##VIDEO ID:yklDM8A6FHE## wait wait okay oh where is Andy just stay just stay there okay okay all right I'm uh good afternoon everyone and a very Happy New Year I'm going to call the meeting to order uh with a short prayer by uh Deacon Andrew OA of Saint STS please stand almighty God we humbly ask you to send forth your spirit of wisdom to guide the hearts and minds of our Civic leaders mer day decision be just that their principles reflect goodness and their dedication to Justice be evident strengthen them in times of weakness Enlighten them in a moment of stress and protect them when they face unjust opposition about all may they serve with love for the people and endorsed to their care we ask for your blessing for mayor Kennedy O'Brien the members of Our Town Council Mary Novak Donna Roberts Stanley starski John shoski Mich Kashi and Dan B special blessings to the police department both emergency squads and all companies of seral fire department let's remember our brothers and sisters who serve for our country in armed forces and their families as well as all the men and women who serves Our Town may you blessing pour out upon all citizens of s so so that our community may flourish in harmony prosperity and goodness we ask all this in your holy name amen amen with that salute to the flag I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation indivisible everyone please remain standing there are two things uh I need to do first one uh by Statute we need a burrow attorney so at this time I'd like to appoint the firm of of D Francesco as our borrow attorney is there a motion I make a motion to appoint the de Francesco firm is there a second second roll call council person Roberts yes Bala yes kisi yes Novak yes tarski yes zabowski yes young fella welcome aboard at this time I'd like to call forward the 19th district assemblyman and Speaker of the House uh The Honorable Craig cof I have have the priv swear just a few minutes but first the mayor has asked me uh to leave us all in a moment of silence remember uh President Carter passed away just the other day President Carter was a man who was different than most elective politicians a man from the very outset of his uh his humble beginnings uh in Plains Georgia through his time in the White House and perhaps most importantly beyond that was somebody who demonstrated that you can transcend politics in in so many ways and caring and making a difference in people's lives is more important about what you do to help people he's he's a man I think we all know and recognize the work that he did for Habitat for Humanity built thousands of homes along with his wife he was a man who brought about peace in the Middle East however fading that may have been uh he was a man who genuinely cared about people a good and decent man think of what you as as a president but I don't think there's any dispute about the fact that Jimmy Carter was at his Essence a very good man who genuinely cared about people who was an example of how kindness can still be uh a way to lead uh and so I'd ask you all to join me in in a moment of silence and while we're at it let's pick an extra second to think about the 10 people who died in New Orleans last night uh and the tragedy there uh and how we need to how we have to commit to being a better Society let's take a moment of silence thank you all thanks for being here mayor thank you for the privilege speaker if you would we have a uniform Marine here that I would like to ask you to come forward so that we can give you a big thanks for your service to our country and for guarding our gates of freedom I don't know you I may have known you when you were this big but now you're a marine can you say identify who you are uh I'm Mickey madon Richard M son uh been in the Marine Corp for about a year and a half now and uh came here to got my appreciation for my father and you know supporting well you have our appreciation sey Ray okay with that uh we'll all take our seats and we will begin with the oats uh Oaths of office so we stand up push well you guys yeah wait till my family gets up here [Music] well I know we know now how Mary won her her get out the vote effort was half as good as her family attendance so uh thank you very much everyone for letting me be here and have the privilege of swearing in Mary Mary welcome back the people of cille missed you and stop let me take second to say to sash congratulations it's going to be a privilege to work with you as well uh and to both of you and to all the members of the council in the mayor you know towns are special because the people who run them and who are live in them care about them and I don't think that is more true of any place than right here in sville it's an extraordinary place to live with terrific leadership and the and the members of the council uh and then now Mary and stash will join in that same commitment to making the community even better each and every day so Mary is my priv PR to be with you today and now I'll ask you to put your hand on the Bible left hand on Bible right here in the air and say I Mary Novak I Mary Novak do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and I bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the Saint and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully I will faithfully and partially and Par and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of councilwoman all the duties of council person for a three-year term for a three-year term expiring on December 31st expiring on December 31st 20727 2027 according to the best of my abilities according to the best of my abilities so help me God so help me God congratulations C s this is a bonus you get to go twice you mind Democrats okay thanks again councilman for your for your service to the community I Stanley sinari I Stanley sinari do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in this state in this state and the United States and the United States under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of councilmen of councilman for a threee term for a three-year term expiring on December 31st expiring December 31st 2027 2027 according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations thank you Mr Speaker call statement of publication take not that this reorganization meeting of the mayor and bur Council being held on Wednesday January 1st 2025 has been posted and advertised in accordance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 roll call Council person's Bala here kisi here Novak here Roberts here sari here sasi here with that um I'm going to call um oh Vinnie your turn you're gonna present him with that okay Mike you come with me just want to tell everyone what a pleasure has been working with Vinnie this year uh we give you back to Nicole and your family yeah anyway he did it he set an exemplary standard uh which I'm quite sure everyone you learned from people and you taught people so the succession of the caliber of chief that you are so with that I want to present this to you and thank you I'll be here for the 46,000 people of cble that you protected for one so with that we're going to administer the O of office to the new fire chief uh George Gavin if you would come up I state your name I George gab do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same allegiance to the same and to the government's established to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and I will faithfully impartially and justly perform impartially and justly perform all the duties of fire chief all the duties of fire chief of the burrow of seral of the bur of seral according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help God help me God and when you're done sign your o thank you okay and I'd like to call forward for 2025 the first assist barie Richard I think your husband should have thator right [Music] okay can we say yeah I state your name I rich Masterson do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people and in this state under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform partially and justly perform all the duties of first assistant fire chief all the duties of first assistant CH fire chief of the burrow of seral of the burrow of seral according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Music] [Laughter] go thank you [Music] tired I'd like to call forth Alfred Gavin thei as the second assistant fire chief year 202 why you laugh as of what you told me it's in my head don't do it though okay I say your name I Alfred gav the third do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people and in this state under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform and partially and justly perform all the duties of second assistant fire chief all the duties duties of a second assistant fire chief of the burrow of Cal of the burrow of Cal according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God if you want to sign first at this time for the Cal emergency Squad I'd like to call forward president Dex th I'm going to make the the first but the president is Dex Thomas who I've known for a quarter of essentially e the captain youo Medina and the assistant Captain is Roan I Roan how am I doing what answer anyway they are here to help us to serve us to save us and they have my undying loyalty and gratitude as says the rest of CH with that I will P together for the oath of office uh the 2025 officers for the Morgan first AE F the captain is Nicole Hogan the assistant captain y Rell yeah we can there go right hand up yeah I State your names I Hogan I sebastianes I Yuri rusco I daa guard do solemnly swear do Solly s that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith I bear true faith and allegiance to the same Al to the and to the governments established in the United States and to the government established in the United States and in this state and in St under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully I will faithfully impartially and justly perform impartially andly perform all the duties of all the duties of captain assistant Captain first lieutenant of the bur of saal of the B of according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability help me God thank you Happy New Year thank you by here so I'll begin my 2025 New Year's message I'll begin by saying a very Happy New Year to everyone here everyone in the burrow it is my distinct honor and pleasure to welcome you to the annual reorganization meeting of the borrow of saille thank you for being here and joining us in this annual New Year's tradition as we plan for another year of progress I would like to acknowledge my colleagues on the Das and to offer a special greeting to newly elected councilwoman Mary Novak uh Mary I look uh I look forward to working with you again you and I have been working on and off with each other for a good quarter of a century so it it's a pleasure welcome back Mary uh I'd also like to welcome back councilman stash sari who won reelection in November St well done glad to have you back when I was sworn into office last January at this exact time and place I made a made a pledge to greatly improve the parks in our community as part of our overall commitment to renewed customer service many plans are in designed but there has already been progressed to report today in a few short months you will see new Walking path at Kennedy Park as well as the renovated restrooms we have also vastly improved the parking lot at Veterans Park as well as installed Lighting in addition we have designed two new athletic fields at the US recreational complex and will be going out to bid for proposals to undertake the work as quickly as possible we are also finalizing Grand submissions for a large scale revitalization of Bailey Park another important project my hope is you and your families are already taking advantage of new programs we have initiated this year through the saal recreation department as well as having uh visited our brand new farmers market that open in 2024 in the park behind this building enhancing Communications to Residents is another critical Hallmark of our customer service to that end we have strategically placed three large LED signs around town with messages about public events weather emergencies and other relevant information that seral residents should know one LED sign has already been installed on ernston Road others will be installed in the upcoming weeks in front of the Cal Active Adult Center on Main Street and at the Fort grumpy recycling center on Bown Avenue in other areas of progress we continue working closely with the developers at Riverton which finally and let me reemphasize finally began construction a few weeks ago on the site at Chevalier Avenue I have been in steady contact with the several economic redevelop vment agency which says a key lease has been signed at r at Riverton and the $2.5 billion Redevelopment plan is moving ahead for many of us who have eagerly awaited for construction to commence on this former industrial site the moment that Riverton began pouring concrete in foundations we knew that all the work of so many from seral over the years is bearing fruit rivered as they say is finally going vertical I did want to make a special note of thanks it's not in my speech but a very special thanks to our former um I don't even know what they called them they have a new name what what was Dave Kel's title the director he he was the head guy for the county and and when I became mayor back in 2000 he was the first guy I went to see and he was the impetus behind the Riverton project he was the one that lent us the money basically on a handshake and and Dave I know you're looking down from heaven today but it couldn't have happened without you so I I I just give him my humble thanks he he turned into a great friend and mentor to me and um there's just not enough credit that's given to this man for a lot of the great things that have happened in our town so Dave we thank you we also look forward to celebrating the commencement of this mixed use project the largest of its kind in New Jersey with a ceremony in the spring uh and we expect many more groundbreaking events in the coming years you should be amazed and proud my office receives phone calls on a daily basis from many other major investors across the country looking for opportunities in SVO we carefully balance each each and every proposal we hear we are only interested in projects that help our town become more affordable to you creating both jobs and stabilizing taxes for the long term we aggressively seek outside funding beyond what is raised by taxpayers to achieve many of the Improvement projects you're seeing around town it's amazing to see what can be accomplish when we work closely with dedicated partners that share our vision for the future of an affordable yet vibrant and safe serval to that end I would like to once again express my deepest appreciation to the commissioners of a reinvigorated seral Economic Development agency which is ensuring that the right type of Investments comes to our community Sarah and I share a de a vision Redevelopment is all about minimizing impact and maximizing returns for the people of sville I would also like to thank the many volunteers who have being appointed to Municipal and boards and commissions this year as well as many other appointment appoint positions around the the burrow I've said it for many years and I'll say it again today volunteers are the backbone of this great community so allow me to recognize one very special volunteer in our community Sue Paul She is re she is a retired teacher say aille school teacher and she is just concluding her 40th year as a trustee in our library she has other obligations that are calling her um and this will be her last year until she tells me she's she wants she's able to come back but um we are planning on doing a podcast documentary about what the changes have been in the library in the last four years with s she doesn't know anything about it but this is how she's finding out um but she's done a remarkable remarkable job TI is volunteer dedicated volunteer always with is that me or you oh that's s uh um anyway she's just a great girl just a great girl any of you that know her know what I'm what know what I'm saying and that uh anyway we we're going to see her as a movie star in the month to come the second person I'd like to acknowledge uh a good friend of mine uh Rich kuski he's a very very special individual who just completed 50 years 50 years as a volunteer fire department in sville can't thank Rich enough he's a veteran fireman never asked for any anything for himself and and just a tireless volunteer also I don't know how many years but 50 wouldn't surprise me that he's volunteered with the veterans so rich we're going to make you a movie star too a seral production uh about the changes that you've seen in the fire department in the last 50 years so thank you Rich and thank you sue you set the example um for what a volunteer should be so look forward to the production and I think it's going to be great um I'd like to extend my uh well I already thank them so I'm ahead of myself in a speech so the best part of the speech in closing I would like to once again thank the people of sville for entrusting me with this important leadership role as your mayor I remain and always will be deeply honored by your support and Trust one of the things that you may have noticed this year is I put in a staff of of two individuals to deal with any issues any questions that you have one is our retired police officer and tireless veteran volunteer Ken Kelly Ken can you hold your Kane up and the second person was Zach schlicker and Zach has come up to the third floor to be Glenn's uh to work with Glenn closely and he is being where is our good Zach stand up please and his his shoes are being filled by Andrew O Andy where is he come on stand up so they they cleared up a lot of what hadn't been attended to and they are extraordinarily helpful when I explained to people what you get in your taxes from cille one of the things they say to them is um we give you the garbage cans and it has wheels on it and and if you're the guy in the house that takes the garbage out you greatly appreciate that um that's still my job that being said when a wheel comes off you call up and and and uh we come out we fix it we replace it so there's a there's a lot of service here in sville and I'm a big believer in customer service and I know Ken as the chief of staff is also a big believer in customer service and then Zach followed him and Andrew was following Zach and I think they have done a really remarkable job they not only they don't answer the phone and then and then schluff you off to somebody else if if the situation calls for it they come out to where wherever you are to get a firsthand look at the issues that you have and they address it promptly quickly professionally they've just done an outstanding job and and I hope customer service remains uh a big part of what what it is to live in sarraille um my wife of many many years you know for the first 20 years that I was mayor I had my home number on the mayor's business card and I'd give it to people and I'd say listen uh I want you to call my home number you're going to get my wife Janis tell her your problem and and I can guarantee you I will get her your problem then Becomes Her problem and I will get no peace till I take care of it and it was a pretty good system but now we've gotten older and and and the town has gotten larger and it's time for uh as much as I love and and could never replace my wife she needed she needed she needed to give that up um but uh Ken though not as pretty um does an excellent job and his whole staff does so I just want to personally thank them as well as the clerk's office who nothing could move in the burrow without them they do a fantastic job Jessica Nicole yeah excellent we do have a new CFO going into 2025 Danielle how do you say Danielle just Danielle everybody knows her is Danielle she's an excellent employee I knew her from the day she was hired and she'll be a great CFO so sail's in a good place I just want to wish you my warmest wishes for a healthy and prosperous and happy 2025 and with that I shall ask the council president or I will go to to the i' I'd like to get the newly elected officials with your permission let them give them the courtesy so Mary I'd just like to say how uh humbled I am by the election results uh I'm kind of like a piece of gum stuck on the bottom of your shoe you can't seem to get rid of me and I appreciate everybody that voted for me and I promise even the people that did not vote for me I will represent you to the best of my ability like to thank my family for supporting me with all this um my husband Jim my uh children Jennifer uh and my first grandchild Emily my son James my daughter Elizabeth her husband Mike and my granddaughter Kora who uh held the Bible for me and then there's my son Charles and his beautiful wife Melissa and their four children Mason who I have to call on him first because he's a whole minute older than Nathan and that minute is very important and Nathan and Charles Jr and my youngest grandchild Haley I can't thank them enough my sister Nancy who years ago I'm one of five or I was Nancy is uh my last remaining sibling so happy to see her here told her she didn't have to come but and my nephew Michael her son and my great niece Anna who came with him I I can't oh Roseanne I didn't even see you there and Michael's wife beautiful wife Roseanne um uh Kennedy uh spoke about uh final construction going on down there and I I can't tell you that was one of the reasons why I was very upset when I lost the election last year because I was around when McCormack first started this back in 1995 and I said damn I'm not going to be around for them to actually start building and I'm back so I'm really going to be happy that will be one of my greatest things is to go and uh be there when the doors first open I'm very excited about that and um I know we already had a moment of silence for the people in New Orleans I I started the day early uh going to mass at uh Sacred Heart Catholic Church you're the only one around that still has an early mass and I'm an early riser and I was really so yeah happy and then I came home and I saw the news and really it's devastating we have to do better in this country to love one another and with that mayor thank you thank you Mary councilman sari thank you mayor uh I want to thank everybody for electing me I was always involved in a lot of things in town uh but po was something new to me I was committee man I was on Bic I was involved in a lot but last year was my first one-year term I learned the inner mechanisms and how a lot of things work uh I'm glad to be here for another three-year term and I will support the burough residents 100% in anything that they need done in town us is we have a great Council here and we're going to work with everybody to try to get things accomplished and thank you very much Donna well it's happy New Year everyone it's great to be back and um we have such a great Council here this year and we have such wonderful opportunities and a lot of positive things that the mayor has already announced that we have in place I'm looking forward to a productive and um just a very productive year and my goal this year is absolutely still to make sure that that we have clear and truthful information shared with the community so that we can make the best decisions possible for everyone in the community so that's my commitment to you this year thank you thank you councilman Bala thank you mayor I want to say a big thanks to all our volunteers and wish everyone a happy and healthy 2025 I along with the rest of the council will be working very hard to make 2025 the best possible year for the residents of SEL councilman Kacy there we are as we stand on the threshold of a new year I want to take this moment to express my deepest gratitude for the trust and the support that everyone has given me this past year so serving as your councilman it's been a profound honor and together we've made made significant strides in improving our burrow reflecting on this past year I'm proud of the progress that we've achieved we've tackled important issues supported our local businesses and worked tires tirelessly to enhance the quality of life for all our residents our journey has not been without its challenges but your unwavering in support it's been uh a source of strength and inspiration for me I'd also like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to stash sinari and uh on his election win and rejoining our Council for a full three-year term I look forward to continuing our work together additionally I'm happy to welcome Mary Novak to the council her years of experience as a former Council woman will undoubtedly be a unique asset to this Council so looking ahead I'm excited about the opportunities and initiatives that we have in store for the upcoming year and the mayor kind of spoiled some of that I thought it was going to be a surprise my commitment to you remain steadfast to listen serve and lead with integ with integrity and dedication so together we will continue to build a community that will be uh that we'll all be proud of and a place where our families can Thrive and our future is bright as we embark on this new year I invite each of you to join me in working together for the common good your voices and your ideas are the heart of this community and I'm here to ensure that they are heard so thank you for your continued trust his to for a prosperous new year ahead and uh for all of us in Sarahville so let's make this year our best year yet thank you happy councilman zabowski thank you mayor uh I'll be very brief uh my voice is very hor so you don't need to hear it so Mary and stash welcome congratulations on on your victories I'm looking forward to working with both of you to uh to the residents of seral just have a blessed 2025 looking forward to um good things to take place one of the things we had earlier was the swearing in of our firemen and our first aers uh the mayor kind of said it earlier our volunteers are the lifeblood of the burrow of Cal and I think that's more so the burough Cal than any any town that I know those numbers are getting low and that's including those that that uh want to be applying for committees as well in the town so instead of making a resolution this year that's you're going to lose a couple of pounds or you're going to run a couple of more miles go to and make a resolution that you can make a real difference go on our website get an application Join one of our committees or join the fire department the first aid the auxiliary they're wonderful people I want to keep them safe all year but I want to see those ranks grow um again that's the lifeblood of what seral is all about so again I wish you all very uh happy New Year prosperous New Year and mayor thank you very much thank you councilman so with that I'll begin with the appointment list of the burrow professionals uh one-year term burrow engineer CM Associates and Municipal uh Morgan Municipal along with two individual Dave Samuels and Mark co uh is there a motion make a motion is there a second second roll call Council person's Roberts yes Bala yes kisi yes Noak yes starski yes leowski yes labor Council for a one-year term rosin mordell stro hman C briani is there a motion make a motion to accept is there a second second roll call Council person's Roberts yes fala yes poliisi yes Novak yes tarski yes zabowski yes a borrow auditor one-year term Supple Clooney and Company make that motion is there a second second roll call Council person's Roberts yes fala yes poliisi yes Novak yes tarski yes zabowski yes Bond Council one-year term Archer and grinder Z motion make that motion second roll call Council person's Rob Roberts yes fala yes kisi yes Novak yes sinari yes zabowski yes accounting services a one-year term pkf o Conor Davies is there a motion that motion is there is there roll call council person Roberts fala yes poliisi yes Novak yes tarski yesi yes um Municipal prosecutors a one-year term uh Robert Scott lamountain and John krenzel is there a motion I'll make that motion second roll call Council person's Roberts yes fala yes kisi yes Novak yes tarski yes zabowski yes financial advisor a one-year term a Northwest Financial Group is there a motion make that motion is there roll call Roberts yes ala yes polii yes Novak yes senari yes Browski a public Defender one-year term roselli and roselli make a motion is there a second second roll call Roberts yes fala yes kisi yes Noak yes snarski yesi yes uh oneyear term special Council Tax Matters Nolan and Lang is there a motion make that motion is there a second second roll call Roberts yes fala yes polii yes Novak yes zarski yes Zi yes special councel rent leveling board oneyear term Nolan and Lang make that motion second Roberts yes fala yes kisi yes Novak yes starski yes rowski yes uh special counsel other matters uh two firms habinsky law and Jordan Rickards is there a motion is there a second second second roll call fala mean sorry Roberts yes fala yes kisi yes Novak yes sinari yes Z Browski yes uh Municipal planner one-year term Acuity Consulting Services is there a motion I'll make that motion is there a second second roll call Roberts yes ala yes kisi yes Novak yes sinari yes Browski yes uh oneyear term special councel on the COA matters uh D Francesco baitman and kman is there a motion make that motion there a second second roll call Roberts yes fala yes poliisi yes Novak yesari yes zabowski uh architect one-year term USA Architects is there a motion make that motion roll call Roberts yes fala no kisi yes Novak yes tarski yes zabowski yes public agency compliance officer one-year term Glenn skarzinski is there a motion make that motion is there a second second second roll call Roberts yes ala yes poliisi yes Novak yes sinari yes Browski okay um I did aity I just well we have to do them for the affordable housing uh oneyear term affordable housing administrative administrative and planning Services uh Acuity con think uh Services is there a motion I'll make that motion second second roll call Roberts yes Bala yes polii yes Novak yes sinari yes zosi yes uh council president for the year 2025 I nominate Donna Roberts is there a motion motion is there a second second roll call uh Council person's Novak yes ala no what was that no no uh kisi yes Roberts yes tarski yes rowski yes okay uh standing committees um well Donna that's really you oh do you have my sheet yeah so standing committees I'll start by um by committee is that okay ad and finance and then do the then yep next all right so admitt in finance uh number one councilman Bala number two councilman zimowski number three Mary Novak next Planning and Zoning number one John Z Browski number two Michael kesy number three Donna Roberts next public safety Michael Kacy number one Dan Bala number two Stanley sinari number three next Public Works Mary Novak is number one Donna Roberts is two and Dan Bela is number three next Recreation number one is Donna Roberts number two Stanley sinari number three Michael kesy next Water and Sewer number one is Stanley sinari number two Mary Novak and number three John Z Browski is there a motion in a second all moved second roll call Novak yes ala yes polii yes Roberts yes Denari yes zabowski yes okay uh appointments to boards and commissions all right Board of adjustment for a four-year term Anthony Bella and Joanne gin is there you know I'll go through it and at the end you can uh planning board of fouryear term Mayors no I did that yeah just right right environmental commission Ernie Reid a three-year term environmental commission a one-ear term uh Christina sataka as the mayor's appointment uh Board of Health a three-year term Joe notarangelo Joe cabara Patricia McCracken and Valar human relations commission mahes chenas it's a three-year term and Lori sinari Commission on Aging a three-year term Christine sataka Donna CTA Dorothy Watson Linda vona Maryann Weber Patricia dun rosan Schmidt uh Cultural Arts Council Bernardine leesy Christopher Kuno Gregory cunio Jeff Schnitzer Moira roric San Das um I may have missed people uh if so this goes on throughout the year uh shade tree commission uh it's a five-year term Edward gella a w board a three-year term Bruce doolo Edward G Judy Ryan Martin biancamano uh Robert Havens ruthanne Mahoney Sharon rhus visha p uh the GIF alternate a one-year term is Meadow mcran uh GIF uh appointment for a one-year term Rebecca garusi and okay veterans Alliance okay okay veterans Alliance one-year term just so everybody understands the veterans give me who they want and and I just formalize it here uh so and it's the American Legion and the VFW so for the year 2025 Edward marchinski Joel Bloom Ken Kelly Marco Medina Stanley draw Stanley preilowski uh equal opportunity housing officer one-year term Glenn skarzinski mayor designed to the middle sex County Solid Waste advisory one-year term Elise Baron lower r lower rtin watershed area steering committee a one-year term Dave Lightner watershed management area rep for one-year term Dave Lightner uh the one-year terms on Sarah Donna Roberts John zasi a three-year term on Sarah Rob the Weiss I think that's it right or is there one more we can always oh we we have the um oh son of a gun the Emergency Management Emergency Management I'm going to put as written yes as written all right so with that I'll take a motion in a second I make a motion to accept all the nominations second roll call Council persons Roberts yes Bala I just need to obain the Joe notelo okay and yes on all the others poliy yes Novak yes zarski yes zabowski okay with that uh I'm going to open the public portion I want everybody oh okay um I'm going to do a public where the heck go the rest all right um 202 okay okay all right so I'm going to open the public portion for um comments uh questions on resos one through 31 through all of them all right uh are there any questions being no questions entertain a motion close a public portion and adopt the resos make a motion to adopt the res to close the public and adopt the resolutions second Council person's Roberts yes fala kisi yes Noak yes sonari yes Z Browski yes okay with that I'm going to open the public portion remember everyone today is a ceremonial day but you can certainly ask Jim thank you mayor and Robinson Harlin congratulations to St to Mary Happy New Year to everyone stash I'm glad you're back on Water and Sewer where your heart is so I know you'll do a great job there mayor maybe I couldn't hear or maybe you didn't announce planning board appointments planning board the planning board will announce it I'm sorry the planning board will announce that the planning board will announce your appointments to the planning board I I appointed uh Christine sataka last week mayor earlier it's a mayoral appointment and and there were no other seats on the planning board open they didn't appoint anymore okay okay because we have we do have a pretty substantial um application that's up before the board in January so okay thank you very much Happy New Year everyone are there any other people for the public portion yes good afternoon mayor and Council happy New Year congratulations to everyone who was honored today uh my name is Charlie Caville I'm the editor of New Brunswick today Community newspaper covering the area it's available online at New Brunswick today.com and uh I wanted to start by saying thanks to Jessica and Nicole and anyone else who's been responsible for helping with responses to my open public records act requests I also wanted to ask if the burrow has a person or public information officer Mr jaffy great um well I I am going to probably have to follow up on this but I wanted to bring something to the governing body's attention and uh you know thanks to those o responses I can tell that you have two municiple judges James F Weber and Spencer B Robbins and um I have to ask if this is the same Spencer Robbins that was charged with voter fraud in 2014 um was widely covered in the media at the time but I know there's mult mple attorneys with that the name Spencer robins and I want to make sure that I have my facts straight um so can you answer that do you know if that's the same why don't you call him do you have a number where I can reach him I don't have a number but you can call the clerk's office you call him at B Hall at the police station or leave your number and I and I'll have it forwarded to him good enough I I thank you for that I I did also want to ask if the governing body was aware of that issue at the time and uh uh when the vote was taken to make him a judge one year ago today um maybe you could open it up to your colleagues was anybody aware of this he he he was vetted okay by whom I'm not sure what you're digging for but this may or may not be the place normally this may be the first time in almost 25 years I've seen a a reporter come up uh to the DI so are you a reporter are you a citizen which are you I'm both you're both that's that's an oddd thing all right you're another guy with a dare with a camera okay so we'll we'll have somebody get back yes I did bring my camera today to document this we'll have somebody get back to you thank you I appreciate it I'll uh I guess I'll interface with Mr jaffy on this I did also just want to note you know I have been to these meetings before I really have uh learned a lot and appreciated the the the dialogue here and I was disappointed that uh the body no longer allows remote public comments um I think you've got the zoom meeting going right now you got it backwards son yeah we we we we allow comment we were limiting questions because I have hundreds of people during the week that can answer questions well but you can ask you've asked your questions they weren't denied yeah no I I and and I I came here today to be able to do that I wish that you still allowed people to make comments via Zoom that's the point I'm trying to make is that is that allowed anymore or no that was something for Co if if you can call hundreds of people during the week there's all kinds of show social media platforms this is just the place to conduct business okay well I do think it was uh better for everyone when you offered that option it's uh didn't hurt anything to offer the option I think it's it's it's good and it can be there's plenty of opportunity to offer opinion which plenty of people take advantage of okay well uh did want to just just put that on the record that that I I uh I wish you still offered that and I hope you'll change your mind and turn it back on and let people comment remotely I don't think there's any harm in it I think there's a lot of good that can come from it and I appreciate you hearing me out today and uh I I will follow up but uh sincerely thank you to Nicole and Jessica and happy New Year everyone okay anyone else being no one else I'll entertain a motion to close the public portion make a motion to close the public with that I'm going to call forward uh Deacon Andrew O OA I'm sorry is there a second second all in favor I okay we weren't come on up there Deacon all right would everyone please stand for the closing prayer may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord let his face shine up on you and be gracious to you may the Lord look up on you kindly and give you peace amen amen thank you this time I call for a motion for adjournment so move second all in favor a happy New Year everyone and looking forward to a good prosperous healthy and happy New Year with that uh the Republicans are having cocktails and canopies down at Camilo's everyone is well