##VIDEO ID:2zt1bJcYmAw## every other day covered almost get yeah all right we're goodon I can't wait please stand for the pledge of allegiance alance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for stands one nation God indiv liy and justice for all uh we have a roll call nope um um uh has this been a meeting been at ad advertised according to the sunshine laws yes chairman it has can we have a roll call please Mr Kendall Mr algra Mr Bolton here Mr Elm miss larmen Mr Muller here Mr here Mr vosen councilman zabowski chairman Tai here we have a quorum um no there is no memorialization of uh resolutions can I have no acceptance of a minutes no communication uh we have one subject uh one thing before the C cpmd Journey Mill Road major preliminary final site plan for Block 589 and block 58.2 1 um will not be here tonight well if anybody's here for the cold storage Warehouse we're not going to hear that you're going to hear the Gonzalez minor uh subdivision 1122 bardown Avenue shman Mr Sach your pleasure yes uh good evening uh Mr chairman uh members of the board board professionals uh Lawrence Sachs on behalf of the applicant uh Eric Gonzalez uh this property is located at 11 20 Bordentown Avenue uh block 43901 lot one uh the property is located in your r10 Zone uh it's a little bit shy of an acre uh presently and we are before you this evening we're seeking a minor subdivision uh to create a new lot so that we can construct a single family house on the new lot uh if the board uh grants a subdivision there'll be obviously the existing house one lot and then uh the uh the new house on the other lot uh we're also seeking to construct a 1,00 square F foot uh 40 by3 uh garage uh or accessory structure um the purpose of which by the way is to house uh classic uh cars and motorcycles which are owned by my client uh as well as to give him a uh an area where and he can testify to this we'll we'll do that if it's uh if you'd like Mr chairman um he also builds ho gauge small trains uh you know as a hobby and uh he he wants to be able to do that in this accessory structure as well um so uh with that said Mr chairman I have two witnesses I have two witnesses I have Mr Robert key uh who is our professional engineer and professional planner and again I also have Mr Gonzalez here who can answer any questions uh regarding the structure that's being proposed uh for the garage so um if I can have Mr Kei sworn in hi do you uh raise your hand do you swear or affirm the testimony you're going to give this evening is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes sir I do and could you just uh state your name and spell your last name for the record Robert key ke thank you Mr key if you can give the board the benefit of your educational background and professional qualifications well many many years ago I graduated college uh I became a licensed professional engineer a licensed professional planner and a licensed professional land server um the early 70s I used to right with that gentleman seven years I sat there so I've been around planning board zoning board municipalities and key engineering I established in 1977 so I've been around the state a lot okay and Mr key obviously you've testified before numerous planning boards and zoning boards both as an engineer as a planner you're also a municipal engineer and planner um Mr chairman I'd like chairman make a motion to accept these credentials I have a second all in favor okay thank you Mr chairman Mr key I know you've got some exhibits um so why don't we first go through uh the proposed subdivision plan uh and that is Joe I don't know if we need to mark that it's part of your sub if that's with the plan was submitted to the board we don't need to Market as an exhibit just just identify what you were referring to please okay everything on this board uh is part of the application itself the entire application we prepared an additional one so I could describe the property and in case anybody's not familiar with the particular piece of property uh show you what the neighbor uh hood is uh is like uh the property itself where it is and stuff so that's the only additional uh okay presentation I have to all right when when you get to we'll mark it as an exhibit and in the meantime just let us know which page you're looking at so that for the record it's clear what we're um uh what what you're presenting to the board uh right now I'm on sheet two of eight which is the actual minor Subdivision plat itself um to or north bord and toown Avenue uh the property faces bord and town uh aveno uh and the lot configuration uh is not perpendicular to the actual right of way which makes a difficult piece of property more than straight to accommodate most of uh construction that uh is going to be proposed presently uh there's a single uh story and a half single dwelling uh on the property uh meets all zoning requirements at the present time uh there's a shed out in the back and a concrete driveway coming to the concrete uh parking areas behind the house itself uh the area that we're proposing to subdivide is at present uh vacant land with the exception of uh where the uh driveway uh enters and exits uh bording town uh Avenue or turn bike I should say uh where proposing a similar um layout for subdivision that exists right on the Jason piece of property uh right over here um they they both had large acreage almost almost an acre of property itself uh we're limited to uh 138 ft of actual Frontage along uh bording town and uh the houses are all oriented so that they they're perpendicular off of the bording Town Avenue turn uh the proposed new build will be built within the envelope building envelope uh no uh variances are uh required uh on the uh the new building construction we're asking for variance on lot width and front edge for both uh Lots uh we divided exactly in half of the actual frage that's uh on the property at the present time in doing so we're going to create an easement where the existing uh driveway uh enters the property our proposed construction um with sheet three now of the uh my present um the building is going to be facing uh perpendicular to uh bordon town again we're putting in uh uh a brand new driveway which meets all codes requirements no building setback requirements are are necessary uh on the property itself at the present time there's a water main that runs along this uh the Westerly sideline uh and and no encroachments on there except for the little driveway here but it's permitted within the easement the proposed construction uh is a twostory single family dwelling and I think that covers okay and uh Mr key in addition we're going to we're proposing to build a 1200 square foot accessory structure if you can indicate to the board where that's located on the property okay uh again this is the the rear end of the uh existing property uh the shed is here uh and the new garage is going to be there okay and that's a that's a 12200 SQ foot property it's approximately 25 feet in height right okay it's a 30 by 40 in that 30 by 40 okay um all right and uh in terms of the variances that that are required in connection with this application um so we we we don't need a variance for lot area in fact defitely not right one of the Lots lot proposed lot 101 is going to be 10,38 ft and proposed lot 102 is going to be 3,854 square feet you indicated we need a variance for minimum lot width uh of 100 feet required but 69 fet proposed I know you're going to cover that in your planning testimony um and we also need variances for accessory structure size I know uh the Zone requires a maximum of 150 square feet for an accessory structure which really is like a shed but we're proposing 1,200 square feet that's and these are going to be used to score classic cars and uh and to facilitate Mr uh Gonzalez to do his Hobby and as well uh the maximum height of an accessory structure in this zone is 15 feet we're proposing 25 feet correct okay all right let's uh let's go over your planning analysis um unless there's any questions about this anyone have any questions so far okay all right all right all right so Mr key now you can put on your planner hat and um I know you did some analysis of this particular r10 uh neighborhood and if you could give the board the benefit of your planning analysis uh yes I tried to lay it out uh we were there we let's mark this uh A1 um or Mr s i marked it I marked it as A1 with today's date and if absolutely and if you don't mind just identifying what's on the exhibit and if there's photos who took the photos and what they're what they of just for the for the record please uh the photos were recently taken by my office my office staff uh and it consists of seven photographs in and around the uh proposed uh or the site for the subdivision I have a section of the zoning map to identify where the zones are in relationship to us and a blow up that shows the exact direction of each of the photographs that I have on the board okay is that okay yep um again to describe the property this is part of a a very large r10 Zone uh in uh in cille uh but the only exception is this little Outburst of the Zone uh on the southern side of Bordentown Avenue aside from that we're surrounded by B3 Zone and the R5 Zone which is the 50 by 100 lots and it's 90% of veloped over there uh with very small lotted in comparison to the r10 the r10 uh the lot sizes that are in here now uh are it's a mixture within the lot uh the block itself I'll I'll describe it in just a couple minutes photograph one is from uh the intersection you know what can we maybe let's Orient sure IED photograph one this is and we're looking from the north west direction to the property itself this would be the property back in through here and this is part of the R50 Zone a couple of houses that exist right along bording town number two is taking just a little bit closer so we're just seeing our particular piece of property this is the house that's uh presently on the property this is the vacant area this is the last lot in the R50 zone three is directly across the street from the property itself this is the existing structure that's on the lot this the driveway we were just talking about and this is the vacant portion of the property where the subdivision and the new house is proposed to go number four goes to the next one which is a similar situation they had a little bit larger lot than we have here but they had the same difficulties of the lot wi and what have you to create their new lot and what we're proposing is identical to the design and layout as EX exists presently on uh Lot 2 and 2.01 okay lot number five takes you from the other side and you're looking back at it that's the house that's on the property here this is the new house that was built on that property and this is the old one with the big it's the property behind it this takes it so you can see projection in what physically exists uh along board toown aveno uh number six is over on berlu the uh the corner there's an existing house and I mocked it in uh orange to identify it it's not uh it's a single family house but I believe there's a real estate office so it's uh built on a variance I would assume or it's operating on a variance I would assume because it's not strictly a residential lot and right along side that this is the lot I was just talking about the trailer and these other four Lots over here are the ones right along here and all of those lots are undersized in accordance with the r10 Zone the 75 by 100 Lots so my overall presentation was doing that and then I wanted to show you on here exactly you've got three little Parcels uh two Parcels I should say the last big lot that's undeveloped and this slot over in here which conformed to your r10 Zone and this entire block within the Zone this is the R50 Zone we have what we're proposing that one has variances all of these have variances and that one is very close in plot area but uh the main reason is it's not a uh permitted use uh they have because professionalism wasn't allowed in that zone all right so um yeah so let you know let me move this all sure know all right all right so if we're looking and thank you for going through the photographs but let's focus on this section of the r10 Zone which is on the south side of Bordentown Avenue that's the outlier of the r10 zone and then this part this particular exhibit where you marked up the tax map so the one in the one in uh Pink is um is is is our site the one that's next to it which is number four is a similar lot which either probably received a variance at some time which is almost identical to what we're proposing here where they have the larger lot and a slightly smaller lot uh but with the same type of configuration um Lot F the one that's marked as number five is a vacant lot uh that's three yes okay lot lot three I'm just looking at your numbers okay okay and then the lots that are fronting on berlu uh which back up to lot three which is the vacant lot all of those have undersized lot widths in accordance with the r10 Zone with the exception of one okay so the majority of them so if there are one two three four five six Lots there five out of six are non-conforming yes okay one is and they all have S and they're all rough ly 7075 ft in Frontage the intent when they got this subdivision was to have a 75 by 110t okay and we're proposing 69 ft uh for both of these Lots all right now you also testified that the R5 zone is immediately adjacent to our uh our Zone this is the Zone boundary line this is our five and this is us which is r10 okay yeah um Mr chairman or Mr cadillo I have another exhibit which is of the R5 zone I'll mark that as A2 and I just want to pass that out to the board um and I'll give a copy also to Mr Kate yes okay so so A2 which I've passed out to the board and you have Mr key that's basically the tax map for that R5 Zone those lots are all roughly uh 55 57 ft in width is that correct oh well there's some that are even smaller than that smaller than that and that is immediately adjacent to this little outlier of an r10 zone right further on down the street within this five R5 Zone okay all right so based upon your analysis of the surrounding neighborhood including the R5 Zone and the outlier r10 Zone where we're located um is it your testimony that what we're proposing is consistent and compatible with the development pattern in that in those two zones yes I don't know if how that particular area got left into an r10 zone right which was just a separate part of the massive this this is a huge r10 Zone okay been developed you can say slots and stuff uh and they were left with unusually large lots for even the r10 Zone with the amount of Frontage uh and there's been subdivision or variance uh planning board actions Tak on that property over the years it's it's obvious because the buildings are there and in fact so you're what so the lot right next door to us has basically the same configuration that we're proposing identical a little bit different some of the okay all right and let's talk briefly about the accessory structure that's being built it's obviously not a shed it's going to be housing uh classic cars motorcycles owned by Mr Gonzalez um in your professional opinion is the size of that garage uh uh for the use that's being proposed uh consistent with the type of structure that we're building well yes it's it's a personal uh design and stuff uh my client has uh not strange Hobbies but unusual as far as the general public goes and stuff and uh the type of uh use he's going to be putting in there is above and beyond what would normally fit into a shed uh for hobbies or something in a shed shed or even the large the house it's there okay so uh yes it is unusual but it meets this okay it it's not in violation the intent and purpose it's uh just a uh not a garage it's a structure for hobbies right okay um and and Mr chairman let me let me just give you some stipulations that we would agree to because I I was just going to ask you about sat here long enough to know so we will agree that there'll be no commercial activity uh ongoing in that garage we will agree that it will not be used as a personal residence it will only be for the storage of his classic cars motorcycles and for him building these little miniature trains that he that he has a hobby um so we we'll stipulate to those conditions excellent okay um all right uh Mr key if you want and Mr chairman if you'd like I can go over Mr Cornell's report and Mr F's report you do that okay all right so uh Mr key I think you have a copy of Mr Cornell's report chairman I have one question question Mr um um do we have do you have any architecturals to this Grudge we do um I think they're on the other side of this particular exhibit yeah are they on the uh okay you say it's 25 feet high 25 is it going to be second going to be two stories to it oh okay this one is no that's the house right that's the house and that's the house that's the house all right what about accessory stru you so that is she okay so uh just really to just take this through it I know stos the height of this is 25 yes from that's to the actual Peak from ground level it's got two garage doors and there's going to be some kind of a stair I say there okay to okay this is the first four plane you would go up stairs up here into the gotcha okay he calls it a finish static on the architectural planes and I don't I don't normally describe architectural planes uh as a matter of fact I didn't look at him it's GNA be an open mezanine to look down I have no idea I doubt it okay all right okay didn't do that you said he didn't get into when I start the plan I think Eric come on up I'm gonna have to have you sworn in okay before you uh start speaking um can you raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony you're going to give this evening is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and can you please just State and spell your name for the record Eric Gonzalez uh Eric Gonzalez g n z EZ right well Mr Gonzalez while I have you up here I know you can provide affirmative testimony now uh at the outset of the meeting I indicated you're going to use this garage uh to store some CL cars and motorcycles that you have and I assume that's going to be obviously on the ground level all right and what's the intent for the use of the second level so when I went to my architect I asked him what the maximum height was he told me 25 so I didn't I didn't know I mean right now I'm realizing that it's a variance to go 25 I what you guys said it's 15 so I said can we put a mezanine the the trains he spoke about they're actually hro cars they're little cars and and I have some tracks in my basement in my home which my wife is looking at to kick me out with you know I play I do it with the kids so when he told me I can do 25 I said can we do a mezzanine and I figur I'll put the tracks there and I can set up all that stuff for me and the kids to do the stuff there and that's basically it so as far as open it's not open to the bottom it can be if you need it to be basically just to go up and have a spot you know it's not I don't think it's going to be a full height ceiling but I'm not that tall and my kids are shorter than me so it doesn't really matter okay all right thank you okay okay uh Mr ke if you want we can go over Mr Cornell's report and then we'll do Mr fowers um all right so if I turn to page uh well I'm going to go to the technical engineering review um paragraph one States uh that we'll have to get middlex County planning board approval certainly will comply with that yes uh same thing paragraph two any Road opening permits uh paragraph three Mr Cornell suggesting that we provide a turnaround type driveway I I obviously we have enough area to do this is that cor yes we do number one and number two uh I think the county is also going to require that so uh it was just an oversight on our part uh when we prepared it uh uh no so we'll we'll we'll revise the plan accordingly okay number four talks about the adding details about water service that's fine uh number five uh deals with the uh the existing driveway uh required to be set back 5 feet obviously we're not changing that um and we'd be seeking a waiver and in your professional opinion is there any issue with the board granting this particular waiver no uh that's the going back to uh our site plan itself that's where I described the existing concrete driveway and why it it's in that configuration okay this is the existing house and it's perpendicular to the roadway as I described before and the driveway comes out perpendicular uh and there's no other way of moving that driveway so we're we're putting it within the uh in easement area there the new driveway which is going to be on this this side of the the property we just talked about it's going to be uh in front of the garage area and we're going to be putting the uh the k on it or uh the backup for the driveway all right uh number six uh requires us to provide meets and Bounds description we'll comply with that yes uh number seven uh we just need to make a change on the plans and labeling will do that same thing with number eight uh number nine will provide Street trees if required by ordinance correct uh correct we just didn't show them on the plan all right number 10 I think we uh we've given testimony as to that number 11 I think we've given testimony as to that as well um number 12 um the need for a bathroom um obviously uh I think that's more of an accommodation to Mr Gonzalez is that correct I'm I'm assuming I'm not an expert of where when and the fact that we're agreeing not to uh use this for any residential occupancy and not to use it for any commercial purposes we know that it's limited to just his particular use yes okay um so we'd like to keep the bathroom there if we can Mr chairman um number 13 um yes we'll revise the zoning table 14 uh will comply with uh 15 are just requirements of the map filing law will comply with that and 16 will comply with which are getting the accurate L numbers um now Mr Fowler also prepared a uh memorandum um and I believe you've covered most of the bulk variant relief that's in here and hopefully you've satisfied him as to uh the Cru under a C2 uh but on his um I guess on page three he mentioned uh some general comments actually let me go back I think on on page um page two paragraph two uh he's he's brought out a a waiver that's required um and I think Mr ke we we certainly can comply with whatever lookalike ordinance is is applicable here and although we've we have elevations we certainly are amenable to changing those elevations to make sure that should there be a conflict yes okay so we can comply with that just to just to confirm so you're saying you're gonna comply you're not going to seek the waiver with regard to that um I mean it's it talks about the fact that two houses uh can't be dissimilar in character maybe Mr Fowler can give me some clarification is it the accessory structure yes yes because it's called out as a metal building on the plan but it's final sliding on the um on the architectural detail so again maybe that could be dressed up a little bit to fit more with the character of the neighborhood we can do that we do that that's not a problem um no I think no it said it had said that on the plan it's called out as a metal building but on the architectural as the vinyl side and it looks more residential on the architectural but when I read metal building to start with I thought oh that's that's going to look really out of place we'll make that consistent Mike um and what else well I think that also deals with paragraph six all right in terms of your general comments uh going to the last page page four um Mr key will comply with whatever landscape design standards are required correct all right and Mr fer has brought up a good point uh regarding the driveway ement he wants us to see if we can increase the lot depth by at least 10 feet to provide more functional yard area we can comply with we we've got plenty of room and uh yes it makes sense to get that at all right and then paragraphs four five and six are just the boiler plate yes we'll seek any outside agencies we housing requirements um and I think that's really it Mr chairman I don't have any other testimony of my Witnesses certainly the Bo has any questions will entertain them anyone from the board have any questions on this matter hearing none I'll open up the public make a motion we open the public second all in favor all anybody from the public like to speak on this matter anyone like to speak hearing none I'll take a motion to close the public session second all in favor gentlemen what's your pleasure ladies motion to approve the application with all the variances and correct with all the stipulations and testimony and you have do I have a second roll call Mr Kendall Mr Bolton hi Miss lman Mr Muller yes Mr Shaw yes Mr vosen chairman Tai yes congratulations thank you Mr chairman thank you members of the board thank you all let's try to keep it this short next time yeah it was uh it was refreshing to see no one from the public here see what you can do about that huh next on the agenda all business due business administrative matters next meeting September 4th here you have two applications on for your next meeting have a minor subdivision and then the application that was carried from this evening the cold storage warehouses on Journey Mill Road that'll be heard at the September 4th meeting okay any other question open up to the public next motion that we open to the public open public second all in favor say I I any opposed seeing no public to be heard I'm take a motion to close close second second all in favor I any opposed the eyes have it I'll take a a motion to adjourn motion all in favor thank you very much everyone have a good night see you September