at this time I'd like to call to order the January 2nd 2024 re reorganization meeting of the sville Board of Education in accordance with chapter 231 Public Law 1975 this public reorganization meeting of the sville board of education has been established by sending a copy of the public meeting notice to the home News Tribune and the Star Ledger in addition copies of the announcement of this meeting have been sent to the burough Clerk and a copy of the notice of the meeting has been posted on the bulletin board outside of the office of the secretary to the board please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all our first order of business is to announce the official results of the board election held on November 7th 2023 for the three-year term candidates Eloy Fernandez with 4534 votes Allison Napolitano with 5,080 votes Eileen hone with 4,476 votes and Matthew leeski with 3,235 votes our next order of business is the swearing in of our newly elected board members this will be done in alphabetical order beginning with Mr Fernandez then Mrs Napolitano and Mrs Pabon at the podium where is Cesar he in the can you didn't come sit I'll repeat you repeat it your i l Fernandez do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey true faith and aliance and I will bu true faith and allegiance to the same the government's established and to the same and to the government's established in the United States and state in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God I ELO Fernandez do Solly swear I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for office for for the office office of member of Board of Education and I not disqualified as a voter and that I am not disqualified as a voter R pursuant to rs19 col 4-1 nor disqualified due to conviction nor disqualified due to a conviction of a crime or offense listed of a crime or offense listed NJ an njs njs a8a 12-1 I will faithfully and impartially andly perform and justly perform all the of that office all the duties of that office ACC to according to the best of my abilities so [Applause] me did they give us a yeah we going touch any bring thees here my husband and daughter are here my daughter probably is at the high school wondering why but is here the door and was like this expect people I'm not place you're not going to come over here okay then gab way I Allison apolitano do swear do solemnly swear that I will support theti that I will support the Constitution the United States of the United States of and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I willth and I will bear true faith and Al to and allegiance to the Sai the government established and the government's established and the United States and the states in the United States and the states the authority of the people and the authority of the people so help me God I Alison Nano you solemnly swear I did I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member by law for the office of member a ofeducation of a board of education I'm not disqualified that I'm not disqualified as a vo pursu to as a voter pursuant to rs19 4-1 nor disqualify due to a conviction due to due to a conviction crime or off of a crime or offense listed in njsa 18a col 12-1 and then I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God say yeah considering she just love me not even two years ago she to she wants to be she should start L cuz she's put here yeah sou too yeah yeah she is this what I say okay okay I E Pabon do solemnly swear I will support theti that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and the government established in the United States and to the government established in the United States the St and in the state under the authority of the people so me under the authority of the people so help me God I I I pone do solemnly swear that I possess qualifications that I possess the qualifications by prescribed by law for the office of a member of a board of education and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursu to R pursuant to rs19 colon 4-1 or disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in njsa njsa 18a colon 12 12 12-1 and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and impartially per all the and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my abilities so help me [Applause] God over here oh I got a signic thank you okay um our next order of business is the reading of the New Jersey School Board Association code of ethics for all school board members I'm going to ask each board member in alphabetical order to read a portion beginning with Mrs bloom a school board member shall abide by the following code of ethics for school board members a I will uphold and enforce all laws rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and court orders pertaining to schools desired changes shall be brought about only through legal and ethical procedures I will make decisions in terms of the educational welfare of children and will seek to develop and maintain public schools that meet the individual needs of all children regardless of their ability race Creed sex or social standing I will confine my board actions to policym planning and appraisal and I will help to frame policies and plans only after the board has consulted those who will be affected by them I will carry out my responsibility not to administer the schools but together with my fellow board members to see that they are well run I will recognize that Authority rests with the Board of Education and will make no personal promises nor take any private action that may compromise the board I will refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interests or partian if I said that correctly political groups or to use the schools for personal gain or for the gains of friends I will hold confidential all matters pertaining to the schools which if disclosed would needlessly injure individuals or the schools in all other matters I will provide accurate information information and in concert with my fellow board members interpret to the staff the aspirations of the community for its school I will vote to appoint the best qualified Personnel available after uh consideration of the recommendation of the chief administrative officer I will support and protect School Personnel in proper performance of their duties I will refer all complaints to the chief administrative officer and will act on the complaints at public meetings only after failure of an administrative solution thank you I will now take our roll call alphabetically Mrs Bloom here Mr Callahan here Mr Esposito Mr Fernandez here Mrs napalitano here Mrs pone here miss pyck here Mr Smith here and Mr Walsh here okay um at this time I will open up to the floor for nominations for president of the Board of Education I'd like to make a nomination for Lucy Bloom for the president second okay are there any other nominations okay seeing none uh may have a motion to close the nominations for president of the Board of Education I so moved second who was the second [Laughter] I um I'll take a roll call to close nominations Mrs Bloom yes Mr Callahan yes uh Mr Fernandez yes Mrs aano yes Mrs babone yes Miss pyck yes Mr Smith yes and Mr Walsh yes okay um I'll now take a roll call vote to affirm Mrs Bloom as the president of the Board of Education uh Mrs Bloom yes Mr Callahan yes uh Mr Fernandez yes Mrs Nano yes Mrs Pabon yes Miss pyck yes Mr Smith yes and Mr Walsh yes okay congratulations Mrs you count this thank you Nom nomin get back over here yeah run away Aon run away missing her already moving me already moving over my little name to here we go okay uh we will now open for nominations for vice president um I make a nomination for Allison napalitano for vice president second okay any other nominations I nominate Daniel pilot for vice president okay do we have a second I'll second okay uh I believe we need a uh motion to close nominations any other nominations for vice president no okay motion to close nominations for vice okay someone else roll call to close how do you Mrs Bloom oh don't I go list oh no oh I'm sorry I have this in alphabetical order still I can I need to go last that's fine uh Mr Callahan to just close nominations oh yes okay uh Mr Fernandez yes Mrs napalitano yes Mrs babone yes Miss pyck yes Mr Smith yes Mr Walsh yes and Mrs Bloom yes okay okay uh now we will need a roll call vote right so just say the last name of the person that you're voting for um Mr Callahan they're both excellent so please ladies I'm gonna go with Danielle by lock sorry just Mr Fernandez Nano Mrs Nano Nano Mrs babone napalitano Miss pyck pilac Mr Smith I'll also say that this is a tough decision because both are super qualified um I'm going to say um Miss na okay Mr Walsh pil and Mrs Bloom napalitano okay um do you want me to do a a roll call vote to affirm Mrs Nano as Vice or I'm sorry M yeah Mrs Nano as vice president that's the procedure pleas to U Mrs Nal sorry Mr Callahan yes uh Mr Fernandez yes Mrs Nano yes uh Mrs pone yes Miss pyck yes Mr Smith yes Mr Walsh yes and Mrs Bloom yes okay and now we move on to the reorganization agenda Dr yep [Applause] congratulations are there any questions on the reorganization agenda for any comments so we just need a motion to approve okay we get a motion so move second thank you uh Mr Callahan yes Mr Fernandez yes Mrs napalitano yes Mrs babone yes Miss pylo yes Mr Smith yes Mr Walsh yes Mrs Bloom yes okay and uh now I need a motion to go into executive session move oh I guess public participation um oh do we miss something okay what are we doing okay I'm sorry U we will now open to public participation or anything on the reorganization agenda only okay seeing none no hang in one one one or no good that was goodbye I'm waving to my daughter bye I thought love okay now we need a motion to uh go into executive session please we did that already second okay I'm second it on we'll get this right it's okay all right where is Section Eight of the open public meetings act chapter 231 public n law 1975 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Education of The Bu of Ville County of middlex state of New Jersey as follows the public shall be excluded from discussion of and action upon the here and after specified subject matters the general nature of the subject matter to be discussed is as follows Personnel including but not limited to agenda items and matters falling under attorney client privilege is anticipated at this time the above stated subject matter shall be made public at such time as the need for non-disclosure no longer exists this resolution shall take effect immediately Mr Callahan yes Mr Fernandez yes Mrs napalitano yes Mrs pone yes Miss pillock yes Mr Smith yes Mr Walsh yes and Mrs Bloom yes okay we can move into executive session