##VIDEO ID:UPiv185hUJM## [Music] call the meeting to order all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all roll call all members are present approval of the agenda is there any changes Vicki Council no do I have a motion to approve the agenda with as presented motion to approve motion by Joel do I have a second I'll second second by shyen yeah call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I oppos motion carries five in favor none against approv the minutes of the August 7th 2024 regular meeting I'll receive them in your packet is there any changes or Corrections needed to those minutes hearing nothing do I have a motion to approve the minutes of the August 7th meeting motion to approve motion by Diane second second by Heidi call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I oppos extensions I motion carries four in favor none against one exstension this now brings us to our public open forum is there anyone here that would like to speak to the council if so you have three minutes oh jeez Matthew schmidtz sock Center if your Police Department had simply taken the name of the woman from Alexandria and typed it into their system they would have seen her criminal record they would have seen an act of harassment restraining order a history of domestic violence and that she had no driver's license they should have arrested this woman when she drove from Alexandria to pick up this child with no driver's license and that restraining order the woman was to have no contact with three children that the petition stated she was threatening to kidnap this is the woman that your Police Department asked to come and pick up the child instead of taking the child to a licensed foster care I have here a witness statement done by the law offices of Brandt and kwick in it a third party involved in the child's life stated that the social worker Kelly lurkin had already investigated this woman and determined her home to not be fit for fostering this child Less Than 3 weeks prior to this placement after the child's allegation of abuse there was a meeting between your officer Dustin Bon waly the county and the Sterns County Attorney's Office they discussed how they could cover up this child's allegation they agreed that the best way to control the situation was by allowing these children to continue to have inappropriate relationships Dustin on waly was there he agreed not to file a police report or to investigate this child's allegation that they were abused in the city of sock Center because of his actions this child was abused again yet you continue to sit there silent you continue to ignore this issue we now have to ask do you condone a police officer covering up a child's allegation of abuse do you condone a police officer encouraging children to have inappropriate relationships do you condone a police officer not taking responsibility for placing a child in danger neglecting their Duty as an officer and participating in corruption with the Sterns County thank you Mr schmidtz I got one question for you yes sir what is your actual legal address my legal address legal address address mailing address why do you want that because it's a public forum and sock Center isn't numerous and several participants come here to the meeting without stating they all state their addresses no they haven't I can State specific City Council meetings in which they have not stated their thank you is there anyone else who would like to speak to the city council is there anyone else would like to speak to the council public open forum is now closed we have no public hearings we will move on to reports and presentation Police Department monthly report good evening mayor and Council I got the uh report in your packet there as you can see it was we were steady uh 1,200 icrs total some of the highlights that uh 21 Medicals uh 530 traffic stops those are just the the warnings um out of some of those traffic stops uh 62 speeding tickets um 20 citations for uh cell phone use uh 11 DW I um 16 no driver's license either DARS or driving after cancellations or wrong class of uh license type um four people went to jail for disorderly conduct either fighting or being low defensive in public along with a handful of assaults and uh fair amount again of our Behavioral Health situations that are kind of a daily thing for us some of the will get labeled uh mental health calls some Behavioral Health some welfare checks um that all kind of depends more it falls down to how the dispatcher labels it basically for this report um some of the highlights for the uh month of July siner Lewis days that all went smooth um we had good crowds Friday and Saturday during the day uh I think it was a smaller than usual crowd for the the street dance which kept our Callo down there um um and then we had the fair at the end of the month um again the fair I think because a handful of circumstances the the numbers were just down with the fair so so were our calls for service we had it man real well and the people just didn't show up due to I think the weather and that whole ride drama and stuff but we had a few calls but nothing crazy um yeah so July went pretty was busy but pretty smooth as far as no major issues questions or any questions concerns Joe this guy comes in here all our meetings and he makes all these accusations against the police department now I know what this is about and I know it was investigated by the child protective services you did nothing wrong your department did nothing wrong but this guy keeps coming in and making all these accusations that's just fre it's freedom of speech so anybody come in here we'll let them but to me his problem is not with the police department it's with child protective services why don't he take it up with them with the county that's problem should be I'm sure he is like I said it's a it's a done issue on my on my end is so it's within his constitutional right to come in here yeah voice his opinion and I support his uh freedom to do that I will let him to do that but on my end of things it's a nonissue I know thank you Joel thank you public works department Ben good evening Maring Council this past month our one ton truck has arrived back from jcraft with the new plow and stainless box on it so that truck out turned out really nice in September here we plan to sell the current truck with the plowing box that that truck replaced so we'll send that down the road we did find a storm sewer line by fast and all that has a charter cable that was boarded through it so we're working with Charter to get a plan to get that fixed um working on tree removal and maintenance around our storm sewer Outlets we did have several Boulevard trees and park trees that had to be cut down due to um Dutch elm disease was the main caused this go around uh these have been removed and the stumps were all ground one of the trees was by the beach in that spot we did have some water issues so we built that up and reeded it with grass and put erosion blanket on it to get the water to flow out to that rain Garden by the boat landing so that's now done Arena we had a couple events up there rental events no issues during those rentals everything went good Fitness Park had a bad switch in one of the sensors for the start stop timer that was uh replaced and fixed if you guys are on the splash pad area we do have a demo GPS mower that we're that's working on the East half of the grass area so this is just a test setup with a company that we're trying out no cost test or anything just kind of seeing seeing how it goes and how it works so far it's been working well um we did some grass prep and saw installation around the fire department Memorial in the front Park replaced the bench tops at the JC Park uh working inside the outdoor skating rink building making some General Building repairs and upgrades in there the arena we took a rain day to prep the wall for Advertising Signs to be hung up for the season compost and brush pile area continues to see a lot of use and drop offs we did have to burn the pile this month and uh the new pile is quickly growing already Campground we did have one underground fitting break that leaked for a short time before being repaired that was on one of the main water lines speeding the seasonal sites so that's now fixed and then uh just today if Highway 71 if you drove past case's there's a water main break up there so they work working on fixing that right now but that'll be kind of shifted over the lanes are shifted over for the next day or two until we can get that totally repaired any questions I can answer questions not a question as much as a comment um I know I told both you and Vicky this um I kind of dumped my family off for the better part of last week at the campground um I was there some of the time um but I I just the amount of compliments from other people when I told them that I was on the Council um people were staying I went a long way like people were very complimentary of our Campground and we enjoyed being there so thanks for all the work that gets put into it good to hear you don't appreciate it until you're actually staying there so yeah thank you any other questions comments thank you Ben thank you city engineer update all right good evening and councel not too many things just uh one thing came up today author's Edition uh we did learn just today that there's some issues with the hydrants that are out there um they are there's usually a little drain plug that is supposed to be left out of them they're not supposed to come that way Unfortunately they did come that way um that's meant for if they're in groundwater so they don't have water coming into them anyway we learned that they're they are plugged unfortunately um we didn't they the contractor didn't catch it we didn't catch it that they were plugged we don't normally come that way so there is going to have to be a warranty issue to have those all there's four of them out there dug up the there might be a way that we could do it from the inside that's being that's being discussed whether it can be done without actually having to dig the hydon up but they may need to be dug up that might mean a couple panels of of sidewalk get removed and replaced but it's a warranty issue and uh contractor's been notified and we're working on that issue it just needs to be resolved before we get to Winter or at least the Pu has to make sure that they pump them down um because if water's inside obviously it can freeze in the winter time so they have to get pumped out in winter time if they're plugged so anyway this just a new thing that just came up today so we're we're dealing with that little issue and get that one taken care of um the truck stop uh basically it's done with the exception of the stock pile up there still has to get shaped and pushed down um that dirt is going to stay there uh but it does need to get shifted around it's going to be much lower than the pile that you see now and get shaped up and through there that hasn't been completed as of yet um but the material will be will be staying there on site so um that's where that project's at um otherwise the 2025 project we're just kind of waiting for public hearing which is on the 11th and and uh go through that and see how that one goes but any questions you have for me questions okay thank you thank you we'll move on to action items 7A approve resolution 2024 66 authorizing minor subdivision one so Cody Nelson who's the developer of the Gul view Edition has requested that the lat splits of the constructed Twin Homes be approved at this time which will allow for individual sale he's built five homes two of the homes we've already split before and now this before you and these reaction item 7 a 7B and 7 C are all three separate resolutions for each of the three remaining lots to split them into two um the surveyor did provide the survey uh to put the property line in the party wall that separates the two buildings and so what we're looking tonight to do is to approve those three resolutions 22466 67 and 68 approving the minor subdivisions of lots 1 2 and three block one Gul view Edition questions concerns we had done the same thing with his other units that he had done up there so I'll make a motion to approve all three okay I have a motion by Diane do I have a second I'll second second by Heidi call the question all those in favor signify with saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against 7D approve resolution 2024 69 approving purchase of radios uh Chief Jensen has submitted a request for the purchase of two portable radios for use by the police department this is a budgeted item we sought quotes for the purchase we had one return actually the same company returned two quotes for two different models a motor roller Solutions uh the radio the cost was 11,238 84 they also submitted a quote for another radio style at 10,110 22 however that model is not compatible with our other equipment so what we're looking to do is to approve the purchase of the apx 6000 Series radio for 11,238 84 and that's resolution 2024 69 authorizing the purchase of radios for motor ress Solutions questions concerns it is a budgeted item so do I have a motion to approve resolution 2024 69 I'll make the motion to approve motion by Shon I'll second second by Joel call the question all those in favor signify with saying I I oppos motion carries five in favor none against unfinished business land acquisition airport this is just kind of an update on that airport land acquisition project that the airport is or the airport board has been working on as you know we're we continue to work forward on that proposal to purchase the home it's located in the airport safety zone and is part of the runway protected Zone uh because it was in the airport's long-term CIP plan for purchase within the next 15 years the FAA authorized the city proceed sooner when the owner of that property approached the city with a proposal to sell the faa's involvement is because if certain procedures are followed the city is eligible for reimbursement from the FAA for a percentage of the cost a purchase price was agreed to for the purchase of property you guys had that here at a city council meeting some time ago for $440,000 and then the seller proceeded to purchase a new home uh under the FAA guidelines the seller is also entitled to payment for certain closing costs and moving in relocation expenses and they proposed an all-in settlement uh the airport board did not agree to the amount of the all-in settlement request and the counter offer was submitted uh there the board is now requesting a sit down in person meeting with the sellers and their attorneys because we keep going back and forth and we kind of want to resolve this uh there's a big gap between that original purchase price and the Allin settlement that we proposed and the one that they proposed so we're trying to um trying to resolve that so we'll see what happens in the coming weeks any questions okay new business consider contribution to Independent School District 743 for the Tennis Court Rehab so uh mayor Stone was contacted by the public school superintendent with a request to participate in the rehab of the School tennis courts the school contracted with the company to rehab and paint the courts at a cost of $110,000 uh the request this was from this them was that the city would contribute 25,000 toward the rehab for the pickle ball uh the park board had previously discussed pickle ball of Court following requests by players however at that time it didn't get any traction because it wasn't in our long-term capital plan and the board was skeptical of entering into a project that competed with private business and so I'm asking you tonight about discussing whether you should contribute toward the rehab identify where those come from I just want to remind you or advise you that there's no statutory Authority for the city to donate funds to a school but there is statutory authority to spend funds for public Recreation purposes in a public partners ship so there is a way that we can contribute specifically for that purpose we could not just give money to the school but we could give for that for a but then it would be known that it is open to the public as well and it has been it's just that that's something that it has to be a part of that and I just wanted to remind you of that so I do have a picture of the old course courts which I talked about was the private um place that you could go it hasn't been open Real steady this year I think they're doing some work down there and then a picture of the school courts and then of course a picture of the refurbished courts there are four of those courts that are painted for pickle ball so I guess I what I'm asking you tonight or mayor Stone brought forward was for a full discussion of the Council of whether you wanted to uh come up with $25,000 to help pay for the painting of the pickle ball uh on the court questions concerns I I think in in light of the past discussion that the park board had discussed and didn't think that it was good idea at the time the cost at that time would be considerably less than going in the partnership with the school um at the $255,000 rate I don't remember the the actual numbers of a completely we never um what happened back then was we had a couple people had come to the board and talked about wanting this wanting the city to proceed with some type of development of Courts and they looked at different areas where it could be we never really got to a good budget number we kind of went and looked at some other courts like in Alexandria and whatnot but then it kind of fell flat after that because it wasn't something that we really had in our longterm plan and at that time it was like well if we're going to do it then let's get it in our plan and work through it that way uh we didn't have a have a number yet though to know what that might cost us well just comparing the refurb and paint for the schools cost was 110 my thought is uh we don't have this budgeted for 2024 I mean equates to basically 1% of our Levy or they're little about above that from where we were last year and um you know I so I have a hard time paying to refurbish their Tennis Courts at the school as it has the ability to tax and collect from City residents on on the property taxes as well and put a greater concentration on the city taxpayers for you know the entire District by by contributing to that and um realistically $225,000 we got an obligation to our own City own facilities as far as you know the warehouse the shop down there and um you know other improvements that we got within our buildings that that $25,000 can go go towards so I'm I'm not in support of that this still contribution okay any other comments I guess the one thing that I would say um I hear more from people about pickle ball than I hear most other things when it comes to park requests so I mean if if we did something like this I mean this is for sure less than doing our own pickle ball court um and then the other like when we were having the discussion at the parkboard level about the um the fitness uh Park piece as well I had a few people approach and say oh we we'd much rather have pickle ball available so I I know that that's something that's been growing in popularity and it's also been um out there for quite a few people a request by quite a few people so I understand where you're coming from Joel one but I to me I know it's I know it's been a request so I can't see the benefit in doing something like that okay when this was brought to me um Donnie pesel called me up and asked if there was any way that they wanted us to go 50% for you know 50,000 I told him that would be a decision that would have to go to councel even this um he understood that they um looking back in some of the history I can't remember the year that those tennis courts actually got moved the city had paid up to 50 I think it was $57,000 toward moving them tennis courts down there in con you a joining with a school and since that's been done the city hasn't contributed one penny toward maintaining or doing anything down there that I know of um 25,000 to me to with the growing popularity of pickle ball I figured we'd be able to find it in the budget at the at that time I had talked to Ben and he thought that maybe if we didn't do the Land Pride we would have we'd be able to handle that which um which at the last meeting which I wasn't here it ended up getting ordered um plus 25,000 compared to putting another request for new pickle ball courts or us guys doing it and having it come to us and ended up the city paying 300 to 400,000 to put in new courts that's 25,000 I think is kind of like money we probably should have been putting toward help the schools since we initially moved them down there so I'm I'm actually thinking there's other places we can find 25,000 I agree with you mayor so I've Got Friends that play pickle ball and and I know they're always bugging me about when are we going to have a court for it so I'm for it but we have to find the money in the budget to do it I I agree with you mayor and we're going through budget right now and I know there's some money in C one area that yeah hasn't been used mhm to the status it was so that easily could have finance committee met today and and we have a lot of work ahead of us yes I know so for next year's budget but we're looking at this year's budget I know there's a One Fund that hasn't been used hardly at all so I I mean I certainly understand uh you know public benefit of the the pickleball court and helping contribute that my daughter played tennis last year I mean I can I see the benefits of those things but it I don't know that we just pick it up right here when it's not budgeted not planned you know is this should be should this be prodct part of a broader conversation as it relates to Shared facilities um where the schools using we're using and we can find a way to discuss and say hey what is that future shared maintenance plan or contributions on you know the ball fields that you know the junior high play on or you know the hockey arena and stuff where the high school team uses and some of those things is there conversations that should be part of a larger discussion versus just what we need it now type of thing versus planning for the future and what that would look like and I understand that because I'm sure you know Mr pesel and and I have been talking that we need to sit down and go over a lot of stuff because there's a lot more stuff happening at their level and our level that we need we should be holding hands on this and I think this is a step in the right direction to help you just I'm going to add a little background what Warren had said on the tennis court so back in the late '90s the city actually had raised money and had funds set aside cuz we were going to build three tennis courts up by Tower view field up by the arena well then the school got into the project of the elementary and the auditorium and that's where their tennis courts were so they had to move their three tennis courts so we went together and we we gave them we we paid for we were going to pay for three that we were going to put up there to put by the school and the school was going to pay for three ultimately we ended up with five so 3 plus 3 equals 5 it's new math and so that's how that happened is of the five original courts down there they was our contribution was the three we were going to put up by Arena and their contribution was the courts that they had to replace and so that was kind of how we got together on that and then as a result of that they were to be open to the public and so that was how we but they were still on on school property and that's how that started okay any other discussion otherwise I will look look for a motion well Vicki are there places you think that to be able to do something this that we'd be able to find something in the budget at this point I sat in that same budget meeting with Joe and Heidi today um I guess if you decide that you want to do it we don't have a choice but to find it somewhere I mean there's obviously not a line item Warren said he has some ideas there's not a specific line item that you know I know in the Parks budget we're full because there's we didn't spend a couple line items because we overspent in other areas so we kind of look at the bottom line in that budget so because I looked through that more carefully again today to see if there was a way we could pull some of that out of there and there really isn't in the park itself I know maybe there's some other funds that that it could happen in um I don't know Warren what was your idea that you were well we're looking we're getting toward the end of the year and I know you had stated we had one fund that had only had spent like $500 and we budgeted 33,000 so it's like okay there's a gap somewhere along the line it didn't get used it was put in to be used and it never did so why can't we take it from there and I think as long as you keep it within the general fund right you know y I'll make a motion that we do it then okay I have a motion by Diane do I have a second chair I'll second it any more discussion I would just say just because the money's there doesn't mean we have to spend it any other discussion my um I guess my consideration was I was going to suggest we um table it for a meeting just to even have a little bit of time to look at um specifically have a chance to look at the budget from last year and see where things were at um to get a handle on seeing if if there was something that was workable I I I think we have to vote on your on the motion we got to vote on this motion beforehand but um depending on which way this goes I think ultimately the public would appreciate it it's a burn on our end to try to come up with the money but I I think for 25,000 the public would understand and appreciate us putting forth the effort in conjunction with the school there's quite a few people that play pickle ball I was surprised I have a motion in a second is there any other discussion call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I I opposed I extensions motion carries four in favor one against no extensions consent agenda schedule of claims we have an unpaid claims of 84,5 64 and July checks paid claims payroll $ 67,2 4117 is there any questions about the consent calendar as posted hearing nothing do I have a motion to approve motion to approve motion by Diane do I have a second I'll second second by Heidi call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against informational items budget Workshop August 28th and the public hearing on the improvements for the 2526 project September 11 11th any questions about those um I did reach out after the last meeting that you were absent um knowing that the students that are coming up for this school year wished to attend some of our our budget meetings um the schedule that we chose doesn't align with all those students but the request that was that we have it recorded if the council's okay with that that would be available to that student to view after okay that would be Vicky I know you talked to Stacy about I'll just put a usbn and push the some of them dates already so that was already covered so okay anything else do I have a meeting to a motion to adjourn so moved motion by Joel seconded by Dian call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against meeting ajour [Music]