we'll call our meeting to order this is a regular meeting of the mayor and bur Council of burough Seaside Park in the county of ocean state of New Jersey held on Thursday December 14th 2023 advertised to begin at the conclusion of the work session which has now just ended pursuant to the provisions of New Jersey open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication to the ASO Park Press and the Star Ledger on January 4th 2023 notice of the meeting of the governing body also has been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municipal clerk roll call council member anaville pres council member condos yeah council member KRA yeah council member Dr mck he had a work related emergency this evening thank you council member will council president dich absent mayor Peterson here thank you let us all rise for a moment of silence to be followed by the Pledge of Allegiance I to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all the first item on the agenda is approval of the minutes there are minutes for November 30th 2023 at work session and also November 30th 2023 a regular meeting any comments Corrections or if not a motion I make my motion May motion by council member wol second second by council member C Lo call thank you council member W yes council member craft yes council member condos I abstain I was out in the 30 council member anavil yes motion approve next are ordinances the first is first reading and introduction it's ordinance 20 23-17 it amends chapter 364 of the code of the B of Seaside Park entitled rental property it establishes requirements for lead based pain inspections as now required by the state of New Jersey and the one section 36 for 28 sections A and B will be deleted and that deals with the fee schedule and that's as for the comments of the work at the work session any comments from Council if not a motion for first reading I'll make that motion there motion by council member wol second second by council member condos roll call council member wel yes council member condos yes council member Pratt yes council member yes motion the next is first reading and introduction it's ordinance 22318 amending chapter 364 of the code of B seide Park entitled rental property and this two entails a mandate from the uh State and specifically and deals with uh providing a Certificate of Insurance as per the discussion of the work session and again when it is published for hearing and second reading section 36420 the registration fee provision will be deleted and removed and there's a typo on the page one Township should be substituted out for burrow any other questions comments from Council for first reading if not any motion I'll make that motion there motion by council member woke second second by council member craft roll call council member wel yes council member craft yes council member condos yes council member amab yes motion approve the next is first reading and introduction of ordinance 223 19 that amends chapter 185 of the code of B Seaside Park and titled instruction C uniform and any comments that one's from the committee's recommendation hearing no comments any motion for first reading make that motion motion by council member wol second second by council member C roll call council member well yes council member H yes council member CRA yes council member ad yes Mo item seven is payment of claims there's a bill list it's 223 311 payment of claims and bills from November 30th to December 14th 2023 any questions comments from Council or if not a motion I'll make the motion there motion by council member craft second that second by council member W roll call council member CRA yes council member W yes council member condos yes council member amille yes Mo approve the next item are the resolutions there are three I'll read in summary fion number 312 is extending the grace period for payment of the fourth quarter 2023 Water and Sewer for a 6 day uh time period uh up till January 16th Su 313 is authorizing the execution of a contract as per past years with jobs for blue for coordination of off-duty employment of police officers for the year 2024 314 is appointment of Robert wendland as construction official 315 adjusting compensation for Jeffy Schwarz as the provisional part-time zoning office official letter any questions or comments from Council as to any of the four resolutions I have a comment on 314 that's medori com the rate is $50 but it's what's missing is per hour so that needs to be add yes okay any other questions comments it's our practice to allow public comments as well on resolutions if there are any they're not required by law if anyone has any comment on any specific resolution if they could give their name and address into the record and hearing none I'll close the public vertion and unless there's anything from Council I would entertain the resolutions as a consent agenda motion by council member condos second by council member woke roll call council member condos yes council member woke yes yes council member CRA yes council member amab yes motion appr and anything further from Council at this ter and by way of announcements I certainly uh want to join uh everyone in thanking everyone associated with putting together the annual holiday tree liting as well as the craft fair which took place at the Seaside Park Elementary School and also the pba's annual community dinner three events uh all got raid reviews in spite of the weather and we thank a whole host of people all involved uh uh everyone associated with the burough family uh the recreation department Joe to did a great job and all his people uh as well as our PBA and each and every member of the police department and uh our public works department in the front office everybody came together with the council uh in attendance as well uh despite a few raindrops and uh we thank uh Mr and Mrs C and I guess we're allowed to say their names here in in public I hope they're feeling better I know I understood that that under the weather and we wish uh uh ail and Jenny all the best of health and happy holidays and thank them uh yet again for being Mr Mrs Santa Claus and uh thanks to the central regional band uh they were great in spite of the rain on their instruments and the cold fingers and we thank marry mcco as always he's played his guitar through many many decades of uh bringing holiday cheer to all of us so it was it was a nice event and uh very well attended at the PBA Community dinner as well a coming together which we all need and joining together as one Community any other uh announcements from Council if not we'll go into the audience if there are any public comments if anyone has them if they could give their name and address into the mic yes sir Michael spino 59th Avenue uh on this uh ordinance since we don't have the wording of uh ordinance 2023 18 uh you you said provide a Certificate of Insurance what do they provide to current Department's probably your application when you go your rental rental permit I just just any other public comments yes shle shot 700 North B Avenue uh once again I'm going to ask if there's some way we can block the water at I street from coming into the street all the time I had asked about the barriers being put there temporarily I think you were waiting for approval from someone which you know that's fine and dandy but when you have a storm coming and you see on TV all these people fing sandbags they don't wait to get approval I mean the county has to come constantly and S the sand up and put it back we sit there and we watch it come over and it comes down the street and starts to flood our properties I don't understand why you put it there if they have a fit then remove it but at least stop it right now you know we get a lot of storms this time of year and the water does keep coming over and I really think there something needs to be done and not wait a year for somebody to get back to us because that doesn't do us any good put it there if they complain send them to my house but you know we have to do something there it's just not fair to the homeowners and I I think we're just getting pushed aside I do also feel that we need to have a meeting on the Bayfront so everybody involved can sit and hear exactly where we stand and what's going on and there something any of us to do we've just been kind of dumped and nobody seems to inform us much and you know a lot of us are getting tired of it and it comes to the point where I can't have holidays at my house because I'm not sure they're going to have boots with them to get to me if it does FP and it's very upsetting and I think if any of you were in that position you'd feel the same way thank you thank you Sher any other public comments yes Chuck applebe 215 10 um Sur I just had to buy new boots of my house I bought higher ones uh the uh the Bayfront committee we're actually uh getting together and we're going over some new studies that came out on the corid river uh Shoreline project the oyster re and stuff like that so we're talking about that um there's Frozen cons and all this and we're trying to digest all the what the new studies the forkid river uh Shoreline the oyster area there there's some new studies out so we've been discussing that the committee so we'll hopefully have some information coming out on that a lot that it got my one there's a lot out there one was uh more positive I think we circulated around yeah there positive and negative so we just want to digest it all and everybody's uh you know the committee is pretty in tune to it and um it's all new stuff so the cost benefit analysis of doing it and and just the pros and cons uh they're hard to digest because a lot of these things you know we're not going to solve the flooding you know we're trying to mitigate the wave action and things like that so um it's it's hard to accept you know the water comes up and uh it was interesting I was going through my friend passed away and I was looking through some old photos and I got one from 19 probably 84 85 uh with my street flooded and the storm drain that's down at the corner uh all with orange cones around it because it was collapsed in and I think that was the county not responding it had to be 30 years if they didn't respond that one dor so it's interesting that you know this stuff just goes on and on but uh you know it's living at the shore pros and cons with everything um I did come here tonight with a specific thing I wanted to thank uh chitz and Matt for their service over the years I think uh you know I really like them and I really enjoyed uh having them here I'm proud that they were part of the council here and did such a good job and and evening on a note like tonight uh reducing the insurance I think is a wonderful thing and uh FR has always been wanting to reduce costs and everything from the water and the sewer and and everything so um you know I wanted to thank them here tonight uh make it so just happy that they were here and uh dedicated so many years to the town it was a good thing um and um another note is uh I have a buddy that you know he and I maybe will do some uh sailboat Charters I got my captain's license and stuff but uh the one of the things Seaside Heights does they have an ordinance where they allow for a fee uh people to pick up people at their docks um it goes back to where they had the the river lady used to go all the way to the hikes and actually drop people off and stuff so they had that old Fair system this is back in the 80s I guess uh but I wanted to drop that off to the council distribute it so you can look at that and see if that's something we could do here um we do support businesses such as uh the surfing up on the ocean and things like that and our town is based on Recreation and sailing and things that going back time so I I think it's a good idea I like you to entertain it read it it's not a big deal it's just a safe way for people to get on it off but for S trips where would they get off they use the docks so which docks The Fifth Avenue not the Marine is not a good place for no I know the fifth AB or um you know you could do it already I guess at the boat ramp up peers uh but fifth half probably would be the safest place years ago we used to have floating docks out there and stuff like that at lower levels and stuff like that it was more conducive for things like that but um I know uh you know they're different places I guess but T and the heights you can do it but it's just that ordinance that if you could just review it and see if it's something that we might be able to thank you thanks thank you CH any other public comments hearing none I would close the public portion andless there's anything else from Council I'd entertain a motion for make that motion by councilman the second second by council member condos roll call council member will yes council member condos yes council member C yes council member thank you thank you and thank everyone for coming out this evening and have a happy healthy and relaxing holiday season ongoing --------- session the mayor and bough Council of burough Seaside Park County boan state of New Jersey held on Thursday December 14th 2023 advertised for 700 p.m. pursuant to the provisions of New Jersey open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication in the Asbury Park Press in the Star Ledger on January 4th 2023 notice of the meeting of the governing body also has been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municipal clerk roll call council member Amil here council member condo here council member craft here council member Dr McHugh he is tied up in a emergency work related thank you council member wel y council president dichael absent mayor Peterson here thank you the first item is for informational purposes and that's the 13th Avenue bfield uh lights that that are operational and are on display just for a final test obviously there's no ball games or activities otherwise at this time of year and that will occur on 14th today and 8:00 p.m. to 10 and December 15th 7 to 9 and they were tested previously I saw them they're more focused they here the LED yeah they did a nice job I'll be going here after the meeting as well that's why we want to put on the public to get out and take a look at and yeah if you miss tonight tomorrow night you think a do it 7 morning tomorrow night yeah that's about a good point it's been finished for several weeks that's good and if you can't sleep which often occurs around here there's a uh I think it's a meteor shower tonight very late yeah late last night last night and tonight is supposed to be the height or something so that that too oh okay the next item on the agenda it's a discussion of the state mandate a draft ordinance 22317 it amends chapter 364 of the code of the B SE South Park entitled rental property for establishing requirements for lead based paint inspections and it's on the regular meeting for first reading 22317 uh for this evening and I note in the copies I think it came with a recommendation as well there's a the state mandates this but there is a provision uh as well of fees related to that and I believe that the committee had discussed that and looked at there's a recommendation so that's in yellow yeah we would like to remove that Fe you there it's part of rental inspection it's only visual inspection so we're going to include that as part of the inspection so not incremental for the homeowner right moving it so that's a section when this gets published then than you 364 28 A and B thank you anything else from the Council on that first reading no and Item B is discussion also it's a a state mandate and it inter turn Tails ordinance 22318 amending chapter 364 of the burough Seaside Park entitled rental properties it's ordinance 220 20238 also on the agenda for first reading and that came about uh through the committee also through the Eric had gotten it through Public Works Ken and everyone's been looking at it and something that they state has mandated we have to act on that the rental properties provide a certificate of insurance and it gives the combined property damage bily Insurance uh Provisions for one occurrence that are also related there too and I believe the committee also there's a potential registration fee of $25 annual and the committee is recommending that that be deleted and uh remove work it's only we parted a packet um to have the rental inspection actually take place makes sense so that got to that's like that's recommendation from the state who that you do not do rental inspection that's why they recommended the fee okay okay in 364-9868 19 Happ a that says Township that should be modified to the B thank you and then on the next page 36420 where it says registration fee that will be removed thank you very much talking about this when they the next time not something already been issued just the same section number there in Cas you ever has change intentionally thank you okay that way that way that's preserved in thank you I like that M anything else uh from the Council on that issue and item C is discussion of extending utility grace period it's resolution 223 312 listed for consideration on the regular meeting agenda and the bills did go out in a timely manner just the bills some unforeseen um problems that came up those went out six days after they would normally go out and so even know we we Grant a 10-day grace period which would take us to January the 10th because the bills went out 6 days later we were asking that we extend the grace period to January 16th any anything from Council on that that uh issue anything else from Council or Karen Karen I just have one thing because Dr McHugh because he can't be here he asked me to bring this up um because Dr McHugh has been our jef representative for many many years and um he and I met with um with our m j as I'm sorry he and I met with our J representative several months ago to talk about our uh the amount of money we pay for insurance and uh premiums and deductibles and uh we were successfully able to get on Employment Practices liability deductible reduced from 75,000 to 20,000 either 50 or 55,000 it doesn't affect our premium but it does if we have to use that little effect all deductible so so Dr mck asked me to bring that up cuz he was that's instrumental asking Mr Avalon to really look at that and I believe Mr Avalon I think is retiring he retiring he's been there many many years and very very well thought of throughout the county and the state 20 20re it is numbers man every once in a while we're off the digit anything else from Council if not we'll go into the audience if there's any uh public comments on any of the work session items if anyone has them if they can please give their name and address into the record yes charlee Char North avue on the um rental property do you have to have a current I had one done in 2005 when I started to rent the property right no what's going to happen it's going to be a visual there's peeling paint and that's what triggers everything else okay if you don't have peeling paint you're not going to have a problem you'd also mention like if you do a yearly had the say for 15 years are they thinking about like every other year for inspection cuz I know it was discussed at one time it was discussed the the ordinance does say the lead safe certification shall be valid for two years from the date of issurance okay but there's no appealing everything is right okay thank you good Lu any other public comments yes June June question 14 I realized that the two ordinances 17 and 18 are for first reading but we normally get copies of them and and we don't have any copies is is there has there been a change that you're not going to give us copies on the first reading no I know we can't comment on them but we could at least they would read it any change no there wasn't there there were some copies with the resolutions have no all we have are the uh 31 to 315 I can we make some cop we'll make some it won't come out in yellow but there's a yellow when you see the fee section deleted that part that's why it's in any other comments on any of work session items yes sir little thing staring name and address for the record Tom Joseph 704 South B Avenue if indeed the resolution posted on the website are current then the resolution extending the grace period says you're extending it to the 10th I don't think that's what you intend I guess we have an updated resolution that that's say January 16th so I guess the one on the website is out of date which makes sense because we just got this tonight right any other public comments yes sir Nelson 122 M Street just appication on Section B on the ordinance uh- 18 you mentioned that you're going to uh homeowner or the rental property is going to have to provide Insurance and something else they're going have to provide well if you're specifically talking about 18 that's what that's if you're talking about 18 that's what you have to provide Certificate of Insurance that's it I thought something else no specifically that ordin only you need to provide the cover sheet proving that you have a half a million liability insurance on that property okay specifically that the declaration page the declaration page first page right thank you and second question um you mentioned about the bills being paid late I don't understand that those went paid late the water bills went out late so your residential water bills they they got mailed six days later than they normally do so we're extending the grace period six days any other comments on any work session heing none I'll close the public comment s anything else from councel I'd entertain a motion to ad the work session take a brief moment and then move right into the regular meeting motion by council member C second by council member condos anyone opposed if not we'll stand an adjournment here at 7 or 7117