##VIDEO ID:53x5XviCDts## [Music] call the meeting to order all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all for all all members are present we have approval of the agenda is there any additions Council no do I have a motion to approve the agenda as presented motion to approve motion by Haiti do I have a second second second by Joel call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against approval of the minutes of the October 2nd 2024 regular meeting all included in your packet is there any questions or Corrections needed within those minutes hearing nothing do I have a motion to approve the minutes of the October 2nd meeting I'll make a motion to approve motion by Diane do I have a second I'll second second by Heidi call a question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against this now brings us to our public open forum is there anyone here that would like to speak to the council is there anyone here that would like to speak to the councel call a third time is there anyone here that would like to speak to the councel seeing no one our public open forum is closed we do not have any public hearings tonight we will then move on to reports and presentations Police Department monthly report Joel uh good even evening everybody I got the September numbers that you can see in front of you um if you look we're kind of right on par average for uh years past 825 iccrs for the month of September uh some of the higher numbers here uh 12 alarm calls seems a little higher than normal um we wrote some we started writing some parking tickets for 40-hour parking Downtown parking 2:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. so between tickets and warnings that there was 18 of those um and we're going to continue doing that kind of leading up to the winter parking coming in a couple months um 19 medical calls 13 welfare checks as you see there's a handful of uh tickets for speeding use of wireless device a few for driving while impaired and no license violations um this will probably be the last next month numbers are probably going to be pretty skewed we we've already started scaling back on some of the uh reports that we're putting in the system now because come November 12th they go away and the system will no longer be maintained so the October numbers will probably be pretty low just because we're not entering a bunch because we were entering basically for nothing so all the reportable stuff we had entered but um a lot of the non-crime non- reportables for the month of October we're just we're kind of focusing more on this Tyler Tech project which is set to go live on November 12th at 7:00 a.m. so we've there's been someone at training uh pretty much the last three weeks either one of the patrol guys or Melissa there's meetings all leading up to that so we're just really ramping that up getting making sure all of our computers have the current software so that's kind of what's going on this this last couple weeks with that stuff any questions or concerns about the anything going on questions good job thank you thank you Joe public works department monthly report Ben good evening mayor and Council this past month the plow trucks have received their annual DOT inspections and have updated stickers on them all the oil changes and other required maintenance was completed on those trucks the plow equipment is is installed and ready for use once the snow arrives the road grater still has summer cutting edges on it we're hoping for one more rainfall to soften the gravel roads and that way we can blade them one more time before the freezing weather is here once that happens we'll switch the blade over to its winter equipment we will do the Alleyways one more time as well once uh we get some rain the dirt removal from the industrial park project that was completed there is a section of roadway um that had some cracks open up on it that's that new roadway in the industrial park the subsoil and the area showed some signs of stress compared to the rest of the road it's about 100t long so we're going to fill those cracks in prior to Winter and then we're going to be looking at a longer term repair so I wouldn't say that it's the contractor's fault because 12200 feet of road is just fine and 100 feet has some issues so something happened with the subsoil underneath of that section so we'll be we'll be looking into that parks and Campground stuff all the sprinkler systems water lines and bathrooms have been winterized for the year water meters were removed and all the bathrooms locked for winter out all the parks received their annual weed spraying on the turf areas outdoor rink we did some interior painting along with replacing a door and a wall that was in poor condition in the building the Lions donated trees to be planted along the community garden so we assisted with planting those and getting them watered the arena considerable time spent up there in preparation for getting the ice in uh the ice installation has been taking place this week it's been going really well it will wrap up by the end of the week and it'll be ready for practice next Monday the Olympia also received all of its preparation maintenance and is ready for use for the season so we'll have guys starting to work up there on Monday and through the rest of the year and we do have figure skating I know Nikki advertised for it so as long as we get enough interest in that we will have figure skating as well again on Saturdays any questions for me questions thank you thank you ambulance department quarterly report Kathy good evening mayor and Council I'm here for the third quarter report for 2024 July we had 65 total runs calls or activities of those 17 were no loads four were ALS transfers 19 were BLS transfers 48 of those calls were billable for a total of 56581 August we had 118 calls runs or activities 32 were no loads four ALS transfers 26 BLS transfers and then we started doing a uh dialysis transfer three times a week for a patient in town that we take to dialysis and then 4 hours later go back and bring that patient back to their residence in town so that was 30 additional transfers for that so total actual BLS transfers were 50 56 total for for that month um 86 of these calls were billable for a total of 11,381 September we had 101 total runs calls activities 13 of which were no loads four ALS transfers 26 BLS transfers and then 24 dialysis transfers so was 50 total BLS transfers in that month 89 of those are billable for a total of 11 18,4 116 so the majority of our calls on the no loads continue before lift assist Falls motor vehicle crashes um majority of our Medicals are brought to Sock Center Hospital of course we had two this quarter that were taken to Long Prairie and the majority of our transfers are going to s cloud but the ongoing list that I that I send out uh shows all the different hospitals that we do take to quite a few to Fargo and which are some medical related sometimes St Cloud is full so we end up taking medical patients to Fargos um third quarter transfers Mutual Aid transfers we did two ALS transfers from Melrose to St Cloud for melrose's hospital or melrose's ambulance I'm sorry then we did one BLS transfer from Albany Clinic to St Cloud for mels for Central Care mutual AIDS we did one from long per to Prairie St John's one from along Prairie to St Cloud one from monell to Sanford and Thief River Falls and one from Wilmer to Rochester so we're out there doing a lot of transfers trying to help out uh Central Care seems to have a lot of transfers that get built up and when they have one that's holding for a specific amount of time they'll call either o or mols to see if we're willing to take it then we check with our on call crew if they want it and then we check to make sure we have backup for our Rigs and then if we do we we'll let them take these Mutual Aid transfers so and then did one uh Mutual aid for um North ambulance out of Alexandria went to oakus picked up a medical there and they were taken to elmir and Alexandria so six of our ALS transfers were given to either Melrose or censal care as none of our Medics were available but then you can see that we took two for melros so we work back and forth with melros when we don't have Medics and they don't have Medics we work back and forth and try and help each other out um special details for third quarter we did the career one kids day we worked with kids that are interested in the medical field did CPR with them and demonstration of the equipment and rig tours we did the West Union fourth of July parade St car Louis Day Parade night to un night we did three football standbys standby at the autocross and we had five Fair contracts we do a a an activity for each day of the fair because we send a crew out there we just do standby first aid all fair so we started an activity for that and then we had two three demo deres and we do an activity for that then we had two contacts over and above that at the demo deres one had mud splattered in their eye and another was a driver that took a hard hit and we had three contacts from the fair Booth one was an assault one was a fall from a horse and one was from the hot dog eating contest or somebody got dizzy and weak they didn't choke you'd expect them to be called there for choking yeah but it wasn't somebody it was in the Heat and they got dizzy and wings so yeah and then we did a drill with the Black Oak wind farm so we typically will do one every year or two with Black Oak where we respond out to their one of their windmills and they lower uh injured patient down to us and it's just a drill we go out to do so we've had a pretty busy third quarter this is what we've been doing putting a lot of miles on our rigs which is why we do that three-year rotation because we do a lot of miles on our rigs so any questions for me questions okay thank you thank you thank you Planning Commission report Sarah good evening mayor council you have a copy of the Planning Commission agenda from October 8th meeting we had two public hearings for two variances which are action items a little later on your agenda and then we had the see July August and September building reports um July we had a total of $741,000 worth of new construction a year ago um it was 441,000 um August 359,000 for this year and 2023 was for $429,000 in total construction value and September we had $156,000 which is a little slower and a year ago we had 7 77,000 in new construction value questions comments okay thank you thank you move on to action items 7A approve resolution 2024-25 oober 8th meeting conducted a public hearing to consider the request of Matthew and Tara Wessel for a variance from the maximum accessory structure size to build a detached accessory structure larger than allowed under the official controls the new building to be utilized as a combination garage storage and Recreation Area the property is 385 East River Circle and abs 185 to the rear It's a combination of two lots the request is to allow a 40x 72 accessory structure where the maximum size allowed is 1,200 Square ft in addition the maximum cumulative structures allowed is 1,800 and this proposal if approved would allow 3888 when combined with the existing accessory structure and attached garage on the property and I do have a schematic in your packet to kind of indicate what that property looks like upon conclusion of the public hearing the board recommends that the request be granted based upon the following findings is a no evidence has been submitted indicating that the location of the new structure would adversely affect the public health welfare and saf safety or be detrimental and injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood number two the current garage is not sufficient in size for vehicles and storage and winter parking does not all parking on the street creating the need for more off- street parking a detached garage is allowed use in the low and medium density residential zoning district and the applicant is not asking for any economic consideration they put the following conditions on the approval that the primary and secondary Parcels be combined into one parcel the detex structure to be constructed in a man are consistent with residential structure with no pole barn type construction allowed the exterior finish shall be similar to the main house and existing detached garage the new structure to be located 30 ft or more from the road right away of County 185 the downspouts and gutters shall be directed to the rear yard nothing related to a homebased business shall be parked or stored outside and the variant will become void in one year if not acted upon and all of those conditions and findings are outlined in resolution 202 24- 82 granting the variance to Matthew D and Tera M wessell questions comments everyone knows the yeah location of this property mhm um as the first condition says the two Parcels have to be combined before the permit can be done because according to CD code you can't have a shed on a separate parcel without having a on it first um Varian was given based on one of the things is he's got the holding pond in that lot so makes most of that lot unbuildable and he also along the east side he's got an easement for the trail going in there so based on those we considered both of those things a hardship and that's where the Varian came from so any other questions or concerns otherwise I'll be looking for a motion to approve resolution 2024-25 Diane any other concerns or comments call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I oppos motion carries five in favor none against 7B approved approve resolution 2024-the to consider the request of GMO M Santo Gonzalez and Yi Moda Estilo to to vary from the property setback line and to exceed the maximum size allowed for attached garage the property is located at 725 Prospect Avenue and is at the corner of Prospect and Center Street so they have a couple requests here one is for a set back to the addition addition to the home the existing home is 6 feet from the property line and they would continue that addition at that same location the second is a setback for a new attached garage and then they had requested two feet I believe the Planning Commission moved that to 5 ft at the meeting but the standard is 25 ft and then the maximum size of garage the standard is 1,200 ft their request is for 1584 which is 44 by 36 at the time of the application they wanted of the driveways I believe to go out to Center Street but now they've turned it and it's going to access off the alley because in our in our um our city code like if you access off a street or an alley you're supposed to have your garage doors at least 20 feet back where this would only make it 5 ft so I think they're turning that so that comes off the alley so that was the board recommendation what they change that setback request from 2T to 5 ft back the finding supporting the recommendation is that no evidence has been submitted Ed indicating the location would adversely affect the public health safety and Welfare that the Practical difficulty was not self-created as the original dwelling was constructed in 1910 long before modern zoning codes were established improving the existing housing stack within stock within the city is part of our comprehensive plan that remodeling an older home and adding more livable space is very common in the R1 zoning District the current detached garage and smaller shed will be removed from the property and the owner submits that a 1200t garage is not sufficient in size for vehicles and storage and also the winter parking doesn't allow for that on street parking additions to existing dwellings and attached garages are in allowed use and they're not asking for any economic condition considerations so those are what the the findings supporting the recommendation are and the following conditions are that the existing detached garage and storage shed to be removed the garage doors face the alley and not the street the down spouts and gutters be directed toward the rear of the property nothing related to a homebased business shall be parked or stored outside and the variances void within one year if not acted behind be acted upon and these are all laid out in resolution 20248 3 granting the variances to Gonzalez questions concerns do I have a motion to approve resolution 2024-25 Joel call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against 7 C approve EMT appointment the following recommendation has been received from ambulance director stord is effective October 16th I would like to recommend April marthaler be promoted from probationary EMT to emtb level one for the ambulance service along with the pay increase according to the current pay policy while on probation with our service April has had favorable reviews she has exceeded the 20 patient contacts that are contacts that are required while on probation and she takes active call with our service and backup when available so the request is to approve advancement of April marthaler to EMT B1 effective October 16th 2024 comments or concerns do I have a motion to approve the advancement make I'll make a motion I'll second by Joel seconded by Diane call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor done against 7D approve resolution 2024-the or to write off the resulting bad debts to be removed are as follows we have 36644 in collections for fire as you know this is the first year we can certify fire calls to taxes but these fire calls are all car accidents and not structure fires so if you see the the listing on the resolution they will all say cars and then we have finance charges or duplicate removals of 41821 certified to taxes for sidewalk repairs 1, 12846 uh certified to taxes for lot mowing 9208 certified taxes for nuisances 9497 so for a total of 61817 which is a resolution 20248 approving the adjustments to accounts receivable through collections wrate offs and certification to taxes questions concerns do I have a motion to approve resolution 20248 I'll make the motion to approve motion by Shon do I have a second I'll second second by Heidi any other discussion call the question all those in favor signify was say and I opposed motion carries five in favor none against 7e provide direction to engineer on 8th Street South proposal so the city council as you know met at 5:00 this evening on site on 8th Street South to review options for the future Improvement of 8th Street South in which we invited all the residents on 8th Street to be there as well and I think they were all there so we had several options for the Improvement uh they looked at all six of them uh the engineer had all six options Stak out so that we could Garner some input from them and they were they ranged from a full width street with sidewalks on both sides all the way down to a reduced oneway street with parking and sidewalk on one side and that was options one through six and so we're looking tonight to give some direction to the city engineer on which design that he should proceed with and he's certainly here to answer any of your questions okay Council have any comments the one question I did have and I kind of addressed this Keith when we were down there was just um with option six if we were to shift over to match the RightWay between um Pine and Birch um beyond that between Ash and Birch um it was basically within the roadway so that was kind of where my question was was would that have to be moved in the further section as well um yeah yeah essentially I think when we get to final design we would want to skew the road a little bit to try and minimize impacts to the boulevard areas so like the area we were looking at between Pine and Birch we would probably shift that to the South as we were talking and as we get closer to the intersection we might we might have that road a little bit of an angle so that that it matched where between Birch and Ash that were sort of centered down the existing Street to have as little disruption on either side as as possible I think as long as we can do that with without any noticeable Kinks if you will in the roadway which it doesn't move that much so I'm I'm not really concerned about that but that would be my thought would be to you know to put it simply try to keep all the improvements generally with in the curb to curb that's there now MH okay does that answer your question yeah that answer my question option six in that in mind well and but really I mean with any of the because any of them we' try to well obviously we can't go outside right away unless we purchase purchase right away but otherwise we'd try to keep it to as minimal disruption as we can so sort of keep it on the existing road to to the best we can right because many of the option like I said I think um option six uh when you get between Birch and Ash I mean that was essentially in the roadway and then the other ones were yeah a lot further over as well that block is slightly wider on the street so it's you know made up and then it's remember from Birch to excuse me Pine to Birch was a little bit to the north so we were going to shift it essentially the road is just moved a little bit the existing Road through there right yeah it seemed like from what I heard that the one way was not um there was nobody who was against it that particular option certainly we heard some comments about um wider is not not good because it impacts the especially on the North side where there's little steeper Boulevard areas and trees and that and so that's kind of the the things that I thought I heard out there is that and then also sidewalks seem to be a sidewalk on one side was desired versus two sides is what I I thought I heard from generally from the folks any other comments yeah I was uh overwhelmingly I think uh option six when we discussed and could visualize the moving it over a little bit further than the marked area um with the sidewalks on the North side seem to be the preferred option makes the most sense yeah yeah um right I think so and then obviously I'd like some thoughts as intersection of Maine as to we can discuss that or hear your thoughts as to what you might was to try and accomplish we can draw some things up you know we so that could be an ongoing issue is just the intersection if you'll want me to try to look at a a couple of ideas of how to straighten that out to some degree if you'd like to do that but that's sort of ancar I think to the overall big decision right any other comments I guess I would agree with what Heidi was saying I I to me I feel like option six and sliding it a little bit to the South would be make the most sense just with the layout that you had out there that was really nice to be able to visualize that okay I agree too I if I mean if we can make the decision also to kind of look at that option of straightening the road out maybe creating a little more space and distance between the viaduct and the corner of that intersection of eth street to give people a little more time to react as you come down that Hill I think that's been the the problem as you turn on to eth going towards the school that you don't really have time to react to people coming down the that hill and turning up and we did hear that the land owners on the North side we just threw out the idea of potentially some because we could potentially give up some RightWay and maybe take some RightWay and they seemed agreeable to a discussion of if you know there was a swap of of property if you will that they were they were agreeable to that that concept which might help us with some options of trying to make a softer um you know S curve out of that right yeah I think option six seems to be about the only viable one there I don't think sidewalks on both sides makes make sense and I mean the roads the other first four options the amount of yard that those people on the North side were going to be losing it's just I I don't think that's that's reasonable to pursue so I mean I think option six the one way and park one side Sidewalk on the North side and then yeah exploring that intersection is is worth looking at some options there yet in my opinion just to see what's what we can do there yeah and one of the things with that intersection down there too is when they do M Main Street that's going to affect how mind's design of that road could be too when we get to that point so we don't want to get too carried away as far as how we're going to take care of that bit just to have it all tore out again depends on how far over they come so um so basically from what I'm hearing we kind of got a consensus that we're going to go with option six and slide it over to the South yep yeah as far as draw us up that you can just kind of look at what we're planning and I'll come back to you with you know maybe a couple different options at the intersection so you can look at that and decide how you want to how you want to proceed on that but we'll um move move forward with the rest of it okay anybody else got any other comments no I just really appreciate you laying all that out Keith that really really helped to visualize all the options I think especially on you know when we were talking in here the one way was brought up is kind of I don't know know about that but when you actually then see it I think that was helpful for right for the residents y okay thank you thank you we move on to uh so we're just general consent we don't need consense I think we we provided direction to him all right thank you basically um move on to unfinished business closing on sou Industrial Park sale October so we had previously entered into a purchase agreement to sell lot one block 3 South sock Center Industrial Park this is the one where we had the stockpile of black dirt and Clay on that had all been removed as Ben had said uh the closing was set for Tuesday yesterday day Warren and I went to sign our papers and they got delayed a couple days because of getting their EIN number for their new business name so they hope to close do their signatures by the end of the week so we should have everything in hand for that so that one is our fourth of six Lots sold out there questions okay um no action need on that new business appeal of zoning administrator Hokinson okay so the Planning Commission at its October 8th meeting heard an appeal filed by Christopher and Christine Hokinson on a determination letter set by the sent by the zoning administrator and alleging that they brought fill onto property in the flood plane where such fill is prohibited zoning administrator based her determination on the female flood plane map which determines if a property is in the flood plane because the city adopted the flood plane ordinance that we must enforce its regulations the property in question is 77 Lakeshore Drive the property owner previously obtained a permit to replace an existing retaining wall with a new wall which has completed and that's not part of this situation uh however after completion of the wall wash sand was brought in to settlement to supplement the beach being bringing in sand is considered fill and prohibited in a flood plane the zon administrator's order directed the order to remove the excess sand and establish vegetation in those areas that order also imposed a fine the owner had the option to have an engineer make a determination if the flood plane information available to the city was accurate and if the engineer City found that the property was not in the flood plane then we would follow DNR shorelands which would allow a sand blanket which is 10 cubic yards which would do about 50 ft of the beach um the city is the regulatory Agency for the Shoreland ordinance from the ordinary High Watermark landward which is with from the edge of the ordinary High Watermark landward is the city from the ordinary lakew is this DNR so that's who the enforcement agency is for the Shoreland um the owner did not obtain that study instead they filed they appealed the flood plane determination of the zoning administrator to the board and requested to leave the sand in place the Planning Commission overturned the flood plane determination and Order of the zoning administrator waved the imposed fine allowed the field to remain on 105 ft of the property and ordered the southernly 25 ft to be restored with Native vegetation with a plan to be submitted by the city this was granted with the the condition that the DNR must also approve this action and we do look to the DNR for recommendations on on our action so if they're okay with they they agree with what we did then it's fine this does not mean anything in the lake is taken care of that's out of our venue that's the DNR that has to take care of that if they choose to do that so right now it's information only action of the Planning Commission was Final unless it's appealed to the city council it can be appealed to us by the owner for example if they didn't want to restore 25 ft or whatever then it could reverse the Planning Commission or if the DNR appeals that planning commission's uh action so right now we're kind of in a holding pattern waiting for that 30 days to happen for an appeal and then we'll see if nothing is appealed then it's final if something is appealed then it'll come back to you so it's a 30- day before and if nothing is done then it's just out it's just done okay with the ft restoration that the Planning Commission ordered okay is it I mean does the DNR generally overturn pieces like this or uh the DNR usually works with us on these situations as far as what can be done and can't be done and you know they're the Shoreland experts so they know more what they're talking about so we do look to them for advice and um sometimes they chime in and sometimes they don't I know they're aware of this site because there's four in a row and so of course it's on the radar they're the ones that gave us the pictures in the first place so what they decide is we haven't heard back from them yet so we'll let you know thank you any other questions comments as she said there was four in a row we got the other three coming so it's just a heads up with that we'll move on to our consent agenda we have schedule of claims unpaid claims of $130,000 9968 and September checks paid claims SL payroll of $47,552 61 we have a gambling application for exempt permit request from the sock Center archery boosters for a raffle on March 10th 2025 at the sock Center public school is there any questions about the consent calendar do I have a motion to approve the consent calendar as presented make a motion to approve motion by Shon second by Diane call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against informational items I have a couple informational items here the CBB did submit their third quarter profit and loss and balance sheet which I have attached for you um I think the balance sheet probably is not as informational for you as the profit and loss statement would be which shows their in and expense categories I don't know um if this is everything that you were looking for as a financial report I think there was some more uh questions or requests regarding like how is that used for promotional purposes or what how is it being used because you can break it down like what's advertising what's payroll but it doesn't really give you the indication of what types of promotional activities or what things were done to promote sock Center so that's the one one thing that I know noted on there as I provide you this report and we can provide feedback back to the CBB to see if there's something different or more that you're looking for in this report this is the first one that we have received since the meetings this spring uh with the CVB questions concerns and you can get back to me too after you look have the time to review to see what other other information you might want I was kind of curious what the uh zoom and other expenses were there's $47 there the what and other expenses the zoom and the other expens meetings like the phone system profit loss $47 total is just wondering what it was for well Zoom would be your cost to have zoom meetings you have to pay for that you know so what there other expenses is I don't know I can certainly ask Shon any insights being on the board I don't know if Joel and Shon expecting more or last year the on that negotiated it yep with it to me is very generic isn't telling us much didn't tell us anything we already knew yep so and and that is why I wanted you to bring the first report to you and get your feedback if there's something more detailed that you want to see that we can get back to them and request that for the next time around council's wishes give them feedback I just don't know how how our request of that fits into their current process like if there's um if it's not a requirement of their bylaws like the specifications of what's being asked is it within our rights to ask that the only concern is is is we're the ones that are the funnel for all the money that's coming in and we're the ones that are giving them the money we should at least be able to see what we're getting for the money we're given them we're the one collecting the tax we're doing all the administration yeah I I think kind of what we were looking for is what kind of promotions what kind of advertising right you just picked out those advertising and promotion sections and trying to break that down a little bit more yeah of seeing where the where the funds are being spent I mean the other things like payroll and postage is pretty obvious where that money went M and I think when your conversations earlier had to be like what is the return for this what are we what are we doing with that money yeah my I know I think we talked about this in our meetings too was having a little bit more detail on where it was advertised why it was chosen that type of stuff is is part of those conversations um I mean again this is the first report um from what they had I don't know if the year end would be a lot more detailed in some of those things too so it's it's a process of learning together here on some of this a little bit as well um again shanon I don't know as far as the meetings anything you can sh light on this stuff not I mean to some extent I mean we don't necessarily get into the granular detail of everything on there but we do see some examples I I mean yeah I I didn't know exactly what um else to have available I I had asked that question um as well and and while we were there didn't know there was something spe specific they wanted to bring or whatever and and they said well we sent the financial report and there it is so I I I don't know I I think that some of it might even be just utilizing the person in this position who is on their board to bring some of those components right especially when they're available well it's like one of the things that I look at is on the profit and loss printing okay there's no breakdown it doesn't tell us what they printed what it was used for did they print for sale signs for something or did they actually promote a business but then right underneath it it says promotion well it's one tenth of what was spent on printing well how can you spend $45 on promotion and spend $5,500 on PR without telling usen stuff yeah you know that's the reason why it's generic I mean one of the things we were talking about at our last meeting was um there were some sock Center maps that were being updated and talking about some of those components um just with some updated businesses there like these uh paper sheets that are available um I don't know does the city have the uh here somewhere or I I don't remember where she said they put you talking visitors guide uh nope not visitors guides there were like double-sided um essentially Maps I know that both both of the hotels had talked about having them available um and it was something that their guests use quite often to highlight businesses in different places like that so that was one of the components within some of these that we were talking about just updating some of the businesses on those and how about I'll just I'll just reach out to her and just ask her a few of these questions and try to answer your questions for you and then we can develop maybe that for the next report to have that kind of detail that you might be interested in yeah I think it too like even and I can invite her to come too to answer those questions that that um year end report that you're mentioning Joe I agree but we also don't get very specific on that so like in a quarter it'd be nice to know what events were held what brought people in how many people did it bring in you know just the whole point of the CDV okay good all right and then the general election 2024 yep that's our general election I keep putting in here every time because you know it's coming up on November 5th early person voting inperson early voting starts November 29th which includes that Saturday November 2nd and then of course election day um we're getting all set up up at the front office for that inperson election we have had a lot of interest I think that week we probably won't be doing much year about elections so um but yeah I encourage anybody that wants to get it out of the way prior to election day go ahead and come in on October 29th that full week we can take care of you then um some people are very firm that they want to vote on Election Day and we're happy to have them here that day as well it's just that we have a very long ballot two sides and so I know we can process them through a lot faster than they can vote and so the backup is going to come and we'll set up probably 20 25 voting boosts and they'll probably still have a backup for that so just informational okay and that's it any questions more about the informational otherwise that's the end of our agenda do I have a motion to adjourn make a motion to adjourn motion by Shon second by Diane call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I oppos motion carries five in favor none against meeting adjourned [Music]