##VIDEO ID:MTG_ZmKNQZU## [Music] call the meeting to order all rise for the pledge of allegiance iedge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all call all members are present approval of the agenda do we have any changes I have one addition under unfinished bu about Street setting up meeting okay any questions okay any other changes Council okay do I have a motion to approve the agenda with that addition I'll make the motion to approve motion by Shon do I have a second second second by Joel call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against approval of the minutes of the September 18th 2024 regular meeting you all received them in your packet is there any changes or Corrections verification of what was done at that meeting hearing nothing do I have a motion to approve the minutes of the September 18th meeting motion to approve moot motion by Heidi second by Diane call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor one extension that's right you were gone four in favor none against one exstension this brings us to our public open forum is there anyone here that would like to speak to the council is there anyone that would like to speak to the council you want to speak oh he was just W waving okay call a third time call a third time is there anyone that would like to speak to the council okay our public open for is now closed we do have a public hearing tonight so we will recess the regular Council and convene into our public hearing we have one public hearing before us this evening in accordance with the official mailed and public notice in the matter of Assessments on delinquent utility and service Bill bills it is Our intention that everyone has the opportunity to be heard if you wish to speak please sign in on the signup sheet at the back of the room the procedure is as follows presentation by staff followed by questions of Staff then public input raise your hand when recognized by the mayor approach the podium and state your name and address for the record State your comments and position no one will be allowed to speak a second time until everyone has had a chance to be heard first we will hear questions for clarification second public in favor of the proposal third public speaking against the proposal after everyone who wishes to speak has had the opportunity to be heard the hearing will be closed after closure of the public hearing the council will deliberate and take action as appropriate members of the audience do not participate in the council's discussion unless a majority of the council concedes to hear additional information or questions the hearing is now in session Vicki so the city council at its September 4th regular meeting called for a hearing to be held tonight uh to consider the assessment of unpaid utility and service bills as you know Minnesota State Statute allows for the city to apply certain unpaid bills or service charges against property taxes I did provide a listing of the proposed Assessments in your packet I do have a change to that two have entered into Pro uh payment plans so we removed Morton and Young from the total taking the total down to $3,431 of that 13938 is for sidewalk Improvement $190 is for lot mowing $792 71 is for fire calls and 66656 is for a utility bill from the SX Center public utility so those are the totals of the 3,431 what will happen going forward is if the city council does approve this assessment then they would have till November 15th to come and pay it in full otherwise it will be certified to property taxes for collection beginning in May of 2020 25 each of those amounts each of those accounts does have included $100 administration fee that gets sent put on to that when we send them into the county do you have any questions for me questions comments okay Council doesn't have any uh does the audience have any questions or want to speak need clarification speak in favor or against is there anyone that needs clarification wants to speak in favor or against call a third time is there anyone that needs clarification speak in favor or against the action talked about seeing no one any F last minute comments from the council our public hearing is now closed we will now reconvene our regular council meeting reports and presentations Police Department uh good evening mayor and Council um plan catch up here with the uh report for the August numbers uh for the end of the summer um if you look at it uh a lot more of much of the same as far as our activity uh heavy- end traffic enforcement um weote over 40 speeding tickets in August um handful of the wireless device um citations along with other driving uh traffic stop issues um handful of people went to jail over the month for disorderly conducts fighting uh some different assaults uh but overall it was uh pretty smooth with the the fair in town and everything else if you look at the numbers uh 967 which is down B from July um but kind of right on par where we've been last how many years um looking at the overall you know I was looking back at the summer numbers we had a pretty good summer overall compared to years past it's the first year that I can remember from since working here we didn't have any major um vandalism rashes or burglaries or thefts one here or there but nothing like we've had in years past where we we get hammered with a bunch at one time so we had a really good summer that way just shows that our guys are out there conducting business like they need to be um another number I was looking at doesn't show in this report but our traffic crashes are down significantly if you look uh we didn't even have a public roadway crash in town in August most of our crashes right now are private property Walmart Coburn's parking lot crashes so that shows too that um the way we're conducting business is working um some people may see that as a little over aggressive but you find another town in Stern County right now that doesn't have a traffic accident in their town in the month of August with Highway 71 running through where we have thousands of cars coming through especially on a weekend so we're pretty proud of that uh so yeah overall the overall summer I can't be more happy the way things went for us still warm out Knock on Wood so I don't things don't turn South here the next few weeks but we're going good that way um earlier in September we did have the Juvenile Justice compliance coordinator come in to audit our department for the first time ever that went well um what that consisted of is the auditor came into our office and she had me walk through our juvenile how we'd handle juvenal delinquents or any temp care of uh of a juvenile um we passed the Flying Colors the only correction or not even a correction but um she just had me create a policy regarding the the way we do conduct our business a little bit so it's in writing so we're doing everything properly we just never really had a policy on it so I did create a policy it's now in our policy manual we're up to date on that so that that's good too um as far as some of our activity last few weeks we've been trying to get some of our fall training in we did our fall firearm shoot uh which is a nighttime shoot adverse weather shoots we got that that squared away a couple of the officers are going have gone to some uh different trainings the last couple weeks uh a pepper ball training course uh and some field sobriety refresher courses um and then there's been a bunch of uh guys going to I mentioned it in the past but come November 12th we're going live with our whole new record system our whole new mobile system in the car so we've been training on that sending guys to train the trainers on that that being said um what your reports are going to look like here in the next month or two I don't know I don't think it's going to be what you're used to and I don't think it's going to take us some time to figure out how this new reporting is going to go um so don't be surprised um October should be uh number should be about the same but we go live November 12th at 7:00 a.m. and that's a whole brand new record system so everything that we know as of now is going to be gone it's be brand new so that I'll keep you updated on that but that's it's going to be different any questions as far as any of that questions no good job Joe thank you thank you park board report so the park board met in regular session last night Tuesday October 2nd at 5:00 p.m they did receive their regular monthly reports uh they did discuss the installation of batting cages at Tower View Park with the baseball association and the school uh baseball program they also looked at proposed improvements to the ball fields including infield grass Spence's bleacher scoreboard this is a long-term plan uh but we're working with the baseball association on that as well they touched on the camper C cabin Proposal with the school potentially building the shells and then our crew finishing the insides uh they do recommend the city approved the placement of the freedom Rock that's an action on your agenda later tonight they approved the route and use of barricades and tables for the beer run for October Fest at the legion uh they discussed potential ideas for access to the river below the dam for fishing a lot of the Shor has grown up as we wanted it to do for Shoreland erosion control but now we need uh some way to access it better for fishing and then also uh Urban Forest ideas it's a a magazine article from the Minnesota conservation magazine that a a person on the lake has presented to the city for consideration of creating another Urban forest in a underutilized property so all of those are really items for future meetings for the park board with the uh exception of the recommendation of the placement of the freedom Rock which is on your agenda tonight questions comments okay Eda report uh the Eda met in regular session today Wednesday October 2nd uh they did uh discuss the Quick Trip proposal there are some layout changes due to setbacks and the separation requirements for their underground fuel tank from uh the municipal water main so we're kind of looking the building around and setting it in there a little differently than we originally thought uh we discussed it Tractor Supply timelines they're working on the utility extensions how the water sewer and electric will access Tractor Supply and other than that the building layout and all of those things have already been uh completed it's just a matter of now tying it all together uh the lot in South Industrial Park where the dirt was stockpiled that we have a purchase agreement on we are now scheduled to close on October 15th on that and then also we have a potential interest in one of the vacant industrial park lots and we're looking at that to determine it if the buyer qualifies based on the terms of our grant so that's all what the Eda talked about they have no action for you tonight questions concerns okay we'll move on to our action items 7A approve resolution 20247 certifying delinquent accounts so this resolution that I have in front of you is the action necessary to certify the delinquent accounts discussed during the public hearing and they'd be certified to taxes that will be sent in on November 15 2024 they'll have until that dat to pay in full without interest to avoid certification the total certification in front of you is $3,431 so we're looking to approve resolution 20247 approving the certification of delinquent accounts any last minute discussion otherwise I would look for a motion to approve resolution 20247 pretty sure I'm pretty sure I asked this at the last um time we talked about it all of these people have had at least one or two several notices on these okay like up to 10 okay okay I'll make the motion to you okay we have a motion by Diane to approve do I have a second I'll second second by shanon call the question all those in favor signify by cni I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against 7B proove EMT advancement so the following recommendation has been received from ambulance director stord she says she'd like to recommend Sarah Larson for promotion from probationary EMT to EMT B1 with the pay increase according to the city's pay policy effective immediately this will grant Sarah full Privileges and responsibilities of an EMT with the city of sock Center Ambulance Service while on probation Sarah's EMT skills have improved and she has well exceeded her patient contact required while on probation so er's recommendation is to approve the advancement of Sarah Larson to emtb level one effective October 1st 2024 questions comments do I have a motion to approve the advancement motion to approve motion by Joel do I have a second I'll second second by Heidi call a question all those in favor signify by saying I I I oppos motion carries five in favor none against 7 C accept Grant from comper Financial sock Center ambulance the sock Center ambulance department has been selected to receive a grant from comper Financial in the amount of $3,866 for public safety equipment for the Department uh stford applied for the grant which is part of their Community giving program uh we did receive this grant once for the fire department before so now this is the first time the ambulance department has received this grant so we're looking to accept this Grant from comper Financial for the sock Center ambulance and they'll be using that to be purchasing equipment for the ALS uh service okay any questions otherwise do I have a motion to accept motion by Diane to accept yep do I have a second second second by Joel call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against 7D approve resolution trucks so the city is now in possession of the park and Public Works vehicles that had been on order with John Weis Ford and Dan welli Southtown this included a Dodge 2500 and a Ford F350 with a dump box and plow the vehicles being replaced were advertised for sale with mid online auction with the following results for the 2002 Ford F250 pickup for the park Department we received $3,626 and for the 2002 Ford F350 pickup with the plow we received $88,000 so we're looking to approve resolution 202478 accepting the bids for these trucks questions concerns take it our new trucks will be here before these there no okay yeah all right I'll make a motion to accept we have a motion by Diane to accept do I second and second by Heidi call the question all those in favor signify by say and I I I opposed motion carries five in favor done against 7e approved resolution 2024 79 approving specifications and authorization authorizing advertisement for bids for building Improvement projects so at the council meeting on September 4th the council approved going forward with the development of specifications for potential build bid bid for building improvements for City Hall and Civic Arena this portion is for the membrane at the Civic Arena the membering roof at City Hall the shingled roof at City Hall and the rooftop air handling unit those items require the sealed bid we have some other additional items that aren part of this bid which would require the written quotes which are the doors and windows at the Civic Arena the makeup unit on the roof at the Civic Arena and possibly the flooring at City Hall so the plans and specifications and bid bid documents were completed with an expected bid opening of November 13th this would allow for an award of the bid at the December 4th coun meeting which would enable the city to get under contract and the W winner winning bidder to place orders for equipment since schedule for spring installation this would also allow time for necessary funding to complete the project so you do have all the specifications in there I have had some calls and questions for clarification uh and then if you approve those plans and specs we'd look to approve resolution 2024 79 approving those plans and specs and authorizing advertisement for bids questions comments anything that you want to discuss more on the specs and plans got to be done one way or the other yeah we wait it's going to cost us even more do we have a motion to approve resolution 202 24- 79 I was just going to say nope I I asked Vicki my questions earlier um is the typical aside from the questions that I asked is the typical warranty um of those two separate items the 40-year lifetime and the was it a 20e on the I have to scroll through again 40e on the rooftop exchange yeah the 40 years on asphalt shingle 40 years shingles 4ing 40 yearsing rubber membrane is 20 years that's typical that's just kind of standard uh the 40-year shingles are a little bit beefed up from we could have you know 20 30 40 or 50 and we went with the 40 we have 30 year on the roof right now and they are all cracked and crumbling and they're 20 years old so we went with the um the 40e shingle okay to bump it up to the 50 year would jump the price quite a bit and so we went with a 40 year okay any other questions comments a motion have a motion by Diane to approve the resolution 20247 do I have a second second second by Joel any other discussion call a question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against 7f approve resolution this was the the last option of when we did the um the camera system and everything for the city call Chambers we also had that final option which was the wireless presentation system and so now we are kind of at the point where the ex the arpa money is going to be expiring and so it's kind of prompting us to finish that installation what that includes is there would be a large uh large TV or monitor up above you for the audience to see and then there would probably be the other one would be over here for you to see and then it would be a wireless presentation system versus instead of bringing out the projector everything would come straight from a laptop on a wireless mode and kind of and then also that would prepare you for being able to do Zoom meetings or whatever but we would use it more for presentations um and also we would be able to use it so when we give you maps and show you things at the council it can also be up there for the audience to see at the same time so that's what we're trying to do is to get a little more transparency and also make it easier for those presentations uh we did get an estimate from Marco for that the total cost installed is $99,100 questions comments one comment the funds are in the city account yeah yeah again there're the assigned arpa funds that came in during the covid and you know from the federal government assignment to the city so I was kind of what we allocated there eyebrows raised that's the reason why I figured i' just mention that do I have a motion to approve resolution 20124 d80 motion to approve motion by Heidi do I have a second I'll second second by Shon call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against 7 G approve placement of Freedom Rock so Mike Weiser and Roger rardy representing artifi present request to the park board at their meeting last night for permission to place a large Boulder Boulder in the Triangle Meridian at Grove Lake Street Fifth Street and Oak Street South to be painted as a freedom Rock and I did give you pictures in your packet to see what that is um there's several of those around Iowa Minnesota and other states uh the park board is recommending that you allow that placement of the freedom Rock in that location uh the plan would be and they're here correct me if I'm wrong is to have that delivered and it be sitting there but won't be pay until next year between now and next year then they'll come up with a plan of what that would look like and uh if you Google it you'll see there's a lot of different ones and a lot of different designs uh more of of a of a military theme or a public Public Safety type theme uh with the flag and and that type of look is what they're kind of looking for so uh the recommendation is to consider that recommendation of the park board and placement of the feedom freedom Rock and if you have any questions they're here that you can ask them questions concerns looks great to me yeah I don't have a problem with the placement or anything the only question I had is who's covering the cost basically artify or we are not going to cost you a penny Okay okay just show you should show them the picture of it before anybody agrees okay do I have a motion to uh motion to approve place the freedom rock yeah I have a motion by Diane do I have a second I'll second second by Shon call the question all those in favor signify by say and I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against 78 approves Snow Control agreement with men. 224-225 so each season the city contracts with the Minnesota Department of Transportation for the removal of snow on trunk Highway 71 Main Street a minda plows the middle 24 ft of the roadway so they just plow off to the side and then the city goes and cleans it up plows the par parking lanes and then mindat reimburses the city for hauling their portion of the snow away uh the contract has been proposed by mindat this does require City approval this is the same contract that we have done every year for many years and so we would look to uh approve that agreement with mot for the snow removal for trunk Highway 71 questions concerns otherwise do I have a motion to approve the agreement with mind do motion to approve motion by haii do I have a second second second by Joel call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against unfinished business 8A easement over wastewater treatment plant property SL potential purchase so the policy committee did meet on that wastewater treatment plant uh request and it was a request of Anderson who owns the property between the river and it's bordered by the river the Wastewater Plant and the freeway and so they don't have access they had uh requested an easement across that property in conversations with them um they were also willing to sell it and so then I did find out what the value from the county was of the land and then the billboard that's on the land because he wants to retain the billboard and I've presented those numbers over to the public utility they're going to meet about it at their next meeting I understand Monday night and they'll discuss possible purchase so um absent a purchase then we'll be looking back at an easement again so we'll see where we go but we don't have final resolution on that one yet um okay any questions on that otherwise uh winter parking regulations so on the winter parking we had that request to be exempt from the winter parking ordinance along the Old Mill along the Old Mill on First Street cuz I don't have any any place for off street parking in the past the public utility has allowed them to park on the East end of their building up by the new Electric Warehouse uh but this year they have um they're going to have all the wires and the poles and wires right all the wiring for the underground wiring piled there so there won't be room so now they're going to be discussing at their meeting whether we can provide parking in the Old Depot feeds lot so this is still kind of outo we are ongoing uh the committee didn't feel like they should exemp them from the winter parking because it would set precedent for other places in the community and so we're trying to help them find an alternative location uh so as of right now um the winter parking ordinance is as it was before with no parking so okay any questions or comments on that the only thing on that one is um Joe's still sitting back there if you got any comments on any of this send them to Vicki or give me a call or something like that so we got police Department input before we get that too far into it okay and then nuisance violation abatement procedures so the operations committee me to review the city's nuisance enforcement policy and how we go about doing that enforcement and at the conclusion of the meeting we uh decided that we're going to put together a um not necessarily A booklet but a get pull everything out of our code that refers to nuisance violations because it's in several different locations in the code put that all in one concise location have a checklist of What kinds of things or violations of which parts of that and then uh review our policy of how many how many days they get when a letter goes when it goes to the attorney and then also once we get that all done we'll bring it back to the board because at the present time we're on a complaint driven basis and there was some conversation that maybe if we just see it we just proceed with getting it taken care of so um you guys will see that policy in the coming meeting and then also we'll have be asked to make that decision on whether it's going to be complaint driven or if we're going to switch to a more proactive way of enforcement so no action on that yet just watch for that at a future meeting okay okay any questions is there a suggestion on uh about who gets that and when like if you're a a new buyer within the city or or how it's going to be distributed as a a pamphlet or is it you have to seek it out like seek out I guess I don't think this is something that's given to the people in the community it's just going to be it's it's going to be centralizing location within the policy and code that all the nuisance violations will be in one spot versus like within the sections of the city code okay because I was hearing it as like a pamphlet that's separate from the ordinance this is just a compilation for us to use and you to use so you have a better understanding of the kinds of things they are and where they're found in the code this isn't something we're giving out necessarily it's just an internal working document okay a lot of this stuff is already in our codes for sure and everything it's just we're trying to compile it so we can actually use it rather than and I think the meeting was one of the things was is like we're complaint driven now but we got so many people moving in and out of this town right now and nobody wants to be that neighbor that calls in and complains about something so that's where we're large enough town that we should just be doing this without having to have somebody complain about it y I think a lot of our nuisance properties are because no one is scared or Everybody's scared to complain or turn in a complaint and it gets out of hand before we start working with it well and maybe that's why my brain went immediately towards that idea of public opinion where it's available so if people know they're in violation then they have it on record they have it in their hand or if somebody wants to complain they have it in their hand so maybe it's an opportunity to look at Future development of something like that right a handout of sorts yeah so okay anything else on that otherwise uh 8th Street meeting so um city engineer they've compiled some ideas for Eighth Street remember we task them to look at one way uh parking on one side um sidewalks on both sides sidewalk on one side so he now has those overlays done and we'd like to have a meeting to discuss that potentially meeting on site like go out to 8th Street and we could even invite the people along Eighth Street if they want to be involved in that as well we could do that a special meeting it be it would be a meeting because you'd have a quorum we could do it maybe in advance of next council meeting we could convene out there and then come back here for the meeting just some ideas that we were tossing around about when potentially we could do that uh we would provide you the drawings ahead of time so you'd have a chance to look at those but it makes a big difference when you're out on site when you actually see it so I don't know what your thoughts are what at the next council meeting we're all should be available anyway as far as I would know so we do it prior so 5:30ish yeah I would at least give us an hour is that enough notice to have be ready by that point Keith yeah I'm I'm not quite done with I at the moment so we can't have them like tomorrow but for that meeting I'll be done we be done by probably middle of next week with everything so I'll be able to get it to you whether we want to send those drawings actually out to the residents there or we just have that meeting we send out a notice to them and we discuss that actually at the meeting I think that would probably be the better way to go my thought would be to actually try to put some some laugh out there as a couple of so you can sort of visually see a little bit of it as well so we do that ahead of time but you know if we had at least an hour before the meeting I think that would be o okay you know maybe if you're were able to meet at 5 that might be uh sufficient okay okay that'll work and that's on the I don't necessarily think we need to send the variation of all the plans to the property owners because I got we got five different ideas already do we want to have 10 more added on to it because they nobody's going to be in agreement for all the same thing no no and this is on the 16th they they'll get a chance to talk to us when we're on site okay 5 o' on the 16th sounds good okay meet at City Hall and then drive over there can or how do you or where where do you on for a meeting spot if we don't meet here I guess we'll probably meet where there's parking right yeah maybe we just meet like at Ethan Pine Ethan Pine okay then we'll move on to new business advertisement for patrol officer uh just one one one item we did post a listing on the league of Minnesota City's website for patrol officer position due to the vacancy on the department just to gauge interest at this time if we get a suitable candidate uh we're talking like January employment we do have one applicant so far and I don't know if we'll get any more or not because just people just aren't moving around in that um so we would involve the Personnel committee Heidi and Joe on that and so we'll that'll be coming forward and uh so in the next couple weeks hopefully we'll be pulling you together to either interview or visit with a candidate and see if they're suitable but like I said we're not proposing to fill that or to start that position till January great any other questions on that okay then we'll move on to our consent agenda we have schedule of claims unpaid claims of 8,227 110 we have a resolution number 224-8113 five2 from the men's card playing group to be allocated to the senior center we have $2,000 from the sock Center seniors to be allocated to the senior center $150 from John and Joanne Meyer to be allocated to the police department also $150 from John and Joanne Meer for the ambulance department and we have three donations of $440 a piece from Minnesota National Bank one to Police Department one to ambulance department and one to the fire department and on behalf of the city council and the City I want to thank those people for those contributions we have a gambling application for exempt permit request from the center Matt youth wrestling club for a raffle on December 27th 2024 at the sock Center High School 903 State Road stock Center is there any questions about the consent agenda if not do I have a motion to approve the consent calendar as presented I'll make a motion to approve motion by sh do I have a second a second second by Diane call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose motion carries five in favor n against informational items just a reminder of the general election on November 7 November 5th inperson early voting for sock Center resident starts here Tuesday prior so you can come in and vote in person Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday then Monday and then general election day is Tuesday you have all those opportunities to vote here if you're going south early and you uh want to vote in person before you go you can actually go vote at weight park at the um admin Center there by Fleet Farm so the whole County can vote there so that's an option otherwise absentee they're taking absentee applications as well uh the second item I have is the Sterns County informational meetings they're having around the around the county on their sales tax proposal for the new jail system that they're proposing and that is is going to be on the ballot as well for as a sales tax so the Community Information sessions I have in your packet the one here at sock Center City Hall is an October 21st from 5:00 to 7 7:00 p.m. and we'll be having additional information on that uh they have um some are presentations the blue ones are presentation and an open house and then we're just going to have an open house here and they'll have pictures and stuff of it so if anybody has any questions and other than that I have the Charter Communications or Spectrum channel lineup changes for changes to their service and that's all I have questions on any of those three items yeah okay that brings us to the end of our agenda do I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn motion by Heidi second second by Diane call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I oppos motion carries five in favor none against meeting adjourned [Music]