##VIDEO ID:4OZAxAuIPJY## regular meeting the mayor and bur Council the B seide Park County votion state of New Jersey held on Thursday October 3rd 2024 advertised to begin at the conclusion of the work session meeting which has now just ended pursuing to the provisions of New Jersey open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication the as in the asbar Park Press in the Star Ledger on January 5th 2024 notice of the meeting of the governing body also has been posted in the Corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municipal clerk roll call council member Emma here council member condos here council member Connor here council member craft here council member Renda here council president wil here mayor Pearson here thank you and now let us all rise together for a moment of silence to be followed by our Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all the first item on the agenda is approval for the minutes those are the September 19th 2024 work session and the September 19th 2024 regular meeting do have questions comments or if not a motion make the motion motion for approval by council member of craft I'll second second by council member amabile roll call council member CRA yes council member amab yes council member condos yes council member Conor yes council member Rota yes council president wil yes Mo next item on the agenda are ordinances the first one is final rating and adoption it's ordinance 22423 providing for the Reconstruction of a portion of the boardwalk in the B and appropriating $1,300,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $1,300,000 in bonds or notes of the B Park to finance the cost thereof and this came about as a result of ongoing research several years in the making even prior to that uh these ordinance has been drafted by Bond counsel uh Mr Mayor and it entails an application which we've already received approval from the ibank for funding uh but it still remains to be seen safe to say what determination would be made from the council as to how much of the board work would actually be funded that will depend in part too on any uh estimates involved any of the the bid process but this puts the uh potential funding in place anything else from Council or any in the summary well it's I guess what had been mentioned in the past it's for 30 years balloon so and we don't have to obviously take all of the 12.3 million um we take as we need it we already have some money set aside for to start it once we do embark on this project yeah and if we get any Bill if we get my understanding if we get any like grants or anything else like that they can be applied towards the payments yeah towards that so that's all good yeah the first um 50% is interest free the second 50% for for the loan of this amount would then be at uh at you know at the morget rate anything else from Council on this if not this is second reading and I will accordingly go out into the audience if there's any public comments on Final reading adoption ordinance 22423 if anyone has any if they could give their name and address to the record hearing none I would close the public portion I'd entertain a motion from Council I'll make that motion by second it motion by council member craft second by council president R roll call council member craft yes council president will yes council member am yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member Enda yes motion approved and next is final waiting an adoption its ordinance 22424 amending chapter inquiry from the public as to whether they could purchase Ed badges mostly the last few years but there's a number were still available how to go about it legally and we thank our attorney's office and the committee a lot of work that went into this and I gather there are those that are going to make decorations contemplated and other uses for them but uh there had never been actually an ordinance that now there will be so hope for the best good Stu this will be an ongoing thing every year B bades badges bad well add another year okay we have to revisit this no every year okay good job Joe anything else from Council if not we'll go into the audience if there are any public comments or question final reading adoption ordinance 22424 if anyone has any they could give their name and address into the record hearing none I would close the public hearing and entertain a motion for final reading of the ordinance move I'll second motion by council member runda seconded by council member Conor roll call council member runda yes council member Connor yes council member Anil yes council member condos yes council president Willl yes council member craft yes Mo approved and next are authors ations there is one the Seaside Park yach Club trustee meeting Saturday October 26 2024 time 10: a.m. to 1 p.m. the location in the council chambers any questions comments from Council or if not any motion I'll make the motion Mr Mayor by council member H second by council member Conor roll call council member amille yes council member Connor yes council member condos yes council member craft yes council member rotunda yes council president will yes motion approved and the next item are payments of the claims the bill list 224 293 approving payment of itemized claims as set forth on the check registered Bill list for the period of time September 20th to October 3rd 2024 any questions or comments from Council or if not a motion I'll make the motion there motion by council member craft I'll second it second by council member Connor roll call council member craft yes council member Connor yes council member am yes council member condos yes council member attendant yes council president will yes motion approved and next are resolutions I read in summary fashion 2994 authorizing the reimbursement of designated water sewer utility account 295 authorizing the reimbursement also of a water sewer utility count 296 the reimbursement of a designated water sewer utility count 297 authorizing 224 raffle license applications and 298 authorizing Remington bernick Engineers to provide training for GIS application Services 299 authorizing the credit for lead and copper sampling to be applied to the designated fourth quarter water sewer accounts 300 urging the state of New Jersey to take an incremental and targeted approach to adopting the proposed protection against climate threat pack P resilient Environmental Landscape real rules as per the discussion at the work session 301 awarding a contract to East Coast flag and flag pole Inc for the provision of flag poles 302 authorizing the hire of Cory kobas as a full-time labor in the Department of Public Works 303 authorizing the sale of surplus property no longer needed for public use on an online auction website any questions comments from Council on any of the resolutions I have one comment there I probably wasn't mentioned in our work session that we um the rbe training for the guest application Services is uh just $3,000 very good thanks M any other comments from councel if not it's our practice to allow comments on specific resolutions though not required by law and I'll go into the audience if anyone has any comments on any of the resolutions if you could give your name and address into the record yes Alan uh yes Al mle at 145 O Street on U number 30 1 resolution I'm sorry I didn't catch the price of each pole I know there was 18 PO with $275 $1,625 per flag ball 1,00 1625 thank you yeah that includes installation and everything yeah a whole nine yards yeah and any other uh public comments on that yes F yeah on um f 21 R Street on 297 the raffle um where is that it says it's on site premises on the 18th of October where is that I in town what's happening on the 18 they want raffle oh I believe they're having a raffle I I don't have the application in front of me but I want to say it's going to be at the saw m okay don't all right yeah I think that's the PTO their annual fundrais okay any other comments on resolutions hearing thenone I'll close the public comment portion and I would entertain a motion as a consent agenda motion by council member craft second second by council member Conor roll call council member craft yes council member Connor yes council member ovil yes council member condos yes council member Randa yes council president Willl yes motion approv and that concludes the written agenda any other items for from the council for discussion doing none I'll go into the the audience if there's any public comments if anyone has them if they could give their name and address into the record yes sir my name is Jim zne I live at 77 Stockton Avenue with my Bo friend been here for 27 years originally I came to present a novel that I had written and asked the township perhaps uh if they want to accept it and if later on you might want to endorsed in any manner which I did more than happens to do but it's things are too important now that is not important that's the least thing that's important but what is important is what's happening to our country I'm a soldier I'm not a service member I get disgusted and angry when I hear Republicans and Democrats refer to all US soldiers all US military as service members the chef in the White House is a service member we put our lives on the line when we we sign up the going to the military we give an oath and our oath is to to stand by our Constitution and do whatever we have to do to protect our country against foreign and domestic terrorists and that's what we have today we have domestic terrorists hiding behind a part they claim that that they're Democrats everything is fine yes I'm talking about Democrats I will present only facts and I challenge every Democrat in the country to refute them they're not I feel good facts they're not well it could be they're facts I'm a republican I I supported a friend of mine against you there in the last election he was a Democrat but he was a great friend of mine I never anticipated he was going to win because I would never turn over control to the Democrats not our town but there's another warning I give you the book is based on facts and you start to read the book you see there's a lot in there about government agencies I know a lot about government agencies I have contacts within the government agencies and all the people here and all these Democrats over here have been sitting here costing me 20% more for my food 50% more for my gas all the things that have happened to us since Joe Biden and H cell Harris took over in the white house now they want to pay all this money I don't care but they're dragging us down to pay whatever the hell you guys want but you're dragging us down to and it has to stop they destroying our country 25 million illegal aliens are in our country there's not enough money in FEA as we found out today to help the poor people that have suffered the worst hurricane in the South hurricane H that's not enough money because this fool in charge of FEMA gave a billion dollars to support illegal immigrants the hell with Americans let's just bring more illegal immigrants in here they don't have any right in our country they belong the hell out of here we flought Wars to keep this from happening we're being taken over in our country by the White House C Harris and all the Democrats in the democra party there were amendments offered to the house went through to the set we we control the house and passed went through to the Senate one of the Amendments on there was that only American citizens can vote in our elections guess what the Democrats turned it down every Democrat in the house voted against Americans voting for our election they want Europeans that don't belong to our country Chinese you name them they're from all over the world dumped in our country they're the same guys that gave us no bail isn't it great I come and Rob $100 out of your W they arrest me I walk out the door the next day I look for you again what the hell I can do that over and over again this is no there's no bail needed all these are forced on us by the Democrats now they may hide behind oh well it's great Gala Harris is so great she served in public office for 21 years she's never had a job never worked for a company never made a payroll and never hired anybody that the government didn't pay for it Joe bid 54 years and what is his accomplishments to to destroy our country you see him on TV he's he's an emisil he can't talk he can't do anything who the hell is running our country the Democrats have destroyed our country and they still come up and vote my good friend has a sign on his lawn Cala for president he's an educated man what the hell are wrong with was wrong with these people they're destroying our country now and they think oh well it's it's okay it's not okay I pay more money at the pump so do you you voted for the guy you the Democrats oh now you shake your head it wasn't me that's what they did in Nazi Germany but it wasn't me I didn't belong to that party I didn't wear a hard B let's bur on the Jews well here what do we have here what do we have here we have some Democrats that say well I didn't really vote for it well if you voted for it you're getting what you voted for you're getting a country that's going to hell guess what one boat we're all on one boat you're going down too you s the ship not only we go on you go on too now I'm tired of hearing all this crap from these Democrats telling us oh this is good they lie they lie Donald Trump okay only thank you sir the only guy that can save our country today and they tried to kill him twice tried to kill him twice and what does joine do I would have said toan I'll blow your goddamn country back into the ocean you won't even be in the stone ages you won't exist I'll put the sand you live on will be glass when I'm done with it he does nothing because he's minut thank you sir R thank you sir thank you demonstrate debate any Democrat because all they have is De good oh Donald Trump did this oh Donald Trump no facts thank you demat thank you very much thank you thank you happy to sign it later shle CLE 700 North B Avenue um and I forget but what council person over like the police department what question um what's up during the flooding we had every day for quite a while um I know there's signs there for the police to there people flying up and down Making Waves I'd like to maybe you can present it to the chief that they can park at my house they can sit on my front steps when the car comes around I Street blow the whistle move them over and give them the ticket because we just I mean they're not being stopped didn't we address that well it wasn't this past time because they kept going but I mean it haven't come down they can sit at my house you know and just have gos on and wave them over I mention it to Chief yeah also I came across this which is kind of humorous in a way this was taken back in 1994 when we had an experimental sand bagging down by G Street um the funny part is that my son and Charlie that are in the picture are now 47 years old so I need a p Mason that I persevered the longest I think in this town for this matter did anybody look at the the I Street about the stones I was mentioning or about making one layer of um sandbags did any of you see the stone I was talking about that maybe could be pulled up but low tide they're all there um I know uh shorebeat posted that monstrous wall that was built that was like a fortress again we're not asking for that just one row of sandbags we had even put Doom grass in the sandbags and they held up for years now I know it's changed a little bit but I'm saying like we're trying um the other remark because I don't know if any of you know engineering enough or maybe you could ask Pam I don't understand why an extra storm drain was put the corner of G so now all the front sidewalks on our street flood they never used to it was just the side but now because the water's coming up there also we're getting more floods did anyone see what Staten Island did it was on the news the other night they had a flooding problem they now have a wall and they explained about the ecosystem and in researching it they used a lot of different things for different areas but they also used something called a flat gate to prevent just like we say water pushes it out then it closes um Staten Island's using it perhaps someone can look into that or contact somebody in Staten Island and find out what they used how they're doing it because it was quite a project and it was on the news uh but like I said there's different things they use but one of the things was flap gate that would definitely help our system and if they're using it I'm hoping that maybe it is worthwhile if maybe someone could look into that because I know you want to build a wall and all that this is the everyday coming up storm drains I know it's going to come over the wall when we have a bad storm but can't we at least try to stop the water just coming up the storm drains and again I'd like you to look into you could Google Staten Island and you'll find it all about it and everything they've used and maybe someone could get in contact with them and see what it's about thank you than thank you thanks charlee any other uh comments yes f um than hearing 21 I stream I wrote a thank you letter I know I didn't get too time but um I ride my bike up the boardwalk every day hopefully every day and one thing that I noticed today as I'm fighting the wind to go north that we had that Northeast wind for 10 days and there was no sand on the boardwalk and I know years ago when we did the dunes a lot of people were against them because they blocked their View and they couldn't see the ocean and I just wanted to appreciate the forethought of the council back then that put the dunes in and the people that put the vegetation on the dunes to stabilize it because I can remember back when you couldn't there were times after a storm you couldn't get on Boardwalk because the sand was so bad that DPW had to go up with the front end loers and plow the sand off the boardwalk the county had to come over with the trucks and plow Ocean Avenue and we didn't plow snow we plowed sand and the dunes after 10 days of Northeast there was no sand on the boardwalk so they worked so maybe we should you know see about putting Dunes on the bay because if you think about it most of the damage from Sandy came from the bay not the ocean anyway thank thank you I I know uh our clerk did give us the letter so it'll be part of the official record of Seaside Park always maintained yeah I just let maybe you might might have had and I already shared it with the public works department no thank you there are a lot of things and we all I see some in the audience that we were all we had stronger backs probably back then but it was uh a lot of uh hard work and planting that went into that with we had Scout groups and our kids when they were little the kids we we had a lot of kids and the baras always would host the whole community on their drive there there we had Coco and chocolate and uh Donuts coffee and a lot of groups all over the uh the county would come over to Seaside Park and help us and Mr zabari did a lot of planting himself our attorney right back when our County Clerk was there I remember a lot of people so Joe doy and the public works the current ones and council members Chuck was there yeah G Rob were there yes relative to this retired senior we have a five minute I don't even need that I'll just take I also had my own construction business and I REM remediated water problems for all the major companies that work in the state now I have a solution to this because every time we come here we have water over here we have water over here oh the problem is the bay the Bay unless you drop the bay all the rest of these cannot be soled so here's a solution we buy other properties either these folks let's buy their property let's rent the property let's make them use their Parks here let's give them the money that they need to get out of here and we'll solve the problem because you're not going to solve it with walls and I find that interesting that over here oh if we had a wall put the wall on the border that falls no good but we'll build a wall to stop water coming well that's enough there thank you you very much thank you sir Chuck Apple be 215 10 Avenue mayor just make you feel good I voted for you thanks and some people said they'll take three million I'll take five I I don't know but uh we'll come up with a number for you on that uh couple things with the storms in the last couple years and the flooding I know my neighbor he bought a house in santel Mitch and he I think he lost his car down there and it's a hybrid so what I'm bringing up is um I did hazardous materials management all that stuff for many many years uh these electric cars cause seven fires in the last storm with flooding they don't happen immediately they get saturated a bit and they get saturated you know some corrosion goes on the salt water is the worst and then all of a sudden boom they go it's not just bikes like those electric bikes these are whole cars and the whole house goes now I'm not concerned that much about that because if somebody's going to live in a flood area and buy an electric car and their house burns up that's on that but I live next to some houses so I I'd like to make sure that I'm protected from these neighbors that don't know a damn thing so um the way you register hazardous materials in a business or something like that in a town so the fire department knows about it I think that the electric vehicles in town should be identified in flood zones or in the whole town uh that we know where they are and more importantly the fire department knows because they're going into a hazardous situation as if somebody has a propane tank it's probably equivalent to like a 50 pound propane tank or more that'll keep burning for 3 days so that's quite big thing but um there there are you know we have notification systems already about chemical story for commercial establishments and things like that but uh I think it's a serious thing can I ask you you just ask I don't know do you know about these batteries I mean if if it's stuck if this car was in water the batter could somebody electrocuted I don't they short and they have protection against short it's the chemical reaction the lithiums you know I know there we have a lot of resonance on lithium but that's another story the batteries have a lot of lithium right so all they're all made out of that and it's something that we have to be really uh aware of because these fires you can't put them out and it's not only one house it could take down three houses each one onside and the fire department will just try to you know just keep water going on and there some of these places you know not for us maybe so much but other places run out of work and they just can't do anything but uh it's very serious people should have sign you know not to put their cars in the basements in in the under the house when a flood comes or something you know put signs in their house zoning wise or something uh very dangerous I think laws are going to be passed about the other thing is the uh the beach lightning system that we have um I was thinking my friend just got a beach badge uh not a buggy permit and I asked them did they tell you about those Sirens or the notification system he said no so I was just thinking if if there was a little laminated card or something that went out that people can you know know what to do they're not active in the off season well then during the season even with Beach B you know how are we going to notify people about those things we have new signage it'll be out next year signed All right we have to arrive at what the hours and days yeah I'd like them to be you know year round we don't yeah I mean but we're going to make signs and everything we know definitively I I got you that's a future thing but uh yes so I did vote for you and uh I'm not voting for you again this year thanks for your comments appreciate it any other public comments hearing none I would close the public portion and entertain a motion from counc Council second by council member Conor roll call Council yes here Conor Conor counc member Conor yes council member yes council member cond yes counc member counc and thank everybody for coming up --------- ##VIDEO ID:S7yXTta7sSM## let's call our meeting to order this is a work session of the mayor and bur Council the bur of Seaside Park in the county of ocean state of New Jersey advertised for Thursday October 3rd 20124 pursu to the provisions of New Jersey's open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting is properly provided by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication to the Asbury Park Press On The Star Ledger on January 5th 2024 notice of the meeting of the governing body also has been posted in the corridor of the municipal president and in the office of the municipal clerk V call council member Emil pres council member condos here council member Connor here council member CRA here council member Renda here council president will here mayor Pearson here thank you and it's our honor those of you who often attend C part meetings now a work session typically we're around the table and uh hopefully conduct what the meeting says and that's good work and sit around and confer about various issues and have discussions uh but this meeting uh we're going to start uh with something very special uh and that's uh honoring uh a number of very special individuals uh four of whom will'll be honoring first and then by honoring them we're also honoring the organizations that they belong to their friends their family and their fellow in many cases officers and volunteers uh and as you can see from the crowd here tonight uh What uh Seaside Park and our surrounding communities were honored to have recently was a joint team effort of a whole host of individuals volunteers and those that have stood behind them trained them in many cases and I understand there's a lot of ties in particular uh to some of our special officers that go back to uh the law enforcement Community back in the history of Seaside Park and the present history as well I've I've learned this evening but uh we're very very honored uh uh to begin our meeting tonight uh we mentioned it at our last regular public meeting on the record uh how fortunate we were um and that uh the incidents that occurred uh obviously uh all of those incidents could have been very very serious tragedies and there are a number of people out there uh in the world who owe their lives to the individuals that we're about to honor and of course to the organizations that are here uh and it's my honor I'm going to step uh down down off the podium to present some proclamations on behalf of all the members of the governing body of Seaside Park who are here and on behalf of everyone in our community uh everybody joins together and uh thanks the individuals were about were about to honor uh and their organizations and uh one of whom of course is Seaside Park's own uh B of Seaside Park Police Department and uh it was a team effort and we thank thank everyone so with that first on the agenda this evening if we could have uh our Seaside Park Zone officer Luke Cox and officer Mason kinlan if they could come forward and as everyone a probably knows having read the newspapers and having realized what occurred uh these two young officers and selected with their fellow regular officers of Seaside Park many of whom are here to join them uh this evening uh stepped forward uh literally to save uh lives of their human being fellow human beings uh and their families and I I know there was some moments on the beach and some Overjoyed families thanked you all as best they could individually they were taken by our tribe our first aid Squad uh to the hospital and those that were rescued literally from going under the water uh owe a Deb of gratitude uh to these two young officers who did not hesitate they both got in the water swam out in the water uh and kept them alive kept them afloat uh unfortunately we can uh maybe chuckle now what they were not aoat and thank you both thank and uh so you you've already uh before the academy am I hearing this right you're you you passed that course for foreign colors I don't even know that they give that course in the academy for the swimming part but uh we thank you no jokes very very much from the bottom of our heart for [Applause] everything and what I have is this is a duplicate Proclamation for both of you to recognize class one officer Luke Cox and class two officer Mason kinin for their heroism and bravery in the line of duty whereas on September 19th 2024 officers Luke Cox and Mason kinland were conducting a quad Patrol when they were alerted to swimmers in distress on the Second Avenue beach and whereas the two swimmers were caught in a rip current 50 yards from Shore and whereas officers luk Cox and Mason kinan immediately took action risking their personal safety to drive into the rough to dive into the rough Surf and keep the swimmer of flat using torpedo flotation devices and whereas both officers battled fatigue and rough conditions to secure the distressed swimmers for several minutes until rescue Personnel arrived and whereas the quick thinking and brave actions of officers Luke Cox and Mason kinin saved the lives of two distressed swimmers and now therefore I Johnny Peterson Junior mayor of the burough Seaside Park on behalf of the entire burough Council and all of our citizens of Seaside Park many of whom are here and hopefully others will be watching in all join together to thank both of you uh we hereby present this Proclamation one for each of you for your courageous acts of heroism given beyond measure without regard for your personal safety in which they have demonstrated exemplary concern for the lives of others and we thank both of you very very much congratulations Botho absolutely they both are heroes and and I understand that heroism goes deep in the family roots and I I've heard some more of that and we welcome uh your families here tonight as well and I know uh in in one instance there's a direct tie to training in Seaside Park as our our Lieutenant played a role in training some family members for Mason back in time and uh they were rightfully concerned as showing on the body Cam and they made sure that you're okay and we're all very happy that both of you are okay and we thank both of you very very much face of f God bless you we also have the one incident which uh got well-deserved publicity from far and wide and involving our officers uh certainly brought to mind what had happened uh just the week earlier and if we could have uh also two other officers who also Were Heroes just the week before uh those of you who remember and were about to talk about it uh after this uh what we went through and all the shore towns last year it was actually almost every day of September uh when lives were saved and thanks our trib first aid Squad our Seaside Park scuba Rescue Team of the Seaside Park on Fire Company uh and the Seaside Heights scuba rescue team and their Fire Company all of whom were literally out working volunteer services given almost every day all L September and October uh and they were obviously involved again in these two rescues and we're very very grateful we're going to honor them uh this evening too for uh what happened and this year uh it was too early to say that we had uh escaped or dodged a bullet and there was only the one storm had gone by but then it started going Northeast for 10 days out of 11 and we did have a hurricane going by and they're unfortunately looking at another one that uh when they go by our Coast as we all know even two 300 or more miles offshore we get the rip tides and we have the people who unfortunately do not listen and it's a fact of life of that we deal with they should not be going in the water and it's unprotected but they did and thanks to Heroes they're still with us uh they're able to lead their lives and move on and uh regardless of what careers uh our officers go on whether it's law enforcement and they certainly taken a giant stride in that career already but wherever we know they already are great successes and they will be in the future uh and what we wanted to honor uh what had happened the week before and if we could have uh two other uh officers come for and that is officers Dakota jigloo and Brian urbook if you could who and I uh heard some details firsthand unfortunately we were uh did not have the greatest weather on this last Saturday for our Irish Festival and I uh got to speak with the officer and learn a little about what had happened just the week earlier when again the same uh rip tiddes uh were going by offshore and we had two other officers who uh stood up and without any hesitation uh went out and uh alerted and in fact uh saved lives saved swimmers and we thank both of you very very much as well and I have a proclamation it's to recognize class one officers Dakota jigo and Brian urbook for their heroism and heroism and bravery in the line of duty whereas on September 13th 2024 officers Dakota jigo and Brian urbook were patrolling the Stockton Avenue Beach area on quads when they were alerted to a swimmer in distress and whereas that swimmer was caught in a rip Cur about 100 ft from Shore and whereas officer Dakota jigo and Brian urb acted immediately risking their personal safety to rescue the swimmer from the rough Sur and whereas the quick thinking and brave actions of Officer Dakota jigo and Brian urbook saved the life of a distress swimmer and again now I am honored John I Peterson Jr as mayor of the burough Seaside Park on behalf of each and every one of the Town Council here and all of the citizens in Seaside Park thank both of you for your Act of heroism We join together with this Proclamation for your courageous acts of heroism given beyond measure and without regard for your own personal safety in which you demonstrated an Exemplar concern for the lives of others we thank you and your families and officers who brought you into the department and trained you to date I know there's more training ahead that's what makes this all all the more remarkable all these four officers have a a lot of training ahead and we thank you both very very much [Applause] next Absol they are four Heroes they continue their career with us because it look a long and hard to find four young Heroes like this you're absolutely right [Applause] and I alluded to it uh moments ago but uh those lives involved certainly uh were saved through a joint team effort and always there participating and in fact leading that uh team effort I wanted to recognize do we have Marie here anyone from the chor of her State we do have if you could come forward uh the trior first aid squad has always been there for Seaside Park for Seaside Heights Island Beach State Park Berkeley Township and indeed our entire area they have never hesitated we obviously Marie Rice is one of the main factors and always has been and hopefully always will be for many years to come leading tribe for our first aid Squad but uh we never want to say as a town or anyone individually that uh we ever take uh help and volunteerism for granted and we don't we honor trior first aid Squad helps our Police Department helps all the neighboring Community police departments each and every day and they were involved integrally in these rescues and were what this made us think is what happened last uh fall all September the rip Tides were going by Seaside Park in particular each and every day the first day was literally stationed on the beach and our scuba rescue team and our fire company uh is is here as well they were there every day all day going to Island Beach State Park rescuing one family one swimmer after another uh and helping avoid tragedies there was obviously a tragedy that occurred down there and uh it would have been far far worse if it wasn't out for the first H so we wanted you to take back to the squad members and spread the word uh with all the other groups and those and there are two more that this is a team effort here and that's our uh scuba Rescue Team our Seaside Park Volunteer Fire Company and we also have with us here this evening the Seaside Heights Fire Company Representatives uh who also help save lives this last to the rescue involving our officers and we thank them as well this is in particular for our trior first aid Squad at where in September in particular visitors and residents alike flock to Seaside Parks beaches and in all our ad joining towns and as we all know on those days when these rescues were made there were I think and we have uh several council members who volunteer lots of time for first aade and they in the ambulances were out for four different different towns all at once there that's what was happening each and every coastal town had calls simultaneously with one of the ri tet and the people the beaches were deceiving to those that don't live here at the coast and it looked very inviting they were beautiful days and uh people were out there shouldn't have been in the water uh and in September visitors rest and residents alike flocked to Seaside Parks beaches and adjoining beaches to enjoy the waning summer weather and September is often the peak of the Atlantic hurricane season and can present dangerous rip currents rough conditions for recreational activities and whereas the tribe or first aid Squad provides life-saving Emergency Medical Services plays a vital role in protecting the health safety and well-being of our visitors and residents here at Seaside Park and whereas on September 19th 2024 police officers responded to the two swimmers in distress and trior first a squad acted immediately to assist in the rescue whereas it is appropriate now to recognize Tri first aid Squad with the heartfelt gratitude for its actions each and every day and especially the actions taken to provide life-saving Emergency Medical Services to swimmers in distress during the 2024 hurricane season and again it's my honor as mayor of Seaside Park to present on behalf of the council and all the citizens of Seaside Park our thanks with this proc Proclamation for trior first aid Squad all your members officers for your heroism and dedicated service to the community and I know accompanying that as members of cide Park we used to have a little our Deputy clerk bar Gregor knows well we put on every meeting agenda to whatever you can spare time energy money to the first aid Squad is urgently needed so everybody can think about that as well but we join together as one Community thank you and all your members and officers so [Applause] and if we could have we have tennis and we have a whole the Seaside Park uh fire company and your scuba team if you could come for it's a parade and again we we think back and I you can't uh go through it uh and relit what happened last September all the incidents day in day out where uh these hardworking and dedicated volunteers were out there on the beaches right all the way down to the inlet Island beach the whole way up the coast and helping the other communities involved uh we thank each and every one of you and everybody and I can say the same for your organization as we did for tribo that every whether it's donating some time sometimes we're very lucky and we get some highly qualified retirees to seide park who have some fire company uh training in uh in their history and we're very lucky to have them as well but anybody can spare whether it's activities donations whatever you can do to help our first aid Squad and the fire company would be much needed much appreciated but we thank you as well and we have a proclamation for the fire service and their scuba team as well as the whole company with our thanks from the burough Seaside Park and again in September we're visitors and residents alike flock to Seaside Park beaches and the adjoining Town's beaches as well to enjoy waning summer weather and September is as we know of from the peak of the Atlantic hurricane season can Pres present dangerous rip currents rough conditions for recreational activities and whereas the Seaside Park Volunteer Fire Company plays a vital role in protecting the health safety and Welfare of visitors and residents alike of Seaside Park and it's appropriate now to recognize Seaside Park's Volunteer Fire Company number one with our heartfelt gratitude for each and every day of your service each and every one of you and especially for your most recent water rescue Services of swimmers in distress during the 2024 hurricane season and again it's my honor as mayor of Seaside Park and the entire Council to thank each and every one of you your organizations for all the time you give the expertise and the service to your fellow men and women and we thank you and present this Proclamation for heroism and dedicated service to our community get to say a few and we also have with us tonight and I and I said said it early on that service to others and there many that we're very lucky have gone the careers in law enforcement where each and every day they are serving their fellow men and women and we thank them they're all here from a number of departments and uh I know from Mason's family mo when I spoke with briefly before it's a whole number of departments they're all interconnected because we're they're all in this together it's a team effort of law enforcement community volunteers first aid Fire Company uh whether it's training or otherwise and and uh there's no better example of that than when you hear that fire whistle go up and maybe you hear a second call and what happened on the beaches just this last only a week or two ago was there were simultaneous calls from a whole host of beach towns together and we have a special thanks our fire company our scuba Rescue Team never hesitates uh to join whether it's a Mutual Aid going to the communities right next door or on the island or Pelican Island or town in the park uh but that H that's a mutual thing and what we want to honor is our neighbors and our other officers in uh volunteers with the fire department of our neighboring community in Seaside Heights and they are here this evening I know as well and if they could come forward we have we have Bill [Music] thank you oh thank you very much for coming and uh we're honored like I say we're sister brother communities however you want to see it right next door and with all those calls and the activity that occurred uh Seaside Heights responded and helped as as you see there's uh everyone or brothers and sisters in this joint effort of helping and saving lives and uh they joined with the officers and didn't hesitate as well with their scuba Rescue Team part of their Fire Company uh and we're here we thank them we thank their fire chief billam Bol and we thank all their members I uh chatted with their mayor today he's very proud as there everyone in the Bros side Heights and everyone here in the bough Seaside Park thank you very very [Music] much and this is to recognize Seaside Heights Volunteer Fire Company for its service to the burough Seaside Park and again in September with visitors residents alike coming to Seaside Park beaches and our adjoining Area Community beaches to enjoy the waning days of summer weather and September in particular is indeed the peak of the Atlantic hurricane season and presents dangerous rip currents rough conditions for recreational activities and whereas Seaside Heights Volunteer Fire Company responds to calls in Seaside Park as well and provides vital life-saving services to Seaside Parks visitors residents alike as you help Seaside Heights and all up and down the beach all the other towns and whereas on September 19 2024 the ocean Rescue Team leapt into action to pull swimmers in distress and responding officers from the surf and whereas it is appropriate to recognize Seaside Heights Volunteer Fire Company for its ocean rescue team with our heartfelt gratitude each and every day and especially for its water Rusty services rendered on that particular occasion and others this fall for swimmers in distress during the 2024 hurricane season and again it's my honor as mayor of Seaside Park and the whole Council here unanimously with all everyone in our community to thank you very very much and give you this Proclamation with our thanks and that includes the resolution of thanks for the various uh individuals and we welcome them and thank them again to thank our department he always here with us um and it's not just a a job it's serving people each and every day and never hesitating and we thank all the volunteers uh and their organizations who there much much appreciated never is it taken for granted by anyone who par or our neighboring communities uh small towns wouldn't survive if it were not for the joint efforts of law enforcement and volunteers to keep us going and help us so we thank you all and every one of you and our officers for more bigger and better things ahead as I'm sure we'll be reading about you again thank you very much we have another uh Proclamation here uh not related to law enforce enement but do we have the representative from the Ocean County Library here if we do what an audience yes you library ever gets I told you weren going to say a word no no absolutely thank you I think we can link the two very well because after all the excitement can just read education is the answer to a lot of our problems and I think we would we can all agree that we may not agree to everything but we can agree the education and it's very unfortunate these incidents that occur a little education would have helped some visitors and maybe avoided some very difficult situations so what we have is a res resolution and Proclamation from the burough of Seaside Park and it's recognizing National friends of Library week and this is Friends of Library raise money that enables our library to move forward from good to great and providing the resources for additional programming much needed equipment support for children's summer reading and special events throughout the year and whereas the work of the friends of the library highlights on an ongoing basis the fact that our library is the Cornerstone of the community providing opportunities for all to engage in the joy of lifelong greeing and to connect with the thoughts and ideas of others from ages past P to present and whereas the friends understand the critical importance of well-funded libraries and Advocate to ensure that our library gets the resources it needs to provide a wide variety of resources to all ages including access to print and electronic materials along with expert assistance in research reader advisory and children's services and whereas the friend's gift of their time and commitment to the library sets an example for all and how volunteerism can lead to positive Civic engagement and the betterment of our community now therefore be it resolved by the burough Seaside Park and my honor as mayor on behalf of the council and all of our citizens in Seaside Park encourage everyone to join the friends of the library thank them for all they do which we did and yes make our library and Community much better and we give you this Proclamation [Applause] we certainly thank everyone uh for coming out and you're all welcome to stay as long as you want more ay visit us to the town but again thank you each and everyone Che e e e e e we are on May continue with our agenda and the next items on the work session uh we have discuss discussion I The Proposal provided by Remington Bic Engineers dated September 18 2024 for training of a GIS application listed for consideration as resolution 224 298 at the regular meeting does turn it over to sh the president maybe wait okay wait a couple moments let this is for um public works for metering information to log in for um BL pipes galvanized pipes it's part of a program I believe they have the program in the in the system now they just need training for it right yeah it's what it is of course it it's all related and all the towns and this one's no exception I kind of uh join with a common outcry there are a lot of very worthwhile mandates requirements however you want to phrase it from the state of New Jersey but unfortunately however meritorious some of them are often there's no funding provided for some of these mandates and this is one of those instances the state required and it it's dealing with lead and lead pipes and it's obviously a very worthwhile goal uh to have the a shortterm elimination if not then longterm certainly for any new projects but uh the requirement for training and these types of uh ancillary requirements to have the state statute up and running and the mandates require tax TOS as well from local towns so this will assist us so that we are in compliance and have the actual uh trained individuals involved this has to do with the services coming to the properties not not of bur lines would you not we do in sees Park some of the towns this has a very very severe impact some of the cities and some of the other towns um this has to do with water services itself homes so that's on for the regular meeting agenda this evening is there uh any uh issues to discuss From council's perspective yeah and the next is a discussion and a letter and there voluminous materials on this topic uh it's come about on from proposed new njde p and real rules and and uh they're up for discussion the DP it's a public comment period and they've mandated uh on top of that which is in effect right now five additional feet uh of height of fre board above the what exist so you've got some of these are just a handful of some of the resolutions they uh a lot of the Cape May uh towns Ocean County towns and Beach communities up and down the coast have uh suggested again uh that this approach should entail more time more consideration uh it's about a thousand pages of new rules that are proposed from the D and they're based on a particular study and some questions were raised about that study even from those that authored the study uh so that's kind of some of the background is really to uh review it further go slower and show whether there's justification to increase the height again on top of that which had already been implemented so this is a resolution for the D to uh engage in more research more review of the proposed rules mayor that's specifically the New Jersey yes right it is JY and that too is on for a resolution at the regular meeting this evening and the third one is discussion of a quot it's dat August 26 2024 from East Coast flag and flag pole Inc for Beach flag Poes it's listed for consideration resolution 22431 at the regular meeting and this was in our budget uh and we've got now the quote for it I don't obviously they're not in the greatest shape as existing so this would uh uh actually replace them yes this is for 18 Flag PS and each one is uh $1,625 so the total is 29250 excuse me I think somebody had mentioned White Flag BTS at one point in time is there a big difference in price with the white and the and the brast aluminum I think there was a reason for being sand blast at off I thought they were talking fiberglass PS no we don't want fber bu cuz they Splinter Splinter yeah okay we're plasting off the white from the I don't explain that to the Wind Blows the sand it blast the finish off oh sand blast I believe that was the reason I remember just like the benches they green Pap right off all right the Aesthetics and white be nice I just had my vision of the eight of 12 down in the blue sky flag it's okay fresh nickel fresh nickel fres fres okay all right anything else from Council on that issue any other work session items from the council if not I'll go into the audience if there's any public comments on any of the work session items if you have any uh could you give your name and address into the record on the work session hearing none I'll then entertain a motion to uh close close the work session and unless anyone objects we can move into the uh regular meeting I'll make that motion by council member C second second by council member condos roll call council member craft yes council member condos yes council member Ile yes council member Connor yes council member Renda yes council president will yes motion approved and and without any further Ado then I'll call the regular meeting to order