##VIDEO ID:TojH39Qw_2s## all bless those who have given the ultimate sacrifice and service to our nation and may He watch over and protect our service men and women now guarding the gates of Freedom salute to our flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands One Nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Jessica statement of publication take notice that this regular agenda meeting of the mayor and burrow Council being held on this 9th day of September 2024 has been posted and advertised in accordance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 roll call Council person's Bala here kisi here NOA here Roberts here sari zabowski here Don you want to do approval of minutes yes I move the following minutes of the mayor and Council be approved on roll call vote subject to correction if necessary the August 19th regular agenda and executive session second roll call Council person's Roberts yes Vala yes kisi yes manoha yes sinari yes zabowski okay are there any proclamations okay anything for executive session all right all business public hearing on ordinance number 39-24 an ordinance supplementing and amending ordinance number 40-23 fixing the salaries of certain B officials officers and employees for the years 2023 to 2027 at this time I'm going to open uh to the public for any comments on ordinance 3924 are there any comments being no comments I'll entertain a motion councilman Bala with hearing be closed adopt on second file reading advertised according to law second roll call council person yes policey yes NOA yes Roberts yes zarski yes zabowski public hearing on ordinance number 40-24 and ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 5 of the revised General ordinances of the BAU of seral to amend section 5- 5.6 and and B political signs this time I'm going to open for question uh not questions for comments on ordinance 40-24 Jim thank you mayor members of the council Jim Robinson Parlin as you know I talked to a lot of people in town and the thing I hear most is I sure wish political signs could be up for an extra two weeks um but I know why Donna brought it up because of early voting um so on behalf of really nobody thank you except maybe the candidates thanks for this ordinance I do have two comments I want to make though in section B I think the word should be erected um within 30 days not erect and the other thing is section B talks about if your signs were put up in accord with section A then they have to come down by Saturday in three days so if they weren't put up in accord with section A then that doesn't apply so I would suggest that and I'd asked the attorney this that we strike um within 30 days or 45 days of the election pursuant to paragraph a above and just say must be taken down no later than the Saturday because I think that's what you really want to do and on the second one this was uh mentioned I think Mar Novak and I both mentioned it last time on 42 and John wasn't here he's the sponsor of that that talks about having the signs come down on Friday so would be nice if they came down on Friday but whatever whenever they do come down they should be consistent stash I know how you're going to vote on this because driving here I saw two of your signs up already they look good they look very good um but that's all I have thank you and I hope you'll make those Corrections are there any other comments being no other comments Council councilman on noow if you would thank thank you see mayor you know I I just want to clarify I think for this ordinance the only changes was to the language of the 30 to 45 days but the additional recommendations being brought forward if there are um errors can that it's being adjusted okay just want to confirm and clarify with that being said I'd like to take a motion to adopt ordinance 40-24 um and move C to be closed and the ordinance adopted on second and final reading and advertised according to law second o call Council persons Z NOA yes fala yes kisi yes Roberts yes senari yes Browski yes public hearing on ordinance number 41-24 and ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 26 of the revised General ordinances of the bur of saal to amend section 26- 89.8 sign schedule one and two sign permit revocable this time I'm going to open for uh comments on ordinance 4124 are there any comments being no comments I'll entertain a motion councilman zabowski yes just a note uh we are going to address that in a few in a an amendment coming up U okay I move the public hearing be closed the ordinance adopted on second and final reading and advertised according to law second roll call council person zabowski yes fala yes poliisi yes NOA yes Roberts yes sinari yes no not that I'm aware of uh new business yep introduction of the following ordinances ordinance number 42-24 in ordinance to supplement chapter 26 of the municipal code entitled Land Development to make modifications in order to obtain middle sex County approval of ordinance 32-24 uh uh councilman kesy I move the ordinance be approved on first reading advertised according to law and a public hearing to be held on September 23rd second roll call Council person's kisi yes fala yes anoa yes Roberts sari yes zabowski ordinance number 43-24 an ordinance fixing the salaries of certain burrow officials officers and employees for the years 2023 to 2027 uh councilman Bala approved on first second roll call Council person's Bala yes Ki yes NOA yes Roberts yes tarski yes zabowski okay at this time I'm going to open the public portion for comments on the consent agenda are there any questions being no questions I'll entertain a motion I move the public hearing be closed and the consent agenda resolutions be approved on roll call vote is there second roll call Council person's Roberts yes ala uh I need tostain on 2024 211 yes and all others that was 211 yes okay Ki yes an NOA yes tarski yes and zabowski I need a motion to accept the correspondence as listed make a motion to accept the correspondence say listed there second second roll call Council person's Roberts yes fala yes Ki yes NOA yes sinari yes zabowski yes okay um Council reports administration of Finance councilman Bala thank you mayor as you noticed we got our audit reports they're sitting in front of us I didn't have much time to look through it yet so I can't comment much on it other than that progress thank you planning and zoning councilman zabowski thank you mayor just want to take a moment to thank all those that came to the 91 911 ceremony yesterday uh we had our speaker of the house come and one of the things he said is reconstitute reconstitute meaning that we should always be vigilant and uh understanding of what the nature of what occurred 23 years ago and the impact it had not just on our community but uh in the nation as well so um tomorrow I hope our community does take a moment to one give a prayer to those that we lost uh and those families that uh have lost loved ones and also to our First Responders several of which uh are from several uh have medical issues as a result of being uh both at at um Ground Zero and also at the landfill site so uh and then finally that we all be vigilant that this doesn't occur again uh planning board meeting uh was last Wednesday uh during that meeting the the planning board approved landfill 3 development which will the uh two cold storage buildings uh on that site uh that was in combination or collaboration with Sarah planning board the burrow and the developer to get that through uh next next Wednesday will be the meeting SEC the next meeting for the planning board that'll take place at the act of adult center uh and that's further testimony by the applicant on the mosque and then finally Sarah has a meeting this Thursday uh it's the first meeting since um since July we skipped on uh in in August and finally the board of M uh did meet last week but the applicant request a postponement till the next meeting and mayor that's all I have thank you councilman Public Safety councilman and noow thank you st mayor just want to take a moment to express uh all the regards to our Public Safety officials uh for the continuous work and the updates on our reports and the improvements that come within you know beyond that mayor the rest of the updates come from you know General residents who are seeking the things that they've been pushing for for since the beginning of your term now so whether it's U more public accountability in our public portions of the meetings um ability to ask more questions and get more answers from yourself or the officials here on the day and I think that I always get feedback time and time again that that will help them feel safe in the public if you know their words and questions can be held accountable in the public form Beyond just meetings in the offices and behind the scenes so beyond that I do implore you and our Council to see if we can make more accommodation towards that and hopefully there'll be more progress thank you okay Public Works councilman clacy just uh big thank you to all Departments of Public Works for all our past events and what's left for this year so uh great job and progress thank you Recreation councilman sinari thank you mayor I also want to thank everybody that attended the 911 service it was very beautiful I want to thank all the fire department police departments Boy Scouts all the public officials that attended it was a very nice Service uh as far as the recreation this is a busy weekend we have uh Blast from the Past car show on Saturday we have uh seral Day on Sunday uh the times for them car shows from 4 to 7 several days from 12: to 4 uh the farm Farmers Market is still continuing yet we have a new date for the teen night I also have a flyer up here and Jim it's free okay uh cruising at Kennedy Park September 25th that's going to be another one of our car shows this summer other than that that's all I have thank you mayor thank you water sewer environmental council president Roberts thank you mayor um there was a meeting of the environmental commission I was unable to attend but received their minutes they are um the garden is wrapping up it was quite successful they want it to be even more successful and it actually is a beautiful backdrop to to our new farmers market and I also attended um Eli's memorial service it's been a year since he had um passed um from saving his cousin's drowning and he himself gave up his own life and then of course the 911 service was um quite a a lovely service and I'm looking forward to all the things we've got going on this month progress mayor thank you uh no it's to me sorry authorization to join the mammoth ocean Educational Services Commission Cooperative purchasing program any objections next item authorization for the tax collector to refund 2022 2023 and 2024 taxes due to 100 uh% disabled veteran tax for 131 old spy Road in the amount of 22346 192 any objections next item authorization for for the tax collector to refund 2021 2020 and 22 taxes and cancel all subsequently for 100% disabled veteran tax exemption covering 18 Parker Court in the amount of $ 7,668 And1 next item authorization for the tax collector to refund 2022 2023 and 2024 taxes and cancel all subsequently bill taxes due to 100% disabled veteran tax for 17 Thomas place in the amount of $1,394 any objection next item authorization to award a contract to GPC Inc through MC contract number 253 for interior painting at the Construction office in the amount not to exceed $15,000 $3.75 are there any objections next it them authorization to build the owner of 144 Washington Road a total of $310 plus administrative costs for the removal of a substantial amount of overgrowth from the property authorization for the B to advertise for the receipt of sealed bids for abandon and unclaim water vehicles in accordance with njsa 39 col 10 A1 are there any objections uh request receive from the residents of Dunlap Drive to hold a block party on October 5th from 12: noon to 11:00 p.m. are there any objections authorization to extend the contract with bnw construction for routine and emergency repairs for an additional 2-year year term in an estimated amount of $946,000 pickup truck And1 2024 utility body F250 pickup truck from Winter Ford through NJ State contra cont ract in an amount not to exceed $19,124 any objection next item requests received from St St s's church and school to use the stage for their car show on October 27th there any objections next application for special event received from the saal PBA to hold an an October Fest fundraiser on September 28th at the St Stan's Carnival grounds any objections um and then it's on to Becky okay Becky if you would fill in I sure will authorization to promote Thomas vosol levich to assessing Aid effective September 16th are there any objections next item authorization to appoint Nicole Galo from part-time clerk one to full-time key boarding clerk one in the Municipal Court effective September 16th are there any objections that's it see authorization to except the safe and secure communities Grant number 25- 1219 with the state of New Jersey Federal grant program administered by the division of Criminal Justice Department of Law and public safety for the period of June 1st 20125 to May 31st 2026 in the amount of $4,150 thank you thank you mayor two items first is Kennedy Park bathroom improvements next week we're receiving bids for the project if everything's in order looking for resolution awarding that contract at your next meeting second item is Kennedy Park walkway improvements the burrow received a $325,000 partial Green Acres Grant for funding improvements to Kennedy Park so I spoke with the administrator he would like us to prepare the plans and specifications so looking for authorization to proceed with that work that's all mayor thank you than you this time I open comments on any issues thank you mayor first I want to thank councilman an NOA for his comments about comments I appreciate that stash I want to thank you um for sitting down with me and mayor McCormack last week to talk about uh the teen night and not just the teen night but other events that ought to be free and that were free years ago and I'm happy that this teen night um is going to be free um but I hope more comprehensively you'll also revisit the idea of charging for these programs because there are families in town that can't afford it now I had some conversation with the recreation director the youth programs line item in the recreation budget is only $7,000 and it's been that for at least three years we've got a 65 million budget 6,500 School AG kids and $7,000 in the youth program I mean there's money for sports and other things like that but $7,000 in that one line item for youth program uh we got to do better for kids and that's you know that's maybe why they wanted a charge for the for the uh youth night uh or the teen night um at the last meeting I asked if Council had gotten the appraisals for the property next to Kennedy Park and they hadn't have they as yet I know you don't you can shake your heads in in January our ba said that uh it's the open space committee right what you asked this in uh our January meeting you stop the clock please for you asked in our January meeting and it was the our business administrator said that it was the open space committee that those uh requests were sent to for appraisals right yeah but subsequent to that I asked about the appraisals and the appraisals did come in couple months ago and last month when I asked the council hadn't received them and you know if we're serious about this if we want to preserve that open space now you know there's we're hearing that their plans to develop that that maybe housing or maybe even warehouses I don't think warehouses but maybe housing that the uh as a result of the mayor's conversation with Mr MCO but the council voted to move forward on that you have those appraisals I hope that uh you're going to take this to the next step councilman zabowski you brought up the mosque which I appreciate that will be decided well that'll be for a hearing in eight days whether no matter what happens to that somebody has to take a look at that area on ernston Road near bordon town near the hole in the wall people on a daily basis drive through that yellow hatching we all see it I see it at least twice a week I go there a resident came up here talked about a serious accident his daughter was in got to do something about that regardless I mean if the mosque is approved it'll probably be worse but regardless of what happens we need to do something about that councilman zabowski you weren't here last time I wanted to mention two areas that I think ought to be considered for areas in need of Redevelopment the Roberty Lee site and the former jcpnl on River Road they are both um Waterfront neither are being used they both have great potential neither of them have any trees that would have to be knocked down for them to be developed and I think they can be made very productive and I hope you and your committees will look into that I have a couple other things but I see my time is up so on on well you haven't told me to sit down so okay thank you Mary Novak one scholet drive um at the last meeting uh Frank came in and made a doing the public portion made a presentation about the historical society and then he has to speak again and I realize that you know we have new rules and everything but since we have in the agenda proclamations and presentations maybe we could remind the all of the Committees that if they do have a presentation they should just notify the clerk in advance and that way they could do it at that time in the meeting and they wouldn't have to take up the time in the public comments just a thought you know because I I really felt bad because even his second comment was something of a presentation from the the Historical Society where it pertains to Veterans and uh other than that Becky you're a much better looking business administr thank you very much no one else here at the I'll I make a motion to close the public I no we're good make a motion toj make a motion to adjourn there a second second all in favor I thank you I