##VIDEO ID:Jj-Fqxc80HQ## meeting in the May and bur Council of B High Park County verion Stadium New Jersey held on Thursday October 17th 2024 advertised to begin at the conclusion of the work session which has now just now ended pursuant to the provisions of New Jersey's open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication to the Asbury Park Press On The Star Ledger on January 5th 2024 notice of the meeting also of the governing body has been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and the office of the municipal clerk roll call council member amab here council member condos here council member Connor here council member craft here council member Renda here council president will here mayor Pearson here thank you let us all rise together now for a moment of silence to be followed by our Pledge of Allegiance [Music] i al to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all the first meet uh item rather on the agenda are minutes approval of the October 3rd 2024 work session minutes and the October 3rd 2024 regular meeting any questions comments from Council if not a motion motion by council member condo second by council president r r council member condos yes council president will yes council member Emma yes council member Connor yes council member CFT yes council member attenda yes motion next are the special meeting minutes those are of October 3rd 2024 and in comments from Council or if not a motion I'll make the motion there motion by council member craft I'll second Mr Mayor second by council member Hil roll call council member craft yes council member am yes council member condos yes council member Connor I'll abstain I wasn't there thank you council member Renda yes council president will yes motion approved next are the payment of claims 22434 approving payment of the it itemized claims as set forth on the check register Bill list for the period October 4th to October 17th 2024 any questions comments from Council if not a motion I'll make a motion mayor motion by council member Connor second second by council member condos roll call council member Connor yes council member condos yes council member Amil yes council member CRA yes council member rotunda yes council president wil yes Mo approve next are the resolutions I'll read in summary fashion 305 what did I do oh I don't have the revised agenda I apologize we have authorizations and there is one a last minute submission on the revised agenda it's an authorizations and event Seaside Park PTA Halloween parade it's date October 27th 2024 time 1230 p.m. to 1: p.m. location Boardwalk 6th Avenue to 3rd Avenue police station lawn and any approval by the governing body would be conditioned upon the applicant also obtaining an Ocean County permit any questions comments there also the certificate of liability insurance that they supplied this findes have the b c Park so we good to go thank you [Music] st any comments from Council if not a motion motion by Council counc member condos second second by council member craft roll call council member condos yes council member craft yes council member ELD yes council member Connor yes council member rundes yes council president will yes motion approved next are the resolutions I'll read in summary fashion 305 standard resolution authorizing the municipal clerk to advertise requests for proposals for professional positions for the year 2025 306 authorizing the renewal of a shared service agreement with Ocean County for the drug recognition expert callout program fiscal year 2024 2025 307 authorizing the renewal of a shared service agreement with Ocean County for the driving law intoxicated enforcement program fiscal year 2024-25 308 authorizing the mayor and municipal clerk to sign and execute a shared services agreement between the burough Seaside Park and County of ocean to use and share revenue from the Ocean County recycling centers 309 accepting Grant funds from New Jersey Board of Public Utilities in the amount of $10,000 for the community energy plan Grant 310 requesting approval of items of Revenue and approach appropriation 311 311 rather awarding a contract to Alli painting ink for power washing of the Southside water tank and 312 authorizing the execution of a change order number one for the contract with Earl Asal company for the Improvement South Bay View Avenue ongoing project phases one and two as for the work session discussion any questions comments from Council on any resolutions there's one uh modification for one resolution on the advertisement for the clerk it's an additional authorization it's required mandated by the state to have a position of alternate municipal prosecutor as well so that should be uh included on the list on 305 is that yes that's the number one 305 can you just repeat what the title is alternate what alternate municipal prosecutor okay any other questions comments from Council on resolutions if not it's our practice to allow comments from the public on any resolutions they're not required by law if anyone in the public has a question or a comment rather on resolutions if you could give your name and address into the record yes Mike Mike spino 59th Avenue Council cat uh regarding the 309 uh the $10,000 for the community energy plan Grant can uh any can we have a clarification exactly what does that mean does anybody can anybody tell us even some parameters of what this is going to be for so so uh we received that Grant from the BPU and that allows us to hire a consultant to create our Town's energy um energy plan and then once the the plan is created and it's time to implement it there's a lot of grant funding available to actually implement the plan so this grant covers the cost of the consultant who's going to write the energy plan thank you Karen any other comments on resolutions today um yeah you don't mind F hering 21 I Street on 312 the 27,000 uh two 207,000 plus for the additional on JF um since that's a county road is that 207 our share of overage me it's potentially but it's it is indeed it's a joint project going with the county the County's funding I don't have in front of me what they're they funding our share o our share of overage is 27,000 if we went the full 20% if go up to the 20% County didn't kick in but it's our understanding that the county is going to share this with us but they won't tell us what until uh we provide them what the cost is so so you're saying you don't think it's going to be the whole 207,000 not out of our pocket we don't believe it could be but we don't believe that to be the case it could be 10% since we don't have the actual cost numbers yet but we just wanted to protect uh protect ourselves in just to uh you know provide the maximum amount should we need it any other comments on resolutions hearing none I'll close the public I would entertain a motion as a consent agenda from the Council on the resolutions so moved motion by council member runda I'll second second by council member Conor vo call council member attendant yes council member Connor yes council member Amil yes council member condos yes council member crack yes council president W yes motion approved and that concludes the resolutions and the written agenda anyone else on Council have any other items at this juncture I know one item uh we all join on uh as an announcement uh this Saturday uh Seaside Park will be participating with the clean ocean action Organization for the annual Beach sweeps Event seesi Park was one of the original uh two towns along with Lavalette uh to participate in that activity it's uh from 9:00 to 12 anyone interested can pick up a data sheet from clean ocean action they'll be distributed and you can go to any Beach you want uh all over town whichever a lot of people like to go to their own home family beach wherever they like and pick up uh refu trash and the data sheets you log in exactly not exactly but we have some veterans out there as best estimate possible uh all the items that may be picked up uh over time and get the sheets back in by uh 12 and those are tabulated Statewide through clean ocean action it's led to some uh positive regulations some positive actions at the state level including but not limited to some products and changes in packaging and the like so it's uh supposed to be a nice weather day so right second second half is where the pickup but once you have a bags and uh a data sheet you can pick up any Beach you want and spad out accordingly so everyone welcome that Saturday this Saturday yes any other announcements or anything from Council if not we'll go into the audience if there are any public comments if anyone has them if they could give their address and name into the record yes Tom Joseph Council candidate 704 South Bay View Avenue next count meeting includes a public meeting to talk about uh a public hearing I guess to talk about the plan to drill well on the Desert Palm property and I want to ask a couple of questions tonight and you may not have the answers but I just thought I'd start by asking now my understanding is this new well that's being discussed is intended to replace well number 10 which produces cloudy water turbid water I'm not sure what the right term is but water that we don't think is optimal so my question is anybody knows is there any kind of engineering study that explains what went wrong why did we end up with a well that produces water we don't like if there is I'd be happy to open it and read it but is there any such thing does anybody know don't know about well well number 10 is not an operation right well I don't know how to answer the question you're asking for a study on drilled well you have well number 10 the water is undesirable correct that is correct okay we agree on that that's great yes obviously something went wrong because otherwise we would use well 10 we would need number 11 I'm going to answer well well number 10 is a decommissioned well no correct out RO number 10 not only has C boards the cloudiness it also has an odor the history that well goes back 15 years at least at minimum I'm not saying number 10's desirable not even slightly I'm just asking if we've done any engineering study to figure out what went wrong so that if we ever drill another will we'll know what not to do I I truly guess I can't answer that okay study on what was wrong specifically to answer that question all due respect I don't know if we have a study specifically what went wrong I think it was I know the history of the well the answer that I know was where it was true the reason why but but a specific language I'm not I don't know we I mean I mean in general when something goes wrong and you get to a result that is inappropriate undesirable and you go okay now we have to start over then the first question should be what did we do wrong so we don't do it again well do Wells have a shelf life well the the reason it was bad to begin with it was be to begin with that went through multiple councils multiple Mayers it it was there I guess the answer to be honest with you the true answer is probably is there was no other location to drill well so they moved it over to char their luck into a different vein and it did not work if you're asking my personal opinion with no report in front of me the council 30 years and only missing two meetings that's going to be my answer I'm I'm not a hydrological engineer and so I'm not going to venture an opinion as to what went wrong um I don't expect anybody on the council to be either but I would have thought before we said let's build a new well we would have answered tried to answer that question and maybe we couldn't I'm not sure there is an answer what we're going to be doing is drilling a test well well okay not we do know why we do know why we're getting that word that we're getting at that well is because it's pulling in clay I'm sorry it's p it's pulling in clay clay that's why that's why that that the the veing in that area was pulling in clay okay that that that we know we know from the test of the water that is produc the quantity but there was a clay B in that water that was pulling through that well okay that leads to my next question which I did already opro apparently there is no study that says where you should put the next well to replace it that gives you any opportunity to be sure not sure but increase the likelihood that the next well will be successful and apparently the solution you have is to drill a test well that's correct so here's my problem Desert Palm property which we don't own yet at least as my understanding is we do own well all right I I won't get into that legal argument because I'm not not AR I'm not claim any knowledge in that area Okay whether we own it or not we do I'm still pretty able to look at it and goes that's the most expens expensive piece of property that we own short of the property land under burall it's property on Ocean Avenue it's a block long lot so before I would make the decision to site the well there I would do an engineering study that says that is the only place in Seaside Park that we can put this well because otherwise there's got to be somewhere else that's cheaper land and is a better use of Seaside Park resources and what I learned when I overid that question is there is no study nobody's looked at it or the Oprah request was wrong and I don't believe that I have a lot of confidence in in the system here so to me what I'm finding out is it there's no attempt to say we should solve the problem so we know what we're doing this time around we'll just do a test well which is I don't know what testall cost but I'm not sure it's I'm sure it's not cheap and we're putting it on the most expensive piece of property we could find and to me it just makes no sense right thank you and and and that's that's my conclusion it just makes no sense and I'm extremely disappointed in the whole situation any other uh public comments yes sir Mike spino 59th Avenue Council candidate once again uh my friend Shirley isn't here today so I'm going to ask the question I know you're not going to be obligated to answer it uh a few months ago we had a concept presentation here uh about some of the ideas to supply at least some uh Mitigation Of Bayfront flooding problems uh since then as far as I know it does I haven't seen any information to say that the uh Bayfront committee has met since that time it was supposed to go back to them right and the Bayfront committee peers hasn't met or if they have met uh they should have given a report which I believe you should have uh at least given uh us privy to the fact that they're addressing the problem so uh I'm not really expecting an answer but if there has been a meeting of that committee and they've produced a report I think it's appropriate that uh we should have been informed of the progress that that committee is making thank you wh which committee man the Bayfront Bayfront advisory committee yeah the one that was sitting up here when the presentation was made I don't know if if the B advisory committee's meant but I know the council has met a number of meetings mple meetings multiple meetings including this week over to them for because they're the experts kind of on it I thought you were turning it back over to them to discuss the presentation that was made and and have their input that's what I thought was I know we share information but I I don't know if they've had a formal meeting or not but the council's had a whole host of them including this week last we have last week so in that case I'd be uh like to be able to in the future hear your progress whatever it may be thank you I don't know that we have progress with one issue that's the do but they did write a it wasn't a straight denial letter this time they said it's I forget their verbiage interesting an issue a complex issue and they're sending it up the food chain as this so there it is being looked at more than they did previously but but we're uh working on another uh option as well of of if they're not going to assist us we're going to work with the county any other public comments yes let me ask question Tom Joseph again said all the rest just a real quick question at that last presentation what a couple months ago there was a plan A and A Plan B where are we on plan a versus plan b or plan one versus plan two we TOS I don't know there's been so many meetings uh on the different issues but I know we're moving ahead uh on options that need either plan b or plan a or Plan B and if you I guess both are still being looked at my opinion I haven't given up on a whole different plan as well but I don't know if everyone else's opinion on that is that going to be I'm sorry is there going to be another uh followup to try to take care of like O Street up that end beyond the um that was one of the topics we worked on this week a little bit I I don't have any concrete proposals but you were looking at K Street at this street street we add on to the we the other areas we were talking about but that's a whole another element we have both kids and properties that are too low that we don't have any jurisdiction over that's a whole another completely different design element we do we did add now K Street that to get out the engineer was given approval to start looking into that area and move forward actually to move forward on it top the 31 Guardians any other public comments hearing that I would close the public portion I'd entertain a motion from Council for German unless there's anything further from Council I'll make that motion Mr Mayor motion by council member amille I'll second Mr and second by council member Connor roll call council member em yes council member Connor yes Council memberz yes council member C yes council member Renda yes council president will yes and thank everyone for coming out this evening --------- ##VIDEO ID:9HI6ba4ZuwU## we call this meeting to order this is a work session of the mayor and bur Council the burough Seaside Park County votion state of New Jersey held on Thursday October 17th 2024 at 7 p.m. pursuant to the provisions of New Jersey's open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication in the Asbury Park Press and the Star Ledger on January 5th 2024 notice of this meeting of the governing body has also been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municipal clerk local counc here council member condos here council member Connor here council member craft here council member Renda here council president wil here mayor Pearson here thank you the first item for discussion concerns fiscal year 20124 25 is that yeah sorry yeah sure services with Ocean County prosecutor's office for gwid grant program it's listed as resolution 2024 306 2024 307 for consideration at the regular meeting and this is a program that has been ongoing for many years um whereby there are requirements in terms of successful prosecution of DWI in particular whereby every jurisdiction has to have access to such a individual trained certified person so that's part of this program that's shared services for the prosecutor's office the questions issues related no was pretty clear yeah cut and dry right yep the next is also a shared services agreement this time with Ocean County for recycling it's listed for consideration as well 2024 308 at the regular [Music] meeting and any uh input on that particular this too has been in place for many years and you see the cover letter there came from the director of solid waste management and that entails the utilization of source separation the recycling Act and the like and our access to the northern recycling center I guess out of that we get a um there's a 50% cost sharing which would mean that we could get profit out of it or if we're operating at a deficit then there's a some amount of contribution we would have to make it yeah have we ever gotten any revenue from it yeah do we get a check or how how what do we do I don't know I can find out yeah remember at least recently I don't remember anything the market market has not been we don't make a whole lot of money but I think we lost them I mean I think you have to do it regardless curious there have been years where we've been in the P yeah it used to be yeah like 10 years ago maybe it hasn't been recently right and part of the agreement it does say that the county does say they they don't have to charge it if they don't want to to the if there is a the expense okay yeah oh on the previous one I I fail to mention that uh for the U you know for the shared service with oan County prosecutor's office you our uh municipality is reimbursed at the rate of $70 per hour you know for our folks that get involved when they're on this job yeah and item D is discussion of a proposals dat October 10th 2024 to power wash the Southside water tank it's listed on the regular meeting agenda resolution 224 311 yes Barrett the power washing the tank would be the entire tank was specifically on the the bottom of the tank where it sweats summertime it's always wet and there there's mold up there tank was installed in 1974 and was painted in 2017 I think it's important that that the tank be maintained the Finish be kept as good as it can and then it could be evaluated if we need to have it touched up or whatever I think it's foolish to have it paint it and not go back and maintain it especially with the environment that we have here so the price of the um Al power washing the tank in alumo $21,200 my recommendation to have that done any uh questions comments from and they can do that CU all there's like all those cell tower things up there they just that doesn't matter right just do it I think there's a procedure but yeah this is what the company does so and that was the lower of the estimates that we got the other one wasp painted the other Tower there's no scaffolding or anything involved they do this with a sky the oh okay okay anything else on that one and item e is discussion of a change order for the ongoing project improvements South B Avenue phases 1 and two that to is listed for consideration as resolution 2024 312 of the regular meeting came about as a result of several committee meetings uh including meetings with the respective engineers and that entailed ongoing petitioning requests from the county and Seaside Park for the D to utilize their uh pump stations um that is ongoing but this too would entail a uh a backup plan to move on that as well and have available an option for future consideration by the town perhaps even as early as this year anything else on that one anything else for work session items from the council no no I and hearing thenone we'll go into the audience if there's any members of the audience have any comments on uh work session items if you could give your name and address into the record if there are yes sir uh you need me to get up there the work session you want me to go up there your [Music] name uh Mike spino 59th Avenue uh Council candidate uh I actually have three questions uh one was about the uh recycling center uh is that the man during all uh operational hours uh to ensure that uh no uh waste is brought into the recycling center that is of a business nature and not uh private it's about recycling center yeah because this is a shared service with the county right but it's or our recycling center is part of it isn't it this chair I was going to say the shared service is us taking all of our recyclables to ocean county for disposal yeah that's what this sh service right and I'm just asking about our own recycling center is it man so that uh waste from uh from uh other than private concerns is not brought in to reduce our probability of getting some some kind of reimbursement for the fact that we're not going over a certain amount I don't know what the certain amount would be I don't you're talking about something that shouldn't be in there but not a certain amount I just want to answer your opportunity to get uh like funds or not get penalized for having an excessive amount of waste now the more you have the better chance no I we're just confused on you're talking about items that shouldn't go into recycling yes now now we're on the same page the answer is yes all right so we do have coverage there to make sure yes that it's only private okay uh the second question I have is that uh with the power washing uh do they before they do the uh power washing and cleansing do they do an inspection to uh be able to report to us if there's any rust or any problems that should be addressed while they're preparing to do this cleanup think that we want to know if there's something else that needs to be dressed since they're going to be going up there to do it they're not going to know until after it's power walking not before and we're expecting that they should report that that is correct okay and uh finally uh this uh change order is is uh 20% increase uh that seems like a lot uh we not aware that they were going to propose to do this uh extra piping we were not aware that they were going to maybe do this when we put this uh project together the uh resolution is by Statute it's not to exceed 20% it can't go over 20% but we don't know how much this extra piping is going to cost and well the other part of your question this isn't the contractor asking this is us asking contractor we want we want this not not the other way around we're asking for extra okay and uh so at this point we're not aware how much this change order is going to actually cost it's being worked on now okay and we will be uh informed of that of course if we proceed yes yes when at the point yes okay thank you any other public comments on work session items hearing none I would close the work session I'd entertain a motion from Council to adjourn the work session and take a brief moment and then go into the regular meeting that motion motion by council member am second by council member Connor anyone opposed if not I hear none who will stand a ger momentarily St