[Music] [Music] tell if you want [Music] May the clock is not correct ja's be L okay right everybody today's worksh the United States of America the for it stands one nation under God indivisible Au and justice for all good morning gentlemen Ting government public meetings act I wish you advise you the ACT notice of this meeting was sent to the Press loal newspapers on January 8 2024 dat time and location of this meeting will provide notes this meeting is for the public roll counc Bieber here here G here killer l Le team here and all right first up remarks from the audience is anybody online or person would like to be heard just please state your name your address the floor is [Music] yours no all right so uh first up first item for discussion will be 10 T Fuso Tess we like to uh take FL here I know last year we had a lot of Assessments hir expect for l c rers you done your research with the county so coming in good morning just kind of want to hear what happened okay yeah that's easy um basically in your nutshell each year we have to do annual reassessments where we change the assessments to reflect current market value um there used to be a ratio that you had to apply to your assessment to market value determine if your assessment was fair or not they took the ratio out and it's simple if your assessment is what you can sell your house for the assessment is valid if you think the assessment is high you can sell your house for to reason for appeal vice versa low um each year when we do our annual reassessment the County Tax Board publishes a requirement that the each assessor has to sign um it's basically a procedure list on what you have to do and what you have to review in performing your annual reassessment the number one markers on that is that your ratio if you compare the assessment to the sales price has to be 95% to 105% for a 2-year average um which when I did my reassessment for CBR I hit you know I think think I came in around 97% saying that the assessments were 3% lower than the sales price for 2-year period on to it when it actually came time to get my book certified the County Tax Board rejected my book in sepr they said well you have an additional requirement that's not necessarily listed in our procedures and that is if your director's ratio you have to raise your net valuation taxable equal to the amount of your director ratio what a director ratio is every time a sale occurs they take the assessment divided by the sales price and come up with a ratio so like for all the sales that occur they come up with an average for like what the whole burrow is running at my ratio was 81% or 82% so the county said even though my revaluation I'm hitting a 2-year average of 9 5% I haven't raised the net valuation taxable which is all the assessments added up in the burrow by 18% and so they made me go back and raise everybody's assessment so my net valuation taxable was 18% higher in 2024 than it was in 2023 so Tim is that is that the summary that's a summary of what happened anything else you want to cover well to be perfectly honest I thought there was going to be a much bigger backlash you know like when the post cards came out when we first started doing the assessment annual reassessment program I would come into my office and I would have like 30 voicemails 30 emails to like what's going on I barely had any comment from it right now at the county appeal level I have 25 which is an extremely low level I thought I was going to be in the hundreds so thanks for coming in appreciate this one of our prior meetings we had a lot of resence that look pretty upset so so we got to hear right and obviously the problem that's driving is is the sale price of the properties which we don't have control over we understand that if the sale price goes up and the assessment goes up from a municipal budget perspective we can lower the budget to try equal St out but that you don't lower the budget I'm sorry the tax rate I'm sorry I meant the tax we can lower the tax rate to try to equ things out with reasonable two 2 and a half% escalation my first question is around when this assessment goes up we don't control the county tax we don't control the school tax assessments that affect us so while we can offset some of this through the tax rate what's happening at the county and the school tax level that we have no recourse on WE dealing with if they were all dropping because everybody was going up at the rate we are then it would equiz out and I doubt if that's the case n different towns are going up different rates when it comes to that most likely lower which means we pay an increased burden proportionally because of our higher assessed values is that is that correct okay from a recourse perspective it sounds like you tried to do the right thing to protect the resence of the town and you got slapped on the wrist board and you tried and in the end they basically told you this is what it's going to be right so as far as a recourse perspective there's not that much that we can do not well I mean we could do we could do we could try to appeal it may I add just jumping on with that point um how many other towns do he say um right now I just do c bra in M Beach I used to do Avon but I gave up Avon last M was M Beach your first assessment was that rejected as Mom no Mom Beach was um accepted but there was two different stories cuz my ratio in M Beach was 95% my ratio in CBR was 82% so by just doing the 95% ratio I covered that on mmad beach but since seab Bridge ratio was so small they said that this Rule's been around for a long time or they've been applying it why they never wrote in in the procedures that I sign I have no idea but um you know they said this is the first time that it's happened to me other towns have had the same thing other towns have been rejected how many were rejected after I was rejected you start calling out what did you hear how many were rejected I know Eden County Kingsburg okay you know that's basically I just called my closer friends I didn't send out a group email to all the assessors in M County that would be an interesting question to me so you could probably just over that count yeah just a comment and then and then a question and then I'll be done from affordability perspective for the people in our town this is to especially fames right if it's second homes for people in they're position to do it that's one thing but the families that live here that they really have no recourse other to appeal spend thousands of dollars in lik get rejected it's a terrible situation and it's it's not good for the town in general I think you would all agree with that not to get it too local and too personal but when I look at my own situation obviously I didn't sell my house so they can't determine my sale price versus my assess value but the last three properties that sold on my block comparables none of them went up as much as my taxes went up this year the price increases on those if I took the average of all of those and it's amazing over the last couple years you have nailed it's always been the last three sales averaging across and that's where my tax Reven was this year that wasn't the case the last three sales then add another 20% on top of it so the net of this in my particular case and I'm fortunate I don't have a family raising now my taxes have gone up 49% in the last few years I say that's out of control m and is it strictly driven by the fact that people are willing to pay more for the properties oh yeah and that's what drives it but can you explain to me the Le three Assessments in my case are substantially lower than my assessment is that strictly driven by the town the county say you have to do this well for this year was on prior years even though C bra you don't think there's different neighborhoods in CBR there are different neighborhoods in SE for assessing purposes for um one neighborhood is probably like our best neighborhood that I call River to Ocean the houses that on the beach on Ocean Avenue go from Ocean Avenue to the river they're all grouped together so when I do my reassessments I'll pull it up to say how many sales occurred in the last year or two within that neighborhood and if they sold that 95% um the assessment was 95% of the sales price I'll move that neighborhood up 5% another one would be just here in the central business district all the residential dwelling units on Beach surf New Street you know I'll group all those sales together as a neighborhood and say what did they sell for in the last year or two as a percentage of their assessment and then I bump that neighborhood up whatever that percentage would be for So within your case I don't know if you're on The Fringe of two neighborhoods the way I have it classified out that when you're thinking houses on my street are in the same neighborhood they may not necessarily be the way I class I them AFF or it just could be that there were other sales um that also was in that BCS that justified the increase in the most recent sales like this year I have one sale that they're going to do the directive ratio off it came in at 91% you know so depending upon how many more sales we get and what that ratio is going to be off of my new 2024 assessment is going to dictate how much I raise the whole town next year do you think we have more trouble coming yeah yeah I don't see the market stopping in this time you know I kept on saying that as they raise the interest price the Market's going to slow down it just hasn't you know thank you yeah my unofficial six years ago I figured the market was going to cool off yeah I've been saying it for the last four or five years like oh any day now any day now now still the same when we had a number of start coming in for complain basically unfortunately the me recours is still just appealing and it will will cost some money most likely but I don't know what else to advise at the county level it's relatively Che it's like $75 to $150 based upon what your assessment is for and it's one of the things that the property owners can do themselves um the problem is I think you're dealing with the kangaroo Court um because they're the ones that are approving my books they're the ones that told me I had to raise my assessment to accept my book and now they're going to be the ones hearing the appeals yeah so they got to basically judge work yeah Tim you you do have some Le way in settling an appeal don't you I do and does County overrule a settlement or not I've every once in a while I've heard that they've done it they've never done it to me um and basically on each settlement needs my signature the taxpayer signature and the Bur attorney signature right and as long as all three signatures are on it the county normally will accept the appeal Tim can I just ask a question the we're still under the assessment demonstration program in Mammoth County different than most other counties in the state y um and we're supposed to reval 20% of the Town each year no it's not no you you revalue you change the assessments on 100% of the proper properties um you do physical inspection on 20% of the property so it's a 5year rolling cycle we currently have a contract with RDS to do the 20% inspection so they'll knock on 20% of the doors each year to try to get interior um inspections and exterior Inspections just to make sure that my Base information that I'm using for the reassessment is up to date and it's not stale information for it you know so each property gets inspected once every five years on a 20% ring cycle but every year all the assessments change to% [Music] um it it's all off the initial year they did for it um I can't tell you on SE right exactly how they did it but I know M at beach started with block one lot one took the first 20% and just you know went with it what it's wor we got we had that process it worked extremely well you still have that process they were very proficient in the way they did it it was all online you walk you can do a virtual interior inspection I was impressed you say right block one house sells for astronomical does that impact immediately that group see good question um normally I would say no because if I had three sales or four sales let's make the sample size a little larger and three of the four sales were relatively tight and then he had one outlier that was way high I would say that's an outlier and I wouldn't necessarily utilize that when I did my reassessment now though if that one outlier that's extremely hot Falls in and forces me to raise my net valuation taxle put the whole toal up because I got it like I have one sale 91% so like if I don't get another sale for the remainder of the year the sampling period ends July 30th um if I don't get another sale by July June 30th check me I'm wrong and that I'm sorry on June 30th then I'm going to have to raise the net valuation tax full the burrow by 9% just based on that one sale the riverfront and the new apartments are to kill downtown assessments absolutely well the downtown's assessments I can't believe that people are playing for the prices they're paying for those properties you know yeah next neighbor was shot flooding a fews ago mistake they're easy 8 900,000 and like I remember those things were like 75 it's like you got be kid yeah I mean obviously we we have to manage our own budget but is there any that you can advise us on that we can do to any way help the situation there's no lever from what you described I don't see a lever you can p i don't I really don't think like I was told if I continue not to submit an acceptable book to them last year there basically would pull it out of my hands hire somebody to do the reassessment and then back charge the Barrow or whatever that cost was like it wouldn't get any better in that scenario right the only other thing that would be an option be to opt out which they did give municipalities a certain opportunity to opt out of the demonstration program um which a few municipalities did Avon did marbor did free Hill Township did like a hybrid for m one G um I wouldn't necessarily advise that that you hop that op out though there um that's going to have certain repercussions and they're always going to be putting pressure on you doing a full full reevaluation um which is more expensive than just your contract for the 20% inspection these year another question I have is as I've watched the proportion between the improved property and the land itself the land seems to be getting much bigger faster because that's what you change I mean in some respects some you can look at that with a little bit of an eye and say is that being done intentionally because if we have understanding mostly Val on the land if the house is destroyed you got to pay most the taxes it's not done intentionally um certain properties it is because but it's not unique to CRA it's not unique to CBR because that's basically what you change when you do the Improvement value I have to use my cost model that's approved by the um Division of Taxation each year they publish What's called the cost conversion factor um which takes that cost modeling which was developed in the 80s and makes the construction price up to 2024 prices for it so the way you do it is you price out the house based on physically on the land and then you come up with a number of what the house should be selling for and then the remainder is the land value so when I go through my reassessment I'll look at every property that's sold go on multiple listing Zulu real.com make sure that my Base information is correct that if I don't have it having a finished basement that they're not showing finished basement on it if I have it is having two and a half bedroom or bathrooms they don't have three full bathrooms in it once I correct all that um change the the age and depreciation for it hit it with the new cost Factor all the rest of the change is land value to get that up to market value and then everybody else in that neighborhood's land value moves up the same percentage I see so if I look at Trulia and I get a number it should be relatively comforable to your total number yes not necessarily if you look at because a lot of people would say I just want to feel my land value I don't want to PE my Improvement value well you can't do that um doesn't I could be all wrong on how I get to the final number but if the final number is the correct final number that's all that matters at the of the de largest comparator value is not like Tru or Zilla it's looking at the recent count area that's primary yeah you can't like even um Zoo like there's estimates that they put out about a year and a half ago they put out a notice saying that there's estimates the Market's so crazy that their algorithms that they run is not reliable and they're like don't don't count on our estimates of being [Music] ACC you have a thought on the difference between commercial yeah it'sing the residential is raising a lot more than the commercial right there's no doubt about that right and what's your thought on that is it it's typical that's what I would expect Chris did you notice that Jack has arrived yes just had a question too if we would have a major something similar to say type of event you have the ability to ensure term readjust assessments on that or is that something else to years depends on when it occurs you know because when you look at Sandy Sandy actually from a tax assessing perspective on to adjust the assessments for that following year occurred at a good time the assessing date is October 1st of each year then there's a physical depreciation Clause within the law that says that if the property suffers physical deterioration after the October 1st assessment date and prior to April 1st the assessor can make a correction of errors and change the assessment when Sandy came through on October 29th it was after the books were recorded in the assessing date of October 1st but since it was before April 1st we had the opportunity to adjust all those es for what was saying on 23 12 yeah for 2013 12 no it happened in 2012 yes so then we change the assessments for January 13 okay than and then people rebuild each year I they right back on the bus you know I fortunately if we have another Sandy effect it's not going to be as devastating as it was prior just because so much of this town has been reconstructed and elevated you know that I think the commercial businesses are all going to get destroyed at equally the same amount you're going to see all the same all the utilities going down streets covered in debris all that hopefully most the homes get Crush right you'll just see whatever garage and you Devastation on lower levels like that M Tim as you know the uh the riverfront project is started it's underway right now D Hol project it's going to be 44 but I consider be higher R expensive than this will that be classified as its own space it wouldn't affect our people in the downtown area because the houses are very different property is very different we have treated as it's own oh yeah that's going to be its own neighborhood all on its own it's it's kind of like each condo development you know Grand and is is a neighborhood lend is a neighborhood fountains y Harbor they're all to me as assessing blocks and neighborhood yeah there was some concern during discussions that it would make tax rate for the people down no you know they're also going to be subject to a pil right anybody else have anything for Tim just one question Beach gone over the past just a very few examples each properties outside of c m is that continuing that same yeah yeah we um we had settlements there were whole periods on the assessments for the settlement those are slowly rolling off onto it the first group that we did chiper Hoy sand um SE right Beach Club are now out of that freeze period Driftwood and Edge water should be coming [Music] out it was a pleasure he's doing great yes thank you very much for asking I'll let him know you're asking about thank you very much Tom all right than ran buddy abolutely morning everybody do not Ryan coordinator uh just quick update from o um nothing the major to report other than the emergency operation plane is due to County and then up to the state we'll require a resolution from the council once that is complete um working on the final annexes to get those done now the document is about this deep uh a couple hundred pages so I don't have copy for everybody today but I will send over a copy of the basic plan electronically for review which basically has everything listed in there including all the annexes the annexes include you know essentially how many fire trucks we have to what to do in a nuclear emergency so it's pretty depth um so it's not really necessary to discuss here but um other than that Mr K me a call last night Jack I apologize for not coming back to you just on um getting everybody quarterly updates the uh County Juds for quarterly meetings um next one is March 5th if you all like I can either do that in person here can do it virtually and do it via email with all points and once discussed whatever you all prefer I'm looking forward so I think I think what would premises is Council talking about our Emergency Management plan what happens if there's another Sandy and what are our roles in in that when Sandy hits what is the the role of the elected officials the appointed officials uh self-included with um yeah so I mean dur saying me really the role for OEM is essentially act as coordination Cell between all local federal state agencies whoever really involved um in the event Sandy um you know mainly it would be on um working with the the different departments we have in town to includ fire police Public Works um Lo local utilities and working with you all on um really essentially public information I guess would be the key part is working with the the town um to alleviate any concerns that they may have essentially bring them up to the coordination cell we can get the right information out to the right people and what to do with uh you know getting in working with f get everything back on track be across all the other agencies and such um but everything will will come through with what called the EOC emergency Operation Center which will be Man by oh yeah Brian I have a question um a couple people from this Council obviously live through the Sandy situation yeah and have burned in their memory what took place these kind of things I I come from a world where you drill a little bit in practice sure having said that I'm not the maning requesting anything other than the fact where do I go look to understand the roles and responsibilties these chosen Des because I'd like to be able to say I don't have to go to my first meeting to understand my first responsibility understood yeah that would be a basic plan I can I can get that to you it's in there y okay that's cool yep I'll make sure that that's in there cover but again any questions once you have it you got a chance to take a look at it just let you know it's always good once a year refresh it's a right idea to do that for everybody yeah and you know we haven't I haven't heard from County that we're doing any kind of major you know tabletop if you will exercise drill but um I can bring that up in March and see if there's anything going on and let you you know and feel free to participate in that yeah just from a practical standpoint into the one we went through the last time basically it's the first couple days were really assessing what's going on is just working on communication but really especially being a governing body we don't really have any specific skill set that F so we're all like lost we all landed our feet eventually but really was Emergency Management you know every you know flee fire everyone doing their job assessing what's going on as you said speaking with the utilities trying to figure it out and communicating with the residents business owners that's what happen to early on but and ultimately a big thing is I back up sort of this this decision making process a lot of meetings and we make that's sort of communication I saying decision making is what the governing body does most of but you know you can make some pretty important decisions hey r two quick questions one is there anything coming down from a regulation perspective the county or the state that you're particularly concerned about and the second question is do we have any vulnerabilities that you think we should be aware to uh no right now the only real regulations that the state's coming down with uh the Emergency Operations plan have to be ratified by the council every two years instead of four um but once we get that done it's really just updating it with any kind of changes they make in the regulation so it's not a huge change um and that's kind of it yeah I mean vulnerability we all know sits right there or the other side but as far as as as well being prepared as we can you're comfortable that there's no additional steps which you can pay no um not I mean last time we had we had a hazard mitigation plan that was done by uh um an outside firm me the name of the top of my head um they kind of identified any issues there I can include that also with the basic plan if You' like to take a look at it uh it was on after has g a few years after sity um but that's uh kind of lists everything they they went through the whole town kind of issues it's you've been here for a while it's really nothing that would jump out of you it's all kind of hate to say standard stuff but standard stuff okay as far as the equipment or whatever I remember if Sandy we really didn't know we didn't have communication capability we looking for walking talking rather cell so is that part of your assessment yeah there there is um and obviously with um you know it's it's I was you know almost 13 years ago now the capabilities have changed um we have a lot of capabilities that are up at the county level that we can request and have brought down here um including mobile internet um that can be used by certain members obviously Council um and emergency departments if in the event that you know self Towers go down whatever so they are definitely capabilities though there was in a separate an as well excellent any other questions for Ryan I just uh was just I think we have 18 people on this o with like to keep them in little operational sense we could schedule maybe a quarterly meeting just say what's up what's going on 18 people can get yes absolutely no problem got y cool thanks after the meeting today um Chad has offered to for Council Members if you want if case there was an emergency and block yes I've had that problem evened from the neighboring Town H would let back down police somebody can say something one police officers came by and said rson in fact it was the rson police chief and F but so if you had a photo ID that would help out right there thanks this Jo your next with project updates um have several ongoing projects that I'll review the amended redevelopers agreement with uh the Dental's properties uh is in regard to the um Toll Brothers assuming responsibility for the sing single family and the uh uh and the town home projects there DS will be responsible for all sight improvements so we don't have to see who we have to go to if something's a problem uh Den hols will assume all responsibility for that the sewer the sidewalks all the public improvements uh to Brothers will only be responsible to build the homes themselves um and then hops will build the multif family uh buildings so uh Chris has been Gathering paper from all of the professionals on both sides yeah it's it's a voluminous stack of assignments and and and Exhibits but um we will have to take action on that at our next meeting corrector I was just going ient the documents are very maybe we could put it in the conference room if somebody wants to come over and just bust through it before the meeting Joe I don't know if you would have mention where are they in the construction project uh they're in their due diligence getting their project done they they had to modify their cafra they've done that um they apply for most of their demo permits and and that'll be first uh we've met with them about the the height of the seaw wall Etc and uh I think they agreed with Greg on most of that dter uh working with them as well um so I I think they're just waiting on this agreement to be finalized so that they can really start in Earnest the project which will be demolition first when do you think that will start I think that'll start as soon as we sign this okay I think in the next 30 60 days thanks uh they've been doing some remediation on the buildings you know they um pesticides and things like that that they had to do for you know verment control Etc so so they haven't really started that um the second one uh Collier's proposal for the Beach Street viewing platform um they had done all the design ready to go with the Beach Street uh um they told us that they would be ready within the next week or two um and uh you know as in anything their proposals going on um over time to do the to do the rebidding ETC on the project um and the last thing I have there's a lot of things going on but I know we have a pretty robust agenda today uh Greg and I were able to meet with the Department of Transportation last Thursday um about the uh check valves along Ocean Avenue um Greg jump in it seemed like it was positive we had the residents there that were immediately affected we seem to be positive about it although there's always something else that comes up during the conversation I think the do2 very receptive to our proposed design of putting the pipe into the water with two pipe cribs homeowner I don't know if he's fully aware of what that's going to look like I'm going to send him an email telling him look it's the one we put on beachway it's going to be identical to that do and I went up the beachway and they looked at that they said it's something they can do so I think very positive to our design change um the homeowner I think was he was so so I mean I think he was probably looking he's trying to do things to move the pipe further off his property which isn't possible because of the improvements that are just to the South so I think once we come to that terms and we have the final design I think we're going to have to tell them this is our final design and our final option that DT has and it's going to be kind of take a leave that hopefully it'll take it because it'll solve our pluging problem and so this flooding problem you know um it it's frustrating to a certain extent that you know it's holding up the other all the other check vals from even Tha all the way all the way North uh the do for some reason wants to do them all at once or they're not going to do them what if that one falls through can be push them to the others yeah I believe they would do the other two and just that take it off so that's where we are with them it was a positive meeting uh I could say that although we've had positive meetings with them before because they have to go back to design they're design people so uh I guess we've been there before where they go back to design and design says no we have to do it this way but I'm not I'm not hoping for that I'm hoping for the best so assuming the homeowner accepts the terms what's a reasonable timeline for these to PR I I think they're probably going to see 60 days before you see the design of the do cuz they have to go to their cons he going to you know they're going to go through they need a d permit we discuss that with you but you're probably 60 days to get the design back in the home owner once we have that meeting I think it's you know it's a one and done with the meeting that's fairly quick by the time the do gets in your schedule could be a full calend year depending on how we hit their budget you because they're going to have to schedule this within a budget and this is folding up the renovation of Ocean AV so they're they're fully aware of that so they're trying to get that in before that has to be done to be paid so that's that's all coming down the line but I probably within a year with my gu there's been so much attention on this particular item it's held up all the other ones I just want to make sure that we don't go whoops there's another one that all of a sudden sets us back when we get this one cleared yeah that's probably a good point because one of the things we haven't checked is if any of those properties the other two around been sold recently CU those property owners were in agreement with those check out so we're going to have to go back to the last couple years and see if those properties have been sold I mean it sounds like best case we at least a year away what we don't want to that happen is get this one cleared and trip off on another one years away um the good news is they they do possess the the the check house they they've purchased them so they're sitting in some yard somewhere in New Jersey so that's usually a long lead time to get those so at least that was a year ago they had and Greg is it fair to say I I know we're work in the downtown area quite but we have had a lot of flooding on Ocean Avenue over the last High Tides right and I believe in the North and South Beach it's predominantly reversed through the check PS not as much over Vulcans is it fair to say in your opinion when each check out PES get done except for the highest of tides and storms North and South Ocean Avenue should be somewhat protected probably not the highest of high tide but High Tides this it's going to knock out you know your med but your highest of high is coming through we have a couple situations specifically in the north where there's a couple bulkheads that dist prepare pass the check Bel the bhead is there if we get more enforcement on on the two or three bulkheads that need to be repaired I believe one of we has been since we identified that will help and yes I think the medium high times will be protected okay that's a big deal for us yes are they still coming in place there's that conversation with barbar's property they were there yeah they were there last week so they said they were going to clean that one right they cleaned out the area I went looked at it again um they cleaned out that whole Beach because the whole Beach was covered back then now the pipe was de viewable and they told her that they were going to extend that pipe into the river [Music] so I just ask one just to clarify if um there's still a problem with this one property then because I understand what you said the D says all right that the list and then we'll proceed with all the others is one project they didn't say that didn't specifically say that but they kind of were and us too were kind of saying this is the final shot at 620 because we're kind of with end and how to solve the design problem and solve the homeowner problem so this will kind of be the final design if he doesn't take it I think they will willingly walk away from it they already said they're going to walk away from it but they did bring up the other two um check Bells we met with them last Thursday and those are still on schedule other to any ability to push for the vacuum out jet there's a couple that before they do these check bells and improvs they yeah then once we put the check bells on the river side then they won't be full to see anymore that's a year away yes and and the one we were talking about the nler one they're not putting a check valel on that they're just they just cleaned it out that's not necessarily the greatest thing yeah but I looked at it with Charlie and that that's not one that really hurts us um because the water runs to the north and we'll get to the one that we fix it no matter what okay so we talking Pond there so to speak other nature thanks anybody else any questions on this one right thank you sir Joe anything else on your all right on to Public Safety and public works it off uh good morning everybody um most of St all say will be an executive session I see five minutes in executive session so some something to talk about is already on the list here including the ebike ordinance parking um which we'll talk about when the ebike comes up and parking comes up everything is normal our road department did a good job yesterday guys were there the whole time so they did it um I don't have much for you except for executive session that was it I'm going to make it short and sweet I know we spoke ear we've talked to Jack about a couple things so I'll leave it at that the one thing that Ryan Murphy I know he does all the OEM stuff you guys ask what your roles are the most important thing I would think which I would say is when we had emergency like that bringing us resources that we could not get um we were kind of left on an island out here and we have all the stuff that we can do but we we were left with basically nothing and I felt as though that our government needed to call people in that we just couldn't get cuz they kind of left us out here well whether it's our government officials even higher than that that's where we have the biggest problem is actually calling people in and getting the resources that we just going to other places I get to sit there for a week two weeks and um yeah F your contacts that that was it just use your contacts and make a decision because we were good until we basically had to open up sebr to the public and one SE got open to the public it became a disaster um that was really my experiences every resource you have call them in and tell them to help us cuz we everyone says we're going to help each other we had no help it would be good for us to know what those priorities would be so we can get on so that's going to be dependent on the incident obviously of course you know and the needs you know when when we exceed the capabilities of these far fire department works that's when I need you to get on the phone with your your friendly politician up on a higher level and be like hey we're in a bad spot here what can you do for us you know there's also a level of uh continuity government too you know those that were here Sandy there was a lot of all right are we making left or right here are we doing this or we doing that and those are decisions that you guys need to make on The Flock um again it's instance specific though we don't know what those decisions will be made yeah but there's some really good points here I mean you know Brian and mayor said and I think we all agree the most important thing we have to do is make decisions decision progress can get made but the First Responders know what they lack we don't necessarily know that and it would be great for us to understand what we needed was we needed generators we needed communication we needed water we needed backup Le whatever it is would be good and maybe maybe Ryan already knows that but that way we almost have I agree of emergency a playlist that correct and we will have that for you what you can do and I still to this day if this was not a state highway and that bridge was not brand new we still be sitting under a pile of sand now that's the only thing that kept us afloat was this was a state highway they that bridge was brand new that's the only reason why we got anything down here is because this was a state highway if this wasn't a state highway we'd still be buried in sand right now reality is probest Jack we have to stay out of your guys way and they're not going to know what to do until the emergency hits and what it is their needs are and then they come to us and then we get them what they need and that's the way it's going to work so it's hard to plan in advance too much because we don't know we didn't know right no no we don't and you never know because you're not expecting Sandy to hit so so it's but you guys are not shy when you need something from us and say hey we need this right they we not Shock that's why I got five executive session I'll be here hey um I guess since we got canceled in January we review 2023 really quick I love throwing numbers throw some numbers in um 2023 659 balls for service um I say 659 um I say that every Workshop meeting this isn't the old C right Indian fishing Villers that I grew up in definitely a new town um I like it personally but um yeah uh the the need for far keep increasing um 659 was our total number what was that compared to last year probably a 75 call increase no not per5 yeah probably um do I have no I don't I didn't I didn't run 2022 I should shame me response time still sub five minutes 4 minutes and 10 seconds from when you call my11 so fire truck pulls up at your door I contribute that to the the dedication of as I call the children downstairs um Chad how many of those actually right I was waiting for that question um 2023 we received Aid 78 times we gave Aid 233 times most of that's probably to my withth beach um actually I tell you exactly how much it's given 107 of that was the M Beach and 347 calls were handled by ourselves and how many right6 we received a 78 78 okay and we divided to3 23 234 that doesn't add up Regal that doesn't add up to 659 plus 347 oh plus 347 sorry those are the ones that we handled ourselves got in [Music] in um so proceeding forward 2024 you're to date we had a fire M or RS last night so we're at 73 calls um to date uh comparison is time year we are at 39 uh something that's exagerating that was the fling event we had in January that gave us I think 20 something calls um yeah go um the one thing that I didn't cover was man hour 2023 43,7 three individual man hours um that's divided into 1,694 man hours of individual call responses a bunch of other stuff stuff of 6,800 training hours and then a big number of 35,000 Staffing hours 35,4 well thank you yeah you just keep going keep it up it's not me KS it's easy right it's easy for [Music] them all they have to do is be um one thing 2023 that I Know Jack asked me every other day is we did that ISO inspection um sorry ISO the Insurance Underwriters um we're currently sitting at class three I'm trying to get us down to class two if that happens it will will be I don't want to call it significant but a noticeable decrease in your um your Lage Insurance mainly from more commercial side Beach Clos and stuff but you will see a decrease if I get that okay and then I'll get [Music] that Dan you want to speak today put on spot yeah last we did about 355 calls um to date January we did 14 calls all in C right uh we missed zero calls uh we're working with our medical director to schedule training for our members and anyone else who wants to come um um our blood drive date is May 14th 1: p.m. at the re like the blood drive we had last year is that all day excuse me all day no no 1 to uh 7 that May 14 May 14 yes um we have the Lucas we got last year which is the C Machine anybody wants to see how this stuff works feel free to stop over there we can set it up and show you we electri stretches now they going on load for the am one of the ambulances so we updated all that and the fire department has been a big help they show up with almost every single call that we have which provides Manpower and we're show up like a driver or something they'll give driver will hop on and the ambulance and driver for us so and that's basically any questions question Dan I know that uh recently the county has uh instituted a a for like of a term ambulance program through the Sheriff's Office yes do we know about that do we we involved with that not really I mean I mean I know it's brand new they're spreading out throughout the county right now mostly I think in the t fall it's called that area so the county sheriff's department created a ambulance service to supplement local well some of the towns they can't get out they totally shut down their volunteers the county stepped up and they're providing first it's all on it looked very nice and I think something to look into have we had any discussions about what their future state is and whether or not we can from it from the articles I gave Jack the article it says that they're going to try to expand to the entire M of County as a backup uh to local uh volunteers um so I think they were operating up for month they look at response times and they're going to be supplementing eventually when if you don't get out at time with you know a certain amount of minutes they're going to send an ambulance in well that's interesting and they buil they say they have soft billing and hard billing but everybody gets a bill so you submit it to your insurance which people at se aren't used to right so and other towns are not used to it either so we've had no real discussions with them because you know going to decide where they want to go I mean to me it seems like our enous team has has really elevated it's come a long way and we appreciate that but understanding the complimentary nature of how these things can operate that would oh yeah no no problem Pro as they grow yeah it's a it's a brand new program so we'll monitor it and I'm sure these guys will be on top of them I mean if you want them to come in I'm sure they'll be glad to that's the decision we make thank you dud sheriff is is playing a major role this it's going to be very slow expandion yeah say they have to buy the a couple of the occasions they have negotiated to take over a facility with their name on is in they don't just want I thought they were just going to be on control but they now focused on specific location where they keep the and doors and the crew can relax or whatever between callers they recognize it on a county basis that a lot of the volunteers need need some backup sure so it's a step in the right direction okay public work than Comm okay so anyway between January 10th and yesterday the borrow experience s Northeast storm events some stronger than others but they all required some form of cleanup whether it was debris or snow so that's a pretty lot in fact it canceled your last meeting I remember correctly um okay Rob ordered a new tractor for the beach rake will be here in June and also the new dump truck for the department will be here in June in addition to that Joe asked us to start putting up snow fence and most to the North FE section of town which we picked up the fence put most of it in we have a little bit left off to do yes yeah so it's mostly done now so it's quite a bit of fence um Frank Lawrence asked me if I can pick up the dun grass plantings next week you may or yes because they want to plant some dun grass and last but not least we have a full-time employee who's going to retire Randy at the end of the month in about two weeks so be down a guy he'll be missed he's been here for about 10 and a half years y yeah he did a lot yeah we're going he will be missed is there open job St we talked about that didn't John the we did last year was yeah I'm pretty sure that was in the plan right d are you going to continue the snow fence of South Beach yeah if you want it as long the money is available we can do it looked at it and said you know let's come as far south as we can now before the bird thing Cuts us down in South we can do during the season because it's not a protected area for a majority of it okay yeah SE in the South yeah yeah but this is protected so we have to get it up so it's between the seaw wall and the West End of the Dooms that's where we're putting it up so okay thank you for getting that Northeast looks good um I have created M with Frank uh for dire North Beach just to check off everywhere thing you guys completed and I have um areas in the Anchorage Main Beach and South we want to do the entire stretch show uh I know it's a big burden to get the whole crew out there working on that and take care of other things so I didn't expect like uh you guys just to only do this yeah but we do appreciate it but if they weren't able to get to these other areas I was going to suggest we contracted out or get a price from a side contractor if they weren't able to get all the areas that we need because I think it's important not only to do the north but do the South get everything fixed up we still got some time as long as we have the availability with money we should be able to do a lot of it anyway right I think is there a time you want to T by Sam well just to avoid the environmental issues I mean it there was no time I just wanted to get I think that's done I I think the Anchorage and and the main Beach aren't there's no encumbrances long right no and even really South Beach to a certain exent as John said but you want by the planting to planting yeah get up as much friend as we kind I wanted to add some additional sand trap areas that we were going to talk lat on but um the more that we get up prepaired because it's like you saw how it was just on the ground I mean the storms were pretty bad and they knocked a lot of it off um I don't know you know there's no fix as long as we stay on top of like a plan like just checking on it fixing it as it falls um yeah they're fixing some areas where they can you know but when they had to they have to replace and unfortunately some of it was soad could like been move it you know so they just put it right in front of it so the other issue we have especially in the North End are people cutting the fence to make their they believe that they're ramp down yeah we've had multiple that contributes a lot that was like every person that walk by it Lees it they have a path to the beach they don't want to work around so they just cut through it so that's another problem they just break our fence and spread it out is there something we should do about that they've sent us out there you know and we've replaced it multiple times in different areas over the years and they don't care they'll just come right back out so when you go out and you site the home owner who has the walkway across the way and say why you know get on the stop I mean I know you don't do that but but but code enforcement's got to do it right we have a currently we 10 access points on is there like a letter we need sent out saying the fencing is in place and and if you touch it we're going to shoot serious seriously a plan thats that are legit yes we do have else be we're going do a town mail added to that yeah we're going to P you back I speak after talking Chris yeah we have to do that yeah more I mean to me what we should do is we should put out a letter to all the property owners that have a thing across the street and basically say here are the 10 access points or whatever they are they're putting up doing fencing to protect you the entire town if you do anything you will be cited for so let them know what's going to happen and then if it happens unfortunately we're going to have to do something about we to be happy but we can't just let it go in check it have to be we've spoking to help owners that cutting the fence we have done before the past and people said I don't know I can I go down from my house and people think that that's sure the steps go down they can go right there that way but I think though if you do send a letter to everybody isn't that letter it's yes you have it that would be something that would be good for us yeah very cool all right that's do you can be a postcard about preservation you could do two you could do the letter and then you could also do a secret of marketing yeah letter about cutting the Doom grass and also like a quick thing maybe about I sounds funny piping flers people new residents don't understand the whole Coastal protection plan or what what it means and maybe just something put like that because they just not that they don't care they just don't know excuse me if I can refresh everybody's memory and John will confirm this following Sandy we sent out several notifications to homeowners particularly in North Beach about going over the Dooms and cutting the snow fence and you know it has to be enforced one thing I would suggest is that um um get the New Jersey fish and wildlife folks involved because folks are also not just going to the dunes which is our issue the zbr but they're also invading the restricted areas that are marked up BS and they will come out and they will find people they have uh folks that I don't know if they're actually actually officers but they look they have uniforms monitors and they're intimidated and they will come over and knock on somebody's door official and yeah they are they are official so I would I would urge you to get those folks engaged as well and just tell what people are violating your your fence line hey you know who you are St your name and address I'm sorry I'm sorry Irish 7:30 Ocean Avenue thank you beautiful roach and Dave again I totally understand why I wasn't done yesterday you guys had a lot of things on your agenda but um if if the South Beach sidewalk along the sea wall can get today um it's still still covered so um I me I didn't go in the North Beach I don't know what it looks like we already hit that okay I just want to make sure it's done because it's going to be like an nicey mess out do you think that your uh capacity can handled finishing up the the whole rest of the beach with uh without burdening other things you to do well we got to do the beach lockers too but I don't know we got enough time for that now we excuse me one quick question Dave proba for you um do you guys regly police the beach um following the winter because all sorts of crap floats up on there and there's a giant giant Timbers out there do you get rid of those did you leave there no we Tred to get the problem is we can't get up there right because of that gly right there right now yes um we're trying to get out there we can with the smaller Vehicles the load is a little bit harder to get around to we've seen it some of them got to be chainsaw up we will be picking all everything up before you don't want Chainsaw no no we have a CL shell on the it'll be out there we'll pick it up yeah just like once a month at least to all the large bre especially after the storm you guys an amaz job the first flooding came coming through was awesome really awesome I had to hire somebody contracted out because this time of the year Highlands they went toiz their equipment and that's it you I think storm the bee sweep the timber sweep that be great yeah what we do we pick up the large debris and then I want to wait a day or two so it dries out because if you put the sweeper out that instead it just ain't going to clean it up the right way you know what I mean so that's how if the concept of a letter to the property own is a has we we've done it before I mean we have videos remember last year we had a video of the guy just pulling out the pl sign and just thr that's horrible the people have taken the uh Dune sign that indicates walk do you m pick them up and just throw them so wild west anybody have any questions for Dave or public works as a whole anybody Dave thanks [Music] easy yes affordable housing Alliance is no longer doing it for us uh and we needed to go out and find another another affordable housing monitoring service um Jen beam uh from fo's Office uh gave me a a company's name um it's an acronym cgph yes we got it from Jen um they're all over the place they're very uh you know they're very into it uh as you can see U our contract with portable housing Alliance has been $10,000 a year theirs is not to exceed $10,000 and basically they say that uh it should be a lot less cuz we don't have that much so it's even a cost [Music] savings all right I think the next one is Mark you put this on land for yeah that's from so basically when we did our master plan a couple years back 17 I believe we never updated the ordinances to meet up with the master plan which is required to do by law so I asked Jen who's amazing uh to put together a proposal and she kept it pretty low as far as concern but it is something we need to do so um and it's in there and Joe I didn't know since it's in here I ask oh ask c yeah no what I was going to ask is I asked ask them to put it onto the budget for 2024 is that something we have now available or or do we need to wait for the budget well we we'll talk to Mike on Friday I I don't I don't know we did a few years ago we did do it um we didn't do any update of the ordinances no not not not not not to make a map of the master plan we did update I know we never did wasn't though that's why we still have to do it what is this yes please oh oh no IOD what you're saying we we approve something to have it done we never actually did the work I'm telling you done I mean we approved it but we never we never show me where we adopted the ordinance is the mat up the master plan they're not they're not it's not equal to and that's why Jen had to go ahead and put the together we have to do it we never so you speak speak yes okay um work already did he wrote it yeah I told that to put it into he agre so Chris you might want to check see we actually out on that what paid out on that word is because I know we signed the contract here 100% right they just never produce the uh the actual ordinances yeah that's what I'm saying we do there was an ordinance 10 in 2018 that was um long ordinance that did a lot of section differ well show me show me and because OB we don't need to we duplicate but I know there's other things that haven't been done [Music] so thank I the status qu [Music] for there was a problem we started for walking number I remember the number of many many hundreds of tickets going through the ocean Bo Court Crea a problem but they have since brought in a second person to help with the car and things have improved so on the basis of that weing decided to stay just for your information we checked other towns I didn't Noti this but M Peach their court is in Fall they don't have their own court so they have even a greater distance to travel than we do rson problem there is they already have fairhead holding their Court in rson so they have just one Court facility and use it for many purposes So based on that and the locity stay with um ocean cour they have a nice facility and uh now we have multiple staff those should work better in the monitary this year in Z but U it's [Music] um it's about I'm time to this about 15 minute ride for the police to go back and forth if you went with the neighboring Town such as Highland that would be U not a problem we're just mon the see how CL this year but U the staff over there is very good and the judge for to go whatever you want in making these changes you do have to coordinate with the judge make sure she doesn't have a conflict because she has multiple Court takes but right now motion board looks good and the price stays the same no increas theice next we had a few reasons out there I mean obviously for the summer this par we're pretty strapped more so than ever this year we're going to have some issues there so keep your eyes out yeah Heather youve been we're talking with the local property owner you just need to find a way potentially to move 12 Boat Trailers it's kind of I'm not sure maybe I should talk to Lance to see if he has some space or I there's an area oh you move them off the property correct we have multiple people we talking about has potential use of that property not really only one at this point um I mean I don't know if it's right to talk about don't talk I'm not involved in it but obviously there's multiple pieces of property to be considered not being involved in my assumption is we've approached several of them down to one is that we've approached others we approached the church uh in rson they have not been interested in in in US parking over there um and really just the the one Marina that we've talked to and we'll still keep talking that was the most recent um just concern about what to do with those trailers but that would create enough space theoretically for the volume we need at any given basis are these are these trailers that then we have move back because or are these trailers they're getting rid of I don't wish they're getting rid of them they're they're they're residence trailers individual people so we have to find another place to locate them because residents are still using I don't know what the usage is what I see I they've been there for how many years they've been there and they haven't mve they haven't moved right maybe we could go to PE yeah and put them up in the temperament he has a space that he said we could use I'd like to come with a solution [Music] make it easier re who I mean who's got who's got the grip on this which council member this well Heather's really the one that's spearheading the dialogue with the Marine owner I was just Tak one that I had contact with but the only reason I asked right there's multiple ways to skin this cat none of them are good we're not building a park and garage in the next 3 months right that's not going to happen so while I had code enforcement I spent quite a bit of time talking to Bret J and others about this right and we contemplated various ways to solve this problem I don't want to Bel belor it here but we may have to find a different solution in renting somebody's property if we can't get somebody's property and I just want to know who's got the Bol to kind of f because it's going to be honest really quick once Pap parking comes they're not going to have a place to go no I mean that's why it continues to be on the the agenda everyone is that's the problem it's just you one this is probably not going to work but I share with Joe I just being went to s this weekend J you know part G obviously not an option talk that but I think option either but just sit outting there are like one story hydraulic pipes I mean they're pretty they're it might be the only option all the you know going vertical it interesting there you know you need an intend and everything I have no idea the costs are corrosion all that well yeah going municial a lot honestly um and it's seasonal but I'm just let you know it's just for a town few options it's an option supposed anyway something we could research I don't I personally think it would work but it would be wor I think looking at not yeah what I'm getting at is driving to a recommendation that the council can review and approve when I had ordinance enforcement last year parking was in my area and I felt this was an area to investigate to try to find a solution the only thing I'm concerned about is that somebody's got a grip on it that are going to bring to council a workable recommendation for the sumits who is that I'll I I mean I was only approaching one had contact but I'm happy to that's that's a pretty good on pretty one I'm not giving up on that because whether it hits this doesn't hit this year or next year it's a viable solution so if you to continue to so I think it's parallel hoing right did we talk to did you talk to the r Chief pleas for the church yeah I haven't heard anything about the church but um there are two ideas that we do have for parking and it's I'm going to go ahead and order my business parking passes assuming we're going to find a solution we have two ideas one might work the one you're talking about another one that I'm not crazy about that idea but it might work it just it every all the stars have to align on that one there's another one that I'm thinking about um we also have to assume that we're not going to have both parking lots that we're thinking about now if we can get together with then hole and see when they think they're going to break down that Church Street lot if we can squeeze one month out of it two months out of it maybe it's a possibility and also I think we have to come the realization that we might not even have any business parking lot and we have someone has to say you know what business parking people you're on your own on this one um other towns do not provide business parking lots for the businesses we're we've been fortunate enough to do it and someone has to say you're own it's not going to be a solution but it's you want to park you L you got to pay so that's kind of we're at right now I know some of the businesses I'm going to approach and some of the people I will approach and ask them about it but I need I can't do it without obviously the council's approval and tell them what I'm doing but I do have some ideas that might work but I'm assuming that it's not going to work and someone's going to have to say go to the who guys are on their own this year but we're not there yet move for ordering the business classes and I did order 150 of them last year obviously we you know they they all sold out and when you one of those there's no annotation of cost because if we decide to take it from $75 to 350 and just making this up that's not tight to how you have these things printed no no no no no no no because just to be very brief right when we talked about this assuming we didn't get anybody's property as a sub to do this what we were conceptualizing is we take again this is only during pay parking season for most of the months it doesn't apply but during pay parking you take a small subset of the parking in town pick it 50 spots and if you want one of those spots it's first come first sered and it's $250 it's $500 because we make about $1,250 per parking spot per year if you look at the average utilization so we wouldn't want to give it for $75 and lose $1,200 worth of revenue for the town but if they' have to pay $1,200 that's ridiculous so assuming nobody's willing to give up a piece of property to do this the worst case scenario for the workers are you're paying $2 an hour whatever the going rate is and that's what you have to do the best case solution is we decided to come up with the subset of spots first come first serve that they would get an Abad rate because they working down we do have to get that to a decision point so to me this is a multi approach open they decide how we want to proceed absolutely yeah I'm going to go ahead and as business as usual and Order up those passes and get this thing going because it's going to come up on us quick and we've talked about we really don't even if if we come up with nothing the employees will be paying for parking and that's going to be taking away from our businesses that'll take away twice it'll take away parking and it'll take away Beach sales Beach sales you'll get the revenue from the parking you'll get the revenue from the parking but not getting revenue from the beach Sal agre and and the businesses would you know they're going to be down 100 spots that's always intangibles of what you lose by losing Department space sure we on the same page we work with the officers yeah keep in mind as BR said like we're one of the only towns that provide special parking for businesses I don't think Red Bank but they have a ton of purple like well that's debatable if you ask people in Red Bank they're going to say they never can find parking in Red Bank so well I mean they do a parkage I I understand you know we've talked about that market and you're you're you're correct nobody thinks they have enough parking but you know if you go to bmar or Asbury you may have to walk 10 blocks but there's a parking space there's no 10 blocks in cab so I mean that that's a little bit of a difference any wanted to assign parking spaces on public one our music lart there are spaces at the far into the lot that I don't use on a regular basis a very good Saturday yes but other times it talking out to be 75 80% full but these far end spaces that might be where we would want to assign Business Park well maybe that's a it's a math equation for Captain Aras where we can figure out how many paid parking spaces do we have and then how many unused spaces do we see on an average outside of I think that's just what we know that's the number that'll help us right it's it's Ma how many available spaces we have on an average daily basis weekday and then weekend I would do weekend Friday Saturday Sunday th Thursday Monday the weekend yeah I I think right now this order passes I'm I'm going to order everything as normal and sounds good Prett easy just every couple years yeah we establish salary ranges for all the all the positions it doesn't give anybody an increase it's just a salary ordinance that uh is arranged for each of our um positions here in in in the Barrow so Chris has been working on that Hey Joe as as chair of personel can I just take a look at that before we finalize it I think in is it all right next up please Heather you want to take this proposal okay this has been a long awaited it just hasn't happened from random meetings but so we had a bunch of submissions and they were great and they were varied in uh looks and um approaches and there was one that was just like a universal stand up absolutely everyone on the rent committee was blown away um this is an artist his name is Jay Alders he's phenomenal he's down more in the in the southern area of Jersey he does a lot of just beachcape surfing outside so I have um it got kind of pixelated I told them only to blow it up as high as you could it would BR properly um but this is essentially what the mural would look like you can also see it non pated on My Broken Phone um yeah scratch don't mind all the time so this is this is the view so this isn't taxpayer dollars right this is from um beneficiary funds that we have um and we thought this would be a pretty amazing um rendering to put on the St facing wall of the the rec center so I ideally it would kind of start the spring and the Springs kind of vibrancy something's going on in the community center there's a lot of action that's happening now you know we've got the farmers market in there the pickle balls in there you've got the open gym coming around we really want to make this a place for the community to congregate um and it just brings just kind of energy into the town so so I'll be honest I don't like it I'm not really a big neural person I guess um at least not that type and I kind of like the way the building looks now I'm just being completely honest I can be completely minority I just want to say that I like the way it looks now I don't what's theost it was 15,000 where' you say the funds coming from it's the beneficiary what technically is the Bas has it it's yeah it was the Sandy recovery um fund people p donations to it thought comments does everybody else want I think the commun is great because it's just fresly P right then just but I do like that but I don't know if we do that 15,000 or something now I give you my view first of all thanks for the work that you put into this I know it's been a long hard coming I absolutely love and I think we all do what we have at the other end of town coming into town it's bright it gets your attention it's beachy it's good I like this if if you were going around the room right now and you're saying yes or no I would say yes it is a bit [Music] striking it it's very bold but you saw all the other ones I saw none of them if it was a yes or no vote I would say yes I would say yes [Music] thought you have what the others were I do I mean there's a ton of [Music] them I can this one seemed to be the most on C brand um [Music] find and I'm happy to bring Jay in to so there are some go just a little up and down from there yeah it was more there like a water phase one then there was yeah you saw the one with the there was a animals involved fishes involved dog there's one the dog or's no there's one with dogs involved where you put your own dog on I mean he reached out to a great spectrum of artists Tera Alondo she took the lead on that she's got connections with artists and anyone who wanted to submit could submit we got our own resident who submitted um a mural so there was a spectrum to choose from and I think if you think it's too loud but you like the concept you can easily you know talk to Jay and slightly you know modify it but this is definitely his style if you see his work um it is identifiable thanks for sharing the the pictures now that I've seen them I like that one even better right um John just out of curiosity what's your opinion you for work this well I originally wanted a yeah we said no and that was free someone was going to do well now that were're paying for to make sense yeah I think it's school it doesn't face anyone's home so it's not offending um anybody directly think Havey are we going to get a sign put up facing Ocean Avenue for the building or is it that's what that's what I we need most obviously just like a nice you know right yeah I have the old signs but they need attention um from somebody that can really U identify the building take care we do have other things we need in that building um I don't know where that money comes from like Sam said we have other money well I think also when you look at the the funds they can't be used for certain things right so get it use for a new sign probably yeah be nice I'm sorry what are these funds again are they're not public confused it was the Sandy donation fund that we have it's a donation fund and is it restricted well it's it's restricted up to a point it has to be for the rehabilitation of CRA but it's sitting in in an account but it's it's not taxpayer correct it's not C okay and we we're do with the gr we're doing a grant we need a resolution for that this agenda it's on the bottom and that will attend to the walls that right it's the preservation Grant so sitting with Frank Lawrence we're um pulling funds for looking at the east facing wall to make sure that that can be um reevaluated we're going to look at the bathrooms enhancing the bathrooms with some um Compliant toilet seats and sinks because that's the back from the original 1918 building we're looking at the front doors to the building is not from 19 the building from like 1960 something is it yeah I thought it was the property was dedicated in the 197 okay but the building the building was moved building was moved see right Village uh so that that Grant is due February 27th so we've got funds for re abilitation then the locks are going to be important the more gets used I you want to go back and work on a sign maybe new signage on the west side of the building there he wants a sign be nice to have a sign of course it would and that would you know so is it a no on the mural and a yes on the sign it sounds like it's a no I think it's a you do both I'm not a huge fan of let's see how a gr we don't know we're getting out right our arms just don't know what direction I'm going I'm hearing the sign it sounds like the signs are more important than the mural is what I'm hearing I think they're that's kind of thing you're not going to see if we do build if we do have it painted like you won't know done then oh yeah either really nice or body that would be nice two two two points one there's a useful life from a mural it's going to deteriorate over time true and then what are you going to do with it second I was really surprised at the choice of color for that building it's not Gucci at all if you would paint it and madebe some brighter colors that can be maintained over time maybe that's more inviting than those are um the colors that McDonald's is using in all the buildings the very St very cold I don't know so I have a surprise of just the colors that we use in this building maybe that would be an approach a little you may also want to put that out to the public and get some public input on it before we just go ahead and be in this room approve it this is something the entire Town's going to be looking at I'm happy to open it up if that's what people want that's my suggestion but mayor um we have we had Jack and I had talk earlier on on subject about cutting cutting off the general meeting at 10:00 because I know people have to leave at 11: and we have an we have a long executive session and there's no point having executive session if people aren't here so I don't know if we want to adjourn this going to Executive if we finish executive that can we just do one last item the eike ordinance sure skip to that I I know that's important we're almost there it's all important I guess well yes of course um the eBay coordinates is ready to go it's ready I I made two suggestions um I don't know if they were Chang I didn't see a change in the last what were they they were the um there's a definition section and I don't have in front of me but it defines a certain four letters and then the bulk of the ordinance talks about something else it doesn't talk about what's in the definition so I thought maybe that was a mistake because um if you're regulating something and it's not in the definition it doesn't make and then the second question is there's a one that regulates but only for people who are over age 14 and I was wondering the reason for that um why why would it's about riding ebikes in certain places and it's only for people over ag4 wondering why it wouldn't be regulated for people wonder and maybe there's a reason for that maybe it's because state law won't let people ride who's 14 but I didn't know the reason for that both points um so the definition how was different in the text compared to the front they have the definitions I took the state definitions from those three vehicles and put it into the definition portion um wall did not wall have their own term I just didn't correct all that so I think that the definition on the front page is the actual state definition for these vehicles that should be used in the entirety and the 14 was just something that was in walls put up to mayor council if they want to keep that agent Li in there okay so that was our idea that was just what a couple quick things I work this closely with for we got it to a point um good questions um I didn't understand the up to age 14 because it basically implied that if you run to 14 you can ride this on a sidewalk basically the way it reades which is I don't think what we want to do the big contentious point that we had was use on a splash right because there's a high risk up there people don't pass on the way it's written right now convince you onls and Mar okay with you you have Cod for you I discuss this I would be very happy to bring this the final closure that we're all comfortable with we'll correct the things that we just talked about to me the most important thing is we have Council conviction around the main tenants do we want an ordinance the answer was yes do we see a problem going on yes the most important thing about this is it creates an ordinance to put the police department in a position that they now actually have the authority to do something because it's documented right now they have no Authority unless somebody's committing a crime so the thing I would say please not to take the time here is if any of the council members have any strong issues about the E ordinance which is in our pack please let me know I will find finalize those with J we'll clean up whatever mistakes we have and then we'll be done but I think we're all agree that we want to get rid of the age I would I personally I don't see any reason pad the spash pad is the point yeah we want the spash not included that you can't go the slash P but to Mark's point when you read it it basically says if you're under 14 you can ride on the sidewalk the law doesn't apply to you we're going to take that out so if everybody's okay with that please take a look at it right if you have any issues with it send me an email I'll finalize it with Jim and we'll be ready to go is the that for discussion I mean has that been finalized no that's what I think is I've heard different things from different people to do scroll right now again I mean that's some people want it on spashback well they don't want to push they don't want to push the kids out on 36 we discussed was you know our feeling was we want likeor said push people 46 we wanted to regulate the use on the splash pad pertaining to speed or pertaining to you have to Pedal it because most of these wipes have the ability to be powered through the motor or through the pedal I know it's you know that's that's kind of direction we were going that's what we were talking about so we would be able to regulate the speed as in like you can tell somebody's going over 20 on no we some signage up and stuff like that we couldn't see the radar done and see how fast something's going but we also can't force people we can't tell a whole family of kids we can't go goe to Highway 36 it's just not happening we'd rather have on the spash the whole family we're not to post a police officer on the splash P all the time to monitor this in my opinion having worked as our major concern conc ER is for the safety of our residents that are walking with their children with their dogs and an electric bike sneaks up on hits them and we say how did that happen the problem is if we take the bikes off the splash pad and we put them on the street in the north beach the feeling is there's a high risk that somebody's going to get injured right there's no room there's no room so what we tried to do is come up with a compromise that basically says put regulations and stipulations how they can be used on the flash p and that's what this ordinance intended to do there's no easy answer on the street is dangerous on the slashman as as risks we wanted to control them as best as we could so I mean there's no perfect answer here to your point right question is what's the best of the bad answers and I think that's what J has put together sorry what will a ebike rider be confronted with when they enter the splash P let's say they're coming over the bridge appropriate signage exactly what what specifically well we're not going to settle that right here right now well give be a rough idea I'm I haven't seen I haven't seen the ordinance I haven't seen the ordinance I really don't know but it seems it seems a little bit ENT have not done appr it we will put the right signage to reflect the requirement St in new Orin I just don't want to adopt an ordinance that we're not going to enforce I agree with you that's that's my fear if we just put up signage I will we do have to get the executive session right now I would say I have no problem he worked on it I'll work with you on it undecided whether it's going to be splash pad or I I think Splash Pad makes more sense too is it able to pain strip down this flass pad as like a desert area as B that's that doubt I know we went through this probably not that big espe it like yeah but when you get to all the stairs oh no no I'm make a biger