##VIDEO ID:0EhYWOihVZM## Nicole are you ready okay Dan you ready good evening everyone I'm going to call the meeting to order with a short prayer and a salute to our flag almighty God grant us the wisdom to make those de decisions that are in the best interest of all of our residents May the heavenly father of us all bless those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in serving to our nation and may He watch over and protect our service men and women now guarding the gates of Freedom salute to our flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Jessica statement of publication please take notice at this regular agenda meeting of the mayor in burl Council being held on this 19th day of August 2024 has been posted and advertised in accordance with open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 roll call Council person's Bala here poliisi here NOA Roberts here sinari here zabowski okay uh council president approval of the prior minutes I move the following minutes of the mayor and Council be approved on roll call vote subject to correction if necessary and that would include um July 15th special and executive meetings and the July 15th regular agenda session second Council person's Roberts yes ala yes poliisi yes sinari yes now we have the proclamation okay council president if you would I have a proclamation to read today whereas more than 8 million people in the US are living with chronic wounds lack of awareness of advanced wound care and benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy leaves many people without access to life-changing care whereas hyperbaric oxygen therapy or hbot is a proven treatment for wounds infections or injuries that have not responded to standard treatment there are currently 15 indications for hbot recognized by the centers for Medicare and Medicaid services CMS and other third-party payers whereas hyperbaric oxygen therapy is most used for the treatment of diabetic ulcers of lower extremities radiation injury to Bone or tissue compromised graphs and flaps and chronic refractory Osteo militis whereas cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States of the 18 million people diagnosed with cancer in the US about half of them have received radiation therapy whereas many patients who undergo radiation therapy discover a hidden complication that may not come to light until years after they complete treatments radiation therapy can restrict oxygen in the body's healthy tissue which is needed for the tissue to thrive if there is a break in the Integrity of the tissue infection and non-healing wounds can occur about 15% of patients who undergo radiation therapy May develop late radiation tissue injury whereas hyperbaric oxygen therapy has emerged Ed as a treatment option for patients who suffer from late radiation tissue injury hbot helps patients by stimulating growth of new blood vessels following radiation induced damage whereas over 37 million people in the US have diabetes and 25% of them will develop a foot ulcer possibly leading to amputation hyperbaric oxygen therapy provides necessary oxygenation which is critical in preventing amputation whereas Hyperbaric awareness USA and the Hyperbaric aware campaign aim to spread National Statewide and local awareness of available treatment options for people suffering from radiation injury chronic wounds and diabetes thus prolonging lives avoiding amputations and reducing the cost of care and improving quality of life now therefore on behalf of Mayor Kennedy O'Brien and the calbo council I hereby acknowledge Hyperbaric awareness month thank you is there a motion accept the proclamation I make a motion to accept the proclamation there a second all in favor I I opposed okay thank you thank you council president thank you mayor there being nothing for executive session we'll move to uh all business public hearing on bond ordinance number 34-24 bond ordinance providing for acquisition of various vehicles and equipment by and in the burrow of seral in the county of middlex state of New Jersey appropriating $3,360 th000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 3,192 th000 bonds or notes of the burrow to finance part of the cost thereof this time I'm going to open the public portion for comments on this ordinance are there any comments Mary Mary Novak one Scarlet drive it's actually a question is this for all vehicles throughout the whole town or just specific departments I did look into it mayor if I may no um unfortunately I did my printer broke I was going to bring the list and it um outlines in detail what those but it's all departments we'll get you okay I just wanted to just not one Department I don't think we includ water because it's a separate water separate water would be separate because it's a different budget it's a different okay okay next item are there any other comments on this Bond ordinance being no other no other comments uh we'll move to the ne U I move the public hearing I move the public hearing be closed the ordance adopted on second and final reading and advertised according to law second roll call Council person's Bala yes polii yes Roberts yes senari yes public hearing on bond ordinance 35-24 Bond ordinance providing for various 2024 General Capital Improvements by and in the burrow of saille and the county middlex state of New Jersey appropriating $1,780 th000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 1,691 th000 bonds or notes of the burrow to finance part of the cost thereof this time I'm going to open the public portion for comments on this ordinance are there any comments being no comments I'll entertain a motion councilman Dela move the public hearing be closed the ordinance adopted on second and final reading and advertise according to law second roll call Council person's Bala yes Ali yes Roberts yes sinari yes public hearing on bond ordinance 36-24 Bond ordinance providing for various Park improvements by and in the burrow of saille in the county of middlex state of New Jersey appropriating $720,000 therefore and authorizing issuance of $684,000 bonds or notes of the burrow to finance part of the cost thereof this time I'll open uh public comment on uh for comments Jim thank you mayor Jim Robinson from Parlin this ordinance appropriates 7 $20,000 for Park improvements things such as lighting fuel lighting sight demolition restoration um buildings ball field things all good things I support all of this are any of these things that would be covered by the capital review section of the land use law 4055 d-31 one and what that basically says is before the municipality spends money on a capital project such as this and we have precedent when we've installed Lighting in parks and things they've gone before the planning board so the public can know what the plan is and to comment and the reason first I want to know is would these things come under come under that I mean I know the answer to that question but I'm asking on the record and the reason I ask that is we are currently in litigation with the Board of Education and one of the issues that we have with the Board of Education or maybe they're in litigation with us I guess it's a matter of opinion um and my opinion is they're in litigation with us um on the bus depot and one of the issues is that they did not despite being told many times they did not go before the planning board as a conditioned precedent they did eventually when they were dragged in um for Capital review under 4555 d-31 and I think this has to go I support this but at some point in time it has to go before the planning board and I think that if the Board of Education were to know that we were violating that provision which is an important provision of the land use law that it might be a defense um for why they didn't go before the planning board for Capital review so that's my question I and I support this I I support all of these things our look at our Parks you know that they have to be upgraded that's my question any other comments yes my comment is I would like an answer to my question you'll have to call in the morning I'll have to call this is for three minutes for comments okay so for during this public hearing I can't ask a question get an answer to it we passed an ordinance some time ago thank you very much you're welcome are there any other questions on this ordinance Robert Bob Duffy 111 Meritt Aven uh comment is my wife would probably be very happy seeing that we're spending some money in the Parks uh the other thing is that she suggested a while back that maybe we can get a committee together to go over the parks and see she spoke to Michael about it and getting a few people in the town that are not politicians get together and try to do the best what we can get for our money in the Parks thank you thanks Robert any other questions or comments rather on this ordinance being no other comments I'll entertain a motion councilman Balon with public we close the ORD adopted on second final reading and advertised according to law roll call Council person's Bala yes ly yes NOA yes Roberts yes sinari yes public hearing on bond ordinance number 3724 Bond ordinance providing for various roadway improvements by and in the burough of seral in the county of middlex state of New Jersey appropriating 6,500,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $ 6,175 th000 bonds are noes of the burrow to finance part of the cost thereof this time I'll open the public portion for comments on this ordinance are there any comments being no comments I'll entertain a motion councilman Bela move the public hearing be closed the ordinance adopted on second final reading and advertised according to law second Council person's Bala yes alisi yes NOA yes Roberts yes sinari yes public hearing on ordinance number 38-24 bond ordinance providing for various water utility improvements by and in the burough of seral in the county of middlex state of New Jersey appropriating $ 7,635 th000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $ 7,635 th000 in bonds or notes to finance the cost thereof uh at this time I'll open the public portion for comments on this ordinance are there any comments being no comments I'll entertain a motion move be closed the ordinance adopted on second final reading and advertised according to law second a roll call Council person's Bala yes polii yes NOA yes Roberts yes sinari yes appointments okay at this time I'm going to appoint Jeff Schnitzer to the seral cultural uh Cultural Arts uh Society I need a motion to accept that make motion to accept the appointment is there a second second roll call Council persons Roberts yes Bala yes kisi yes NOA yes sinari yes introduction of the following ordinance ordinance number 39-24 an ordinance supplementing and amending ordinance 40-23 fixing the salaries of certain burrow officials officers and employees for the years 2023 to 2027 councilman Bala with the ordinance to be approved on first reading advertised according to law and a public hearing to be held on 99 24 second roll call Council person's Bala yes kissi yes an NOA yes Roberts yesari yes ordinance number 40-24 and ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 5 of the revised General ordinances of the burrow of saille to amend section 5- 5.6 a andb political signs uh councilman anoa yes thank you C mayor I move the ordinance be approved on first reading advertis according to law and a public hearing to be held on September 9th 2024 second roll call council person zoha Vala yes polii yes Roberts yes sinari yes ordinance number 41-24 an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 26 of the revised General ordinances of the buau of saille to amend section 26- 89.8 sign schedule 1 and two sign permit revocable councilman uh belela filling in for councilman zabowski with the ordance to be approved on first reading advertised according to law and a public hearing be held on 99 2024 second roll call Council person's Bala yes poliisi yes NOA yes Roberts yes sinari yes okay um resolutions at this time I'll open the public portion for comments on the resolution are there comments being no comments I'll entertain a motion council president I move the public hearing be closed and the consent agenda resolutions be approved on roll call vote second roll call Council persons Roberts yes fala yes Ki yes an NOA yes tarski yes I need a motion to accept the correspondence as listed so moved is there uh second second roll call Council person's Roberts fala yes polii yes NOA yes senari yes okay mayor and Council reports uh Administration and finance councilman Bala thank you mayor uh not much to say but progress mayor okay Planning and Zoning would you do that Dan please yep there's progress there and our next planning board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 8:21 at 7:30 okay thank you uh Public Safety councilman an NOA thank you st mayor uh special thanks to those who continuously support our buau at our events even most recently with our Public Safety no additional updates to that mayor thank you okay thank you uh Public Works councilman kesy uh Parks is working on putting a new gate up at Bailey's Park and sanitation was there also cleaning up all the uh illegal dumping uh the road Department's been doing the tree trimming filling potholes removing dead animals from the roadway and and trying to keep up with the storm water issues so buildings and grounds uh has been keeping up with their building complaints and lastly uh all divisions will be starting to get their snow removal equipment um maintained and ready for the new season and also we had uh you know through the uh events of National Night Out and in our upcoming events uh with the sville day and everything I mean the parks and our whole DPW the men and women have been doing a great job and uh keep up the good work guys that's all I have thank you Recreation councilman sinari thank you mayor last Tuesday the 8 8813 we had our night out down at the Veterans Park there was a lot of people it was a good time I believe had by Hall we met a lot of nice people a lot of people had nice comments we listened to people as they spoke uh Farmers Market the 22nd and 29th of August and we got something new coming up this Friday it's called teen night it's going to be at Burks Park there's going to be some activities for teenagers they got to sign up and be able to come to that and we still have one more car show a couple more car shows on uh the 28th of August also thank you m that's it thank you uh water and SE council president thank you mayor um just a couple highlights from water July we um produced 229.182 interested um resident on the chees Quake board and town intersection and um it looks like that intersection is Flowing as it's intended so I want to thank him for all that work anything else council president no progress thank you uh business administrators report oh I'm sorry General discussion items uh application for social Affair permits received from American Legion uh to serve beer and wine at the football tailgate party on September 15th from 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and the seral PBA Local 98 to serve beer and wine at their October Fest on September 28th from 12: to 5:00 pm at St Stan's Carnival grounds are there any objections next item authorization for the tax collector to refund 2024 taxes and cancel all all subsequently bill taxes due to 100% disabled veterans tax exemption 20 Eugene Boulevard in the amount of $2,599 196 and 43 East cup Street in the amount of $3,352 192 are there any objections next item authorization to award a contract to Dell marketing for Microsoft licenses through NJ State contract in an amount not to exceed 19,000 any objections next item authorization to sell one ingersol ran 2475 air compressor to shs Autosports in sville for a th are there any objections next it uh request to travel received from engine Company Melrose and president Park to attend the New Jersey state fireman's convention from September 12th to 15th in Wildwood any objections next could I have a quick question go ahead Morgan's not listed did they not ask for permission to go or they're not sending a truck I I'm just G usually they bring a truck but Morgan isn't listed are they not going I Morgan Firehouse isn't listed I'm just wondering if there's a reason only they didn't ask then probably that's why that's the what I got from the chief so okay no problem no question okay are there any objections next item application for membership As A Firefighter for Thomas Alfrey accepted by Cal engine company at their August 5th 2024 meeting any objection next item authorization to award a contract to Motorola Solutions for the annual maintenance of the Vesta 911 system through NJ State contract in an amount not to exceed $ authorization to award a contract to Fire and safety services for preventative maintenance and repairs of fire apparatus through Source wellth contract in an amount not to exceed $57,600 any any objection next item authorization to award a contract to Tactical Public Safety for 2024 radio and pager maintenance through NJ State contract in an amount not to exceed $8,250 9 any objection uh request received from residents of pig Terrace to hold a block party on September 14th from 12:00 p.m. to 6: p.m. any objection next item um application for special event received um for to hold a car show at St stands and school grounds on October 27th 2024 from 11:00 a. to 4m any objection next item authorization to award a contract to Ferguson for the purchase of six water bottle fill stations through escn J contract an amount not suceed $2,875 any objection uh item authorization to award a contract to KC sign in awning for the purchase of three LED signs through escnj contract in an amount not to exceed 0,000 any objection and it's onlone that's it okay business administrator report authorization to appoint Matthew Mev to laborer one part-time in the Department of Public Works effective September 1st 2024 any objection next item authorization to appoint Darren gorica and Joseph slinsky to laborer one full-time in the water andur department effect of September 1st any objection yes mayor I just need to abstain on Darren gorsa that's all next item uh requests received from Clinton row mechanic for an unpaid leave effective July 29th in order to attend the police academy any objection and I'm going to handle Denise's all right see you F's report uh authorization to amend the 2024 local Municipal budget for the following opioid settlement $ 3679 67 thank you B Engineers report you mayor one item Lam mer section six the site work has been completed they requested a bond to release to rec recommending resolution releasing the bonds subject to posting the required maintenance bonds that's all I have thank you thank you uh borrow attorney report okay all right this time I'll open the public portion for comments on all issues Frank okay thank you Frank toino 32 Canal Street seril New Jersey president s Ser Historical Society like I can't hear you Frank when you when you move from the microphone we lose you okay have that any better yes thank you okay uh Frank with 32 Canal Street seral New Jersey president Cal Historical Society I'd like to give you some highlights to the governing body and to our to our residents about some of the things we've been doing uh August 8th 9th and 10th three loyal and dedicated volunteers of our society on our own dime visited the national archives in Washington DC and College Point Maryland we were researching the TA glesby mous plant loading plant uh also the Morgan explosion October 4th 1918 at 7:33 p.m. we expected some newspaper clippings maybe a document or a couple photographs we were amazed to find hundreds of documents and photographs reports and interviews by agents of the Secret Service military and civilian investigators indicate indicators of what my spot indicators of accidental and sabotage were very evident hundreds were interviewed and one that sticks to mind is Henry van her I think I got his name wrong but that's what I'm going with uh he reported off the day of the explosion they investigated him his family even his dog and they found out his real name was Henrik Von her was there Russ uh German U sympathy who knows they found cigarette butts in the nearby buildings uh the inspection two weeks earlier of the explosion they had faulty heat uh temperature gauges in the kettle room building which is building 611 the first explosion occurred they mixed The Greening together was an explosion also a whistleblower came forward and said the uh fire systems were not maintained and not functioning properly conspiracy who knows the first explosion could have been extinguished and the second and third explosions 15 20 minutes later may have not happened at all I also like to share another one here real quick I know I had a couple seconds here if you July 19th 2021 four loyal and dedicated volunteers on our own dime videotaped interviewed several Hometown World War II hero 100-year-old veteran who wrote a book into the cold blue lieutenant John Holman of College Point pa uh Mr hman grew up in sell can you please give me a couple seconds this is really cool um Mr hman grew up in Henry Street in listed in the Army Air Corp flew 34 missions he got this distinguished flying cross when asked what was his most scared Mission he goes the last one uh towards the end of the war he his missions were to to drop supplies he had to fly down around 500 ft or lower uh in his B24 he was shot at with flak he lost an engine and part of his tail the B24 has two two tails this is his book cover and uh his Navigator he says was shot in the ass he's he's one hell of a character um but they landed safely and he came home as a youngster John and his friends were playing in the yard on hry and Washington Road dug up military shell was it ta Gillespie we don't know so they brought it to the garage and they were in his quote we were banging on a damn thing and dad walks in and goes stop dad calls the police s had a bomb expert went to the site uh it was real the Army came and disposed of it and those are the two things that we're doing a lot of good stuff but I think the council and the membership and the the uh residents you know we're doing some really good stuff and we have operation snow con which I can get to next meeting thank you thank you for your work Frank thank you for the extra time appreciate it you should really have four minutes at least okay are there any other comments Mary Mary Novak one scholar drive this may be unnecessary because I heard Dan and Jessica talking the two ordinances are referring to signs they both say 45 days but one said they have to be down in three days and one says they have to be down at midnight of the Saturday after so one of these is going to have to be corrected before they're voted in the next time just just that I mentioned that but I heard you guys talking uh I would like to speak about the the uh building next door um I think that the uh the question is a little bit deceptive in that is there any way we can add wording to that or is it too late because it should be put in there that most if not all of this money could should and would be supported by grants so that it wouldn't be coming although it all comes out of the taxpayers pockets one way or the other there are so many grants out there I've noticed not that long ago Woodbridge declared one of their buildings historical society and South Amboy did it for one of their firehouses just last week I believe it really is so important and if if we're not going to fix it what are the plans do we have any plans at all are we going to tear it down I mean we can't just leave it sit there so and I know you don't have to answer questions right now but I really like you to consider if you can please add that to the resolution and also maybe we could give the historical society when they have something to present like that a special time to just present it and they wouldn't have to be tied to the 3 minutes in the public portion thank you thank you Mary Jim thank you Jim Robinson from Parlin the council asked for app appraisals on the 40 acres adjacent to Kennedy Park with the intention of preserving that property as open space the appraisals have come in has the council received those appraisals you're here for comments Jim okay well they can shake their head if they the council can respond mayor if they want to uh I thought that perhaps they wouldn't be shared with the council the word is that mayor you don't want to preserve that property and you want instead homes to be built there and that's why that appraisal which was asked for 10 months ago Donna you were in on that wasn't shared and if that's not the case please tell me um I want to thank chief plumacher for staying on top of the street light situation Matt I know you tried to help the business administrator uh did something with respect to that but the chief was able to get some things done we very much appreciate the three 300 have been fixed since then Council minarski you talked about the recreation department sponsoring teen night on Friday at Burks park that's a wonderful thing for Rising high school students whatever that means you didn't mention that it's $15 a kit now as all of you probably know sville is a title one school district which means at least 40% and it is higher than 40% of our fam our kids come from families that are low income and I think when we have a program like this um that it we ought not to charge kids now I called the recreation department twice today to speak to the director to see if I could donate some money to pay for maybe uh 10 kids I know some other people I spoke spoken to would also like to do that the and happy to do that and I'll follow up with him the bigger picture is this you have to revisit that you have to revisit whether or not the recreation department should be charging $15 for kids to go to a program that has sponsors by the way did the council approve that I know in the last few months the council has raised fees two maybe three times I'm not sure um but at least twice on Recreation programs did the council approve this $15 fee okay I forgot you're not going to answer well in any case I hope you would take a look at that I mentioned this to some folks I got a lot of feedback we we are at Title One the the state calls us a de District um so I think we ought to do that um you know we're getting $20 million for the property on Journey Mill Road I don't think we're hurting I don't think we're hurting I think we uh we ought to do that and one last question in exchange for or in connection with the pilot did anybody suggest that of those 46 Acres maybe five of them could be used for a bus depot that would solve a problem that we have that would save us millions of dollars and that might end a very costly and unfortunate lawsuit I'm sorry councilman zabowski isn't here maybe he could weigh in on that but did anybody ask thanks Jim did anybody ask thank you Jim if the scho Depot be accomodated on that property on Journey Mill Road in as much as we are going to be giving them a pilot thank you anybody ask that question Jim if you're gonna keep this up then I'm just not going to call on you anymore if you can't follow the rules it's it's not worth my time to have the police come and we're not here for your benefit mayor we're here for the benefit of the people of saille who have question that they would like to have anwers sit down you don't care about the bus the residents and taxpayers behave yourself Jim the young couple that just came in this is the portion where you'd make a statement if you have an issue you want to bring to the council's chamber so if the two of you want to come up this is the time to do it hello everyone um my name is hsh my wife name is Jui um could I get your names and your address please please my name is hsh her name is ji and we are from Town Lake West okay um sorry now there's a three minute limit for comments not okay got it go ahead so we are here on behalf of Town Lake West and I'm sorry for being late because we came from work um so we just wanted to bring few things uh we discussed with our home owner so I'm also one of the HOA PR uh members and uh few things that you know going back and forth because we come to you people from town L West come to us with their questions and concern right so we are responsible to answer their questions so uh we raised a few times that you know on on a wisinski road and throughout the like Town Lake West we have a parking issue speed limit issue we have seen recently on Town Lake East the other side of the lake uh you have install the speed limit sign and we have requested we signed the petitions from all the homeowners and we have not seen that been installed yet uh I personally so if you can I assume you have other things but if we can get your contact information before you sit down we'll have someone call you tomorrow and give you an update on where we are with the request that you put in absolutely we'll give it to you no worries uh and I also reach out to some of the members here uh not myself maybe because uh few people have some celebrations going on due to summer so we came here on behalf of them so parking issues uh from the other side of the like you know new development from Camelot and the other is the the um existing the uh the Camelot and also the some speed uh limit signs if if you guys can install that would be great so it would be great for our community Y and uh we also would like to I see there was a uh uh Public Work under Public Work section there was a request to block the page Terrace on September 14 between 12 to 6 it has been approved for the block party because the week came late so it was one of the agenda that was approved okay because I wanted to answer those things too uh and one last thing that we wanted to uh add to this time is uh I know there was some concerns from the other U homeowners in our community about the insul insulation of a trees on their backyard uh which I was told that you know someone from the uh Town reach out to them and they said they install it in a in a early uh fall so just want to make sure that also been it's on schedule aome okay so that's all we wanted to discuss okay thank you thank you that's his fella here this Glenn okay thank you Ken Kendall sheski seral there probably about 10 things I could talk about this evening that I think are are cruel undemocratic things that have gone on here since the first of the year but the one I chose in the limited time I have is what you've done to the Historical Society how you've taken and and put your thumb into the eyes of the people of the Historical Society who many are pillars of this community um they ask for a historical designation for this building next door they never asked to spend any money you decided you decided that there should be a referendum it's strange because there was no referendum on any of these other unpopular things giving away $100 million in tax breaks to the warehouses on uh minin Cheesequake giving away at the last meeting tax break to uh the uh uh the club here where they're going to now build uh never any referendum on then but you wanted a referendum on this then you told them you would work with them we were here we heard that and you know what there's no kind way to say this but you lied uh the president Frank came up here and said he never heard a word from you people on it you simply lied councilman sonari said your backs were to the wall what backs were to the wall this one on for months I don't know what he's talking about you know he talks at the end when when the public can't get back up and then he said he can't see the burrow funding the building nobody asked him to but of course now since he voted for the referendum obviously he's he's against the referendum because it says he spent three you can spend $3 million so the the deal that we talk about here is how cruel you've been how you've lied to these people who are trying to do good things for the community Frank just talked about some of the great uh things they went down on their own time to Washington and and reviewed and you continue to lie you continue to cheat and you continue to take money from the burrow treasury not a little money millions and millions of dollars and give it to the big people in town to your friends the multi-billion B dollar corporations thank you very much are there any other comments Bob B B Duffy 111 Meritt Avenue uh I was here in March and I asked the council at that time uh to look into a new ordinance about fines and money owed on property when they're going to the board planning board zoning board uh I think uh I don't think he ched it even spoke about it I'm bringing it up again hoping that you can at least look at it think about it it's a revenue Source it's uh because I had I had an incident I was involved in and there was fines owed on the property and he came to the planning board and tried to get the planning board to okay it so he wouldn't be at in it be in compliance when he was out of compliance so I I don't know if you can make an amendment to an uh uh now or have a whole new ordinance or make an amendment to an ordinance that even fines have to be paid before you go in front of any boards and I don't think it's unconstitutional if you have to have your tax ta uh taxes in line to go in front of a board I think you should have all your fines you know there is's a big fine in town now W with with the plan with an application with the planning board you ain't never going to see that money once they get approved they're done so just think about it share it I if you could just add an amendment to what you have it may be good Revenue in town thank you thank you Robert are there any other uh comments you can only come up once Frank it was multiple times you can only do it once during the period right it's it's it's the ordinance that was passed uh are there any other comments being there are no other comments I'll entertain a motion to close the public portion I make a motion to close the public portion is there a second second roll call all in favor all in favor I opposed okay take a motion for adjournment make a motion to adjourn is there a second second second all in favor opposed the eyes have it thank you everyone