##VIDEO ID:FDvpfmwUFDY## we'll call our meeting to order this is a regular meeting of the mayor and Boro Council of the BR seide Park in the county of ocean state of New Jersey held on Thursday November 21st 2024 advertised to begin at the conclusion of the work session which has just now ended moments ago pursuant of the provisions of New Jersey open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication in the asbar Park Press and the Star Ledger on January 15 2024 notice of the meeting of the governing body also has been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municipal clerk roll call council member amfield here council member condos here council member Connor he is excused this evening thank you council member craft here council member Renda here council president Bill here mayor pearon here thank you let us all know pause for a moment of silence to be called by our PL of Allegiance I pled alce to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for the first item on the agenda seeks approval of the minutes those are the minutes for November 7th 2024 a work session November 7th 2024 regular meeting any comments questions or if not a motion I'll make the motion there motion by council member craft second second by council member condos roll call council member craft yes council member yes council member Amil yes council member Renda yes council president wil yes motion approved and number seven uh references an amendment to ordinance 22425 that ordinance amending chapter 435 of the code of the B Seaside Park entitled restrict restricted parking for handicapp persons the public hearing for second reading would now take place on December 5th 2024 and the resolution which will uh set that date down is 224 325 and that will be amending the ordinance prior to the final adoption reason being there were some uh late amendments that came about as we had contemplated the original second reading this evening and I think there's a two spaces that were added that qu IFI and met the parameters so what we would consider voting on is resolution 224 326 uh that just amends the ordinance and now we'll schedule the hearing for final adoption on December 5th okay do we have a motion motion to approve motion by council member condo second by council president Will Roll Call council member condos yes council president Willl yes council member Amil yes council member C yes council member yes motion approved and next are the payment of claims 224 327 approving payment of the edan's claims as set forth in the check registered Bill list for the period November 8th to November 21st 2024 is there a motion I'll make the motion there motion by council member craft I'll second second by council president roll call council member craft yes council president wil yes council member Emil I saying I did not see the B council member condos yes council member rotunda yes motion approv special meeting well I did our our clerk is on the ball and I'm not I I missed number six we have special meeting minutes for November 7th 2024 special meeting uh do we have any uh a motion from Council for approval of those minutes I'll make that motion by council president wol second second by council member craft for call council president will yes council member craft yes council member Amil yes council member condos yes council member Enda yes Mo approved and next are the resolutions I read in summary fashion 328 we referenced Ms AG appointing Steven shatak as clerk one employed by the police department 329 authorizing tnm Associates to provide design bidding and Construction Services for the 13th Avenue Ro Park drainage improvements 3:30 authorizing Remington Vernick Engineers to provide survey design permitting and bidding services for K Street roadway improvements 331 proclaiming Central Avenue as Candy Cane Lane during the 2024 holiday season as has occurred for many years started years ago with the volunteers and the Garden Club as well 332 authorize an amendment to the owner engineer agreement with Remington Vernick Engineers 333 authorizing or requesting rather approval of items of Revenue and appropriation 334 authorizing an award of contract to square and that uh concludes the list if there are any questions comments from Council Mr M didn't we just uh do something with credit cart processing a while ago to Heartland we did uh what's going on that was for the parking meters and this is for the badge sales um because Harland didn't work with our website to do the web sales well will it be oblation in time for our Christmas sale for the batches and stuff yeah okay we're hoping right I mean the badges are being there's a production issue with badges right now we don't have them yet the vendors having a production issue we hope to have them by December one uh but certainly getting set up with square that that'll certainly be done before December 1 so even if we don't have physical badges we can still sell online people like those physical badges can a call go out to expedite that oh we trust me calling all right good question anything else from Council just a comment on 332 since people always asked but the change is actually a decrease in the amount not an increase in the amount so I think that's worth noting that's a good point the estimate is decrease by $128,000 rather than typically you'll hear an increase that was good very good anything else from Council if not it's our practice to any public comments on any resolution and they're not required by law we do allow it and if anyone has a comment on any of the resolutions if we could give their name and address into the record here and then I would close the public portion and I'd end obain a motion from Council as a consent agenda for the resolutions motion motion by council member condos second second by council member runda roll call council member yes council member lenda yes council member am yes council member craft yes council president wil yes motion approved and that concludes the written agenda and we uh have already made the one uh announcement of all the uh various fund activities scheduled for December 8th including the holiday tree lighting the holiday Craft Market and the PBA 182 holiday party all that day anything else from Council yes mayor I just like to say that the letters went out this week the resident should have received on the uh to identify their type of water service going into their homes um that seems to be working out I believe there was over 150 received up to date maybe there's more than that by today um it's the first first step in to identify what type of water services are going to the resident's home that was mandated by the state and I believe there's some explanation on there if someone's not sure there is yes yeah tells you what what you can uh do and reach out that's correct thank you any anything else from Council if not we'll go into the audience if there are any public comments if anyone has them if they could give their name and address into the record hearing none I would close the public portion unless May public portion is closed uh two two quick items because people always ask status of litigation uh there was a tax appeal for 1388 Street the Ocean County Tax Board denied the appeal and upheld the assessment the uh property owner appealed to the tax Court of the state of New Jersey and two weeks ago or so we had trial in front of Judge seino and judge samino upheld the bureau's assessment of that property the property owner was seeking a $100,000 reduction in the assessment and it was denied and the decision of the Ocean County Tax Board was affirmed so I think that's that's good news for the hero and also there was an application for a purchasers firearm ID card associated with the purchase of a handgun uh officer King did an investigation they based on his investigation Chief Bo denied the application for the permit that was appealed also by that individual resident and we had a hearing a full trial hearing um yesterday in front of Judge frit in Superior Court Ocean County chief bog and officer King both appeared and testified my associate Barry Stever handled that matter the applicant uh was represented the appellant by Council and we received judge fr's order which I sent out in an email I think today if you check it you'll see um judge frit uh upheld Chief B's denial and uh and affirmed it and denied the appeal so those are two recent litigation trials we just had and were successful and I thought I should mention that finally just want to wish everyone a very healthy and happy Thanksgiving and your families thank you than you thank you thank firm for all it's hard work and success anything else from Council if not I would entertain a motion for adjournment motion to adjourn motion by council member K second by council member runda roll call council member condos yes council member rotunda yes council member Anil yes counc member CFT yes counc pres will yes motion approve thank and everyone have a happy healthy Thanksgiving thank you --------- ##VIDEO ID:eqBFcPItLOs## we will call our meeting to order this is a work session of the mayor and burrow Council the burough Seaside Park County of ocean state of New Jersey held on Thursday November 21st 2024 advertised for 7 p.m. pursuant to the provisions of New Jersey open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication in the Asbury Park Press and the start Ledger on January 5th 2024 notice the meeting of the governing body also has been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municipal clerk roll call council member amab council member condos here council member Connor he is excused as he not going to be here thank you council member craft here council member rotunda here council president wil here mayor Pearson here thank you our first item on the agenda is a uh a very special award Proclamation uh of thanks and appreciation and if we could have our recipient come forward and and that is and Steve is of course here with Kathy and uh everything that the shads have done for Seaside Park emblematic and represented in Steve absolutely in the whole family so this is a family occasion and we're happy to welcome Stephen and Michelle here as well and Marissa and the only one not here has a very good excuse and that's Thomas who is uh happily we hope going through and very successfully I know going through the police academy and you do not get excused unless an absolute emergency arises and if you were excused you would hear about it the next day and you would be doing some extra uh physical something running around more miles and a lot of things so he has a Justified excuse but this is a very happy occasion for Seaside Park and uh for whatever reason everybody uh occupied otherwise back in uh a couple years back 2018 uh it perhaps didn't happen but we uh were remiss and now it's going to happen and that is special recognition to Steve upon his retirement and we're very fortunate though this is retirement the second time and we're fortunate to welcome right back uh as our in our employment here in the police department uh and that will be on the agenda this evening as well so uh you can look forward to many many uh other successful years of service and we thank you very very much thank you and I'm happy on behalf of the entire governing body and the burrow family and all the citizens visitors to Seaside Park uh to award this to you and this is a special thanks and of course it's a group effort and it's for family as well but it's also for all your fellow officers who are here members of the police department uh everyone uh thanks you very very much and we thank them for all your service and this is a thank thanks a proclamation for Steven shatak for his dedicated service to the Bur Seaside Park and celebration of an outstanding career and this November 25th 20 24 will be Steven shatak day here in Seaside Park and whereas officer gets more whereas officer Steven shatak has served the Seaside Park Police Department and the burough Seaside Park and its residents in a number of capacities over his 40-year career of dedicated service and whereas officer shatak began his career with the police department in 1983 volunteering as a special special auxiliary officer to assist with special events and emergencies and whereas in the summer of 1984 officer shatak worked as a seasonal officer and continued volunteering in the offse season as a special auxiliary officer until his permanent appointment in 1988 after graduating from the Ocean County Police Academy and whereas during his permanent appointment officer shatak has received several Department issued Merit service Awards which are bestowed upon officers who perform above and beyond their Duty and whereas officer shatak has risk his own life to save others entering burning buildings and driving and diving into frigid ocean waters I was a witness to one of them and residential swimming pools as well and has responded to such disasters as superstorm Sandy the boardwalk fire in 2013 and the 2016 Bing on Ocean Avenue and whereas in 2013 the Marin bur Council promoted officer shatak to the rank of Corporal for his 25 years of exemplary Service as part of the senior police officer recognition program and whereas officer shatak retired from his permanent appointment in 2018 and in 2019 officer shc returned to work in Seaside Park as a Class 2 police officer to share his knowledge and experience with full-time officers and to help facilitate a smooth transition of his responsibilities and whereas officer shatak and his entire family have dedicated their careers and lives to the service and safety of others for the betterment of Seaside Park now therefore I John a Peterson Jr mayor of the burough Seaside Park on behalf of the entire burough Council and all our citizens of Seaside Park would like to thank officer shad act for his dedicated dedication to the burough Seaside Park and its residents by proclaiming November 25th 2024 Steven shatak day and also bestowing Steven shatak with the honorary title of deputy chief for a day September 25th and it's my honor to give you that May there I'd like to thank mayor Peterson members of the council our burrow administrator our burrow Clerk and chief Bo for giving me all these years of enjoyment it's been 40 plus years and I wouldn't have it any other way I would continue to be here and not change of things was a was a a great run and I really appreciate it to continue for more and we thank all of our Police Department who are here and those that are out on duty and otherwise not here we thank you every every it's a team effort and we recognize each and every one of you thank [Music] you a photo a couple photos yes yeah do the photos of them before they all with all the department and the council sure sure I think the council too your FL the other way so we don't see yeah have the family come up and have it I think that would be have what Jina have the department too have a few different scenarios a couple scenarios [Music] where's your big camera he's not on duty as a photographer want have let's have the officers officers one more one more all right we got that very nice thank you thank you so much thank you all right hold on right everyone say Shad okay [Music] okay all right downstairs but it looks like it's going to be that nobody here point that way the the next uh item on the agenda is a discussion for authorization of a proposal dated November 16 20 uh 24 from tnm Associates for Engineering Services for drainage improvements to the 13th Avenue Ballfield Recreation Complex that's listed for consideration as resolution 2024 329 at the regular meeting and this uh has come about from discussion over a considerable period of time uh and we already do have the $775,000 uh Recreation Grant awarded from the state and this uh would make sure that we don't uh jeopardize that and include this in the overall project which looks to improve the drainage of the facility and uh also contribute to addressing and mitigating drainage problems from the facility onto the roadway at 13th Avenue as well and the upgrade of the popular bfield complex as well and if that's also the yes what's the name of Defence back St the back which is more than Antiquated interior fence interior are you covered it yeah May yeah pretty straightforward yeah yeah and the other is a uh proposal B to authoriz authorization it's stated November 13th from Remington Vernick Engineers for engineering and inspection services for K Street roadway improvements and this too is another project and uh we thank the committee all the members of the council that have worked on this and uh researched it with Pam Hiller the engineer uh and it has a very positive uh impact uh for that area again to address and mitigate some of the flooding problems that have developed yeah you covered it um basically is that we'll have to have the area survey before anything else is determined we're hoping to repitch and to um redirect the water and close up storm drains um one storm drains were originally put in it was to take the water running down casri all the way from the ocean which that's not the case anymore so um I would say that eliminating the storm drains and redirecting and repining and raising the road would considerably change the um conditions on that street so that's that's the goal so this is just authorizing them that do the work right whatever okay the in question you have the m and somewh related to that we're going to at the uh West End of the boat yard we're going to make an access way so that if there is any flooding situation uh folks on K court and K Street they could park in the marina instead of walking through the water to get their their cars and they'll be able to go through the gate K Street contingency here so anything else on that one that too is on for Action at the regular meeting and in terms of the uh announcements we have the annual tree lighting the holiday Craft Market PBA 182 local party all to be held Sunday December 88th is there a time on that mayor the tree lighting is andet is 10 to I believe at 6 yeah writing at 5 party at 6 yeah thank you so it's a lot of activities and uh it's odd timing of Thanksgiving this year is that that usually would be the the Friday but that's still Thanksgiving weekend that that first Friday so this is the second Friday Sunday The Craft Market they're going to do outside instead of inside School Park Central location Good's use use yeah public use that's a good thing very nice you took and those are conclude the items that uh came in any anything else uh from Council at this juncture if not we'll go into the audience if there's any any from the public about work session items if anyone has them if they could give their name and address into the record okay hearing none I would uh entertain a motion from the council to uh then adjourn the work session take a brief moment go right into our regular meeting motion by council member runda second by council member condos anyone opposed hearing none it will stand and adjourned at 7:20 and take a moment and then begin our regular meeting