##VIDEO ID:GvulvFkINGU## [Music] we'll call the meeting to order all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge of aliance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all roll call all members are present we will have the swearing in of our two new council members Scott and Brad okay I'd like you to stand and raise your right hand and repeat after me I state your name I do solemnly swear swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States support the Constitution of the United States and of the state of Minnesota state of Minnesota and the city code of sock Center and the city code code of soent and Faithfully discharge the duties of the office of city council and Faithfully discharge the duties of the office of City Council of the city of Sox center of the city of so Center in the county of Sterns the county of stern and the state of Minnesota and the state of Minnesota to the best of my judgment and ability to the best of my Jud and ability so help me God help me God good I'll have you sign the after the meeting welcome to the council thank you thank you okay with that done we have approval of the agenda we have two additions to tonight's agenda 7h approve the appointments and parkboard and 7i approve the seasonal appointment outdoor rink Civic Arena is there any other changes to the agenda I did uh give you an updated consent agenda with an update to the claims uh one and then also the fire service assessment calculations which was informational items okay just one question uh the original one had under our unfinished business the operations committee building Improvement this new one does not are we still reviewing that uh we're still going to we're still going to do that we were waiting till after this meeting to find out who the committee was okay any other questions or changes do I have a motion to approve the agenda with those changes motion to approve motion by Joel do I have a second no second second by Heidi call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against approved of the minutes of the December 18th 2024 regular meeting I'll receive them in your packet is there any questions changes or clarification needed within those minutes hearing nothing do I have a motion to approve the minutes motion to approve motion by Heidi do I have a second second second by Joel call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I I opposed extensions I motion carries four in favor none against one exstension this now brings us to our public open forum is there anyone that would like to speak to the council is there anyone here that would like to speak to the councel call a third time is there anyone that would like to speak to the councel hearing no one our public open forum is now closed we have no public hearings we have no reports and presentations we move right into our action item 7A resolution 2025-the so every calendar year the city council must conduct an annual meeting the first regular meeting of the year is considered sock Center's annual meeting at this annual meeting we must adopt Rules of Order and at a minimum appoint the official newspaper the acting mayor and the depository the first action of the council for the year is to adopt the rules of order for the conduct of the meeting I do have the resolution in the packet which outlines the rules adopted in previous years if we desire to make any changes you should recommend them at this time there was one one thing that we informally discussed uh when Shon Wilber was here was it was perhaps putting something on the agenda for Community organizations to come before the council to report on those activities you know if you wish to have a formal agenda item this is the time to add it if not as an alternative they always have the opportunity to address Us in open Forum so this would be the opportunity if you want to formally put a line item on the agenda uh probably next to public open Forum where Community organizations could come in and uh discuss their activities or their mission that type of thing so that's what I have so if there are no changes it'll be resolution 20251 adopting Rules of Order unless you see some changes that you'd like to have I have a question Vicki um if somebody chooses to come in from a various group could they not just contact you and be asked to be put on the agenda and then as long as it's out in the agenda prior to the meeting rather than being a line item where we're going to look or discuss it at every meeting what I have done before if somebody's going to come and they want to address the council I'll put them in open form but I'll actually list them on there and then we'll ask the council to wave the three minutes for them because they were on the agenda ahead of time we can do it that way too so so various groups do have options to come to okay I think when when Shon was here he wanted it maybe a little bit more formal than that just so that people community organizations knew that they were welcome to come or to be invited I think he was looking for more of us inviting them to come and that might be something that we'd be able to just send out a notice to every every organization in town and just say hey you're welcome to come speak to us tell us what's going on and we we have a spot time spot for you rather than make it a formal one yeah yeah I think we can communicate with people effectively to right yeah any other comments questions not do I have a motion to approve resolution 202 5-01 adopting The Rules of Order so Move Motion by Brad do I have a second I'll second second by Heidi call the question all those in favor signify with saying I I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against resolution 2025-the boards commissions and annual appointments I did circulate the the resolution amongst all all the incoming council members informing him of the various positions gave them the opportunity to request appointments to the mayor uh he has he will now make his recommendations to who is going to on each of those boards and committees and then of course the city council has to approve or deny that recommendation I'll just let Warren go ahead and list out who he has on the agenda or on the resolution okay um for 2025 acting mayor I'm leaving that as Heidi's position um engineer would be stantech City in attorney would still be pton our medical director would still be Dr Mary Thomas the HRA board liaison will now be Scott um Park Board would be Scot Scott uh Planning Commission I will take that again Eda both Heidi and Joel will remain on the Eda um senior senator liaison will be Brad airport commission will be myself CVB board will be Brad policy and planning committee will be Brad and myself um operations committee will be Scott and myself person finance committee will remain Joel and Heidi the official newspaper is soer heral depositories would be Minnesota National Bank First State Bank magnify the 4M fund multibank Securities and Bremer Bank official signatories will be Vicky Willer jacqulyn kirkoff and myself fire chief Jeff Broman Shankle first assistant Ben clink second assistant Adam morritz secretary treasurer Nick Sunderman and training safety officer will be Weston wander some of the place people boards or committees that I put I left the same was because we've got a lot of things in motion and working on and nothing against Scott or Brad it's easier just to keep that continuity going for right now until you get caught up to speed on what going on so is there any questions or is anybody unhappy with where I suggested you go or all right nothing on those appointments I just point out on the Fire Chiefs and assistants and stuff our department will have our elections next week Tuesday so that hasn't been held yet from our department side these were the officers for 2024 that change so potential I mean it could be the same okay um but I would just mention that as sure if we got to address that nope that's fine it's good to point that out anyone else have any comments okay if at any point in time things don't work out or whatever we can always move things around this isn't set in stone for the whole year it can be so whenever Joe wants to take over Planning Commission we [Laughter] can okay with that do I have a motion to approve resolution 20 25-2 approving the annual appointments I'll make the motion motion by Joel do I have a second I'll second second by Heidi call the question all those in favor signify by say and I I I opposed extensions motion carries five in favor none against 7 C resolution 20253 authorizing Bond reimbursement Provisions so because the city is currently anticipating proceeding with the street Improvement project which is birch and Pine and also the building Improvement project which has to do with the arena and the City Hall roofs and that that project uh we're we're looking to excuse me because we're looking to do those projects uh we need to uh and we want to issue bonds and we want to reimburse ourselves with costs incurred prior to the issuance we must declare our intent to do so to comply with IRS regulations the attached resolution sets forth the procedures relating to compliance with the IRS regulations the estimate for the bond for the building improvements is 1 million and for the street Improvement is 5.5 million the bond for the street Improvement is for the city share of the project and also for the amount to be specially assessed to the property owners which will be paid for by those assessments but of course we have to front the money so the reason that we have to do this is because otherwise it becomes taxable and we sell these bonds as tax-free bonds so we're looking to approve resolution 20233 establishing procedures relating to compliance with reimbursement Bond regulations under the Internal Revenue code questions concerns everybody understand what we're doing with this okay do I have a motion to approve resolution all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed extensions motion carries five in favor none against 7D approve resolution 2025-the so this is the application for the 32 off sale liquor license and then the $100 transfer of liquor license fee and this is for the truck St uh the new owners will be taking that over on I believe January 15th that's the day this would go into effect and the city council needs to approve that uh transfer prior to it being submitted to the state so we're looking to approve resolution 2025 5-04 approving the application of SX Center Travel Plaza for the transfer of the 32 off sale liquor license questions concerns they had an offsale liquor license prior yes this is just transferring the existing license to the new owner okay any other questions do I have a motion to approve resolution 2025 d04 motion to approve motion by Joel do I have a second second second by Brad call the question all those in favor signify by saying I opposed motion carries five in favor none against 7e approv the cigarette license this is also for the the truck stop or the travel plaza this is for an application to sell cigarettes a cigarette license don't transfer you just have to buy a new license so that's what they're doing and we're requesting to approve the request for the cigarette license to Sock Center Travel Plaza doing business as Travel Plaza I don't know the two name thing going there but and that is of course the truck stop okay any questions or concerns do I have a motion to approve that request I'll move motion by Brad do I have a second I'll second second by Heidi call a question all those in favor signify by saying I I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against 7f employee advancement acknowledgement according to the lab labor agreement with Teamsters Local 320 the following Public Works employees will advance to the next step Mike freeler to step two on January 23rd and Ryan bstrm to step three on February 6th in addition the following non-union employee will advance to The Next Step which is Step seven that's the top step for the non-union and that is June Messer on February 1st so we're just looking for the acknowledgement of these advancements of the employees would you like a motion or just general consensus a motion okay do I have a motion to acknowledge those advancements motion to approve motion by I have a second I'll second second by Joel any discussion call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I I oppos motion carries five in favor none against 7g resolution 2025-the cles for emergency 911 purposes and also so that they can apply for natural gas so the owner of the parcel has requested that the north south north north south private Access Road adjacent to Minnesota National Bank be assigned the name Murray Lane in addition there will be an East West private roadway that will access the parcel from the Walmart parking lot via the public easement along the north side of the lot the requested Road name for that roadway is tractor Trail neither of these names is currently being used in the Sterns County grid the city Council can by resolution establish these names is recommended that the tractor Trail name be contingent upon approval of the lot split and the Tractor Supply closing on the lot purchase so what we're looking to do tonight is just to approve the resolution establishing those Road names so that they can be uh populated in the 911 system questions comments everyone knows whether this is located mhm okay do I have a motion to approve resolution 2025 d 05 motion to approve motion by Heidi do I have a second second second by Joel call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against 7h approve appointment to Park Board uh according to our city code the park board shall consist of five members appointed by the city council for two your terms the terms of Alexandra Evenson and Barry Johnson expired on on December 31st and we have two people that have submitted nominations Jamie cample and Brandon Schindler so we're looking to approve the appointment of Jamie cangle and Brandon Schindler to the park board for two-year term effective January 2nd 2025 and expiring December 31st 2026 questions comments do I have a motion to approve the appointment of Jamie and Brandon make theot can't talk tonight I'll make that motion okay motion by Heidi do I have a second second second by Scott call the question all those in favor signify by saying I opposed motion carries five in favor none against and I think they first meeting will be next week Tuesday Tuesday yeah that'll be yours too okay approved seasonal appointment outdoor rink Civic Arena so Public Works supervisor Ben clink has submitted a candidate for appointment as a winter seasonal employee to work at the outdoor rink and Civic Arena he's requesting that Kent Christian be appointed that a part-time Seasonal effective immediately at step five so that is our action requested is to approve Kent Christian as a winter seasonal position uh at step five and this of course is contingent on the background questions concerns do I have a motion to approve Ken christien so motion by Brad do I have a second I'll second second by haii call the question all those in favor signify by say and I opposed motion carries five in favor none against we have no unfinished business we have no new business we then will move on to our consent agenda the updated one we have unpaid claims of 1,447 $1,795 paid claims as of December 31st $29 for a total of $1,447 18249 we have resolution number 2025-the $40,000 from the sock Center fire department relief Association to be allocated to the fire department $500 from Community connections to be allocated to the fire department $500 from Community connections be allocated to the ambulance department $500 from Community connections to be allocated to the police department and $5,000 from Community Connection to be allocated to the park Department JC Park and on on behalf of the city and the council we want to thank those groups for their contributions gambling application for exempt permit requests from the Holy Family School for a raffle on March 2nd 2025 at Holy Family School is there any questions or concerns about the consent calendar as presented hearing nothing do I have a motion to approve the consent calendar motion to approve motion by Heidi do we have a second I'll second second by Brad call the question all those in favor signify by say and I I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against informational items just have a couple informational items your spectrum channel lineup changes of course that we get quite regularly and also the fire service assessment calculations went out to all the different departments so they have an advance of their January meeting you can see there has been an increase of $266,000 of which half of that is the city's portion and the other half is distributed out uh that is mainly uh expenses due to uh the added new firemen for their turnout gear and the education and everything that they need get established and in addition to that we are getting quite a few more calls and so we're paying out more wages as they respond to those calls but if you have any questions um we have the full packet that I can send out to everybody too if you're interested in um how many calls they gained and lost absent that the fire chief will be to here to give his annual report in an upcoming meeting okay that's all I have any questions on either one of those two items that brings us to the end of our agenda do I have a motion to adjourn too early never motion to joury I'll second whoever he made the motion to adjourn Scott seconded it call the question all those in favor signify by saying I oppose motion carries five in favor none against meeting adjourned [Music]