##VIDEO ID:x3NNPst8hdE## e e e e e e e e e e everybody please take a seat we could all rise to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for thank you Miss secretary can we have a roll call chairman this um this meeting has been advertised pursuing to the Sunshine Law okay thank you very much roll call Mr candel here Mr Al here Mr Elm miss lman here Mr Muller here Mr Shaw here Mr bosen here councilman spri chairman Tai here we have a quum thank you very much memorialization of resolutions we need a resol memorialization for the Gonzalez subdivision minor subdivision on Gordon Avenue motion to approve do I have a second second having a motion made in second can I have a roll call Mr kandal yes M lman yes Mr Muller yes Mr Shaw yes Mr Valen yes chairman Tai yes thank you you've all received the minutes from the last meeting of July 17th 2024 and August 21st 2024 any need a motion to accept those please make a motion to accept minutes second having the motion made and seconded could I all in favor say I I any oppos the eyes have it communication agenda none this evening thank you very much site plan subdivision Mr Sachs you're up yes uh good evening Mr chairman members of the board Lawrence Sachs on behalf of the applicant um this is I think our fourth meeting on this fourth or fifth meeting we were here back in uh July and at that time we presented to you uh in concept a um a parking system for the uh garage that's proposed to be constructed on this site and uh we provided some information about that we provided a revised uh architectural plan showing where this stacking system uh would be located uh during the course of that hearing uh it was requested by this board and even by the professionals uh that we provide some more detailed information uh as to how this system uh Works how it's manufactured what the safety uh protocol is so this evening I have two witnesses Mr chairman uh I have Mr Sean Fitch who is from klouse uh clouse multiple parking Inc um and he is a uh he will testify as to the uh design of this system the safety features and essentially how it operates from a mechanical standpoint and then my second witness is Mr pinglu and he's from Metropolis parking uh they will be the operator of this particular system um and it should be noted to the board and to the members of the public that the operator will be on site uh for every Friday uh afternoon Service uh for any special events uh for any other large Gatherings that might occur uh at this particular facility um at the conclusion of this your uh Mr chairman I don't have any further Witnesses this evening however I do anticipate uh that uh at the next meeting I will present to the board uh Mr stimel again who is our parking uh traffic expert and parking expert uh he will be providing an updated traffic report uh for review by your professionals and by the board uh and we also expect to have Mr John mcdna uh who was our professional planner uh also testify at that evening and of course I'll have our engineer and architect who had previously testified uh thank you very much all right so that's that's what we'd like to do Mr chairman uh my first Witness is Mr Sean Fitch and just so you know we've handed out a PowerPoint presentation to you however we also have it up on the screen or we'll have it up on the screen for members of the public and also uh for the board uh to to obviously see that as well so Mr Fitch if you want to come up I'll have you come up here and you'll have to be sworn yeah I do I do going to swear you in so Mr Vish would you please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony going to give this evening is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes can you please State and spell your name for the record Sean fit SE an fi T C Mr Fitch if you can just uh indicate to the board who you work for what your position is with that company yes uh so I work for klous multi parking uh also a subsidiary of klous gmbh German manufacturing uh company and my position is primarily Business Development and uh sales within the Northeast territory okay and uh I understand uh Mr Fitch that you prepared a PowerPoint presentation which we're going to put up on the screen and I guess you have the capability of changing the screen so you'd like uh why don't you indicate to the board uh how this system uh is designed uh what some of the safety features are um and just give a general overview of that particular system uh Mr Sax Jesus that's really loud I apologize for uh before we get in there I I think we should probably Mark the PowerPoint presentation as exhibit and I'm just trying to go through my notes right now I don't know if we left off at six or seven um this would be seven okay yeah and just so the record is clear it is a um a PowerPoint presentation dated 9824 uh Board hearing project Islamic Center New mosque 216 ernston Road sville New Jersey uh prepared by K clous multiparking parking systems I think for lack of visibility I'm I is it okay if I just kind of speak through the the slides without clicking through them since you're submitting it well it's really entirely up to you but I maybe we can have a ping if you want to be able to do that perfect okay that's fine I just yeah let me see if it's gonna did it just Advance actually if it's easier for you to sit over there is that it may be goad is that okay take the microphone with you yeah get comfortable I'll grab this one here all right so I'm gonna actually go to the the end of the slide deck first because I think that that's actually important um and that's why I'm sorry I'm going to flip around a little bit but based on the I think the the the topical um requirements of this evening it's important that I cover a little history of the company and then I'll go into a little bit of a description about these particular um stacked parking devices and uh and then I'll go to the last I'll go to some safety features um specific to to this device so just to give you a little history um klouse is about 102 years old uh manufacturing company uh with about 60 years now in uh parking uh with the first stackers being deployed employed uh in Germany uh prior to the Olympic Games in ' 64 and those are still functional today so I don't um we've been producing and installing these same devices uh stackers in the US since around the early 90s and have established what I work for the US subsidiary um in recent more recently in 2020 so you have a full-time um group of individuals actually based here in Boro in New Jersey with our CEO and uh a number of different support staff all located here uh so that's kind of I think beneficial especially to a project located so close by so that's a little bit of a background on um CLA just also I'll note um we have almost a million um spaces globally installed so it's definitely u a product that's used uh in great numbers uh all over the globe and hundreds of thousands here in the United States okay just bear with me one second I'm going to get to a little bit of a description we'll go to we'll go to safety features uh and how the operation works like this slide in a moment I'm going to bounce around my apologies so just I think this is good just for a good visual um this is a very simple uh and basic tool you have everything is fully galvanized you very uh very high quality uh materials and it is operated with a hydraulic lifting cylinder and the way it operates if you see on the screen there you see that little red you clearly see a little red button and call it you know a little box uh that is the operation switch and a valet because these are made for use with a valet only um that trained individual would take a key and each one has a key assigned to it and would use the key to turn left or right depending on whether they want to lift or or lower the platform and they're visually you know looking at the platform with the vehicle on it as they're performing this function and that is really truly the extent of the operational functions it's literally an up and down uh functionality and they would you know if they had a vehicle underneath they would move it out of the way into the aisle and they would then lower the vehicle from above and and transport that one also so that's just kind of I thought that was a good visual U very clearly see what it is Mr Fitch do me a favor when you're referring to a particular uh PowerPoint slide just indicate what the label is on that just so the record is clear so the last one if you could just go back for a second sure too high stacker no pit okay thank you so I think um there's not much more of the actual operation of it to to to make clear but I think we should go into kind of a little bit you know line by line that functionality and um I'll try not to read off the slide for you but it is an electrical key switch As I indicated that's how it operates there is an emergency stop button so for any reason that you know they needed to that would be just a hard stop um there are also lockouts every two inches so if for some reason they let go of the key or so you know you you got to account for all scenario there is a lockout so the vehicle could only descend you know a small distance before being locked out um you know this again this is a hydraulic system uh it's controlled by a hydraulic interlock and uh that controls the the very slow descent um it does give you velocity here which is 4 in per second um and they're not they're not able to be physically interfered with this is only able to be operated with that um with that key switch turning on or engaging the interlock so that that's just kind of you know a deeper overview of the simple um function and this is the two high stacker no pit uh valet parking system slide and that's a system operation overview right correct so again um you know just to kind of uh drive drive this function or process home uh is operated by a key switch only operator has to be functionally holding on to and operating the key switch at at all times for it to function uh and that's just simply lowering or raising a platform uh operator has to maintain visual contact at all times with the platform to ensure that it is operated safely so that uh that trained individual is uh in full control of uh the operation of the the lift uh during operation if you know if they were to fail uh if the operator fails to maintain that electrical key switch you know uh holding it in the raise or lower position position the platform would stop uh and the platform uh would you know maintains its position until the operator would then resume uh that operation and again there is an emergency stop button should that be uh required for any reason um you know just to give an example let's say somebody um had a medical issue that they were holding the key in a position but they were not physically in control of it another individual could hit the stop button right just to give you a rare but uh potential scenario um ground level vehicles are you know must be moved prior to lowering the platform and that is you know in the control of the operator uh and again uh the system interlocks this is the system operation continuation Valley parking system uh two high stacker no bit so just I think in last just to go through a little bit uh more of the side or of the features of the CP 61 stacker just so it's clear what this device is and how it operates um even though this may not to the topic of the evening uh it's a a platform everything is hot dipped galvanized the platform the structure uh there are uh side rails curbing uh if you will uh this continuous platform allows for drainage of all uh you know liquids if it's you know rain uh snow or anything else is drained to the side rails of the platform um again that's just for keeping the vehicle below protected and uh and it also uh drains to the rear so this is um you know kind of a nice picture of how that would look um you know with the the hydraulic power pack and you kind of get a better look at what um the installed features might look like I think yeah I think this might be the last slide I'm not sure if we need additional coverage but we can go over um there is no emerc generator requirement uh not required by us as a manufacturer if there's a power outage the um hydraulic uh lifts can be lowered manually safely uh you know if one particular unit um had some kind of a a failure the other ones you know do not malfunction they can continue to be used uh so I think that might have been uh an important Point uh and in downtime if ever there is it's uh typically to user damage uh or a power you know power long-term power outage by utility company uh and user damage is highly unlikely with um a managed system so all right and that exhibit you're referring to is labeled space vario CP 61 electrical okay how about the slide prior to that I know I don't think we indicated for the record that is a two high stacker Corrosion Protection and platforms correct okay thank you yeah I don't I I think we've covered kind of the the the points here we there's some other slides but they don't seem to be as necessary well you know what let's just go through them let's see if it let's let's let's just get them on the record sure just from the top um this is really just a diagram of the parking environment this is the uh upper level and this is the lower level that shows you um which I think everybody uh may have seen this already uh with the CP 61s laid out and that's the garage parking plan by the way that shows the 50 there are 57 uh individual stacking platforms is that correct that's correct okay yeah this um this actually gives you those breakdown uh of numbers there's 57 systems two SP two parking spaces for each so that you get your total number of Park spaces within um the stacker systems of 114 and you have platform vehicle low capacity of 6,000 PBS and then in this environment which you see on the left of the or excuse me on the right of the the screen is um uh all valet parking uh so valet attendants will park and retrieve vehicles from that system and Valley attendance and garage operations management will be by others um not by CL multi parking all right and that exhibit is the project parking exhibit that's correct I think that's about where we started so we might want to pass this for a moment and I'll just quickly scroll through and highlight any other slides that we didn't speak to and I'll just bypass the ones that we have and uh this is really uh just showing um the requirements for power electrical uh supply for the units yeah why don't we just quickly just indicate what the power supply is that's necessary so for each unit uh you have 25 amp fuses and uh this is only when the motor's running I'm not sure what information you're looking for exactly I don't know I haven't done an electrical study I don't know the full amperages of the system all right but those are the those are the uh details for what's provide what's required for electric capacity okay correct and the next slide again more continuation of electrical performance all right so this this is labeled electrical and register of electrical performances so it indicates that there's you need uh lockable master switch supply side cable junction box cables operating element uh these are all electrical details correct that is correct okay uh sprinkler and water yeah let's talk about this so this is the fire protection exhibit correct and and you know just for the record we are not a fire protection consultant this is It's dependent on whatever Municipal requirements are um but this is showing a detail of typical um typical what we call typical requirements for for sprinklers um you know allowing some space you know minimums of four inch at the sides having uh at the rear system sufficient space for sprinkler um you know so allowing in those you see those dashed areas um allowing space for locating uh potentially sprinkler heads okay and again this is you know you'll have a fire protection consultant that will detail what that would look like in design and this is just a list of some completed projects in the US with this particular stack unit I think that's really just there to give an example of our footprint in the US with that particular product uh warranties uh we are you know Avail making available to purchasers one year of uh service and uh including parts and labor and uh we do offer extended warranties um so that's usually up to the individual client uh we do preventative maintenance we have service teams that will come out uh two times a year and maintain these systems uh review Systems for you know typical wear and tear uh and do preventive services at those times which in in the case of uh the stacker is typically just uh lubrication not much more than that okay and that's contained on the warranty service and training exam that is correct yeah and then of course the the system user training uh provided by us is given to uh in this case would be to Metropolis and to other stakeholders that uh would want to have that uh training experience and we would have our Personnel uh go through the entire system uh and usage uh with those individuals and uh we provide training materials that can can be you know used for training others later on as needed and this is where we started okay all right and uh I think you've indicated your operations in the United States are located in Plainsboro New Jersey that's correct and is that where your technical support is based out of his that's correct okay okay um Mr chairman I don't have any further questions of Mr fit certainly if the board has any questions uh he's certainly available for that find out anybody have any questions of the manufacturers rep yes I do go ahead uh what is your typical clientele that gets this installed what is your sorry the question was what do your typical clientele yeah um it varies uh in but working with a a Park parking management company is very common for them to have stack parking and so I think that that is uh our common customer for stack parking is a uh a parking management company so for this particular product that's you know that's who we probably have the most sales with they they are also sold to other types of environments but predominantly it's a parking management company is that a safety record that you have access to like for all the installations you day how many how often were there any safety violations uh no I don't don't have access to any of those we are we don't manage the environments so it'd be in up to each individual uh parking management company would have their own records are there any sensors that would prevent someone from bringing a bay down a a sensor that will override manual loading of the bay I'm not sure I understand the question uh someone by mistake Stow over the bay when there is a car or an individual below the bay a lot of places they have sensors right a sensor detects an object it would not allow you to make it go down or up do we have do they have that so this is as I explained it's a manual control with a very close proximity to the mechanism you have to be engaged in the operation and you physically are watching the lowering of the device so um no there isn't any sensors required it's it's response it's the respon responsibility of the uh operator of the device and again those are trained individuals okay thank you are you going to go over how long it takes for these to operate in and out or the parking okay my next witness is the operations they'll come I just didn't want a him to get away without anybody else have any questions to the men manufacturer go chairman I Mr chairman uh the one slide you provided had an example of projects that were completed there nine indicated they're all in Florida and the uses are mixed uses commercial uses Condominiums do you have examples of where this is in New Jersey and have you used those for house of worship type applications uh I don't think we have any with our stackers but there are other competitive companies with similar operation that have been installed that you can find all over New Jersey thank you I have only one question can can you give us a little um understanding on the service records of these units how long they stay in operation how long how much they need to be serviced what happens when they when they don't work right and how long it takes to get them fixed so I'll go with um life life expectancy I think that's kind of what you were getting at uh it's indefinite um they're you know they're zinc mag magnesium plated galvanization and hot dip galvanization they're made for uh all types of salt and every other type of corrosive uh material so that they don't rust or corrode uh the operation is a a well over engineered hydraulic cylinder that never fails it's never working hard so in most cases when they are serviced it's an indefinite lifespan and that's you know the reality of it like I said we have installations in Munich from 1964 still operating today uh so we don't really know we know that if you don't care for them um that you could shorten that potentially but we know that when they are serviced they're indefinite Mr chairman I have a few questions can you turn off your microphone I think you get a lot of feedback and down the end here that's better I I believe it was 4 Ines per second I do have it in the slide deck here somewhere so in most cases you know you're you're looking at 30 seconds for operation yeah and and down is roughly the same and the only thing that ever impacts that even yeah four 4 inches per second um the only thing that impacts that is uh cold temperatures may slow it incrementally like 5% slower so I'm just you know want to make sure I say that because it's realistic when the hydraulic fluid is cooler it moves a little slower well ambient temperatures above freezing would be preferred but it can work in Subic temperatures just slightly slower this Metropolis paring system package says that you're the parking operator are you going to be the operator at the facility Metropolis metropolises yes okay is uh clouse okay with uh when they unit are not manned or operated can the public park on the bottom level as a manufacturer I wouldn't make that decision um I don't see why you couldn't uh there's no reason you know if they don't have access to the keys right there's no way to operate it so it's feasible that you could so so public have to park their own car on the bottom level if if they decided to I don't know the liability of every individual or or institution but yes it's the manufacturer would recommend not recommend I wouldn't recommend I'm saying you could that's not a recommendation that's just a Is it feasible yes feasible yes but yeah but yeah I can't make that recommendation it's just it's if you want to use it in that way you could rest of my questions will be for the operator Mr chair this particular stacker I have not no instem yes um it was non valet attended totally different scenario yeah and different different piece of Machinery uh no I think those were just uh the large some of the larger installations that were highlighted yeah and M Mr chairman I think what we can provide for you is we'll we'll get you a list of other other locations that have utilized this system here in the Northeast all right um and Mr Fitz let me ask you a question I mean obviously uh having a valet service on one of these systems is much more preferable than just having a non-attended system is that correct yeah the the the key is a valet attended environment with these uh stackers in that vein of talking on Fridays you're going to have the valets yes what are you going to do the rest of the week so you're going to let people park by themselves or you're going to have the valet then I'm not sure there's really a need for the valet when we have just our other services which we we think we've testified we provided testimony that they're not really well attended the Friday afternoon service we know is the biggest one uh but certainly if there are 30 people who are attending a service on a the routine Thursday morning uh they're either going to park in the surface spots outside or they they could utilize some of those spots in the in the garage as well um but certainly this board could condition whatever you want with respect to when valet service is necessary but I think right now the expectation is the only time it really will be necessary is during the Friday services any other special events that we might have I think we've already indicated for the major holidays those are going to be site anyway so if you find that the uh influx is more you're going to change it and bring in a valet then yes you wouldn't be mind to have that part of the uh acceptance no objection to that Mr chairman anybody else have any questions Barry one one follow uh know that's very um customizable or or unique to every use case and I think Metropolis through their experience with knows the ratio best I yeah there is a magic number I just don't know it they their experience can tell you that for sure no usually it's a per per unit you can I mean we have had installations where it was requested to key them all uh so I guess that's really up to the individual if not just for the Public's notice we're going to since these are both similar we're going to do both of the reports the comments at the end we save your comments after the after we see the parking uh attendance don't go far good evening would you please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony going to give this evening is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I swear can you please state your name and spell it for the record uh pingl first name p i n g last name Lou l i e you can I log back in real quick okay Mr Lou if you could give the board the benefit of your employ experience you work I know you also have a power I would also requ of so I'm employed by Metropolis Technologies I'm employed by Metropolis Technologies where at seven-year-old company as the parent company at but we actually just acquired SP plus which is the oldest parking operator in the country they're 95 years old this year uh so collectively we have 102 years of experience in the parking industry that also makes us the largest parking operator in the country um I'm the director of operations on the East Coast so I oversee New York New Jersey all the way down to Atlanta Georgia um as a company as a collective company we employ over 23,000 employees we have 4,000 locations uh and just 300 in Manhattan alone uh so quite a wealth of uh experience here um I've been with Metropolis Technologies for about two years and in Operations Logistics for most of my career um yeah if you don't mind I my vision is not great so Mr saxs while he's going back there we're gonna adeny this as exhibit A8 and this is going to be the PowerPoint uh prepared on behalf of metropolis correct yes it's uh label Metropolis X Masjid sadar Community Center dated uh well it says July ju 46 2024 but we know that that's not correct so July of 2024 should be 16 um so in slide number two just general overview of uh the Metropolis parking system we utilize a computer Ai and com and machine learning to actually tie license plates to specific profiles it gives us the ability to enhance a customer's experience if you imagine typically when you go to a parking operation they hand you a ticket you leave and you're sort of an Anon Anonymous face with Metropolis once you register you're good in any Metropolis location so when you come back they can say you know welcome back Mr Lou hope you had a great time and so on so we're able to elevate our experience with Metropolis uh Technologies um since our acquisition in May we've seen quite a bit of growth we've actually we're at 600 plus locations metropolized but we're actually about 4,000 combined with s SP plus and Metropolis we have 4 million members and we're deployed across 40 plus markets currently and we're in the process of converting all of our sites over slide four uh just generally you know our our goal by 2026 we want to see 50 million members on our platform that way we're able to achieve the network effect so if you park here at the temple one day and then you go to the city you know next weekend you already have a profile you just pull in and it's a seamless uh experience all over and you you get that Network effect from our scale uh and by 2026 we'll have we we anticipate we'll be in 360 plus markets so just a general overview of our our Valley experience uh when a car pulls up the valley attendant will walk up all of our Valley attendants are armed with an iPhone or an iPad they'll scan the license plate with that device it will automatically read and if it's your first time visiting they will send an invite to your phone or by text message and it's four easy questions name license plate um typically in a commercial operation it would be a credit card but in this operation it will not so that will be bypassed uh and then email uh and normally in a uh commercial operation there will be a button on the the customer interface no app download or anything required it's it's right there in your text message you just click the link and it lets the valley attendant request or it requests the vehicle for you and it lets the valley attendant know ahead of time through this you know through the profile creation then you know the request your your vehicle function it creates a seamless operation we've gotten you know overwhelmingly positive feedback on this new sort of uh uh Twist on parking uh and slide eight this is the uh digital car request function that I was referring to earlier so in the customer view you'll see the request your vehicle button you'll click that if this was a commercial operation they would add a payment method and we'll get into this site specifically you know as the slides go through but in the general operation you know you would add your payment method and that will live within your profile so you don't have to add that again uh and then it notifies our valet and you get what we call our Pizza Tracker while you get status updates on the status of your vehicle this is just our general dashboard for what our valet see um so somebody drives in and checked in there's different stat in each box uh you can see the number of requests that come in the status of it if uh they're in Departures the valet has already you know worked on the vehicle got it you know set up on the ramp and ready to hand the keys over uh you can see also in the bottom left retrieval in progress so there's always a a very clear view for our Val as what is going on on the site just for um chain of custody we also utilize key tags that the valets use to scan uh with their iPhones these key tags get attached to key Loops so that if somebody drives in with a white Tesla and then somebody else drives in with the white Tesla you don't hand over the wrong Keys they're tied to that specific visit slide 12 um this is more for General commercial applications if you visited Manhattan you know oversize add-ons and so on this is is not applicable in this in this scenario it's just more so to describe our our general product and then damage reports so for for claims and liability purposes each visit can uh the valet can click into each section of the vehicle right here in the sort of the cartoon draw uh drawing they can take a photo and then Mark where any damage is so that you know everything is properly documented uh for claims and liability slide 14 somebody can also schedule requests for their vehicles so we actually in the operation plan for this site we're actually uh opting to disable this function in um in favor of efficacy of uh you know removing vehicles and bringing vehicles in because we know that we have a tight turnaround for this so for this site specifically if you look here this is the surface lot we have roughly 43 uh parking stalls in this area so the way we envision this operation um we will cone off all the surface slot spots and hold this location as an overflow lot all vehicles will drive in unless an attendant sees a vehicle it's oversized or handicap um required then they will direct the Parker to park in one of these spots otherwise everybody will drive down into the garage where we get here they will pull up if you see on the bottom left or the bottom right that's the ramp they'll come around to the elevator bank and we envision having multiple teams so section A B C D and E will will all have a team of two one to run the vehicles the other one to operate the lifts so as uh Sean my colleague here mentioned the lifts can be operated 30 seconds up 30 seconds down that does not account for the human factor so bringing the vehicles back um properly locking the vehicles parking in the in the spot so the reason we're separating out these in sections is if you imagine one vehicle comes down it lines up and it goes to section A goes into the first stall in section A his counterpart will move the vehicle up top the next vehicle goes into section b c and d and e in you know and so on you know sequentially so that they're not all tied together um I hope that makes sense uh for in that way we're able to operate the valet efficiently so they're not waiting on each other and bumping against each other in the operation the way we envision this site as well as on exit we will have the vehicles pulled out in the same sequence Just In Reverse that way it's it's much more efficient we realize that we have about one hour to uh um bring all the vehicles out check them out and then the next group will come in as well and we feel that with a team of 12 we can do this very well um and we're also very cognizant of you know the traffic in the area and we want to make sure that we preserve that so when we operate in this fashion we save the the upper lot for overflow so that all the cars can be um staged in that area versus backing up into the street that concludes my slide bag Ju Just So the just so it's clear if you can go back to those last two slides I just want to get uh the the uh yes sir title of that so the surface lot is operational plan operational plan slide 16 okay and the next and then the Garage uh view is operational plan slide 17 okay and let's just go back for a second so let's talk about you said Vehicles will be staged in a different location to account for the fact that you don't want to have backups going onto onto the surface parking lot which could impact traffic just briefly just describe that again correct so as you imagine Vehicles will pull in where this um red arrow red arrow comes in they will make the right around the curve and then go down the ramp so because we're pulling the cars to the furthest possible location on site it gives us room to uh line up the vehicles behind it as they're continuing to park and then if vehicles are deemed oversized or should be kept on the surfice slot you know to accommodate handicap uh you know Ada required vehicles for example they can be parked in this area and those Parkers can be directed to a specific spot to park in so in that way for example if we kept the valley operation right here at the entrance for example then the traffic would be backed out into the street but obviously we want to be cognizant of the community so we pull all the vehicles to the F furthest possible point in the operation all right and you're going to have 12 valet Parkers uh for Friday after for Friday afternoon Services correct and any other time that it's really deemed necessary and large events all right and your turnaround time is about one hour uh out and in for the next group okay so one hour out and in okay and in terms of large Vehicles just so it's clear on the record larger vehicles will not be parked in this stacking system they'll be parked either in surface parking or in other locations that don't have the stacking correct yeah so I maybe Sean could uh confirm but typically uh we can fit midsized SUVs on the bottom row of a stacker but we would obviously would never put them up top and then larger you know fullsize trucks for example we keep them on the surface slots and not even put them under the the stacker or above okay and if there are certain individuals who need to be there for both services on a Friday for instance uh clergy uh you know staff that will assist they would go on the top spots as well correct yes okay all right so with the typical Val operation whoever is going to stay the longest will typically be up top and the furthest back so that way not to impede the operation of you know the rest of the the valys okay and there's 12 employees is is some person designated as sort of the the manager of this operation correct so sorry here you go one two three four five so we would have 10 employees down below with a captain and then one up top essentially screening Vehicles going down to identify which should stay up top you know Again full siiz vehicles or Ada required um and again the captain down below that's sort of direct think the teams okay anything else you need to add Mr Lou um I think that's it on my end okay all right um Mr chairman uh certainly Mr Lou is available for any questions he could certainly go through any of the slides on the exhibit as wellbody have any questions sure go ahead first up where are the 12 people paring 12 employees we would typically keep them on the surface lot or in the back of the G garage so up top and uh you know towards the back so in session you're losing 12 spots right off of the GetGo not necessarily we could also probably have a procedure where we could have them park off site and then just transport them to the site hang on hang on Mr Lou given my knowledge of of Labor markets what are the odds what's the probability of you actually having 12 employees who were going to work a limited shift on a Friday midday to a midafternoon and so the the the followup question of that is what's the minimum Manpower that's needed to operate this facility the minimum I would say efficiently within the time frames that were required operate I would say 11 at minimum um but so in terms of Labor markets we operate a lot of uh Event Event Lots event garages all across the country and there's quite a market for part-time labor for this type of uh you know for this type of job we typically do not have any trouble the you know Staffing for these types of operations we could also agree uh through the chair uh that if we don't need 12 employees using utilizing the parking services we won't use 12 employees again I agree with you uh Mr pman this is really limited activity on a Friday afternoon and on a special event so if we can get away with less than 12 that's fine uh and by the way I didn't mean to aggravate the crowd when I said we would transport them offsite I certainly would not want to tie up any of the available parking um at this location but if it requires the uh the house of worship to have some type of van and have these individuals Park elsewhere maybe not in sville and certainly in no one's driveway uh we'll do that because we want to obviously maximize the spaces on site thank you anyone else all right then go ahead yes I can all right uh according to the information we received the Friday prayer the first one ends at 12:45 the second one starts at an hour uh 1:20 how many employees do you need to exit I don't want to hear from you I want to hear from you how many employees do you need to exit and on board the full parking lot between 12:45 and 1:20 start time 12 so for because in your in your documents here it says you need an hour between Services it's a you have have 12:45 to20 it's it's uh 35 minutes question you're referring to an exhibit that was provided prior to us looking into this staged parking system uh stacked parking system so can we get testimony updating the times yeah we'll we'll be able to do that but we we can commit to the fact that it'll be an hour an hour lag in between the two between finish time and start time over the next can we get confirmation that's permissible yeah it's certainly permissible I'm also going to bring it tonight because I do have it and I'll provide it to councel and to your secretary of the board I do have a calendar uh which I think was requested of every day when services will start and and I think we indicated last time we do have some flexibility in terms of start time but we do know that we need this hour hour gap so in an hour hour and a half between an hour between the end of the first and to start of the next one Danny well Mr chairman I was basically going to ask the same thing how long would it take to have 121 parking places how long does it take to empty that entire 121 cars yeah um so to empty it we would say about 30 to 35 minutes and then to get them in it's it's a little faster because everybody's driving in and you're not bringing the vehicle and check them out so again about an hour to empty and then bring uh Vehicles back in the question so what is the cycle time my user experience with you I come in you get in my car I hand you the keys yeah what's your cycle time from that point I hand you my keys to the time you hang it up and get to the next one sure that's why we have multiple teams though so as one is I just want to know for one for one for one so you ever take the car pulls in the the Runner comes takes the keys and takes it to the ramp and and drives it up about a minute to a minute and a half a minute to minute and a half okay Y and how about if I to leave if we would bring it out if I'm the top car and this car parked underneath me right so from the top car it would be 30 seconds down and then there's a car underneath and I'm the top car well that's why we we're the exit would be in a systematic fashion we're not just taking Vehicles as requested we're taking Vehicles out as how can you guarantee that I'm not going to stay I got a basketball court I've got an exercise room I've got classrooms to go to of course how you how do you guarantee some so before you get involved exit the bottom car yep bring my car down pull the car back in sure uh so two-part question in a typical valet operation as somebody gets checked in they would ask them what are you leaving right away or what time are you leaving and so that would get mared I park in Us in New York City all the time I want my car to be convenient I always say I'm leaving in under an hour right oh then your vehicle isn't going to be brought out until everybody else gets because in this F the shortest time possible the shortest time my car closest to it Mr chairman we can't have two people talking at the same time so so just answer the straight question time sure I'm On Top there's a car below me how long does it take to get my car so just I want to preface that that is that that's not how we would operate this good I want the answer with with that if we had to do it we would have to pull a car out that would take about 45 seconds and then bring the car down that's another 30 so that's a an hour a minute and 15 and then drive it back up to the top so about another minute or so so two two minutes and 15 seconds and hang on we can only have one person talking thank you just a follow-up question will the um the attendees to the uh mosque will they be parking their own vehicle in a lower level they will not no is there any reason for that because we want to make sure it's the most efficient operation possible so we want to fill them in sequentially fill them in move them up and then once the top is all filled in then we fill the bottom row sequentially thank you Mr chairman if I can just respond to one comment go ahead uh someone who I think there was a comment that you know someone could stay there all day no that's not feasible because we have committed to the fact and we'll agree to a condition that on Friday afternoons when we're doing Services there are no other activities occurring here there's no exercise there's no gymnasium there's no uh no classes being conducted so the only activities that are going to occur on a Friday afternoon when this parking system really will be in its highest demand will be the ritual services can I make a comment to that hold the public comment for later please go ahead so on Friday afternoon I can't work out before before it starts and I can't say afterwards to work out well we'll probably we'll have a policy that if you're working out on Friday morning and by the way I don't think that's going to happen because that's a holy day but if you did you were able to exercise Friday morning you're going to have to be out of that facility and have your vehicle out unless you're planning on staying for services right so if I want to stay for service or I want to stay afterwards to to work out play the basketball I could he said there's no no workout like to hear that from just the applicant not yeah I mean I'm advised that it takes time to set up the prayer facility and and so there Mr Khan I know you've been previously sworn if you want to yeah usually I mean Friday is a working day most of the people that attend the services are coming from work so the the Masjid basically is not open for any activities in the morning because they are preparing for these Services which takes time like they have to vacuum the carpets and things like that so usually there is no activity prior to the uh services and again so all aspects of the building will be closed for the day except for the prayer that is correct and maybe there will be some activities in the evening but but not during the prayer services maybe after during after the prayer service is over yeah there will be no activities no after it's over after it's over yeah the even and most of the time people are in a rush to go back to the work so so basically they are coming to taking a lunch break or whatever to offer the prayer services so usually they just leave go back to the work anybody else go ahead there uh Mr Lou you state in your PowerPoint that you need at least one hour to get people in get people out the next service yes sir well roughly about an hour to get everybody just on a more conservative estimate yes it would take approximately an hour and then in the PowerPoint it says that the traffic conditions from the street will impact that right no I don't I did not say your traffic from the street as well as surface lot will back up the flow on the lower level correct sorry can you repeat that it says traffic from the street as well as surface lot will back up the flow on the lower level correct no what I meant to say is that we plan the valet uh sort of Base to be the furthest in the operation so it doesn't back out into the street won't the traffic on urston road impact that one [Music] hour it will and and let me let me explain it it will I me especially on Friday because I know you have you have the upper elementary school down the block on a lot of Fridays there's early dismissal so you have all the school buses leaving the ues around 1:00 going down ernston Road it's going to take a lot more than an hour correct Mr merer I I know you're asking lines of questioning regarding traffic I'm not sure he's the one who's qualified to answer that that would be my traffic expert who will testify at the next hearing but he's obviously now has the benefit of this testimony and I think he can give you a detailed analysis of how that will operate and I think even at may have been at the first meeting we put a we agreed to a condition uh that we're going to have the police there uh which will obviously control the traffic exiting and entering that site so I just my point was just that the one hour is contingent upon there being ideal traffic conditions that are but the facility correct it doesn't stop us from bringing the vehicles to you the the customers The Parkers though they can still we can still bring them down the ramp or to to their vehicles and they can be there the traffic flow out again I couldn't speak to with the traffic but they will have their vehicles in hand ready to go they'll be ready to go but if they can't pull out on ernston road because it's all backed up with school buses and other cars you're not going to you're not going to empty that lot out in an hour right and I'm asking you about a hypothetical so I understand you're 1 hour is based on an assumption that you're going to have ideal traffic conditions on arguably the worst Road in our town uh again I can't I can't speak to the traffic pattern so okay okay Mr chair if I may the procedure we're keeping the same procedure we've done through every hearing the witness testifies the board and the board's professionals ask their question then it gets open to the public at the end to ask the questions we're not changing it that's how it has been that's how it's going to continue right now we're in the board and the board's professionals asking questions to the witness you will be allowed to ask your questions when the board is completed which vehicles are you classifying as large vehicles that cannot go on the top Bay uh typically full-size trucks or full-size SUVs uh we wouldn't put any SUVs on the top size SUVs would be under the stackers but otherwise that would be it that would be the limit okay another question had is you mentioned that it takes about an hour when you you guys have done a lot of events right now events are in an ideal situation like Mr Muller said like you at PNC Bank Arts you know it's a huge parking lot you can get 100 cars in 100 out this is not the case here so if you have unstone R backed up or how you intend to bring 60 cars up and where are they going to be parked how are they exiting and you getting 60 cars in but that do you think it ideally can get it done in an hour again that would that would I guess would depend on the traffic pattern and I'm not qualified to speak to the the traffic patterns in the town so I believe uh there is a expert coming next week or at the next hearing so right so from that Mr Sax like you said the traffic study engineer would be there but I think we would need him as well because what he his operations is different than the traffic study Engineers stud right the traffic engineer just do a study but does that operate up and down Mr sha I haven't provided you with a revised traffic study yet but we're going to provide that um just a follow-up question though Mr Lou I I know you were talking about special events that might occur where you're providing parking which of course you don't know how things are going to operate would you consider this to be a consistent routine parking pattern that's going to occur every Friday in terms of a house of worship ship use it does y so we're we're typically used to operating at baseball stadiums concert venues such that that is quite a multiple of this operation I I do anticipate that this would be a very consistent operation the only difference is in concert venues when the concert is over people are going home here you're you're between two different prayer services so it's urgent that you know the going people who completed prayers are going out and the ones that are coming in for prayer they don't have the luxury of time like the concert gos do M Mr Lou yes sir so 1 hour was your conservative estimate to empty the lot and restack it what's your non-conservative estimate it wouldn't very about 10 minutes faster about 50 minutes but I think faster I guess would be about 50 minutes to for the full cycle conservative would be the hour so we would think nonconservative would take you longer so then I reverse those then okay so 15 minutes slower so an hour and 15 to empty it a lot yeah best scenario is 50 minutes worst scenario is an hour and 15 is that what we're testifying yes okay anybody else have any questions go ahead Jay Mr chairman a couple questions do you have examples of any other houses of worship in New Jersey where you provide these services not in New Jersey no and could you walk me through the path of a driver of a vehicle that comes into the facility where does he exit the vehicle after the service is over where does he go to retrieve the vehicle how does he get it is is everybody dropping off in front of the building they droing off in the garage area could you just clarify that sure uh on on the entry everybody's pulling in down the ramp and uh it's not up but when they come across if you would see the bottom the bottom Road the bottom Drive there's an elevator bank so they drop the vehicle off there it would get checked in and they would take the elevator up to the facilities uh and then from there The Valleys would take it around the garage and park it uh on the way out so the vehicles would be pulled out in the same sequence but in reverse and pulled up to the driveway to the front of the building uh and then the vehicles would be picked up there so then we were we are able to line up vehicles through the lot and down so you're going to be stacking the vehicles when someone's leaving you're stacking the vehicles in the upper portion of the parking lot not in the garage correct so potentially you could be blocking the other parking places with your with your stacking of vehicles well that is why we're Ving because the first people in will be the last out and so in the same concept the first vehicles in would be the last out as well so we're matching the sequence of how the somebody will come into come into the uh Temple okay I have some concerns with how that's going to operate I'm concerned with the spaces being blocked by the valet vehicles coming out of the garage area the surface parking up above being blocked by the valley Vehicles so typically we would we would cone off one lane and that would be the staging lane and then the others would be the traffic out because there there is no two-way traffic right the vehicles are either coming in or they're coming out but they're not going cominging in and out during the same time period thank you anybody else have any questions Tom go ahead all right hang on Mr L um at the end of the shift will the parking deck be left the up or down position can you repeat that one more time the deck the left deck will be left in the up position or down position at the end of the shift at the end of the shift they would be left completely down on the floor yep go ahead uh is it okay if I leave the microphone off am I clear enough you're fine it's getting really echoey okay I have some very specific operational questions right one at a time this is very different than a retail establishment or a housing okay this is a intensive use in a very specific time period where you need to make this operate okay you're the operator okay so I'm my questions to you are very specific to your oper how do you manage it sure um so we have a network of about 200 valet in in the area that are that we can fill in and we do it quite often for a lot of our valet sites so we already have a Workforce built in and many of them are happy to pick up extra shifts and side work uh you know at at a number of our our Valley locations we com yeah absolutely um so we have quite a few operations in you know in Manhattan not places of worship but we do operate these stackers in residential environments where obviously it's different parameters but also in controlled environments um well-trained employees who know what they're doing very robust Sops so they know exactly how to operate how to operate efficiently uh and we have quite a few employees who are ready to come in at a moment's notice so I did mention that we could operate at 11 pretty efficiently just one up top for screening but with a robust team and at stable State most of our teams already know what their jobs are and the captain can move sort of out of the operation and sort of oversee it so he can actually step up top to cover for screening so we could oper short-handed um and also in the way that we're planning this operation so we're moving parking in sections and sort of rotating throughout the garage te technically one uh lift operator with a key can move between sections and operate those lifts as well so we would back fill with Runners to park the car and then the operator the lift operator would fill in multiple sections CU if you imagine if you think about it in that way only about three lifts will be moving and at one point right because they will be in different stages of operation so three would be at rest or waiting for the next vehicle correct we have clous multi parking we actually installed them in a site uh up in Inwood most of our employees are already trained on um stacker systems they for the most part they all operate quite similarly it's a key with a a drop block uh with a 2-in drop block left is down right is up and then AER Mercy stop so we do have um standard operating procedures and then it's a very quick you know these these systems don't vary much in terms of operation so in terms of quality and build yes so we do have preferred vendors and in terms of Opera it's by Design in the industry so that it's sort of interchangeable between operations correct I'm confident we can sure right so in an operation location in an operation like that we would because of our system with the the checkin digital check-in process we have a phone number and a name for every vehicle um our our valet or supervisor Captain will search the license plate in our system it takes less than 3 seconds to do and they can contact the owner of the vehicle up top and let them know like we will get to your vehicle last because we have an issue uh and with the typical valid operation they have what we call um I think we call them low Jacks they're they're very low rollers that kind of clamp up against the wheels and you can push them out so we would have to do that at the end of the operation but that's how we would address it that sounds excellent that is an absolutely great answer to that question I think that that that we should all be very comfortable that that that's going to work now for the other side though what happens when it's stuck on the top a vehicle stuck at the top as in the the well you have two problems here one we have let's say the doesn't work and and the hydraulic gets jammed and you can't get it down and then what happens when the car is stuck on the the actual platform so the bottom vehicle would always be able to be pulled out so it would just be the top vehicle that's stuck up top uh we would have to call clous multi parking and have them troubleshoot the system we have not seen that in any of our operations though but I do understand the concern okay Mr jar I think I could probably answer that too if if for some reason that vehicle is stuck up top and can't be can't be accessed it's going to stay up there I mean that's just the way it is okay going be a very unhappy uh uh Patron with the facility um I I guess the again because we're a little tight on parking here I guess the challenge becomes what if that happens on the first visit and now we have you know the challenge okay and and then I I guess the last thing is is is is what would would make me feel a lot more comfortable if maybe you could share with us the Sops that go with each one of these things because my my assumption would be that there needs to be at least to give me some level of comfort you know I'm not a me voting member of the board I'm only giving advice to the board okay but you know for for the folks here I think at the very least they should be entitled or at least be given the opportunity to see what the SLP is for these situations they are going to happen I I do think that that that you know the the the L system you know I would love to agree with the fella uh but I have far too much experience with other lift systems I've never worked with the clous but I've worked with many others and sadly to say every single one I've work with is broken and is broken at the worst possible time so you know I think we should see those Sops I think that is is especi I mean we don't have a ton of surplus parking here um this is very tight so I think knowing that this actually work is through seeing those things and knowing that that's what's on the site that's going to operate yeah and I think if we can provide that we will all right we'll we'll get that information um I think the good thing about this particular system being located in an interior garage is and I agree with you you know I've been to some stacking systems in New York which are outside they get corroded they're subject to to weather issues they get wet uh that's not going to be the you know that that's obviously not the uh not the situation with this um as well uh we would certainly have routine service of these lift systems done through klous um and you know obviously we have a a vested interest in making sure that everything works properly here I think the other thing too is that unlike other systems um these are really not going to be used that frequently you know it's not like they're going to be continuously going up and down it's a very controlled environment but certainly we provide that standard operating procedure if you'd like Mr jar I think that'd be very helpful and uh um I think also the uh more data on the the reliability of the system would be helpful um orbe it I do agree that this system might be actually be being placed in ideal conditions right inside underneath protected so it probably will operate better longer faster than any of the other ones I've ever worked with um you know Al be it I actually have one in hobok that I worked with that is inside and it's actually the one that breaks the most so you know uh it's also very very old I think that that I think what we're missing here are those details I I think that would be very very helpful and definitely please give us some level of comfort because on my end and and now and and the next question will come and and and you know we'll have some questions for the traffic engineer on my end is going to be well what happens when we do have a systemic failure okay now that is probably not a question that that this fell is going to be yes the answer I think that we'll ask your traffic engineer on how to how to answer that question think we just to clarify um there is not there there is no parking Surplus here um you know just I just want to be clear from from the board perspective and from um because it's during board professional board question time um I just want to clarify from the board's perspective there is no parking Surplus so um it's not as there's a limited Surplus there is no Surplus anybody else Mr chair go ahead a quick followup uh Mr L just just so I'm clear did you do any site specific analysis or research to come up with that one hour estimate that you gave us or is that just your general experience across all of your parking operations it's uh BAS based off of our experience during through operations uh we consulted with uh quite a few internal teams who've seen uh quite a few operations that look very similar to this uh so yes through through quite a bit of experience we've looked at this uh site you you've never been on erston road right I have not okay I didn't mean that pejoratively I just wanted to know if you went out and took a look at the Road and conditions were on a Friday and looked at it yourself when you're giving your estimate here that's that's all I asked for understood and I'm I'm testifying to the most efficient operation versus you know traffic you know traffic pattern so I I think that's a because we we see when we're waiting for the bus and our kids or go to the ues we you know we see the traffic conditions every day so I just wanted to see if we're talking apples to apples than absolutely understood anybody else have any questions if not at this time I'll take a motion to open up the public motion second second all in favor I I when you come up give me your name your address Jimmy and and members of the public please you remember this is not we you still will have p uh time to provide testimony and comment to the application in general and with regard to these specific issues at this time and I know it's hard to do sometimes you get into it and you want to you know provide your opinion but at this time it is of questions of these two witnesses that based on their testimony this evening so I want to try your best to control any additional comments or testimony you want to give about anything even whether it's regarding this or any other issue with this application that will be at another time once again this is just questions of these two witnesses Mr saaks you want to bring the uh manufacturers wrap up just in case we need him Jimmy go ahead Mr chairman M Robinson from Parlin you're going to think I'm making a statement but I assure you I'm going to put this in the form of a question you might recall that at the first meeting I asked you to please caution Mr Sachs about testifying you did that then tonight he told the valet expert that he can't testify when in response to a question from Mr Mueller about traffic he told the valet expert he can't testify because he's not a traffic expert not his area of expertise he was right but Mr Sachs tonight has testified about traffic about parking about hours of operation of the mosque about whether people can exercise first and then worship later on Fridays and even about the corrosion of equipment that's outside versus inside so he might be right about those things they are not his area of expertise and I would ask you to please once he says it whether it's should be on the record or not doesn't matter you've heard it and these people have heard it so I would ask you to please caution him he can tell you what his client said before for instance when he was talking about the hours of operation gentleman came over and sat next to him and said something to him I'm sure if he was giving the right answers gentleman probably wouldn't have come over to correct them or say something to him so I would ask you to please caution him to not testify that's the first thing the second thing sir um in the which I'm going to put in the form of a question well sir hold on before before you get to your question because we haven't gotten there yet and I'm sure you'll have one um Mr saxs I'm sure is a zealous representative of his client and him and his client have the right for him to do that however this is a this is an experienced board that's aware um that they are to consider facts and evidence put before them and those facts and evidence come in the form of answers given by individuals under oath and by documents that are presented to them as exhibits um and so the members of this board are well aware of what they should um should consider can consider I understand that sir and and as a and as a board um that is a public entity um and is a uh representative of the local government is not going to counsel a a a legal representative that that he can't make statements the he is a representative allow he well no Mr Sachs is a legal representative and he can make statements on his client's behalf this he is the legal representative not the parking representative not the traffic representative this board is an educated this board is well aware the members of this board are very well experienced and they're very well aware what they can and can't consider they know what evidence constitutes and they don't need to have somebody tell them what every time a statement's made what they can can't well I would beg to differ with you on that because if they didn't need it they wouldn't let Mr saxs continue to testify on areas that are not within his expertise the last thing I will say before I sit down is while I appreciated very much the comments of these two gentlemen I don't think they were qualified as experts was that an oversight they did not have to be qualified as experts people can be fact Witnesses there's a difference between a fact witness and an expert I appreciate expert is somebody who officers who offers an opinion fact Witnesses offer testimony on facts and these gentlemen tonight presented fact testimony so if they offered opinions the board should discount that that's my question took a while to get there but that's my question do you have an answer to that question if they offered opinion should the board discount that depends on what the opinion was I mean I think this board is a learned board lots of applications sir and and frankly that you discount this board's ability to weigh the facts and evidence put before it um is is somewhat insulting to them well you're making an assumption about what I'm discounting might be a correct assumption but you shouldn't make that assumption thank you very much sir was try to answer good evening Michael can 12 Inon Street Parlin I have a multitude questions of all of the just pick them up please thank you okay any better Michael can 12 Vincent Street oil Network I have questions of all of experts go down the list try to have them separated but there might be a little bit of carryover I believe it's Mr KH I have a question for you you stay do people walk into Services late walk I'm not sure about the Walkins because if you're actively in a classro if you're actively having a prayer service people open the door and walk into the room where the prayer service is going uh at the time of the prayer service yes the idea there is like a congregational prayers so in the evening if there's a time for the congregational prayer they will come in and offer the prayers but if you're actively participating in your prayers we walk in halfway the service or do they wait for the next one uh you're talking about Friday or any other service any day I'll generalizing yeah there are different rules for congregational prayers versus the rest of the prayers though yeah so so there are different rules depending upon what what time they're joining what part of the prayer service they're joining but there are ways they can join in yes if they're coming late they can join in so they can walk in at any time and that's welcome not anytime within that when the when the pair service is happening yeah I'll ask you a particular question and this is sure just came up at the end with the data collection of the parking system are you going to allow a private company to have your attendees personal records of prayer service attendance is what he's proposing as a management tool for timing in andout and awareness and notification if there's a problem with one of the vehicles in the stackers and they can't move it so they're going to maintain data on all of your customers I think that is more for the applicant I'm their engineer but usually like in our case basically we are just talking about basic license plate and name and again there phone number and phone number and again uh history it depends I mean they will definitely have some kind of an announcement telling the parishioners uh basically and actually Larry can answer more but they they can tell the parishioners up front like okay what information is required if somebody feels uncomfortable to provide that information they can wait and park on the surface parking they don't have to use the basement parking Mr chairman the only comment I was going to make is that the court report is going to have difficulty when we have two people talking at the same time so maybe and and I think it's just in general people like to talk at the same time but M if you're GNA ask a question let him let him finish and vice versa thank you welome um Mr Sachs what's the recourse when this parking system proposed does not work are you willing to have shut down the facility on the days when there's under Staffing well I think one of the concerns of Mr jars he wants to see what standard operating procedures are and we'll we'll we'll provide that we're going there brother all right uh yeah I I couldn't commit to shutting it down I mean hopefully we're putting in a state-of-the-art system yes of course things could fail we get that um and certainly if it turns out that there's a complete failure then obviously I would probably tell you there's not going to be a prayer that day how will you measure failure I I don't know if I can answer that question okay thank you um Mr Fitz what exact models were quoted to Y you there are 14 separate models that all have various Heights so your timing is not accurate on some of them because each of the individual models has a different height for the first and second layers and the range of operation which exact models are you proposing 14 that are on the sales literator that it is in Imperial metric yeah it's it's listed here in the exhibit uh which one CP 61 nope and then there are subsequent models on your sales with the return 14 subsequent yeah this this is CP 61 it's the 190 it's not on the quote so it's not entered into evidence it's your cp6 -10 yes what's the range of motion of a vehicle that has to leave one of your lifts how much free space is required once you leave the lift not sure I understand the question got a parking stall at a 90° angle to your drive-thru Lane what is the requirement of free space of the lane to load or unload a vehicle can answer that that's not for me to answer that's your design of the the parking environment I I don't want to I don't want to irritate Mr Robinson again but I will tell you that I guess my traffic engineer could probably answer that question at the next I can attest it's on the literature of the product data it's on there it's not it's it's part of it with a particular number they don't there may be recommendations in literature but that's just a recommendation do you provide long-term support for the ANC standard do we provide long-term support to ANC standards correct I'm not sure what that means who does the annual inspections on each that is a clout service team is it provided in the quote or is it provided on an ongoing basis it's provided in the quote and then they are uh owners are offered whatever term they'd like could be forever could be 10e periods whatever they choose what is the standard of required service and inspection uh twice annually and that's included for the first year of ownership so there's in service and then there's six months or is there in service six months and then 12 months after to TW it's 12 months from commissioning so when it is live and active it's but it has to be inspected on installation it will be yeah and then and then six months and then again at the year comp of one year who's responsible after that the owner if they if they have contracted yet indefinite lifespan with service proper inspections and certifications understood what your testimony was that's correct correct what happens if it's not annually serviced and inspect it yeah Anything Could Happen um there's no eyes on it so so there's no way to predict who's who's responsible for the annual inspections that's part of the service yeah that would be part of the service agreement yeah the owner so then I have a question for I have questions for Metropolis Technologies I have 14 different questions who owns the lifts that would be the client the owners who's responsible for the annual inspections that would also be the clients do you follow ANC standards your operations we can make recommendations but it's all to what level of operational standards do you follow at your other facility we have our own internal uh standards and procedures when terms of like the lifts that would all fall to the owners and we would make recommendations if we deemed anything un unfit we could obviously we have our employees and customers best interests at heart so if something was deemed unsafe then we would SE operations are you under contract currently at for this operation we are not what expectations you have for an operation time that your services are required uh we don't currently have any expectations so you'll expect to have 12 people come in on a day for how long of a period I I guess I don't understand your question but until we have a contract signed we we do not commit to I'm trying to determine a service level sure what metrics do you use at your other facilities for a time a customer walks in and I'll use your term uh visitor experience flow what's your metric for Success sure at one of your other sites it depends on the site it's very site dependent you're lar company you've got metrics for operation it it's very different there are very many V variables we have sites that have elevator lifts and seven floors of operation we have other that are very simple single floor operations so it it's it really depends this one has time constraints in different zones that we operate so unfortunately it is a it is a sight by site specific assessment um the key operation similar to many other vertical lift systems back yes sir it's got a key they're individually key correct what happens when one key disappear so in this typical operation what we would require is that each Zone has its own generic key so if it's six stackers because we want the one operator of the lift to be able to move between the stackers and operate them in within his zone so to operate efficiently so from our diagram we would require five Keys one for each Zone and then we would also keep backups in a lock box where did the minivans go it was minivans go minivans they would go under the stackers we we have it will they fit on the top they will not no and was earlier testified testimony provided that majority would show up inance I believe the parking efficient parking expert will have where do the people from those minivans go on the map on the flow chart that you had that's not visible anyone to look at where is the safe zone for those occupants people I believe was the ear we would then keep them on the surface lot where exactly is that on the surface lot well there were 43 spots on the surface lot we would move them into the roundabout first and then out into the lanes not the to the the by the entry and exit Lanes where is that on the front of the building or is that in the bottom underneath the parking deck around the blind Corner no so if you came in through the entry there would be a hard right and then there was a roundabout there that would be the first Zone roundout under the building or roundabout in front of the building in front Okay in front so that's where they dropped off where if they were Min bands yeah or oversized all occupants we can generalize at that point where are they going to pick up the vehicle towards the front of the building and there are how many people at these times coming between coming and going sure what is your expectation you were obviously quoted 12 employees to manage the workflow the workflow is based upon how many cars at a given time per hour we quoted based on the full occupancy of the garage so it is I believe it was 40 141 within the hour so do you believe there's enough safe space for the occupants of 70 cars 70 vehicles to sit in front of the building on the sidebo I believe some will have to stay in their stall until the lane clears and then we direct traffic to merge in as traffic flows out yes so between the exit from the parking deck below ground around the 180 de turn where will the cars be queed for the people getting into their cars yeah uh can I see I need the uh there go A1 of the most recent we anticipate them being queued uh right here on this staging Lane what's that what's that linear footage of Frontage of the building there I can particularly it's a little blurry on mine I'd have to refer to the site plan on that one so so your parking parking experts not here oror traffic experts not here well our our traffic expert will will provide an answer to that question of how many cars will fit in front of the building safely on have Curb access well he's going to provide a revised parking study and traffic study based upon the testimony that has been provided tonight with these exhibits the obvious question becomes where do the rest of the cars know that they're unavailable to use the curb side sure so the rest of them will stay in Lane until the lane moves and they will be merged into the traffic so the inst the Overflow and I'm just using exiting clients sure the backf flow will be back underneath the parking deck not for all some of them will yes it will be flowing up the ramps so how do you propose a secondary Loop within the parking lot that's ConEd off and has oversized parking vehicles in it sure so as you can see there's there's two lanes you only need one lane because traffic Pi up right so on curb side would be the stage Vehicles the next Lane over will be where the traffic the vehicles get pulled up moved if we need to are there walkways there to get people safely to the vehicles uh I believe so they are they're not walking through traffic of intern secondary Loop of people going back to the parking deck sure your own employees going back to the parking deck our employees some of them well there were be designated Runners yes will there be res occupants of those Vehicles will need to go through traffic to get to the front of the building they will not no how do you propose getting over the line of vehicles that's parked curbside well there that's why we would be bringing the vehicles out systematically and we would establish with the um the place of worship that this is how the operation will run so the last coming in will be the first to get their vehicles and I have printed today from the website of the ma our timing so just literally printed today I know there's always a question of timing of services Friday this is printed today right off their website a 1:00 service a 120 service a 145 service and a 2:00 service how do you plan to deal with I I'll again I'm not sure this witness is qualified to answer that all right because again we're going with two services and we've committed that we will have either an hour or an hour and 15 minute gap between those two Services pray services are predicated on well prayer services are predicated upon um predicated upon sunrise and sunset correct all right but we have leeway in terms of determining when those services will begin and end is there any way to enforce non-compliance with that I'm not going to get into non-compliance I mean certainly if this board acts favorably on this application they're going to put certain conditions into any resolution those conditions I'm assuming will indicate that we will have two services and that there will be a certain period gap between one service starting and the second service starting and that will be obviously contingent upon the emptying of this parking garage are you okay with a valid contract and operations contract with a parking provider in perpet perpetuity as a condition of building occupancy well I think probably because I think again I think this board if it acts favorably is going to condition that we have a valet parking agreement in effect during the operation of this musjid and I guess that could be imp perpetuity sure and and what hours shall that valet service be that would be that would be contained in a contract based upon amount of services dictating amount of two services on a Friday all right and again we were we are going to provide those times now it could change uh during depending on the time of year however we will agree to that certain gap between the two Services occurring I show nine services on a given Friday yeah well there's a correct there is an early morning service there's a midm morning service um again and and perhaps yes I'll have Mr Khan testify to this if you look at the heading of the the table there are a couple of different things is there are not the all the timings of the prayer services is timing what the one time is also for the call for service when there is a it's a religious ritual that you call the service which one person can do it in the whole mask and that is basically sets the time when there it's time for that service it doesn't mean it's a congregational prayer at that time the congregation that is basically just announcing that the time for this prayer has started so that is one of the time so there are no nine services so who will be the arbitrator of when parking assistance and Professional Services are required again I think we indicated that it would be during Peak demand times which are the Friday midday Services you've heard testimony from uh operations previously and even for Mr Khan at at previous hearings that the early morning service is not well attended um the the peak demand for services are on Fridays and that's with any mosque within the state of New Jersey within the United States and across the globe so I mean I think we have some consistency with respect to that we also will commit that we will use a valet parking uh uh Ser the valet parking company uh when there is a special event that's occurring where we anticipate that there'll be a larger attendance um that those are the conditions you will have a magnificent facility I'm sorry I you will have a magnificent facility if this gets approved do you not expect attendance to increase did I do I not expect what not expect it to increase you're going to have wonderful facility magnificent well again I think outstanding un unmatched anywhere in New Jersey I'm not sure about that I mean there are some pretty significant th000 foot is pretty magnific getting beyond the scope of what okay I have I have more questions from Mr Sax please wrap up we have other people that want so the the Majid will own the lifts who will pay to inspect the lifts is the contractor responsible for maintaining the lifts or will you provide an outside service to Pro maintain the Liv no I I believe the the the owner of the property the mjid is going to enter into a contract and that could be a condition of any approval to have these lifts serviced and if that if if first of all I have a feeling that the board would probably condition upon that data being reported back to the construction Department Department within the burrow of sville we have a certain certainly have a vested interest in making sure that these lifts operate if the lifts don't operate it's a problem so certainly they're going to be serviced on a routine and uh and regular time time schedule one more okay nope I'm done thank you very much thank you sir ma'am you're next Don Perry Browski Boulevard Parlin I have a lot of questions for traffic is there a place on the website where I can submit them for the traffic engineer rather than take up time here Mr saaks well I don't yeah again my traffic engineer is going to be preparing a revised traffic study okay that study will be posted online and will we be able to ask questions yes you will um the other question I had is where are these replacement employees located can they cut to the facility quickly if you have like an overflow of people calling out and how does that affect your operation sure uh we have employees all all through as you know Central Jersey Princeton I know that's not close by but we have operations everywhere so we we can okay timely in how they get there yes you say in Princeton it's it's a little bit of a ride it's not like it's around yeah it was just an example but we have operations every we have small operations large operations uh all across Jersey and so we can't mobilize very quickly this was discussed previously and I just didn't understand the the answer to it but how many cars would get to sit on these uh pre- parking Lanes before it goes out to ernston Road how many cars can sit going to sit waiting to be checked in before it goes out to ernston Road and starts to back up traffic on erston road um I would think that's a question for the traffic engineer okay and I you know I I don't think that we should put him on the spot but I I like the question and we'll make sure you get an answer thank you so much thank you ma'am how to handle that ma'am you're next hi hi my name is Lisa Michelle I live Main Street um I just want to talk um a little bit about just the nature of this request for underground parking to begin with it seems a little disingenuous for the nature and character and the history of that area which has been predominantly residential with Mom and Pop commercial establishments I understand this is a religious site but they're basically asking to built a commercial complex the size of a regular Supermarket the shop rate in town is 90,000 Square fet that's a super size ma'am this is what I was referencing before I know you want to provide testimony of how you feel about the the application you want to give your information to the board but this is not the time for that this is time just for questioning to these Witnesses based on the testimony that's given this this evening the time to to provide the information you you want to provide right now will be at the end of the application in total which maybe at the next meeting or following I'm not sure how that's going to play out okay but you will have you absolutely will have time to do so the fact that they need to double or triple the size of the parking for this establishment in such a condensed space the structure and building of that underground parking structure can you speak to the safety of that and the condens of and the condensed nature of that I think you heard from the manufacturer as well as the operator about the safety of the lift system and again there are building codes for everything fire codes so again in order for us to get the permits we have to comply with those code requirements so this will be fully code compliant facility following all the applicable recordes uh for the project okay um what about the safety of electric vehicles in such a condensed underground parking system space um for a heavily trafficked area as well as a residential area in the school system recently in the news a Tesla blew up in the street and it killed people living in an apartment complex next door so what about tripling doubling tripling the size of the parking underground creating more of a fire hazard in that area with increased use of electric vehicles we not proposing any electric vehicle in the basement or in the area where the lifts are all the electric vehicles that we are required by law New Jersey state law are going to be on a Surface parking okay so that's a you're planning to use the surface space which is not big enough for the parking to begin with for a lot of the Overflow that can't be accommodated underneath that's why if you remember that's why we break down the service originally when we came first here we were proposing one service and we heard the uh public we heard the board and that's why the applicant is willing to have two Services rather than one so that essentially is doubling the capacity of the parking for the amount of or the number of parishioners that are anticipated to attend and I think you alluded to in describing um parking commercial parking in general you were comparing this to baseball stadiums and things like that this is not appropriate for a baseball stadium it's not commercial space so you can't use the same metrics in comparisons for the traditionally commercial spaces that you're operating in baseball fields and baseball they have a lot of lead time a lot of lead roads if you've been to the to that mall up in seacus you have to drive through so many access roads just to get to a parking garage you guys have very limited space there you don't have all the space that you think you do to operate in optimal circumstances I know you're not going to talk about traffic but I have I have lived here my entire life you are never going to have a Friday afternoon or a Monday afternoon or a Sunday morning that is going to give you optimal traffic conditions on ernston road if you have people making left turns out of there that's going to back up if you have people making left turns turns into the structure that's going to create more traffic so I understand that these questions may not be appropriate for now but I really just have to say it is so disingenuous for you to be considering underground parking is not in the character or Spirit or the history of that area and it is not fair to the residents at all this should not be at this point right now this is a disingenuous application they acquired six homes homes in a mom and pop commercial space in a residential area and now they want to put up a grocery store facility with underground parking you're no longer asking a question providing [Applause] testimony let's keep it to the uh I know i' I've spoken a couple times before been here since meeting one Nikki voio 12 dlap Drive um my first question is is how can we necessarily trust the testimony that we've been getting here today or questions that we've been getting here today answers to the questions when we were initially told that additional parking wasn't even warranted I mean I don't I don't really believe that's a question they can answer um you know anant an applicant comes before a board and they present an application and the board in the the municipality pushed them to try to make their application better um and that's certainly what's happened here and I imagine it's going to continue to happen now as far as why you can trust a testimony well the individuals who who have provided testimony in the course of this application have been put under oath um the most of them are licensed professionals the others are individuals who are in business uh within the state of New Jersey and have professional reputations um and they're testifying as to facts um now ultimately um should this board decide that this is an application um that that that under certain circumstances should be approved there will be conditions that are put on it conditions that that the applicant will have to meet and that will be enforced by the municipality through its code enforcement and other entities um and so you know th this is a is a is a quashi Judicial proceeding and the the people who are testifying here are testifying under oath as if they were in a court of law and and so because people because we may not like somebody may not like what they are saying is not a reason to to say that that that we can distrust them and as I said many of the people who are testifying here are licensed professionals the state New Jersey who who names on documents um and test testify before many boards and before many entities and many and many courts um now ultimately this board will review the evidence both testimony and documents that are presented before it and this board will make a decision based on that as to whether or not this application should be granted um but you know it's not appropriate to call into question the uh veracity of professionals who are testifying before the board uh because they're on an application that you may not agree with that's not what I did at all what I did was ask how can we trust the statements and answers that are being given if when initially we were told that ample parking was being provided and now that's not the the the answer anymore but let me move on kids were kids taken into account that my lovely friend Amanda brought up 60 seconds in and out for children if you I have three kids by the time you get them in get them strapped somebody has to find their Binky somebody needs their sippy cup 60 seconds is not happening did anyone take into consideration more than one family member a family of five F or some sorry it would be an average do you have children I do have children what's the normal time to get your kids in and out of the car it's not 60 seconds to be fair my child is 4 months old I lift them out and take up his bag so you okay so three kids may be three five and seven I understand I I do not I do not have children of that age no so I couldn't you say that 60 seconds isn't accurate for that would take that would be on the upper end of our average it would take five minutes for a family of five it's possible that's why we have the staging Lane and the driving lane because it is all in on one stage and then all out on the other so so would you say that the calculations that you gave were probably just for one person getting in and out and that those numbers don't apply to anybody that's more than one person as an average if I pulled up and I don't mean to be factious at all but if I pulled in with three adults if we stop the car chances are all three of us are stepping out at the same time right so I'm I'm I'm not trying to be you know snarky or fous at all no no I get it but that's definitely not the case with my mom sure just so you know um my last question is do you live in the city or do you live in the suburb I live in a suburb I'm going to direct you not to answer that question whatever my question is if you lived in the suburb would you want an underground I'm going to direct you not to answer that question putting being built right next to your home why not why wouldn't that be a decent question ask this Mr Lou is here as a representative of the company that is going to in the event that this application were to be approved the applicant is represented would be the company that would manage the DAT the onsite the on-site valet Services Mr Lou's personal experiences where he lives his family are of absolutely no relevance to this application and I would have to tell this board that they would have to disregard any comments statements or testimony given the bo that's what I need [Applause] Don Scarano 42 Fredick yeah no problem um quick question for you because I wasn't sure now we're only using a double stacking system or because I thought there might have been a triple some places just double stacking what's the height requirements on that what's the height requirements on a double stacking yeah I don't have a yeah uh the the the height of the basement floor the into the ceiling is 12 ft that will accommodate two tiers of the lift and that's not going to affect the height of How High the ending structure will be of the building the top right so that means we have low that means we have to go lower so now my question is if we're going lower this building how far off the property line to the families that live behind up the hill is this property going to be because now we got to dig below right we're going to be putting pylons we're going to be drilling how's that going to affect the ground to those houses and their foundations do we have any studies on that so now we're going to start interrupting sir if I can if I can just refresh um one of the members of the board in our second hearing had requested and the applicant agreed that they would undertake studies uh regarding ground movement um resulting from this application I I believe um that our member had had requested that and I know that the applicant has already agreed to that so during during the construction the the applicant has already agreed in the event that this application is approved that as a condition of approval um uh ground uh ground movement um vibration studies would all be undertaken to ensure that there is no impact on the surrounding neighbors and that is something they've agreed to so it's in essence it's more of the we don't know if anything actually can happen I mean we do not D like is it a fact saying we can drill this far nothing's going to happen or there is a possibility something can is is it saying there is a possibility that something can happen or this is guaranteed that nothing's going to happen to any of these houses don't answer that's what I'm trying to get at is there a possibility like does this report say uh that's a question for him and him um but but they the applicant has agreed to do the study to ensure that that will not happen but but as far as Mr chairman that report has not been provided yet that was discussed that as a condition if this application was approved they would provide that report for review to ensure that there's no adverse impacts on the surrounding problem so that's that's a key that should be a major key before this even breaks ground right we should know because my thing is this go for bid everything they come back and say oh yeah this is 95% foolproof right go for bid they start building and so and so house says oh my Foundation shifted I've got cracks now what happens had like say this has been approved but something does happen to one of the houses or a couple of the houses now what's the next step that's why sir they've agreed to do the study because your point is well taken that that the applicant has to do the study before the project can move forward Mr Mr chairman can I explain a little bit one one second other other parts in town when they built Town Lake we had this problem with compaction and they tried to do the heavy plates and then up on Outlook Avenue they were cracking foundations kapan had to pay for all of it okay so it's still a process where they have to pay for D but it's not a I think based on and I I won't speak for the applicant but I think what the applicant's represented is that they're going to take a study to make sure that's not going to happen because I can't imagine um that if the data came back that there would be that impact on our on the residents that it would go forward if I may add uh to the question uh we are meeting the setback the rear setback and the basement is 12 ft maybe the foundation I would probably assume like that will be a spread Foundation we don't have to do piling or any deep going to do the Bedrock or something it is an average type of construction it is not something like we putting a sky skyscraper that you will need heavy competion and uh uh piles and things like that it's a typical construction that you see anywhere even warehouses that are built in the town they probably use the same kind of a system that what we going to do it's going to be evaluated as far as the study yes the applicant agreed that they will provide this vibration studies and things like that if there are any damages there will be remedies to it and applicant will be liable for that hi Carol espito Parlin um you said there's Esposito I live in parland there's um 43 surface parking spots some of which are going to be used for the valet or holding area you said that the um fullsize SUVs will be on Surface parking because they don't fit what model vehicles are considered full-size SUV fullsize trucks and fulls siiz SUVs so Chev Suburbans for example can you give us a list of all the fulls siiz SUVs that will not fit uh that I'm not sure we could provide that right now uh but if your question was some of these vehicles can and Mr Lou I'll I'll have you answer it I think you stated before some of these vehicles can be parked on the lower level of the stacks right you said midsize so like I have a Volvo XC90 will that fit yes that that'll fit underneath yes okay so like you're talking Suburbans Expeditions and again you have to mind I mean just to remind you like these parking spaces is required they should be 9 by8 that is the standard size parking spaces that you find everywhere even in the malls parking and things like that so we are proposing we are providing 9 by8 parking spaces right so we are comping the requirement yeah I think it's more to the weight rather than the size I think that's my understanding I might be wrong but you guys can correct me I I can add so uh as it mentioned in the exhibit it's a 6,000 lb capacity lift so that becomes your most limiting factor is is the weight nothing to do with height of the vehicle they have a set height of 12 feet that they can work within so whatever combination of vehicles they want they could that could fit within 12T they could operate within that context of 12 ft okay and then zero electric vehicles will be downstairs in the basement as correct that is correct yes and then up top how many uh parking spots must be designated as handicapped uh we have we need at minimum four five five spaces thank you drew wearth we n g r t East Brunswick New Jersey I was raised in the old Bridge section of Parlin as always thank you all for your time and service Mr Fitch and Mr Lou gave very nice PowerPoint presentations PowerPoint has the ability of inserting video did either of you consider inserting a video on the operation of the stacking system well there's no video provided tonight I think certainly I think we provided uh an explanation and photographs of how the system uh appears I don't think video is really necessary I appreciate that thank you very much it was also uh presented or brought up about the mechanical issues of the stacking system there are other variables of mechanical issues that could potentially go wrong never mind the stacking system itself but the vehicles that would be parked in the stacking system what happens in the event that a vehicle cannot start or gets you know the vehicle itself I'm not talking about the stacking system but a vehicle gets has mechanical problems within the stacking system how is that handled sure so if the vehicle is on the bottom for example we would contact the vehicle owner of the top and let them know that their vehicle would be brought back at the end after all vehicles are have been brought out um we have what we call call uh I believe they're called lowjack uh uh wheelies where they clamp onto each wheel and they're able to push the vehicle out and then bring the vehicle down and out if the vehicle is on top then they would just be the last one out and obviously ped out at the end thank you I think as to what many of us have pointed out we're concerned that based in the area where all these stacking systems are if there is a problem with mechan with the stacking system itself or a car being a problem it's causing we're all concerned about the domino effect of things backing up so it was also I believe brought up about a I'm going to call it an escape or a bypass lane I believe someone testified that there was there were two lanes within this area correct okay and handicap parking was was mentioned so that was answered and thank you all for very much for your time thank you Mr chairman if I may just ask a followup question with regard to the video only because if you look on page six of uh exhibit A7 the klouse PowerPoint presentation it does identify that it is a video so I just want to clarify that there there is actually no video and that's just an error or is there a video that um we just haven't got a chance to see yeah that that video is available on the website okay but it's not part of the PowerPoint presid correct okay just one there's a point of clarification cuz I did note that and I was curious if we were going to see a video at one point you're up sir good evening my name is Joe carmes 322 ernston Road um I'd just like to know what is the actual total number of spots on site now since we revised it from the last time parking garage up top What's the total spot count now 57 I I don't know the exact number but I think it's around 160 around 160 okay um I also wanted to ask um so we have limited spots for larger Vehicles right so say 80 SUVs minivans pull up to one event what do we do in that event so obviously ideally we don't want them on the stackers but as uh Mr Fitch testified they can go on if we needed them to okay as long as they are under the weight requirement right correct there there's not any Vehicles over 6,000 PBS um I want to know um is there any kind of comparison to having one of these in a suburban area as opposed to like a city or a larger you know like she said a baseball field or whatever CU like I've never seen any of these in a suburb before is there any kind of comparison to to this um I've seen them in residential Condominiums like apartment complexes underground garages yeah so yeah I have seen them okay um the other thing um I wanted to ask about was pulling into the property um while we had the first prayer service on Friday right and then the new people are coming in and you said there's a staging area off to the side where you can potentially store some cars while they're still moving cars out right um how many cars can you fit off to the side like is there a number where like you know you can keep 20 cars there 40 cars there traffic exper that's for the next meeting okay and I would expect You' be able to provide a drawing that would show that so that a flowchart perhaps too would be well I would expect there to be a drawing on a site plan yeah that would reflect the the staging area the queuing area and that would reflect the number of cars so that the public can see that correct okay and um to add to that question what about um a fire lanane so all these cars are coming and going there's a fire fire truck has to get in what do we do the fire truck is not going to get into the basement because uh that's not uh part of the well I anywhere on site fire any we have ample circulation around the building if they need to get close to the building we have enough room circulation aisle we ran the fire templates to make sure like they work so they have the access to the building or even to the basement okay so but again by according to the NFA code they have to stay away from the collapse zone so they cannot enter or take their equipment in any areas where there's a chance of any collapse so so it's it's a safety procedure so they cannot they won't go inside the basement no okay so I just want to make sure though that so we have all these cards staging people are coming in a fire truck needs to get in will it be able to enter the site yes of course okay yeah all right um uh speaking of the fire chief I remember a meeting or two ago he didn't sign off or look at the plans do you know if he ever looked at any of this yet I remember the board said something about it uh to the applicant have you submitted the the final site plan to the Fire official and had them review it for circulation of the fire vehicles within within the municipality yeah I I believe that's occurred I'm I'm not sure if I have any correspondence from them but if I don't then I'll follow up with them for sure it will be done thank you all right we're getting late who wants to speak anybody else go ahead one more let's keep it short thank you Michael can 12 in Street uh just was running based on the model of hoist lift running cars sizewise so for the previous example of her XC90 uh Toyota rap 4 will not fit on top of it I'm looking at the specifications what do you use as an average vehicle entering your facility as a dimension and how can you that's s just so I understand your question what is the average vehicle we use for your approval of the site to accept responsibility for the amount of cars yet to be determined coming into the facility for you to put a price onto a contract to provide the service and have enough people to do the job successfully our contracts aren't based on vehicles it's based on capacity of the site um if in any part of our operation we deem it unsafe or that we can no longer accommodate in vehicles we would turn them away so sir I think your question might be better posed to the representative of the manufacturer and asking that represented the manufacturer given the number of spaces that their client has told them that they would have and looking at what we anticipate or what data tells us are the vehicles that are most commonly used in this area how are they able to represent that the number of spaces indicated is is viable and is real given the types of vehicles since not everybody with no offense drives Toyota Corollas um and that that that might be the individual who's better able to answer that question sir so I have a follow-up question will these two experts be here next time with the parking and traffic experts on site of them Mr Sax yeah if we need them here that that's fine Mr chairman uh and just just so to reiterate I think the testimony previously was that there's 12 feet of height so there aren't too many vehicles that people drive res you know in their personal capacity that are more than 12 F feet high and secondly and I guess this is you know we could all back when I started practicing well it's it's 12 feet of total height 12 for two spaces right I mean I'm seeing a lot more Defenders and um and Suburbans out there you corre these days no I understand that but I will also tell you that I I wanted to check out what the weight of a Suburban was you know couldn't do that when I started practicing 41 years ago but now I can and the range of a Suburban is from 5600 PB to 6,000 pounds so at least we know what we're talking about and just for Clarity on that 12 foot height and what it accommodates most of those larger SUVs that were just mentioned are around 6'3 at their their top so those would be inserted at the bottom and the space above would be for a crossover or a sedan that would be the typical combination there are combinations of medium size that do fit within that 12 foot range but you know that would be for the valet uh Team too uh determine what goes where how do you determine how will their training back to an operations perspective how will their training determine the height do you have a measurement device on hand to facilitate accurate measurements before you try and put something up in the air and hit the ceiling or a sprinkler head or something obstruction we need to if if we can answer that so sure so the first vehicles that go up because it's not a straight up or down they can release the key to stop the vehicle and our our employees are trained what is a safe height to get it as close as possible and then from there on out when they begin to fill the bottom rows they they would be able to see which vehicles will fit and which go a training perspective of fill in employees will have that knowledge base correct yes how do I get a copy of what was presented for the parking operations flow chart provided this evening that was on the PowerPoint presentation um tomorrow I'll have it scanned in on our website thank you very much thank you very much for everything appreciate it all right last one carpo again I just want to follow up since we're talking about the height of some of the vehicles a quick Google search Audi Q7 Q8 are over just under 7,000 pound BMW X5 X7 7,000 lb a Honda Odyssey is over 6,000 lb so there are some regular family vehicles as well as like big Suburban whatever um Jeep Grand Cherokee 6,500 um pounds so there are Land Rovers so there are many cars that are very common to the area that many people drive that are more than 6,000 lbs and would be unable to be on the lifts so I just want to clarify that and I think you said um about the Suburban so I can give you that one what um 7,800 pounds for [Applause] Suburban anybody else shark go ahead hey salc everyone thank you for having me today oh my name is USF shab um Ser B so Yousef y s EF s h a r a a so my question would actually be um for you my friend right here because of your understanding with valy operations correct and your experience in it as pointed out earlier would you say that you have had multiple if not yeah multiple instances where you have worked with more than five zoning operations yes and how would you say that has um ran like how would you describe that experience like from your from what you've seen when there's more than five zones or five zones you know operating at once is it a smooth operation it typically is yeah so if you have one strong Captain yeah right and this this is a very relatively remote operations we're not sending anybody to a different floor or to a different you know part of the the actual lot right it's it's very line of sight it's it's very easy to direct your teams in that sort of sense and you usually train your staff pretty well I'm assuming you know handling thousands of dollars on a you know daily basis we uh when you see I I'm you know we have teams who do train the staff so it's very uh standardized and we have an actual training program okay um I personally I'm I'm you know I'm the director of operations so like I see more you know higher level you know teams but yeah thank you I appreciate that that but we do we do invest a lot of a lot of finances into our training programs okay awesome thank you so much sure anybody else Mr Sachs what are you going to bring back for the next meeting well we uh at least everything we need to finish right yes yes we're we're going to have our traffic expert available uh who will provide a revised traffic report uh we will have our planner available who and we will finally these two gentlemen these two gentlemen we'll make sure that they're here okay um to answer any questions but I don't really plan on calling them again but certainly they'll be here our architect will be here but the uh new testimony will be from the traffic engineer and from the planner so just to clarify basically you're going to have all of your Witnesses um and I I think especially if we're going to be you're going to be potentially wrapping up your testimony uh and there are going to be some new information provided by the traffic uh uh witness that for the board's sake I I I do recommend that that be the case if you can have all your Witnesses here because that way we're not extending it just because someone can't answer a question of the board yes we'll we'll we'll comply with that chairman can I ask one question please go ahead um those stackers are going to be operated by utility power coming into the building yes okay is there going to be an elevator from the basement going up to the upper floors yes yes we have a8x and is there going to be a standby generator that's going to be in that building for if there's a power loss uh actually there is no generator but I think as uh Mr Fish testified the system the for the hydraulic for the elevators they hydraulic system they don't need a backup power but what if what if you lose utility to the building electric and something at this point I don't think so there is a plan for any emergency generator well I could I will yeah I'll indicate this if the board is inclined to recommend that there be some type of generator we certainly could comply with that I think that's an excellent idea yeah okay ma'am you have to come up and you have to be study and when how Lisa Michelle how far in advance of the meeting will the traffic study be available we would have to provide that at least 10 days in advance of that meeting okay thanks I'd like to thank the public for everything that they've done tonight all right Gary Bellow thomton please he answered it you're saying the next meeting will be the last meeting we're hoping just for this specific we're hoping just for this specific topic no no we're going to do everything well Mr chairman if I might just jump in here the the applicant is indicating that they're going to be completing their testimony at the the next hearing they're expecting that they're going to be presenting the traffic engineer and the planner and that's going to be the last of the witnesses they're going to be presenting I asked if the applicant could please have all their witnesses there at that time because if they're going to conclude their case in Chief then that's going to be the board may have some questions that may address some of the other witnesses to be able to answer so that way all of the board's questions can be answered and then once their application has been closed their their presentation that's when as I mentioned numerous times at these hearings that's when the public now has the opportunity not just to ask questions but to make statements provide evidence provide testimony if you want to provide Witnesses if you have witnesses of your own expert Witnesses If you hired an engineer of your own uh to come and present to to this board at that point I'm not saying that the board the hearing will conclude at the next one it may it may not we may have to carry over the uh public portion because I was just wondering somewhere along the line we were supposed to to Divine Define the hours of operation that hasn't been clarified yet has it no that is not that's something they still have to information yes yes absolutely um and that's the same thing with the Friday afternoons that they stipulated that they they would do the hour and 15 minutes between the two things they're all things that that are going to get hammered out we're going to try to do it on the 16th if we don't we'll have to come back but I mean as far as starting like 4:30 in the morning that'll will be defined yes we can Mr sack Mr sack said that he will have that for us for the for the year not just not just okay I just I just want to make sure that's so brought up um there's one other issue um call to prayer know if anybody knows about that but it's a Amplified Hall no and nothing outside nothing outside no okay yeah they said that a couple of meetings ago okay I might have missed that okay that's all right thank you very much Mr chairman I have one question follow please um when you when the patrons enter the site do they drive their own cars into the parking garage and do they pick out their own parking place they they do drive all the way down into the Subterranean level uh right in front of the elevator Banks but they do not pick out their own p park don't do that okay so where does the patrons get out of their car there there's an elevator bank that they can uh at the top or at the bottom at the bottom at the bottom in the Subterranean garage they will step out the valleys will take over and they will step into the elevator okay and then at the end of a service do the patrons come down and do they maneuver around the parking garage no it would be up it would be up tops sorry about that they would be up top when the patrons at the end of the service they come downstairs into to the parking garage do they get their own cars no the vehicles the the last vehicles to get checked in will be the first Vehicles pulled up top and uh the patrons would wait for their vehicles up top in front of the building okay so there's as far as there's no uh people movement in the garage itself no we would we would not allow that that would be that would that would be a liability go ahead I'm not sure if this is going to be for you guys or not but will one of the rooms and the garage level be turned into like a uh little office or reception area for the um operation team I don't think there's any plan for that okay uh so uh U Mr sex just so and for members of the public here it's my understanding correct me if I'm wrong that this meeting is no are going to be carried to the October 16th meeting uh it's going to be at this location and at the same time at 7:30 uh no further notice is going to be provided so everyone remember it's a public he you're being noticed now that the public hearing on this is being carried to the October 6th meeting at 7:30 at this 16th excuse me October 16th meeting thank you at 7:30 at this location and at that time we will proceed continue with the application as I just uh stated earlier all right I'll take a motion to open to the publiction this is on this not on this application public on General comments on General comments take a second seeing none I'll take a uh motion to close make a motion to close second second all in favor I take a motion to adjourn motion second all in favor thank you very much thank you very much for being hospitable oh wow and that's what 4 hours in sit does e e e e