##VIDEO ID:9Uagy9TxH-g## memor sh stay your it is now 6:30 and I will call the September regular meeting of the SEL St step School Board to order thank you to all of our community members that are attending in person as well as online we appreciate your interest and engagement in our school district the expectation of our community is that all participants and attendees will conduct themselves professionally and with respect for other members of our community the first item on the agenda is the Pledge of Allegiance flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one na indivisible andice for all look for motion to approve the agenda motion um I make a motion so first by Jen second by Emily now it's discussion so I make a motion to add discussion uh to item D1 for the second meeing um on the revisions of board policies 206 and 504 second sorry so we have a first and a second to add a second reading for policy 206 and 504 as D1 and that would just shift everything else down so our close session would now be e correct yes any discussion heing on all those in favor of adjust U amending our agenda to include Poli second reading of policy 206 and 504 signify by saying I I those post say n motion carries now we'll go back to approving the agenda is there any other discuss all those in favor signifi by saying I I those opposed say n motion carries unanimously um normally this would be when we recognize our visitors in public forum and we been having that sign up this week so we are going to keep going with our consent agenda I have a motion to approve second first by Jason second by Jen any discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I those oppos say nay all cues and we are on to our reports and I will invite principal hler to come up up for our Saar report official I know so school board members superintendent rard it's my honor to share the September staff start from SEL High School Miss Carrie Frederickson so Mrs Frederickson is a face familiar to many um social studies teacher at the high school currently um this year at least is government psychology and Leadership and and most of that being leadership classes for students she's also the adviser for both the student council and the Minnesota Honor Society among many many other things that she does at the high school some of the highlights from the nominations and that I wanted to share with you uh Carrie goes above and beyond for her students and our school she's the adviser for student council in the Honor Society and is passionate about the projects they do her excitement for school events is contagious Carrie sets an amazing example to her students of what it looks like to be compassionate and a positive leader she gives her time freely and our school and Community reap the benefits of her hard work her husband would attest to that he's here tonight um another nomination that came in is that Carrie goes beyond above and beyond all the time she completely serves selflessly and is the most student centered person person that the nominee knows she loves her students like they are her own children holds them accountable dries their tears and cheers for their successes she looks beyond her own interest for them she's here every day all day all year long and this is just now as all teachers are eating Carrie is still opening boxes to serve her fellow staff members and still probably has not eaten so which would sum her up very very well and I would say as a principal um her example makes me a better principal so congratulations than you very it's a very nice we will move on to our school boort and we have hey how's it going everybody good um so things are going to be a little different this year with the student rep report I'm going to be doing this with Emily schlang I'm really excited to partner with her on this um she some stuff up tonight so she couldn't be here I'm sorry for being late cross country practice a little bit later tonight you should run faster I should have I should but yeah uh we have a lot of things going on uh back to school as you know is a busy time for everybody so we're going to get right into it starting off with our youngest Learners at o Bridge they off to a great start they had a saber launch which I feel like I don't know who named saber launch and saber sore but whoever did is a genius cuz we have saber launch right so we started gidge then we have saber sore right at the middle school and then we end it with saber Splash at the high school I don't I don't know who thought about that but I I I always found some humor in there so they had saber launch it went great um students and families were able to take some time to read the school and meeting with their teachers this also allowed the teachers to you know gain some of that important information that they need to help students succeed in their classroom and then the first few days at Oak Ridge have been designed to help students learn those routines they need for future school Success and the staff is definitely working patiently with those Young Learners to teaching them how to you know eat breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria use the toys and supplies in the classroom safely be on the playground and be a kind classmate to all their students and there everybody at Oakridge is very grateful to all the families who have well prepared their preschool and kindergarten students to start their saber Journey with us at oakd over at Pine Meadow things you know are off to a great start and their theme this year is better together and they kicked off this year sharing with their students the Pine Meadow saber expectations he's focused on how we can be safe responsible and engaged throughout the school and then learning teaching and playing together better at P fall data reports are coming in in the Pro or in the process of coming in and teachers are digging into those and some student achievement data and to plan some meaningful instruction that meets the needs of all our students and then P meow like our other schools is looking forward to to our homecoming celebration which I'll touch on in a little bit but they are planning a cowboy kickoff assembly for our ho down hoko this year and then of course staff and students are excited about the new year learning new things developing friendships and then making memories and growing Better Together their medum size over at Riverview again great start as usual uh staff have been working with students on being saver strong in all parts of the hallway or all parts of the school so the hallway the lunchroom the peer playground bus you know class from all those spaces students at Riverview have also finished up their fast Bridge testing so teachers can now kind of look at that data and work on providing specific instruction in the classroom and then busing has also gone very smoothly that first week I know some years in the past it's been there's been some hiccups but everything is going well this year so Riverview would like to give a shout out to everybody who's helped out in this process from bus drivers to bus AIDS everyone at troex and of course our very own Joe prom and then students are also looking forward to homecoming week at riverv viiew and they're doing some dress up days and then their annual PTO wathon which believe it or not I still remember quite vividly this fundraiser is going to support some of their field trips so when they take the students to the Minnesota Zoo the science museum the H theater and all the other fun things they do over at the middle school once again September has been a great month for them too they welcomed in their sixth graders with like I said sabers store and that allowed the sixth graders you know do all those things classroom routes try out the new routine figure out how to open their lockers that's that's a bit of a struggle still is um it's also the start of Middle School sports season so football volleyball girls swimming soccer girls tennis and of course the best one cross country uh new for the 2024 2025 school year students are keeping their cell phones turned off in their lockers during the school day students have been great at this and the teachers and staff are very proud of them with this new expectation looking ahead to October they've got some big things lined up at the middle school they have a nationally renowned speaker Terrence tally coming in on October 3rd he'll be providing students with his message of never give up and that'll be during the morning and then eventually heading to the high school later in the day to share his message again and of course the Middle School wants to thank the community and families and students for amazing start to the year over at the high school we've been equally busy it's been a great month for us um we had saber Splash so our upper classman welcomed in our ninth graders and new students I was a part of that it's been doing that for a couple years now it's always a lot of fun to connect with those 9th graders and try and make that day as special for them as they made it for us back when we were in their shoes and then other than that um we're getting back into the routine being at school um it's going well and and then student council I know we touched a little bit on this but we're incredibly busy right now um planning our homecoming which is going to be uh ho down for hoko which is western themed we're pretty excited about that going to bust out my hat and cowboy boots so we're going to have a whole bunch of activities for that we'll do we'll have coronation and then the carnival Crown some homecoming royalty and then we'll have the parade that Friday which is my favorite and then the football game of course and then that ends with a dance Saturday night so it should be a pretty action-packed week for us next week at the high school homecoming wise and then of course we have our fall Sports and activities which are going well trying to get out to as many of those games and stuff as we can it's always fun to support some of our Sabers and doing all that I think that's about it um that was a lot to throw at you guys um but if you have any questions let me know perfect sounds good yeah so we are on to our good evening members of the board Bennett you just crossed off about 11 you and I will meet before board meetings it's probably a good idea no it's a great idea so thank you so articul kind of explaining how the first month we've been going uh you did a wonderful job so I crossed out a number of things so we won't have to go through those again um wanted to give a big thank you to the Sartell St stepen Education Foundation uh they sponsored our back to school breakfast with staff which is very generous of them wonderful opportunity when we brought our staff back together the week prior to this school year uh a few things uh from a from a personal standpoint uh Community engager wise right now I'm about halfway through my 100 interviews uh with 100 um folks or 100 meetings in 100 days so looking to continue that um we do this week have some evening opportunities for listening sessions so um it'll be fun to have family and community members coming in for that um some some celebrations for our CLC student athletes of the week Avery schad and Max Smith won the devil's match against rori to win a match for sartel that was four weeks ago uh Mike hammock was the CLC athlete of the week he was a linebacker he had four solo tackles 11 assists two and a half tackles for loss one sack and one one fum in one game Mike was busy that day um Seth Davidson and Molly stawick static stat stat thank you um there were PLC performers of the week Seth had six goals and an assist in one week and Molly had a hat trick during a game to help with a victory for that week um and then lastly uh athletic directors Thompson brought 40 of our C house students to Brainard for the CLC leadership date mainly Juniors uh for training on how to be a student leader and we had the opportunity to be with other student leaders from across central minota that's my update this one thank you thank you you're welcome I'll turn over to Joel for right good evening um just wanted to take this opportunity to go through a few of the things that are on the agenda tonight uh for Action items and uh make sure we're um on the same page with those or answer any questions you've got um related to any of those so there are four it's kind of a time of year where we're working in three different fiscal years so we're working on the audit right now audit prep um for for next year for for last year's fiscal year so our Auditors will actually be on site in the district office starting next Monday uh for about for most of the week typically um so that's auditing last fiscal year um obviously we're operating now in this school year and and kind of full steam ahead for transportation and maintenance and all those different things that food service everything that's going on right now and then we're starting the first plan steps for next year's budget um which is related to two items um on the agenda two action items tonight and those two are um approving the truth and Taxation hearing date which is just some an annual approval to to set when that will be in December um before we approve our our final Levy and then also approving the um preliminary Levy um for 2024 payable 2025 um so those two things are related to fiscal year 2025 26 finances um and kind of the first steps in that process um tonight uh the other items uh we so those two items we talked about at the um Finance Personnel committee last Thursday the 12th and I'm going to just review the the timeline and some of the things related to the the Le the preliminary Levy shortly um the other items on uh as far as action items were reviewed at the um work session on Thursday the 5th and those are um authorizing Administration to um submit the review and comment to mde related to um the Riverview uh hbac Improvement project and then also um related to the uh High School outdoor facilities improvements so those would be authorizing to review and comment again that's a process where we have to basically submit to the Department of Education to the commissioner what we would plan on putting on the ballot um the details related to that um and everything related to you know the estimated cost the tax impact and then get their approval before authorizing um uh ballot language and that would come at the October meeting um the four item that's kind of related to uh things we've talked about and uh recently that's on the agenda is amending approving the changes to the beton Stern's District agreement and the bylaws uh as you recall Aon Dorman uh presented those on the work session on the fth as well um basically related to um the current real estate you know Arrangements um that we have within the V Sterns Co-op and then how this would change things for a future lease agreement um setting the setting the table for a a lease Levy for the dist for each district to do a lease Levy for Co-Op space um so that lease Levy is included in the preliminary um Levy that's presented here just kind of the general timeline for this again we talked in this a little more depth last week uh with the finance committee but throughout August is when we go through um you know uh putting in any inputs that might have any input on the levy might have any um changes to the levy basically verifying all our debt all our lease levies that are existing our enrollment estimates and then um starting September 6th the mde releases the calculation of their preliminary Levy and then we review those and ask them to make any adjustments that we see necessary or that look incorrect they rerun that many times basically daily until the end of September and that's why the action item is to approve maximum because it's basically um if you if you pick a Snapchat you know that Levy can change by a little bit every day depending on what what what things they're looking at recalculating that day or what uh District have noticed for errors in their in their levies um so when I put the memo together for the board um it looked like a preliminary um increase of 4.88% and as of today's Levy run that was down to 4.32% so that changed about a half% down um just due to them finding some errors in the in the calculation of our Levy so U that's why we asked to approve maximum at this point the number can't um increase after the September 30th um calculation without a vote of the public and since we have no vote scheduled for this fall that number can't increase um there's a final Levy presentation in December that's why we set the truth and Taxation hearing date and then it will be approved the final Levy would has to be approved at that time um just for some some big picture data last year uh when we looked at this our market value and tax capacity of the district which is what how the levy is spread really um had increased quite dramatically it increased you know close to 20% in both of those which not only um increased you know our our Levy share compared to aid for some of these but it also um just increased kind of the the tax liability for a lot of people that saw a large increase in their market value this year's market value change for the district increased 8.39% and the state average was 8.25 so very similar overall and also our tax capacity increased by just under 10% and the state average was about 112 So a lot more of a normal year if you will with our Levy increasing by less than our U market value increase there's a good chance for people to see um potentially a a neutral or or decrease this year just depending on what their market value did in comparison to the market value of our their neighbors or the District as a whole um but if you're you saw no change in market value uh your increase would be 4.32% um that I think is about all the notes I have right now on these four items on the agenda does anybody have any questions I can help you clarify um so and the so at bottom where you're showing your 20 21% what not 05% sure is that our is that just our a right yeah so yeah the chart I put on here a lot of these um Revenue elements have both an aid and a levy component to them so our our Levy overall is projected to increase by about 68,000 the related Aid components to them is going down by about 665 so our net revenue from all of this is going down almost even uh going down by about $7,500 and it's basically a a replacement of Levy instead of Aid and that's mostly just due to as our tax capacity continues to to crawl up and the equalization formulas haven't changed we just get less and less State replacement for those every year and that's completely out of the control totally out of our control yep it's there by the property values and what a lot of this right yep yeah and also just the legislative levels for what Equalization is that Bel move on to committee reports was there anything other than what we already talked about commun education advisory not finance and Personnel pretty much just covered so well but not the personel I suppose so we are currently in the middle of negotiations still relatively early negotiations of the par group um we have a couple more meetings on schedule in tonight's Clos session so we can get feedback from the full board on where we're at both sides of chaired at least one proposal on uh salary and benefits and I would say though more of focus has been on contract language changes which is pretty tyal do the language stuff get that iron finalize the dollars the other thing we kind of talked about was like how Dr V is going to do his assessment and so I believe you're going to cover that more in dep with your one I have okay then anything from legislative Network so yeah the name has officially changed it's not SE anymore it's s uh schools advocating for pair funding first meeting is the Friday before next regular meeting last Friday October negotiations already did operations and Facilities uh yes you our work session right was to our work session policy we haven't met Senor as always check their website for all their programming there stuff almost every day of the week and they I think around the start of the new years when they do their membership push especially some December and January larger Gatherings to do it now we don't we haven't had anything from formerly known as world's best Workforce Now a large so I well then we can move on to our action items I hear a motion to approve the second first by Emily second by Jen any discussion hearing none all those in favor by saying I post say n motion carries for a motion to authorize review and comment submitt to second first by Jason by Matt any discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I those oppos say n motion carries unanimously for motion to approve the 2024 payable 2025 propose Levy Mo second first by Jen second by Emily any discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I those opposed say nay motion carries look for a motion to approve the changes to the BC bylaws and the BCD District agreement Mo second first by Jen second by Emily any discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I I those opposed say nay motion carries unanimously um our discussion was our second reading of policies 206 and 504 apologize for that not being on here and then we are going to be moving into our CL session okay uh I move to close the meeting pursuant to Minnesota statute 13d 3 for discussion negotiation