##VIDEO ID:IcAE1i3ayvM## pursuant to the this is a regular meeting of the May and Boro Council B seide Park County version state of New New Jersey advertised for Thursday August 15 2024 to begin at the conclusion of the work session meeting and the work session meeting has now just ended pursuant to the provisions of New Jersey open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of meeting for publication to the Asbury parest in the Star Ledger on January 5th 2020 4 notice of the meeting of the governing body has also been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municipal clerk roll call council member Amil he will not be here this evening thank you council member condos here council member Connor here council member craft here council member Renda here council president wil here mayor Peterson here thank you let us all now rise together and stand for a moment of silence to be by our Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all the first item on the agenda is approval of the minutes for August 1 2024 a work session August 1 2024 a regular meeting any questions comments or if not a motion motion to accept motion by council member condos second second by council member craft roll call council member condos yes council member C yes council member Connor yes council member Renda yes council president wil yes Mo approve next uh request for approval of the special session minutes the executive session of August 1 2024 is there a motion I make the motion there second motion by council member craft second by council president Will Roll Call council member craft yes council president wil yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member Renda yes motion approved the next item on the agenda is an ordinance its first reading ordinance 22421 amending section 43519 of the bur code removes the parking time restriction on Second Avenue and that entailed the fact that we had previously enacted and the do had finally also enacted uh their uh approval of our ordinance making Second Avenue A oneway Street and this uh also addresses the fact that there are two stop signs now and the parking places and the prior ordinance would not uh permit that so it's first reading is there a motion I'll make a motion second second motion by council member Conor second by council member rotunda roll call council member Connor yes council member rotunda yes council member condos yes council member craft yes council president B yes motion approved and next is Introduction also first reading ordinance 22422 in ordinance of the both Seaside Park Ocean County New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 405 entitled streets and sidewalks and that action as per the discussion moments AG at the work session will also uh entail our cleanup work on the related uh ordinance as to site triangles with the uh modification to make the two consistent and this in effect allows uh elevation for what are defined and called in the ordinance as knee walls any uh other discussion that there's also proposed one add clarification on the language that would allow Bing landscape Timber landscape Timber yeah okay with all right so that would be the amendment to when prior to actual publication and then it will get sent to the pum board also for their meeting Monday with that clarification is there a motion for first reading motion by council president well second second by Council M rotunda roll call council president wil yes council member rotunda yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member CRA yes motion approved next are authorizations first is a block party August 29th 2024 400 p.m. to 900 p.m. location 5th Avenue between central and Ocean Avenue approval if granted would be conditioned upon the applicant also obtaining a County permit the second is a wedding ceremony October 19th 2024 12 noon to 1230 location 9th Avenue Beach any other questions comments on either of the resolutions or if not a motion with the one added condition um May I just a comment um on the application for the the wedding one it says that they are asking that we keep the mob ma down on on um 9th Avenue where they're having you know the wedding there so I don't think we took them up last year anyway to begin with did we I don't think we did took them for the winter but I don't know about that time of year see I I think my point is I'm hoping that we don't do it early you know and then that we keep it there at least for them um they get removed I mean they get removed from the top down towards the Eastward for yes yes yes they stay on the yes yes yes yes yes yes well guess check with there so could we make make a special request of a just unless it's disruptive to the other was some factor that we're not aware of that's a good idea I don't I don't know about his scheduling and I remember them post Labor Day but I don't know how far yeah I don't know how they do and if they scheduled they can just do that one last something me I just for the wedding I just want to make sure that everything runs perfectly right through so nice so we with that comment uh well made and the one on a is a condition is there a motion Mo motion by council member condos second by is council president W or loc call council member condos yes council president wil yes council member Connor yes council member craft yes council member Renda yes Mo approved next are payments of claims 224 261 approving and itemized claims set forth on the check registry Bill list for the period August 2nd to August 15 2024 any questions comments from Council or if not a motion I'll make the motion I have com motion by council member craft I'll second it second by council president W roll call council member craft yes council president W yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member Renda yes Mo nexo resolutions are read in summary fashion 224 262 awarding a contract to djana truck and Utility Equipment through the Educational Services Commission of New Jersey C NJ Cooperative pricing system contract and gives the numbers 65 MC ccps 263 accepting the resignation of car leoski from the code building department uh obviously with our uniform thanks and appreciation for many many years of service not just in that capacity but a lot of capacities and the next 264 is authorizing sale Surplus property no longer needed for public use on an online auction website 265 authorizing 2024 raffle license applications 266 appointing Jane McIntosh as a provisional technical assistant to the construction official as per Civil Service 267 approving an amendment to the B side park model Personnel policies procedures as for the work session 268 authorizing the tax collector to cancel the designated tax Sal certificates 269 authorizing the execution of a change order number two to the contract between the bur Seaside Park and brave industrial paint LLC in the amount of $10,600 270 a resolution to re release the performance bond and accept the maintenance Bond of Brave industrial paint LLC for decator Avenue Water Tower Rehabilitation 271 supporting Revolution New Jersey a uniform uh resolution that is being circulated and uh the authors are hoping that that is adopted by each and every town in the State uh recognizing and celebrating uh in the 250th anniversary of the country in two short years are we two years away and 272 is appointing Joseph Walker to the permanent title of senior maintenance repair again as per Civil Service advertisements Etc 273 appointing seasonal employees for the Department of beach Patrol and and those are the resolutions any comments from Council on any of them I'd like to comment on a couple resolution [Music] 262 this for 43,7 63 and that's for the F450 body and that is to not to exceed uh that's the last meeting or the reading before that when we authorized the purchase of the fport 50 um pickup this is the body for that pickup and that's for the water sew uh Department the other comment is on resolution 269 the amount of $10,600 that's a decrease in the final amount as opposed to an increase that's all I have there thank you any other questions or comments from Council if not I'll go into the audience it's our practice to allow any public comment on resolutions though not required by law if anyone has any if they could give their name and address into the record yeah Char surley C 700 North Bay Avenue anybody know how we're doing with Beach badge sales I know some towns have posted how much they were up does anybody know we're just on the resolutions now but you can that thought we'll get you we'll get you momentarily but Charlie yes we do and we'll keep you in anything on resolutions if not I'll close the public portion and I'd entertain a motion from Council as a consent agenda proba make that motion motion by council president will second second by council member rotunda roll call council president will yes council member rotunda yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member craft yes M and anyone else from Council have anything else on at this juncture no hearing none we'll go into the audience and we have a question on the floor and held in advance guess what it is from sh see if we can guess and we can remember the question oh good so you have an answer Joe council member Conor hasn't answer okay Fone you should ask we have I'm going to our sales are you know this year sales 12 uh 123 we start in December so so right now our total as of the 15th is 1, 92,93 so we're like what we're like 97 um, short of breaking the $2 million Mark so hope you know it's going to are we up or down from last year um we're from last year okay I'm sorry but yeah I I don't have the Delta but I know we're up from but we're up yeah yeah okay and um the chief is AD here so maybe somebody could pass it on to them I know we have bik cops there's a couple that like to ride on the sidewalk instead of in the street and I think that can cause a little confusion for people that know they're not allowed to ride on the sidewalk and are bik cops are doing it so maybe that can get passed on to him since he's not here thank you thank you we'll pass that on any other questions or comments yes Alan this is a great night to ask question yeah uh Alam 145 Street I was on the board walk the other day and almost got run over by bicycles I know that we have an ordinance that 9:00 a.m. no bikes on our Boardwalk is that correct it's it's it it's 11 o00 from 14th uh no bikes after 11:00 from from 14th to uh bath house uh the bath house basically yeah and it's 9:00 from the bath house to stock okay no bikes I no bikes no scooter that me it's all your above all right all right I did see a Sign by uh Sawmill but it was covered by vegetation that said no bikes be Passage Point from 9:00 on okay but I I thought we used to have a Sign by by the B by uh the bathrooms that said 9:00 but it's 11:00 yeah it it it says right on the the south side of the bath house on the beach side there's a sign that says no bikes pass here at 9:00 right before the The Lifeguard headquarters yes and there's it's 11:00 on all the street signs at each rent location stuff like that for my from my next part question I got to tell you it it I'm sorry just uh it it it's an ongoing battle uh with our uh Beach control badge people who try to police that um there's a lot of push back on it and they they I'm not they try the best they can but I mean well no I'm not blaming anybody but I remember years ago I maybe before uh Sandy yeah uh there was a sign out by the by the bathrooms that said no bikes Beyond this point after such and such a time yeah there are a lot of people I I I I guess they're just here for two weeks they don't know the ordinance they're probably not expected to know the ordinances right uh and it goes from 11 to 9 that's a real quick it's almost like a speed trap quite frankly but mo mo most go oh I'm sorry and and they peel off all right second thing is i' I've seen motorized vehicles or or either bikes or or the what you scooter the skateboard thank you skateboards okay that are motorized and I thought we're not supposed to have any motorized items on on so I mean is there a possibility of making a sign so people are aware of it uh because if they're not aware of it uh you can't expect them you know to say that well I didn't nobody told me well they don't live here so they wouldn't know yeah brings me to my last point with the tents on the beach I know we have that ordinance because a former council person who passed away worked on that diligently with his committee and yet I see many of these tents and I think they're safer than umbrellas but I I see him very close to the water edge and I think it's onfair for the people who come here want to sit in a chair and just look at the beach and the water uh I know there are some towns that don't even allow umbrellas or tents at all on their beaches but I think maybe we can think about for next year uh a post at every entrance or after you walk on the beach no canopies Beyond this point yeah I mean I know there there's one for the baby tents you could bring to the water but not these big ones and I've now seen three times this year when I go to the beach uh tenting or two tents or two canopies together MH right at the water's edge I don't think I don't know how you can enforce that you can't have the Lifeguard you can't have your people getting off lifeguards getting off and saying you can't have that there so maybe we have to go the next drastic not drastic but the next measure and put uh one of those poles in the ground at every when you walk on no canopies allowed past this point so maybe people will say oh okay and I'm sure most of them would have agre and not do it but I mean there must have been out nine of them between Fifth and sth Avenue this week and the week before yeah up up to Monday I had been on the beach since Monday but Sunday and Monday and I think Thursday and Friday of last week and now I didn't see anything when I took a walk today because they're probably two week vacationers or whatever it might be and nobody told me are are the tents open on four sides or that that they yeah they are are they less 10 or 10 foot or less I would in but I I say they 8 to 10 the ones where you put the stick in then you have the sand okay uh okay so it's really their it's the position not the size or the construction they're supposed to be from like the garbage pales up to the boardwalk between the boardwalk and the that's really where they're supposed to be I think by the ordinance that's exactly corre yeah we talked about this once before somebody had maybe just reinfor a little further need new signs to say where the line is as go through a moving with respect to the G or or maybe we should take a look at at allowing those you know bigger canopies to begin with as a discussion point to me not allow them yeah I mean a lot of beaches aren't doing I'm not saying we copy you know we always no we're not we're just looking at Best Practices and you you figure out what to do um because quite frankly when our beaches especially where you're suggesting well actually all the beaches a lot of times Su week it takes up a lot of space and that's why a lot of the towns all up and down the coast I guess makes sense have not allowed those like at all and some of the bigger discussions our people have with people who have these up already and everything as they tell our our beach people up in the front our Rovers go down there and the managers go down it gets it gets to be I don't think it should be their responsibilities but I what I've seen at on other beaches is a one Post in the ground not wooden but a metal post and they have a sign in there that's all no can uh no tents or copies Beyond this point and you determine where you want where Public's Works decides where how where how far away from the water do you want that M you know like talk I think it was should be behind like you go sth Avenue if you go and you have to walkway in the te bar right it certainly should be behind there at least that far back yeah uh but I think that you'd have to look at it and work it out and see how it looks on a Saturday and Sunday oh I know how it look yeah it's supposed to be coun I'm agree supposed to be by the garbage behind the garbage I think Earth mov the garbage cans back further but I'm not sure you could do it I mean I'm not a fan of I mean not that we're solving it here anyway not a fan of put putting some permanent signage in the in the sand because now you have the rakes have to go around it I mean not to mention I feel like we're like signed heavy to begin with so you know maybe it's you know lifeguards have something like the way they put out their yellow FL put it it's like you know something that comes in and out every day I I don't know this is a good discussion I think that we need to talk um after the season about even allowing this of doing this um maybe and we don't have to talk about now but not not just a sign there but maybe sign up by the by where the the badge location is that's very visible enough so they're not cting all the way down there and see nobody read the signs everybody's so e to get on the beach they just I'm not talking a sign that goes in in the ground I'm talking a sign that can go right underneath all the ones read the signs in my I I just thought I'd bring it up for next year I I don't think anything be done now but I'm seeing more of them pop up and not I'm not against them I think they're safer than the umbrellas but the way some people put their umbrellas in s i I really don't rest on the beach because I'm kind of worried on a breezy day that something may be flying right past me oh yeah okay thank you okay thank you am I allow to rec comment sure we'll make a we'll make an exception no I'm going to make it short uh I just have to comment about canopies I don't see I don't understand the problem with them first of all you can have four umbrell stuck in and that blocks more than these canopies do and having little Abby Abby has to be in the shade but then we have three other little ones that we try to keep our eye on and we like to be near the water you go down the handicap ramp and we set it up everybody as the shade it's not blocking anybody cuz you can see through them so easily and they're safer than the umbrellas I mean not down by the water but then what if people go down and put four umbrellas up in a row and they all gather what's that's more obstruction than what these campies I'm not talking about the big ones now there was one on H Street a week ago that was like huge they had big coolers I mean it it was big you could camp under this one but I mean we have a small one and you know we put Abby under it and one of us sits by her and I don't understand what the problem is and if you try to go behind the garbage cans you're in the Dooms where we are so you can't say that and when the when those little birds are there then there are no garbage cans so you got to I think you need to be a little more relaxed with that because personally the small ones I don't see the issue with personally and by some other people but thank you thank you charot any other public questions or comments hearing none I close the public portion anyone else from councel have anything or if not a motion make motion by council president wil second by council member CRA for adjournment roll call council president wil yes council member CRA yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member rendes yes motion approved and thank everyone for coming and we'll stand adjourned --------- ##VIDEO ID:VyAVE31ziJo## to order this is a work session the mayor and bur Council bur Seaside Park County of ocean state of New Jersey held on Thursday August 15 2024 advertised for 7 p.m. pursuing to the provisions of New Jersey open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of meeting for publication in the Asbury Park Press and the star ler on January 5th 2024 notice of the meeting of the governing body also has been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municipal clerk roll call council member anel he will not be here this evening thank you council member condos here council member Connor here council member craft here council member Renda here council president wil here mayor Pearson here thank you the first item is discussion of an amendment to the Personnel manual solicited as resolution 2024 267 for consideration at the regular meeting and this cleans up uh as a result of uh action taken previously uh through the relevant committees we instituted Savings in changing our health benefit program and this dub Tails into the portion of the manual which would reflect that as well right I think we talked about this one at the the last session this is where if anybody uh uh spouse or otherwise is also in the same program they're entitled to that waiver which was not as clear now that we've changed out of the state program yes so this cleans that up it does we needed in the manual to to make it Y and the next item also had been uh discussed for a period of time and that entails uh first reading of an ordinance amending chapter 4 405 entitled streets and sidewalks listed for introduction as ordinance 202 422 on the regular meeting and this has come about as a result uh it started with the at least two properties if not more on the Bayfront a side of town uh and it's was addressed by the individual homeowners to at least provide a measure of uh push back to waves and wave attenuation and flooding and uh temporarily the issues related to the properties are on hold because uh at least one of them had then done a lot of research and looked all throughout the town and uh there are a number of such I they're called for one of a better term KNE walls but they're uh in all over all segments of the town uh many of which may have been there as a result of projects approved otherwise with other permits some perhaps not some if the word is grandfathered in been there for years and years and what this entails is a uh authorization from the community I know when you look at the survey to your individual property your lot line it's often a surprise to people does not go all the way out to the sidewalk it stops short I Mar better expert how short it's a couple feet but yeah coule more there depends there there's no consistency to it mayor every every lot and every block is a little different so the difference would allow this ordinance would allow that retaining wall knee wall to go to the sidewalk that's basically um anything that's being built now is only supposed to be within your property which would mean you would go to your property line except for of course a walk or your consistency for a dry walk driveway or something like that but this would allow a um I always call the retaining wall with the with the um flood control management that we have in town for projects and everything else it's only makes sense to how to the sidewalk could give you that buffer for the waves or especially on the bayr or inside the blocks at this point right because if you only have it to your property line then you have from your property line to the sidewalk which could be 2 ft it could be 3 ft in some cases it's could be a little bit more right um but you still have to worry about that area to maintain right Marty help me with the term Verge in there that Verge is the extra space between your property line and would be space okay okay okay there's no like um there definition of a but it doesn't really it doesn't I was defined as a of the pavement I know very this is basically works this way zoning works from the curb up and the police work from the curb out it's you know kind of that's how we always put it in zoning issues zoning takes care from the curb up so okay and what this wouldn't do is change in any way our currently existing and longtime fence ordinance right so fence does have to be can only go out to your property not to the back which is I thought I had and I thought that would be the same yeah but I was a little unclear as to the definition of a ver from from the that we do have a couple little the wording of it in there adjustments to make because this does conflict with our site triangle ordinance so we'll we'll address that one next the site triangle is um 18 in and we're allowing this to be 24 in so that ordinance will have to make adjustment to also okay so that one we should refer to Barry's office with Steve to look at this one came with the planning board's attorney uh copy Steve's office and uh reason being obviously any zoning ordinance has to get referred to the planning board of the mun municipality for its review that the board doesn't necessarily have to agree but in this case I believe they do but that review process has to have taken place before it can come back to us for the second reading okay so we are encouraging people to raise their properties you know the height for flooding so right this it it just would be consistent the only other change I would mention and I'm sure I'll bring it up on one day also is that in the wording um it basically says it could be made out of concrete list everything but it doesn't allow for landscape timbers doesn't allow for wood so we have to add that in there so that'll get added under B yeah in the B so that just my my suggestion it doesn't it's very specific but it doesn't say landscape Timber no it doesn't say that it uses a term you could interpret it says wall doesn't it yeah I'm just well like I say I want it as clear as possible I think you're correct yeah I just I saw that so that ought to get emailed to uh because it's going to be on the agenda no it's going be well it's going to be under it's right where it defines what a knee wall is oh masonry brick structure or wall it doesn't say what's that wall is constructed of see that one on the second page on this page bottom it talks about the definition yeah yeah yeah here it is yeah it says brick structural World constructed uh that's just my recommendation that you would allow a landscape Timber you saying and yeah it could be also could be constructed out of wood or landscape Timber yeah if if you could email that perhaps to uh Greg Hawk office yes I will that would make sense landscap landscap [Music] publication for holding back the ERS if you done correctly it will work believe it or not [Music] okay it would have to be done correctly but yes it will it will survive proper un know have a choice and if they yeah which is [Music] fine anything else from Council on that first reading that's on the agenda also I know Marty referenced uh elevation of properties it's obviously a big topic it's a very important topic uh we had a meeting today that went for a long period of time with the beach Mayors the nine towns um one town wasn't represented but um that being Tom's River but uh that being said one of the topics and were within the comment period uh I don't have the materials in front of me but uh offices of two of the legislative districts uh were there and you may have seen it was in the Asbury Park Press as within the last week they talked about the D has proposed new regulations uh that require they would if they're adopted require an additional 10 5iv FT elevation of every home and obvious we get a lot of criticism here why the homes are so elevated already from that was a mandate from the state this is going to increase it and apparently that where Drew a lot of criticism a couple of the Mayors had been aware of it and uh Lavalette mayor was there and they've already passed a resolution raising questions about it and uh the group was suggesting that we consider that that action we're within the comment period for the D right now and I don't have it with me but you could read it's within the last week if you Google Asbury Park Press as much as the paper justifiably gets criticism for never covering any of the towns anymore this one was a coastal issue and they did have an article about it and the regulations According to some of the Mayors there that had already looked at it within the last week say they're very strict regulations about the steps going into home how you can even configure them to go winding up and over just just to comply if this were adopted to add another 5T so so is this a option or a requirement it's going if it's passed as it's intact right now would be a mandate and they'll uh say that they're not following a philosophy but that was the General theme of all the Mayors there and there were mayors of different political party different size towns big ones small ones they were all and they're not saying it they're not using the word again but the retreat theory is there that they are frowning upon or discouraging people from living on the barrier islands and that's really they're not going to say it but apparently at least one of the Mayors had had conversations already with the DP on it and somebody even admitted to that but it's something we should be very aware of and look at uh it's out there and the other the other twist that is is people that raised their homes and brought them up to Conformity for their flood insurance they would be non-conforming again because the elevation has changed yeah that's you'd have to raise it again insurance would go back up again because now it's non compliant again yeah so there are a lot of the unanswered questions that the were raised at this meeting so we we should be looking at it okay this is why I Dro flood ins shorts yep you have a mortgage yet you don't have that option right exactly any uh other work session items from Council no ma if not we'll go into the audience any items any com comments on any of the work session items from yes Charlie just comment um 700 North B Avenue thank you for the the wall being able to go up higher because I'm contemplating of another layer of block in I'm glad you have considered us thank you thank you any other comments on the work session if not I would entertain a motion from Council to adjourn the work session and then take a moment go right into the regular second motion by council member Connor and second by council member PA anyone opposed hearing none we'll take a brief moment and then begin our regular meeting