##VIDEO ID:uLhpSpm6-OI## good evening everyone I'm going to call the meeting to order would all everyone stand for a short prayer and a salute to our flag almighty God grant us the wisdom to make those decisions that are in the best interest of all our residents May the heavenly father of us all bless those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation and may He watch over and protect our service men and women now guarding the gates of Freedom salute to our flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible withy andice for all right statement of publication this special meeting has been notice in accordance with open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 call Council person's Bala here poliisi an an NOA Roberts here sinari here zabowski hey I'm going to open the public portion on resolutions are there any comments on the resolution there being no comments I'll entertain a motion too right you have a comment yeah you can go first you have to come up to the microphone you have three minutes on the resolutions thank you say your name and address for the record please Fourth Amendment um I wish not to rec niiz not to say my name may I continue thank you Jersey watch your YouTube channel broadcasting interdimensionally thank you um I'm against the number of these resolutions I'm against uh 2024 d242 I'm against 2024 d243 I'm against uh 2024 d230 none of these none of these bills I don't think should be approved 2024 d231 I'm against completely completely against almost a million dollars for this CAD system what's wrong with the cad system that you already have is your CAD system not working okay you don't want to speak speak to me the firearm arm holsters I'm against $72,000 on the firearm Holst holsters I'm against that completely um do do the officers right now not have any holsters is that the holster for their service weapon is that what we're talking about $72,000 how many um how many does one of those uh cost um these does anyone know how much one of those uh firearm holsters cost $72,000 is is quite expensive you know anyone know 202 24-240 that's my time you thank you are there any other questions being no other questions I'll entertain a motion some else any comments no thank you being no comments I'll entertain a motion to close the public portion make a motion to close the public portion and to approve the consent agenda resolutions be approved on roll call vote sir second second roll call Council person's Robert yes Bala resolution 2024 230 I'm going to abstain on the adex bill yes on all their items dinari yes okay this time I'm going to open the public portion for comments on any issues Vince reminder it's a three minute comment it's and it's comments not back and forth Vince County for yorshire Place hold on one second that's right give one minute so we don't talk over all right um so thank you for having me here today I appreciate the opportunity to speak I want to express some concern and some disappointment for what I've seen going on um and you know I'm I'm out and about a lot I talk with a lot of people see a lot of people have a lot of discussions and much of it is the same uh the sentiment is the same I just don't understand you know because you guys don't up here you don't really talk with anybody on the record um you don't answer any question you don't engage with anybody so it's kind of hard to understand and it seems like there's ulterior motives to a lot of the things that are going on and I don't understand the position that you've all taken on the firehouse in the town H and the town hall 190 1909 establishment it's been part of our history it's next door it's the heart of Main Street and you guys have this notion of tearing it down and putting in either housing or a strip mall um is that really what you want this council's Legacy to be that you tear down a part of our history here in sville and you put in housing or strip mall over there I don't understand I'm not really sure what is going on as to why that's happened um you know people say to me oh well what about the funding for this guy right here is a pro on getting grant funding we've got politicians in Middle sex County that'll line up to help us with grant funding so if you told us about Grant it's about funding to do that it's a bogus response I'm concerned about the ulterior motives behind that the second thing is I'm talking fast I got a minute and a half um Zack the chief of staff you guys should all be ashamed of yourselves to hire this guy don't even live in town lives 80 miles away from here and you hired him to be chief of staff for the mayor and you went one step further you made him deputy director of Sarah now you guys might not have done that but you've welcomed him into sville in that capacity what's wrong with the town what's wrong with the people in sville you could give somebody in SVO that job paying $67,000 you had to give it to somebody who doesn't even live here if you're turning your back on the residence of this town and you're doing stuff like that deputy director of Sarah of of Sarah he's not even in the town and he's going to be part of the crew that decides Redevelopment he's gonna be part of that team it's shady I don't like it a lot of people don't once that starts to get around a lot of people won't like it it seems like you're paying somebody back for a favor I know I know Zach was involved in the political campaign as well it just seems like there's a connection there and you're paying back somebody uh for a favor that they might have done and it doesn't sit well doesn't sit well with the residents you know it upsets me it UPS a lot of people so just really all I wanted to say I got three seconds so I did it in the in the time so thank you Mary did you want to come up right come on up Frank too 32 Canal Street my town early in uh 2023 the Cal Historical Society submitted nomination of preservation New Jersey to nominate uh the firehouse next door for their top 10 most endangered buildings that's a yearly function they have June 4th 2023 we were invited to attend announcement of the top 10 at Sandy Hook the old fireh house was selected and we're filled with right now filled with tears of Joys as we just reading that and we're excitement uh we could not wait to share the news with with our residents our members and the council July 20 2023 several Historical Society Mr a present presentation of council announcing our successful nomination in hopes of support support and helping hand in a designation of the firehouse as a local Historic Landmark and restoration of this historic icon during the following weeks we're advised that nothing was going to happen due to Silly Season and no decision or help could be available to after election day and January 1st we waited patiently and during the months prior to January 1 we met as a society to discuss our approach pres with our preservation New Jersey Advocate we formulated a plan which later on was submitted to council as per your request after election we contacted the council elected folks and all were in favor of restoration and revitalization of The Old Firehouse another presentation was in order but it was suggested we wait till February due to the uh agenda Log Jam and we understood that February 12 council meeting I enthusi asically mentioned our president New Jersey nomination to council as top 10 most endangered list and we saw council's help and guidance to keep the momentum going to save our first town hall Firehouse that was built in 1909 and re Revitalize her for a new life we saw it local historic designation that in March was voted down by Council uh we went to the uh the ballot which is coming up and we were not asked or was no designation on the ballot that building belongs to the people it's not for sale the land was donated by fiser family in 1908 we have copies of the deed it must remain a historic seral Monument to all those who built her worked inside her and volunteered to help build our heritage and protect our town some occupants of that building were the Girl Scouts ham operator Club RC Coast Guard classroom and the future could be anything the town and the community would like to have it have it be uh it could work again we can Revitalize it it and it's an opportunity to look good in the eyes of of the whole town and you got you gotta cut off thank you thank you Frank I know I can see Arthur happy birthday franken's birthday today Arthur Written House 33 delicat Lane seral New Jersey trustee seral Historical Society couple of things I want to point out which I think most of the council and the mayor are R aware of open space everybody talks about an open space fund the open open space fund is open space Farmland preservation and historic preservation there's 9.1 million in there we're not asking for that but if push came to shove that money is there and it's already been collected from the taxpayers the master plan which probably most of you aren't aware of including persons who serve on the planning board on October 1st they adopted portions to the master plan One of Those portions was because of all the historic sites that have disappeared in town the 1909 Town Hall Firehouse should be restored that's now in the master plan the other thing is mayor council people have been invited to come and listen to the facts not the misinformation that unfortunately Mary you've been sending out nobody has come to any of our meetings except councilman Bala and councilman clayy other than that nobody's come when they surveyed the building when we paid all that money which could have been paid for by grants nobody wore masks in there if that building is so unsafe not the people who are the experts none of them wore masks going into that building so obviously the building must not be that unsafe to go in um you know this didn't need to be done I approached councilman councilwoman Roberts over a month ago and asked that a May a meeting be set up with the mayor one other council person and three members of the historical society and I was told mayor you turned that down till after the election this could have stopped a lot of the dissension that has happened and is going on in this town the response we're getting is the people want the firehouse thank you Mary Mary Novak on Scarlet Drive I come up here almost every meeting and I'm always very respectful um if I disagree with the vote you've taken I tell you I tell you why I don't make any accus ations about why you took a particular vote and then if I see that you're really doing something I love I tell you about it and I thank you for it I've been taking crap from members of my own party because I'm too nice when I come up here but after all of that I read an article the sonari and Sitka plan end Democratic corruption that has plagued Our Town well there's no Democrats up there so you can only be talking about Vince and I trying to get back up on here I've never taken a dime from anybody body I've never had a sixf figure political job I just do my job and go home I didn't I have never had a super paact full of dark money that is supposed to be totally separate from a political campaign and you can say that even though the all of the propaganda that was sent around that election time whether it was paid for by the Republican the local Republicans or this pack all were you can say well that was just a coincidence maybe they're really not coordinating but when you hire somebody the chairman of that pack who lives 80 miles away for a job in this town he's being called Chief of Staff but we have a burrow ordinance that says that the business administrator is the chief of staff and I I did check he's being paid under a uh title of clerk so he's not being paid under but we also have an ordinance that requires you live in town now I'm sorry to see uh the chief not here tonight because he was one of the people at about two weeks after I was elected we had a meeting in his office with himself and his chief of staff begging to go back to residency which within 10 months I had all of the paperwork in order to go back to residency and yet one of the first people we hire we create a position and then we hire an out of toer and then after the council voted to remove a volunteer from Sarah who lived in this town his own whole life and had just recently moved out we had to remove him because nobody should be on Sarah that doesn't live in this town and now for an additional almost $20,000 we hire the same gentleman that doesn't live in town to be the de deputy director and I'm just I've used this quote one one time before and I'm going to use it again it was to made by Thomas Payne a body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody thank you and thank you mayor Kel sheski uh I sat here last year and I heard this governing body reject the pilot uh in 2024 one of the first things you did mayor along with your team um you approved that pilot that that pilot is Project to cost the seral taxpayers $100 million over its life that's $100 million not 10 million 50 million it's $100 million I ask uh anybody uh if you gave somebody a $100 million what do you think they might do for you uh and we talk about the team here mayor O'Brien's team I think it should be called the100 million tax giveaway team and you know when they passed that when they passed that pilot we had a bunch of lap dogs here they weren lap dogs they were silent but lo and behold now when we talk about the Historical Society only wants a designation for the building next door they didn't ask for any money you come up with a phony idea that you need to put a referendum on a ball and a phony $3 million and all of a sudden these these lap dogs from for the $100 million they became Watchdogs now for the burrow councilman sonori oh I can't spend $3 million and he didn't say boo when it was1 million dollars did he it sounds from what I've heard before and what we're talking about now there's a lot of motor for developers and their friends and the windfall they're going to get here you know in 1980 8 Ronald Reagan at a summit was asked what's the strategy on a cold war and he said it's simple we win they lose I kind of think that's the the strategy here for the burough for mayor O'Brien and his lap doogs uh yeah we win and the taxpayer says Sarahville lose I think that's their strategy they're showing it meeting after meeting and let me tell you something mayor you're no Ronald Reagan you're not even Ronald McDonald thank you any other questions other questions go ahead am I recogniz on the um on the resolution go ahead okay um you're probably wondering why I'm here Mr Mayor the reason I'm here because I read a newspaper article mayor calls residents Dopey with no lives and then you you start stealing the public speaking time um from from what I read you guys in in your new ordinance you give 2 minutes later on if the mayor allows it that looks like Viewpoint discrimination and if you refuse one resident they can't speak but allow someone else because they start kissing your ass you're going to face a lawsuit so the people who voted voted for that you know good job good job um there's many reasons for people to come and attend these meetings recently a council woman was killed um it could could be because of the political corruption um the uh Pando the Democratic party mafia boss and everything having to do with the strip club and all the bribes he took and we're starting to hear um zonan could have shut them down never shut them down um a lot of corruption going on in sville so when you start going in the newspaper calling your own residents Dopey with no lives and then you start stealing their public speaking time you know uh do you have some kind of guilty conscience is it do you not want residents to come in here and ask questions with all all the recent scandals going on mayor O'Brien and when I was outside in the public Lobby you bullied me you told me I don't have to identify myself to you in the state of New Jersey I don't have to identify myself unless I commit a crime and I don't understand why the last attorney was trying to tell me when we come up here we have to identify ourselves no we don't the open public meetings act says when it's the Public's time to speak let them speak um at at the same time Daniel's law if someone comes up here and they're a covered person under Daniel's law and you broadcast you broadcast their address this Township could be liable for putting that person's life at risk because you're bullying somebody um you're trying to violate someone's Fourth Amendment right just so they can express their First Amendment right and mayor O'Brien you're supposed to be a republican you're supposed to you know I I don't understand what I'm seeing here in sville um absolutely disgusting do you want to apologize for how we were treated are you aware that CO's on the rise again there's these new variants and and no one up there's wearing a mask but you want to bully me for wearing a mask we're trying to flatten the curve Governor Murphy says we got to flatten the curve okay are there any other questions go ahead I'm El ridor I have my hand up I've had my hand up since August since I was uh at this meeting I went to a zoom meeting and uh they said that can O'Brien took away Zoom access for the disabled vets I said no I said there's Zoom access I'm going to go to the meeting tonight I went on the zoom meeting and I'm going to ra and lower my hand now but this woman here in the black was playing patty cake with me literally I rais my hand and she would lower my hand I would raise my hand and she would lower my hand I would raise my hand and she would lower my hand for 20 minutes she did this she had the energy to take away my First Amendment right when it would take bless energy to let me speak and enjoy my First Amendment right rights so this woman I don't know her name but she's going to be named in my Tor claim as well as the rest of you because you took away my first amendment rights you took away rights for the disabled now what's funny is you'll use Disabled Vets you use vets for political theater but you take their disabled vets access away and from what I understand you have a disabled son and which really I'm I'm wondering what the disconnect is because you took away rights for your disabled son to take part in your meeting now if your son is verbal I don't know if he's verbal but if he verbal when you go home tonight he should tell you Pops you took disabled rights are human rights pops disabled rights are human rights tell them disability rights are human rights you should know that 68% of Jesus's Miracles were for the disabled where is your energy at where is your energy for the disabled there's a disconnect here I want to know what it is because I fight for disabled people I fight for disabled vets you use them for political theater I saw it I was disgusted by that you took away Zoom access for 19 months you gave Disabled Vets Zoom access Disabled Vets have been asking for for Access for years for Church online school online Council onl and they gave it to us for 19 months you gave all the the cancer patients the MS patient you gave us disabled access and then you took it away you took it away you we had it under the last mayor but you took it away why was it taken away why was Why was the disbility rights taken away your own son can't take part in these meetings and his caregiver how dare you I'm fighting for your son and people like him and disabled vets and people that are in their deathbed that can't take part Ephesians 6:12 says we are not a struggle against blood and flesh but against the authorities against the rulers of this dark world and that's you that is you absolutely disgusting display of Christianity and compassion for the disabled I don't know who you're praying to but it sure ain't Jesus there any other questions yes any any other comments rather how you doing Mr mayor council um I just want to say I'm remaining Anonymous uh that's what I did the last four times I Came to Say each time it was a different burrow attorney for whatever reason I don't know I'm not so sure why last time it was going to be any kind of an issue um the reason why when you go to Trenton it's it's optional because the state doesn't want to play those games uh we have freedom of speech in this country Mr Mayor people fought for those freedoms and you can't force someone's speech by making them tell you their personal sensitive information about who they are and where they're from that's not the way any of this works you might run the the meeting but you don't run anyone's life so This song is called the anonymous Anthem and I never my name and I never my address I don't want to be dealing with the madness I'm just drops and Sh missiles a corrupt government officials I'll be taking names creating change what the heck am might be writing me double check think I ain't serious I'm Delirious you're the ones whose actions are aerous what's his name we don't know put me down as good citizen or put me down as John you don't need my name and you don't need my address you don't need to know any of my status I dare your pride and know try all the time government trying to take what's mind C to make sense of this how this information's personal and sensitive and I'm never going to exchange toise First Amendment and I never give my name and I never get my address and that's the way will I never give my name and I never give my address that's the way it's going to be every time that I speak I are there any other comments being no other comments I'll entertain a motion make a motion to close the public is there don't work like that um is there a second second roll call I uh this time I'll take a motion to close the meeting is there I make a motion to close the meeting is there a second second roll all in favor I opposed thank you every