##VIDEO ID:WurVUj6y9sA## good evening everyone I'm going to call a meeting to order would everyone please stand for a short prayer and a salute to our flag almighty God grant us the wisdom to make those decisions that are in the best interest of all our residents May the heavenly father of us all bless those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation and may He watch over and protect or serve as men and women now guarding the gates of Freedom salute to our flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all statement of publication take notice that this regular agenda meeting of the mayor and burough Council being held on this 25th day of November 2024 has been posted and advertised in accordance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 231 Public Law 1975 roll call council person Bala here kisi yeah an NOA Roberts sinari here zabowski here okay this time I'm going to look for a motion to approve the prior minutes of the mayor and Council those minutes of November 12 2024 regular and agenda and executive sessions is there a motion move the following minutes of November 12th of the mayor and Council be approved on roll call vote subject to correction if necessary there roll call Council person's Bala yes polii yes sari yes zi okay we're gonna go right to except okay go ahead whereas Section 8 of the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist now therefore it be resolved by the mayor and B counc the B of saal County of middlex state of New Jersey as follows the public portion of this meeting is hereby adjourned in order that the governing body may meet and close private session for approximately 20 minutes to discuss the following matters contract negotiations following the conclusion of said Clos session the governing body shall reconvene the open portion of this public meeting to consider any other matters which may be properly brought before it at this time the nature and content of the discussion which occurs in closed session shall be made public at such time as the need for non-disclosure no longer exists this resolution shall take effect immediately is there a motion moved is there a second second roll call Council person's Bala yes polii yes sinari yes zabowski convene make a motion to reconvene moved all in favor opposed okay next item introduction of the following ordinances ordinance number 50-24 burough of saille County of middlex ordinance addressing lead paint inspections mayor I'd like to make a motion to uh move the ordinance be approved on first reading advertised according to law and public hearing to be held on December 9th sir second second roll call council person zabowski yes ala yes kisi yes an NOA yes starski yes ordinance number 51-24 burrow of sville County of middle sex ordinance regarding environmental commission second on Bo thank you mayor motion to introduce an ordinance I move the ordinance be approved on the first reading advertised according to the law and a public hearing be held on 129 2024 at the next regular meeting there is there a motion second second roll call Sari yes fala yes polii yes NOA yes zasi ordinance number 52-24 an ordinance amending the burrow of seral Hercules Redevelopment plan May remove the ordinance to be approved on first reading advertised according to law and a public hearing to be held on December 9th there a second second roll call council person zabowski yes fala yes kisi yes NOA yes sonari yes ordinance number 53-24 and ordinance supplementing and amending ordinance number 3-24 fixing the salaries of certain burrow officials officers and employees for the years 2023 to 2027 councilman Bala is there a second second roll call Council person's Bala yes polii yes NOA yes sari yes zabowski yes ordinance number 54-24 and ordinance supplementing and amending ordinance 40-23 fixing the salaries of certain burrow officials officers and employees for the years 2023 to 2027 I move or go ahead I move the ordinance to be approved on first reading advertised according to law and a public hearing by held on 129 2044 there second second roll call Council person's Bala yes polii yes NOA yes zarski yes zabowski yes ordinance number 55-24 bur of saal County of middlex state of New Jersey ordinance addressing parliamentary procedure during Council meetings and partially modifying ordinance 29-24 Council minarski I think mayor I move the ordinance be approved on first reading advertised according to law and a public hearing to be held on December 9th sir second second roll call council person zabowski yes yes NOA yes sinari yes ordinance number 56-24 ordinance of the bur of saille County of middlex New Jersey authorizing the execution of a financial agreement buying between the burrow and cpmd journey Mill Road urban renewal LLC pursuant to the long-term tax exemption law njsa 4A 20-1 Etc councilman Bala will the orance be approved on first reading advertised according to law and a public hearing be held on 129 2024 second second roll call Council persons Bala yes poliisi yes NOA yes sinari yes zi yes at this time I'm going to open the public portion uh on on uh resolutions um I know on on the on some of the agendas it says three minutes I'm going to make it five minutes um are there any questions on the resos being no questions on the resos I'll entertain a motion councilman zabowski make Mo and adopt the resolutions is there a second second roll call council person zabowski yes Bala and resolution 2024 273 I'm GNA abstain on the Adel Bill okay and then 2024 276 and 2024 277 uh kisi yes an NOA yes sari yes we need a motion to accept the correspondence as listed motion moved there a second second roll call Council persons Bala yes polii yes NOA yes sinari yes zabowski yes he uh Council reports administration of Finance councilman Bala thank you mayor I'd like to welcome our new CFO Danielle here she's uh probably a little nervous tonight but she'll do fine and uh last month someone brought up to well last meeting someone brought up the fact that we should designate the month as month of November as veterans remembrance month I'm interested in following through with that is there anything we need to do can we do it veterans remembrance month for November could we do like a resolution doing that or you know we we had the veterans Alliance take a look at that they're very satisfied with what they have okay okay I didn't know you had to look at all right anything uh anything else Dan okay uh Planning and Zoning councilman zabowski thank you mayor uh I also like to welcome Danielle um and wish you luck in your job also want to also wish Denise well in her retirement she's done a terrific job for us uh I got the opportunity to work for her not simply as a council person but also in my role as chief of police and she always uh did a wonderful job so we wish you the best with that um I have just two quick items tonight for uh planning and zoning number one the burrow is starting as you know um round four obligations for affordable housing have come out believe it or not our numbers are actually what our obligations are actually lower than expected uh and one of the things that we can look forward to with part of this obligation is it comes back to the burrow to be able to do a little bit more creative work one of which is an affordable housing Rehabilitation plan something that we've done I think in the past and we're looking to do this again while all the um all the structure for that hasn't been placed put in place at this point we are able to at least tell our public that they can reach out to the burrow to tell us to tell you if you're interested in it again it'll be for uh for certain people economic levels um to get certain Rehabilitation done to the house whether it's Roofing whether it's siding whether it's h windows or what have you again all that hasn't been put together yet but if you are interested or you know someone that is we are going to take a list uh to start culminating all information for everybody so when it does move forward we'll be able to get all that out to everybody throughout the burrow second thing and um we have a planning board meeting for next uh December 4th uh that was originally an application for the mosque uh that is going to be postponed we still will have a planning board meeting because there is business to take care of that meeting will be here um at the burrow council chambers as opposed to at the Active Adult Center there is not a new date for the ne next hearing on the mosque at this point and just want to get that out there as quickly as possible I know there's a number of residents that have been very dutiful in coming to those meetings we appreciate it we appreciate their patience in that finally I just want to wish everybody very very nice uh Thanksgiving very healthy and happy Thanksgiving please keep in mind also our First Responders are out there that are working on Thanksgiving and put the put them in your prayers as well and mayor thank you so much that's all my report thank you Public Safety councilman and nowhow see mayor no additional reports okay Public Works councilman KY uh yeah uh repeating John sen sentiment um Denise all the best and Danielle welcome your hair is on point by the way so um uh for Public Works we have uh all the snow equipments been serviced so we're ready for the winter season they're currently putting up the lights right now for the holiday season there's a couple of setbacks with the electric but they're working on it now so hopefully we'll get it finished before the parade if not it will be done so um then uh basketball court uh all the basketball hoops in town have been uh issued notices to take them off the streets now the time has come so we can clear our streets better and that's Set uh Public Safety ALS Al um Chief plumacher has advised that we've added two new officers to the Traffic Division so uh that should be a big help in this town so uh let's see other than that progress mayor thank you uh Recreation councilman sarki would you also take water sewer and environmental L you there thank you mayor uh as far as the recreation department we don't have too many things left we have the holiday parade of lights coming up this uh on December 88th it's a Sunday it's going to start down by Miller's corner and work down Main Street right to the burrow Hall uh there's going to be hot chocolate here there's going to be holiday songs visits with Santa um Community organizations with floats are going to be in the parade so there'll be a lot of activities that'll be on December 8th it's on a Sunday the farmers market still continuing there's going to be a program right through the year depending on the weather uh they're going to be open Tuesday November 26th and and T Tuesday the 31st is also added to that as far as the water and sorage is progress on that one May thank you very much thank you uh under under my um report uh Danielle I think I was here when you got hired I've been here a long time but ex I couldn't be happier having you as the new CFO I you have all my faith and confidence and I know you'll do a great job I want to wish one and all a very happy Thanksgiving drive safely uh particularly if you're going north um because there's well there's going to be a lot of traffic and there may be in Clement weather so a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone okay uh General discussion go ahead re review and approval of our 2025 council meeting schedule any any objections next item authorization for the tax collector to refund 2022 23 and 24x taxes and cancel all subsequently bill taxes due to 100% disabled veteran tax exemption covering 161 Madison Street in the amount of $ 7,696 69 any objection next item authorization to a water contract to Li Environmental Services LLC for dust wipe sampling and related Services related to the Burrow's obligations to perform lead paint inspections any objections next item coin toss requests received from SW MHS and parents Association for December 14th and 15th any objection next item authorization to purchase ballistic carrier vest from the activity group through New Jersey Cooperative purchasing and an amount not to exceed $153,700 holsters in an amount not to exceed 32,5 56618 and Whit Meier's Public Safety group for the sites in an amount not to exceed $41,988 is there any objection next item application for special event received from Wayne's Auto Body to hold a toys for touch charity car show at 1938 Highway 35 on December 8th 2024 from 9 to 12: noon any objection next item authorization of purchase one John Deere 320 backo from Desco Inc through escnj Cooperative purchasing contract in an amount not to exceed 162 $162,200 is there any objection next item authorization to award a non-fair and open contract to American Timber and seal for guard rails at du hernel in an amount not to exceed $ 23,7 78.9 is there any objection next item authorization of purchase 2 2025 Ford Rangers through NJ Cooperative purchasing Alliance contract in an amount not to exceed $82,900 technical assistant in the Construction office effective January 1st 2025 is there any objection next question are we allowed to have two technical assistance yes yes okay any objection next authorization to promote Corey Ransom from laborer one to water repairer one in the water and sword dep Department effective December 1st 2024 any objection next item authorization to appoint Andre Osa as keyboarding clerk one of the administration department effective December 1st any objection next item authorization to promote Zachariah slicked a management specialist in the administration department effective December 1st any objection yes go ahead thank you C mayor you know I for I'd like to hold off on that promotion until uh I confirmed from our residents that most of their or at least all their questions were answered with your office are there any other objections okay um do talk about that well wait a minute um we have to do a roll call on that do I need a roll call on that all right do a roll call all right so I need somebody to make the motion to appoint can can you make the motion make a motion roll call no that's fine I know what you uh second is there a second second all right roll call uh council person zabowski Bala polii yes anoa sinari yes okay 32 go ahead the last thing I have mayor it's not on the agenda but I'm pleased to inform you that uh we were notified by Congressman Pal's office that we were awarded a 1.56 million doll Grant uh to finalize engineering plans to convert the Weber Avenue tracked into a passive recreation facility and also to bolster our ability to fight back against flood waters in the future and it'll be the last step uh we're now in the process of uh applying for implementation grants and this was all done under the direction and uh capable ass assistance of council president Roberts who chairs environmental commission well thank you to council president Roberts and thank you to council uh Cong Congressman palone anything else that's all okay uh cfo's report is is your mic on Danielle been a while it's end of year so we're just doing some housekeeping I have a budget transfer resolution and also um canceling outstanding checks okay uh any any objection anything else that's it Daniel okay uh borrow Engineers report thank you mayor one item looking for resolution closing out 2021 phase three Road Improvement project and also a proving a change order for net reduction approximately $30,000 any objection okay uh burrow attorney no report public portion again uh if you're if you're um agenda meeting shows three minutes I'm going to change that to five minutes uh Frank thank you mayor Danielle welcome aboard I know for a long time you do really good like you always do and wish that um Denise a happy retirement uh just an overview and some ongoing comments uh I understand a project next door is a huge under taking there's legalities State statutes guidelines regulations responsibility it's going to take a time for it's going to take it's going to take time planning coordination and cooperation I offer myself and our membership and our entire Community who's ever willing to help in any way shape or form and we will have a small army ready to serve uh we put together a plan as a uh last year uh as Council requested i' like to hand this to Jessica for a second I didn't make copies because my oh she can make them and pass them out to us just more paperwork I gotta get rid of um oh uh okay in June uh the society formed a interim preservation committee we had sever meetings and yesterday meeting uh brings me here tonight there were many concerns and questions that need to be addressed and here's the top five uh there is currently a safety concern with the loose bricks on top of the building next door uh that should be a priority emergency repairs uh number two local historic designation process Frank I can't I I I'm having difficulty hearing hearing you I'm not sure my ears or that microphone are both yeah probably me too what was the first item Frank uh number one was the current sa the current safety concerns of the loose bricks on top of the firehouse next door that should be priority emergency repairs okay uh number two histor designation process what process okay what's the third Frank uh well be uh to continue on that one there certificate eligibility preservation Jersey says they can assist uh number three transparency residents should be advised the progress whether it's major or minor work or plans that are being discussed or implemented to be a weekly monthly report uh number four question came up pilot is the 20 million receed for the journey Mill site available uh number five open space farmland and historic preservation trust fund last numbers were $9 million in that fund uh we revised uh the meeting between the council and Society was to happen after the election uh we way to follow up uh several so Society kept District 19 uh Coughlin vital Lopez and congressman palone and others in a loop since last year and when they were willing to work with us for Grants and such and and currently a cleanup process should be uh activated as far as far the items left behind by the Coast Guard and Roc uh if the groups are not interested in the items consider donating the clothing next door there's jackets uh clothes there's shoes it' be a good gesture to donate to home Societies or any shelters in the area uh other items the society would be willing to purchase bins to store everything uh every o every item will be documented and cataloged and plac in bins historical items could go to the museum uh I should have brought two pages he gave me five minutes uh down in the basement is a really cool artifact down there we have our honor RS World War I World War II they're wooden ones that were in the ground I forgot where they were located in town but when we were kids we used to write up and point to our uncles's names they're in the basement downstairs World War I and World War II uh last year we put them up high so in case something happens so that's just something to consider uh Donald Roberts isn't coun Roberts isn't here but I have this round table uh historic preservation Master planning that's going to be held next Saturday in in miltown I thought she might be interested in attending or anybody wants to attend to it I could pass this to Jessica as well um and again I just want to thank everybody for all year and uh Happy Thanksgiving to everybody uh we should we all be thankful for where we are today you know everybody's hustling and bustling and running around you see it on the roads they driving crazy they're in SHO need to take time and relax enjoy life life is too short to be doing crazy stuff be thankful what you have your family your friends your home every night I go to bed I like my roof doesn't leak and I'm thank thank God for that and I'm very thankful for everything the people in my life uh children grandchildren and and uh and this crew and all the residents uh we should all be thankful for what we have and uh I think that's all I have can you can you bring it to a close you're at your five yes I didn't see the clock on well that one's not we have to change it oh I'm monitoring oh okay I know you're on a job all right thank you thank you Frank Happy Thanksgiving Ken thank you mayor kennel sheski seral first of all I have to make an admission to something where I was wrong I was not in support of having a referendum on the building next door but uh I was wrong on that I never thought the referendum would not pass but I was overwhelmed by the magnitude which had passed over 10,000 votes and a 2 to one margin uh kind of reminds me of the old uh Simon and gar funcle song Sound of Silence uh or they talked about 10,000 people maybe more so that was quite an achievement considering uh the mayor and you know his his minions here were against that uh we had a couple of people tried to get a a resolution on that Firehouse as a historical site and it could never get it passed but uh the mayor said things like um uh were spending millions of taxpayers dollars to renovate and unused unwanted abandoned Firehouse built in 1909 and disrepair for decades and were throwing moneyy at a 115 year old building obviously the people of cille didn't agree with that uh one of the reasons they may not agree with it they saw you blow a100 million in in taxpayers money to to uh the pilot for uh a billion multibillion dollar company uh so you had no problem spending $10000 million and here when you talked about spending $3 million it was like the mayor said something pay for this for years well I got news for you going to pay the $100 million for the pilot program for the Min Avenue Chief Quake warehouses for a year or two but uh so much for that that what I really want to talk about tonight I want to commend uh councilman and NOA uh because his meetings are coming to a close uh I want to thank you councilman uh for everything you've done for the people uh you've always been on the right side of the issues for the people you were against the five minute changing the five minute to three minutes you were against the no questions answered up here you were against eliminating Zoom which only hurts people who are sick who are not capable of coming to meetings and as I said before even former councilman draw a a military veteran a high honored veteran and he stood here and said I can't make all the meetings because of my health and you shouldn't eliminate Zoom you you did that councilman you supported uh that we have the zoom and most of all you supported the firehouse and you wanted to do the right thing you tried to pass a uh a resolution at the last meeting or two meetings ago in support of of making it a historic site um you were uh you were basically ridiculed or given maybe ridicule is not the right word but but you were belittled many times by this mayor when when you did I sat here uh months ago and I think the vote was on the pilot program and the mayor said you yes perfectly legitimate questions and the mayor said uh oh come on uh councilman we know how you're going to vote uh I guess he's Clairvoyant but uh he tried to shame you B I tell another story I went to the senior center and he was here about an hour and two separate people came up to me people I didn't really know well this is about four or five months ago and I don't know what the issue was but they said to me it's a shame how the mayor treats councilman in Noah so I apologize as a member of the public for that uh that she should be shamed belittle demeaned and humiliated I don't know what was behind that but it's certainly not right it's not right to do to anybody especially to a public official so again I want to thank you for your service here on the part of what you've done to represent the public and the wishes of the public you didn't agree with the mayor and the Minions on uh saying I you probably talk too much that probably was your issue so uh thanks again uh the other thing I'd ask is I know you're not answering questions but I'm going to ask how are we coming uh on the firehouse here I know last meeting was referred to the attorney of what we're going to do I'm hoping that's not going to La La Land now because I know this referendum uh was non-binding so I hope it's not going into La La Land uh and and sometimes I get a little afraid that could be what it is but just remember it was over a two to one margin of victory for that referendum the public denounced what you people here have said and done about it they want it they have they have a feeling toward the history of the town and as I said it the last meeting 10,000 five minutes if you'd wrap it up finish in seconds thank you mayor uh I said at the last meeting 10,000 people it's more than just some people have been in town all our life so again thank you very much thank you for extending it to five minutes before the next meeting when I guess it becomes official there and Everyone by the way Happy Thanksgiving St Robert Bob Duffy 111 Meritt Avenue I want to take this time to apologize to Jessica uh for questioning her at the last meeting over the uh permits for the coin toss uh she was very instrumental and Sh me the proof and also I was given uh the wrong information from the county and I wanted to publicly apologize to Jessica you're an exceptional man Bob proud to know you proud to call your friend it takes a heck of a man to do that thank you can I just alert I don't know if it's Jay or the business administrator Glenn I'm been fighting with the county for three months now I think their project was done on bord toown Avenue in route 9ine where the bridge is yeah and they have a truck there and Jersey barriers and only one lane yep okay and uh nothing has been done since August so I would imagine let me hey Jay is it you Jay or or Glenn finds out about it what cuz because I came through there the other night I got to tell you I can reach out that's a little risky project I think I can reach out and try to find the status all right would you let would you let Mr Duffy know the outcome okay well just to let you know I've been dealing with a gentleman uh Anthony and he says they were having a meeting and he was going to bring it up in the meeting that they should take that down it's very like I said I came through there the other night and I was I was very concerned and if we get any ice y we're done B you got a you got a fellow supporter it's a dangerous situation to the uh Council and everybody have a great safe and holy Thanksgiving thank you Robert are there any other Mary Mary Novak one scholar drive I have to ask one question what was the motion made before I wasn't really sure you weren't you were just agreeing to put it on the consent agenda for the next meeting no we voted it down you Christians yeah okay you just voted what Christian said down okay because I was a little cons I couldn't I couldn't hear what the actual motion was okay um you know how I feel about a residency preference we do have an ordinance that states that and we also have a procedure and I just want you to know I'm not fighting this because you're Republicans and I'm a Democrat when there was a democratic Council and they decided to do the same thing by hiring somebody in the courts without any posting the job any going out for applications nothing and not only did we hire with without that process but we hired somebody from out of town and I fought it just as hard as I'm going to fight this I'm sorry whenever we have a new job a new job opening or or a u managerial position a promotion it's always first posted internally to see if any members of that of our our immediate family meaning burrow workers will have first opportunity that was not done then after that if there's nobody qualified I'm not saying there is going to be I don't know of anybody I don't even know if anybody's interested but you still do the posting then you're supposed to get applications and interview for the job and I'm not saying even that if you've got a B if you've got a burrow resident but isn't qualified to do the job you still then can take the outside resident that somebody lives out of town but this is where we're putting some we're promoting somebody that nobody here basically even knew before January of last year so he's here less than a year we've G we gave him one job that was never posted or advertised or anything and then we we gave him another job that was never posted or advertised and granted that's Sarah so it's a little bit different than a burrow employee but now here we're giving him a promotion without posting internally without advertising the job without interviewing and this is what gives all politicians a bad name just follow the procedure if this is the best person you can still hire him it just doesn't look good to the public that we're taking somebody and again this one in particular because he was the chairman of that committee doesn't really look good but if when we're not following any of the other procedures it really looks bad and I hope before we just go and hire him I hope you go back and take a look and follow the proper procedures for hiring thank you okay and I wanted to say this because I knew I was going to forget it at the end everybody have a blessed Thanksgiving and Danielle is great seeing you sitting up there thank you anyone else that being said I take a motion to close the public portion is there a second second all in favor of closing the public portion I are there any any objections okay before we go I I wanted to answer some of these questions um so the first one uh for Mr oesi when Frank tzo came here there was a choice to be made do we do a non-binding referendum or does the Historical Society have to go through the honorous task of collecting thousands and thousands and thousands of signatures so we I Frank was standing by the podium I was sitting here I said Frank why don't we just Why doesn't the council just put it on the ballot we have that power it was agreed that's what we do so and it was a financial question do you want to spend this money to restore this building I still don't think it is a good investment but I put it out there to hear from the people people and they said spend the money okay that's where we are there was no silliness about it it was a straightup deal uh the second thing on uh this illusion that the pilots you know for a guy that touts himself as this business Maven you certainly don't understand it you don't understand the people that are building it you don't understand anything about Redevelopment in my humble opinion I was there the night when the people of zille voted you out of office back in the early 1990s and they never let you back in at that time you were a Republican and the other your Republican colleagues had a very low opinion of you they nicknamed You Brutus because you always turned on them um as far as Out of Towners being hired the the last business administrator was from out of town the rec directors from out of town uh uh Mary I think you were a council person and when they fired Jeff Pan the business administrator he went to wall Which is far more affluent and much larger than cille became their business administrator at virtually twice the salary so this whole thing the the the the highest paid police officer up until this year was out of town uh 30% of the people on the Sergeant's promotion list are out of town so times have changed it's time we change with the times we years ago before we got in uh a lot of new people who who were first generation in cille it may have been the thing to do but we have an obligation to all the people that live here those both those with a history and those that are new the responsibility is the same this thing with the firehouse the people the people told us they want to put the money in there okay it was a financial referendum so financially we're g we're going to put together the money to do the job that's that's what we're going to do it was never it was never Hocus Pocus it was never back room stuff I don't happen to agree with it I don't see it as a good investment um I don't I've never heard the I still don't get the historical significance of it but I didn't grow up here so I'll I'll put that aside it's just a lot of money in an old building okay but it's what the people want 10,000 people wanted 5,000 people didn't it's not hard to realize that's where they want us to invest the money uh that being said I'll entertain a motion to adjourn the meeting is there a motion B MO is there a second second roll call or all in favor opposed good night everyone