and now comes the best part of the night the best part of the night where we get to honor national champions who are sitting here amongst us so Council if you would if we go up behind the rail and if Jimmy what's it come on up you stay on that side yeah M Che the name got to start something speech first right I'm J need this yes hi I'm James breski Jimmy hi I'm Jimmy baresi I've been part I've grew up in Ser my whole life I've been here for 48 years uh been part of the program here in sville uh football for 17 18 years um I got to see well two of these athletes they're the age of 910 come to our football program and watch them Excel the past couple years and grow into what fine men they are today the last one is my son so I I saw him since he was so his first cry come out um first one I want to call up I'll say a little speech about him first is going to be Aon Sereno like I said Aaron Sereno came here when he was uh 910 played for a 10 year team and we had about 230 athletes try out for this All-Star team and out of that we had three kids from SEL make this team pretty Allstar um we go down we go down into Florida and we play three other teams one from Central Florida one from Michigan and and one from San Diego California right no Arizona um Aaron was our tight end um did a very good job he was a starting tight end for our team phenomenal job able to get the put did his job very efficient what he had to do block or go off for a pass um that's basically what I could say about Aaron thank you Aaron as you see I'm bad with speeches in this oh my you know why your mother wants the picture she's somewhere oh next up is Colin Russell again Aaron you got to stand up here for a picture for all of us together you got stand to my right you can't leave me yet I'm up here sweating you got to stand next to me Colin he was one of linemen or offensive line defensive lineman uh for the Jersey Star All Stars there's 33 kids that made the team from all over New Jersey again three of them were for saille uh it's a very bigest accomplishment out of saal we never had this many athletes at one time brought up to the allstars uh to play and they're all all around the country they are thank you the last one obviously is Jason baresi he was uh part of our arall team he was our starting free safety um the first game we had um one of our two running backs got sick he went in as a running back also as in as a running back I played he played multiple positions on the field not only once we came back from Florida a week later we got an email saying he was selected for an all All-American Game uh out the top 30 athletes out of East going against top 30 out of the West we went there February uh 1st through the 5th it was one game um and it was the top athletes when I say top athletes out of the country going against each other it was a great thing to watch it was on YouTube that YouTube uh and Facebook live you could watch the game still uh but it was a very good accomplishment for him um as part of our Champions they won all all three of our games in December they got jackets they got rings and they got they're all all uniforms that there are showing today um these are three athletes are going should be you should be able to watch through high school and watch how much they Excel uh they have shown a lot over the years through our our program and I can't wait to see them grow in high school and how much more they're going to perform for us coach do you have other coaches here that you'd like to introduce there's no other coaches that we on the team I had one coach from two years he every year he told me he did not want to coach he didn't want to do it but instilled in his his DNA was he came out and helped me coach for two years and that is George sapata huh now it's your dad but as for any of my other coaches I don't see any other coaches that are here fellas come on in get a group P get in the middle there couple on each I'm come on closer I know I'm sweaty but come on [Music] thank you all right and who who is here to do the honors for these Champions all right thank you thank you thank you oh hi everyone can you hear me okay um Lori and I are here on behalf of cheer um this room is filled and I'm going to tear up because everyone knows so I just first like Begin by saying thank you to all of our coaches um our program is run by volunteers there are coaches that have been in the program for many years there are some that are new some that were my junior coaches are now head coaches so it is just what makes the program so special all of our coaches truly are there to support our youth uh teach them about a sport that they love and really are amazing Role Models so thank you first and foremost to the coaches as you all know we start the season um with football that is part of what ay does we cheer for football games so we are out there in the Rain the winds you name it the Heat and then from there our competition season starts at the beginning we also say we're guaranteed at least one competition we hope for two we hope for three and we hope for four and some of us had a fifth so everyone in this room um made it to Nationals and all teams here representing seral Junior bombers are d8 uh d10 and D12 all we're down at Nationals with us in Kiss Me Florida so that's why we're all here to recognize you today along with your coaches um so I think first what we're going to do is start with d8 and there were 50 cheerleaders 15 coaches plus and many parents and fans in kissy Florida Orlando area so again um it was a very exciting time for SEL junr bombers this is the first time in history that we've been part of ayc to have all three teams down there along with three football players in a different part of the state but still it was a wonderful representation so y perfect okay so I think we're gonna start with d8 right so Vanessa is the head coach so come on up okay so um I'm Vanessa Roman um I went to school here um I bought my first house here I'm raising my kids here um and this is my second year uh coaching this is the first year um we've done competitive cheering and first of all I cannot thank the coaches enough oh boy um so we've been through a lot the junior coaches go to work I mean they go to school um they are high school cheerleaders um um they at some point sneak in food and then come to our cheer practice um I have one Junior coach that does soccer does cheer um I have another one that's a manager and a cheerleader so the fact that they're devoting two hours three times a week to us we appreciate every bit of it Daisy thank you um I know you were hesitant but we did it and now these girls you guys are amazing we are so proud of you you deserve every bit of this um I I have one one of these girls is my daughter um but they're all like my own I love them and I we are just beyond proud of you okay um this is for you uh in addition to Nationals I have to add a plug um this weekend we went to Atlantic City for a global competition and the girls won first place so they have they have rings and these beautiful pink jackets from Nationals um but now they also have Global championship rings so again I'm so proud of you guys and I'll call you up one by one okay Lanna come up Lana you babe oh stay here babe here uh Gian Rosenthal Alana Rodriguez farita oh sure okay GI pone Brook I can't even try your last name babe you're welcome Antonia Adriana Alana masimo mamino sorry serenity aana Sophia Chloe Kylie oh my daughter Ava sopia Marley McKenna Maddie and Coach Daisy please come up thank you guys sure all on television absolutely do you want the mic no no I'm gonna ask you sent to do a cheer oh all right girls come over down here do the maybe the chance don't go too far don't go too far come here come here girls what's favorite I don't know come in the front of us say cheese you want to do a cheer for the TV after the pictures do your chance CH do your CH ready ready girls find find your parents and look at them congratulations thank you girls thank you thank you let's just make sure okay so next up we're going to bring our head coach for the d10 division Emily come on up if you want to bring any of your coaches want to stand here I don't hand it to do you want your do all right hi um my name is Emily Fedor I am the head coach of lovely d10 ladies um I would also like to call up my coaches my assistant coaches who are here tonight Julia Fedor and Brienne Cheney so there is so much to say about the 17 incredible athletes that we had on our team they competed in an extremely competitive and tough division there were a lot of team scores were really close um competing in a higher age Division and at a higher level for the first time they knew that they had a challenge from the start but they were ready for every minute of it these girls ended their season as Jersey Shore Champions and top three in the Big East region and in the nation these girls are extremely competitive so while the placement at the end wasn't exactly what they have hoped for as coaches it was it was more than what we could have hoped for they achieved everything we hoped for them and more um the growth that these athletes has had over the season was worth far more than any first place trophy these girls are nothing but tough they are resilient and I know that they're ready to come back next year and try again and I can't wait to support them again so so these are my two assistant coaches we had other ones Sam Torino who unfortunately couldn't here tonight we had Chris Shany who also could not be here tonight we also had our junior coaches Lily Leah and Sarah and now I would like to call up our girls um first we have Isabella Rosenthal yeah next we have Gabby Rosario then we have Emma Perez and then we have auriana pansy then we have lyanna and we have naori we have Avery we have Paige we have Carly and we have S okay's not here we have autumn Eliana we have Ava we have Juliana we have AAL then we also have Kaitlyn from not sure is here we have Ella who is not here oh she is here Ella never mind okay so these are our d10 girls and we are so starting with Carly can you guys come down we're gonna make two lines for a picture no is here everyone come down we have your we have your where just come on come come in to do a oh yeah all right p o b e r s go big blue ready all right one team and that's it that's it this is the best I love all right oh good all right we're going to go to our ladies all right we're gonna go to our last team now um this is our D12 division um so we're gonna hand it over to head coach Nicole Leonard my niece okay um my name is Nicole Leonard I've been coaching this team for two years now um and I just want to start off by saying I am so so so proud of all of you all of your coaches we truly cannot express how proud of you we are we love you all so much um I just think that these girls deserve a little bit of bragging um they had truly an incredible season um at the Jersey Shore competition they came in first place and had the highest score in the entire level three division earning them the title of grand champions at the Big East regionals they came in first again securing their spot to compete at the National Championship in Florida and then and then at the National Championship in December they had two perfect performances and earned the title of national champions I truly just want you girls to understand that you really represented Cal cheerleading and again all of our coaches we love you and we can't wait for more congratulations to our D12 small level three undefeated National chance and really quickly let me also just call out my lovely coaches I coach with coach Kelly coach Lori Coach Kayla my mom coach Shelly uh coach Crystal and my two junior coaches Tina and Lacy all right all right first Chris so okay stand right there uh Alana Kaylee Rucker Kaylee Penza Mia Gia Giana ariela Bella Olivia summer Savannah Sammy okay the last three I'm going to do real quick um so as Jimmy was mentioning before uh Jersey Shore um ayf ayc do an All-Star team for football we do the same thing for cheer so I'm going to introduce the next two or next three excuse me next three individuals that were part of the Jersey Shore elite team for cheer so that was an additional team um that they practiced every weekend up until Nationals they compet at Nationals um and we just had one athlete that went to globals so um bringing up now is Julie who went to Florida with S as well as Elite all right and also going to Florida with Junior bombers and the elite team was Tori all right so the last last one um happens to be my daughter um so this is also a junior bomber cheerleader on the elite team that went to Florida and just competed at globals last night with that team and earned second place so Lynn byy a b come down look at T you can see yourself you're good'll see yes lower right we good good good you guys want to do your chant do something we do it loud loud loud come on call it that's WRA thank you thank you no don't tell yet ladies ladies ladies if I could have your attention when we have champions of this caliber what I'd like you to do starting with the front row is is walk down the aisle to the hall and you'll be on on television you'll be recorded wave to the camera and then you can go home and watch it as often as you like all right so but wait so go to the B go out in the hall but wait for your mom and dad all the parents you're you're truly terrific they they're success is based on your effort so you're to be congratulated and coaches you are the unsung heroes you're magnificent thank you for bringing this glory and this honor to sa them all right girls girls yeah hey give me give each other's space so that you have your moment on on television go ahead go ahead wait wait wait go ahead go ahead all right go ahead young lady thank you we're GNA take a five minute break go ahead whereas section eight of the open public public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presly exist now therefore it be resolved by the mayor and bur Council of the bur of saille County and middle sex state of New Jersey as follows the public portion of this meeting is hereby a Juran in order that the governing body may meet and close private session for approximately 5 minutes to discuss the following matters litigation following the conclusion of said closed session the governing body shall reconvene the open portion of this public meeting to consider any other matters which may be Pro properly brought before it at this time the nature and content of the discussion which occurs in closed session shall be made public at such time as the need for non-disclosure no longer exists this resolution shall take effect immediately I make a motion to go on to close all in favor I oppos okay [Music] I make a motion to reconvene second all in favor I oppos all right go ahead Jessica ordinance number 1-24 an ordinance authorizing acceptance of a deed of RightWay dedication for a portion of block 175 lot 10.01 from the place at sville LLC I move the public hearing be closed uh I open the public portion for questions or comments on this ordinance are there any questions or comments being no questions or comments I'll entertain a motion councilman Kachi okay I move the public hearing to be closed the ordinance adopted on the second final reading and advertised according to law second roll call Council person's kisi yes ala yes an NOA yes Roberts yes zabowski yes next ordinance ordinance number 2-24 an ordinance fixing the salaries of certain burrow officials officers and employees for the years 2023 to 2027 this time we're going to open the public portion for questions or comments on this ordinance are there any questions or comments being no questions or comments I'll entertain a motion councilman Bela move the public hearing be closed the ordinance adopted on second and final reading and advertised according to law second roll call Council person's Bala yes ly yes NOA yes Roberts yes zabowski yes ordinance number 3-24 and ordinance fixing the salaries of certain bur officials officers employees for the years 2023 to 2027 this time we're going to open the public portion for question or comments Jim thank you mayor Jim Robinson from Parlin on ordinance number 243 I see there's a title of assistant business administrator with a range from 82,000 to 154,000 is anyone currently in that position no do you anticipate putting somebody in that position when no this not at this time no all right the the ba salary range is from 110 to 206 what will his uh 2024 salary be we have that 175 175 yes okay and there are two positions on here that uh maybe they've been filled before I I don't recognize them confidential Aid to the mayor part-time with a salary of 30,000 to 46,000 and confidential Aid to the mayor full-time uh a salary of 62,000 to 77,000 is anyone currently in either of those positions yes they're my chief of staffs they're your Chiefs of Staff yes according to the burrow ordinance though the business administrator is the mayor's chief of staff now these two are now these two are so will there be three Chiefs of Staff well when they when when beginning my term there was 6,000 unopened emails uh at um and I firmly believe that this is a a job of customer service so I specifically hired these people to give better customer service and to focus solely on customer service uh to the residents of the burrow so they were hired already yes now I remember at the first meeting not the reorganization meeting the first meeting in January Glenn recommended the appointment of Zach I'm sorry his last he's not local I'm not familiar with his last name how do you say his last name scha schit scha schl okay um as a keyboard clerk one and Ken Kelly well everybody knows Ken Kelly he's a great guy was hired as a part-time keyboarding clerk those are both Civil Service titles and Glenn you recommended them to that those positions were you aware that Ken and Zach weren't going to be keyboard operators when were going to be chief of Staff when you made that recommendation in January you were yes yes okay so were they operating out of title in a civil service position no no okay and where are they going to be housed their office is uh downstairs in the first floor yes oh okay we're spending about $30,000 to run rovate and for new furniture and things like that there that is that where they're going to go They're not going there they're in the old police station the offices that were the original police station in the building yes okay all right the area that flooded during correct Sandy okay all right so they're there okay and has has are they filling the position of confidential Aid to the mayor yet I don't even know how they're classified we onboarded him under those positions to get him started working for the mayor at the earliest possible date and once we have these two titles they'll be transitioned into those titles and that'll be at a salary of what will the salary be starting at 61,000 to 77 I don't recall off the top of my head you don't recall okay and has Zach moved to town yet I would advise against commenting upon anything specific to the individual I'm sorry I couldn't hear the as an active employee I would advise against responding about the individual's whereabouts if there's a specific residen here I'm not asking his address I'm asking if he lives in town yet that can be addressed at the appropriate time if we have the information okay all right thank you very much appreciate that are there any other questions or comments what was that Ken thank you mayor kenel sheski 108 North Edward Street uh the same reference ordinance and and what Jim had asked about now does this ordinance create these positions have they been created before for or are they created by this ordinance they'll be created tonight so they're created tonight that no one up here has voted on these other than in this ordinance going for tonight be voted on tonight thank you are there any other questions on this ordinance being no other questions entertain a motion the publicy Clos the ordinance adopt on second final reading and advertis according to law second roll call council person valala yes poliisi yes NOA yes Roberts yes zabowski yes ordinance number 20 I mean sorry 0424 calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a c bank uh at this time I'll open the public portion for questions or comments on on this ordinance are there any questions Jim yes thank you mayor I I don't have to give my address I guess Jim Robinson based on what the attorney said um can you explain what this ordinance does Denise so this is an ordinance that is adopted every year by the uh burrow Council and what happens is the um the state according to the statute and everything allows us to establish what is called a cap bank because as you know we are under two different caps we're under a levy cap and Appropriations cap this allows us to bank money not not physical money but num so to speak so that in case something happens and everything let's say gas goes up again to $5 inflation goes through the roof we at least have have something um saved that we can still balance our budget should expenses go through the roof okay so you will be able to exceed last year's appropriation not by 2.5% but by 3.5% correct okay and you need to exceed that appropriation because of the the two new of Staff the mayor no just hir no no okay thank you very much okay are there any other questions or comments on this ordinance being no other questions or comments I'll like to a motion with the public heing close the ordinance adopted on second final reading and advertised according to law second roll call Council person's Bala yes polii yes NOA yes Roberts yes zabowski yes yeah okay I'm going to make uh two appointments tonight on on the board of adjustment I'm going to move Anthony Bella from alternate to the full year unexpired term um that's open and I'm going to appoint Christina gandi to alternate number one is there a motion make a motion to appoint as the mayor has described there a second second roll call Council person's Roberts yes Bala yes yes an NOA yes zabowski yes like to report that I received the supplemental debt statement received from the CFO as of February 26 2024 need a motion to receive and file I make a motion there second all in favor I opposed go with the bond introduction Bond ordinance number 5-24 bond ordinance providing for water utility improvements by in the burrow of saille in the county of middlex state of New Jersey appropriating 850,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $850,000 in bonds or notes to finance the cost thereof I Dan a move of ordance be approved on first reading advertised according to law and a public hearing be held on March 11th 2024 second Council person's Bala yes polii yes anoa yes Roberts yes yes at this time I'm going to open the public portion for any questions or comments on consent uh consent agenda items uh are there any Jim thank you mayor Jim Robinson 11 barell Square in Parlin um I see that you're increasing fees for the recreation program for our kids but what I really want to ask about is 20 2473 three applying for a grant for million dollar for improvements to the Jerry us Recreation Complex what are those anticipated improvements Len if you would funding will go toward our continued uh efforts to add two Turf baseball fields and additional parking at the US complex two turf fields and parking correct and that'll be a million dollars no it'll actually be7 million s million and this million will go offset to seven I guess is that the plan it will directly fund it when we have enough money to move on the project okay very good thank you very much I appreciate it are there any other questions or comments on consent agenda items being no other questions or comments I'll entertain a motion move the consent agenda Communications be received on roll call vote be accepted and approved approved I'm sorry approved and I close the public hearing is there a second second roll call Council persons Roberts yes fala yes polii yes NOA yes zabowski yes need a motion to accept the correspondence as listed on the agenda make a motion to accept the correspondence as listed on the agenda second second roll call Council person's Roberts yes fala yes police yes an NOA yes zabowski yes okay uh mayor and councel reports administration of Finance councilman Bala thank you mayor at first can I make a motion to designate the 1909 burrow Hall first aid house located at the I mean I I designated a local Historic Landmark please a motion to make the to designate the 1909 bur is there a second on that roll call F yes yes NOA yes Robert I would love to but I'm not prepared to I have too many open questions and I think the Historical Society knows what some of my questions are and waiting for um that one grant that was talked about last time I do want to see that to see um what that Grant entails and I think I need more of a project plan um to move forward on this so I'm not prepared to tonight so I'm a no I'm also know at this point not that I not that I uh don't want to see the rehabilitation of the building uh just like uh Donna has said I do have questions at this point I think it's a wonderful building and I think that the downtown sah uh downtown Main Street area entirely needs uh a little upgrades aesthetically and Improvement uh and I'd really like to see how that building fits into that plan uh so I do have questions I I again I applaud the efforts of the Historical Society I think they've done terrific work in getting to this place but I just have more questions to uh to get answered before being able to approve this at this point okay reach to okay anything else councilman okay we're planning to introduce the budget in March with a public Hearing in uh in April other than that progress okay standing and Zoning councilman zabowski thank you mayor good evening everyone I just wanted to say I know they've left already but uh three coaches that you saw three of the coaches that you saw this evening U Julia Fedor Emily Fedor and Brianna CH Cheney all came through the Our Lady of Victories cheer program I I saw them as very young lady young girl moving through that program getting better working hard becoming cheerleaders in and now as as cheer coaches and I wish they were still here just to be able to say how proud I even to seen them I'm sure the parents have so proud of as well but not so much as coaches but as very young uh women who are great role models for those young girls but also great representative of our town uh as far as planning as you know or many men know planning board last week was supposed to need for application regarding meeting Center due to um noce error was can April 3 keep in mind also ours on Wednesday minations be heard and then fin sarahah Mee this Thursday at 6:30 um and there will be a discussion related to the land May thank you would you also do a recreation for councilman sari I would if I had the report you can you can say progress progress thank you uh Public Safety councilman and noow overall progress mayor um it's good to see the coin toss request approved as well what overall progress thank you Public Works upon uh reviewing public Works reports uh business as usual progress okay water sewer and environmental council president Roberts I have a couple of things to bring up um that may be outside of water and sewer first of all I do want to thank the sville police department for the tour and especially my time on the simulator which um was very enlightening as well as the information that they provided I also want to congratulate the um SEL Police Department for finding and confiscating that truck that has been um causing uh Havoc at 1 and 2:00 in the morning to some of our residents so they've gotten that truck and um they're the seral police of course they solve the mystery of the loud music um so if you've seen the Tik Tok you know what I'm talking about um I also want to uh thank our new mayor Kennedy um O'Brien for the communications that he is now doing I recommend that everyone go to the website and see episode two of conversations with Kennedy so if you were interested in learning about how Pilots work and how they can work well in in cases where they fit um the mayor of um Woodbridge mayor McCormick sat down with our mayor to talk about his successes and how we might be able to leverage that in our town to help our taxpayers and get some of the um some of the things that we need for our town and there's also a very good new newsletter that is currently available on the website it is also part of the burrow blast so if you're not part of the burough blast and want to know what's going on that's another valuable piece of information that I want to share um other things there is a show us your serval photos going on this league of municipalities is asking for our seral photos it's on the website a lot of good stuff is going on on the website it's been redesigned it's still being worked on so um much of that going on future Municipal leaders scholarship and the high school with Mr Howard is collecting that he's going to um lead that um the fire department put out a notice that they're looking for volunteers and um mayor that's progress great thank you all right okay General discussion Administration and finance authorization to add an ordinance establish ing the position and duties powers of the qualified purchasing agent that's a house um keeping ordinance that we need authorization to renew the five-year residential property tax abatement next item uh Public Safety coin toss receive from the following Jersey Allstar competitive cheer team for March 9th and 10th and St stan school for April 27th and 28th did you happen to talk to those people I did I think I sent out an email I'm not I can't remember I think there's 80 cheerleaders and 20 of them are from SVO okay um authorization to w a contract to Motorola through State contract for a Vesta Command Post in an amount not to exceed $ 48,2 n580 authorization to apply for a middle sex County Recycling enhancement grant for improvements to the saal recycling center in the amount of $10,000 application for special event received from the following Jazz for prostate cancer awareness to hold a walk on September 28th at Kennedy Park authorization to approve a treatment works approval permit application for trogan development formerly sville Genera Generating Station is this administrator uh all I have mayor is uh thank you to councilman zasi for uh working with me and the cable company we are now ready to introduce the renewal of the cable franchise agreement at the next meeting okay uh cfo's report budget transfer resolution and authorization refund escrow to Gillette Towers in the amount of $83,900 Road Project phase two which is Sophie Street midnight Street Vernon Street Project's been completed recommending it be closed out for the final change order for net reduction approximately $27,000 second item is the Morgan area water improvements which is Tyler Street Willow Street Dodd place and Robinson Place receiving bids tomorrow if everything's in order we like to have a resolution awarding that contract at your next meeting and then finally the bathroom in Kennedy Park you have approximately $300,000 in community block grant money that's available for improvements to make it 88 compliant looking for resolution authorizing the preparation of plans and specs that's all I have thank you thank you Jay uh anything from the attorney I do not have anything there that okay thank you public portion uh questions or comments any and all issues are there any yes sir good evening ma'am my name is Ralph St for prostate canc awareness I'm I'm uh addressing the issue I'm sorry oh can you hear me it's not you it's me oh okay um I'm I'm R can I help you yeah I'm R from Jazz for prostate cancer awareness you mentioned that from your from the uh Recreation uh uh area that you was and I just want I have some questions okay um I I was given uh that I have to to give you um uh insurance and I I and I submitted the insurance is that also for the for all the vendors do they have to submit their V their um let me check with RBA our Clerk's officer indicating yes yes so so I can't cover my uh insurance will not cover the uh the insurance for the other vendors it my insurance is just for me or my organization is that what I'm understanding yes so you so the vendors like Ruckers who I'm going to bring uh to do uh health screening uh during the time we're walking they have to have their own and also I'm bringing a DJ he has to have a a they call it a COI a Certificate of Insurance okay so that's three I will have to have to submit yes sir okay um um do that have does that have to be submitted or can I have the uh uh the date approved well the the date would be approved at the next meeting because it's got to go by resolution so uh we could work everything is pending everything is pending all that why don't you give me a call in the morning and we can hash out some of these details to your satisfaction and we could probably steer you a little better I could have the documents and stuff in front of me and I could probably steer you a little bit better and make it a little easier to navigate sure uh you give me I will take care of that okay have it there's no reason not to approve thank you these are just the technicalities the borrow can't can't Ure your vendors so it's incumbent upon the sponsor to either either the umbrella policy that they have or each each vendor and ruers and most of these people have who do this frequently are very familiar with this right Thank You mayor okay thank you yes ma'am hi I'm Jennifer stria 25 Sherwood Road Parlin New Jersey Isn't it nice that it's getting so light out so staying longer isn't that great you know why because we haven't had street lights on Sherwood Road since July we have good news one yeah I mean look I could share with you about four hours ago I got an email from Jersey Central which state that the Sherwood Road repairs were completed so why you are with without lights perplexes me and I will call her idea I actually checked I didn't want to be embarrassed so I actually checked think how I feel because literally four hours ago I got an email saying that that specifically was repaired it's definitely not and I haven't even I haven't even seen anybody doing the repairs and I think it's actually Verizon that broke the line when they leid the all of the stuff there but no we don't have it from the beginning all the way into the middle until Sur we still have nothing absolutely it's total Blackness than God we have no electrician he put something on his house I had to put something on my house we're trying to keep some sort of light but we haven't had any any street lights it's pitch black pitch black so now you know and I'm glad I came otherwise you would have just been like I'm Glad You Came as well and we have had some other progress that's right uh Mr administrator our our office um as borrow attorney has been in touch with representatives from jcpnl uh specifically addressing this issue they've advised us that uh they've gotten a substantial number of Lights back online uh but it sounds like there is work yet to be done which we will certainly pass along and I'm sure that there's a problem because it wasn't them it's not their fault I'm sure it's like okay so who do we go to in my experience sometimes it's a Communications issue so that they're to make them aware first that the lights are out and then obviously to get them out to get them repaired we notifi JCP now actually was here in August we told them in August and we and then we were quiet we were like okay well just you know give it time okay it's it's it's February now and we have no lights so anyway you could just take care of that get the lights back on or if we could get a deduction on our property taxes we'll do that that's fine maybe a deduction on your electric bill okay that's good too thank you are there any other questions yes sir Mike PTZ 32 Becker Drive Parlin uh I'd like to start with some simple questions here to make sure we're all in the same head space okay does everyone agree that 657 is less than 2363 no one agrees with that right 624 is less than 679 33 is less than 395 zero is less than 12289 everyone agree where you going with this m they're not random numbers as you suspect uh these are all numbers direct from Page Six to the sville userfriendly budget and they're all derived directly from the red oak power pilot under the pilot which was renewed in 2018 Red Oak power is paying about $657,000 a year taxes if Bill at present year rate would be about 2.4 million 657 is less than 2363 with only 95% of pilot billing going to sville that Nets $624,000 to us with3 2,800 going to the county Now using percentages from my own uh 2023 preliminary tax bill if Bill a present year rate there would have been 6788204209 million in school taxes collected 624 is less than 679 33 is less than 395 Zer is less than 12289 it's funny how you Council Roberts you mentioned conversations with Kennedy because that's what brought this up that 1.28 million is the big question here what mayor McCormack ignores in Woodbridge and what seems to be ignored in these conversations is that the school budgets still go up the burden to cover that then Falls to taxpayers when the pilots are not contrib school taxes no they do not sir go ahead I mean numbers don't lie and my numbers are taken directly from documents right off of the website that's fine and quite frankly I was shocked that reducing taxes was not one of your top priorities I was kind of improving improving Services um that being said I I don't know whether I was a councilman or I was a mayor when red oak went through um but one of the things is with without redo coming in there um the the property it's let's take Riverton that's that's a better example if I may because I'm I want to be clear I'm not against Pilots at all a pilot should be used to attract develop developers to sites like what you're describing for Red Oak right or Amboy Cinemas or Riverton hope which hopefully will get built in my lifetime but Pilots should not equal profit Pilots should have a limited time frame mayor McCormack speaks about Pilots as a 30-year term they don't have to be 30 years he also speaks about he me he mentioned percentages and this one kind of confused me because he said that they start a 85% for the first 10 years but that's how they do it in Woodbridge okay based off of public records 995 based off of public records the average collection of present year valuation in Woodbridge is 70.3 3% now their records aren something is wrong with their records so I'm taking out anomalies where the pilot payment is more than 100% of present year T billable taxes they have one line item in budget 1,400 rway Avenue which shows the property is only valued at $34,320 th000 a year pil generally generate a a greater Revenue stre well so then that's why I want to bring that up that I'm clarifying if you take out those anom anomalies in their in their budget where they're paying more than 100% you can't have you can't start at 85% and have an average of 70.3 so something's not right with the math there and I'm not blaming this on mayor McCormack maybe that's his model going forward it certainly has not been the model that has fueled the progress in Woodbridge I grew up in Woodbridge the town has gone vertical yes and if traffic is one of your if not the number one concern in sville Woodbridge is not a town to model after we have plenty of traffic problems now going like Woodbridge I dread going back to my hometown because the traffic in the middle of the day is a nightmare because of Mayor McCormack thank you for your time okay are there any other questions Jim thank you mayor I want to elaborate on something that councilman zabowski already brought up concerning the planning board before the attorney gets upset I heard what Matt said at the last meeting he had good comments I used to teach a course at the league of municipalities called staying out of trouble for land use Sports so I'm not gonna to repeat with my colle I'm not going to go into that but um with respect to the application that councilman zabowski was talking about the attorney for the applicant used to be the planning board attorney during your last Administration mayor and the chairman for the planning board was the chairman during your last Administration mayor so UNF familiar with both of them and the problems and the costly lawsuits we had with them so I just I thought I would double check some things in the application to make sure everything was fine I called and the planning board office was closed until Tuesday the 20th the day before the hearing and much of the material and some of the material I wanted to check was online but specifically what I wanted to look at to notice it wasn't now I don't begrudge a part-time employee time off absolutely not that's not the issue but the file should have been available somewhere else perhaps in the clerk's office perhaps in the library because when folks get a notice saying come to the Barrow Hall and see the file the file ought to be there and ought to be available so I called on the 20th I called in the afternoon the secretary only works morning so I sent an email Tuesday the day of the hearing expressing my concerns and by the way I reached out to councilman zabowski and I want to thank him he immediately got back to me when I couldn't get the planning board I had somebody reach out to Mr Sachs the attorney for the applicant and he either misunderstood my question which wouldn't be surprising or dismissed it and I've gotten used to my comments being dismissed so I wasn't surprised about that that's when I reached out to councilman zabowski turns out I was right Oldbridge had not been notified our planning board attorney didn't catch that our planning board chairman didn't catch that the planning board had no jurisdiction and the case couldn't be heard now once I raised the issue they canceled not the hearing which they had to do but the entire meeting so they inconvenienced all of these relatives all of these residents who had an interest in this by the way I I was told that it was canceled because the police department had a concern about crowd that's not the case correct it truly was a notice issue okay that's what I thought um but and I just said well this is more the same stuff with the same people that got us into trouble before but there has got to be a better way and files if the clerk the planning board secretary who is part-time and it was entitled of time off if she is not there that information should be available somewhere else and had it been available when I first checked and that was I think the night of this council meeting the last council meeting I probably could have corrected the issue I would have raised it I I couldn't call into the meeting because you can't do that anymore to let folks know but um that's something that ought to be addressed the other thing is this the second thing is that meeting shouldn't have been cancelled what the planning board should have done is they should have used that meeting to authorize the applicants escro fund be used to hire Professionals for traffic for sound for light for landscaping other environmental things which the board used to do 30 haven't done it in 30 years Jay said last time they did it was when I was chairman but that's what that is there for that protects the residents that also benefits the applicant in fact I talked to some folks who are members of the mosque they supported that idea because independent experts commenting on the application only improves it for everybody for them as well as the neighbors and as well as the resident so I would very strongly suggest that and and I know that prior to you know there are no secrets I know that prior to that being cancelled there were discussions among some of the folks um the advice should have been don't cancel the meeting hire the professionals so that we can so that this doesn't go the way the Arsenal warehouses go so that we have independent thirdparty advice to advise the board and to advise the applicant so I hope that uh that'll be taken into consideration mayor the last time I was here I asked if you had given any consideration to approaching Dupont um about their property you said you would take it under advisement any updates on that still under advisement still under advisement I know that we've been in court the the board one one or the board W one the burrow W one the taxpayers lost two um so well I would say this the last person who spoke spoke for seven and a half minutes you know I record these mayor officers would you escort them to a seat please I would hope that these officers wouldn't treat me differently they okay please ESC escort him to his chair they can escort me to my seat where would you like me to go back to my seat here yeah please you did know the other gentleman spoke for seven and a half minutes right for five exactly all right sit please okay uh Ken kenel shesky 108 North Edward Street um kind of wondering if I'm in uh North Korea or the Russia or communist China here uh I forgot this is the Ser bar Hall do doesn't seem that way I never saw anything like this go on before I think it's a disgrace Liv through all my life I'm sorry to say sometimes now I'm embarrassed to say where do you live I live in cille when I see things like this but I'm here to uh to thank the uh the count councilman Bala and those that supported the Historical Society uh and the resolution on the first B Hall next door um it has some personal meaning to me because my grandfather actually built that building Charles Henry roller my maternal grandfather who um was a Freeholder from middle sex County uh he was the Township Clerk before serva became a barrow and he built that uh that building after the original uh contractor from South went bankr gr uh and he built it with his young assistant at that time Tom Dolan who became a very famous name a famous family in Sera a longtime Freeholder I think he was mayor and uh he was an assistant in building that building I hope there's no plans for anybody to suggest to be knocked down and put more housing there I think uh from what I see going on in town I think we've got enough housing uh thank you but uh I I'm happy I'm happy to support the Historical Society uh which has done and continues to do great work in the buau of Servo and again I want to make sure I get out of here before I I need a police escort but I think it's disgrace I've said before I've been coming to Council meetings in cille since I was in high school and let me tell you that's a long long time ago many of the Mayors here most of them I've been here to see uh from starting with mayor papalski I've never seen any conduct like this thank you very much Frank Frank terino 32 Canal Street president seral Historical Society Ser his Ian and just a all around nice guy thank you so so much we're going to make you guys proud we have plans not drawn up but it's going to be like our forefathers built in 1909 they built it two stories for a reason they wanted people to see it and back then this building was not here the trees were probably this big so it stood up like a beacon of light and hope for people and during the 1914 flu epidemic World War I great press World War II people came to that facility for help so again we we thank you so much and we're going to uh Council Roberts will get that information for you councilman zabowski will get that information and uh we have a journey a long journey and I I think we could pull it off so thank you again we appreciate your help and we'll be seeing you thank you anyone else when let me get the young lady Again Jennifer stria 25 Sherwood Road parley New Jersey I forgot to ask one question is there any way to find out the status of any open space land Acquisitions I know that there were talks for the space that's actually right by Sherwood Road and I was wondering if that are they still talking about you know making that an open space yeah the next open space committee meetings at the end of March I don't know that they've made any Headway toward approaching the landowner but right now there's nothing slated for it that I'm aware of okay do all right great so I I would just go to that meeting and they is this okay great thank you who who is that you Frank all right good evening Arthur writtenhouse 33 delicat Lane sville um I want to thank the uh Council for approving the 1909 Firehouse the resolution tonight just to give some background this is nothing new we started in 2000 I started in 2018 sending a letter to the mayor and Council and at the December 2018 meeting the mayor and Council approved our efforts to save that building we also contacted the state and let them know that we had the approval of the mayor and the council um we didn't come up at our presentation asking for any money we needed the historic designation so that we can move forward with applying for the grants which we've sent to the business administrator some of the places that provide those grants we're not looking for grants that are 50/50 we would start out looking for grants that are total 100% um which there are some available um also the plans for the building we said in our presentation that we were going to ask the mayor and Council to help set up a committee which would include members of the council members of the public members of the Historical Society so now with that resolution tonight we can start to do that and as Frank said we're looking forward to moving forward and making the town even prouder of that building that's there that has so much history you all received a letter from Bonnie Brady her mother Bonnie DS was one of the founders of the Historical Society uh Bonnie was one of the ones who started the fourth grade trips each year we have over a thousand people come to the museum for different events it's not just a Sunday where a couple people come we have other events and other things so we we are serving over a thousand people each year that come to the historical society that are interested uh in our programs so again I thank you and we'll be moving forward we'll contact you or you can contact us and we'll set up that committee that will answer the questions council president that you have thank you thank you mayor I appreciate very much that the two police officers are here but I noted they weren't here for the first 50 minutes of the at least the first 50 minutes of the meeting when we had all those folks here and I'm just wondering are they directed to come here only for the public portion of the meeting no they're instructed to come here for the meeting unless something else keeps them away some other emergency oh okay so all right and when they are here does that mean that there are two less officers on the road until they're called back until they're called back very interesting okay I I at least if they were getting overtime for being here to sit me down i' think I was doing a good thing for them and I would appreciate it but I not so sure that having officers here only for the public portion which is what the case was um and bringing and having two and bringing them in off the road where they could be doing the important things that they do every day is a good idea and as uh Council former councilman aleski said unprecedented never happened in the Burrow's history never okay thank you are there any other questions uh the gentleman from who grew up in Woodbridge Mike pinkowitz 32 Becker Drive Parlin uh the the one other thing that I didn't get out that I feel is kind of important to get on the record is folks are not aware the pilot payments do not increase at the rate that property taxes do if you go back a few years you'll see that the pilot payments in sville have stayed the same perhaps future that would make pilot payments be a little more tolerable is if they increased at a rate equivalent to property taxes that might make the pill a little easier to swallow uh the other thing completely unrelated to Pilots uh but related to conversations with Kennedy um the tone of the first two seemed kind of educational and kind of well as a suggestion I would like to see you have a conversation with the women responsible for organizing and pushing forward the TNR effort in sville I think that would be a good public notice to have out there to make people aware of the program the program doesn't cost the town anything they doing great work and really could use the town support they could use your support thank you thank you Ken kesy one away northward just quickly want to say I'm not opposed to Redevelopment of Main Street I think that's probably long overdue and uh as long as it doesn't include plowing down the uh the uh first B hall or uh or uh putting a bunch of of housing on Main Street that's a great idea and uh we invoke here the name of Mayor McCormick Woodbridge uh maybe you want to get some advice from mayor McCormack and Woodbridge about developing Main Street they uh they seem to have a respectable Main Street in Woodbridge thank you young lady in the back hello good evening my name is Heather fenick I'm on the board of the lower Raritan Watershed partnership I've had a chance to meet a few of you through the environmental commission and um Glenn through um resilient New Jersey work in the past couple of years um I want to share an opportunity uh with you through the national Fish and Wildlife Foundation um Grant request for proposals that was just submitted um just announced uh let's see February 22 um the lower Raritan Watershed partnership has worked with sville and middlex County for the past five years to um develop a plan for ecosystem restoration site um along the South River um between sarraille and South River um the intent with this 165 Acres of title marshes is to support um the Marsh function and transitional Forest function within the Watershed and to provide um passive Recreation as well as uh potential um storm waterer uh sort of buffer prevention um type of activity resilience activity for um the area of blueacre buyouts in sville so I wanted to bring attention to the opportunity for this grant um to all of you and the mayor um on on the council um I will be reaching out to Glenn um in the next week I have my colleague here um Carl Alderson from the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration um we've been talking through these plans um for a while um we'd love to realize 100% engineered design through this potential Grand opportunity um we already have 60% engineered design with your partnership um move this to 100% engineer design and then hopefully move to um build and Implement so just wanted to to share this with you I do have a couple of large scale Maps I can leave for the council um but thank you for your time thank you yeah anyone else being no other questions or comments I'll entertain a motion make a motion to close the public thank you roll all in favor I take a motion for adjournment take a motion to adjourn there a second so --------- ladies ladies ladies if I could have your attention by the way we're very very proud of you so we're going to begin the meeting there is a football player on the way but it's ladies first here in saille okay all right so that so that being said we always start with a short prayer and then we do a salute to our flag so with that would we all stand almighty God grant us the wisdom to make those decisions that are in the best interest of all our residents May the heavenly father of us all bless bless those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation and may He watch over and protect our service men and women now guarding the gates of Freedom salute to our flag I pledge algi to Jessica statement of publication take notice that this regular agenda meeting of the mayor and bur Council being held on this 26th day of February 2024 has been posted and advertised in accordance with open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 roll call Council persons Bala here poliisi here anoa here Roberts here sinari zabowski here okay uh council president approval I move the following minutes of the mayor and Council be approved on roll call vote subject to correction if necessary the February 12th minutes of the regular and agenda and close sessions second roll call Council person's Roberts yes fala yes polii yes NOA yes zabowski and now comes the best part of the night the best part of the night where we get to honor national champions who are sitting here amongst us so Council if you would if we go up behind the rail and if Jimmy what's it come on up you stay on that [Music] side name got to start something speech I'm need this yes hi I'm James breski Jimmy hi I'm Jimmy baresi I've been part I've grew up and ser my whole life I've been here for 48 years uh been part of the program here in saille uh football for 17 18 years um I got to see well two of these athletes since they're the age of 910 coming to our football program and watch them Excel the past couple years and grow into what fine men they are today the last one is my son so I I saw him since he was his first cry come out uh first one I want to call up I'll say a little speech about him first is going to be Aaron Sereno like I said Aaron Sereno came here when he was uh 910 played for our 10U team and we had about 230 athletes try out for this All-Star team and out of that we had three kids from saille make this team pretty allst stars um we go down we go down into Florida and we play three other teams one from Central Florida one from Michigan and and one from San Diego California right no Arizona um Aaron was our tight end um did a very good job he was a starting tight end for our team phenomenal job able to get the did his job very efficient what he had to do block or go off for a pass um that's basically what I could say about Aaron thank you Aaron I just see I'm bad with speeches in this sense my you know why mother wants the picture she's somewhere oh next up is Colin Russell again Aaron you got to stand up here for a picture for all of us together you got to stand to my right you can't leave me yet I'm up here sweating myself you got to stand next to me Colin he was one of linemen or offensive line defensive linemen uh for the Jersey Star All Star there's 33 kids that made the team from all over New Jersey again three of them were for Sable uh it's a very bigest accomplishment out of several we never had this many athletes at one time brought up to the allstars uh to play and they're all all around the country they are thank you col the last one obviously is Jason baresi he was uh part of our arall team he was our starting free safety um the first game we had um one of our two running backs got sick he went in as a running back also as in as a running back I played he played multiple positions on the field not only once we came back from Florida a week later we got an email saying he was selected for an all All-American Game uh out of the top 30 athletes out of East going against top 30 out of the West we went there February uh 1st through the 5th it was one game um and it was the top athletes when I say top athletes out of the country going against each other it was a great thing to watch it was on YouTube the uh YouTube uh and Facebook live you could watch the game still uh but it was a very good accomplishment for um as part of our Champions they won all all three of our games in December they got jackets they got rings and they got their all all uniforms that they are showing today um these are three athletes are going should be you should be able to watch through high school and watch how much they Excel uh they have shown a lot over the years through our our program and I can't wait to see see them grow in high school and how much more they're going to perform for us coach do you have other coaches here that you'd like to introduce there's no other coaches that were on the team I had one coach from two years he every year he told me he did not want to coach he didn't want to do it but instilled in his his DNA was he came out and helped me coach for two years and that is George sapata huh now it's your dad but ask for any of my other coaches I don't see any other coaches that are here fellas come on in get a group pck get in the middle there couple on each I'm swe come on closer I know I'm sweaty but come on [Music] thank you all right and who who is here to do the honors for these Champions all right thank you thank you thank you oh hi everyone can you hear me okay um so Lori and I are here on behalf of cheer um this room is filled and I'm gonna tear up because everyone knows so I just first like Begin by saying thank you to all of our coaches um our program is run by volunteers there are coaches that have been in the program for many years there are some that are new some that were my junior coaches are now head coach coaches so it is just what makes the program so special all of our coaches truly are there to support our youth uh teach them about a sport that they love and really are amazing role model so thank you first and foremost to the coaches as you all know we start the season um with football that is part of what ayc does we cheer for football games so we are out there in the Rain the winds you name it the Heat and then from there our competition season starts at the beginning we also say we're guaranteed at least one competition we hope for two we hope for three and we hope for four and some of us had a fifth so everyone in this room um made it to Nationals and all teams here representing seral Junior bombers are d8 uh d10 and D12 all were down at Nationals with us in Kiss Me Florida so that's why we're all here to recognize you today along with your coaches um so I think first what we're going to do is start with d8 and there were 50 cheerleaders 15 coaches plus and many parents and fans in Kiss Me Florida Orlando area so again um it was a very exciting time for SEL Junior bombers this is the first time in history that we've been part of ayc to have all three teams down there along with three football players in a different part of the state but still it was a wonderful representation so yep perfect okay so I think we're GNA start with d8 right so Vanessa is the head coach so come on up okay so um I'm Vanessa Roman um I went to school here um I bought my first house here I'm raising my kids here um and this is my second year uh coach in this is the first year um we've done competitive cheering and first of all I cannot thank the coaches enough oh boy um so we've been through a lot the junior coaches go to work I mean they go to school um they are high school cheerleaders um they at some point sneak in food and then come to our cheer practice um I have one Junior coach that does soccer does cheer um I have another one that's a manager and a cheerleader so the fact that they're devoting two hours three times a week to us we appreciate every bit of it Daisy thank you um I know you were hesitant but we did it and now these girls you guys are amazing we are so proud of you you deserve every bit of this this um I I have one one of these girls is my daughter um but they're all like my own I love them and I we are just beyond proud of you okay um this is for you uh in addition to Nationals I have to add a plug um this weekend we went to Atlantic City for a global competition and the girls won first place so they have they have rings and these beautiful pink jackets from Nationals um but now they also have Global championship rings so again I'm so proud of you guys and I'll call you at one by one okay Lanna come up Lanna s you babe oh stay here babe stay here here uh Giana Rosenthal Alana Rodriguez farita oh sure okay GI pone Brooke I can't even try your last name babe you're welome Antonia Adriana Alana masimo mamino sorry Serenity aana Sophia Chloe Kylie oh my daughter Ava Sophia Marley McKenna Maddie and Coach Daisy please come up thank you guys sure we get them all on television absolutely do you want the mic no no I'm going to ask you okay s to do a cheer oh all right girls come over down here do the maybe the chance don't go too far don't go too far come here come here girls what's their favorite I don't know come in the front of us say Chee you want to do a cheer for the TV after the picture do your CH ready ready girls find find your parents and look at them r s that's the way congratulations thank you girls thank you thank you let's just make sure okay so next up we're gonna bring our head coach for the d10 division Emily come on up if you want to bring any of your coaches want to stand here I don't hand it to you want your St all right hi um my name is Emily Fedor I am the head coach of lovely d10 ladies um I would also like to call up my coaches my assistant coaches who are here tonight Julia Fedor and Brienne Cheney so there's so much to say about the 17 incredible athletes that we had on our team they competed in an extremely competitive and tough division there were a lot of team scores were really close um competing in a higher age of it and at a higher level for the first time they knew that they had a challenge from the start but they were ready for every minute of it these girls ended their season as Jersey Shore Champions and top three in the Big East region and in the nation these girls are extremely competitive so while the placement at the end wasn't exactly what they've hoped for as coaches it was it was more than what we could have hoped for they achieved everything we hope for them and more um the growth that these athletes has had over the season was worth far more than any first place trophy these girls are nothing but tough they are resilient and I know that they're ready to come back next year and try again and I can't wait to support them again so so these are my two assistant coaches we had other ones Sam Torino who unfortunately couldn't be here tonight we had Chris Shany who also could not be here tonight we also had our junior coaches Lily Leah and Sarah and now I would like to call up our girls um first we have Isabella Rosenthal yeah next we have Gabby Rosario then we have Emma Perez and then we have auriana pansy then we have lyanna and we have naori we have Avery we have Paige we have Carly and we have S okay he's not here we have Autumn Eliana we have Ava we have Juliana we have ail then we also have Kaitlyn who I'm not sure it's here we have Ella who is not here oh she is here Ella never mind okay so these are our d10 girls and we are so incredibly proud of them starting with Cari can you guys come down we're gonna make two lines for a picture need is hereone come down [Music] we have your we have your just come on come in they want to do a yeah all right o n b e r s that's bom go big blue ready all right one team and that's it this is the best I love all right good all right we're going to go to our ladies all right we're going to go to our last team now um this is our D12 division um so we're gonna hand it over to head coach Nicole Leonard my niece okay um my name is Nicole Leonard I've been coaching this team for two years now um and I just want to start off by saying I am so so so proud of all of you all of your coaches we truly cannot express how proud of you we are we love you all so much um I just think that these girls deserve a little bit of bragging um they had truly an incredible season um at the Jersey Shore competition they came in first place and had the highest score in the entire level three division earning them the title of grand Champions at the Big East regionals they came in first again securing their spot to compete at the National Championship in Florida and then and then at the National Championship in December they had two perfect performances and earned the title of national champions I truly just want you girls to understand that you really represented saal cheerleading and again all of our coaches we love you and we can't wait for more congratulations to our D12 small level three undefeated National and really quickly let me also just call out my lovely coaches a coach with coach Kelly coach Lori Coach Kayla my mom coach Shelly uh coach Crystal and my two junior coaches Tina and Lacy all right B all right first chriselle okay stand right there uh Alana Kaylee Rucker Kaylee Penza Mia Gia GI ariela Bella Olivia so Savannah Sammy okay the last three I'm going to do real quick um so as Jimmy was mentioning before uh Jersey Shore um ayf ayc do an All-Star team for football we do the same thing for cheer so I'm going to introduce the next two or next three excuse me next three individuals that were part of the Jersey Shore elite team for cheers so that was an additional team um that they practiced every weekend up until Nationals they competed at Nationals um and we just had one athlete that went to globals so um bring up now is Julie who went to Florida with S as well as Elite all right and also going to Florida with Junior bombers and the elite team was Tori all right so the last one um happens to be my daughter um so this is also a junior bomber cheerleader on the elite team that went to Florida and just competed at globals last night with that team and earned second place so Lynn buy a b yourself you're good see yes lower all right we good good good you guys want to do your chant do something we do it Loud Loud come on come on Su call it that's the way that's W thank you thank you no no don't go you ladies ladies ladies if I could have your attention when we have champions of this caliber what I'd like you to do starting with the front row is is walk down the aisle to the hall and you'll be on on television you'll be recorded wave to the camera and then you can go home and watch it as often as you like all right so but wait so go to the back go out in the hall but wait for your mom and dad all the parents you're you're truly horrific their their success is based on your effort so you're to be congratulated and coaches you are the unsung heroes you're magnificent thank you for bringing this glory and this honor to sayable all right girls girls hey give give me give each other space so that you have your moment on on television go ahead go ahead wait wait wait go ahead go ahead all right go ahead young lady thank you we're gonna take a five minute break go ahead whereas section eight of the open public public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presly exist now therefore it be resolved by the mayor and bur Council the bur of saille County and middlex state of New Jersey as follows the public portion of this meeting is hereby ad Jour in order that the governing body may meet and close private session for approximately 5 minutes to discuss the following matters litigation following the conclusion of said close session the governing body shall reconvene the open portion of this public meeting to consider any other matters which may be Pro properly brought before it at this time the nature and content of the discussion which occurs in closed session shall be made public at such time as the need for non-disclosure no longer exists this resolution shall take effect immediately I make a motion to go and to close all in favor I oppos okay [Music] I make a motion to reconvene second all in favor I oppos all right go ahead Jessica ordinance number 1-24 ordinance authorizing acceptance of the deed of RightWay dedication for a portion of blot 175 lot 10.01 from the place at sville LLC I move the public hearing be closed uh I open the public portion for questions or comments on this ordinance are there any questions or comments being no questions or comments I'll entertain a motion councilman Kachi okay I move the public hearing to be closed the ordinance adopted on the second final reading and advertised according to law second roll call Council person's kisi yes ala yes anoa yes Roberts yes zabowski yes next ordinance ordinance number 2-24 and ordinance fixing the salaries of certain burrow officials officers and employees for the years 2023 to 2027 this time we going to open the public portion for questions or comments on this ordinance are there any questions or comments being no questions or comments I'll entertain a motion Council Bela move the public hearing be closed the ordinance adopted on second and final reading and advertised according to law second roll call Council person's Bala yes Lisi yes NOA yes Roberts yes zabowski yes ordinance number 3-24 an ordinance fixing the salaries of certain burough officials officers employees for the years 2023 to 2027 this time we're going to open the public portion for questions or comments Jim thank you mayor Jim Robinson from Parlin on ordinance number 243 I see there's a title of assistant business administrator with a range from 82,000 to 154,000 is anyone currently in that position no do you anticipate putting somebody in that position when not at this time no all right the the ba salary range is from 110 to 206 what will his uh 2024 salary be we have that 175 175 yes okay and there are two positions on here that uh maybe they've been filled before I I don't recognize them confidential Aid to the mayor part-time with a salary of 30,000 000 to 46,000 and confidential Aid to the mayor full-time uh a salary of 62,000 to 77,000 is anyone currently in either of those positions yes they're my chief of stafs they're your Chiefs of Staff according to the burrow ordinance though the business administrator is the mayor's Chief of Staff now these two are now these two are so will there be three Chiefs of Staff well when they when when beginning my term there were 6,000 unopened emails uh at um and I firmly believe that this is a a job of customer service so I specifically hired these people to give better customer service and to focus solely on customer service uh to the residents of the the burrow so they were hired already yes now I remember at the first meeting not the reorganization meeting the first meeting in January Glenn recommended the appointment of Zach I'm sorry his last he's not local I'm not familiar with his last name how do you say his last name scha schit scha schl okay um and as a keyboard clerk one and Ken Kelly well everybody knows Ken Kelly he's a great guy with HED as a part-time keyboarding clerk those are both Civil Service titles and Glenn you recommended them to that those positions were you aware that Ken and Zach weren't going to be keyboard operators when were going to be Chiefs of Staff when you made that recommendation in January you were yes yes okay so were they operating out of title in a civil service position no no okay and where are they going to be housed their offices uh downstairs in the first floor yes oh okay we're spending about $30,000 to renovate and for new furniture and things like that there that is that where they're going to go they're not going there they're in the old police station the offices that were the original police station in the building yes okay all right the area that flooded during correct Sandy okay all right so they're there okay and has has are they filling the position of confidential Aid to the mayor yet I don't even know how they're classified him we onboarded him under those positions to get him started working for the mayor at the earliest possible date and once we have these two titles they'll be transitioned into those titles and that'll be at a salary of what will the salary be starting at 61,000 to 77 I don't recall off the top of my head you don't recall okay and has Zach moved to town yet I would advise against commenting upon anything specific to the individual um I'm sorry I couldn't hear the as an active employee I would advise against responding about the individual's whereabouts if there's a specific residen here I'm not asking his address I'm asking if he lives in town yet that can be addressed at the appropriate time if we have the information okay all right thank you very much appreciate that are there any other questions or comments what was that Ken thank you mayor kenel sheski 108 North Edward Street uh the same reference ordinance and and what Jim had asked about now does this ordinance create these positions have they been created before or they created by this ordinance they'll be created tonight so they're created tonight that no one up here has voted on these other than in this ordinance going forth tonight be voted on tonight thank you are there any other questions on this ordinance being no other questions entertain a motion move the public close the orance adopt on second and final reading and advertis according to law second roll call Council person's Bala yes alisi yes NOA yes Roberts yes zabowski yes ordinance number 20 I mean sorry 0424 calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a c bank uh at this time I'll open the public portion for questions or comments on this ordinance are there any questions Jim yes thank you mayor I I don't have to give my address I guess Jim Robinson based on what the attorney said um can you explain what this ordinance does Denise so this is an ordinance that is adopted every year by the uh burrow Council and what happens is the um theate according to the statute and everything allows us to establish what is called a cap bank because as you know we are under two different caps we're under a levy cap and an Appropriations cap this allows us to bank money not not physical money but number so to speak so that in case something happens and everything let's say gas goes up again to $5 inflation goes through the roof we at least have have something um saved that we can still balance our budget should expenses go through the roof okay so you will be able to exceed last year's appropriation not by 2.5% but by 3.5% correct okay and you need to exceed that appropriation because of the the two new Chiefs of Staff the mayor no just hired no no okay thank you very much okay are there any other questions or comments on this ordinance being no other questions or comments I'll entertain a motion who the public close the ordinance adopted on second and final reading and advertised according to law second roll Council person's Bala yes polii yes NOA yes Roberts yes zabowski yes yeah okay going to make uh two appointments tonight on on the board of adjustment I'm going to move Anthony Bella from alternate to the full year unexpired term um that's open and I'm going to appoint Christina gandi to alternate number one is there a motion make a motion to appoint as the mayor has described there second second roll call Council person's Roberts yes Bala yes kisi yes anoa yes zabowski yes like to report that I receiv received the supplemental debt statement received from the CFO as of February 26 20124 I need a motion to receive and file I make a motion there second all in favor I opposed go ahead with the bond introduction Bond ordinance number 5-24 bond ordinance providing for water utility improvements by in the burrow of sville in the county of middlex state of New Jersey appropriate 850,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $850,000 in bonds or notes to finance the cost thereof Dan I move ordance be approved on first reading advertised according to law and a public hearing be held on March 11 2024 second Council person's Bala yes poliisi yes anoa yes Roberts yes zabowski yes at this time I'm going to open the public portion for any questions or comments on consent uh consent agenda items uh are there any Jim thank you mayor Jim Robinson 11 barell Square in Parlin um I see that you're increasing fees for the recreation program for our kids but what I really want to ask about is 202 2473 uh applying for a grant for a million dollars for improvements to the Jerry us Recreation complex what are those anticipated improvements Glen if you would funding will go toward our continued uh efforts to add two Turf baseball fields and additional parking at the US complex two turf fields and parking correct and that'll be a million dollars no it'll actually be7 million 7 million and this million will go offset the seven I guess is that the plan it will directly fund it when we have enough money to move on the project okay very good thank you very much I appreciate it are there any other questions or comments on consent agenda items being no other questions or comments I'll entertain a motion move of the consent agenda Communications be received on roll call vote be accepted and approved I'm sorry approved and I close the public hearing is there a second second roll call Council persons Roberts yes fala yes polii yes NOA yes zabowski yes need a motion to accept the correspondence as listed on the agenda make a motion to accept the correspondence as listed on the agenda second second roll call Council person's Roberts yes fala yes polii yes an NOA yes zabowski yes okay uh uh mayor and Council reports Administration and finance councilman Bala thank you mayor at first can I make a motion to designate the 1909 burall a first aid house located at the I mean can I I designated a local Historic Landmark please a motion to make the to designate the 1909 B is there a second on that roll call FAL yesi yes NOA yes Robert I would love to but I'm not prepared to I have too many open questions and I think the Historical Society knows what some of my questions are and waiting for um that one grant that was talked about last time I do want to see that to see um what that Grant entails and I think I need more of a project plan um to move forward on this so not prepared to tonight so I'm a no I'm also a no at this point not that I not that I uh don't want to see the rehabilitation of the building uh just like uh Donna has said I do have questions at this point I think it's a wonderful building and I think that the downtown sah uh downtown Main Street area entirely needs uh a little upgrades aesthetically and Improvement uh and I'd really like to see how that building fits into that plan uh so I do have questions I I again uh I applaud the efforts of the Historical Society I think they've done terrific work in getting to this place but I just have more questions to uh to get answered before being able to approve this at this point okay REO okay anything else councilman okay now we're planning to introduce the budget in March with a public Hearing in uh in April other than that progress okay Planning and Zoning councilman zabowski thank you mayor good evening everyone uh I just wanted to say I know they've left already but uh three coaches that you saw three of the coaches that you saw this evening Julia Fedor Emily Fedor and Brianna CH Cheney all came through the Our Lady of Victories cheer program I I saw them as very young lady young girl moving through that program getting better working hard becoming cheerleaders in college and now as as cheer coaches and U I wish that they're still here just to be able to say proud I to seen them I'm sure the parents are so proud of them as well but not so much as coaches but as very young women who are great role models for those young girls but also great representative of our town as far as planning as you know for many men know planning last week was supposed to for application regarding Mee Center Du to a um a notice error was canel for April mind our boards on Wednesday be and then fin Sarah s this th 63 will discussion to thank you would you also do a recre for councilman sari I would if I had the report you can you can say progress progress thank you uh Public Safety councilman the noow overall progress mayor um it's good to see the coin toss request approved as well but overall progress thank you Public Works upon uh reviewing Public Works reports uh business as usual progress great water and environmental council president Roberts I have a couple of things to bring up um that may be outside of water and sewer first of all I do want to thank the seral police department for the tour and especially my time on the simulator which um was very enlightening as well as the information that they provided I also want to congratulate the um seral Police Department for finding and confiscating that truck that has been um causing uh Havoc at 1 and 2:00 in the morning to some of our residents so they've gotten that truck and um they're the seral police of course they solved the mystery of the loud music um so if you've seen the Tik Tok you know what I'm talking about um I also want to uh thank our new mayor Kennedy um O'Brien for the communications that he is now doing I recommend that everyone go to the website and see episode two of conversations with Kennedy so if if you were interested in learning about how Pilots work and how they can work well in in cases where they fit um the mayor of um Woodbridge mayor McCormick sat down with our mayor to talk about his successes and how we might be able to leverage that in our town to help our taxpayers and get some of the um some of the things that we need for our town and there's also a very good new newsletter that is currently available on the website it is also part of the burrow blast so if you're not part of the burrow blast and want to know what's going on that's another valuable piece of information that I want to share um other things there is a show us your seral photos going on this league of municipalities is asking for our seral photos it's on the website a lot of good stuff is going on on the website it's been redesigned it's still being worked on so um much of that going on future Municipal leaders scholarship and the high school with Miss Mr Howard is collecting that he's going to um lead that um the fire department put out a notice that they're looking for volunteers and um mayor that's progress great thank you all right okay General discussion Administration and finance authorization to add an ordinance is establishing the position and duties powers of the qualified purchasing agent that's a house um keeping ordinance that we need authorization to renew the 5-year residential property tax abatement next item uh Public Safety coin toss receive from the following Jersey Allstar competitive cheer team for March 9th and 10th and St stan school for April 27th and 28th did you happen to talk to those people I did I think I sent out an email I'm not sure I can't remember I think there was 80 cheerleaders and 20 of them are from SVO okay um authorization to award a contract to Motorola through State contract for a Vesta Command Post in an amount not to exceed 48,2 19580 authorization to apply for a middle sex County Recycling enhancement grant for improvements to the saal recycling center in the amount of $10,000 application for special event received from the following Jazz for prostate cancer awareness to hold a walk on September 28 at Kennedy Park authorization to approve a treatment works approval per application for trogan development formerly SVO Genera Generating Station is this administrator uh all I have mayor is uh thank you to councilman zabowski for uh working with me and the cable company we are now ready to introduce the renewal of the cable franchise agreement at the next meeting okay uh cfo's report budget transfer resolution and authorization refund escrow to Gillette Towers in the amount of $833 n0.1 thank you burrow Engineers report thank you mayor three items first Is 2020 Road Project phase two which is Sophie Street midnight Street Vernon Street Project's been completed recommending it be closed out for a final change order for net reduction approximately $27,000 second item is the Morgan area water improvements which is Tyler Street Willow Street DOD place and Robinson Place receiving bids tomorrow if everything's in order we like to have a resolution awarding that contract at your next meeting and then finally the bathroom in Kennedy Park you have approx me $300,000 in community block grant money that's available for improvements to make it 88 compliant looking for resolution authorizing a preparation of plans and specs that's all I have thank you thank you Jay um anything from the attorney I do not have anything there okay thank you public portion uh questions or comments any and all issues are there any yes sir good evening maam my name is R st I'm from jzz for prostate cancer awareness I'm I'm uh addressing the issue I'm sorry oh can you hear me it's not you it's me oh okay um I'm I'm round how can I help you yeah I'm round from Jazz for prostate cancer awareness you mentioned that from your from the uh Recreation uh uh area that you and I just want I have some questions okay um I I was given uh that I have to to give you um uh insurance and I I and I submitted to insurance is that also for the for all the vendors do they have to submit they they are U let me check with our ba our Clerk's officer indicating yes yes so so I can't cover my uh insurance will not cover the uh the insurance for the other vendors my insurance is just for me or my organiz ation is that what I'm understanding yes so you so the vendors like Ruckers who I'm going to bring uh to do uh health screening uh during the time we're walking they have to have their own and I also I'm bringing a DJ he has to have a a they call it a COI a Certificate of Insurance okay so that's three I will have to have to submit yes sir okay um do that have does that have to be submitted or can I have the uh uh the date approved well the the date would be approved at the next meeting because it's got to go by resolution so uh we could work pending everything is pending all that why don't you give me a call in the morning and we can hash out some of these details to your satisfaction and we could probably steer you a little better I could have the documents and stuff in front of me and I could probably steer you a little bit better and make it a little easier to navigate sure uh you give me I will take care of that you have it there's no reason not to approve thank you these are just the technicalities the burrow can't can't Ure your vendors so it's incumbent upon the sponsor to either either the umbrella policy that they have or each each vendor and rers and most of these people have who do this frequently are very familiar with this right Thank You mayor okay thank you yes ma'am hi I'm Jennifer stria Sherwood Road parley New Jersey Isn't it nice that it's getting so light out so staying longer isn't that great you know why because we haven't had street lights on Sherwood Road since July we have good news GL yeah I mean look I could share with you about four hours ago I got an email from Jersey Central which stated that the Sherwood Road repairs were completed so why you are with a without lights perplexes me and I will call her no idea I actually checked I didn't want to be embarrassed so I actually checked think how I feel because I'm literally four hours ago I got an email saying that that specifically was repaired definitely not and I hav't even I haven't even seen anybody doing the repairs and I think it's actually Verizon that broke the line when they lead the all of the stuff there but no we don't have it from the beginning all the way into the middle until sui we still have nothing absolutely it's total Blackness thank God we have an electrician he put something on his house I had to put something on my house we're trying to keep some sort of light but we haven't had any any street lights it's pitch black pitch black so now you know and I'm glad I came otherwise you would have just been like I'm Glad You Came as well and we have had some other progress that's right Mr administrator our our office um as borrow attorney has been in touch with representatives from jcpnl uh specifically addressing this issue they've advised us that uh they've gotten a substantial number of like back online uh but it sounds like there is work yet to be done which we will certainly pass along and I'm sure that there's a problem because it wasn't them it's not their fault I'm s it's like okay so who do we go to in my experience sometimes it's a Communications issue so that they're to make them aware first that the lights are out and then obviously to get them out to get them repaired we notified JCP now actually was here in August we told them in August and we and then we were quiet we were like okay we'll just you know give it time okay it's it's it's February now and we have no lights so anyway you could just take care of that get the lights back on or if we could get a deduction on our property taxes we'll do that that's fine maybe a deduction on your electric bill okay that's good too thank you are there uh any other questions yes sir Mike pinkowitz 32 Becker Drive Parlin uh I'd like to start with some simple questions here to make sure we're all in the same headp space okay does everyone agree that 657 is less than 2363 the one agrees with that right 624 is less than 679 33 is less than 395 0 is less than 12289 everyone agree where you going with this Mike they're not random numbers as you suspect uh these are all numbers direct from page six of the sville userfriendly budget and they're all derived directly from the red oak power pilot under the pilot which was renewed in 2018 Red Oak power is paying about $657,000 a year taxes if build at present year rate would be about 2.4 million 657 is less than 2363 with only 95% of pilot billing going to sville that Nets $624,000 to us with 32,800 going to the county Now using percentages from my my own uh 2023 preliminary tax bill if Bill a present year rate there would have been 678 82 in Municipal Taxes which is more 39457 in County taxes and almost 1.3 million in school taxes collected 624 is less than 679 33 is less than 395 Zer is less than 1289 it's funny how you Council Roberts you men conversations with Kennedy because that's what brought this up that 1.28 million is the big question here what mayor McCormack ignores in Woodbridge and what seems to be ignored in these conversations is that the school budgets still go up the burden to cover that then Falls to taxpayers when the pilots are not contributing school taxes no they do not sir go ahead I mean numbers don't lie and my numbers are taken directly from documents right off the website that's fine quite frankly I was shocked that reducing taxes was not one of your top priorities I was kind of improving improving Services um that being said I I don't know whether I was a councilman or I was a mayor and red oak went through um but one of the things is with without red oak coming in there um the the property it's let's take Riverton that's that's a better example if I may because I'm I want to be clear I'm not against Pilots at all a pilot should be used to attract develop developers to sites like what you're describing for Red Oak right or Amboy Cinemas or Riverton hope which hopefully will get built in my lifetime but Pilots should not equal profit Pilots should have a limited time frame mayor McCormack speaks about Pilots as a 30-year term they don't have to be 30 years no he also speaks about he me he mentioned percentages and this one kind of confused me because he said that they start at 85% for the first 10 years but that's how they do it in Woodbridge okay based off of public records 995 based off of public records the average collection of present year valuation in Woodbridge is 70.3 3% now their records are something is wrong with their record so I'm taking out anomalies where the pilot payment is more than 100% of present Year ta billable taxes they have one line item in their budget 1400 rway Avenue which shows the property is only valued at $34,320 a year Pilots generally generate a a greater Revenue well so then that's why I want to bring that up that I'm clarifying if you take out those anom anomalies in their in their budget where they're paying more than 100% you can't have you can't start at 85% and have an average of 70.3 three so something's not right with the math there and I'm not blaming on mayor McCormick maybe that's his model going forward it certainly has not been the model that has fueled the progress in Woodbridge I grew up in Woodbridge the town has gone vertical yes I and if traffic is one of your if not the number one concern in sville Woodbridge is not a town to model after we have plenty of traffic problems now going like Woodbridge I dread going back to my hometown because the traffic in the middle of the day is a nightmare because of Mayor McCormack thank you for your time okay are there any other questions Jim thank you mayor I want to elaborate on something that councilman zabowski already brought up concerning the planning board before the attorney gets upset I heard what Matt said at the last meeting he had good comments I us to teach a course at the league of municipalities called staying out of trouble for land use Sports so I'm not going to to repeat what my colle I'm not going to go into that but um with respect to the application that councilman zabowski was talking about the attorney for the applicant used to be the planning board attorney during your last Administration mayor and the chairman for the planning board was the chairman during your last Administration mayor so I'm familiar with both of them and the problems and the costly lawsuits we had with them so I just I thought I would double check some things in the application to make sure everything was fine I called and the planning board office was closed until Tuesday the 20th the day before the hearing and much of the material as some of the material I wanted to check was online but specifically what I want to look at the notice it wasn't now I don't begrudge a part-time employee time off absolutely not that's not the issue but the file should have been available somewhere else perhaps in the clerk office perhaps in the library because when folks get a notice saying come to the barel hall and see the file the file ought to be there and ought to be available so I called on the 20th I called in the afternoon the secretary only works morning so I sent an email Tuesday the day of the hearing expressing my concerns and by the way I reached out to councilman zabowski and I want to thank him he immediately got back to me when I couldn't get the planning board I had somebody reach out to Mr Sachs the attorney for the applicant and he either misunderstood my question which wouldn't be surprising or dismissed it and I've gotten used to my comments being dismissed so I wasn't surprised about that that's when I reached out to councilman zosi it turns out I was right Oldbridge had not been notified our planning board attorney didn't catch that our planning board chairman didn't catch that the planning board had no jurisdiction and the case couldn't be heard now once I raised the issue they canceled not the hearing which they had to do but the entire meeting so they inconvenienced all of these relatives all of these residents who had an interest in this by the way I I was told that it was canceled because the police department had a concern about crowd that's not the case correct it truly was a notice issue okay that's what I thought um but and I just said well this is more of the same stuff with the same people that got us into trouble before but there has got to be a better way and files if the clerk the planning board secretary who is part-time and who entitled of time off if she is not there that information should be available somewhere else and had it been available when I first checked and that was I think the night of this council meeting or the last council meeting I probably could have corrected the issue I would have raised it I I couldn't call into the meeting because you can't do that anymore to let folks know but um that's something that ought to be addressed the other thing is this the second thing is that meeting shouldn't have been cancelled what the planning board should have done is they should have used that meeting to authorize the applicants escro fund be used to hire Professionals for traffic for sound for light for landscaping other environmental things which the board used to do 30 haven't done it in 30 years Jay said last time they did it was I was chairman but that's what that is there for that protects the residents that also benefits the applicant in fact I talked to some folks who are members of the mosque they supported that idea because independent experts commenting on the application only improves it for everybody for them as well as the neighbors and as well as the resident so I would very strongly suggest that and and I know that prior to you know there no secrets I know that prior to that being cancelled there were discussions among some of the folks um the advice should have been don't cancel the meeting hire the professionals so that we can so that this doesn't go the way the Arsenal warehouses go so that we have independent third party advice to advise the board and to advise the applicant so I hope that uh that'll be taken into consideration mayor the last time I was here I asked if you had given any consideration to approaching Dupont um about their property you said you would take it under advisement any updates on that still under advisement still under advisement I know that we've been in court the the board one one or the board one one the burrow one one the taxpayers lost two um so well I would say this the last person who spoke spoke for seven and a half minutes you I record these mayor officers would you escort him to a seat please I would hope that these officers wouldn't treat me differently but if they okay please escort escort him to his chair they can escort me to my seat where would you like me to go back to my seat here yeah please you did note the other gentleman spoke for seven and a half minutes right for five exactly all right sit down please okay uh Ken Ken elesy 108 North Edward Street um kind of wondering if I'm in uh North Korea or the Russia or communist China here uh I forgot this is the cable bar Hall doesn't seem that way I never saw anything like this go on before I think it's a disgrace lived through all my life I'm sorry to say sometimes now I'm embarrassed to say where do you live I live in cille when I see things like this but I'm here to uh to thank the uh the count councilman Bala and those that supported the Historical Society uh and the resolution on the first B Hall next door um it has some some personal meaning to me because my grandfather actually built that building Charles Henry roller my maternal grandfather who um was a Freeholder from middle sex County uh he was the Township Clerk before serva became a burrow and he built that uh that building after the original uh contractor from South Riv went bankrupt uh and he built it with his young assistant at that time Tom Dolan who became a very famous name a famous family in cille a longtime Freeholder I think he was mayor and uh he was an assistant in building that building I hope there's no plans for anybody suggested be knocked down and put more housing uh there I think uh from what I see going on in town I think we've got enough housing uh thank you but uh I I'm happy I'm happy to support the Historical Society uh which has done and continues to do great work in the barau of Servo and again I want to make sure I get out of here before I I need a police escort but I think it's disgrace I've said before I've been coming to Council meetings in cille since I was in high school and let me tell you that's a long long time ago many of the mayors most of them I've been here to see uh from starting with mayor papalski I've never seen any conduct like this thank you very much Frank Frank terino 32 Canal Street president seral Historical Society Ser historian and just a all around nice guy thank you so so much uh we're going to make you guys proud we have plans not drawn up but it's going to be like our forefathers built in 1909 they built their two stor for a reason they wanted people to see it and back then this building was not here the trees were probably this big so it stood up like a beacon of light and hope for people and during the 1914 flu epidemic World War I Great Depression World War II people came to that facility for help so again we we thank you so much and we're going to uh Council Roberts will get that information for you councilman zi will get that information and uh we have a journey a long journey and I I think we could pull it off so thank you again we appreciate your help and we'll be seeing you thank you anyone else wait a minute let me get the young lady again jennif for stria 25 Sherwood Road parl New Jersey I forgot to ask one question is there any way to find out the status of any open space land Acquisitions I know that there were talks for the space that's actually right by Sherwood Road and I was wondering if that are they still talking about you know making that an open space yeah the next open space committee meetings at the end of March I don't know that they've made any Headway to approaching the landowner but right now there's nothing slated for it that I'm aware of okay okay all right great so I I would just go to that meeting and they is this okay great thank you who is that you Frank all good evening Arthur writtenhouse 33 delicat Lanes sville um I want to thank the uh Council for approving the 1909 Firehouse the resolution tonight just to give some background this is nothing new we started in 2000 I started in 2018 sending a letter to the mayor and councel and at the December 2018 meeting the mayor and Council approved our efforts to save that building we also contact the state and let them know that we had the approval of the mayor and the council um we didn't come up at our presentation asking for any money we needed the historic designation so that we can move forward with applying for the grants which we've sent to the business administrator some of the places that provide those grants we're not looking for grants that are 5050 we would start out looking for grants that are total 100% um which there are some available um also the plans for the building we said in our presentation that we were going to ask the mayor and Council to help set up a committee which would include members of the council members of the public members of the Historical Society so now with that resolution tonight we can start to do that and as Frank said we're looking forward to moving forward and making the town even prouder of that building that's there that has so much history you all received a letter from Bonnie Brady her mother Bonnie DS was one of the founders of the Historical Society uh Bonnie was one of the ones who started the fourth grade trips each year we have over a thousand people come to the museum for different events it's not just a Sunday where a couple of people come we have other events and other things so we we are serving over a thousand people each year that come to the historical society that are interested uh in our programs so again I thank you and we'll be moving forward we'll contact you or you can contact us and we'll set up that committee that will answer the questions council president that you have thank you thank you mayor I appreciate very much that the two police officers are here but I noted they weren't here for the first 50 minutes of the at least the first 50 minutes of the meeting when we had all those folks here and I'm just wondering are they directed to come here only for the public portion of the meeting no they're instructed to come here for the meeting unless something else keeps them away some other emergency oh okay so all right and when they are here does that mean that there are two less officers on the road until they're called back until they're called back very interesting okay I I at least if they were getting overtime for being here to sit me down I think I was doing a good thing for them and I would appreciate it but I not so sure that having officers here only for the public portion which is what the case was um and bringing and having two and bringing them in off the road where they could be doing the important things that they do every day is a good idea and as uh councilman former councilman oesi said unprecedented ever happened in the Burrow's history never okay thank you are there any other questions uh the gentleman from grew up in Woodbridge Mike pinkt 32 Becker Drive Parlin uh the the one other thing that I didn't get out that I feel is kind of important to get on the record is folks are not aware the pilot payments do not increase at the rate that property taxes do if you go back a few years you'll see that the pilot payments in sville have stayed the same perhaps future that would make pilot payments be a little more tolerable is if they increased at a rate equivalent to property taxes that might make the pill a little easier to swallow uh the other thing completely unrelated to Pilots uh but related to conversations with Kennedy um the tone of the first two seemed kind of educational and kind of well as a suggestion I would like to see you have a conversation with the women responsible for organizing and pushing forward the TNR effort in sville I think that would be a good public notice to have out there to make people aware of the program the program doesn't cost the town anything they doing great work and really could use the town support they could use your support thank you thank you Ken kesy one away northward just quickly want to say I'm not opposed to Redevelopment of Main Street I think that's probably long overdue and uh as long as it doesn't include plowing down the uh the uh first B hall or uh or uh putting a bunch of of housing on Main Street that's a great idea and uh we invoke here the name of Mayor McCormack and Woodbridge uh maybe you want to get some advice from mayor McCormack and Woodbridge about developing Main Street they uh they seem to have a respectable Main Street in Woodbridge thank you young lady in the back hello good evening my name is Heather fenick I'm I'm on the board of the lower Raritan Watershed partnership I've had a chance to meet a few of you through the environmental commission and um Glenn through um resilient New Jersey work in the past couple of years um I want to share an opportunity uh with you through the national Fish and Wildlife Foundation um Grant request for proposals that was just submitted um or just announced uh let's see February 22 um the lower Raritan Watershed partnership has worked with sville and middlex County for the past five years to um develop a plan for ecosystem restoration site um along the South River um between sville and South River um the intent with this 165 Acres of tidle marshes is to support um the tidle marsh function and transitional Forest function within the water shed and to provide um passive Recreation as well as uh potential um storm water uh sort of buffer prevention um type of activity resilience activity for um the area of blueacre buyouts in sarraille so I wanted to bring attention to the opportunity for this grant um to all of you and the mayor um on on the council um I will be reaching out to Glenn um in the next week I have my colleague here um Carl Alderson from the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration um we've been talking through these plans um for a while um we'd love to realize 100% engineered design through this potential Grand opportunity um we already have 60% engineer design with your partnership um move this to 100% engineer design and then hopefully move to um build and Implement so just wanted to to share this with you I do have a couple of large scale Maps I can leave for the council um but thank you for your time thank you y anyone else being no other questions or comments I'll entertain a motion make a motion to close the public roll all in favor I take a motion for adjournment take a motion to adjourn there a second second all in favor I