##VIDEO ID:YNAYVDtYcVk## [Music] call the meeting to order all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all r call council members are present approval of the agenda is there any changes no council have anything okay do I have a motion to approve the agenda as presented I'll make a motion to approve I'll second motion by shellin second by Joel call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against approval of the minutes so we have the August 21st 20 24 regular city council minutes and the August 28th 2024 budget Workshop minutes I'll receive them in your packet is there any changes Corrections or anything that the council has noticed within those two sets of minutes no I did have one but I think I corrected it with Vicki already so that one's taken care of what was it that one was at the top of number page two um a demo GPS mower is in the splash pad it's mowing the grass around the splash pad mhm it's a little hard to mow concrete so I it ruins the blades that so with that is there any other changes or Corrections needed do I have a motion to approve the minutes make a motion to approve the minutes motion motion by Diane second by Heidi call the question all those in favor signify by saying I opposed motion carries five in favor none against this brings us to our public open forum is there anyone here that would like to speak to the council is there anyone that would like to speak to the council is there anyone here that would like to speak to the councel seeing no one our public open forum is closed we have no public hearings we'll then move on to reports and presentations Park board report Vicki good evening uh the park board met yesterday Tuesday September 4th at 5:00 P PM this was their regular monthly meeting of year they did receive the Public Works activity report related to Park activities uh at the campground activity report the occupancy continues to mimic 2023 so we'll be about the same same occupancy as the prior year uh we discussed the trail maintenance and expansion plan talking about the prioritization in light of the budget reduction um also uh they talked about the bridge over over hobon as you know there was going to be a one of the trails is from the campground to go out to Hickman and it includes a bridge uh one became available uh used one in another city that um we're going to be looking at to see if that would work down there that might change our prioritization if a bridge became available actually was constructed at Carlos at the bridge manufacturer more to come on that later uh they also recommend looking into the pricing of the camper cabin including Consulting with the school that potentially be a school project a movie in the night has movie in the park night has been rescheduled to June of 2025 you know that we had it on August 19th and it rained we talked about moving it into September but with school starting and everything they decided to have that in the spring as a summer kickoff uh we had members at the baseball association was here they discussed uh need towerville Ballfield improvements and also we received report from the G gratum Club on the use of the Little Red Schoolhouse they're very happy with the improvements that were done uh they do have a request for electric that's the only thing really left to be done up there um there is one other thing that is the ramp on the back door but other than that everything is pretty much completed uh they are planning on having a Halloween and a Christmas event there as well and I think is that everything yep okay so that's it for the park board okay any question questions concerns okay Eda report uh the Eda met in regular session today uh they discussed the tractor supply progress and where we're at with that we'll be seeing that lot split application uh they will be applying for a variance for the fence height around their outdoor display area uh talking with the public utility on how to get the utilities there in what direction should they go for future development in that area uh the fifth lot has been closed at author's Edition to houses are currently under construction now I know of a third house that'll be beginning right away in the spring uh for the truck wash out there the equipment has arrived so that can now be completed and there'll be some driveway modifications out there as well for some turning radiuses uh then the other thing on the Aerosmith project developer he's exercised his remaining extensions on the due diligence period uh closing is to be determined based on tax considerations either before or after the first of the year and they're looking at that and this will allow for construction a Quick Trip in the early spring and that's it for the Eda okay questions concerns uh that road approach right off of 28 I noticed they got that blocked off with piles of dirt now the one that was supposed to be removed they'll be taken that out okay is that was supposed to be moved out of there by May It was supposed to be out earlier but when they started digging in for their uh for their other driveway and for the pond it was so wet this year that that it took them a while to get that done so now that their new driveway is in they'll be taking out the one that goes on to the highway and we'll get our deposit back hopefully so okay that's why I brought it up so okay any other questions if not we'll move on to our action items 7A approve appointment of 2025 Campground managers uh the 2025 camping season is winding down with the campground closing on September 30 and with the closure of the campground it's always time to look at next year's Campground manager position uh Mark and Kathy Whitman worked their first year as managers in 2024 they've worked well with staff and the campers and it's recommended the position be offered to them uh they have expressed interest in coming back and have recommended another work camper couple to share the position the pay would then be split between the two uh that would each give each couple other their ample time to explore Minnesota and do some other personal things and have some downtime so Ben cck interviewed two couples for that position in addition to the Whitman and he recommends the POS second position be offered to rod and Holly Lee they're currently uh work camping in Texas and they would be available in the spring to come back as well so the action that we requested tonight is to approve the appointments of Mark and Kathy Whitman and Rod and Holly Lee as Campground managers for 2025 questions that doesn't mean they they occupy the same manager position camper Spot Not that we're going to have two separate camper spots there'll be two sites one on each side of the office that will be occupied by the campground managers um in the past we had Campground manager and then we kind of had a backup position and then they left this year and so we rented that site out for this year but next year it would be back to being used by the manager so that would be the one the one thing different from this year to next year is we won't have that one available site that'll be occupied okay but in the past that site has been reserved for the Backup Manager as well or were they renting it the backup managers were were had that site available they weren't renting that one correct this year we rented it but we blocked it for next year yeah okay any other questions I guess the one comment I would have is thank you for being on top of this so I remember all the issues we had last spring or wherever we had it so thank you for being on top of getting somebody in this year before they somewhere else okay do I have a motion to approve the appointments I'll make the motion to approve motion by shallon do I have a second I'll second second by Heidi call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against 7B approved step advancement of driver slemr Kathy stford ambulance director has submitted a request to advance Libby Matthew's to step two of the driver EMR pay scale Libby started her service to the department on September 20th 2019 and will reach her step date on her 5th anniversary on September 20th 2024 so the action we're requesting is to approve the advancement of Libby ma Libby Matthew to step two of the driver EMR pay scale effective September 20th 2024 questions concerns do I have a motion to approve the advancement motion to approve motion by Diane I sec second second by Joel call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against 7 C accept resignation uh Donna Borman Senior Center coordinator has submitted her notice of retirement Donna has worked at the senior center in this capacity since March 1st of 1997 she also was a city employee at St Michael's Hospital and Nursing Home prior to its conversion to Centric Care her last day of employment is September 27th 2024 so we're asking to accept this notice from Donna browman effective September 27th 2024 questions comments is this a position that we're going to advertise for to replace her I think the Personnel committee I'll be taking it to them to find out how we want to structure that okay would it would it be something we would advertise for or um prior to her departure so there's not uh uh I've talked to other staff and I think that we can fill in that I've talked to our cleaning person about cleaning um they already come here to City Hall for their reservation contracts and to pick up the keys and that so I think we'll we'll fill it in for now until we decide what really we need for that position okay okay any other questions do I have a motion to accept the notice of retirement motion to approve motion by Diane do I have second I'll second second by Heidi call the question all those in favor signified by cni I opposed motion carries five in favor none against 7D approve resolution 2024 -70 adopting the 2025 Levy I lost my page page 10 so so this Levy that I'm presenting to you was proposed at the budget Workshop meeting and the final Levy to be considered at a public meeting to be held with the regular scheduled council meeting on December 4th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. this total Levy is the general fund of 1,969 731 total special Revenue funds of 1885 and Debt Service funds of 526,000 this is a total Levy of 2,684 231 and so how I arrived at that Levy was based on uh your direction at the budget Workshop which was uh to propose at this time 7% increase so this is resolution 202 24-70 adopting the preliminary tax levy collectible in 2025 questions concerns do I have a motion to approve resolution number 20247 I'll make a motion to approve I'll second motion by Shon second by Diane any other discussion call the question all those in favor signify a saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against 7e approve resolution 20247 adopting 2025 budget so this updated budget Incorporated the changes that were recommended at the budget Workshop so we have the expense budget which I have listed there of the general fund of just over 4.5 million syncing fund of 65,000 special Revenue just over 1.9 million tax increment of 198,000 Debt Service 2.28 one million and capital projects of 8.5 million so we have a total expense budget of 17 m567 595 uh this this budget with the levy that you had proposed that we just adopted presents a positive general fund budget so we were able to balance it with a little bit of room to spare uh when we get back here in December for the final budget of course we'll have final Insurance numbers uh final health insurance final property insurance we'll have those numbers so we'll tweak that once more and know if we have more work to do or if we or if we met it I guess it's up to you but right now we're looking to approve resolution 20247 approving the preliminary budget for 2025 questions concerns hearing nothing do I have a motion to approve resolution 2024 71 I make the motion motion by Diane I'll second second by Heidi any other discussion call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against 7f approve resolution 2024 72 calling for public hearing on assessments for unpaid utility and service charges so each year the city council reviews outstanding invoices for utilities and service payments and has the option to certify these unpaid inv voices for collection with property taxes I did prepare a listing for your review uh prior to CER certification of the property taxes the owners of these properties are afforded the option of attending a public hearing on the proposal so October 2nd 2024 is recommended to conduct that public hearing you will see that the the outstandings are there's some fire calls some lot mowing some sidewalk repair and then there is a utility bill submitted from the public utility so the total amount of the assessments would be five mill or 500$ 5,564 so what we're looking tonight is to approve the resolution calling for that public hearing on October 2nd questions this isn't sending out the actual bill for this amount right now or chart putting this they they'll get a notice of the hearing and said this is your amount and then they can come to the hearing and if you approve that then that goes on their property taxes they've been getting a bill every month for this like an invoice got it that was what my next question was going to be is some of these smaller ones I just didn't know if there was a unawareness of having the amount or whatever but all right that's the reason why the $100 administrative fee is added on for all the paperwork and time that admin puts into this every month it is not going to go away no um do I have a motion to approve resolution 2024-25 and I second I'll second Joel is seconding last minute discussion call the question all those in favor signify by say and I I oppos motion carries five in favor none against 7g approve resolution 2024 73 authorizing development of specifications for 2025 building Improvement project so we've been uh the city staff has been working to obtain the estimate ranges for proposed repairs and improvements to City Hall in the Civic Arena those improvements include at City Hall the rubber membrane roof and shingled roof the air handling and flooring at the Civic Arena rubber me rubber membrane roof the makeup unit on the roof doors and windows the total of these projects is around $1.2 million uh we could potentially pay with capital Improvement Bond and abatement Bond just due to the post timing of the project in order to get a spring project underway we're requesting to be able to go out and final those specifications at this time and then we would bring those back to the city council but I just we want to start this rolling um because there is some arpa money in there we'd like to have it under contract in December at the End by the end of the year so how this would roll was we'd get specifications and get the bids then after the budget meeting if you approve the budget for this then we would enter into contract so it doesn't commit us to doing it at this time this just sets us up to get in the Q for early spring uh we don't want to have the them up on the roof in the middle of July and not have that air handling unit going at that time so we would like to have a spring project if at all possible so this resolution is uh authorizing the development of specifications for the 2025 building Improvement project questions concerns on your calendar here um the bonding process you got winter 2025 I take that that's 2024 sl25 right well I didn't know if January February March is that winter of 25 or what is that but yeah that's when we would handle it okay that's what I thought it was but I figured I'd ask so do I have a motion to approve resolution 202 24-72 motion to approve motion by Heidi do I have a second second second by Shon any other discussion call the question all those in favor signify saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against 7h approve resolution 202 24-7 authorizing purchase of police vehicle uh due to the timing that it takes for delivery of police vehicles Chief Jensen is requesting authorization to place an order for one vehicle with an expected delivery date after the first of the year this would be the replacement for Squad 1801 uh Jensen secured some written quotes for three vehicles from two vendors in the city and also from the state bid holder the new vehicle would be the admin car would not require the placement of all the equipment that a patrol car would require but would have some equipment placed in it we had John whis Ford uh proposed a F-150 Super Crew police vehicle for 48 554 John Weis Ford proposed a police interceptor which is the Explorer model for 50,19814 the Durango purer vehicle from Dan welli due to it being both the Lesser cost and also it has a shorter lead time which then would allow him get to schedule for the equipment changes so we're looking to approve resolution 2024759147 have any questions this um were you able to talk to your upfitter to find out if you're right around okay okay do I have a motion to approve resolution 2024 d75 make motion motion by Diane do I second second second by Joel any other questions all those in favor signify us say and I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against we have no unfinished business we have no new business that now brings us to our consent agenda we have schedule of claims of unpaid claims of 82,500 55 from the men's card playing group to be allocated to the senior center $30 from Josephine Ray Camp family to be allocated to the senior center $100 from Donna and John Sheek Josephine Ray Camp to be allocated to the senior center and $100 from Minnesota National agency to be allocated to the fire department and on behalf of the city and the council I want to thank those groups for their contributions is there any questions about the consent agenda hearing nothing do I have a motion to approve the consent calendar as presented motion to approve motion by Heidi do I have a second a second second by Diane call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against informational items just have a couple things just reminding you of the special meeting next Wednesday September 11th at 6:30 this is the public hearing on Improvement and assessment for the 2025 2026 Birch and pine project so uh Keith will be here and we'll be giving that PowerPoint presentation to the public everybody has been sent their notices already so we've had quite a few people already calling and asking us questions about it so I think we'll have a good turnout at the meeting and then the other item is just your spectrum channel lineup changes that we're required to accept by or receive by our contract and that's it okay any questions about either one of those informational items I'll just remind the council I will not be in attendance on Wednesday well you won't be okay oh oh all right thank you for that info um that brings us to the end of our agenda do I have a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn motion by Shon do I have a second second second by Diane call the question all those in favor signify saying I I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against meeting adjourned [Music]