##VIDEO ID:TKyBzOYEBFE## it's hey Mike I need the password sorry I thought my I thought my computer would have Saed it did you have that last if you can click the thing that says show password it'll help but it's 320 and then the space and then everything including the hyphen right up here on top where my index fing sorry the Hy to and theh hyen has to be in oh here 32 yep you have to have theace the spes do we have to have those y you have to have the parentheses it's just like if you're writing it out for somebody but then you set a space or that yep then a space after the parthy and then 21 69 or whatever that is 964 and that was for city of St St you can choose that one or Council it doesn't matter should work good t SE should proba it is now 6:30 and I will call the October regular meeting of the starall St step School Board to order thank you to all of our community members who are here in person as well as online we appreciate your interest and engagement in our school district the expectation of our community is that all participants and attendees will conduct themselves professionally and with respect for other members of our community the first it item on the agenda is the Pledge of Allegiance I pled to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and Justice then I will look for a motion to approve the agenda okay motion by Jen second by Emily any discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I those opposed say nay motion carries then we move on to our recognition of visitors in public forum our public forum policy says quote speakers are expected to demonstrate professionalism and deliver their remarks in a respectful manner vulgarity personal attacks malice or specific complaints identifying staff or students by name or implication will not be permitted persistence in such remarks May terminate a speaker's privilege to address the school board that said our first and only speaker tonight is Peter where would you like me to stand right there all right that's a good spot mat has your timer you got a timer yeah thank you thank you very much hi Pete Wilson Peter Wilson 1108 celebration Drive SEL thank you for having me I have about three different things want to touch on one uh is not one I've ever spoken on but I feel very very U deeply on I feel that in going to to uh school boards and City councils and County Commissioners and various other groups and organizations what happens is you're grossly underpaid now um I there are many who are deeply committed and would do it for free my mother taught gave her enti paycheck to the church for almost 15 years would not take a penny when she became to a point where my brothers and sisters were able to uh survive somehow without her being around all the time so there is deep commitment but what occurs is the various people both here and other places become dependent to some degree on various organizations that provide information or present it I we can call call them by kind names we can call them Carpet Baggers we can call them um various other names but I mean they all have a agenda you can see it in in the building of of the let's use the term poverty pimps the various places who make big money from it now my comment is by having a higher compensation level I feel that it would enable the some of you to invest time in in doing this task rather than being dependent on other entities which may not have anyone's best interest at part of own next thing I wanted to touch on I had gotten permission from the prior superintendent to donate some books I'm ready to do that I wind about that over at the that at the St Cloud one well I managed to wind loud enough to get that done here um the other thing I guess I want to speak on is I hope that as we go through this election however it turns up is the as this is done there in there is an increasing move towards uh freedom and away from such entities as sourcewell and others where the high dependency on information and projection of of their goals uh you know it's it it needs to diminish it needs to end and this includes many other are entities in these this area also um it produces nothing good with their own ill agenda but again that's uh sort of related wi to what I said earlier thank you very much have a nice night thank you Peter I will look for a motion for the consent agenda first by Emily second by Jen any discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I those oppos say nay motion carries unanimously then we are on to our saber star report which we have Miss kaffine from the Middle School here right good evening go over here um I'm Angela saffron I the principal over at the middle school and this is one of maybe the best parts of my job is being able to recognize um very deserving staff members in my building so tonight um I have Tammy fol here with me who is a special education teacher at the middle school and a phenomenal one at that so I just a few words to share um words that her colleagues shared with me so it's an honor to be here this evening um to recognize a teacher who is truly deserving of this acknowledgement um and so much more Tammy Fern holes was nominated as October's staff Star by multiple teachers at our Middle School here are just a few of post teachers words Tammy's primary focus is always the social emotional and academic growth of her students she's always looking for new ways to engage students in their learning she will always meet a student where they are and encourage them to strive to be the best version of themselves she shows students that she believes in them promoting them to work hard and achieve their goals she supports her colleagues with her depth of knowledge and willingness to share resources she's a leader that can be trusted and always counted on to go that extra mile Tammy consistently goes above and beyond to ensure that students needs are met parents and teachers are in the loop and her Special Education team has what they need to stay afloat she perfectly balances incredible patience and kindness with students while also setting firm expectations and fies she takes on many responsibilities as a team leader without complaint and is always willing to help anyone who needs a little extra um SEL Middle School is lucky to have our saber staff star congratulations to I'm guessing her plaque is is back at the district office it's back at the district office thank you congratul thank you we will move on to our school board student represent rep reports um so very sadly I won't be able to be the student rep forever um I I I know I know sh is um but so Emily over here is g to be also doing the student rep for the rest of the year and hopefully Beyond with the other students that in this as as the future goes on so yeah so Emily's gonna start off with at some of our of our buildings hello as Bennett said I'm Emily and I'm in 11th grade and I'm super excited to be working with you all um over at o r LC students learned about bus safety and what it means to the bus of behaviors that make for a safe ride to and from school the kindergarten students toward the fire station which is a highly antip fall field trip for the students um the kindergarteners also just finished their CK unit on the five senses a highlight being the five cents of Mr Potato relay in the physical education class the preschoolers have been learning about friendship and problem solving and all students look forward to the building wide Fall Festival at the end of the month the classrooms have a variety of fall theme centers where parents can volunteer and engage with the young leers um at Pine Meadow Pine Meadow recently got an s grant for hammocks for their outdoor Reading area where students have been able to bring their own hammocks to participate in the silent reading time teachers are also continuing to work on the letters development during the early out at RIS they had fun celebrating their homecoming parade float Victory also along with oelc and Pine Meadow RIS raised $52,000 for the PTO wathon fundraiser students over at the middle school and e8th grade have been heading down to Riverview and teaching Spanish lessons in some of the classrooms and fifth graders elected their new student council Representatives who are in the process of planning their schoolwide sock Drive in celebratory sock sweet thanks um that's they're doing a lot of fun stuff um over at the middle school they had Terren tally come in and speak Terren is a pretty wellknown public speaker um shares his message of never giving up um at the middle school they also last week had one of their PBIS incentive days learning about positive behaviors and then did some pumpkin decorating in their saber advisory classes huge shout out to the pangro family for donating those pumpkins could have done that with daily teacher conferences are also happening or happened last week at the middle school and happen again tonight I think um they've been going really well and another big shout out to hor spawn and Texas Road House and providing meals for the teachers during those extended days and then one more thank you um to Lisa Lindo for setting up the book fair during the conferences aome over at the high school it's been a busy busy month as the quarter wraps up we finished our our homecoming festivities at the end of September that culminated with us raising a little over Cancer Center that school baskets in the same Club Cancer Center those are right they got like baskets like s awesome we have the end of B small sports activities a lot of our teams spefically hockey and dance Honor Society also have their Ro River Road VI the like the storage sheds I like which is always awesome for them we also had teren tally speak at the high school welled by the students that and then um oh all 10th grade students also went to Epic at s cloud Technical and Community College this is where they had a chance to learn about a bunch of potential careers it looks like about 4500 area students participated in that day it was super impactful to learn about things other than just like the traditional four-year track col not traditional but that fouryear University track and then um finally as Wednesday this Wednesday we've been early out high school high school and middle school professionals will be learning about AI during these October and November you have any questions thank you on to our superintendent report good evening members of the board so this is my well over my H 100th day so I'm going to do a brief report of the first 100 days uh of my superintendency as I think most of you where I was trying to make a 100 meetings in 100 days um I did meet that goal um surpassed it to 108 mainly with parents but also working and meeting with staff members business owners um building relationships and just having that opportunity to listen some of the strengths that I continually he heard from our community members was that we have a dedicated staff um across all of our groups that we have strong academics that are going on within our schools and our extracurricular opportunities are are awesome some of the improvements that I saw or heard was that we look at trying to enhance our communication um looking for different opportunities to make sure all members of our community are able to hear about the great things that are going on and those things that they could come and attend uh along with prioritizing some of our facilities and some of the upgrades that we need to do a few other things that have gone on during this first hundred days that I've been working on with our district leadership team we have updated our principal and director's evaluation tools brought them a little bit more in line with what's more of my style of evaluation while still ensuring that we're meeting the requirements of Minnesota Department of Education we've also added the mental health services Greater Minnesota Family Services um have been contracted and are providing two additional therapists that are available within our schools um and we're working hard with Greater Minnesota have those staffed those kids who might be in need of that after working with their families and their parents a highlight that I had indicated I would speak to the board about was our fall assessment data a celebration about 9 to 13% of our students at this time are in the highrisk category why is that a celebration uh that's that's pretty low when you think of the normal curve so right now I would say approximately 10% of our kids are in need of that targeted support for students in both math and reading those are numbers that we can work with we can help students with um and we can put things in place to help those kids ensure that they're going to close that gap between themselves and their or their student uh peers transitioning though into some of the recognitions that I wanted to make sure I highlighted during my superintendent report Carrie Frederickson a sardel high school social studies teacher was awarded the 2024 Regional Earl ream award from the National Association for Student Activities and recognition of her dedication to student leadership and activities I think we all know Carrie Carrie is the adviser to both the National Honor Society and student council uh she's been honored for her commitment for mentoring shared leadership strategies and making sure there's opportunities for kids in many different areas because of this award she will be recognized at the national conf conference on Student Activities in Memphis Tennessee uh this December so congratulations to Carrie final congratulations to Andrew burnt who's a junior at sartel High School uh Andrew has qualified for the state cross country meet at the univ I see a little whooo over there that's awesome um at the University of Minnesota for this Saturday we wish Andrew Luck I did uh attend I was able to attend all Varsity Sports this fall but I will say when I watch Andrew run over at the Apollo High School um that is not cross country he was in a full Sprint the whole time 3.6 miles so congratulations to Andrew we're very proud of it that's my superintendent then we'll hand over to Joel for our district Finance report good evening uh just a couple things to go over tonight as part of the finance report um the the budget uh month today through September is posted on the agenda we're about where we would expect to be uh tracking along the previous year the one thing that is a little bit of a stand um stands out is that in our Capital fund we've spent about 62% of our budget but that's because we did the technology refresh this summer so we did uh big up some payments for those um all new devices um grades 6 through 12 for all of our students uh for the one to one devices and also uh have refresh staff on books in the spring um we've also received remember um when we talked about the budget the spring we receive um about $700,000 in receipts for selling our old ones to a third party vendor and then also about $1.1 million from the erate emergency connectivity fund is a grant that Kyle technology platform so we received all those funds um as well as paid off uh those so that's why you see a larger larger expense for this time of year already the cap um some other things we've been working on so far this year obviously there is a agenda item further down related to approving um calling for a special election in February related to the Riverview um indoor air quality projects for 2.93 million as well as outdoor facility improvements on high school for 8.48 5 million um been working closely with our construction teams from Bradbery Stam and design tree engineering as well as our finance um Finance uh Consultants um from B um Public Finance on putting together the review and comment so the review and comment that project was submitted to the commissioner of MBE um right before mea break so I think it was October 17th that was submitted to them and they have 60 days to review that and then respond with um their uh approval for that project to go on the ballot in the meantime in order to hit the ballot um deadlines for February um we have attached our resolution to this agenda item so I have attached the full resolution as well as the ballot question for that and the tax impacts related to those to this agenda item so um you chance to review goal feel free to ask any questions or if you want to wait till the discussion part of that actually I that works as well oh sorry one more thing audit will be presented at the next board meeting in November and in between now and then I believe it's the Thursday the 13th we'll be meeting with the finance and Personnel committee to review that on results before they go on the full board so the .1 million Grand and the 700,000 that's is that already built back in here or this is just our spend that's just the spend yeah we have revenues and that opposite got it okay you okay was there anything for a committee report for B I'm just going to go on the list um not necessarily oh communication and Technology oh I was going down the first row and then going to the second one sorry finance and Personnel we're meeting yeah we have an upcoming meeting yep I forget dat that's one that you just is at the 13th yes November 14th okay thank you uh negotiations uh we met again with the care professional group um I think we're at a point where we've ironed out all the language type changes that we're looking to make um now it just comes down to compensation package which I wouldn't say the numbers have moved so much lately as we're uh kind of throwing proposals at each other that just are formatted differently kind of the money goes in different places so we're kind of ironing out how we want to get that to be before we really start talking about the numbers so probably more than one more meeting is what it's going to take I would think yeah and we already have those two meetings set up policy we haven't met since um a comprehensive achievement and gr this Emily did you go last week yep okay um and that is now it's forly the world's best Workforce committee that is now the comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness which I think we're referring to as caser for short that was a legislative name change again so not our doing there but um we discussed our annual goal report that is required by MBE for us to submit I think it's December is our deadline on that um and talk about how in previous years our goals were kind of historically unattainable which we were not the only District that did that that stemmed from every student succeeds act from years ago it was kind of set up in a way where it was like you have to have 100% achievement or you're always you're having to make up such huge strides that you end up having to be at 100% the following year to make up what you didn't do last year that has since changed so our goals now reflect a more it's challenging yet attainable growth year-over-year so talking about like 2 to 3% increments year-over-year in improvements which is much more realistic easier to look at um and we can actually see growth and success in that versus you know every third gr grader 100% of third graders are proficient by the following year that's always going to be a tough one to to attain so we talked about the changes there um and then we just reviewed um the reports that we had from the Minnesota Department of Education report card where we had um our first year I think in four years of growth in reading and math well in in all the areas reading math and science we had our first year of improvement in four years which was great cuz even the districts who rank above us in percentage um still saw not every one of them but some still saw a slight decline year-over-year we are one of the few districts that actually is starting to show an upward trajectory those areas which was really really great so that was it okay career and tech ed we meet on Wednesday at 735 and commy Ed we meet again on November 6th um schools in equity for education so that's officially changed so we might want to change that on yep you can cross that off it's now saf um s and they kind of went through how they move through the renaming and reordering that uh organization um so they laid out their Vision um I do have the link to the to the whole presentation if anyone want to watch it because it's kind of interesting how they have addressed some things they no longer have an executive director they were able to kind of um instead of doing an executive director they have a couple lobbyists now um because they thought that would be more beneficial for um trying to get that Equalization um to the legislators um and they have one office manager so everything is centralized and then their finances are being done was it CL I believe that was said that they would be able to help that off so um we went through the Leatherman company had another or I think they just keep redoing the same presentation that they've done they just changed the the month from or with updated numbers but they did um a survey they had 800 in that sample some of it was political questions some of it was um how people felt the quality of K12 education is I guess one of the things that I I took away from that was uh one of the questions was local school districts if local school districts are meeting the expectation of their community members and how do they how do we I guess um get our district to move from good to excellent and one of the things that they had said that people are looking for accountability some of that accountability goes back to the proficiencies um and not a lot of people understand the proficiency so one of the examples that they had thrown out there is if you were going to throw at your MCAS then you would replace it with something else um but also taking the time to possibly write our own accountability reports as well so I don't know if Matt you have anything else to uh no I think at the very end of this pack and the presentation she's talking about from Le minutes dozens of questions it's really interesting stuff but takes time to get through it so either I'd say watch the video that Jen has or you can ask me to borrow the packet with all the bar charts and everything um but the last part in here they did put together a legislative platform now that we have like Jen said the new lobbyists on board it's Capitol Hill Associates I think y so it's actual lobbying company it's not just Brad who visited with us um who's inhouse with saff so they're actually Contracting that work out um and it's the two folks that are taking care of it one of them at least is a former state legislator and they've got connections on both sides of the aisle they they know the ins and outs of all that but they they put together a legislative platform that was kind of a first draft but just focuses truly on the purpose of this organization which is to get fairer funding from one District to the next so you know in districts like ours where we're spending a lot more or ta having to tax our residents a lot more just to bring in the same amount that maybe a neighboring District um is bringing in it we're looking to get that money equalized Equalization formulas uh both changed and updated changed as far as maybe don't have it be a flat dollar amount that gets paid out to districts let's tie it to a percentage so that it doesn't fall behind as the years go on and then talking about updating the actual formulas themselves to get more money uh more equitable fing from District to District so yeah I think they're they're re-energized that was kind of the kind of the takeaway I had from that meeting is everybody seem to be um looking to push forward on this and especially the folks we hired to get on board I think they're they're into this so it's with the name change I think they added four districts now yeah there were four new members at the meeting at least um and you know we're already 30 some districts strong so it's a pretty pretty strong group we'll be looking to expand membership as we go okay thank you both of you uh was there anything from operations and Facilities no start till senior connection is our last one yeah senior connection um I and I were at the last meeting early October I guess the main point I would say is for anybody listening who would be interested in becoming a member of the senior connection kind of as you get toward the holidays and start of the new year uh is when they look to do their membership drive so they've got um at least one event in December and at least probably one in January also where they're going to be looking to uh draw members in to sign up for new membership so anybody interested take a look at their website look for those opportunities and um as always there's stuff that goes on almost every day at the community center so even if you can't make one of those events you can pop in and find something else perfect so then I will unless somebody else has another report but I'm not aware of um approve I'll look for a motion to approve policies 206 and 504 motion by Jen second by Matt any discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I those opposed say nay motion carries unanimously I will look for a motion to we have to actually do this by sorry language form resol yeah aoll call is it should be it be okay I'll make a motion to approve the resolution calling for special election on February 11th 2025 I'll second so motion by Jason second by Trisha any discussion and this is just we contingent on what Joel was talking about on approval of the and it looked like that was it the language on what we're approving right now to contingent on that approval and you said 60 days to us okay um we should probably take this opportunity to point out that there was one change to the plan at Riverview just including some electrical capacity and Joe you can help me with this too so there was a concern that related to the HVAC system that we would be the additional unit that we would be adding is that there is a need for an electrical upgrade so that we can handle the load of this newer unit so that added about $350,000 I believe total um the electrical upgrade contract and then there was also a need um to have a backup generator um at one point we had someone who was willing to donate that generator um that did not work out because the generator that was going to be donated wouldn't be able to handle the load um so we added having a backup generator too so you do see a slight increase from the conversation that the board was having back in you know May and June but now the there is an increase in that refer in the fles due to those two issues is there any other discussion I guess just a question maybe this is one to go if the review and comment were to come back unfavorable is there anything about passing this resolution that would us from pushing this down the road till maybe the next election date or anything yeah this is kind next St okay anything else otherwise Em I'm going to ask that you take the roll call vote okay I'm going to start that end with Scott do you want to read the question again or do we know what we're on approving the resolution relating to determining the necessity of issuing General obligation bonds for a special election on February of 202 y Jason yes y yay Matt yay me yay Jen okay motion carries unanimously so then our discussion we have our school board orientation potential potential use of msba new board member orientation at a glance any questions or anything comment about that did everybody get a chance to review the mba's model on that yeah I don't have any issues I have no issues with it okay and then we have official revision of board policies 410 412 and 413 that reminds me policies 206 and 504 that got approved I'm just concerned it says the revised date is August 1st on those shouldn't it be today's date we'll fix them up okay noticed that earlier today so we're just never quite sure if they will get approved so we yeah I didn't know how okay otherwise we have a future board work session on November 7th at the district office at 6:30 and we have a future board meeting on the 18th at the district office at 6:30 otherwise I'll look for a motion to adjourn Move Motion by Matt second by Emily any any discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I those opposed say nay motion carries our meeting is adjourned at 7:05 good