##VIDEO ID:LE-8wVhcl4k## good evening everyone I'm going to call the meeting to order would everyone please stand for a short prayer and a salute to our flag almighty God grant us the wisdom to make those decisions that are in the best interest of all of our residents May the heavenly father of us all bless those who have given the ultimate sacrifice and service to our nation and may He watch over and protect our Serv as men and women now guarding the gates of Freedom salute to our flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Jessica statement of public take notice that this regular agenda meeting of the mayor and burrow Council being held on this 23rd day of September 2024 has been posted and advertised in accordance with open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 roll call Council person's Bala here polii here NOA here Roberts here sinari here zabowski council president um I move the following minutes of the mayor and Council be approved on roll call vote subject to correction if necessary the August 13th receipt of bids for the roadway Paving and reconstruction project and the September 9th 2024 regular and agenda sessions is there a motion a second second second there a second all in FA roll call council person Roberts yes Bala yes kisi yes NOA yes sonari zabowski yes council president if you'd read the proclamation thank you mayor we have a proclamation today whereas every day in New Jersey more than 30,000 people work as direct support professionals providing exemplary and critical support and services to hundreds of thousands of children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities whereas direct support professionals have dedicated their professional lives in supporting serving and empowering individuals with developmental disabilities enabling them to live fulfilling lives in the community and whereas direct support professionals provide a broad range of support including help with personal care participating in school work home religious and recreational activities leaving important life skills and general day-to-day activities to Foster full citizenship and whereas direct support professionals develop strong trusting relationships with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities that are personally enriching for both the individuals and the professional and whereas the art Park middlex County values the hard work of its direct support professionals and recognizes the recognizes the support of the administration and governing body of seril for these invaluable workers who support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and whereas the week of September 8th through September 14th has been designated direct support professionals recognition week to honor and recognize the significant contributions that direct support professionals make to our communities and whereas every day the arc middle sex County's direct support professionals make a tremendous difference in the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities strengthening our communities and supporting our most vulnerable citizens for which they deserve our respect and deepest admiration now therefore I on behalf of Mayor Kennedy O'Brien of the burough of cille do hereby designate September 8th through 14th 2024 as direct support professional recognition week thank you is there a motion I make a motion to accept the proclamation is there a second second roll call Roberts yes Bala yes poliisi yes NOA yes sinari yes zabowski yes okay all business Jessica public hearing on the following in ordinances ordinance number 42-24 an ordinance to supplement chapter 26 of the municipal code entitled Land Development to make modifications in order to obtain middle sex County approval of ordinance 32-24 open it to the public at this time I'm going to open the public portion for questions or comments on ordinance 42-24 are there any questions or comments there being no questions or comments I'll entertain a motion councilman kesy I moov the public hearing to be closed the ordinance adopted on second and final reading and advertised according to law second roll call council person Poli yes yes anoa yes Roberts yes sinari yes zabowski yes public hearing on ordinance 43-24 an ordinance fixing the salaries of certain bur officials officers and employees for the years 2023 to 2027 this time I'm going to open the public portion for questions or comments on ordinance 43-24 are there any questions or comments there being no questions or comments I'll entertain a motion councilman Bala move the public hearing be closed the ORD is adopted on second and final reading and advertised according to law second roll call Council person's Bala yes alisi yes NOA yes Roberts yes tarski yes zabowski yeah okay at this time I'm going to appoint uh Sanita do to the cultural arts commission is there a motion yes I make a motion to um accept the um appointment for Sita dos is there a second roll call Council persons Roberts yes ala yes kisi yes an NOA yes sinari yes zabowski under business ordinance number 44-24 an ordinance fixing the salaries of certain burough officials officers and employees for the years 2023 to 2027 councilman Bala I move the ordinance be approved on first reading of advertised according to law and a public hearing be held on October 15 2024 second roll call Council person's Bala yes polii yes NOA yes Roberts yes sinari yes zabowski ordinance number 45-24 ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 26 of the revised General ordinances of the burrow of seral to amend section 26- 89.8 sign schedule one and two sign permit revocable councilman zabowski move the ordinance be approved on first reading advertised according to law and a public hearing to be held on October 15 2024 there a second council person zabowski yes fala yes polii yes NOA yes Roberts yes senari yes at this time I'm going to open uh the public portion for any comments on the resolutions are there any comments being no comments I'll entertain a motion I move the public hearing be closed and the consent agenda resolutions be approved on roll call vote there second second roll call Council persons Roberts yes Bala yes Ki yes an NOA yes SAR yes zabowski need a motion to accept the correspondence as listed is there a motion I make a motion to accept the correspondence as listed is there a second second roll call Council person's Roberts yes ala yes polii yes NOA yes zarski zabowski yes okay committee reports administration of Finance councilman Bala thank you mayor uh this year's audit we had five recommendations next meeting I believe we're gonna have a what do you call corrective action plan we're going to pass to address these issues and we recently got the best practices uh surveyed out so probably in October we're going to be talking about that and again giv our points other than that progress thank you planning and zoning councilman zabowski thank you mayor uh first of all happy first day of AUD to everybody first full day uh just you can keep in mind as a PSA I know that our fire department normally gets this at is that is you should also check your batteries for both your your carbon monoxide and your smoke detectors as well uh do it every quar that way you know everything is always fresh and you're going to be safe in your house uh the planning board uh met um actually last Wednesday uh to continue testimony on the application for the mosque on erston road uh it is there is another hearing coming up that will be uh October October 16th again at the Active Adult Center last week or two weeks ago Sarah met during that uh meeting we had a presentation from claro Ventures uh they provided us with a or they conducted a survey of business as well as residents of the downtown area to kind of give us an air a reading of what uh what they see as their needs um I think this was a very good practice and when uh we look at other areas as well in the future uh hopefully we'll continue that practice and then finally the board of adjustment is scheduled to meet this Wednesday mayor that's uh my report thank you thank you councilman Public Safety councilman to noow thank you st mayor no additional updates for Public Safety okay thank you Public Works councilman kesy uh Public Works is currently working on uh snow equipment now and starting to prepare budgets for the next year so uh if uh anybody paid attention this morning you saw the street sweeper out so uh as the days go um nice weather anyway you'll see the streets weeper according to your zone so um next week uh they're they're going to work on the uh storm water for the private developments here and uh all commercial properties and then in the also in the next week or so you'll see a nice surprise over at Kennedy Park not going to say it until next meeting but uh thank you that's all I have thank you councilman uh Recreation councilman sari thank you mayor uh just to recap on some of the things that we had going on we had Blas from the past car show at Kennedy Park last week there was over a 100 cars there and a lot of people viewed it it was a really great family event I'm glad to everybody that came and thank everybody that was involved to make that a good success the next one the day after was seral day seral day we had thousands of people at Cal day and a lot of people enjoyed it we had good food good vendors good people good company met a lot of nice people uh the next one was Teen KN that was a big surprise that was thrown together relatively fast and we had 62 sign up for that we had over 50 kids that were there showed up we had pizzas donated we had Rita's Ice donated we had a lot of cupcakes pies we had a lot of good kids absolutely no trouble we had several police there supervising which was a big help I was very thankful to them uh it was a great night and it worked out very good for everybody uh the next one I'd like to start a little earlier so it doesn't run into dark uh that's the only part that I didn't care for because it got dark and there was still some people hanging out and I couldn't watch them I couldn't see them because we were there all night uh and then upcoming events we got crws in at Kennedy Park this Wednesday September 25th that's going to be one of our last year car shows coming up that's a big hit to also another family event a lot of people come to that uh hit the bricks Trail runs benefiting seral Bic which I'm a big Bic supporter that's going to be coming up in uh October 12th registration seral rec.com another one bomber bonfire October 17th we're having that one coming up Halloween trunk or Retreat October 25th that's another big event for cille uh I'm working on it maybe a big surprise for that one for us we're might have a big surprise for that one cultural arts is wrapped up on their uh band night I went to almost every one of them they had great bands Good Times the last one was uh what was the name of that Mike buck buck something Buckshot Buckshot Buckshot I know them guys from somewhere I seen them around they had a great time they had a good following there was a good lot quite a lot of people there at Kennedy Park for that but now they're starting something different on the next Tuesdays coming up they're starting yoga classes on the 24th tomorrow there's going to be yoga classes in in Kennedy Park so anybody's interested in yoga come on out and I can't been like that so I'm not going uh what else we got here that's uh six to 7 yeah 6:00 to 7: p.m. uh the new thing also in Servo you know we should have took stock in water bottles years and years ago you know if you ever took stock in water bottles we always had fountains and we drank out of fountains now anywhere you go everybody's got water F water bottles but now cille has their own water bottle filling stations at different locations throughout the town we have some at Junior bomber field we got some atfield we got one at Burks Park which is not even ready yet but there's going to be one there and then we're going to have two two of them at Kennedy Park so any you're not allow you can't drink out of them but you'll be able to fill all your water bottles sanitary at these filling stations which is very important all right that's the end of my report thank you mayor thank you stash uh council president water sewer and environmental please um although I don't have any updates for water sewer and environmental today um I do have a couple of things um councilman sinari were you going to um do this one yes we're working on that one that just popped up today okay that's going to be new all right so we'll keep that on the side so I do want to give an update we met with um jcpnl recently on the lights and um they've been working with us um correcting a lot of the individual street lights there are a couple of places where there are some additional challenges like on Veterans bridge that they're working on um I understand this is a this is not what I do for a living but what they had said is the the boring ings that they have to do in the cement are horizontal and problematic so they're going to take a little longer so there's going to be um a little more length in getting that taken care of um we are going to work with their lighting inventory and they have an updated outage map that we can look at um online so if you look up jcpnl outage map you'll be able to see where outages are they did um give us information about some of the recent outage times and there were in the past couple of months I guess or a few weeks um they had identified three outages and those were less than two hours there is plenty of power to go around they have plans for the new Transformers that's being built that's going to take time but there is nothing that's impeding any of the electricity coming in or the volume of electricity and they are working very closely with us and are a good partner for us now so we have an open line of communication so it was very successful meeting progress mayor thank you uh I just want to as always I'm very grateful for all the volunteers I just want to personally thank the the people the volunteers on the cultural arts uh headed by Moira McCormick um the people that put get in the wreck that put the car shows together all summer um the seral Day committee which is under wreck um the teen night which is the first of of what I hope are many I want to thank Sharon Rus it's been her dream she has teenage kids and um she she really wants to make this thing work so job well done each and everyone uh and thank you so much for volunteering and and again we're a town of volunteers um that I'm looking at a smiling person out there and I used to give her awards for making the most calls in first aid Mary you you you you did a heck of a job thank you uh with that we'll go on to General discussion item authorization to award a contract to Motorola Solutions for the purchase of a Motorola Flex CAD system through NJ State contract in an amount not to exceed $914,000 $94,400 any objections next item request to travel receive from engine company number one to attend the Pierce Road Show on October 1st in Wall Township an engine company to attend the Franklin Fire Company open house on October 19th in Columbus any objections next item authorization to purchase firearm holsters from Atlantic Tactical through NJ State contract in an amount not to exceed $72,600 13.15 any objection next item authorization to purchase police firearms from Whit Public Safety group through New Jersey state contract in an amount not to exceed $ 28,258 which which includes a tradein program credit of $34,636 firearms are there any objections next item authorization to purchase firearm suppressors from the activity group through a non-fair and open process in an amount not to exceed 20,500 are there any objections next item authorization to scrap the following Vehicles which are no longer needed for public use and are no longer a value to the burrow which are not cost effective to maintain those are five vehicles as listed any objections anything else Jessica yep authorization to award a contract to Jesco for the purchase of one John Deere 550 utility Dozer through sourcewell contract in the amount of $33,860 are there any objections next item authorization to award contract a hunter truck for the purchase of 2025 Peterbilt 520 automated Refuge truck through sourcewell contract in an amount not to exceed $ 465513 14 any objections next item authorization to award a contract to Mid-Atlantic waste system to refurbish 2015 automated Refuge truck through sourcewell contract in an amount not to exceed $ 29,6 36 any objections next item authorization to award a contract to Route 23 Automall for the purchase of 2020 5 Ford F450 Mason dump and 1225 Ford f600 rack body truck in an amount not exceed $189,999 3992 and also a resolution for a corrective action plan for the next meeting thank you okay uh borrow Engineers report thank you mayor you recently adopted an ordinance for the road program for this year we're looking for a resolution authorizing design of the uh to be included so we can proceed with bidding phase that's all I had M thank you uh B attorney's report no report thank you at this time I'll open the public portion for comments on any of all issues Frank okay thank you Franko 32 Canal Street seral New Jersey president of the Historical Society uh I like can make a keep the governing body and the residents informed of uh some of our endeavors that we've been uh upcoming endeavors uh this Saturday September 28th at the senior center or adult Activity Center we're having a uh sponsored event by preservation New Jersey about creating your own Heritage Trail is basically how the 250th birthday of the American of of Independence uh it's how how you it affected uh Us in this town for example George Washington took his troops from eggh Harbor through the back back River Roads uh deliver Arms and Supplies they didn't want to go to raren Bay because there would have been history uh Captain Morgan uh from the Morgan Family uh he was a true patriot he was out there and he was wreaking havoc on the British ships out there in Ren Bay that's two two things that may come up in this uh creating your own uh Heritage habitat I think it's a good program and also that same day uh Saturday that's from 12 10 to 12 the next one's from 2 to 4 it's about what I talk about last last meeting into the cold blue it's uh John homman seral resident World War II he wrote this book co-authored by Jared Jared will be here uh with sign books from John John can't make it he had a situation so the books will be available uh I forgot to mention uh creating your own Hab uh Heritage Trail to be uh free snacks and uh free admission uh I think that's about it I I I'm not going to have enough time and uh but another program called uh operations snow cone it's a very good program we started in February we've been pushed back with other things popped up so we can't pursue it but we are working what we can uh it's a YouTube video by Kristen uh better last name hard to pronounce of Danny's lunchonette he she was a granddaughter found all these World War II pictures it's a great 15minute video she's uh gave a full story about the letters and about what it's it's really good you really have to see it I have a bunch of these little things here if you guys want to look at it it you really enjoy it if I can hand these over here thank you uh so we're doing a lot of good stuff and we appreciate uh the time thank you FR are there any other Arthur good evening Arthur writtenhouse 33 delicat Lane seral New Jersey trustee serbal Historical Society I just want to thank Frank for everything he's doing with the executive board one of the other projects as you know is the 1909 Town Hall firehouse and just to clear up some misinformation that's been being spread around um there the grants there are more than just 5050 grants out there and if there is a 5050 Grant there are also grants that you can use to pay the other 50 since 2018 we have never never never asked to have any money from the burrow be no money spent by the borrow other than what they normally spend now for the utilities so I don't know where or who they're checking with preservation New Jersey when they're at our meeting yesterday open house which we had wish some of the members of the council would have attended preservation New Jersey contacted the mayor and the council by letter by email received zero responses zero so you know it's very tough to talk about this this didn't need to happen this didn't need to be controversial like it is you can still change it by making it a local Historic Site tonight you could designate that takes nothing away from you you lose no power and doesn't cost you a dime thank you are there any other comments Bob Bob Duffy 111 Meritt Avenue the vehicles that the township is get getting rid of or can we give them to the fire department and EMTs for practice when no that the well I mean if the fire department is doing extrication and they want to cut them up by all means they're able to do that I'm just saying for practice Yeah it it well you know the fire chief will talk to him before they go to the scrapyard one way or the other the authorization is to scrap them but it's usually been the practice here that the fire and first state are able to cut them up before they go okay the other there's one more thing uh I think you better start thinking about uh making an ordinance for these electric bikes and scooters that are on the highway there're a little scooter with a motor on the back they do 30 mil an hour I mean they hit a stone they lose control and the car's going to we're going to have a fatality so I I think just share it because it's coming you know you see 10 today next week you'll see 20 thank you thank you Robert are there any other comments Ken Ken ALS shasi seral uh I want want to talk about the Historic Society too uh the upcoming referendum uh is not that far away so I just want to mention that uh this referendum should have never had to happen as we know this is just a scam on uh on the Historic Society which was made up of of of a lot of members who are bedrocks of the community they've been leaders over time and Frank and art and these people that have worked so hard and doing so many great things they never ask for any money as they've said I I know I'm repeating but it's important they've never asked for any money all they asked is for their designation so that they could go out and apply for Grants and you turned it around and decided to go out and do an engineering study by the way spent a lot of taxpayers money which uh these gentlement have said could very well have been been done through grants that study and come up with a scam trying trying to get this thing turned out I think it's it's going to be uh to your to your detriment because I think it's going to pass handily because it's a great thing for the history of sville and the alternative as the rumors are all over town is you want to knock this building next door the firehouse down and of course knock the public work garages down which been trying to get rid of for years you want to knock them down and have the friends the friends of of the mayor and the uh and the uh compatriots the the four people here the cronies that vote i i i i i and have them do building in town probably probably build either lowincome or affordable income housing that's the room we're going all through town I certainly would not be surprised if that happened you know rumors like this usually turn out to be true and looking at a track record of what's happened in CBO probably a good idea to bet money that' be true so uh I'm I'm urging people to come out and and support that referendum referendum which never should have had to be uh and uh oppose this group that sits up here and and tries to pull a fast one on the people of Sy scam the taxpayers left and right which they've done with everything going on in this town all the development that's happened as you can see it's all friends friends developers who are being taken care of here to the detriment of the taxpayers thank you are there any other comments yes young fell hello Landon wood 48 Maron Avenue I just want to say that I am here on behalf of Brookdale Community College on an assignment from my professor of my government class um councilman zarski I know you mentioned um the te nights and the uh amount of volunteer work I was just wondering how we could as a comment young man you can always speak with the councilman after the meeting okay sorry I was that's okay you learn as you come yes sir sorry no no feel free to say and when this is the portion where you make comments yes sir all right but we'd all be happy to talk to you after the meeting Sor I apologize no nothing to apologize Mary um Mary Novak one scholar Drive um I was at that meeting the other night and I I was surprised that uh this uh executive director from New Jersey preservation preservation New Jersey said that she had tried to reach out to everybody so maybe you can look in your emails I know sometimes they in my particular case they get to tossed into trash baby and just respond I don't think she was trying to twist anybody's arms I would think she was just trying to give information to the mayor and Council also everything else is Donna great work with the lights I'm really appreciative Stan the teen KN is the Talk of the Town and I absolutely love the uh things that refill your water bottles it really is great it's with I'm already teaching you the grandkids you know to bring their own water bottles so they don't we don't have water fountains and even if we do it's not particularly sanitary R uh Glenn I'd like to excuse me I got Ray on the brain Kennedy thank you for the compliment but I couldn't have done anything without my partner race ginski he was always with me all the time and really thank thank you for everything you do are there any other comments there being no other comments I'll entertain a motion to close the public portion make a motion to close the public there a second second roll call all in favor I opposed take a motion to adjourn make a motion to adjourn is there a second all in favor I opposed thank you everyone