##VIDEO ID:nJWky5-ymLI## [Music] call the meeting to order all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and Justice roll call all members are present approval of the agenda we have uh two items under new business being added uh one is appeal of zoning administrator Williams and 9C um Thompson just put Thompson lot and when we get to that I'll explain why that is being added is there any other changes to the agenda Council yes do I have a motion to approve the agenda with those two additions motion to approve I'll second motion by Joel Second by Heidi call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against approval of the minutes the November 6 2024 regular meeting you received it in your packet is there any changes or Corrections needed within that set of minutes hearing nothing do I have a motion to approve the November 6 2024 regular meeting make a motion to approve motion by Shon do I have a second I'll second it second by Diane call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose extensions I motion carries four in favor no none against one abstention now the November 12th 2024 special meeting minutes is there anything in that short meeting that needs to be changed do I have a motion to approve the November 12th 2024 special meeting motion to approve motion by Heidi second by Diane call the question all those in favor signify by say an i I oppos extensions I motion carries four in favor none against one abstention this brings us to our public open forum is there anyone here that would like to speak to the council is there anyone here that would like to speak to the council call a third time is there an anyone that would like to speak to the councel our public open forum is now closed we will then move on we have one public hearing we'll recess the regular council meeting and enter into our public hearing we have one public hearing before us this evening in accordance with the official mailed and public notice in the matter of an ordinance establishing cannabis retail registration and compliance check procedures it is Our intention that everyone has the opportunity to be heard if you wish to speak please sign in on the signup sheet at the back of the room the procedure is as follows presentation by staff followed by questions of Staff then public input raise your hand when recognized by the mayor approach the podium and state your name and address for the record State your comments and position no one will be allowed to speak a second time until everyone has had a chance to be heard first we will hear questions for clarification second public in favor of the proposed third public speaking against the proposal after everyone who wishes to speak has had the opportunity to be heard the hearing will be closed after closure of the public hearing the council will deliberate and take action as appropriate members of the audience do not participate in the council's discussion unless a majority of the council concedes to hear additional information or questions the hearing is now in session Vicki so as you know the state of Minnesota enacted State Statute 342 which legalized the sale of cannabis this is some time ago now we're finally at the point where the state is ready to start issuing licenses under the provisions of the statute the city is responsible registering cannabis businesses within our jurisdiction we have to certify that it's located in the proper land use district and must adopt ordinance compliance check procedures this ordinance 839 is in front of you that imposes those regulations requiring the registration also cannab cannabis event standards and also compliance procedures that would be conducted by the police department all cannabis related businesses within the jurisdiction of sock Center will be reregistered with the city prior to the state issuing the license at the office of cannabis management we will then verify where they are that they're located in the zoning District there's no violations on the property that all taxes are paid and then the police department will be doing those compliance checks on those businesses in addition the ordinance lays out standards for cannabis events and limits the number of retail licenses to be issued in sock Center to two however we're not required to approve issuance of any licenses if Sterns County as a whole has issued one for every 12,500 which calculates out to about 13 countywide now the number two that we put in there we're not required to do to we could make that we could limit it to five we could limit it to whatever but we are not required to As Long As Sterns County has one for every 12,500 we're legally required to issue our allow at least one that's kind of how that how that works out so we put the number two in there thinking you know maybe we'd get to the state of Minnesota is only issuing 188 of these the idea of us getting two is pretty slim anyway so but that number is a number that you guys can work with if you want to change that um this ordinance has the responsibilities of the license holders it talks about the city's review process the event procedures and standards uh the how they how a business would would register their C AB business the compliance checks by law enforcement the retail sales regulations and enforcement and appeals so the what if you go through the ordinance which I provided you ahead of time there's a couple small tweaks uh the County Attorney actually wrote this ordinance so I don't you know we didn't make a lot of changes we just adapted it to Sock Center uh one thing on the limit this um replaces the cannaboid or the low potency derived from hemp that we had done about two years ago they are now in incorporated into this whole ordinance they are not subject to the limitation of two we actually have nine registered in sock center right now with this the office the office down in the state so under Section 6.1 where we limit the number of businesses there's an exemption in there the debt does not apply to the low potency cannaboids derived from hemp so that's one place that's different and also in that same section under the registration fee there's an ex extra provision they don't have the $500 fee it's by Statute the cannaboids is $125 so there's those two Provisions as they relate to the low potency by hemp in the registration of the retail businesses so those are really the only two changes in this ordinance uh later on not part of this public hearing but as a part of the public hearing that the Zone Planning and Zoning had that's where it comes into the land use side of it so this part is how do you register how many can you have and what are your requirements to have the business business on the Planning Commission ordinance that was where it can be located and and uh what those uses are so this public hearing now is specifically for the registration piece I was asked what a cannabis event is there's actually events like they might go out to a farm field and have a big party and be able to smoke that's what it is and they have Provisions for what that I don't see that that happening here we don't have very many large areas that you could do that but it is something that is allowed by the state um does anybody have any questions for me about how we're going to go about implementing this if there is a an allowance for two does that come at a first come first serve or how is that how the office of cannabis management is doing it is they had their first round which was for the social um social inequity people that were applying and they theyve selected 38 people and more than that applied so then the ones that weren't in the first cut that were eligible then they go into the second one competing with everybody else for the other 150 if they have more than 150 then they do the lottery a lottery okay so um they could but before they even do the lottery they check with us to make sure that they're in the right land use district and their taxes are paid and all of that so so there's a chance even that one license request could be denied if it go goes to a lottery if it goes to Lottery and they don't get picked yes okay we basically could end up with none mhm or two at the most correct any other questions for Vicki just double checking and maybe this is a really dumb question but I don't live in this world at all so um this doesn't talk about consumption at all is that a true story is are there other regulations and uh ordinances that go with consumption in so we had a separate ordinance earlier which was like consum the this the statute allowed us to uh adopt an ordinance that you can't do it in public places and so that's what we did otherwise you know they can do it at their home they can do it at the yard they can do it somewhere they're invited but you can't in public like you can't step out on the street or in the park um but you can in private areas okay I forgot about time thanks for the reminder Ricky any other questions concerns um with nothing I will uh open it up to the public is there anyone one here that would like to speak on this subject in favor against or need clarification is there anyone here that would like to speak in favor against or need clarification call a third time is there anyone that would like to speak in favor against or need clarification about this proposal is there any last minute questions from the council no then our public hearing is now closed and we will reconvene our regular council meeting reports and presentations Police Department Joel good evening mayor and Council I got the October numbers um kind of on par with with normal uh some of the higher number number higher numbers things that stuck a little bit uh 11 alarm calls we actually had 30 Medicals for the month which is a little higher than normal uh 13 welfare checks again if you look in the the traffic stuff uh handful of tickets written for Speed another hand handful 11 or so for the use of wireless device that's still kind of the big one that's causing when we do have crashes it seems like it's more wireless device issues than even speed now um got got a just over a dozen people driving with no license or driving after a vacation uh with a total of 871 which is on par I mean October through February historically you'll see we're normally around that 800 to 900 icr range um so nothing too crazy for October um other highlights um I did get a call with a that 30 Medicals when I was looking at that earlier uh I looked at our response time uh someone called and asked what our resp response time is for 911 emergency so I just did medical emergencies our department will respond if you call 911 uh I just did the Medicals but 911 call if we're going red lights and Sirens we'll be at your house under 2 minutes in town that's our average it was like 2 minutes and 3 seconds average from uh point we get dispatched so that's pretty dang good um other items we're going to start working on winter parking uh December starts the the winter parking so we're going to start doing warnings or last year we two weeks before December we started putting those orange slips on Windows just to remind people we'll start that next week a little bit but I'm probably going to have us wait till after Thanksgiving then we'll put them all start on heavy that after Friday then that weekend before just so we don't get confusion there um we are on week two of our new Tyler webs our new record system that's going a lot bumpier than I anticipated so I don't know what you're going to have for numbers for November or for the next one it's it's not going well um any questions questions concerns I think the parking on the streets I think we're educating people enough I noticed there was a lot of people already parking up in driveways and getting stuff off the streets so yeah I think hopefully it's with this snow and stuff too people are kind of remember and like I said we have those the night shift guys we made up last year bright orange M just a copy of the ordinance the morning he it goes in effect December 1st yeah so those guys do a good job of putting those out you know the a week or so before December and people for the most part catch on so especially this year now we got snow already a little bit of snow so people start paying attention yep with the new um record with the new issues that you're having is that will that cause any issues going forward with any keeping of information or is this all we had a conversation today about last year we got pretty good tabs how many warnings especially like for example this parking issue last year we did a pretty good we had a pretty good day of how many warnings we issued how many had been citations we don't know how that they they changed all of our our wording or how we can document that they kind of just made it big lump sum so like all of our ordinance or ticket violations just kind of go into one lump sum where we can't like there's no easy right now for us to divide it up so something we're going to work on like I said I thought it's just a little bit bumpy on the back end of things as far as like the records part like what the guys are using in the car computer system that's working Flawless there's just a lot of there's a lot of backend issues as far as like what Melissa is entering and how she's entering it and just record stuff ad basically it's admin stuff that we're calling for answers and we're not getting any answers yet so I anticipate in the next two or three weeks we'll get it figured out it's just there's a lot of the biggest problem is every agency does things a little bit different so the people that are helping us in the backside they're trying to uh make things work for everybody and it's just kind of it's entire Sterns County including St Cloud and the Sheriff's Office and all the small agencies too so it's just a lot so it's the program works it's just we got to work out KS on the back in got it but it's going pretty it's not going quite that bad but it's not it's not great thanks Joe thanks guys thank you thank you public works department Ben good evening Maring Council over this past month the parks were gone over with the mulching lawnmowers to grind up all the leaves so all the lawnmowers are now cleaned up and put away for the season Christmas lights were installed in the Parks and in town those are going to get plugged in next week and the main stringers will be installed across Main Street next week in sin Lewis Avenue the heat was turned on in the buildings and the systems were checked over at that time and any simple or cleaning maintenance was done as well the arena is up and running general maintenance repairs are made to the building building the compressor system is currently working as intended and uh we do have some open skate sessions scheduled at the arena for December we try and slide those in around any hockey hours that are already allotted for so we're trying to work those in whenever we can for the public to use the building uh Nikki will post those times on the Facebook page so people can check that outdoor rink building we're doing some maintenance there wall was replaced doing some painting just uh miscellaneous repairs before we get into that season hopefully this year air Port we did a bunch of tree removal out near County Road 186 to prep for the AAS relocation project so that is now done and all the stumps have been removed the piles will be burnt sometime in the near future before we get too much snow on them the snow removal equipment was prepped and is in place out at the airport the trucks were out this morning to spread salt on the roadways and the sidewalks were cleaned and we'll be doing the same thing again tomorrow uh gravel roads and Alleyways were bladed one last time and a final load of tar patch material was placed around manholes and water shut offs that were in need so that we don't Nick them with the plows or anything uh we did also fill in that crack tar area in the new Industrial Park before winter hit here and uh waiting on a final repair decision on that so we'll work on that over the winter any questions I can answer questions good job Ben thank you thank you Planning Commission report Sarah good evening mayor and Council in your packet you have a copy of our agenda from the November 12th meeting we did hold a public hearing as Vicki stated about the land use amendments regarding cannabis ordinances and which um zoning districts that will be allowed in town and that is an action item later on your agenda um I do have a reports and presentations the month of October we did 13 permits with a total value of 76,000 a year ago we did nine permits with a total construction value of 192,000 um zoning permits I kind of did a not quite year end but from January to that um October meeting list of that and working on nuisance complaints uh so this year I've had a total of 42 nuisance complaints um 28 are have been completed and 14 are there still in progress that we're working on those and then the other thing that is added to the agenda as Warren stated under new business is a um lak sh alteration to appeal a zoning administrator decision questions I appreciate seeing the nuisance uh totals and and the work completed on those okay any other things thank you Sarah thank you airport board report so the airport board met today regular session at at at uh 1: p.m. it was actually rescheduled from last week they reviewed the status of the land acquisition project we have an an attorney opinion has been sought regarding the interpretation of the FAA guidance on the reimbursements so this has to do with the business relocation component of that agreement and so once we get that attorney opinion we'll reconvene and discuss how to move forward we're looking at design ideas for the 80 by 80 hanger project which is a 2025 we expect to go to bids in early 2025 so we can get a summer Bill if uh if at all possible depending on the selected contractor uh the state has put out some money for State grantree equipment needs uh the airport board uh passed on applying for the grant for this year simply because we don't really have any big equipment needs you know we have the snowblower and we have the mower that we need out there so they didn't want to uh buy a piece of equipment that just going to sit and then we also reviewed the capital Improvement plan for future needs as they relate to the FAA and state funding this we have a 20-year plan and then A Five-Year Plan they were looking at the fiveyear plan and I think after we get the land acquisition and we get the 80 by 80 hanger in then we're kind of going to be in maintenance mode with uh you know the tower maintenance and that type of thing going forward for a while before there's another big project no action requested of the council tonight questions with the attorney opinion is it going to a another source or is it just getting what attorney is it that we had been working with our City attorney but this was more of a specialized so we contracted with a different attorney that specializes in these types of reimbursements and is very familiar with the the FAA circular guidance on these types of projects so we thought rather than having our attorney have to educate himself on all of that just go to somebody that actually does that for a living and This Is Us seeking the or I know there were some talks at one point between the two parties we're seeking an opinion based on um the uh the other attorney is saying that we don't know what we're doing basically so uh we said well we'll get an official attorney opinion with somebody that does that for a living to make sure that the guidance that we're being recommended from our from our consultant is is accurate and correct okay thank you any other questions no okay then we will go to the property liability insurance renewal Mark good evening mayor and councel got some good news for you this year uh in the insurance world uh the league of Minnesota cities is going to be Distributing 5 million in workers compensation dividends to its members this year that would be the first time they've had a distribution since 2012 and they're going to distribute another 3 million uh to the property casualty members uh in December um last year the city received a portion of those dividends and I last year they gave about 3 million as well so whatever I'm sure it's going to be very close um Dividends are paid higher to members been members longer so it's benefits sock Center they've been members since like 1987 I believe so so that's the the first good news and uh there the rate changes for 2025 embrace yourself uh because this is unheard of but work comp is down 20% for next year um they've been battling U post-traumatic stress claims since around 2006 and they finally got their head wrapped around that and so but the the different classes depending on the job class will determine what rates take a bigger bigger cut and the property casually overall is going to have a six and a half% rate decrease uh I see most most property the buildings and Equipment yeah will be taking a decrease of about 8% so that's that's really good news and that's probably the first time I've heard of rting decreases anywhere in the last five or six years so um uh the um um next item I have to discuss is the liability limits and the uh coverage limits and whether the city wants to wave or not wave the tort liability uh that's uh so this this the statute limit for cities is a maximum of 500,000 per claimant and 1.5 million per occurrence and these limits apply to whether the claim is against the city or against an individual officer employees or against both so um you you'll you get to decide whether you want to wave you have waved in the past and you've also purched just an extra million dollar umbrella just to make things right uh the the league of Minnesota Ci's policy actually gives a coverage limit of 2 million per occurrence and and they have actually have higher agregate limits in a in a lot of cases and I I have a I think you have a packet that has those higher limits I won't go over them specifically but um most of them are around 3 million aggregate which just means that you could have multiple claims in one year and You' still got coverage um I always ask what is the why does the league of Minnesota provide higher coverage limits than the statutary limits and the reason is to give the members cities better protection and the statutory limits uh cap the site City's liability for many uh types of claims but some liability claims which are listed in the next section I'll talk about areen covered by the statutory limits so they just want to make sure that you're you're well covered another reason to provide higher liabil higher limits is because it it's increasingly more common to see contracts uh that require more than the statutory limits of two of 1.5 million and and more common figure is 2 million so the the league will now meet these requirements but if even higher limits are required uh there are options to increase those limits uh the four good reasons why cities strongly consider carrying the the excess coverages which provides higher liability limits higher limits of liability excess coverage is available in increments of a million and up to 5 million and this uh the statutory Tor limits either do or do not apply to several types of claims and some of those would be claims under the federal civil rights laws uh claims for tort liability that the city has assumed by contract claims for actions in in another state claims based on liquor sales claims based on taking uh taking Theory uh suits challenging regulations and uh including inverse cond condemnation so uh there was a chart or a table on the back that kind of breaks down uh uh um whether you whether you have U the statutory limits for a claim or if you wave those limits and and if you have access coverage so um uh another the city is required in a lot in a lot of cases they're required to have contracts that are higher than the coverage limits so that's another reason why they have the the 2 million limit and there may be more than one political subdivision covered under City's coverage like HRA or Eda and uh and then it's always ask who needs excess liability coverage if anything excess liability coverage is even more important to a small city rather than a large city if the city ends up with more than more liability than it has coverage the city will have to either draw on existing funds or they'll have to go to the taxpayers for for a judgment so that's re that we've had the higher excess in the past uh this um City's wave the statutory limits would be able to recover up to 2 million um and uh rather than the statutory limit of 500,000 per claim in because the waivers increases exposure and the premium is roughly 3% higher for that coverage when they wave those limits and I think the city has mainly done that in the past because it's probably just the right thing to do and U but you still get to decide and uh again it's not necessarily simple but the table on this uh that I sent in the chart actually gives you kind of a Shand version of of the various coverage structure options and the different different options for you so you can decide whether you want to wave those those limits or U if you want to follow the statutory limits and you can decide that tonight and uh get back to me okay you have any questions about about the uh coverage you know homeowners insurance is going up car insurance is going up and you're saving us money thank you thank you Mark appreciate that I think uh the cities have a better maintenance program than most people and they they repair things before they get too far so that's probably the biggest reason appreciate your work thank you thank you thank you move on to action items 7A approve or deny the waiver of the tort limits and purchase of excess liability so this is what Mark was just talking about um if we wanted to wave the tort limits on the liability coverage and the second part of that is if we want to purchase the excess liability which is basically the umbrella policy so in the past we have waved and in the past we have purchased excess liability policy I think the council at that time thought that you know if you had a police car accident or a snowplow accident that hurt multiple people that it was better for the people that were filing the claim to be able to access those funds rather than it falling back to the city so I don't know what are your thoughts comments questions otherwise I'll look for a motion I'll make the motion that we wave the statutory limits and uh purchase the excess liability insurance I'll second that I have a motion by Heidi I have a second by Shon any other discussion call the question all those in favor signify by say and I I I opposed extensions motion carries five in favor none against 7B approve ordinance 839 establishing cannabis retail business registration and compliance check regulations so this is the ordinance that we talked about in the public hearing and you have the full ordinance in front of you the only changes that we discussed tonight was to exempt the low potency hemp products from the total number to be issued and also to change that registration fee to $125 for those so the the thing tonight that if you decide to adopt this just want to confirm that two is the magic number that we're going to settle on that was shown in the ordinance if that's what you want to do and uh other than that everything is pretty much right out of the state statute and put together by the County Attorney the reason we went with that one was because we're trying to get as many cities and the county kind of all with the very similar ordinance sold uh cross cross jurisdiction they would be the same okay questions do I have anyone that wants to make a motion my only question here would be the debate on whether or not we want to limit it to two or if we want to have that open to more or or what we'd be doing on that I mean from the sounds of it with the state limiting it to no more than 150 we may not even get one if we we try to I'm not a big fan of limiting you know businesses opportunities by saying well we're going to cap it at two um competition will determine whether or not those more than those can survive anyways based on what they're able to to do and and some of those things be my first thought on maybe not having limitation but um you know again want to have a discussion on it I agree I think in the past there's been frustration by people who think that we should limit something similar like our liquor licenses for for selling alcohol which this is on every level as as equally um legal so um limiting does you know put us in a box in a bit a bit um and like you said competition will will show competition is good for for for for business so um I agree at the number I don't know I mean unlimited I don't know if that's how we put it but sounds good to me one of the things you know and I can see that both your points the the state's only doing one for every 12,500 people this city isn't even half that no so to say two isn't really limiting much or one it isn't limiting anything because the state could say you ain't getting one at all they're the ones doing the limiting we can send in 50 applications and end up with zero well correct but if we we would to you know put in to say well 50 could be approved either no and if it goes to a lottery they do they limit the geographic location for how many of that Lottery goes to a specific area of the county if it's per one if it's one per 12,000 people who's to say that three of those might be allowed in sock Center because it's still we're still one you know we're still counted in the the county population so I don't know how they're going to do that as far as are they going it could be everything could be end up in St Cloud it could or everything could be in sock Center not to say I'm just right throwing it out there that I don't know I don't know what the I agree with Joel not not limiting feel I agree with Joel okay well do I have a motion I'll make a motion that we approve it with no limit okay we have a motion by Diane to approve ordinance 839 with no limit on the licenses do I have a second I'll second that second by Joel any more discussion call the question all those in favor signify by say and I I opposed I extenstions motion carries four in favor one against 7 C approve ordinance 840 authorizing summary publication as you know the state statute allows the city to publish a summary rather than the full text of the ordinance as a cost savings measure as long as they concur that it adequately relates to the public what the ordinance contains this approval requires a minimum four fifths vote on the members present the title of the ordinance is ordinance 840 authorizing summary publication of 839 establishing regulations for cannabis registration cannabis events and compliance procedures questions do I have a motion to approve ordinance 840 make the motion to approve motion by Heidi do I have a second I'll second second by Shon call the question all those in favor signify by saying I opposed extensions motion carries five in favor none against 7D approve ordinance 841 amending zoning ordinance for cannabis businesses this is uh the the ordinance that the Planning Commission had their public hearing on last week and that impl implements land use criteria for cannabis businesses it restricts retail sales to the commercial districts of C1 and C2 which is the downtown and the freeway commercial area with manufacturing and distribution allowed in the industrial commercial District the commission also reviewed whether the city should Implement a separation area around schools and daycares and they were recommending the city adopt the same distance as the county uh the statute States the city can restrict businesses up to th000 feet from a school or 500t from a daycare and you'll see that in the in your packet here there is a map that shows that boundaries what those boundaries are and how much of the city would be out of um wouldn't be able to get a license for if we implemented those standards the other thing in the uh that's been changed by the county since we had our or since that hearing was they're doing the retail sales instead of from prohibited from 10: p.m. to 8:00 a.m. they just went 10 to 10 so after 10:00 a.m. and up till 10: p.m. they can be open for business and then the other thing to they were meeting on was the Thousand from the feet of the school 500 of a daycare and 500 from a public park uh they didn't finalize that discussion yesterday and so I don't know what their final decision is going to be on that they have a much bigger counties I mean they're talking mostly rural area which which they are governing so they're not going to impact as much of the area as as we will by imposing that same restriction we can go up to that amount or we can have anything less so if you don't want to have a restriction around those areas at all you can do that if you want to have it a lesser number you can do that uh what you have here is the solid line is the th000 Ft around the school and the dash line is 500 ft same with the red lines which are the uh from the daycare so you've got the two schools and then we have The Learning Tree here and then there also the parks are kind of green they don't really show up that well but so we need to have a determination from you on whether or not we want to enact that restriction um we've kind of set the zoning ordinance up that if it is okay for a liquor store it's okay for this type of a business as well so we kind of mimic that yeah one of the things with the Planning Commission is we've went with the county try to make everything streamline again also res R1 areas they cannot sell out of their house we had a lot of people come in thinking they're going to apply and be able to sell it out of their house that ain't happening and we also put a restriction that RC if I remember right RC um residential commercial cannot so anything that has residential is not allowed so you can't run a business out of your house in an RC with that so they have to be in a C1 or C2 so I think the determination that we need to know or maybe some discussion is whether we want to put those separation distances from the uh the school the daycare and the parks comments I guess with the thousand foot radius it really limits much of the downtown area so I don't know I mean I I I guess I don't know if the thousand foot radius is really feasible I I don't know what other spots are potentially left I see Fourth Street Fourth Street in South um if I'm seeing this correct so by you know the thousand foot circle around the Holy Family School is basically the one that's going to be the one that takes most of the toown yep the one around the high schooled I don't think it affects anything and that's in a different District or uh zoning District at least most of it is that's all residential for the most part and learning Tre is that other one that's up there and that's been across the street from a off sale liquor store for how many years and a smoke shop and a smoke shop too so that's kind of the reason why we weren't so certain about the distances yeah I so the dotted line is a is a possibility in of the line is a thousand from a school and and 500 is the dotted and then on the daycare a th000 or 500 is the solid line and 250 is the dotted right so it's half so you basically could go 500 250 or none at all or 100 anything under 500 you could do so if you had that it within that thousand I mean that's much of downtown that is not and same thing here like across from The Learning Tree I mean across the street is like that well the two smoke shops that we have existing right now would be not able to purchase the they not able to now they won't be able to sell it smoke shops are not included if that's what we were told at the Planning Commission smoke shops are not going to be able to sell cannabis they will if they get the license okay I thought that was the whole premise of a lot of these kind of popups happening recently was in preparation of being able to eventually sell yeah they need to get the licenses and there's a lot of requirements on the licenses with Secure Storage and and how much they can have and they have to have a vault and they have to have 24-hour surveillance and they have to have a lot of things that I think maybe some of these businesses are going to say no I'm out right you know you could do half you could do 500 from the school and that would take care of that downtown area or you could just not do it at all it's just what we're looking to you for is what are your thoughts on allowing that or do we just allow it by zoning just like we do with liquor stores the Planning Commission did put a restriction on the distances waiting for the county to act on it so the county Will trump us regardless no we can we can set our own right we can set our own but since they didn't act on it now it's back in our lap so I guess I would be in favor of of moving towards the um just doing it by zoning like a liquor license or a smoke shop or whatever having it in those areas and like I said I feel like a lot of these distances that are in there really limit I'd be curious to see where the businesses that could actually operate within even a 500 distance currently lie um I'd have to have like an over like a you know transparency map over our our zoning map but well the C1 district is basically downtown yep probably from the river to the library and the um and then a block each way I think on Sinclair about that and then the C1 is everything from probably like Casey South down to the freeway and then over to Walmart in that area I'm inclined to agree with Shon with just the zoning it really is on the corridor yeah the main corridors yeah yeah my thought is you know if we you know allow liquor stores liquor to be sold and in the areas of of these um schools or dayc carees and stuff like that I mean the institution itself that's you know making the sales is responsible for making sure they're you know not selling it illegally and those type of things and um so i' I'd be in inclined to go with the zoning map as far as the eligibility for that okay do I have any motion I'll make a motion to well figure out what I'm too far ahead here your page 51 yeah was the most is he going to make a motion I don't know okay he's working on I thought he fell asleep no I know I had to get back to the right page I guess um so what would the motion be then to I'll make a motion to approve with the um going in line with the zoning districts is that what the motion would be you would just take item k out if that's what you're trying to do yeah okay yeah so rather than have a secondary restriction just go straight with what zoning allows that's okay yes ma'am okay seconded we have a motion by Shon seconded by Diane is there any other discussion is everyone understand the motion call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against 7e approve ordinance 842 authorizing summary sub publication this is the same summary publication request that I did for the prior ordinance allowing us to to publish the summary rather than the full text uh and basically what this ordinance does is establish land land use criteria for cannabis related businesses okay do I have a motion I'll make the motion motion by Heidi do I have a second second second by Joel call a question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against 7f approve resolution two authorizing interfund transfers this is the year end the interfund transf transfers that we normally do to close accounts move funds to and from Capital project syncing fund and other various uses the following that we have recommended of course we have the fire hall portion of debt Service uh we have the storm water utility money that goes into debt service that's for the 12th or the Fourth Street project we have sinking fund transfers and that was bringing money back from uh forly purchased the Public Works truck and and also there's some money coming back where the police department last year had gotten that grant for the cameras and now we're pulling back some of that money to to actually spend it uh there's the abatement for the apartment complex so one more year after this after this year uh that we will now have recouped all the money that we had to invest in putting in the infrastructure and purchasing the land and the plating for that project at Main streeters 2500 from the Tiff fund to to the administration to the general fund for ad Administration we have some Pro some project transfers of $242,000 and what that is is there was some um funds from the for the truck stop storm water that was getting moved into the storm Water Utility Fund in order to help fund that project and then also the Airport operating fund to their project and then we have closing of some project funds the big one is actually this 2022 project there was funds left in that we had some cost savings during it so those left over funds will be transferred into the debt service for that project so that'll allow us to Levy Less in future years for those and then we have the south industrial park is being closed out the author's Edition infrastructure being closed out and then also closing out uh funds that we had used on what was going to be the hotel project so that those are the ones highlighted in blue on your chart the reason they're in blue is it'll be a little bit different because there'll be that's actual cash transfer that will have some interest applied to that for the um October 30th bank reconciliation and then finally we had some special Revenue fund transfers for the library the senior center and the arena so actually the total interfund transfers is 1,820 3362720800 okay any other questions do I have a motion to approve resolution 2024-25 saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against 7g approve health insurance renewal for employees so with our health insurance plan up for renewals we went out for bids for alternative PL to determine if a change should be considered so we had the rates for our current Blue Cross Blue Shield which is an I plan came in slightly below what we actually budgeted so in addition some employees have indicated they'll not take the family plan which will result in some further changes or from some further savings so we will be able to come in actually less than what we had anticipated we also looked to peep which is the Minnesota public plan uh those rates were about 177% higher than what we are going to get with our existing plan so we scrapped that one and then we also looked at a new group plan and uh that just ended up not being a fit for us at all based on what the needs of our employees are so due to the bids received we just recommend we continue with the renewal of our existing plan which is a Blue Cross Blue Shield erra plan for our 2025 health insurance questions do I have a motion to approve the continuation motion to approve by Joel do I have a second second second by Shon call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against 7h approve resolution 2024 d93 authorizing sale of lot another purchase agreement um came in under the wire last Friday uh for three lots up in the author's addition Lots four five and six block one uh we just looking for the council to authorize the mayor and myself to execute all the documents necessary to complete that sale that is resolution 20249 3 authorizing the execution of the closing documents this will mean that we'll have nine of the 19 Lots will be sold so comments was there a threshold did we talk about um how many of them sold or before released marketing the next portions or um when the we talked to the Eda about that and they kind of said it once there's five Lots left that they would start looking at another phase but I think with the the pace that they're selling that maybe we need to look at it a little bit sooner than that but um I'll bring that up at their next meeting thank you any other questions do I have a motion to approve resolution 2024-the do I have a second I'll second second by Heidi call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I oppos motion carries five in favor not against unfinished business bids for building improvements so we had the bids for the proposed building improvements which were the membrane roughs the shingled rough and the rof top Air uh we opened those on Wednesday November 13th uh we've been working through the numbers just to kind of confirm all the math uh we had a total of 20 biders so that was really good between the three projects I think we had 10 for the membrane roof so that was really good uh we'll have a recommendation at the December 4th meeting for you exactly how we how we think it should go forward and then if that's successful then we'll get those contracts out right away because there's a pretty good lead time on some of the equipment costs so just information uh no action for you tonight okay any questions on that all right we'll move on to new business RFP for audit services so this is uh we had increased cost for auditing Services we reached out to neighboring cities to get an idea what increases they were seeing they kind of resulted in moderate increases one lost their auditor and one went out for rfps and didn't get any responses I think we're having there's going to be more and more difficulty finding auditing firms to audit governmental units people are going into other fields I guess is what's going on uh we have risen ours have risen some both to inflation and with the cost of implementation of new auditing procedures however uh Clifton Larson Allen uh has been doing ours for some time they also do the public utility and so it's kind of that's good as far as trying to merge our two audits together uh there's only one new auditing procedure or new gasby audit procedure to be implemented this year so it probably will then I talk I call called them last Friday and they said that uh we'll see a very minor if any increase next year and so I still wanted to bring it to you do you want us to still go out and and try to seek another auditor or because Clift and Larson AIT is because they're telling us it's going to be relatively flat next year do we stay with that and then jump on it earlier for future years just wanted to get your opinion on whether we should uh send out that request for proposals comments or concerns I feel like I think you guys have worked really well for the last several years working through the new process of going in-house to online submissions and kind of knowing their process and if it's not going to be a huge increase I feel comfortable staying with them but I don't know how strongly anyone else feels I agree with you Heidi actually staying with them would make sense because I know there's a lot of cities around the state that didn't ever get their auditing done because there's firms out there to do it um plus a side note the Pu is already extended their side of it out okay to Clifton Allen so if it works together I would think would stay the same y I think too with the time of year that it is as we're approaching the end to get the rfps back and you know have time to evaluate make a decision is probably difficult so to stay with them going through the you know year end 2024 you typically do it in like March and then you know if if in 25 you're looking and say okay let's let's explore just to make sure we're keeping them honest on you know what they're charging and some of those things that'd be the probably the more prudent time to to go out for that right so so you want a motion or general consens is just to keep just to let it just keep stay with us yeah is that fine with everybody yeah like what Joe said about you know okay later time maybe okay uh 9B appeal of zoning admin administrator um you've got a letter in here based on uh Mr Williams appealed Sarah's decision on uh replacing a whole is shore line back to normal and fines and everything in the Planning Commission acted on it um it's pretty much cut and dried unless someone appeals it himself or at the next meeting so whoever voted yes for it can come back and say they want to look at it again but it's kind of after the fact so okay that no action on our part It's just a information yeah thing on that um 9C Thompson lot Bruce Thompson's been in and talked to Sarah and myself numerous times he's on 8th Street there and uh he wants us to consider possibly taking ownership of that holding Pond and or even that shed that's down there and we haven't talked numbers we haven't done anything and that it's something he wants us to consider the benefit to him is less uh for the upcoming project project meaning downside dust's increased cost right we're maintaining it already now that whole holding Pond we're doing all the Mowing and everything already but he's also looking at the amount of Frontage he's got which would affect his assessments so we're trying to find different ways of looking at how we can help him out or was wasn't there going to be a recalculation of his assessment that we were shown initially based on that holding Pond and stuff was there anything redone Rec inial assessment we were going to do some recalculation giving him some credit for the fact that we have the easan over the pond and that he can't do anything with it um we haven't we haven't done that assessment recalculation yet simply we don't have final numbers right and uh but he's been in pretty much weekly wanting to know do we have a number would be interested in purchasing that property or taking ownership of the property and then he just doesn't he's he he has a his from his perspective he has a real concern with his liability for that being there okay you know so that was kind of he says I just feel better at night if I didn't have to worry about that I don't I don't know why he worries about it but he does and um so I think that's very real to him and he just wants resolution to it if the city is amenable to having a discussion with him about taking ownership of that then we would actually sit down and look at what the numbers might be and just find out what exactly he's thinking I told him I'd bring it to the Council just for as ideas so the council can think about different ways of working with him on it and besides redoing the numbers and yeah and then if the council agrees to it we can always go and uh start push crunching numbers then and seeing what we're going to do or what he wants compared to what we're willing and if it's even a viable thing on our part I I don't think there's anything wrong with having the discussion and and I think we should be open to it right but usually you know when you get five people and you can all have the chance to think about things on the side and we can get creative in certain things there's no problem with that right so we we'll come back with some options yeah okay so that was strictly information there um consent agenda we have a schedule of claims of $ 42,2 18135 and a list of checks for October of $483,500 is there any questions on this the consent agenda do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented motion to approve motion by Diane do I have a second second second by Heidi call the question all those in favor signify with saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against informational items just a couple things reminding you that there's the public hearing on the budget December 4th at 6:30 I think you all got your proposed property taxes in the mail so everybody has that so they're all aware of it plus we advertised it uh in the paper and then also your spectrum Channel spectum spectrum and Charter channel lineup changes are attached and then that's what I have questions okay then that brings us to our end of our agenda do I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn motion by Diane do I have a second a second second by Shon call the question all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries five in favor none against meeting adjourned [Music]