##VIDEO ID:aTc8-UXtlLw## everyone I'm going to begin the meeting with a short prayer and a salute to our flag almighty God grant us the wisdom to make those decisions that are in the best interest of all our residents May the heavenly father of us all bless those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation and may He watch over and protect our service men and women now guarding the gates of Freedom salute to our flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all Jessica not as the publication take notice that this regular agenda meeting of the mayor and burrow Council being held on this 28th day of October 2024 has been posted and advertised in accordance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 roll call Council person's Bala here polii here NOA here Roberts here zarski here zabowski here okay council president if you would move the following minutes of the mayor and Council be approved on roll call vote subject to correction if necessary the regular agenda and executive sessions of October 15th and the special meeting held on October 21st is there a second second roll call Council persons Roberts yes Bala yes kisi yes anoa yes sinari yes zabowski okay uh we'll go to uh old business public hearing on ordinance number 44-24 an ordinance fixing the salaries of certain borrow officials officers and employees for the years 2023 to 2027 this time I'm going to open the public portion for any comments on this ordinance are there any comments being no comments I'll entertain a motion councilman Bala move the public hand be closed and the no I move the Public Public hand be closed or adopt on second and Final reading advertis according to law second roll call Council person's Bala yes polii yes NOA yes Roberts yes senari yes zabowski yes public hearing on ordinance number 45-24 and ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 26 of the revised General ordinances of the Bureau of seral to amend section 26- 89.8 sign schedule 1 and two sign permit revocable okay this time I'm going to open uh the public por for any comments on this ordinance are there any comments being no comments I'll entertain a motion uh councilman zabowski I move the public hearing be closed the ordinance adopted on second and final reading and advertised according to law second roll call council person zabowski yes fala yes poliisi yes NOA yes Roberts yes sinari yes new business introduction of ordinances ordinance number 46-24 ordinance amending construction free schedule for the burrow of saille County of middlex councilman Bala move the ordinance to be approved on first reading advertis call law at a public hearing be held on 11:12 24 second roll call Council persons Bala yes polii yes an NOA yes Roberts yes sinari yes zabowski yes ordinance number 47-24 burrow of seral County of middle sex ordinance regarding late fees for Motel licenses councilman Bala move the Ence be approved on first reading advertised according to law and a public hearing be held on 1112 24 second roll call Council persons Bala yes polii yes NOA yes Roberts yes senari yes zabowski yes ordinance number 48-24 bur of several County of middle sex ordinance accepting deed of easement dedication from Parlin Executive Center LLC over a portion of block3 lot 1.01 uh councilman zabowski move the ordinance to be approved on first reading advertised according to law and a public hearing to be held on November 12th 2024 second uh roll call council person zabowski yes fala yes poliisi yes NOA yes Roberts yes sinari yes ordinance number 49-24 burrow of saille County of middle sex ordinance repealing ordinances 2- 54a titled regulations on contributions due the to the preemption provisions of the El elections transparency ACT public law 2023 chapter 30 councilman Bela I'm not gonna move that right this time okay who who's second on admin uh Donna Donna if you would please I move this ordinance be approved on first reading advertised according to law and a public hearing to be held on 11224 is there a second second roll call who was that you uh Council person's Roberts yes ala no kisi yes an NOA no sinari yes zabowski okay okay at this time I'm going to open the public portion for any comments on the consent agenda are there any questions B Mary resolution uh 247 um I know you said questions but I know you really don't mean questions but I do is this written correctly because it says here the Redevelopment agency to provide to be provided by the agency shouldn't that be to the agency the agency is going to provide something to us or we're going to provide something to them I think that should be two and not five Glenn go ahead Mary that's just so uh we provide some clerical support to the agency it's just so we can bill each other back and forth because any kind of exchange of goods and services I I I I know what it's for I just I thought that it says Services provided by the agency it's not Services being provided by the agency because we're you know it's we're providing Serv the town is providing services to the agency it's it just to you know I'm sure an English problem it just seems that Sarah is not providing anything to us obviously yeah it's it's nothing that has to be re advertized um I I am going to ask that you know Mary this is really for comments I extend the courtesy to you because you're a candidate and based on based on the many years again I just it was word ERA with that but now I just have a comment on it right now I really am asking that you you know you don't really go along with this we as a council some of them people that are sitting up there actually voted to take somebody off of the agency because is this in their resolutions Mary yes the resolution that's going to appoint uh Zach or figure out a way to pay Zach and your comment is I'm I'm saying that we he doesn't live in town and we actually removed a volunteer that because they moved out of town we're going to have this is such an important agency and we are going to have somebody as a deputy executive director that lives 80 miles okay anything else that's it thank you know Mary there are a lot of people that don't live in town that work for the bur some of them are police officers not on uh well no they all had to be when they were h yes yes and this there isn't anybody on Sarah we even removed the volunteers that didn't live in town okay okay are there any other question any other comments rather being no other comments I'll entertain a motion to close the public portion and to adopt the uh consent agenda I move the public hearing be closed and the consent agenda resolutions be approved on roll call vote is there a second second roll call Council person's Roberts yes ala on resolution 2024 d244 I'm going to stay on the Adel Bill and then 2024 d247 I'm vote no on yes on the others polii yes an NOA yes for all but 247 Denari yes zabowski yes a motion to accept the correspondence as listed I make motion there a second second roll call council person Roberts yes Bala yes Ki yes NOA yes zarski yes zabowski yes uh will the gentleman from the Senator's office please come up please and and this is your time thank you if you would introduce yourself and and who you're here representing thank you my name is Michael Gray and uh and I'm representing US senator George heling uh that cover the entire state of New Jersey uh happy to be a resident also of this great uh burrow the B SEL I want to be extremely brief uh you know George heling took an off took office in September and he has used his uh office to improve the quality of life of residents but there are some services that our office provide that constituent don't know about and those are free Federal services that can help the resident and even the borrow of SEL so for example if you have issues that deal with legislation or resolution you can contact the Washington DC office if you have issues that deal with a constituent services for example like veteran issue you might have the resident in your area that have veteran issues it could be of educational issue could be benefit issue uh there are issue that we can help you resolve through our Congressional years on uh there is a military academy very prestigious it's equivalent to like a ivy league institution where uh young people can go and learn about to go to West Point the merchant the merchant uh Academy and other prestigious institution so we can help uh help students to uh enroll in those particular institution currently the senator is reval reviewing 300 applications to help student get into one of those uh institutions uh you might be in your home and your passport is missing and you can also all always call our office we can help with a same day passport or appointment uh you might have issues resident may have issue with internal revenue uh maybe you might ow the internal revenue and you have some issue with with them uh and we can also serve as a lers on contacting that Federal agency uh to help to resolve some of your issue uh there are lots of senior citizen that have problem when it comes to like Social Security benefits uh sometime disability benefits our office is also there you know to contact the uh delayers arm to resolve this issue issue about Medicare Etc sometimes they are the city or the borro are like to like apply for like a Federal Grant and uh I'm encouraging you not to do it by yourself you can always ask uh the senator office or member of Congress to do a letter of support for your application and that can help and there might be some young folks in your area that want to visit the white house uh we can help to plan a White House trip or maybe you want to visit Capitol Hill um or maybe you have small business that have uh issue with with uh access to Capital we can Al always contact the small business administration and also you might have businesses in your area that want to do international trade and we can contact the the department of car so to reach uh our office so I'd like to conclude by giving you the number the Washington DC office is 202 224 4744 202-224-4744 then we have another office in Jersey City uh number is 973 64530 30 973 645-3307 757 75353 8856 757-5353 or you can just go to helming hm. senate.gov and you can get all the information I'll just state it so I just want to know that uh the art Services we that we provide that can help residents and they don't really always have to do it all by themselves and there are some assistant available so uh that's why I'm here for so if there any question I'll be glad to uh respond okay okay thank you um we will post your information on our on our website uh and down at our Active Adult Center and we will forward it to the board of have you been to the Board of Education yet oh no no not yet okay uh do we'll have the clerk's office try to coordinate for you if do you have a card on you you okay but I give all information so Jessica if you turn this this is our borrow clerk okay and again let's get it up thank you because it's all about service thank you appreciate it mayor okay you thank you okay uh mayor and Council reports Administration and finance councilman Bala thank you mayor okay we recently scored 40.5 on the best practice inventories from the state a score of 35 or greater is needed to avoid having state aid taken away so we're going to get our full share of state aid this year I would like to thank everyone involved in getting Hilltop and Hudson court repaved it's nice to see that we were able to do this for those residents because they came to the meeting and they brought to our attention the conditions of their roads and I just want to be clear that everyone understands the ballot question is non-binding so voting yes for it is not automatically going to increase taxes we all heard the cost to fix the buildings were between $3 million and $5 million and that the Historical Society only requested that building be designated a local Historic Landmark landmark and at no time wanted any funding for the building such a designation would make the funds available for work on the building and other option if needed could be the open space fund I do believe that we should come up with a plan for the building especially after the nove November election results with that said I want to make a motion to designate The Old Firehouse bur Hall a local Historic Landmark is there a second second okay you do you do realize this is a referendum that's coming due in a week yep I realize that but you're looking to circumvent the voice to the people I think that you know better than the people I think the people know better than what you're saying right now say that again councilman I think the people know better than what you're saying right now then why would we why would we deny them the opportunity to vote on it I don't think we're doing that well well what do you think we're doing here if it's if it's a referendum I think I think I'm second I think I'm seconding a motion right now I beg your pardon I think I'm seconding a motion right now I know you're seconding the motion I'm asking you why are you you circumventing the people of cbble I think the people I think the people know better than what you're saying right now I beg your pardon I think the people know better than what you're saying right now do they know better or do you think you know better I think I'm advocating for the people that know better do you yeah that's why I'm here right now well it's always interesting we got a week till election and you're circumventing their right to weigh in on this I think it's I think the people find interesting and they know better than what you're saying right now right so we have a motion and that's made and seconded roll call Council person's Bala yes Lisi no an NOA yes Roberts no sinari no zabowski okay anything else Dan progress mayor okay Planning and Zoning councilman zabowski thank you mayor uh mayor um I just want to say uh I appreciate the uh the opportunity to have attended two great events this past week both were holiday events one was the adult active at the adult Active Center the other or Trunk or Treat I don't want to steal your fire because I know you'll have more to say about that but it really was wonderful on both ends for a mature audience and also our younger audience is all getting together and having a lot of fun uh I Al want also want to clarify the shared service agreement it is actually written correctly uh Sarah is providing a shared service to the buau in that our bur our Sarah attorney is actually assisting the burrow in the creation of certain documents so that we don't duplicate those services so that's the reason for that I hope that that clarifies that otherwise uh the planning if if you are interested in continuing to uh attend the planning board related to the Moss application the next meeting is December 4th again it will be at the adult Act of adult center uh and also just want to say I appreciate everyone's uh patience and cooperation with that it's it's a long process and it and uh necessarily to make sure that uh eyes are dotted and tees are crossed but we appreciate everybody who um who has been actively involved in and attending at each one of those meetings mayor that's my report thank you councilman uh Public Safety councilman anoh how sorry thank you esteem mayor you know regarding Public Safety I'm grateful for the residents who continuously reach out uh those that I know those who I do know and regard of of high repute so far you know when it comes to safety the the major highlight I've been receiving is towards the safety and the preservation of our Old Firehouse in town hall you know at this point uh I'm looking forward to humbly requesting for the steam mayor and the rest of the council to consider uh a designation towards that to continue that preservation and for a continued progress in that regard thank you okay Public Works councilman kesy thanks mayor so I'm excited to announce the lights have been installed at the pickle ball courts and the skate park so the long awaited project has been met with overwhelmingly positive feedback from our residents the new lighting allows for extended playtime and improved safety during the evenings enhancing the overall Recreation experience especially now that it's going to get darker earlier we would like to extend our gratitude to the contractors who made it possible including Ricky petracelli who's a local electrician here and um some of the the contractors the South uh River Electrical Company which put the poles in and Rich peplowski and his crew at the parks department so they all did a fine job and their hard work is greatly appreciated on another positive note the various lights that were out along the walking paths of Kennedy Park Lake have been repaired and now fully lit this Improvement significantly enhances Public Safety and the overall experience for Park visitors we are very grateful for the outstanding efforts of jcpnl in completing these repairs their dedication to our community's safety and well-being is commendable and lastly be on the lookout for the newly installed water bottle refilling stations at various areas of the the parks and try the recently resurrected water fountain especially um that was uh put at the playground right here behind burrow Park so um our next initiative will focus on replacing and widening some of the walking paths within Kennedy Park this project aims to make the paths more accessible and enjoyable for everyone including families with strollers and individuals with Mobility AIDS while we do not have a specific timeline for this project today we will keep the community informed as soon as we have more details and and lastly one more one more thing um under Public Safety uh I just want to thank uh Sergeant Plum marker's group there um Sergeant Bri Brian br and his crew um helping out our seniors along Kennedy Boulevard over there at the Gillette Towers so recently they've been uh giving out warnings and tickets to the uh truck drivers that blocked the views entering and exiting their driveway which made a very dangerous situation but since his crew has been on it it's been uh safer and uh we got the street lights fixed over there so it's brighter and uh I just want to say a thanks and uh that's all we have today thank you councilman Recreation councilman sinari excuse me the recreation department had a busy month in October uh they had to hit the bricks October 12th they had 44 Runners uh the benefits from all of that goes to seral BC that's very important to me uh the bomber bonfire was October 17th the park had a tremendous amount of people it was a big fire the next day burrow workers had it cleaned up perfectly it was back to normal with nothing ever no harm done to anything uh we had our last car show last Wednesday that's it for the year on that um Halloween trunk Retreat the first thing I want to do is thank Christine sataka for donating all the candy there was like a thousand people came through there and we were busy all night with all of the kids and candy and I think everybody had a great time everybody was very helpful and we had a nice time uh the only next event we have is the holiday parade of lights it's December 8th 6 pm on Main Street other than that that's it mayor thank you thank you water sewer and environmental council president Roberts thank you mayor um I don't have anything on Water and Sewer however there's so much going on in town that I did want to recognize the car show yesterday that St Stan had I walked in and sat down at the cash register and did not get a chance to stand up until they were giving out the awards and everyone left so I didn't get to see any cars except the pictures that Randy sent to me um I also want to let you know that I did attend legislators back to school day on October 18th and I wanted to thank Mr Howard for the invitation and to Mrs Santos to let me present to five of her classes during the classes after introducing myself to each class I reiterated that I represent them in seral and we would not be discussing the national election or anything outside of what's going on here in our bur I then asked the CL each class what topics were important to them and there were common questions that were in each class and those included traffic because they do experience a lot of traffic coming out of the high school warehouses the firehouse taxes one question was pointedly why did our taxes go up so much last year and in front of the school um teachers and um uh one of the uh other members of the school I explained that it was the school tax increase and they didn't disagree so we did discuss that um they were interested in overbuilding they wanted to know what was going on by the river and um they knew what was going on they didn't know it was called Riverton so um I thought that was a little interesting we could do more public relations on that for them um we also talked about for every decision that we make as a burrow there's a benefit and consequence and we did do a benefit consequence analysis on the topics they were interested in in that class um because there's no topic that we ever discussed that has only a benefit or only a consequence there's always both and we have to balance that and then finally um in each classroom they did ask how much I made and rather than telling them I ask them how much do they think a council person made the lowest the lowest guess was $445,000 a year the highest guess was about $125,000 a year would anyone here at the deas like to share what our annual salary for our service here as a council person is 100 bucks a week dry cleaning I think the annual salary is $5,500 um I unfortunately think that turned a bunch of them away from wanting to participate in local government um but my primary message in each class was that it's important for them to participate because the decisions we make today will impact them more in the future than they do us and they need to be on the court which is a a term that I've heard in the past if you want to make a difference you have to be on the court afterwards I spoke with Mr Howard briefly about how the day went and mentioned that to him and he shared with me the speech by Theodore Roosevelt the man in the arena and I'd just like like to share um what those few sentences are on that speech it is not the critic who counts not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of Deeds could have done them better the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood who strives valiantly who HS who comes short again and again because there is no effort without error and shortcoming but who does actually strive to do the Deeds who knows great enthusiasms the great devotions who spends himself in a worthy cause who at the best knows in the end the Triumph of high achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid Souls who neither know Victory or defeat so that was the theme of the day for that um event and I will let everyone know tomorrow I will also participate in the climate change education advis Advisory board meeting and I'm looking forward to that event and sharing what comes of it thank you mayor thank you okay General discussion items authorization for the tax collector to refund 2023 and 2024 taxes and cancel all subsequently bill taxes due to 100% disabled veteran tax exemption covering block 379.8 2 lot three in the amount of 9,156 127 any objection next item authorization to purchase 1224 Ford Ranger from allamerican Ford of pamis through NJ Cooperative purchasing Alliance in an amount not to exceed $37,900 Street a total of $625 plus administrative cost for the removal of a substantial amount of overgrowth from the property any objection next item War toss request for the corner of Washington and ernston Road received from the seral blue bomber softball on November 23rd and 24th any objection next item authorization of purchase fire department turnout gear from Skylands Area Fire Equipment and training through NJ State contract in an amount not to exceed $6,350 32 cents any objection next item authorization to execute the renewal of an interlocal Services contract with the county of middle sex for the provision of Public Health Services in the amount of $199,300 n any objection next item authorization to water contract to East Coast emergency lighting for installation of light sirens and related equipment on OEM vehicles in an amount not to exceed 9,648 is there any objection next item authorization for melro Hose Company to donate a 2014 sh track cargo trailer to Carteret Police Department any objection next item application for membership to the Morgan hose and chem company number one of Travis to at their July 1 2024 meeting any objection next item authorization of purchase automated Refuge cans from IPL North America through sourcewell contract in amount not to exceed $3,885 68 any objection next item authorization to purchase 1224 SUV from allamerican Ford of paramis through NJ Cooperative purchasing in an amount not to exceed 70,000 any objection next item authorization to renew the following 5-year agreements with middle sex County the CFC recovery program and the um for the county to place a container at Fort grumpy for the purpose of tire recycling any objection next item authorization of purchase 1225 Ford Explorer and 1224 Ford Ranger from All American Fleet through New Jersey Cooperative purchasing Alliance in an amount not to exceed 99,2 375 there any objection next item authorization the purchase playground equipment for Miller's Corner playground from MRC Recreation through escnj contract an amount not to exceed $ 42551 78 is there any objection next item authorization to award a non-fair and open contract to R&J garage doors for the installation of new garage doors at Melrose Firehouse in an amount not to exceed $35,790 is there any objection next item authorization to award a non-fair and open contract to Quincy compressor for compressor inspection and maintenance in an amount not to exceed $2,126 183 any objection next item authorization to purchase 1225 Ford F250 from Winter Ford through NJ State contract in an amount not to exceed $6,890 is there any objection next item authorization to award a non-fair and open contract to jetb equipment for Parts and Equipment in amount not to exceed $ 32,2 22.96 is there any objection next item uh Glen to promote Trish Fitz gimons to senior Recreation Aid in the recreation department retroactive to September 16th 2024 is there any objection next item authorization to move Samantha Amato from Public Safety telecommunicator full-time to Public Safety telecommunicator per DM effective January 1st 2025 is there any objection next item authorization to promotee Karina Bronco from Public Safety telecommunicator per DM to Public Safety telecommunicator full-time effective January 1st 20 25 is there any objection next item authorization to promote Jennifer Bor from keyboarding clerk 1 to keyboarding clerk 2 in the office on Aging effective November 1st 2024 any objection next item authorization to appoint Donald Connors and Logan tishler to the Department of Public Works effective November November 1st 2024 is there any objection uh cfo's report Denise councilman Bala stated uh the best practice inventory we had a score of 40.5 so no Aid will be withheld held um authorization to amend the 2024 local Municipal budget for the following fiscal year 24 law enforcement mental health and wellness program in the amount of $1 162,50 and fiscal year 24 local Recreation Improvement grant for 65,000 and I will also have a budget transfer resolution on for the next meeting thank you Mr Mayor thank you Denise by the way November I believe is your what oh it's a secret no it's not a I don't I think it's the worst kept secret in the burrow why it's December anyway because you're well received you're well respected you've been a credit to your profession and just on a very personal note I want to thank you thank you very much apprciate you don't get a cake tonight okay burrow Engineers report Jay Corell thank you mayor first fight five items have to do with bedrock concrete on Street approximately 15 years ago they posted bonds when they got the cosos for their buildings all their outstanding work has been completed so we're looking for resolution reducing releasing the bonds for those five buildings one through five J correct yes okay item six and seven are change order requests for French Street and Alber Street project in 2021 Road Phase 2 does not increase the contract amount it just allows us to pay contractor for extra work that he did at the request of the burrow uh item number eight looking for resolution as per Dave Lightner this item was in the capital budget for water it's the replacement of a water line on bardown Avenue under tenant Brook and then finally mayor the last two items Cheesequake Road improvements and Melrose and president Park Firehouse roof replacement we're receiving bids tomorrow so if everything's in order look for Resolutions at the next meeting awarding those contracts that's it thank you thank you borrow attorney's report nothing for me okay this time I'm going to open the public portion for comments on all issues uh Frank R toino 32 Canal Street Silver resident for 66 years uh I brought with me an item for show and tell it's all glory she's beat up but it stood to tested time this particular flag was the first flag to be flown over the first Cal Town Hall the clamps are still on the top of the building if you dare listen to your hearts in the spirit of momentum right now you can hear and visualize the celebration on the birth of the first town hall on the streets below as all glory flew high at the P of the hor historic building next door fellas if you could go to one side so you don't block the the camera please right there you want to stay on the screen so the res don't go over there I want your residents to see our flag Frank that's fine but I can't have the camera blocked all right as Old Glory GLW flew High by the peaks of the historic icon the cheers and of the community leaders and residents that built her must have felt a feeling of accomplishment and rejoice in knowing they would finally have a town hall from 1909 this beautiful structure served our Cal till 2018 for 25 years it's been neglected no paint no maintenance no nothing has stated many times at this Podium the occupant in that building with the fire police autc Coast Guard and others she served during the best of times and the worst of times World War I the pandemic of 1918 the Depression years where many meetings were held upstairs right next door discussing how to save lives due to hunger sickness and massive stress felt by everyone the leaders had to prevent Sarah from becoming a ghost town and they did that by working together as a community she also served during World War War II the first year uh my comments may fall on deaf ears tonight but perhaps not look inside that gorgeous building must must be saved if not you might want to consider changing cille from cille sville to Potterville thank you okay thank you uh any other comments tonight mayy y yeah thank you phis for for doing that we just found that last year tucked away really neat survived 115 years and maybe one day we'll fly it again thank you very Mary Novak one Scarlet Drive um this ordinance that you passed on first reading today about doing away with the uh the old pay for play um basically when you have a PCT a dark money PCT funding your campaigns we're never going to know who contributed to that so they could be given a job in town they could be given a pilot in town they could get a favorable ruling from a zoning board or a planning board and we're never going to know because they don't have to report that they gave any money to a pack act but we do know who the chairman of The Pact was who you immediately you you hired breaking a burrow ordinance how do you tell the people in this town that they have to follow borrow ordinances if you don't we have a residency requirement the job was never posted no one was ever interviewed but we gave we created a position and we gave it to the chairman of this pack no matter what you do if you're going to use dark money you might as well wipe your butt with this ordinance because it means nothing the people are still not going to know if anybody is getting favorable treatment and then the same person the chairman of this dark money pact was given a position on Sarah I'm sorry gentlemen and ladies this doesn't pass this s test and also I would really like to take a few moments to thank the Historical Society for everything they did and regardless regardless of what is said you believe it's going to pass but even if it doesn't it's a non-binding referendum I don't believe a lot of the people that I had people tell me they didn't even realized there was a question there they didn't understand it and I tried to explain to them that the $3 million it does it does not have to come out of the cof first here there are grants we have had offers from uh preservation New Jersey and Senate of uh congressman palone and Senate of Itali to help us get these grants there's somebody that's willing to try to get the grant for the roof right away even prior to the EXT and also there are grants for the as Festus and the lead you don't even need the historic preservation designation to start getting those grants right now because we're going to have to clean that up before we demolish that building you can't just demolish the building with as bestus flying around the air that would have to be cleaned up anyway so I really hope that I I believe it's going to pass and I really hope that even though it's a non-binding referendum that you hold it in your Hearts to you know give the historic designation to that grand old lady next door thank you when would you explain that yeah you want to explain that ordinance please um the pay to the ordinance on tonight that was introduced tonight that would um repeal the past pay to-play ordinance that the burough had in place is simply because last year the legislature passed the election transparency Act which installed a Statewide pay to payto playay law and invalidated all local payto playay ordinances so as it stands now the bureau's ordinance is is not in effect because the state's ordinance excuse me the state statute supersedes it so if somebody made a challenge on the Burrow's ordinance today it would be denied because the state statute would would govern so that's all this is is just to clear up the payto playay ordinance because to avoid confusion again the burough stole uh has to follow the state the state law which is in place now and again invalidated all local pay deploy ordinances can I go back obviously don't think you understood it I said it doesn't okay thank you okay Ken thank you mayor kenel sheski uh I want to congratulate these gentlemen over here uh councilman Bala and anoah on uh the resolution they tried to do for the firehouse uh let's talk about this Firehouse referendum it needs to pass I hope it passes overwhelmingly but it's really a phony referendum it was designed by the mayor to circumvent these people here that have worked so hard in this storic Society they don't want the three uh the $3 million they don't want it it said over and over the mayor put that in they're hoping this thing will will not pass so let's get that out of the way right now it's a phony referendum but we need to show that it's going to pass overwhelmingly and you know why to keep it from being knocked down and their friends up here the mayor and his puppets their friends the developers from knocking it down and knocking down the public works and putting like everybody said it's going to happen and that's more housing in the barel that's what we need to avoid we need to save the firehouse and we need to keep from having more housing in the barrel so that's the firehouse referendum and mayor you know the way you talk to councilman an NOA uh you know that gives me really makes me laugh uh you know some of the things you did Mary just pointed out some of the nonsense you've done let's talk about this this hir you made at the beginning of the year mayor you said you hired a clerk typist and I guess there was nobody good enough in cville uh because you know how you you consider the people in in Cal a-holes and and people that uh just have nothing to do so you had to go to glower County now don't look at the map if you need to know basically we'll call it Philadelphia you had to go to Philadelphia to hire a clerk typist but then youve readily admit it this wasn't a clerk typist the mayor wasn't telling the truth it's an aid I don't know how many AIDS he's got now at least three maybe hired a few more maybe he's got four or five how many AIDS do we need all of a sudden we don't and we have never have enough money but when it comes to blowing money we have a we have a business administrator we have department heads the council meetings go for a half an hour how many questions and how many AIDS do you need there are not aids for B business they're political AIDS coming out of the burrow treasury a little more phony nonsense that the mayor is making up and as far as as far as they're talk about cleaning up corruption beware of anyone that talks about cleaning up corruption because they're usually creating corruption and when you talk about giving away a100 million $100 million in a pilot to giving it away to a multi-billion dollar Corporation out of the burrow treasury you know what that's that's grounds for corruption right there that that's where corruption comes from that kind of nonsense thank you very much okay Arthur rather Arthur Written House 33 delicat Lane New Jersey trustee cbal Historical Society I too would like to thank councilman Bala and an NOA uh for bringing up the historic site it's nothing new mayor we've asked it every time we come up here and speak to do that has nothing to do with the referendum what it does have to do is save taxpayers money you spent $28,000 on a study that could have been funded by just having as a local Historic Site takes nothing away from the mayor and the council you can still do whatever you want I've been out talking to Residents some of them have asked me some lifelong residents how come council members at Browski sonari and Roberts lifelong residents are against saving the history of CVO that's the attitude that's out there you know we work very hard and you could still pass it as a local Historic Site takes nothing away from you but brings in money that saves the taxpayers money we just recently received support from the Historical Society of South Amboy I'll just and they send it to all of you too but you don't get mail that you don't like so and you don't answer emails that you don't like I found that out also um we support your incredible effort to give this local Historic Landmark new life without additional cost to Residents via grants and other available funding opportunities your hard work and unwavering commitment to saving this building has a minimum earned you the right to prove that you can accomplish your goal many members live in sville and we ask them to support the referendum Mary Zoro president Historical Society of South hambo we also work closely with Woodbridge with Madison the Madison Township one which is now Oldbridge so there's a lot of things are going on the history of this town is very important and unfortunately you know I would like to see if the referendum passed how many people on this panel would vote to support it or are you just going to turn it down and thank you councilman zabowski for voting to support the preservation because you voted on the master plan which calls for preserving the 1909 Town Hall Firehouse so I don't know if you knew that it was in there you just pass things without reading it like Nancy Pelosi thank you are there any other comments Bob Bob Duffy 111 Meritt Avenue this automated uh garbage is that the green cans yes okay is there a reason why we have to order some that there's tons of them at Fort grumpy you know I I would say there's like three or 400 they break oh oh I understand we have good Crews that go out and do repairs at the households but sometimes like I've got one now the side split up you know yeah I I understand that but is there an average which you use a week replace I I I wouldn't know the number but we don't order incredible amounts for them okay okay well that's a lot of money 125 123,000 the other thing I want to uh make a comment on I don't think this borrowing Council has the right to okay coin TOS on ernston road that's a County Road they need County approval to do coin to us usually it's a two two-part thing B I just hope that nothing happens and then s will be liable no no usually they have to do the burrow and the county they get approval from the county okay before they come here or they come here first function okay all right just an observation okay thank you thanks Robert are there any other comments being no other comments I'll entertain a motion to close the public portion make a motion to close the public portion is there second second roll call all in favor I oppos take a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn is there a second second all in favor I thank you everyone