##VIDEO ID:HoM0V0jKc1c## un e e e you can't hear me Miss Hill roll call Mr Callahan Mr Esposito here Mr Fernandez here Mrs napalitano here Mrs babone here miss pyck here Mr Smith Mr Walsh Mrs Bloom here okay um can you please summarize executive session the board discussed Personnel including but not limited to agenda items student matters and matters falling under attorney client privilege okay any correspondence of note no all righty we need a motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting I make a motion second thank you uh Mr Esposito yes Mr Fernandez yes Mrs napalitano I have to obain Mrs pone yes Miss pilac yes and Mrs Bloom yes okay and now the fun part of our evening we welcome our new student council representatives and who is going to go first Alana or Morgan okay good evening Board of Education members and administrators my name is Morgan C and I am the new high school student council Board of Education representative I would like to begin with activities and events on August 28th we held our freshman orientation to welcome the incoming class of 2028 each student got a bomber t-shirt and a tour of the school from our student council members on October 5th our first ever homecoming dance will be held at 7 p.m. the dance is open for all classes to attend the theme is Tangled a few of our seniors attended a peer Leadership Retreat at Camp Bernie where they participated in various team building and communication activities to turn key to incoming freshmen the fall pep rally will be held on October 4th all fall Sports will be introduced and various games will be played including musical chairs tug of war field goal kick and a 4X4 relay race the school store has officially opened for business shirts hoodies and many other items will be sold there homecoming tickets were sold at the school store as well during each Lunch Period last week many clubs and winter sports have set dates for interest meetings for the upcoming seasons High School senior parents and Guardians attended the senior parent Guardian presentation the high school counselors presented a fall college application kickoff kickoff meeting to help parents navigate the college application process the program was held before the back to school night program the senior parent presentation can be found on the district website under High School counseling on Friday September 20th the school counselors LED College and Career planning presentations to all seniors they reviewed the college application process Navan standard testing college visits the FASA and a great deal of information to help the students jump start to their post-secondary plans our Student Assistance C counselor Miss saxs acknowledged World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10th by providing resource awareness and education to the students and asking them to pledge and share a 988 resource with with at least one peer the trade-off being a free lollipop congratulations to Mrs proli for being named teacher of the month for September moving on to sports girls volleyball congratulations to the girls volleyball team for winning the first ever varsity game in school history against New Brunswick the volleyball record is currently 6-1 good luck to the girls at their next game against North planfield on Thursday football team congrat congratulations to coach poror on his first win as a head coach as the players win over Edison with a score of 4021 the JV and varsity boys record is currently 13 The Freshmen are off to a great start with a record of 4-0 good luck to the team at their next game against North Brunswick on Friday girls field hockey the varsity and JV field hockey teams had the honor of playing a game for aou in high school's field hockey coach's daughter Kylie who lost loost her life in an accident because of an impaired driver both teams in our bomber fan base made donations to a scholarship fund created for Kylie they will promote this foundation in their upcoming home games against matachin to show their support to a fellow member of the middlex county field hockey Community the girls record is currently 441 good luck to the girls at their next game versus North planfield on Thursday cross country team congratulations to Angela Lea Lai Molly Logan Morgan C Damen Oliver and Bryce white for meddling at the battle at Ocean County Park I would also like to congratulate the girls team for placing third overall at the Garrett Mountain Invitational along with Angelia lepri Morgan Co Molly Logan and Bryce white for placing individually the soccer team the girls record is currently 331 congratulations to the varsity and JV girls on their win over Edison on Saturday the varsity girls won with a score of 103 and with goals from Isabelle di Oliva Lila Stevenson Lea es kolski Emma halmo sabrini Costa and Amilia kowalik the JV girls won with a score of 30-0 with goals from Anna Sophia Avery Smith and Zoe heeden good luck to the girls at their next game against Monroe on Thursday the boys record is currently 2-4 good luck to the boys at their next game versus is Timothy Christian on Friday cheer team the bombers cheer team wowed the crowd with their thunder struck cheer routine performance at the sville versus Edison football game the tennis team the girls tennis team defeated Piscataway High School to earn their fourth win of the season their record is currently 45 good luck to the girls at their next match versus Colonia on Thursday we hope all athletes have a fun and successful rest of their season thank you for your time and support thank you very much very informative outstanding and I just want to say we missed you yes I miss you guys too and we're so happy that you're back with us and you're gonna stay with us for a couple years right M I know you mentioned your name a few times well and that's my next thing I want to say is congratulations to you thank you absolutely thank you and I I did want to comment on a couple things you mentioned first and foremost what a great job by our girls volleyball team this is their first year in Varsity play and they're 5- one they're current six in one they are currently on a five-game winning streak so we are so proud of them and Mrs moken who is the head coach and also I'd like to give a special shout out to Danielle zapa disne who um on the field hockey team is currently leading all the GMC in scoring um and they are off to a great start as well um and I think that Danielle was player of the week two weeks ago so a lot of great things happening at the high school and one question are you going to the homecoming dance I can't make it to homecoming I wanted to go though I tell you Mrs Bloom it's the Hot Topic I mean everybody and they only had a limited amount of of tickets but 500 tickets yeah and those was filled like that so uh maybe next year H I have a comment um Skyla goes ma find out why they did it after I graduated so good job that you got that going yeah that's great yes a lot of the Juniors and seniors brought the right away yeah yep but outstanding job Morgan Saturday Saturday Saturday the fth are they going to elect the pr the homecoming queen and king at the game like they usually do or at the prom I think at the they normally do at theame yeah the dance is just for the kids who can go unfortunately I won't be able to stop by that dance because are you ready I am going to the 50th reunion of the class that I taught at St Mary's High School where is Jeff it's Jeff's class so wait a minute fifth year three Union that would make you oh much older than them uh no well I they were 18 and I was 25 so it's you know but anyway that's that night so I have to see if Jeff is going to go he never goes wonderful job Morgan thank you very good thank you okay and now Alana um good evening Board of Education members and administrators my name is Alana sney seril Middle School scho student council Board of Education representative with the opening of the 2024 2025 school year we have many events going on throughout Cal Middle School SMS PTO was often running the first PTO meeting of the year was a success the PTO welcomed the SMS staff back with lunch they will be hosting a PTO family fun night with pizza and Bingo on Friday September 27th they're looking forward to the food truck night on Friday October 4th from 5: to 8:00 p.m. the next PTO meeting will be held on Tuesday October 8th the student council is off to a strong start they participated in the sixth grade orientation back in August they held their first meeting last week many student council members volunteered at back to school night assisting parents with the layout of the school student council will be participating in a beautification day on Monday September 30th with the SMS PTO student council and community service Club will be co-hosting the sixth grade social on Friday October 4th immediately after school from 2:45 until 4:15 p.m. at sville Middle School community service will be meeting on October 17th community service school spirit week for the week of respect violence Awareness Week Red Ribbon Week week of October 21st through October 25th now on to fall now on to several Middle School fall Athletics the boys and girls Middle School cross country team opened up their season against East Brunswick on Wednesday September 18th the girls got their first win with Sophia Stanley leading the way although not Victorious Eli Maloney and Malachi Harley finished second and third for the boys the cross country team will continue their season this week with our home opener tomorrow at Kennedy Park and traveling to Oldbridge on Friday to run again sanberg the Middle School field hockey team is made up of 32 student athletes who play on the blue team led by Coach Amanda bardi and the gry team led by coach Haley tomazi the blue team has a current record of zero wins one loss and one time and the great team has a current record of zero wins and one loss we have seen goals so far this season by Khloe Novak and Natalie kransky both teams will compete their next home games on Monday September 30th the SMS girls soccer program is off to a great start with a win for each team the great team defeated piscatway and The Blue Team defeated middlex they have some tough competition coming their way when they compete against Samberg and monwell the boys blue Middle School soccer team won its first game against bcad 6 to Zer the team is in action again this Friday at 4 when they play Spotswood at the soccer complex the great team plays away Tuesday and Thursday the boys middle school soccer teams have recently begun their season the blue team is currently 1 to zero and the gray team is 0 to2 both teams are showing a lot of Promise early on and are excited to continue to play their next games the blue team will face Spotswood at home on Friday and the great team will play Spotswood away next Tuesday thank you so much for this opportunity to speak on behalf of the students at saille Middle School excellent job Elena thank you I am so impressed first and foremost with the research that you did a lot of research there and how eloquently you presented it great work I have a question though so how do you like the new win period uh during lunches I like it a lot I feel like it's a good opportunity to get your work done like if you have a lot going on after school like activities or Sports it's a good opportunity to get your work done then that's wonderful thank you honey great job you excellent job welcome welcome aboard yes welcome aboard Morgan was just like you a couple years ago she was the Middle School representative but Morgan Had A suffer through my terrible jokes during the mornings at the middle school when I was interim principal we we still do I noce she was very quick to agree that your jokes were terrible okay president's comments this is a public service announcement the New Jersey Department of Education will receive $50 million over the next five years from the United States Department of Education to support academic acceleration efforts uh this is done through grants and I have been informed that we are already receiving this grant well maybe um Miss Bert and miss can talk a little bit more about that with you yeah okay would you like to speak to that or you want to wait till later or okay okay they're going to wait for more information but I thought everybody would like to know that uh my next public service announcement Dr labry already heard this story I try to go to at least one PTO meeting at every school and last week I was on my way up to Truman and I'm walking up the hill and there's a gentleman on the front lawn with his dog and I very nicely said excuse me dogs are not allowed on school property and just as I say that the dog does his business and I said and that's why and the gentleman I Say gentleman lightly turns to me and says it's okay I'm going to clean it up don't get your panties in a bunch and I came this close to telling him that my panties were none of his business but the point I'm a little uncomfortable with just that word the point of this story is back in the day when we started pooper scooping and everybody was taught to clean up after their dog I read an article regarding the effects on small children from the residue from feal Material when we bring our kids out and you know Dr Lobby's been there you have been there for events at truman School sometimes we sit them on the grass if there is residue from feal material and those kids put their hands on it no matter how you scoop that up there's something left behind fecal residue can cause brain damage in young children and I think many people don't know that so the next time you see somebody walking their dog every time I drive past Truman and they walk the dog and the dog pees right on the sign that says no dogs allowed on school property I can't stop my car every time because I would be in jail but I just had that opportunity to speak to the gentleman who then got a little bit out of line but you know that's this is the public service information the dog feal material can cause brain damage in young children and that's the point in in all seriousness we we do have our hands full with the geese so to complicate our job in terms of allowing you know pets to eliminate I think is the proper word on our grounds just makes our job that more difficult so if if you know people could just try to avoid having their pets do that on our grounds we greatly appreciate it thank you so much thank you sville okay Madame vice president okay congratulations to the members of the high school and middle school future Business Leaders of America clubs that placed in the National leadership conference in Orlando Florida congratulations to the seral War Memorial High School senior kin K who was chosen as one of 12 athletes to represent the United States in the youth national team competition at the 2024 life-saving World Championships that was held on the Gold Coast of Australia at the end of August congratulations to Truman Elementary School teacher chanet Josiah chanet Josiah for being named the age of learning educator of the Year congratulations to the seral W M High School social studies and financial literacy teacher Kevin Bloom for being recognized as a nextg personal finance distinguished educator and congratulations to the seral woal high school girls volleyball team for winning the first varsity volleyball match in the school history earlier in the month when they defeated New Brunswick High School 2 to1 they're currently six to one of the season and just to add a little bit update to that Mrs napalitano I talked to Morgan and she said that um her sister who was kayn obviously came in eighth in the world and obviously she was number one in the United States so uh we we can't praise her and commend her enough very nice okay I'm I'm just going to add on a little bit again here because I'm the proud mom Kevin Bloom has been recognized as the distin distinguished educator by the national nonprofit Next Generation personal finance for outstanding commitment to professional development in real world personal finance topics to date he has earned six certifications Each of which requires 10 hours of live collaborative coursework on a key personal finance topic and he has passed 1 hour certification exam for each of those certifications so I'm proud thank you oky doie Dr lbby presentations no no presentations I'm disappointed however we do have the state of the schools address coming up on October 15th where we will have plentyful plentyful presentations too much information right Okie do uh let's see do we want to move to board discussions or do we want to do the agenda what do we do next I'm losing my mind believe we normally do board discussions first okay board discussions oky doie finance and infrastructure Mr Smith is not here that Aaron Miss allor right I was not prepared for that so just give me one second okay no problem we we have this be in your evaluation there's there's no presentations we have plenty of time can we uh we can move on to yeah I can okay sure miss pilot go ahead uh the Personnel committee met earlier this evening um open positions for both certificated and non-certificated staff uh were discussed uh happy to report our substitute fill rate is up to 2019 levels so that is very good news lots of hard work uh being done um also we discussed the opening of school and how successful it was uh including a keynote speaker uh event and lots of time for the staff to uh prepare for the school year um and lastly we discuss our midyear job fair uh which we are planning uh to do again okay thank you ready sorry about that go for it Precious on um the committee discussed updates on the referendum projects and Mr comberger provided a lot of information as of right now everything is um going well and on track our last project is the HVAC at the high school arith and Sil and when I say high school I mean the first floor of the high school um and that completion date is has been extended to December 2025 but that would be the last project to be completed and everything else is on track okay um we also discuss the possibility of doing some minor renovations to the existing bus garage uh as we need more room to work on our 70 plus buses as well as to add some storage and Office Space over there because we would have to lose storage in office space in the actual garage and we discussed the excess Surplus calculation which has discussed last month was just over $4 million now and the audit is in progress and that's everything okay thank you uh middle sex County Schoolboard Association will be having their first meeting of the new school year on October the 8th at the Grand Marquee at 6 p.m. and if you have not signed up to attend please do so there now Lan or anything from Ed Services no nothing to report okay excellent um anybody from public on agenda items only seeing none we will move on Dr Lappy your okay if I can bring your attention to finance and infrastructure among other motions on number 20 which you can find on page four we're asking you to approve a minor Amendment of the 2019 long- range facility plan to include the aforementioned bus garage as well as a greenhouse at the high school want to add that to our plan something our students have been asking for and our teachers been asking for for a while and we actually have some Community businesses that want to help us in the funding of that number 27 which you can find on page five we're asking you to approve a contract with direct flooring for replacement flooring of the hallway ramps at the Jesse sover School in the amount of 27 $247 184 and that's going to be paid for using preschool expansion aid number 28 which you can find on page five as well we're asking you to approve a contract with Crossroad pavement maintenance for the installation of stone drainage sale at the high school in the amount of $4,980 number 29 which you can find on page 5 we're asking you to proove a contract with seelan sun General construction for sidewalk and railing repairs at samel you might have noticed that the sidewalk and rails have already been repaired here and for curb and sidewalk repairs at Truman School in the amount totaling $5,775 and then finally numbers 31 and 49 which you can find on page five and the addendum we're asking to approve the purchase of a Ford F350 pickup truck uh dumb truck I should say uh from the route 23 automall in the amount of 91,8 something5 boy dumb trucks are just not cheap anymore jeez and one NRA 29 passenger bus at the cost cost of $4,463 129 and that's from at New York City LLC and that is a replacement for unfortunately the bus that burned so we are replacing that bus and that is what that that is for any questions on those items as well as any other items on finance and infrastructure just curious how much did the insurance C so right now we got $68,000 but we are anticipating that we're going to get the full difference so we have to board approve this do the purchase la and I'm going to send that to insurance so I believe we'll get the yeah but we I believe we're getting the whole amount yeah any other questions yes Dr lbby on number 28 the uh drainage swall at the where is that going to be you and I know that you spoke with Jimmy about that yeah that's at the path between the high school and middle school so the black path okay and the Truman School curb and sidewalk repair that there's multiple locations over at are they redoing that black top stairs okay they were doing the whole parking lot the whole parking lot the whole parking lot that will be done I think we said spring break yeah no I'm talking about on the other side by the playground the black top on the top of those stairs by the playground that's all lumpy there's there's um I'm not sure but I'll I'll check we'll check in that I'll check those stairs on the left side have a big crack in them too so but the whole parking lot's going to be done uh during spring break okay uh true yeah okay that's it thank you any others okay if I can direct your attention now to student achievement number two we're asking you to approve the long-term suspension of several students you can find that in page 17 number three as you can see our directors of curriculum and instruction have been very very hard at work reading feverishly through multiple curriculum guides working in tandem with um our supervisors as well as our teachers to ensure that our Cur guides are up to date in accordance with not only state standards but with our own guidelines so we we can't thank them enough for all their hard work you can find all those curriculum guides on page 17 and of course they're all posted on the website if you'd like to take a look at them number four which you can also find on page 17 we're asking you to approve a knitting and crocheting Club at the high school and an environmentalist Club at the middle school and I believe the environmentalist Club is going to be funded in part through our climate change Grant Miss BD that's great and just on a personal note um I do happen to have firsthand knowledge that the the knitting and crocheting can be great for relieving mental stress and so forth so I'm liking the fact that um one of our teachers and I she probably won't mind it's in there Mrs Gibson a school counselor at the high school has taken upon herself to be the adviser for that and I think that's wonderful for some of our kids in terms of a great stress release for them any questions on those or any other student treatement items just a quick question Kim and maybe this is too soon to ask but the climate climate commit is that what it's called climate change committee climate change committee you know we we talked a couple of months ago about um possibly parlaying That Into You Know bigger and better things has has you talked to Carolyn yet about that or you plan to at some point so we've been meeting with um Chris Howard Mala Maharana carollyn oconor and Suzanne capro all four supervisors and brette Bert and I uh the four guides that you see listed here are the each um content area for grade seven uh created a unit of study around the climate change awareness and the grant qus for us to look at local community um the grant is also going to cover field trips they're going to go to water treatment plants they're going to go to um waste recycling we tease because I I said I'm no sensitive I was like I'm not going to shoper on those trips um but the kids are going to be looking at what we're doing in seille and um middle sex County we're partnering with Ruckers so we're going to be working in that there is a uh potential Greenhouse project that is coming over at the high school as well and the SMS environmentalist is a club that's fed out of that Grant as well where kids are going to be working on Project Project based learning and solutions and looking at ways that they can have a positive impact on the footprint that we have here in um the community so it is really starting to pick up momentum um it's something that we're going to start with focusing with the seventh grade but we're looking to to expand it and we wanted to adopt it into our curriculum because this isn't just a one-year thing so all four of these guides these are our permanent guides this material and the instruction and the activities will continue year after year and the club is going to be open to all middle school students part of the potential for some of the groups is for them to go down to the elementary schools as well and work on it so it's great that is awesome thank you good job excellent yeah I I have a question um I just want to clarify when you say that we're going to um approve the revised curriculum who actually created the curriculum was it the board was it the you guys or was it the actual teacher our teachers actually are the ones that write the curriculum they use the standards to write the curriculum but then they're they they're obviously doing so under the supervision of our content supervisors and then the overall supervision by our directors of curriculum instruction there's three levels of approval after a teacher writes guide sometimes they work together so the first is the supervisor then Audrey and I look at every single guide then we share it with the student achievement committee here for the Board of Education and then it's approved at a board of ed meeting and they are all public access on the district website and the teachers apply for the to be curriculum writers y you'll see it in our Personnel agendas where we're we're ask where you're asking you to appoint curriculum writers and they're all in our public agendas right yeah all right thank you you're welcome Dr lby yes I have have a question on page 27 number 17 is this on um governance or student achievement student achievement okay go ahead number 17 gymnastics advisor yes are we starting a gymnastics this is actually what we've been doing for for years um we have a gymnastics advisor because we do have a a student athlete who participates in gymnastics on her own and she does one to participate also in school gymnastics but in order to do so she needs either a coach or an advisor from the school district we represent her so we've actually done this every year okay but we don't have a gymnastics team no but this person this child does represent seille in these high school matches uh or meets or in competitions okay so we have to have an adviser appointed by you in order to represent her okay are are we looking at maybe getting a gym cuz I know a lot of kids go to other schools because we don't have it currently we are not um but I'm not saying that that that there won't come a day where we will but currently I think that the number of athletic programs we have is sufficient um but it's really big for the girls a lot of them are not dancing anymore they're doing this so might be something we could no it if we get enough um people that you know demonstrate to us that they're interested in something like that we can certainly consider it and discuss it with Miss badami just like we did with volleyball yeah and what like we did with field hockey y both of which are very successful programs right now okay thank you I mean not field hockey I'm sorry um lacrosse lacrosse okay any more questions on student achievement all right let's move to governance number two which you can find on page 19 we're asking you to approve um policy 2365 acceptance of use of generative artificial intelligence for second reading and adoption and number three which you can find on page 19 Miss Bert has been very hard at work with our professional development committee in terms of developing our 2024 2025 District professional development and mentoring plans and along with that comes a statement of assurance that we have to go ahead and sign off after you go ahead and approve uh if you approve okay any questions on those or any other items in governance okay so let's move to Personnel um of course number one we have one of those moments where to say goodbye to a beloved longtime employee of ours in this time it's Cheryl Pullman an occupational therapist effective uh she'll be retiring effective November 1st 2024 sville staff have had the honor of working with Cheryl Pullman for 20 years as a district occupational therapist Mrs pman has dedicated her professional life to working with students with special needs Mrs Pullman began her career working with pediatric patients with the most significant needs within the hospital setting before transitioning to her work in education Mrs pman began her work as a school occupational therapist in Staten Island and in Queens before becoming a full-time District occupational therapist here in Saville Mrs bman started her career here in sville at the Wilson and arith elementary schools before transitioning to the arith full-time occupational therapist where her expertise was needed for that growing M MD or multiple disabilities population program Mrs Pullman has been an integral part of the arth team she worked closely with the staff to start the kindergarten Readiness program and assisted with the autism Fair each year Mrs pman and her colleague and friend Tara GF garfa developed the first K in first grade toolbox to help all kindergarten and first grade students address the motor skills within their classrooms this toolbox has helped teachers meet the needs of all students in general education classes in order to ensure inclusivity something that Mrs Pullman is very passionate about Mrs pman and Mrs GFA have also worked together to create the sensory pathway at the ARA school to provide a sensory outlet for all students throughout the day students excitedly use the pathway daily as they transition from physical education or when they need a movement break on rainy days throughout her time at arith Mrs pman has always been a team player as she regularly consults and collaborates with teachers child study team members speech therapists physical and physical therapist to meet the diverse needs of the students she services so impeccably Mrs Pullman's colleagues describe her as a very detail-oriented flexible and knowledgeable therapist her evaluations have always been thorough and and recommendations were highly individualized Mrs pman is a is passionate about the field of occupational therapy and as a result always conducted her own research analysis to learn the newest trends in the field and the most up-to-date interventions and strategies Mrs Pullman's colleagues always viewed her as a resource and valued her knowledge and input most importantly Mrs pman has always loved what she does especially working with students with special needs she's always maintained a wonderful rapport with her students which help them meet their goals and find success within the classroom through her dedication to the profession and her students Mrs pman has left her Mark at the arth elementary school and our entire District Mrs Pullman we wish you nothing but the very best in your retirement we will miss you sorely and on a personal note I did have the absolute privilege to work with Mrs pman um for for a given period of time when I was the interim director special services and I founded to be the consumate professional um and I admired and appreciated her student centeredness um and her professional competency and proficiency with regard to providing occupational therapy to meet the very diverse um needs of our students so uh again we can't thank her enough for the service that she has provided her students the arless school our district and of course our community and we wish her nothing but the best in her retirement moving along in Personnel numbers 9 and 10 as well as 38 and 39 which you can find on pages 23 and 25 and the addendum we're naturally asking you to hire new certificated and non-certificated staff for this school year numbers 11 and 12 and number 40 which you can find on page 25 in the addendum we're asking you to approve the transfer of non-certificated and certificated staff the 2024 2025 school year numbers and that would be it for personnel any questions on those items or anything else on Personnel that I did not mention seeing none that concludes my report Mrs Bloom thank you any other board members have any questions at this time comments no okay seeing none uh we will uh take a moment motion to approve the superintendent report thank you uh Mr Esposito yes Mr Fernandez yes Mrs napalitano yes Mrs babone yes Miss pilac yes and Mrs Bloom yes okay uh now we will move on once again to public participation uh and this is for any Topic at all will'll remind you that you have three minutes please come to the microphone state your name and address can I come up two different groups no sir because based what you said t meeting you're one person Mr Reas like me doesn't matter 32 New Jersey trustee the main reason that I'm up here tonight is we have a campaign and some of you may have seen to save the 1909 uh Town Hall Firehouse which is located next to Barrow Hall there's a valid question on the November 5th ballot which asks for yes to authorize $3 million or no uh the $3 million unfortunately was put in there the Historical Society had requested mayor and counsel to have us involved the mayor prom with me the mayor never contacted us never had us involved with that since 2018 we have been telling the mayor and counsel this could be done through funds raised by grants contributions and fundraising and why I'm here tonight is I'm asking for the support of the school system one of the reasons for that as many of you know that all of your fourth graders attend their fourth grade trip to the museum we also to our town we show them the historic buildings that are there if that building should be gone that would be a shame Historical Society also supports the bomber Cafe we're one of the first groups to recognize that group and have them come to the museum I spent four hours with them after that when it was on Facebook other groups started to say oh maybe we could do something with these children young adults really um but our main thing is we would like the support of the Board of Education in our efforts to do that um see I can't do two things see I presentation um the climate I am chairman of the CH Commission in the B of s currently we have a project going to where we're going to be planting trees are going to form an outdoor classroom we aren't you are we are providing trees for you we also have a tree bank which has a little over $2 million in it and we do provide services we're also going to provide the barrier uh out here so people on Haven ter stop yelling at you that they you know don't like looking at the school or whatever so those are some of the things there and if the commit like to get involved with us be Mar very much when get involved that's you did excellent Mr writtenhouse I'm impressed have some information I give you on that we have a website 99.com all of the things presentation we gave to it didn't work okay 1999.com mayor thank you very much Mr writtenhouse Mr Bloom may make a comment I I just want to reiterate something Mr Rittenhouse said um Mr Rittenhouse and the um the um Historical Society have been extremely good to the school distri District um you know the examples he provided are excellent um our fourth and fifth grade students and our teachers rely on the Historical Society to learn about seille and I think it's really important that our students learn as much as they possibly can about the hometown that they grew in grew up in especially a HomeTown as rich in history as this one and we can't thank enough art and the Historical Society for not only providing us the opportunity but providing us with the resources to go ahead and learn about the community we live in and I don't know much about the firehouse but I do know that if this is something Mr writtenhouse is supporting in our Historical Society is promoting I think it's something that we have to take a very close look at and with regard to the shade tree commission they also I will reiterate what Mr Rittenhouse has said they have been incredibly helpful to the school district in providing us with trees for the Outdoor Classroom for the perimeter of samel um and um hopefully for when we do go ahead and construct our transportation complex Mr Rittenhouse met with us so that we can go ahead and uh replant many of the trees that um you know might get cut down when we do eventually construct it so we can't thank him enough for the manner in which he has supported the district in both capacities thank you very much thank you anybody else have any comments or I'll just say that I'm supporting the um historical society and their quest to get the firehouse preserved and I hope they're successful thank you I just like to thank Mr rutin house for support of our school the bombers Cafe and our town for many many years now so thank you Mr rutin house and when I first met art he was on the board of education yes thank you very much okay anybody else no seeing none in close public oh I need to close Public public is closed do we need to vote on closing public no okay we need a motion to adjourn okay we need a motion I am motioning to adjourn okay second there we go meeting adjourned thank you everyone record