##VIDEO ID:_jrY4DfMxvQ## Mr Callahan Mr Esposito here Mr Fernandez Mrs napalitano Mrs Pabon here miss pyck here Mr Smith here Mr Walsh here Mrs Bloom here with the pledge to the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please remain standing uh for a moment of silence I don't know if you are aware but we recently lost Doug Cowen who was one of the founding members of the Hall of Fame committee Doug is also a former Board of Education member and president his wife Andre was a teacher in our district for over 25 years he recently moved to uh North Carolina to be with his daughter and he succumbed to congestive heart failure so please keep his son and daughter his grandchildren and his great-grandchildren in your prayers thank you Miss Hill will you summarize executive session please the board discussed matters falling under attorney client privilege grievances with the saal Education Association Personnel including but not limited to agenda items was on the agenda but was not discussed okay any correspondence yes the board received an invitation to the September 11th memorial service that will be at Brooks Park on September 8th and that was emailed to everyone okay okay uh we now need a motion to approve the minutes from the July 30th meeting second Mr Callahan yes uh Mr Esposito yes Mrs babone yes Miss pyck yes Mr Smith yes Mr Walsh obain okay and Mrs Bloom yes okay uh since we do not have any student council Representatives we'll just move right along um board president I have no comments at this time the vice president is not here Dr lbby do we have any presentations no presentations presentations zipping right along I see the happy smiles on all these faces all righty then uh finance and infrastructure Mr Smith so um finance committee met last Tuesday the 13th uh um went over a lot of the facilities in the bond referendum with Mr Colesburg happy to report that um the high school and which other one was the high school and Truman will have air conditioning for the first day of school yay so uh outside of the middle school where about 70% of the windows have been replaced um ARL and Slover now have new windows um also Slover now has a security vestibule that is operational and everything is moving forward uh he added that the war memorial or the uh middle school and arith roof work has been completed uh Sam cell roof should be finished early September um Wilson in the Middle School hasn't started yet due to um some issues with the contractor but they're moving forward they're hopefully going to be finished by the end of September and the long awaited electrical switching gear that's going to enable air conditioning in a lot of the schools that was on the Eternal weight list is finally starting to come in so electricians are going to start to install the infrastructure needed for air conditioning in the rest of the schools uh the High School stadium lights are new and operational and the drainage system is being looked at um over that we're having issues with on the um what is it the visitor over there at the the high school and then home side yes Aaron finish the meeting um that the fund balance she provided last month may be a little bit higher due to extraordinary Aid uh for our Surplus waiting on the completion of the audit before that number to be official that's all the excitement from the finance so this is the Surplus that we can then put to our Reserve accounts so I'm estimating about maybe $4 million that we can put towards Capital maintenance and emergency Reserve yeah so then we can use it for future projects good job okay Personnel committee Mrs pil please yep uh the Personnel committee met earlier this evening where we discussed openings for certificated and non-certificated staff and that about sums it up okay uh Miss napan is not here Erin do you want to speak to govern I can you don't mind you sure Eric did a great job I think Eric should go ahead Eric um the majority of our governance meeting was focused on um review of second readings um the big one that we had had for this meeting is a first reading of our artificial intelligence policy for students that'll be on a first reading for tonight and a second reading at the next U Board of bed meeting okay that's kind of a um should I say it it's not really um let's try to speak here doesn't have a lot of teeth it's it's more a overview right we don't really know that that's going to change over time that's going to be a living breathing policy absolutely the policy is designed to reference a plan and the district will is and will continue to build out and revise the plan going forward but the policy just continues to focus back on the plan so that we don't have to consistently edit the policy it was generic that's what I'm saying good policy very well covers the high level pieces and then we'll focus back on the plan it's a start yeah okay Mr Callahan student achievement last here we go last Tuesday evening there was a uh student achievement committee meeting during the meeting Mrs Gman reviewed the new curriculum guides that we are asking you to approve during tonight's meeting in addition we still have not gotten the disaggregated results yet from the state for the uh 2024 njsla results uh but she did review the preliminary results when she receives those results in totality she will present them to the board and the public during an upcoming business meeting Mr naster provided an update on the bombers Beyond apparel shop and Community Hub along with the current number of students who will be participating in the special ed Cooperative education program this upcoming school year after that Mrs Bert reviewed the schedule for the staff orientation which is taking place now through uh Thursday at the high school and then on the opening day September 3rd and September 4th uh likewise she provided an update on The Crisis Prevention Institute deescalation and passive restraint training try to say that F that will take place this month and throughout the month of September and lastly she reviewed the new professional Learning Community framework that her and Dr aguiles and the ad hoc Community from the district PD Committee created during this past June finally she provided updates on the new link it intervention manager software program that is being used at the ele that was that we purchased through the elementary and secondary education grant application hope I got there thank you very much Mr there was like an echo in here thank you Mr C yes okay middle sex County School Board Association update I am happy to announce that the first meeting for the school year will be held on October the 7th at 6 pm. at the Grand Marquee right right down the highway so if you have not registered please do so and I look forward to seeing you there and that's it okay public participation um on agenda items only seeing no public we will move on Dr Labby thank you Mrs Bloom I will be brief I promise let's begin with finance and infrastructure numbers 13 and 14 which you can find in page three we're so impressed and pleased to report to you that um Elijah J from the um Boy Scouts of America Cho 96 he came in and did a couple of presentations for us as he was fundraising for a playground at the Wilson school he actually raised $112,000 on his own yeah I was I was awes so you know Miss Hill and the district graciously agreed to um come in with the difference and we're asking you to approve first of all his donation but we're also asking you to approve the cost of the playground which is $ 33,43 but again um 12,000 of that is being paid for by Elijah and his fundraising efforts so we can't thank him enough Mrs cover his mother enough and everyone else that assisted him in this process numbers 15 and 16 which you can find on pages three and four we're asking you to approve the full year 20242 Grant award for the Perkins secondary Consolidated Grant funds uh in the amount of $3,752 4225 Elementary and secondary Education Act Consolidated Grant in the amount of $1,210 1892 number four which you can find on page five we're asking you to approve um a contract for virtual remote teacher coaching services to egg connective we used them last year this time from the period of September 1st through April 30th in the total amount of $156,000 because of the high amount we had to go out and bid for that and they were the lowest responsible bidder for bids opened on August 6th number 40 which you can find on page 14 this is a special one and I'm putting this on there because I want to give to Mrs babone um we're asking you to approve the use of a board bus for a truck uh a touch of truck festival which is to raise money for um pediatric cancer yeah the Ashley Lauren Foundation yeah um and that's on October 5th and the cost of the bus is being paid for by Mrs babone so we can't thank Mrs babone enough and then finally on the addendum number 43 we're asking you to accept a very generous Nation from Diane Shirley of the spinoso real estate group of furniture including 10 um group for donating furniture including 10 wood tables six garment racks valued at $5,000 to be used for the bomb new bombers apparel and Community Hub location adjacent to the bombers Beyond Cafe so um and Mr n is this the same person that um did this come from the what was the retail store um limited I don't know if that's the same person but we did receive the donation the furniture donation from The Limited The Limited retail store uh re retail company they were closing a shop and they actually donated racks and um Furniture as well so again we can't thank our community members enough for supporting School District particularly our bombus Beyond program any questions on anything from financing in infrastructure including the items I just read okay seeing none as Mr Callahan referenced number one on student achievement which you can find on page 15 we're asking to approve multiple revised curriculum es number four which you can find on pages 15 and 16 we're asking you to approve the 2024 2025 memorandum of understanding with middle sex County College for dual credit CER uh dual credit course offerings at the high school and we've listed the offerings right there for the course offerings for you any questions on those or any other items on student achievement seeing none I'll move to governance oh we have a question oh that we'll Mo to governance number three which you can find on page 19 we're asking you to approve multiple Revis Board of Education policies and regulations for a second reading and adoption number five which you can find on page 20 we're asking you to approve the new Boe policy for the acceptable use of generative um generative artificial intelligence that Mr Esposito was referencing a moment ago and that is for first reading so board members if you have any suggestions for Visions um please provide them to us number seven which you can also find in page 20 we're asking you to approve the 20124 2025 integrated Pest Management report submitted by Mr comberger and I bring that one up to you because as we enter September we have those wood roaches that find their way into our schools and people seem to think they're cockroaches and things like that and it's just important for the public to know that um we have an integrated Pest Management report um it's it's submitted every year and it has specific steps and procedures for dealing with um our pest friends particularly the wood roaches which will probably invade the middle school this time for the last time probably because we won't have windows open anymore after this summer and number eight which you can find on the addendum we're asking you to deny seral Education Association grievances 2023 2024 colon 5 six period teaching assignments and 2023 2024 colon 6 cafeteria employee any questions on these items or anything else on governance all right seeing none let's go to Personnel numbers 8 through1 as well as 30 through 31 which you can find on pages for uh 24 through 26 and the addendum we're asking you to hire new certificated and non-certificated staff for this school year as you can see Dr aules and Miss Flanigan have been very hard at work trying to fill vacancies and as Mrs pyck reported earlier we don't have many of them so they've done an outstanding job this summer as well as all of our administrators in filling some of those vacant positions number 11 which you can find on pages 32 and 33 as well as the addendum we're asking to approve the transfer of non-certificated staff for the school year I'm sorry you can find that on page 26 in the addendum numbers 14 and 37 which you can find on pages 27 in the addendum we're asking you to appoint paid advisers with their stiens for this school year and then finally number 19 which you can find on page 29 we're asking you to approve staff to serve as the technology integration facilitators beginning September 1 this year through August 31st 2025 for a total stien of $6,000 and I bring this to your attention because this was actually one of our goals last year to um find funding for these integration facilitators and Eric did a great job with our administrators and finding very competent professionals within each of those buildings to be those technology integration facilitators I'm gonna give Kim and Audrey credit on that one oh Kim and Audrey then did a great job with our administrators and that concludes my report Mrs Bloom what wow I I am truly impressed there will be someone in September hold on okay so here we are at this time we will open for public oh no we need a oh we need a motion I'm sorry to approve the superintendent report I got um Mr Smith and Mr wal okay okay Mr cah yes yes Mrs pone yes M klock yes Mr Smith yes Mr Walsh yes and Mrs Bloom uh yes but I need to abstain on number eight under governance and I need to abstain on the addendum on number 37 Personnel otherwise yes on all items okay and now we will open to public for any subject whatsoever and once again seeing no public we will close do I have a motion to adjourn this meeting so move second second I second meeting adjourned in record time wow bam I guess went on vacation thank you that's okay you're speci