##VIDEO ID:HcGIEirb9o4## [Music] call the meeting to order all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all roll call Joe is absent tonight approval of the agenda is there any changes to the agenda no council have any okay do I have a motion to approve the agenda with no changes motion to approve motion by Heidi second second by Shon call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I oppos motion carries four in favor none against approval of the minutes you have a copy of the September 4th 2024 regular meeting and the September 11th 2024 special meeting is there any changes or Corrections needed in either one of those sets of minutes hearing nothing do I have a motion to approve both sets of minutes motion to approve motion by by Diane do I have a second I'll second second by shelling call a question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries four in favor none against this now brings us to our public open forum is there anyone here that would like to speak to the council is there anyone that would like to speak to the council call a third time is there anyone that would like to speak to the council our public open forum is now closed we have no public hearings we'll move on to reports and presentations public works department Ben good evening Mary Council this past month the storm sewer line that was hit from a boring rig that we discussed last month that has been repaired so that's good to go again grav a CA sacks we put new class 5 down and Grading those in preparation for winter uh we currently have two of our trucks on minbid for the auction they're set to close this Friday plow trucks are all going through the shop now receiving their annual maintenance and DOT inspections will be done in the first part of October we did have one plow that had to be repaired so that's completed and ready to go doing some sprinkler repairs around the fitness Park in JC Park we poured a new sidewalk at the fish cleaning station from the building down to the parking lot put uh the concrete and multi-unit mailbox up for author's Edition ported concrete dumpster Mr pad at the campground we put in new seven new trees along Park Road tree inspections took place in August so we're doing followup follow-ups now and working with the homeowners that have any questions or need uh more information on getting those trees down several trees had to be taken down from city property we did some on Second Street North and in two of our Parks stumps are ground and everything is cleaned up we did close down the splash pad for the season everything's been blown out in winter eyes so that's ready for next year Arena we installed all the boards and glass uh these are being cleaned prior to the ice going in in mid October we've got some advertising signs that we received and those have been installed so any questions questions um I Know Chief Jensen had talked to you about painting one block or one parking spot to open up that intersection by bir and yep is that something you plan on doing this year or yeah we're going to meet over there and mark off how far back back exactly to go so we get the right spots and line of sight opened up yep okay he had requested that because it's pretty tight when cars are parking too close to that intersection it's really hard to see anybody that wants to cross the street bir and Sinclair Louis St Clair Burch and St Clair Louis by Holy Family School so paint that back one more parking spot yep on both sides of the street get that opened up a little bit and then we're looking at Ash Street too and Ash Street going around the corner yeah yeah good idea pain that so okay that's the only thing I have anybody else okay thank you thanks city engineer update all right Rel leave the mayor and Council uh few things on the list here author's Edition the only thing there was if you recall there was some issues with the hydrants I had plugs in them those have been removed and everything's been uh is in the process of being restored so there's a little bit side rock that be replaced and uh I think there's just a little clean up and receding along one Edge but other than that everything's been done on on that project so that should be behind us uh the truck stop storm sewer project um is basically done we are just getting the final pay app and and all of the proper forms and whatnot to close that one out so that one is was down there looks like grass is growing pretty well and things look uh things look okay down there so that's that one should be done here shortly 2025 project project um you know not A lot's happened since since last week I can say I was out there there was some comments about um uh the sidewalk and what kind of shape those are and I drove that tonight looked around in some detail and I I don't think there's a lot that's um that's real good out there but there are a few segments that we might see if we could try and Salvage if the project does move forward and plans ins specs but it's it's not a good it's not a great deal of that which is out there most of is is in kind pretty rough shape still so um other than that there's a street which I think the intention is to talk about that at the at the action item time but um that's about all I probably have for that one at the moment any questions of you had mentioned uh working to get the the hydrants covered under warranty was that successful or yeah at this stage there there was a request from the contractor to split some costs and like have us pay a third of the costs um and I've told them that that's not something that I'm interested in so we'll U we'll see if they if they come back with anything but I I don't see any reason that the city should be uh responsible for that you know any any percentage of of that that cost good deal okay any other questions on the new industrial parks on that lot that's straight South where the truck wash is yes of the truck stop mhm I seen today they were dumping black dirt all the way around the outside edge kind of forming that up is there a situation where mind's going to start slapping hands because there's no silt fence it could be I wasn't aware that those things are going on down there but I could take a look on the way out of town and just look what's going on we could send them a letter to say you know they it's their responsibility to deal with erosion control I mean we can uh Poli that a little bit um make sure if they're not doing something let them be aware that's that they need to make sure that that is protected from erosion that's something that they should have a watershed permit as well that would would require them to have those things as well yeah the one look like the people that are hauling that pile of dirt away they're the bringing the black dirt from there and they're using the side dumps which I don't have a problem how they do it but they're dumping it at the top edge of the ditch right next to where their parking or their driveway is and there's no fence underneath it and I can see if we get any moisture at all it's going to wash into the bottom of that ditch yeah we certainly don't want that hopefully if we get out of here well it's still light I'll run down there and take a look okay and I didn't know if you knew about it or not but I wanted I was not aware of that I wanted to bring that up so okay okay thank you thank you 6C airport board so the airport board met today in a rescheduled meeting at at 1:00 we did also receive the Public Works report as it relates to the airport itself uh they are have ongoing discussions on the land acquisition project that we've been working on there have been conversations between the parties and other meeting tomorrow at 10 o'clock so we're hoping to get this moving forward and to get it resolved uh we did receive information that neither the FAA or menot Aeronautics will participate in funding to relocate the AAS which is the automated weather observation system uh that is is located out on the airport and the new FAA guidelines state that you can't do any construction within 500 ft of the AAS which most of our airport is within so we need to relocate it uh we are we are looking uh or requesting specs for the foundation for the awas to see if we can proceed absent any grant funding for that so we would we would have to absorb the cost of relocating that so that um we can uh request grant funding for future projects and also they uh looked at a capital Improvement plan we have three main projects going forward one would be to relocate that AAS uh the other one would be to finalize the land purchase and the third is to construct the 80 by 80 box hanger so this would be a bigger hanger like like four Central planes type of a hanger to to operate out of uh the benefit of moving forward with that now is that we have the opportunity for 97 a half% of funding from the other governmental agencies so I mean it would it would be us to move forward at 2 and a half% of the project cost if we're able to be successful with that so that's the three things that the airport is looking at we don't have any action items for you tonight questions concerns okay and we will move on to action items 7A approve resolution 2024762327 could review the comments that were made by the public at that meeting the next steps for the project are would be number one order the Improvement I do have that resolution in your packet for Action tonight then there would be periodic design approvals and recommendations because ordering the approvement will tell the city engineer to go out and finalize design so there' be periodic periodic approvals and recommendations uh following that probably in January we would approve the design and advertise for bids open the bids following that then review and accept bids then we enter into contracts and then the project ensues then during the project then we have the bonding period the public hearing on assessments and then the certification of those assessments so and then project finalization so that's 11 steps yet to take to finalize this project as but the next one is the resolution ordering the Improvement and then also I have one additional thing that I put on there because it's probably going to be the item that may take the most discussion and that has to do with eth street that was the item on September 11th that seemed to Garner the most conversation I did put several options for the design of 8ighth Street South on there everywhere from a full width Street the sidewalks on both sides to reconstruct in the current configuration and anywhere in between um I did provide you tonight a copy of those same options but the city engineer put footage on there so like the full width Street and sidewalks on both sides we need 47 ft you know for a full width with sidewalk on one side we need 42 ft to reduce the street width and have parking on one side but still have sidewalks 43 foot uh to reduce the the width the parking to one side so we only have parking on one side and a sidewalk on one side we can go down to 38 ft if we have a one-way street with sidewalks it's 2 27 ft to reduce the one-way street with parking and sidewalk on only one side it's 26 ft there was also questions about terminating Main Street and installing a CLD sa and I think there's still Road wide ISS Road rway issues with that and it may not be able to be done and then reconstructing the current con configuration with no sidewalks you know we have 25 ft Pine to Birch 28 Birch to Ash and 35 to main so we have all kinds of different sizes in there and then there was straight in the intersection onto Main Street by the trail was a request but we really can't do that because of the uh structural abutment of the bridge so I think there's a few here that you could consider U if we do the full width street with sidewalks on both sides down to one side or the one way or the one so they have several options that you can look at that you could have some some discussion at this time you maybe ask the city engineer uh what he thinks his recommendation might be given the configuration it's not just the width it's the way the houses are situated how close they are to the roadway and their driveways and and all of those things factor into it I did put the option on there that we could actually have a meeting where this is all we talk about and we could actually uh reconvene out on site we could walk the street you know that's an option that you could do we'd want to do that sooner rather than later and that's why I brought this up tonight because of the weather situation um so there's each that too or you could go out there individually um I don't know how you want to proceed with that I just wanted to start that Eighth Street conversation earlier rather than later and it's not going to impede your ability to order the Improvement tonight it's just to start this conversation on 8th Street questions looks like Keith has something to Keith go ahead I just one clarification that is on the widths that were provided those are kind of minimum meaning it's kind of edge Improvement to edge of improvement meaning if there's sidewalk it would be Edge walk to edgewalk minimum suggesting the sidewalk would be basically right behind the curb if we want to have any Bullard it would be wider than that so you know if there's sidewalk one side it's back a curb one side the back walk the other side so those are minimums minimum amounts with everything scrunched together essentially okay Council have any questions um basically looking at the configuration with no sidewalks right now we got 25t wide street from Pine to Birch and even if we did reduce it to a one-way street with sidewalk on both sides we need 27 where's that extra you know are we is it doable to do 20 in a 25t or we're going to be buying property or cuz I know the property lines are right behind the curb mhm basically from from Birch to kind of where it angles as you head West towards Maine there's 33 fet of RightWay in there it gets wider after the angle because we got more right away there and when we go east of birch um there is I think it's it's an odd number it's like 53 feet or something right away um east of east of birch but there's only 33 ft the unfortunately the subdivision that is where the pond is at South of a street for whatever reason it was 1895 long long time ago whatever 30 years ago they did not provide rightaway on that on that plat so um so we don't have it so if we need to go more we would end up having to buy right away buy permanent easement that kind of thing through there in order to do to do that um you know so we have 33 ft at this point so without buying right away we'd have whatever fits in 33 ft is all we could do through there would the it the discussion be for sidewalk from Main Street all the way up to the next connecting side walk I think that's on the Block between B Birch and Ash sorry say that one more time would you be considering full length from Main Street for sidewalk all the way up 8th Street till the sidewalk starts again on I believe it's yes I mean I would like to see is at least consider sidewalk on one side um so that we have that pedestrian throughfare going through there U that would be ideal situation if we just feel we can't do that obviously that's a decision you can make but from my perspective trying to get not only uh vehicle traffic but also pedestrian traffic a sidewalk at least on one side would be certainly what would be desirable through there but it's realizing we've got challenges no question going through that through that area so um but there's doables um some of these you know I have to look at if we have an urban section you know it's a little more difficult you even if it's a one way we have to make sure that we have the ability if there's a stalled car that someone can get around them so essentially it becomes it still kind of becomes a narrow two-way if you will because you got to have it wide enough so that one car can be against the curb another car can get around them so we have to think about those kinds of things um you know and it's two-way with you know if it's two-way in one parking Lane then it's sort of a little more like ash in a way where we've got two full driving Lanes I looked at 11t driving driving Lanes which is kind of about as minimum as we would like to do that's kind of what we have with 11t when it's against a curb yet there's 2et extra you have to do so essentially against a curb it'd be 13 ft and then 11 ft and then a parking Lane that would be against the other curb so think about those kind of parameters as we think about I've looked at five foot sidewalks through there um so that's the the widths that I have are include five foot sidewalks one side or the other we can have sidewalk right against the curb we have it other other places in town um it's not as ideal from a snow removal perspective you know then can probably tell you there's some challenges with with that but um but it is it is doable to to go that route the only problem I see Keith is if you have the uh sidewalk right up against the curb then when they plow the streets they're plowing the snow right back onto the guy's sidewalk and then what's he going to do with it yep I mean that's part of the problem that no question that's why I mentioned that's part of a a maintenance issue whether the city comes back and does a little clean up to push that push that back a little bit otherwise because a lot of times especially those wet snows they get it once you get a little bit of heat and it gets moved all of a sudden freezes and then it becomes a bit of a challenge that direction so uh we did talk about having meetings with folks I mean one of the things that we could do is if there's certain options that you really don't don't want to consider then we can kind of push them off the table or at least table them for for now um and as we move forward we could actually then start developing layouts for some of the Alternatives so that when you have a public discussion we can show those and talk about those and what those might look like but it might be good if there's something that you know the council's just not going to get behind and couldn't support one two three of these options maybe we can scratch those off okay thank you I personally would like to go look at each of these options and visualize what it could what it could look at look like I don't think that would hinder us making um ordering the improvements tonight but when what would be the goal to have this portion of it figured out well we don't need we mostly more from a weather perspective we'd want to get you out there when it's still decent before the snow starts to fly um so as long as we could do it sometime in the next you know few weeks that would be that would be fine it's not going to hinder things moving forward if the council moves forward authorizing plans inspects it's not going to hinder anything moving forward there's plenty of other things to be done um but I we would want to get going on this so that we could figure that out but you know and we could even I would suggest it'd be nice if we could do some layouts of some things that we could look at we can then kind of visualize them out there in the field where they're at so if you actually did give us several weeks to kind of get that part started it would be easy I might even be able to go out there with the survey crew and sort of Mark some Stakes of kind of where this could be so you could actually see it I like I would personally like that but yeah I can see your point but I think there's some of these that aren't even the yeah I've already got a couple marked not yeah because we wouldn't be you know number nine wouldn't be on the table I wouldn't think cuz that's not feasible with Main Street MH um to reconstruct the con current configuration with no sidewalks that to me that's not an option I think we need a sidewalk at least on one side mhm um the call theck has got some value to it the only thing is you'll never get the call toac big enough to turn anything around down at the bottom especially a snow plow so we'd we wouldn't have room we'd be having to buy more property and then that runs you into up against the what the the underpass is yeah you know so I don't think that would be anything we'd be able to really look at and the oneway street I think that the flow of traffic already is heavy enough in certain times a day and for that neighborhood specifically it would be super hard adjustment not to say change isn't possible but I think we'd run into some issues people going wrong way for a while yeah it to me my my favorite of the whole thing is the one way going east going east going east with the side rock on the North side and then parking on one side see that's where I I I want to go out there again because I haven't been in the neighborhood for a few months to know what is the current parking situation what you know what houses are currently utilizing their parking on that street when parking's allowed and what would it look like to have a curb in addition to sidewalk on that side of the street you know where tree wallers have their house their house is there's not much wiggle room there at all and if that's going to be the side of the street which would make the most sense because it would connect to the neighborhood of kids walking and most of the walking traffic pedestrian traffic but the one thing is is if it's one way we can narrow the street down get the sidewalk in and still stay the way I picture it is stay away from that house or some of them houses and their driveways actually if they have a vehicle parked in it it's not going to be blocking That Sidewalk near is bad because we're narrowing that street by doing the one way so you then propos to narrow it from the north excuse me at this point in time you know I think only those options if you all by consensus say you know not this not this not this but if one or two of you is interested in exploring option I I don't see any reason that we need to eliminate those at this point those could be eliminated later on we could explore those a little bit further so I I don't think you need to be thinking about sort of final things but you know if there's a desire to see something we might as well explore it just a little bit more and take go to the next step but if there's maybe those bottom three if those are there's no way we're going to support any of that then let's just cross those off and move on yeah okay comment yeah I I was going to say I think I and with you especially on those bottom couple I I don't think that I don't think that those make the most sense but I I also when you start to get up to the High um footage there's a lot of those driveways that would cut those back quite a bit so I I don't right so if we say let's let's look at one through six what makes the most sense and go from there agreed I I think that's makes a lot of sense we can do that as a group you know group them and have that option in front of us what it's going to look like I don't you know engineering wise engineering wise they're going to be out there surveying a lot and that's just going to raise the bill but I don't right yeah right okay so General consensus we just kind of see the design of one through six yeah okay so go through that yeah okay and then the other part is we still need a motion to approve the resolution ordering the Improvement I will make that motion to order the Improvement okay we have a motion by Heidi do I have a second I'll second second by Shon any other discussion call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I oppos motion carries four in favor none against 7B approve appointment winter seasonal employees okay that's the time of the year where we appoint the winter seasonal employees uh we're looking at Clint ouse for the arena uh Dwayne wetco he kind of works mostly the arena but he'll help Sal plow snow if we need him to haul snow so that would be Arena or streets and parks Sarah linow she's the figure skating instructor and Dennis Christensen as the outdoor rink so these are all four returning longtime employees that we've been able to continue to bring them back and so we're looking to approve the appointment of the winter seasonal employees question questions concerns do I have a motion to approve the appointments I'll make the motion motion by Diane do I have a second I'll second second by Heidi call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries four in favor none against unfinished business 8A 2025 building Improvement project update just a couple items on the building project update um Ben has been working on fin the specifications for the updates or the proposal couple things we came up about is the insulation does not meet the commercial code on the flat with portions of of the buildings both City Hall and the arena so there'll be another inch of added insulation that's going to have to be included in this project uh another one is natural gas can be brought into City Hall the cost of bringing it in is about $700 and so this will give us the opportunity to bid a natural gas unit or an electric unit so the natural gas unit would save in utility cost so we'd like to to include that option as an option for bid and then also the ephas which is the exterior insulation and finish or it's not really stuckle it's ephas but on the south side of City Hall it's if you see above the fire hall there it's kind of peeling away and so we want to address that not not probably part of this project but something you should be thinking about as we look at at the building maintenance and that is starting to show a little bit more and we probably should address that sooner rather than later uh this is just information only uh we'll be coming back at one of a future meetings to actually approve this specifications so that we can uh get this out to bid okay any questions on those any idea how much the insulation will affect the bottom line or no of the total project like we had a square foot yeah it's about square foot so fig 10,000 on this building and then it' probably be 25,000 on the arena thank you okay thank you any other questions that was for information only we will move on to 8B easement request over wastewater treatment plant property so the policy committee uh they were tasked with addressing the request for an easement over the wastewater treatment plant property the committee met with the property owner for clarification of exactly what he was asking for the owner wishes to utilize the property for recreational use mainly for four-wheeling for his children and also for access to the billboard he also offered to sell the property to the city for the tax value which is currently about $43,000 we're re we reached out to the county to determine if that value includes the billboard because the owner wishes to retain the billboard rights and also we want we're going to ask the public utility to weigh in on being a potential purchaser of that property so we're going to be setting another meeting with the owner after we hear a response from the county and we have talk with the public utility so we continue to move forward on that request for the easement um there's some thought that you know if the city controlled that land then we don't have to worry about people crossing the wastewater treatment plant property um in the future um there's also if we ever expand will we even expand that way to the South so that's kind of the conversation the public utility will have to have and uh we'll come back with more information at another meeting questions concerns I guess the only comment I would add is that what he had said at the conversation we had was that he realistically he's just trying to clean up some property that they own and and he couldn't do the purchase without having some sort of access to the property so he was open to any option so it seemed like we could potentially get something figured out one way or another so and it's one thing is next to our wastewater treatment plants so we've got some issues with security and stuff like that you know so we got have to have some type of control on who's crossing city property and going past that plan yeah so that's the reason why we're still in discussions so new business rental license notices we have a a couple items uh the city's in the second year of the residential rental licensing program however there's still a few rental properties that have not finalized their 2023 licenses or their initial licenses uh they've either not applied refuse to apply or slow in making Necessary improvements we've declared some units uh not fit for human habitation that's actually given us good results um the one we were working with a landlord and it the property was in in disrepair and he was actually Pro us placarding the building so then now he is now in the process of making that another one uh when we placarded it they was it got very good results they were in within the week doing all the necessary repairs so it's not necessarily a bad thing sometimes we're actually helping the landlord by doing that um so anyway the because of those units we've had for uh not fit for human habitation the remaining units are being turned over to the City attorney it's either for an administrative warrant for access to inspect the unit or for an order to order to vacate the unit by the tenant so that those those final three landlords is kind of in that in that area where we're trying to get an administrative warrant to conduct the inspection and so then there's another one final one that's in the process that the landlord has to come back in front of the city council to get their license issued so there's a couple different uh aspects of the code that we have utilized so we're down to like our final three landlords and then in 2024 people have already been renewing so that process has been working real good and we have been doing the every other year inspection so we're trying to get everybody on the ode inspections so the ones that we did have to do in 2024 that were for 20 23 I probably have to likely do it again in 2025 to get in that rotation that's kind of what our plan is so we will uh get an annual report from the inspector at a future meeting and that'll be more like um how many that have been licensed and also will'll probably likely get some information on what's the most common type of thing that he's found uh in his inspections and just kind of get a good handle on it now that we've been through a whole cycle and uh actually had a lot more positives than negatives that I've heard so was kind of surprising to me but that's kind of where we're at right now okay questions on that and some of these when it mentions like a landlord or whatever is it multiple Properties or is it just um one unit that is being referen we have one of the three one has multiple properties and then two of them just have single units okay so so when we go to the City attorney for the administrative warrant or an order to vacate the unit by the tenants how much time now that we you've given us this report it depends on it depends on the judge really I mean because he has to file with the court and then the judge has to review it and and make a decision on granting it so the City attorney could send it to the court and then it'll get it'll get slotted in Fright of probably an administrative called administrative hearing with the judge and they'll review it and either approve it or deny it or give a time frame so we're kind of at the mercy of the court system for that once he gets it filed with the court I talked to him um the other day about how long it's going to take to get these warrants processed and he said that it's it's pretty much a boilerplate process so it shouldn't take him too long to get that done okay all right any other questions on that I guess the only other thing I'd follow up with is in the one that has multiple units or multiple rental like have they led us into other r or just we have been yeah one of one of the buildings we have been in and gone through and working that one through and um the other ones it's not NE it's it's kind of like you keep saying well I I'm not ready yet or I haven't got everything done yet so it's like we don't want to waste anybody's Time by going in there just for multiple trips when we know it's not ready right I just didn't know if it affected their rental license overall in the city or just on one uh unit or how that worked so if you get an apartment building that has multiple units we inspect every individual unit right okay oh it's an apartment building I didn't know I didn't know if somebody had like several properties or something a couple different properties and each property has multiple units on it okay and he and we haven't been into any of the properties we've been into some of them but we haven't issued any licenses for any of them got it that makes sense okay thank you the main thing is we got to bring it to a head eventually right because these people these three have been doing this for two years now and haven't had to do anything and they don't have a license but they're still collecting rent right and I know it look it's not good to say but it really looks bad on us as a Cil because we're not pushing this issue that's the reason why I asked the question how long much longer we going to wait before we just drop the hammer and be done with it yep um with that uh winter parking regulations just remind you that the winter parking regulations will be here beginning December 1st and that was the December 1st to March 31st no parking on the city streets that's a c the current ordinance that is in effect but we do have one request uh First Street South along the Old Mill that block right there the owner has requested if the city would consider exempting them from that and then they would maintain it so I said I would address it to the city council if you want to send it to committee or if you want to council address it as a whole I just wanted to bring it up before winter gets here so I don't know if you want to send that to a committee if you want to have a discussion at this point in time if we want to bring the land owner in and have the discussion with him or how you want to proceed with that I think it could go along with C where the policy committee kind of discusses both at the same time but um my initial knee-jerk is that this kind of opens a can of worm so we have to be a little treacherous with I was going to say the same approach that one yeah so you saying the policy committee yeah that's my opinion your operations [Music] or so I don't know because operations basically would cover you know the snow removal and stuff like that how with how the city operates but we've got the policy in place yeah I'm just wondering if that would affect anything within the ordinance if we'd right I don't know and I don't want to get into that right good old boy system where it's well he knows this guy so he got to do this exactly you know I don't want to get into that either M um operations make sense if that's the you know the policies in in place already mhm yeah okay and that also is one of our troublemakers on rental so I don't know if I really want to work too much with them okay um I I think my gut reaction was kind of where Heidi was initially as well is I that opens up a can of worms as much as as much as I wasn't in favor of the Winter Street parking regulations I I don't think letting one apartment do the cleaning or I I don't know are there any other options for them for parking over there or our our problem that we've had with that is then we uh the public utility allows them to park uh down by one of their buildings down the block like a block down and then it gets all tore up and it's always a mud Meer in the spring and the tenants are like walking um at night down the block and it's it kind of became that kind of an issue it was either safety of their int safety of their tenants I guess called them employees I think but the safety of their tenants that they were concerned about and and so he said he would he would take on the responsibility of clearing it if we would allow that that's up to you you might want to look at that and you might want to see if there's other areas in the city that are comparable that could open a can of worms right so that's what I'm afraid of I think it would open a can of worms I wouldn't want to do that okay so request General consensus goes to operations fine okay nuisance violation abatement procedures so I've had uh several of you and and other people asking what are our procedures when it comes to uh abating nuisance violations and so that's another suggestion that I have you know maybe you want to review the policy that we have you might want to R review the city code that we have in place and uh make some recommendations if you think it's time for a change or you can the other option is to send it to the Planning Commission for review uh because this kind of falls under them not every piece of it does but most of it does fall under them so uh you could look at look at that or you could send it to back to your committee to to say we want to we want to review the procedures and make sure we have the most up to-date uh policy in in effect personally I I would personally I would like to see it come to the policy Committee just to look at a couple things um I just even seeing some of the places where um people are still having issues around the um city and knowing that I mean maybe maybe I could have done a little bit more asking certain questions um along the way as well uh I just I feel like that's maybe one piece where I've personally misstepped in the process is not pushing um harder asking on some of those things so I would like to have the opportunity to um work on the policy committee and just look at it and maybe make some suggestions before um before too long because I mean a lot of a lot of people who shouldn't have waited as long as they have are waiting so I think we should do something sooner rather than later that's my two cents okay any policy I I think policy should look at it I'm good with that you're okay with that and main thing is is you know everybody knows nuisances but we're it's not actually just all just properties that are being the nuisance we're getting it spilling out into the streets we got there for a while we had a pick up with all four flat tires we had we got other stuff parked in the street parked on boulevards everything plugged in mhm blocking sidewalks everything else what's the definition of nuisance and how far are we going to let this go yeah um city code says no parking on a street more than 48 hours and one period without being moved obviously when you start setting orange cones by your mess out into the street you're haven't moved it in 48 hours so I definitely agree with going with the policy and if we need to we're going to start yeah putting the police department and planning MH on this with a little more teeth mhm y so and I think one of the decisions that you need to consider or talk about is you know that we've always been under the dire by the council the policy is we are complaint-based for nuisances you know if you want us to become more actively proactive out seeking out nuisance violations that's different than responding to nuisance complaints so that's a policy of the city council that you need to determine of how you want us to apply the code so something else that you should talk about a question I would also have is I mean I think um our City attorney I mean does it he's not combing through our policies and looking at pieces but I mean it might be a benefit to at least see if Nick has suggestions on components that he knows works or maybe within the firm there are other cities that they know of that say Hey this works really well here's a suggestion that might apply well to and we have the City attorney does have our our nuisance code and he's actually drafted the letter that we do send out and then we fill in the areas that need to be addressed we'll we'll look at it these are the P pieces of the code that you're in violation of and this is what you need to correct it so that part of it you know that we can do it's that once you send that letter to gain that compliance that's the issue we can't go out there and make them do it we can't go out there and we can't go on their property and clean up we can't do some of those things and that is gaining that compliance once they receive the letter that's where we run into issues and so that's something that if someone has a magic um wand that can make people do that you know I think that's probably where we that's where we have the most issues so it kind of Falls in line with what I've been asking for for a couple years a code enforcement officer just to go around and start walk up to the front door hand them their ticket and say you have 30 days otherwise I'll be back and it's going to be more you know but it does I guess it doesn't work that way is what I've been told so so that would be going to the policy committee yes okay that brings us to our consent agenda we have schedule of claims unpaid claims of $29,995 a.50 uh paid claims was zero so the total would be the same as previous August checks paid claim SL payroll of 1, 47,9 6228 is there any questions about the consent calendar as presented do I have a motion to approve the consent calendar motion to approve motion by Diane do I have a second I'll second second by Heidi call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose motion carries four in favor none against informational items Mr couple items uh remember the general election is November 5th we just we approved the ballots I think last week uh the absentee ballot applications are currently being accepted they'll start mailing ballots out on September 20th inperson early voting starts here at City Hall on October 29th that's one week prior to the election it includes Saturday November 2nd so you can early vote any of those days here at City Hall and then of course election day is November 5th and then the other item I have is the Spectrum channel lineup uh changes is included for your review any questions on those information items that brings us to the end of our agenda do I have a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn motion by Shon I'll second second by Heidi call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries four in favor none against meeting adjourned [Music]