graduate there's a lot of grass there so I feel like they uh yeah so that's basically the view from the from okay so our current concession stand obviously will be continuing to be the concession stand but like is there going to be any other bathroom out here the way these are drawn in those two buildings on the to the left of the bleachers on the picture one on each end there's kind of two block buildings there dark Monopoly Hotels okay yep those are team rooms okay so they would have Plumbing in them and they would be be able have like a team Chang team Gathering space in one part of it and public bathrooms on one in think he always talking about okay I'm just thinking of all these people this isn't taking into it doesn't appear anyways this isn't taking into account any outside funding like with the scoreboard weable right so that could still be I mean that could still be reduced a little bit if we would secure outside funding for some of these items right or advertising understand that's the full cost the school board that we' be looking at that that would be um requested and that's comparable to what they just put it in like a yeah that anywhere we're advertising would be possible would there' be potential for yep naming rights Revenue generation sure how would that work though as far as going into the referendum we would really need to have the funding secured before before the referendum vote occurs because we probably want that number to be accurate that we're going out for or if we went out for it and we actually secured the funding after the fact that we just not how would that so this kind of came up at the facilities committee meeting and you really have two options one option is include everything in the referendum dollars and then you go out like you said afterwards and see if you can reduce the cost by getting donations the other one is to go to the referendum with you know let's say we don't want to put in a $500,000 scoreboard we want just the basic scoreboard that'll get by and then we pass it and then we go out to the public to fundraise and say if you want a fancy scoreboard like you see at other schools we need to come up with extra funds through private donations uh advertising dollars that sort of thing so yeah that's an option we need to talk about here yeah would there be a way we could just see a comparison cuz I mean obviously not everything is going to be a potential fundraiser being it wouldn't you know wouldn't serve an advertising purpose could we see a comparison on like if we were able to outside fund these things what you know our total would look like the scoreboard is the obvious one I guess I just don't know what else people typically will fund the name I mean you put a name on it like platner did out in col spring I mean outside of that I don't know that there's too much else sure I think that's a great advertisement for design tree and Rasberry stem I'm just saying right across that they already have their advertisement on ande design tree does you don't see a Bradberry logo come on you talk about naming though you don't have to just name the whole stadium I'm thinking about our community center each yeah each room has got a sponsor on you could name like the whatever visitor Press Box team room or Press Box room yep um yeah there's different ways you can go about that like you said you can bond for the whole amount and then what you raise either put into extras or use it to I mean if if the if the bond is written such that um if the question is written such that it has to apply to high school you know kind of depends on B questions written so if you can only use it for outdoor athletic spaces or outdoor activity spaces here and and you got the improvements you need to and you got money back some of these were paid from private funds you don't spending all your money you can transfer that to Debt Service and use it to pay down okay P portion of the bonds and then that would the subsequent year that would reduce your Levy for that like a one time reduction in your ly that would cut down on the interest rate and the total cost yep um well I don't know that it would to be honest it just it depends how early you can it depends what the covenants are in the bond sales depends how how quickly the bonds can all be purchased back from the people who want to B them for an investment okay so but it would have an impact on tax levy because saying um the MBE would calculate it and say well hey you have this much money available in your debt service fund that means you get to Levy $500,000 less this year so we're still paying the same amount of bonds but because we have the money available to pay it right there we don't put it on our local taxpayers Mak sense got it so so yeah a bond specific you see that happen when there's specific questions like this and it's not just for General improvements across the district and Jason you might remember more um but when we first went out and tried to do some fundraising um some of the talks were not just you know please give us a onetime lump sum some of them were kind of a commitment of we'll give you a certain amount over the next 10 or 15 years because we can't afford to give just one R sum right now so it might not be just a onetime um ruction it might be an ongoing assistance to us yeah and in that case sometimes it's you know Bru is looking at using that to do maintenance projects on our practice we also found it's for some companies and individuals it's hard to commit without knowing that it's an actual project which they won't know until we go out and we vote and so from my from my standpoint I would like to just see the total with everything and then to your point we raise it and we get creative on the funding you know after the fact and use it to buy down debt or whatever if we find I I think the scoreboard is a no- brainer I mean I think somebody's going to fund it but again you know the one that's currently down there we actually fund I mean we actually took out the loan for it right yeah and then the Alumni Association paid us back the revenue generated off the ads y so again it's not they just write us a check for it right you know so to me it it from my standpoint I'd like to just see the total dollar amount this is what it costs to get it done let's see if the community wants to support it if they do then let's find some people that will support it even more by naming it buying a scoreboard naming team rooms whatever the case may be and also kind of feel like I hear you saying like we fund it we support it and then we get creative and especially like if they're the Alumni Association is going to use it and give us money on a somewhat regular basis it's going to make it easier for them to actually fund it versus if we otherwise how do we have a scoreboard yeah well that's the other thing I mean that that that's my other just small fear again I think the community would rally around this and and fund what we want but I also wouldn't want to build this and then put a I don't know what a cheap scoreboard is a $50,000 scoreboard that's a good number okay so and so you got this nice facility and now you got this little tiny scoreboard out in the corner because somebody didn't want to fund it again I don't think that's going to happen I think there was enough interest the last time we went around so I'm not overly worried about it but it would be disappointing to see that and that' be like well we didn't fund and trust me you'll get a lot of lot of people complaining that there's not a video replay system because we didn't put it in the budget so that's my two SS for what it's two SS okay um so the last couple questions we looked at addressing tonight were was it cost election I we use February um as the next available election date so estimated total we would look at to running our own so basically anytime we do an election that's not on the eveny year November election it we bear the cost of hiring election Clerk and the election judges um paying the county to to print the ballots and to program those program the you know electronic reading and all that stuff um and then publishing advertising mailing there's and that's without like that's informational U mailings and also required publishing and advertising so we're required to send a notice of the ballot and the tax impact to every property order District so we get a big database from the county you know we have those all printed up we send the voling out um that's all piece of that so the cost last time in November 2019 um I basically went in and added about 5% per year on top of each of then it comes up to about $30,000 I think the cost was just under 24,000 the so the fees C running an election on our own essentially not in conjunction with the um Federal yeah general election we'd still have we still incur some of those like publishing advertising mailing like that 12,500 would still be there regardless um actually it's like four or five grand usually okay yeah okay is that because we're all we don't have have to send out a notice I don't believe of the people running for school board and then you know like like this year so yeah if if that's all that's on the ballot for us we don't have to do a lot of of that we have to still pay the county to have our questions on there and to do the the counting and basically all that um we have to pay for you know the notices the notices are basically all County generated for that we just pay a share so it's closer to about 5,000 sure and then they add advertising and whatnot that all would be I mean regardless of when we going out that would all be cost that we have included y yep um timeline so Mike and I Tuesday I believe it was Tuesday afternoon we did a teams meeting with um Beed Financial Services if you look back these these tax impact um calculations were uh put together by be Public Finance we talked to their team and um what are the steps in election and uh basically in order to to do a large construction project I forget the dollar threshold lead $2 million something like that you've got to ask the state for permission so the first step would be going to review and comment and um I think we'd have to have that submitted to the state by mid October typically your board authorizes and approves basically gives ad Administration permission to put together the review and package review and comment package that's submitted to MBE um and that doesn't bind the district to anything um basically it ask the commissioner for permission to put this on the B this is what we're going to use it for this is what the total cost is this is how it's going to benefit District taxpayers Etc and this is a tax effect and like nuances of the project need change yep nuances can still change everything you're working off is an estimate and and then um to go to election the board would have to adopt a resolution calling for an election and that's when the specific ballot questions would be approved in a resolution asking for the amount that you'd be asking for and making it clear to voters that this is what the this is what the board is going to be putting on the ballot so you can go to MD with review and comment say we're going to do these two or three things and they they can say yep and then the board can say we're only comfortable with one of them and funnel that down and say this is what we're going to put on them so going to review and comment doesn't bind the District of the board to do anything it's that action step of approving the resolution calling the election that would be where we're taking it to ERS so the review in common also doesn't bind us to a specific election date either right correct okay but it's got to be done soon enough it's got to be done right well enough in advance of an election there timelines you have to hit we did it thinking yeah February 11th is our election day and then a month or two later we say no April or May would be better that's still fine yep okay absolutely um like it says December 27th the First Data get your absentee valid submit your vote and then um February 11th would be the election day identified for 2025 I believe Mike said uh it's the second Tuesday in all of those months except for November which is the first Tuesday after the first Monday what other questions are we able to get it on the ballot now for this election year no no no to approve it about what's the 10 about 120 days before the election day is the deadline for reviewing content it's between I think 115 days is the heart deadline so four four months three months four months that have we looked at um it will affect probably when whatever we decide for a date have we looked at doing survey at all to determine what our questions should look like or how we should word on um or any other feedback from that and then um are we looking at working with a marketing company of any sort to help us Market because I think that would somewhat affect our timeline depending on how quickly that would all come into place so I explored a little bit um this afternoon after we spoke yesterday and what I found out and I won't name the agency but um somewhere in the neighborhood of about 20,000 to a little bit more survey done and it would be about 400 to 500 of our residents that would be surveyed it would be a phone survey and the likelihood is what this demographer statistician said is about a third of those your hope would be that they would be likely voters because just right now you never know what turnout's going to be like so you'd be starting to come down to having about 140 or 150 folks community members opinion on question one and question two along with a whole bunch of other questions that we could ask them to ask and could we have that accomplished we could I think the the piece that I think the board I would I would look for Reflection from you on is is that is that 20 to $24,000 we feel like we want to spend at this point um versus me doing a great deal of listening sessions on top of the on I'm scheduled for September and October uh spending time in the community activating the V comm or some committee to gather more information is a possibility well and if it's a tradeoff I would think that there's obviously cost associated with having a marketing team help with marketing the referendum so I would say that's probably more beneficial if we're going to look that would be discussion and decision but it just seems like that would be a better place to yeah I think it depends what the survey is looking you up C so if it's looking if it's geared towards question two then I mean if it's if it's depends where you're at if if your opinion is question one should go on the ballot regardless then the survey really comes in putting question two on the B right I mean there's not a lot of incremental cost to adding a question right person legal council a little bit more to draft second question might have to I mean but there's not a lot of incremental cost to holding the election is paying the election judges paying the election cler in the count program is not so much in and it might make more sense if the stadium were the only question the thing that's not so much of a need because then maybe by spending the $20,000 you get the answer that there's no way this is going to pass let's save $30,000 and not even do the election but since we want to put HVAC on there anyway and we're all pretty much in agreement I think on the one being contingent or two being contingent on yeah so we're already in agreement essentially on the two questions um Joe remind or or Scott or Matt the February election is the latest that we could go out to still start in 26 is that correct it gives us the best chance for success April starts to push it is heavily pushing the envelope based on equipment times and it would be something we' look at regardless but in with an April election definitely have to look at the district direct purchasing a bunch of equipment ahead of time which means that equipment wouldn't be part of the big pack of it'd be very it'd be modeled very similar to what we did with the S Cloud District um over the last couple years with the Tri what equipment you're talking about Air Handlers hand the fields and I'm like no specific to Riverview yeah the stadium I being that there's really this kind of has been tabled for a long time uh I wouldn't commit to any kind of Scandal here on this today if it is something that's going to end up on the ballot there's some work that needs to be put into truly updating these numbers to have a real number for the ballot CU this doesn't for any inflation or anything like that um and the schedule piece would have to be one of those yeah that the that's not my concern because back to you I mean that's not a need it's a want it's trying to get haac started as soon as possible and so I just I I know we talked about it in community I just want everybody else to hear that if we go past February that we're going to really push 26 and most likely have to look at 20 not starting till 27 well in reality next year there's not a well you know there's not a general election at all next year correct Statewide nothing so April February I mean no matter what we are essentially running our own election oh yeah when we're not aligning with any primaries there won't be any primary elections so I guess it was more to the survey thing that that's going to delay us more and probably push us into April instead of February which then is going to delay this project another whole year or has the potential to delay the project another and and on the budget side as far as I mean there is always the ability to drop by and say this is budget for the stadium right I mean you know if we say the question is 8.1 million then the question is 8.1 million and it's like well we're going to Market this as these are what we hope to include you know the first thing that would be cut is you know does a does a scoreboard not get done if yeah those are the things that you need to be clear about and going to the voters is this is what you're getting with this uh for sure and then this is what we're hoping to include as well because at the end of the day at some point you're putting a budget in you're not going to supplement that yeah how much work is that leave for you to to get updated numbers for this even before today's meeting I made some quick phone calls just to make sure there wasn't that Turf didn't trip you know what I mean like those types of things um so to home this in it's not a not a huge LIF okay so assuming we would not do a survey maybe look into doing a marketing firm we need a vote Yes committee put together what does the timeline look like to get that stuff going because this is a relatively short timeline if you're talking Christmas break you can vote absentee can we generate the vote Yes committee though or that has to be I don't know the process that's why I'm asking I started speaking to community members all Community Driven not Bo driven okay with some P folks who are at River right now I think we something going but I think the the sooner we know that we want to start moving those steps along the sooner I feel better about you know handing that over with making sure they have the guidance and the information that they need so that when they're speaking to community members they're speaking from a knowledge base that you feel comfortable right y so I thought at one point there was a contract for the stadium do we what is that or where did that come from and how does that impact anything weing forward we had a contract with Bradberry and with we're still design tree we're still te yeah it was basically paused until further notice I believe and this is for for design and construction management on the El store Improvement guess so that was that date back to when the high school was built or just a few years back it was fall of 2022 I think it was actually think the okay I think it was like 2021 okay yeah I think it was one there was like discussion start our job numbers are based off the and I don't remember if that was 21 or 22 but yeah I know what you're talking about yeah okay what's our next step as a board I mean do we need to first talk about do we want both questions do we want one I mean um I think your next step would be determining what you would want to go to review and comment and are you comfortable starting that process as soon as possible essentially that is that right that's correct and we're not locked into anything by having you got got a pre-referendum number in your contract with the Riverview construction management if I remember right are there other are costs being incurred to do the process unless I don't know what design trees contract looks like from our perspective right but I don't know what design trees contct yeah and I don't believe so either I think it's just the design that we've already authorized them to do to get to schematic design review comment yeah and I believe be's only cost is whatever they pay a third party they they sometimes pay the if they um if they work with a bond counsel attorney to draft any of it to the language then they pass it on to us but otherwise they end up really only covering their cost of bonds are issued but I guess so that helps cuz those are the parties that are involved in putting it together really it's construction manager design design team and um Finance is September 16th no no no no September 16th is our next meting um any would comment on a February election actually pass I had printed enough of these but I have um is uh October early October basically the window is kind of October 7th October 19th I think the challenge we saw was that our next regular Bo meeting in October oober Sor yeah so it sounds like review comment is what needs to be done discussed appr in September yeah it doesn't bind us to anything no I'll I'll find the language that he sent me and I guess that was my question the the 16th is obviously when we would do it officially as was a board but can we just talk about how we feel about it unofficially now just to see I mean is everybody on board with two questions yeah I that was my impression is that we were all on board with the two questions so yeah and I perfect I didn't know that so that's so so the review and comment what this is what uh his email back to me was I don't know if I can no read it um samples Lang to consider the 20.7 million HBC 8.1 million shall be submitted to the commissioner of education for review and comment the board action authorizes admin to work of be and other necessary members of the project team develop and submit all required documentation for form com pressure preparation for a voter approved building Bond referendum to be held on November 11th February 11th now that can be I think we could probably amend that to say or or future date I don't think that's it doesn't bind us to only a February 11th election right so does anybody have any qualms with the February 11th Target date here if I mean I I think we need a little more info about what is all going to be required in between now and February 11 to ensure that we can actually hit that but does anybody have like just an issue with the February 11th date with the information that we have no I guess the only thing is I would want to make sure that we have language that allows us to change it should something Ur and we would have to push it back but that's not a okay but yeah it would be an outside variable that would come in that would force us to push it back due to something not because any of us really like the month of April better or whatever but that would have to happen between now and October 28th right that that outside you know whatever it may be that would want us to push it yeah I like that I I agree I'm worried about how fast it is but I'm more worried about delaying it to 27 versus how fast it is well we just have to Rally the the challenge really is and it's not necessarily I mean it's really you want to be able to speak um consistently about it by the time ballots are available right so we want the the challenge I think for us as a team will be making sure we've got um making sure we're clear with our message for what is being requested both in the dollar amount tax impact Andre what's all in the package what are we pay for what you get with this yep that's going to have to happen no matter what we do so yeah so on the same agenda item can I mention something that's completely unrelated to facilities and I'm raising this not as necessarily an advocate of it but because several people in the community have come to me about this and asked if this is something that could be done should we put on the ballot since we're having a special election anyway the question of whether we should have a seven member board we we do have to get the MDES we have to petition to the MBE and submit like a whatever to them first I don't know how long that process takes but we have to their approval to put it on as a bid question I believe I've read a little bit about it I yeah the little I've looked at I don't know the specific process with MD I just know the statutory requirement is that to have a seven member board first the electorate has to give you permission and then it that extra member doesn't come in until the next general election anyway so so why well frankly we've had a lot of three to three votes and I think that's sending uh a message to constituents which is what they've communicated to me that that just sends a message of um I even know what the right word would be indecisiveness maybe is one word that's probably not the perfect word but um I think people seeing that with every vote there would be a majority of four at least a four to three majority um dep on what uh it really doesn't matter if you have six people or seven people it really doesn't matter matters who got elected into that position at that time yeah okay and this is why this is I'm not saying I'm necessarily an advocate of it there's pros and cons stacking the courts man it's you're just the more people are going to try to get involved in more headache I think that's I'd also like to point out like we have agreed on a lot more than we voted 33 and I think yeah there have been some 3 three vots but a lot of times we' are unanimous in our support with things so over % so here's I mean to your point Scott here's how I view it it's just a question of what percentage of the board is required to pass something I mean it's the difference between right now it has to be 66% of the board that passes something or if it's 4 to three I don't know what that is upper 50s in the percentage so it just changes a bit the required percentage so yeah there's there's not a big difference in that um I and I'd point out it's no longer even up to the board specific there is a way the public can do this anyway under the new statute so um yeah I I only mentioned it because several people have talked to me about it I wanted to take the temperature of the room if it's not something that we want to we that we're going to vote at the board table to say yeah let to put it on the ballot we can just leave it and if that's something that the public wants then they can vot I public petition to the commissioner as well yeah yeah the Publican Petition of the commissioner they just have to put a proposal together either the board itself or uh members of the community and the commissioner decides okay whether or not you're going to get that but that's the process where I don't really know how long that takes so of right try to include it in February I don't know but the public can petition to have it as a b question right they can't petition to add and that's I believe that's a new law this year either this year or last year me personally I think these sorry these two things are more pressing than whether we have a seventh board member because again we do agree on a lot more than we disagree on yeah and just just to be clear and we're we've talked about this not when you two are on the board or you three we've talked about this off and on over the last 12 years so it has nothing to do with this current makeup it almost got done at the board level six years ago so it's been an ongoing conversation and more people are talking about it it's not directed at any one person on this board whatsoever it was just we're hearing it and so we wanted to bring it up so I don't want anybody to be offended that we are just raying what we're hearing and if there's enough Community Support obviously they can petition and go around the board and and get it put on a Bel themselves so okay so what I heard is that we're pretty much we're not I mean I'm kind of hearing from everybody that nobody's really saying yes we should do this I think the idea m I mean obviously you didn't support or not to support it but we're going to if we're going to spend you know $30,000 on an election is it something that we need to think about um I potentially push our timeline back I don't well and I think that would be the question if we all were really in favor of or supporting of it then I'd say let's do some more research and do it but I don't know that that's really what what I'm feeling in the room so I say we just move on with the MD doing our two and so we should so my we will get language together for the September meeting let that authority to pursue the com we'll get that final question prepared for that other questions for Jo would like to football football thank you for thanks thanks nope you're teaching two more oh one no two more well we don't have to get to the last one supposed to fake me up you just really want to make sure no one has any questions look like anymore it's like frozen oh you told me this thank you guys thanks thanks Jo see you guys have a good night enjoy football yes good evening thanks for having using yeah hope all your kids have had good first days even your college kids Megan and I while she's pulling that up enjoyed probably an hour an hour and a half in the kindergarten rooms together this morning um is this the same one that we have on on our packet okay it is am I making it so nobody else can see if I just stay here looking at my computer what a fun start our day and I'm telling you I was telling that she was the most organized chaos ever it was yeah beautiful uh so thanks for having us here tonight I get the pleasure of introducing well you all know Marie but I um get the pleasure of introducing her tonight and she has a beautiful presentation for you and some really exciting and much more exciting I know but some really exciting data to report I mean this is this is a good um presentation to share I think even to start the year off with some some good data TOS so I'm going to take my turn to say good evening members of the board and superintendent reard thanks for having me come and give this presentation um so tonight we're going to talk about norstar and all accountability data so if you guys want feel free to hold the sides if you want to watch the TV otherwise I will be um going to this board for just one of my slides so mainly I'll be to the front of the room but click did you do I Ed the arrow ising now okay perfect okay so the three topics up on the screen is what we are going to mainly cover tonight um keep in mind that the assessment results are like integrated as part of the Northstar rating so um but those are the three areas that we're mainly going to talk about we're going to start off looking at our district profile um and looking at our um several different demographics the first one is our ethnicity um you can see that we are mainly White in our district we're at 88.7% um there is a small green sliver up there that is um American Indian students which is about 1% of our students um we haven't shifted a whole lot but we are slowly shifting 9 years ago when I started in the district we were at we were at about 92% white so you can see that we're shifting just a little bit Mar I see two green slivers what are what's the other the lighter one yes it's the lighter one the darker the darker one is okay it's almost like a minty green almost wait no no cuz there's still only there's the three groups listed there are the three biggest triangles I thought yep it's the one that's not listed that's uh vertical right but they between the two blue I just didn't know if there were other groups we were identifying maybe that's just a so there is um so there is a two or more races that didn't it was so small that it didn't even come up I like yeah like lean in German so well this is so this is a really good conversation to actually have because we identify kids in our system using a federal ethnicity and a local it's it's indicated has a local race in our system which is like a state race and a federal ethnicity so we have a really difficult time sometimes figuring out what our American Indian population actually is because a lot of those students will be in our system as two or more races but yet their local race is indicated as white and I'll just use my own kids as an example so their local race in the system actually says white but when you go under the federal race it's indicated as white and American Indian but it doesn't pull them as American Indian so how does that isn't that self-reported though or family reported so where's the federal is where are they reporting from what data is that from if like if they're reporting to us in their documentation that this is their ethnicity where's the federal pulling their different ethnicity from or their data so how that gets reported to the state would be more of a Michelle question but when we look at edge of climber like our data warehouse system we don't have it that fine-tuned sure where we can break down like our American Indian number is coming strictly from students who are identified under that local category as American Indian which is another form that they're filling out in registration got it okay but she has a way in Skyward I think of being able to pull that Federal American Indian I was just cu it's a complicated little system that we have got to figure out how to make this not so complicated y y okay so then special education is around 18% and again growing over the years um in the past nine years that I've been here when I I came we were at about 133% and we're at 18 free and reduced lunch um we are at about 24% um we have seen a significant increase in this category um and this is mainly due to the way the state is um identifying or allowing people to qualify for free inod lunch so families who are on Medicare Medicaid can automatically be qualified for free reduced lunch um but we've also ran into we're having a hard time getting families to fill out that free introduced lunch form um because our breakfast and lunches are free so they feel like they don't need to fill it out however we still really like them to fill that out especially if it benefits them with like reduced activity fees or anything like that they can still qualify for those reduced to be and some of our funding well we have a huge base of funding that's based on our free and reduced but we have documented this free and reduced lunch so even if they're not they are not directly benefiting if they're getting the free lunch anyways districtwide we get funding from the state for it yeah yes that's a hard thing to yes really make people understand that just just fill it out just fill out just fill it out yeah yeah there's so many forms right don't have to fill out sometimes too for free and reduced right it's a internal pride thing like maybe sometimes families really struggle with having to fill that or feeling bad comp qualify you know so why am I why would I P my name but you just that one was really bad right yeah and it's you know lot of small lot of box is a little intimidating and a lot of the same information is repeated so anything we can do to make it less repetitive a little easier would be nice okay English language Learners we're at about 1.3% in our district and that equates to about 70 to 75 students and again this U population grows a little bit more um each and every year as well but they are also our most trans population so we see a lot of students even throughout the year coming and going so and I'll talk a little bit more about that when we talk about our English Proficiency in so um we're going to move on to Northstar now so the new Northstar um excellence and Equity or dub norstar accountability system was developed by the Minnesota Department of Education and is aligned to meet requirements of the federal every student succeeds act or Essa which I'm sure you've um heard it referred to to um and the state's world's best Workforce but know now that world's best Workforce has been renamed to the comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness Plan it's super long so no longer Workforce um caser C A we determined it yesterday what's our committee going to be called the advis the third name in three years I think it is yes so the comprehens achievement and Civic Readiness Plan which obviously focuses right on supporting districts districts and meeting our locally determined goals that we write every year so the foundation of the norstar process for identification is a stage based approach um to school accountability that uses multiple measures which we'll talk about um in the next upcoming slides here um for evaluation and the new system reflects Minnesota's commitment to equity and an accelerated sense of urgency especially for those um students that have been traditionally underserved like minorities special education free introduced lunch um are English language Learners so it just puts an extra emphasis on those subgroups so um this year we will be taking our comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness Plan um to our committee in October to ask for approval and then a team of us will be back in November to present that plan to you guys um for approval because that has to be submitted to mde by um mid December I believe so the five indicators are academic achievement academic progress English language proficiency graduation rate and consistent attendance um in order for students to be considered or included in um these indicators and in the the calculations within the indicators they have to meet um all three um accountability Criterion um one of those Criterion is is that they have to be enrolled with us on the first day of the larger assessment window the assessment the first day of um the access um assessment window is January 29th and access is the test that our e students take and then March 4th is the first day of our MCA window so students have to be enrolled on those days they have to meet ADM which is average daily membership so they have to be enrolled with us for at least half an academic year and that's pulled from our Mars data um and then they have to be enrolled um on December 15th or they have to be enrolled between December 15th and the first day of the testing window and not have any significant gaps in enrollment and significant gaps in enrollment means they can't have 21 days or more absence between December 15th and the first day of that window and it does not to be consistent 21 days it's you know if they're 21 days you know bounced around week to week um they would not be included in that calculation so they have to meet all three of those criteria okay so there's a lot going on in this slide so I'm going to take quite a bit of time um to go over this and you might have some questions on it but we're going to focus on the dark blue bars first and so that is our um students tested so the percentage up there um equals on the dark blue the number of students who are proficient over the number of students that tested on the district reading or the district math so for our students tested for math we had 1,390 students test or score proficient sorry so they either exceeded the standard or met the standard that means they were proficient on the test out of 2,17 students that tested so that's our 66% that's the district math dark blue bar for reading we had 1,357 students that were proficient out of the 2,138 total that tested which gives us to 63.5% on that dark blue chart under the district reading now when it comes to the norstar accountability the light blue bar chart norstar takes into consideration all of those students who are proficient so again who exceeded the standard or met the standard divided by the total number of students that met the accountability criteria so that means any student who was enrolled with us right for 50% or more of the time enrolled on the first day of the window and enrolled between December 15th and the first day of the window is counted in that calculation regard regardless if they tested or not so this is where our students who um chose to opt out of our tests refuse to take the tests our PSO students who don't come back um from college to take the tests they are considered in the denominator and so essentially it almost feels like it's a does not meet for the district but a student doesn't receive an individual student result record saying you don't meet it just says you didn't take the test but because they're included in the denominator um it drops the percentage of what we have proficient so for um Northstar you can see we had um 1,379 of our students proficient but we had 2,159 students that were included in the nominator because they met the accountability criteria and then so that's our 63.4 so it dropped it right like three yeah per and then for reading we're at 1350 out of 2,150 or 73 sorry so 62.1% so dropped it a little bit there as well so what we see when we go on and look at the Northstar report card on mde we're seeing those numbers the bottom yep the Northstar you're going to see that yes so the high school had 30 opt outs for reading and we had 51 opt outs for math now 90% of the students I 90 to 95% of the students who are opting out in reading and math are our students who are prepping for an act are prepping for their AP classes they're gone away to PSO so if we could estimate right that these are our highest Flyers that are opting out of taking these tests um and if they were to pass right fall in that exceeds or meet so they're proficient our overall percentages would go way up so it does affect our overall norstar rating when students op those so question for you and maybe this will be later on in or what do you need like what's the score that you would need in order to meet yeah great question um so in every grade level it's at the 50 so there's a range of essentially like 01 to 99 and then it's at every grade level so for third grade it goes from like a 301 to a 3.99 fourth grade is 401 to 4.99 501 and every meet is at the 50 so 350 450 550 650 750 850 if you're at the 50 or higher you are proficient and 40 to 50 is our pars yeah and 40 to 50 is our partials yeah how many Maps did you say after that do you say 50 uh 51 yeah so that changes it it' be 66% so that's just under 3% change and then this number would be higher as well because you got to keep in mind that everybody who tested here may still not be included in this because they have to be that accountability criteria so this this denominator right here could include somebody who literally enrolled with us on April 1st and tested May 1st but they're not going to be included here because they didn't meet that criteria is that why those so there's lots of different caveats is that why the first number is different just slightly like you know math there's proficiency of 1390 and then the next one's a little bit lower right okay yeah because those students didn't meet the criteria okay y of that calculation and that's how they identify districts as needing Improvement or recognition so that's just two different ways of looking at the data so but the positive news is with all of that being said and explaining all of that data um sartel is still ranked 18th out of 327 public schools in the state of Minnesota so I um did that calculation based off of traditional Public Schools so public schools that are coded as an 01 or an O3 so it doesn't include um Charter Schools or private schools it's traditional Public Schools so there's 327 reading we are ranked 18th out of the 327 and um math we are ranked 15th out of 327 um and then you will see that there is no nor star accountability bar for the Statewide science and the district science because Northstar doesn't look at science they only take into consideration math reading so but well above the state averages in both reading and math for our perent this is proba like this is a way more in-depth question and answer it and if I don't know it well I'll re I just curious I like how many districts actually saw because I know that for a while I mean every District continued to see a drop in these numbers um how many districts actually saw an improvement this year and this again this is not something I expect you to know the answer to right now but I'm just curious I don't know how many districts saw Improvement but what I can say is for our percentages being at 63 and 62% the top District which was Yetta or minona their percent proficiency was like mid 7s mhm so there's you know from the mid 70s so they don't even have close to 100% of their kids proficient they were what was it like 73 75 I think that they wereing .1% between wetta and Mina yeah and I didn't we didn't have last year's to compare to so we could I couldn't see well the only reason I was asking is so I was looking at the report card at home my husband was like let's look at Wilmer cuz that's where he's from so I pull up Wilmer and Wilmer was a district that continue to see Decline and so I pulled up New London because it's right there Decline and I was like well I wonder how many districts I mean yes we have always been performing well Statewide average but what's really good about this year is we actually GRE grew and had Improvement which we haven't had for 3 years so it's like that's great to see I wonder how many districts actually accomplished that you know where they started to have the upward trend again because I think that's the biggest takeaway is we've always been good but you know we we've suffered from Co like everybody did and everything else so to have that Improvement when other districts maybe aren't seeing and I'd like to know what is you know what is all going into that how do we continue to grow on top of that right because we're doing something right yeah for sure well we're definitely doing the alignment work to the standards right so so trying our best to to do that in our classro hopefully we'll continue to see that girl year so okay so the next one is our um academic progress Matrix and I skipped forward two slides just because I want to talk about this one first but um norstar uses this academic um progress Matrix to look at students achievement level from current year and then they compare it to the most recent achievement level on record for a student um so they use this table to determine how points a student earns so let's just for example student a during the 2223 school year scored in the partially meets the standard achievement level the following year during the 2324 school year they score in the exceed standard achievement level that student would have earned nine points because they went from The partially meets to the exceeds same as if you have a student who went from a does not meet to an exceeds that student would earn 15 points you're basically earning points as long as you stay the same or you grow where you earn zero points is if you fall backwards in any category so what the state does then is they add up the total number of points that the students earn tested and then divide that by the total number of of students ifone answers your question maybe yeah I don't this this is so many numbers so yeah go slow for me okay but but but a 2.0 would mean that you just stay the same across the composite of your kids in your District even though the kids different and and keep in mind even though I mean you stayed like if you were in the meets and you stayed in the meet you're still gr because the criteria changes and your the level of rigor um is is changing too so from year to year but um so for math we had um 3,803 total points earned corre divided by um 1510 students in that denominator so that gave us the 2.52 for our um academic progress in this point um as compared to the state they had 1.90 so Statewide they regressed a little bit I get it was that I said I get it got it so then for reading we had a um 3,698 total points earned out of 1,519 students so that gives us our 2.43 um um progress points in comparison to the state for reading of 2.23 so that's kind of how they calculate that and then remember all these students again have to meet those three accountability criteria to be included in this do we have any way of tracking just the number of students that scored points versus how many students were in the pool um CU that would just tell you who either stayed consistent or improved wouldn't it yes that is in our massive file yes you would have to go through student by student and see who earned points but yes you can get that okay how do you what's the scale on points What's the total points earned well I mean if you had every single one of your students the year before not meet and they all went to exceeds and they all earned 15 points that would be number of 15 points is the max yes yes they would have to go from not not needing to you have to have your ire student body test not not meeting one year not ever going to happen get that yeah so but then you see how easy it is how to fluctuate right so when you see the Y is in the Minas and how hundred of a percentage but again what I'm still trying to is what determines the points so I mean you know my wife being an English teacher right she will will evaluate and she will do a testing or whatever it is so you're saying whatever her criteria is no this is just MCA this is the Statewide testing right but the kid is going to have to meet some kind of standard right that that the state puts together so Scott let's just take you you like okay you're in seventh grade and you take the MCA math test M okay and you score a partially me on it okay now in eighth grade you take that MCA math test again and you score an exceeds on it so you went from a partially meets to an exceeds so you're you yourself earned nine points woohoo okay so then every single student that tested whether they earn so it has nothing to do with what they're actually getting in the classroom it's just Statewide test this is just I mean it has to do with how probably how well they're learning in the classroom the test itself is the state is determining the questions and there is their test and if the teacher in the classroom is teaching according to the standards and you know if that instruction is aligned to the standards because what the MCA is aligned to is all standards so if that teacher is not teaching according to the standards the the student has had no exposure right but you you can't evaluate a teacher if based off if if if they can't make if the kids not meeting a standard you can't blame the teacher because no it's not about that at all no yeah I mean there's so many variables and going to that whether it doesn't want to show up to school or but that's why it's so important that our instruction and the classroom is aligned to State Standards because that is what our kids are going to be all right no I'm tracking okay because this one gets even more complicated all already question number okay so listen up right all right so the progress towards English learn proficiency um is the next indicator and these students take again what is called the access test so the access test consists of um Reading Writing listening and speaking um and these percentage points or the index points again are based on individual students um progress towards meeting their personal targets so let me explain so we had last year 75 total El students in our district only 68 of those students tested with us because some come and go and then from that 68 that tested only 54 students were included in this calculation so again met all three of those criteria um the total number of um index points that these students earn was 33 points so when you take well it was almost 33 points so if you take the 33 points um and divided by the 54 students or were included in that denominator or actually included in the calculation we get the 61.1 up there as our points and um we read that by saying that our average elll student made it 61.1% of the way towards their target so on a Continuum align from where they started at um the year prior so the prior year test to their next year's Target they made it 61.1% of the way to their target there's also another um percentage that we get from the state and that is um we had 25 students actually meet their target so we had 46.3% of our El students meeting their target which is phenomenal actually when you look at like that population to have almost 50% of our students meeting um their targets on that Continuum and I and typically students get S years to get to meeting their target so and what specific Target are they trying to need so it's different based off of where they started there's a calculation and um based off of where they started and when did they come to us did they come to us as a kindergartener did they come to us as a sixth grader are they new to the country do they have any background so where did they score the year prior it kind of fluctuates every year any other questions on that one okay this one is not there's not a whole lot I don't think to discuss it's just very plain and simple um simply put a consistent attendance um we have so 81.2% of our students are in goed with us 90% or more at the time and then you can see for each of our buildings how that kind of Falls in comparison to the State of the State has 74.5% of students are enrolled 90% or more of the time in their districts um and again students have to be have to meet those accountability criteria to be included in this compation so 76% of our high schoolers are there 90% of the time but does that take into account post secondary like does that count against their attendance here or I I don't know that question about whe they're blocked off their time that they might be a PSO right I mean cuz it's looking at this it's like okay High School only 70s and I'm rounding up 2% but 76% of our high schoolers are only attending or or right 90% of the time that they're enrolled that's a great question for Michelle because my wondering would be if we're not collecting full state aid well we are collecting full state aid for them and then we're sending money yeah does their enrollment status change if they are in PSO for a certain amount of their school day that can be a celebration for some oh yeah right yeah I think we should check on that we've had some questions about this too um if that actually includes school events school and if they're missing a block of time for an appointment or so we have attendance is very inkit like it's how you know how is that being pulled from our Mars data and how is that being reported because students can leave a half a day early for a sporting event or exed would be interesting to see what the percentag is with excused and unexcused as well run the unex cuz it's just things like oh we take a I mean high schoolers or mobile but it kind of take a significant hit between our attendance Middle School to high school but there's so many more variables to a high school versus middle schooler so let's put that information together for our November world's world's best Workforce I'm just going to call that for this month and then I'll make the change over but let's make that part of our stand oh I have comprehensive assessment and Civic Readiness you should message me and I have to really think about it in order to get that time okay so we're going to wrap up with our graduation rate um this has always always been an uh amazing point of Pride for our school district in our high school um they work really really hard at keeping kids in school school um keeping them on track with earning their credits that they need to meet graduation requirements um and we've just always had an outstanding record of a High graduation rate um our graduation rates are always a year behind that legs behind so this is actually reflective of our 2022 23 graduating class um we had 338 students graduate out of 345 um two students uh were considered continuing which is typically like our students who continue in our 18 um to to 22 program um we had one student drop out we had three students drop out reassigned which I'm not sure what that reassigned means um and then we had one student who was unknowing which typically means that they move out of state um and they're not being picked up in any other Minnesota School in our Mar system so we just don't know where they're at so they're an unknown so and then the last slide is just that graduation Trend over the last 5 years so you can see that we've always been in the upper 90s um for graduation and then in comparison to Minnesota which is the green line so what other questions do you guys have for me so what plan is in place to continue kind of to your question to continue that growth because I would imagine and I we talked about it a little bit yesterday seeing the growth and the progress that especially with reading with the program and I know that is probably going to be more in the fast Bridge since it's more real time but just being able to kind of make sure that what we did Implement is yes Progressive yes yeah pinpointing I think there's so many variables that go into it it's like what what did we do differently or better or grow up on last year that we can really you know hone in on and and T I think our bill teams play a major part in that my understanding is I'm learning more St I do think the work that we're doing for professional development Beyond science is also those areas and I think we just need to look even more closely how we're growing in Ma and why that's OCC so that we can replicate that as many places as possible um well a couple of things too is we have new standards so next year it will be official that the ELA standards are in the new Ela are in effect so we have to have all of that in place ready to go so they're all systems should be in alignment so everything's unpacked um formative and summative assessments should be in place and proficiency scales I want to that's what we're wrapping up this year I want to see those really tightened up and in place um so that's that's going to be a big Focus this year and we've talked at our middle and high school levels that what's going to be coming to them from the elementary school is going to be different they're going to have students that are coming with a lot of background knowledge and and foundational skills in reading that they haven't had before so they're going to have to look at not only teaching differently um but they're going to have students that have skills that are going to be very different than the students that they've had before so they need to be celebration yeah it's a celebration for sure but um we need to be able to approach this differently so um we're going to be needing to be looking at some professional development Y and and they will have professional development so MD did come out with um a timeline for this second wave of Science of reading dreams so coming out in January we should hear what that will look like for our ELA teachers at middle and high school so that will be for um hopefully next year we'll be able to put them through scien I and I mean I would I would have love to have had that be a little bit sooner um but you know an exciting time it it really is so I'm excited for and then we have uh math standards that are coming in two years that need to be implemented so um that's going to change that trajectory too the P of a lot of change hopefully I mean we've been doing a lot I think I told Marie the alignment's kind of become the new G word around here because that's I swear all I say well what kind of Al where are you at in the alignment but uh yeah that's that's my word um because without that we can't have a guaranteed EnV curriculum and that's what it's truly about if we can't guarantee that our curriculum is in alignment with standards with the teacher next door then how can we guarantee our students are getting the same experience and that's truly what it's what we need to be about and engaging teachers where they're at and bring them along everyone will come along different faes yeah I I believe we're focused on the right things and even if it's little bit by little bit at least we moving and and it it takes momentum and we've seen it it started it started in our elementary and it took up fast and teachers are excited about it so I believe we're we're doing the right thing thank you thanks thanks thanks for having us thanks a lot thank you for putting what we just see sometimes with a newspaper article with more detail but understandable yeah thank you so much okay so just kind of checking it is 8:34 so we are at that 2hour Mark um I know the handbook that Mike and I worked on was a lot um to me it was really just a starting point we really did use msba um as that template so I guess if you guys are okay with it what I was for poll is for tonight is if there were ultimately some really big questions or well maybe not big questions but some clarifying questions that you had otherwise we could just wait until our next work session to really dive in with all of your edits or all edits or you can send edits I would like time just to digest it a little bit more Yep yeah I think that's a longer conversation than I agree we aren't willing to stick around yeah I mean if you had something that was like Hey I really want to know what why this was here um I think we can get into all that it's not press like out every have a Time FR I mean when we Ted together it was more like hey we really want to get this in place for January so that when when and if we have new board members which we will for sure at least have one um that person can come in knowing and having that document so they can I guess the only thing I would say is and I I did make this comment to Mike and it wasn't diminish any of the work that he's done on it but this is a Schoolboard handbook and I don't want to tie our district admin down to doing the task that if we as a board want to do a handbook then I think that task should fall on the board and not go back to District admin to be working on if that makes sense cuz it is our handbook as a board so that would just be my only request is that we work on it together as a board and not put the burden of any of the district admin to having to to complete any of the tasks within it and I don't know how like how involved you were but I would like to see this as a collaboration of the six of us and working on it together that would that's just my only request yes but for sure in place for really I mean for sure in place by essentially shortly after the election because if there are well there'll be one new member there'll be one youve changed your mind here but you can't you can't but yeah this is something that I mean this is really more of like a training manual and it'll kind of go in conjunction with we really need the nail down our orientation checklist yeah stuff that I I didn't have as a new board member none of this you know so I think whoever is coming in by beginning of December this would really need to be in place and well just not like this to me was more mostly a starting point so I think it should be our work um the work that has already been done was stuff that quite honestly I don't know that I or any of us sitting here outside of Mike could have done adding in some of these these links I don't know how to do some of those it things so so I think um I mean we've again I think it is a starting point I I agree with you I think we do need to make it ours um and that's that's kind of the the route that I took we just wanted to make it so it was actually not just mspas and we had we had a little bit more of a a better base to start with so so should we all just come with proposed edits the next time and talk about it all together one session it was the world's best Workforce being in November versus October which I'm glad we do have that extra month o just open well do we have dates that worked based off that yeah I didn't see yeah isn't October when we're doing Barb Dorn's well we are doing October 3rd yes semar but we had we had sent out a a request I don't know the dates October 3rd was the last no no no October 3rd is already decided because that's our this was to find a second second and or possibly a third to have true a work session and then the other the possible third is to do a I think talk referendum stuff and maybe I mean that was just like a placeholder in case I think but well do people have calendars with them right now well no but I was just I was more hoping that we could if we all responded to the email then we would know if we had a date who sent was it was from C was from C I know I responded I just couldn't remember actually just on the survey anyone recall what the title of that sorry here we go so I believe September 25th looked like the the date that most people were available along with October 9th want to recheck this repeat that again Absolut September 25th or October 9th 20th of that's a Wednesday both they're both Wednesdays and they both still work for me yeah so another work session this month do we well because we kind of used our October 3rd work session that was scheduled we're using it for Barbor to do the workshop the superintendent evaluation so yes if another work another work session might occur in September but it's really more for our October meeting it's just how the dates had to align unless we do it on October 9th which would we want to do October or I'm sorry September 25th and make the handbook the soul agenda item for that night I guess at this point I don't know that we need to do we I think that there was just placeholders on dates in Cas we needed another one so yeah I we could as far as I know I'm still free on both I'm free on both what what would prefer if we're only going to do one I'd prefer the later what if we did cuz I let's look at our upcoming work session suggested topics so we have superintendent evaluation districtwide survey technology access strategic plan and world's best Workforce which we could do world's best Workforce in November November work session because we'll have that presentation for November regular meeting right I just want to confirm for sure that the the Marine was saying and I'll take care that she's probably very accurate our approval date is still the end of November we have to V on that so be our second board meeting I'm just thinking like we could do the handbook but maybe include some of these like what's not on here that I really think should just go hand inand with the handbook is um us solidifying our orientation for new board members as a district if we want to just take mspas and essentially throw our logo on it I think it's pretty straightforward but what do we want to use and have in place and have the people in place to make sure that these things are getting done and have expectations set up so that those things are getting done from the board members this year if there well there will be one at least one so it will be at least one that hasn't changed in the last five minutes there will be one new one so we could do that in conjunction with the hand they kind of go hand in hand i'm and then it really wouldn't fall as a future topic um but then would we want to try to get at least one other thing done on the same night out of these future topics I feel like strategic Plan update is going to be a lengthy one I guess does anyone have any other topics that they wanted to add to the list because that is usually what we talk about not at the moment I mean I kind of brought one up um to Mike from leftfield uh at one point to the end one concern I've heard um from community members is graduation being held at the gym and it limiting family that can attend is is it a possibility to look at holding graduation at a different venue that would allow for more family because there are people who have Blended families and then they're having to pick and choose who can attend and who can't what kind of facility think that other than the Civics I aren down I graduated at the hockey Center the hockey Center is usually what comes up and again we've looked at that in the past too and always just kind of fell short and I mean we did just graduate uate the two biggest classes we do do the Overflow now and the pack which actually Some people prefer just to be there they can still take pictures live afterwards but it's a nice cool environment and I'm not saying that it would change at all but we talk about inclusivity and then it's like well you have four tickets pick which family members can go to a huge milestone event for a student so I would like to see a topic where we can at least discuss that look pricing and then go from there as far as it is viable to change or not I think it's a good topic I would say since we're a little bit well I suppose if you to move it you'd have to start planning it I'm just thinking timing wise if one of these is I like the idea of having a discussion about it the districtwide survey on here is that a discussion more around what we would want to accomplish with that what questions or what information we would be soliciting yeah okay I guess I would I I like all of the ideas I think if we're just going to I would stick with the handbook and the orientation CU I don't know that we're going to have to switch a lot of the orientation but I am a little worried that we might be switching or talking a lot for lengthy having coming lengthy conversations about the handbook and I don't I don't know that we really need to tie anything else with that um I I will add the graduation topic um and make sure that that's on there for future topic review but and the technology access on student devices what's remind me what that conversation is we were in the communication and technology and one example that had gotten thrown out there was access to like Netflix and how that all works on um devices that we are providing like what liability does that what is in with the district and is that something Kyle's going to come in and speak to us about or I guess I'm it was one of those things that Kyle could and I also could accomplish maybe the same things during one-on ones with everyone when I spoke with Kyle about it that would be the discretion of the I just wonder if that was short enough topic to I just I mean we're adding one actually we're adding two to this list I know and only doing one next time so I'm just seeing like so like can we knock out anything here well but we're going to do new board iritation and School Board handbook yeah but then you're actually adding two more to it I I'm just saying I all I was saying is is one of these short I agree strategic plan is probably not short districtwide survey is probably not sure I was wondering if the tech but really we're getting rid of superintendent evaluation we're getting rid of world's best Workforce I mean not getting rid of but it's it's you're marked for November I know that'll be the only thing we can do in November though for sure probably is the world's W Workforce on our work session I mean that probably is lengthy so strategic plan is going to be lengthy that's going to take some time so I just feel like yeah I agree knock access we're we're up to five on the future list that's all I'm saying so a question about the graduation would it be possible to get what venues are available and what the pricing would be throw that on as like a review or whatever to a regular meeting so we have all of that stuff and then we could briefly talk about it because it might not require a huge lengthy compensation yeah I I do think getting the information ahead of time I I do think you need to this is my opinion I do think you need to include the school the principal assistant principals I I don't I don't want to do this in a vum because I want to hear why they prefer to keep it on campus or if they would prefer to Move It Off Campus I don't MH that's just my opinion I don't feel comfortable as a board dictating to the high school what they should do y so I'd like to hear from them and if we can line that up I agree I don't think it's a huge conversation cost alone might just say no right it's not it's C prohibitive and we're not even going to think about it but and dates available want to graduate during the middle of June yeah and I do know that it's being used for other high schools yeah so yeah I think maybe that could be a short enough one to add to I'm just look going to try to knock two things out if we're going to do a work session instead of right well one of the things that I've been working on and and trying to get but it revolves Run High School security so I don't know if that is something that we do in a work session where it's we're talking that's what I'm saying is there's uh some contractors and some things that I would like to present or at least well I'm going to have to talk to you about it in person because that's something you're going to have to move on but I've got some kind of out of the box kind of ideas especially in Lou with this tragedy um we need to start moving on it there's a lot of people out there that are wanting to see a little bit of a a hard well that would maybe be something to talk about in a one-on-one and if if it's something that the whole board that needs to be involved and we'd have to schedule a meeting for a different I'm trying to figure out I've been brainstorming this of how how we get the funds for it but I know that we have what 250,000 left from the last Levy or whatever left that can only be used on buildings right that's what I'm saying that's that's what I'm posing to do is for Hardon the schools with certain things but again I don't want to discuss it um y but that's where I'm looking at we're propos some stuff yeah I think that starts in the oneon-one like you said and then most likely come into a close meeting and probably close meeting with our Police Department our Police Department yep CU there's definitely some things that would involve SEL pd2 okay Mike what if we did in our one-on On's in September we could just have maybe a followup with Kyle and if you've got information on that technology access that he's found out from our conversation we can talk about it then and then from those conversations if it needs to go on as some on the work session it's probably not a lengthy conversation anyways but if it needs to be on the work session to discuss with the full board for whatever reasons then we could add it to that October 9th or September 25th so then we would have handbook and and orientation and then maybe the technology discussion well if all we're doing is asking for availability and cost for the graduation I think we could have that be as an update but if we're going to actually talk about like making that decision then I think we need to then have the high school staff like you said so I think think you could also we could also plan to have just the cost and the date availability and let that just be our base and then decide if we want to move forward I think I can put up by next Friday Poss that way we'll know I mean is it even a conversation that has the urgency behind it this year's availability but possibly so I'm sure they just have a stand is it is something I know that they have talked about and even most recently of last year and the year before mhm okay so what did we want to decide on a date here PE yeah I'm good either one doesn't matter for me does it make everybody feel better if our October work session is in October oober I I guess for me I the reason why I think that the handbook and the orientation should be in September is because we are F approaching an election and if we want things to be ready to go I would rather start working on it earlier than later but I just yeah I just me the September 21th vers versus September 25th versus the October 9th date cuz the plan is to only have one at this it's a CL fot for me I don't care is anybody you said ninth was better for you though the ninth was better for me both work don't let's make it the nth that's October it's another week maybe two weeks because I'll do the same thing I have a written calendar at home we'll go home if any any if anybody's got a problem with that day maybe email Mike Trisha yeah and you want it to start at 6:30 yes and then Candace can you do us a favor can you email the board just so we all have your email in yep okay problem that would be great oh okay okay that works too I just agenda for that going to be handbook orientation that's given maybe access to technology that's our maybe graduation we should probably have the info on that we need to well he said he can put it in an update so so those are our three things two being for sure one is just a potential right okay unless something crazy comes unless what was our original agenda for tonight really we got everything except the board no no no we were we be B Sterns came up right that was the addition oh B Sterns was an addition and I think the accountability testing update I just felt like I really wanted to make sure everybody had understanding because it just shows up in the start MERS all right night everyone you as well this how you