ready he calling to order the buau of sville planning board meeting December 6 2023 can we please all stand for pledge of allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right good evening everyone hello okay Beth has this meeting been advertised in accordance with the open public meeting act yes chairman it has can you do a roll call back of course Mr algra here Mr blamar here Mr B Mr banan councilman onoa miss palowski here Mr spaz here chairman Muller here Mr Cornell Mr Fowler here Mr Barlo we have a quorum thank you Beth memorialization of resolutions tonight we have one seral SE seport associations urban renewal LP amended preliminary and final major site plan block 26.0 Lot 24 block 27.2 lot 1.05 I presume everyone on the board has received a copy of the resolution is there a motion to approve approve second roll call Mr blamar yes um Mr Buchanan yes Miss palowski yes Mr spado yes chairman Muller yes approved thank you okay so next we have minutes right Beth yes I think there were minutes from from the October 18th meeting and the November 1st meeting correct they were pretty substantial meetings uh and substantial minutes has everyone had a chance to review them okay is there a motion to approve the minutes for October 18 second okay all in favor iOS okay and how about November 1st is there a motion to approve the November 1st minutes all in favor I opposed none okay Beth anything on the communication agenda done this evening any site plans or subdivisions done this evening any old business new business administrative matters um the only thing we have tonight is the 2024 meeting schedule okay so everyone had a well any issues with the schedule any issues that you see with any of our professionals or dates that are not going to work for anyone no okay do we have to approve these okay okay so the next meeting is January 3D correct correct j reorganization reorganization meeting so there won't be any applications correct Mr no application scheduled for that me okay okay so uh is there a motion to open to the public second all in favor I post okay anyone from the public who would like to be heard young lady would you like to be heard on anything no how are you enjoying your school year good getting ready for the holidays UE yeah you go to U okay good my son goes there too uh no one hear physically from the public anyone online who wants to be heard is anyone online please press star nine or raise your hand if you'd like to speak no one okay but is there a motion to close to the public portion mve second all in favor I post okay so um this is our last meeting of this board and uh I don't know who's going to be back but I just want to say it's been a real honor and pleasure to work with everyone on the board this year it's my first years as chairman and it was just a great pleasure to work with you all you're all good people I think we all did good work made good decisions for the benefit of the public so thank you to everyone chairman anyone want to make any comments or speak talk anything Mr chair just want to thank you for your commitment to transparency and I think the way that you've conducted these meetings has been not just in the public interest but uh in the interest of everybody on this day as to to feel like we are playing a part in the Bedrock of sville through our our master plan reexamination and the work that we're doing so congratulations on a very successful first year and we look forward to more thank you I hope hope I hope to see everyone back I don't know what the future brings but it's been a pleasure so I guess the only thing to do is to adjourn so is there a motion to adjourn Mr do you uh have any counsel for us on comments that we may or may not want to make uh in the public venue as it concerns prior projects that have been before us um well obviously we all know there's a lawsuit pending between the the burough and the Board of Ed um so um my my instruction to everyone is that just don't say anything about the the recommendation or the proceedings um until the lawsuits resolved we are members representatives of the board so I think we should just limit any comments that we have on social media or any other form while the lawsuits pending that would be my my comment and as the attorney I would just say that there's a transcript of the proceedings which speaks for itself and the recommendation any other comments may open members potentially being toos for their social media and things like that and I don't think that's a can of worms anyone should want to open let your comments on the record speak for themselves the recommendation that the board presented speaks for itself and and again I think the less said the better from this board's perspective I I will say this I wasn't at the board of ed meeting I think a week or two ago but from what I've heard it I was shocked and very upset about what happened particularly how the Board of Ed was restricting the Public's uh Communications to three minutes on a certain topic and wouldn't allow people to go back up or share time it was seemed to me to be heavy-handed I wasn't there so I'm saying it secondhand and we all know when we opened the topic up to the public and we had everyone here we didn't limit anyone to a certain time limit we allowed Board of Ed members to come here and talk multiple times for as long as they wanted everyone had their say and was disappointed that that didn't occur at the board of ed meeting and I'll limit my comments to that and we have in the past limited the public to five minutes I believe when we had the Arsenal yes you know I guess depend on the crowd it was they were here at pitchforks and it was massive right so it was it had to be some limit to get you at 11: PM that correct yeah I think we limit to five but then if they wanted to limit to five give other people a chance and then if they wanted to come back after that they could come and my understanding was they were limited to three and it was they only got three minutes on the one topic and if they wanted to come back and talk about the topic they couldn't I don't recall a time here Mr chair where you asked security to remove someone from the podium no I I don't know who I would ask to do that but you're right I never I we Beth is our muscle here so I I say it I never um I I can't recall a time where the folks trying to stop people from discussing things and censor people and whatnot has ever been in the right and I don't I don't subscribe to it people will always have their ability to have their say and a lot of people were here on October 18th and I tried to move it along but I think we all stayed here until everybody had said their peace and I think that's important and that's not happening in every other you know in other aspects of our burrow and should be but that's that's about all I'm going to say about that and I'm I'm hoping that that lawsuit Works its way out and uh it's not a good look for our town so it's a shame that being said uh any other comments any for the good in order here any anything no the only comment I was going to offer is if if I'm lucky enough to get reappointed at the January 3rd reorganization meeting I was again whoever the chairman is to just give an overview of what to expect at the community center application as there's special rules that deal with religious based organizations so that the existing members and potentially the new members aren't going into that line um I think that would be a good idea whoever whoever's the the new chair can address that and I don't know there is no executive session for the planning board right where you would give advice on that because I that's a little that's a unique area where planning board members could be subjected to personal liability I want to make sure everyone and and I don't intend in any way shape or form to address the specific application just the so that the board members know this the kind of unique parameters they have to work within for a religious application guidance in that way would be much appreciated for those us and since there's nothing else going on maybe couple of minutes on that wouldn't hurt okay that would potentially be at to January 3D I think that January 3rd the rework once it's really you're appointing the chairman doing the council the uh engineer the planner adopting your meeting calendar and your newspaper it's it's basically a series of resolutions um and then nothing else going on so maybe that would be a good time just yeah like like I said five or 10 minutes agree if I you know I don't know who's going to be the chair saying I don't know who's going to be the attorney and we don't know who's going to be the attorney there's a lot of unknowns but it's it's a good it's something that should be on everyone's radar so it's a good thought okay we have a motion to adjourn moved second second all in favor I I all opposed okay happy holidays everyone enjoy and hopefully I'll see a lot of we folks back