it takes up and running so we will call a meeting to order no she's not arve tap on this was a regular meeting of the mayor and B Council of B Seaside Park County V state of New Jersey held on Thursday May 16th 2024 advertised to begin at the conclusion of the work session which has now just ended pursuant to the provisions of new jerseys open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of meeting for publication in the ansbury Park Press On The Star Ledger on January 5th 2024 notice of the meeting of the governing body also has been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municipal clerk roll call council member am presid council member condos here council member Connor here council member craft here council member Renda here council president will here mayor Pearson here thank you let us all rise together for a moment of silence to be followed by our PL of Allegiance lead the after Al to the of the United States of America and to theic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all the first item on the agenda seeks approval of the minutes for May 2nd 2024 a work session and May 2nd 2024 a regular meeting any questions or comments or motion motion motion by council member crab and I'll second it second by council president Will Roll Call council member CRA yes council president Willl yes council member ELD yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member rotunda yes motion approved next are authorizations I'll read them in summary fashion the first event the Seaside Park PTA Blue Water week date May 28th and June 2nd time 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and then 12:00 p.m. to 1: p.m. location 5ifth Avenue Beach 3rd Avenue Bay View D Street to boardwalk and that approval uh if granted by the governing body would have to be conditioned upon the applicant obtaining a County permit the next is event is this is yoga andj dates May 25th up until September 1 Saturday Sunday and Monday L time 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Saturday and Sunday 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday location M Street beach and the notation indicates we would need an updated Certificate of Insurance to be provided uh with the expiration of the current one referenced and third is the Sergeant John Lions 5K run date of June 88th time 9:00 a.m. location B View Avenue from 14th Avenue to North Avenue and that approval also would be conditioned upon the applicant obtaining a County permit any further questions or comments from Council mayor I'm confused about the time of the Seaside Park PTA 5:00 at night till 6:00 night at 12:00 noon to 1 p.m. yeah one of them they do at night where the kids do the sing and they make their hats and things and then the next day they parade yeah the 28th and then the second the 6th oh I got it no June 2nd I got it I got it I got it thank you for clarifying you're welcome any other questions comments from Council or if not a motion motion to approve motion by council member condos I'll second second by Council CC member amabile roll call council member condos yes council member amabile yes council member Connor yes council member craft yes council member rotunda yes council president wil yes motion approved next are payments of claims 224 172 it's approval of payment of itemized claims as set forth in the check registry Bill list for the period of time May 3rd to May 16th 2024 any questions or comments from Council or if not a motion I make motion by council member craft second by council member Connor roll call council member craft yes council member Connor yes council member Emille yes council member condos yes council member Renda yes council president Willl yes motion approve and next are a a series of actions with resp to the adoption of the 2024 Municipal budget and these actions were carried from the May 2nd 2024 meeting uh due to the fact that the state of New Jersey had not at that juncture reviewed the budget and given the authorization to move forward and with that in mind I'll follow our list and turn it over to our court because we have some uh because of that action of the state and not acting appropriately we have to uh unfortunately read at least one of the more lengthy items that's as per our bond Council so my time to shine and this is this is 224 159 yep that is an amendment to the 2024 Municipal budget and uh that came about as a result of a recommendation from the state in terms of our was is it the storm water management um the water quality report uh matching the capital plan to exactly what's on the water quality report and I believe there were some items that just had to be broken out that we had as so very good so I will uh turn it over to Jenna to read that in its entirety as per the uh Bond council's recommendation CH whereas the local Municipal budget for the year 2024 was approved on April 4th 2024 and whereas the public hearing on said budget has been held as advertised and whereas it is desired to amend said approved budget now therefore be it resolved by the burough seide Park County of ocean the following amendments to the approved budget of 2024 be made in the the current font budget uh miscellaneous revenues section a local revenues from the anticipated utility operating Surplus um where there was Zero there will be 150,000 from Total section a local Revenue uh that will be from 313,000 to 3,1 163,000 in section three miscellaneous revenues section B state aid without off setting Appropriations Consolidated Municipal property tax relief Aid will go from $1,773 111 to $0 the reserve for municipal relief Aid will go from $0 to $1,773 Total section B state aid without offsetting Appropriations will go from $ 29,7 15311 to $219,000 75311 uh three miscellaneous revenues section F special items of General Revenue public and private Revenue offsets with Appropriations um and the municipal Alliance on alcoholism and drug abuse will go from $1 13,336 to $666 Total section F special items of Revenue public and private revenues off with Appropriations will go from 394,000 68481772aa 1 cents section g special items of General Revenue anticipated with prior written consent of director of local government services other special items will go from $150,000 to zero total section total section g special items of General Revenue other special items will go from 150,000 to zero five subtotal General revenues items three will go from 5,524 3792 to 5,49 $ 5,769 192 uh amount to be raised by taxes in support of Municipal budget a local tax for municipal purposes including reserve for uncollected taxes will go from 7,418 19634 to 7,421 9.96 don't worry there's two more pages total General revenues will go from 12 ,9 21,41 32 to 12, 916780 188 uh from eight General Appropriations operations excluded from caps um from insurance general liability will go from $262,800 and $457 36 to4 $ 73,3 total operations item 8A with incaps will go from 9,725 to 9,195 448 total operations including contingent with Inc caps 9,172 51 to 9,195 448 uh detail salaries and wages will go from 5,258 410 to 5,258 410 other expenses including contingent 39118 41 to$ 3,937 38 um deferred charges and statutory expenditures Municipal incaps number one deferred charges overe expenditure of an appropriation will go from 0 to 67375 51 um total deferred charges and statutory expenditures Municipal incaps will go from 1,918 1268 to 1,1 159,160 M 26277 18 to 10,354 64959 a operations excluded from caps workers compensation will go from $17,542 to $141,500 general liability will go from $41,800 3 to $ 32,600 total other operations excluded from caps $ 24,8 34 to $1 189,190 e deferred charges overe expenditure of appropriation will go from 67,341 to zero H2 total General Appropriations for municipal purposes excluded from caps uh 2,115 54437 to 2,1 18,33 186 z uh o total General Appropriations excluded from caps 2,155 4437 to 2,1 18,33 186 L subtotal General Appropriations items H1 and you owe 12,377 62145 to 12, 372,117 to 12,967 18988 Dedicated water sewer utility budget revenues uh rents to or sorry revenues 2, 350,000 to 2,400,000 rents from 0 to 25,000 uh total water sewer utility revenues 3,200,000 to 3, 275,000 uh under Appropriations operating other expenses $559,950 to $488,500 princial $23,200 to 160,000 uh payment on bond anticipation notes and capital notes goes from0 to $15,557.71 [Music] 18,5 187 uh interest on notes goes from $13,100 $22.37 to $3,625 NJIT loan principal goes from 0 to $628,500 182 NJIT loan interest goes from 0 to $133,300 to $1,474 35 total water sewer utility Appropriations goes from 3,200,000 to 3,27 5,000 be a further resolve that two copies of this resolution be filed forth withth to the office of the director of local government services for certification of the local Municipal budget as amended thank you thank you very much that's a lot and that being said any questions comments from Council on the required reading and as naturally to the proposed amendment to the 2024 buget a few comments so many numbers were thrown out the the local tax be raised um the increase was $2,000 $2,056 and 56 cents uh the total revenue total General Revenue and total General Appropriations went down by $4,644.00 that's the sum of it all yeah happy to have it done yes yeah anything else from Council on that uh if not I would entertain a motion for the amendment to the 2024 Municipal budget as just read into the record and some El motion by council member craft second second by council member condos roll call council member craft yes council member condos yes council member Anil yes council member Connor yes council member Venda yes council president mil yes Mo and 2241 173 next is a resolution to amend the capital plan and that uh again was alluded to moments ago and uh made necessary uh by the review process initiated by the state uh which was not as early as we were hopeful but that being said we now have the approval to move ahead and this is a necessary resolution to amend the capital plan any questions comments uh on that yeah there was there was one big item that was added um uh that was alluded to earlier which was the wqa that uh came from the state which requires us to provide more details on the capital plan for the water uh for the water service and they require it to be basically over of course and what we provided to them was between 2022 and 2031 um the number was 7,477 ,600 and the title was W Main replacement and this ties into what we started back in 2019 if you recall when we started off doing the uh phase 3 a uh well and we kicked off phase 3B kind of this year by running the uh uh by running the water down Ocean Avenue uh the new water line um well theid side streets have to be tied into that so that's part of this outfit this this number here is when we tie in all the side street such as uh u e fgh h all the way down the quarter that has to get tied into the new wood M system um uh if you recall we had broken the out phase 3A 3B 3C 3A was from 14th all the way down to Island and then the next 13 blocks was Invision and then the final uh number of blocks so we're kind of like not following that blueprint that we had started off on in the sense that for what we're doing with well we you know we started off by doing the new water main you know learning it from we border all the way down uh you know Southward so so again this is just the the capital estimates and it also included um such as um updating Ro six and 8 doing some rehab down the road so it's it's a long-term plan that the state wanted us to put into what our thinking was so that's what this uh this new thing that we had to do this um W qaa it's water quality something something so it's it's from the D so if you would Google it You' see what that acronym is I did before I came here I and unfortunately the uh state had changed the regulation very late in the game I don't know Karen and Reen can speak March that's what so when uh all the towns had been well engaged in the process of preparing and actually getting their drafts of budgets ready to go but that being said we have finished that process and anything else uh on the resolution to amend the capital plan if from Council or if not I would entertain a motion second May motion by council member crab second second by council member retunda roll call council member craft yes council member Renda yes council member Amil yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council president wil yes motion approved and 22460 is a resolution to authorize the municipal budget to be read by title only at the public hearing as per past procedures uh utilize but not just this town but uh nearly every town if not every town so any uh questions comments from Council or if not a motion I'll make that motion there motion by council president will second second by council member condos roll call council president wil yes council member condos yes council member Emma yes council member Connor yes council member craft yes council member nenda yes motion approved and next entails the public hearing on the municipal budget and the adoption of the 2024 Municipal budget that was introduced back on April 4th 2024 by resolution 224 133 and that had been summarized reviewed on the record uh on that date and on the prior occasion and summary fashion with uh the uh public questions comments also under entertained as well as those from the council any further questions comments or summary or otherwise from Council on the budget no none at this juncture as such I would go into the audience if there are any public comments as to the hearing of the 2024 budget if anyone has that they could give their name and address into the record yes Ed is this time when I just want to have have to give your name and address I can't hear you for that I just have some questions of things I don't understand about is this the time to ask them all right and I don't know how to tell you what pages is on but hopefully you'll you'll understand what I am okay my first question is is under current fund Appropriations fire department you have other expenses Hydro service clothing allowance and miscellaneous and that went from 96,000 in change to $146,000 in change what's like miscellaneous what are some miscellaneous things that would cost $146,000 going up from you know I can answer that actually um so 3 years ago the fire department entered into a lease agreement to lease um radios because uh frequencies were changing and before this year that money was not in their budget it was being paid out of the finance budget so this year we just moved it to the right Department okay and that's I think $56,000 that LE a year thank you um streets and Roads other expenses is that like patching and stuff like that it's under current funds uh Appropriations under Public Works 57,4 55 yes all you have the break down I I do not but it's teally let me got your page number yeah P sheet 15 oh I'm sorry sheet 15 number [Music] [Music] I mean last last year yeah I see where we 46,5 only 19,5 2346 was paid or charged yeah so we had 7,000 left roughly 7,000 left over the increases miscellaneous anything use on anything on the yeah probably probably would in include the the c c Central you know comes out of that or not foring well if I had to guess I'm just guessing wouldn't you say this would like part of the yellow lines being painted cves curves I mean it's would be anything pertaining to the um servy of the road replacing the street signs they get blown over on all kinds of stuff yeah okay painting new uh numbers on thek okay um sheet 17 under utility expenses and both purchases um for gasoline last year um 150,000 was budgeted this year that's gone down to 125,000 my question is do you know something about gas prices going down that we don't I'm thinking they're only going up and I'm wondering why we're budgeting less gasoline number 17 17 it was budgeted at 150 in 202 3 but we only spent 996 96,9 we only spent 96,9 I guess 3469 so we put the number down to reflect what was actually used all right well I mean hopefully that's right that would be good just I mean it was a tight budget this year so we tried to squeeze the numbers as much as we could um sheet 22 earn fund Appropriations Berkeley Township Animal Control service is this for like rabid raccoons and caral cats and what what is box stuff like that yeah we're required to have animal control so we get that through a shared service in Township so the cost of that's obviously going up all over okay uh um the anticipated Surplus I see is is 14 uh 1,450,000 right okay which is less than we had left over at the end of the year is that to help with um the budgeting the I know there's a certain percent you can carry in Surplus and I don't I'm not sure what that is but um are we going to anticipate less Surplus because we're going to tighten the budget the last two years our Surplus went down significantly right um you know so so we we had to lower what we could use okay this year so we chose we're better off using a smaller number anyway was if you fall have a shf then I mean we still want to have a surplus in case oh yeah definely we definitely have a surplus yeah um sheet 40 B1 fire hydrant are we replacing 4 100,000 um there were some fire hydrants on the Bayside that are rusted that uh I don't know why you but but the uh Josh felt that you know they're okay some of them are in dire need of being replacement very soon fair enough last I promise um 40b this is capital budget um Dune replacement oh 382,000 yeah that was uh yes the D replacement that was what the um I guess it was FEMA ory Army courp had told us that that was our share so that was that we and we had to put it into our Capital plan although you notice there's no funding it's not funded right well they're not planning on doing that this year right no um it was in there last year as well and then I see on that same thing 500,000 um fcia repair that's this building all the way around to take care that was my that was our wag at what we thought it would take it might be more it might be less but you we wanted to have a placeholder for it and take our best guess at what it would cost all right thank you for your information I appreciate it thanks Ed any other questions for the budget hearing doing none I would close the public hearing and i' uh entertain what is next on the agenda is a resolution for adoptions 224 133 adoption of the municipal budget for fiscal year 2024 I make the motion motion by council member craft I'll second second by council member Connor roll call council member CFT yes council member Connor yes council member anfield yes council member condos yes council member Renda yes council president will yes M and thank you and thank everyone on the council and council member CL and his committee and Jo our CFO Bond counsel as well and our administrator a join effort of a lot of work through the winter and much appreciated next item on the agenda are ordinances first is first reading and introduction ordinance 22413 it's a capital ordinance of the B Seaside Park County V in state of New Jersey appropriating $132,000 for General Capital items per the 2024 budget and these particular items including this one were all uh carried as well they were contemplated to be introduced uh at the last meeting and all had to await the actual adoption of the budget I don't know if any other uh summary it's a first reading I guess it's worth mentioning that U the amount is 132,000 and that's the aggregate amount for for uh a few items uh $117,000 for the Scot bottles used by the fire department $100,000 for our parking kios and $155,000 for the recreation department for a street legal vehicle AKA golf cart that's all thank you do we have then a motion for first reading make the motion thereor motion by council member craft second second by council member rotunda roll call council member craft yes council member rotunda yes council member amille yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council president will yes Mo approve the next item is also first reading of an ordinance it's ordinance 22414 the capital ordinance of the burough Seaside Park County Bo in state of New Jersey appropriating $240,000 for various Marina count items for the 2024 budget any comments from Council yeah ion that um May um it's appropriating 240,000 as M mentioned and the items are is $165,000 is for the marina lighting system and upgrade but that also includes the includes the Fifth Avenue Pier uh recently we've put up temporary lighting to hold this over until the new lighting is uh designed and then put into place which will probably be I guess the fall time frame and the uh there additional $75,000 for water system upgrades at the Marine as well that's all there thank you Bill and again thank you and your committee for a lot of hard work on that do we have a motion for first reading I'll make a motion motion by council member Connor second second by council member condos roll call council member Connor yes council member condos yes council member Amil yes council member CRA yes council member Renda yes council president will yes motion approved and next is a first reading introduction ordinance 22415 that to a capital ordinance of the Bor suicide Park County votion state of New Jersey opting $400,000 for various water Capital items for the 2024 budget and yes to that thank you again for all your work um this is again coming out of the water capital and and not the uh the current fund Capital um there there's four items that this $400,000 addresses uh 50,000 is for the well6 uh rehab You Know M mainly the building if you go to the uh Rec Center you'll see that well six building is is in dire need of repair so that's what that's for $100,000 is for a u water sewer jedar for making emergency cleanouts of the uh the sewer systems uh $90,000 for the water um service truck which is a Ford F450 um it's a heavyduty truck because it carries all the heavy equipment and it's I don't know 15 years old I'm thinking something like that and it's uh pretty well gone as need of replacement and $160,000 for a a backo which is a replacement for one that is failed that's my understanding thank you thank you Bill any other comments from Council or if not a motion for first reading I'll make the motion motion by council member craft second May second by council president W roll call council member craft yes council president will yes council member ameld yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member Renda yes motion approved and next is final reading and adoption it's Bond ordinance 22416 providing for various Capital Improvements and other related expenses in and for the of Seaside Park and appropriating 3 $3,150 therefore and providing for the issuance of $285,100 in bonds as per 2024 budget any questions comments from Council this being a final reading I'll go into the audience if there's any public comments final reading and Adoption of the aforementioned Bond ordinance hearing none I'll close the public hearing I'd entertain a motion for final reading so Move Motion by council member rotunda second second by council member condos roll call council member rotunda yes council member condos yes council member anavil yes council member Connor yes yes council member craft yes council president will yes motion approved next item is final reading of an adoption and adoption Bond ordinance 22417 amending ordinance 22218 of the burrow finally adopted July 14 2022 providing for parking lot improvements and appropriating $2,200,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $290,000 bonds and notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof and I know we had explanation when this was first introduced this uh goes back to uh all the ongoing efforts and research at uh accumulating past authorized expenditures for the parking lot product uh project and amending that ordinance is that that's uh yeah yes we increased it from 1.2 million to 2 to with this or and any other questions comments from Council or if not I'll go into the audience this is file reading hearing and Adoption of bond ordinance 22417 yes Shirley Shirley CEST 700 r b Avenue on the parking lot is that going to be like restriped as far as like the size of spaces because I believe the handicaps spaces a little small very and is that going to be made more compliant a complete redo of parking lots one two and three okay uh including like trying to eliminate that sharp term when you come into a parking lot too that emergency vehicles have a hard time negotiating and making sure the spaces are the right size and handicap spaces are com because when the ramp comes out the side it's and you can't right okay thank you any other public comments on on adoption of the bond ordinance hearing none I'll close the public hearing I would entertain a motion from Council for final reading and adoption I'll make the motion Mr Mayor motion by council member almobile I'll second second by council member Comm roll call council member Emil yes council member Connor yes council member condos yes council member CRA yes council member Rena yes council president will yes V approv Next is first reading in introduction ordinance 22418 designated Second Avenue A oneway Street and this had been authorized on numerous past occasions by the council uh and also was welcomed by the public and the reason for the delay in the related and required ordinance entailed the fact that uh Second Avenue is perpendicular to and adjacent to a state highway and the state do uh had to give their approval and authorization and also had to provide the specific wording that they required which um which fortunately came this week just in time to have this first reading uh so that being said this uh action had been long awaited uh once that second reading occurs then I can turn it over I know uh Karen our administrator has been working diligently on this as as the whole Council to make sure that this happens and the goal naturally was to make sure that any and all such measures would be effectuated prior to the height of the season so I don't know we're at the mercy of New Jersey Department of Transportation so so once the U ordinance is adopted at the next meeting we have to send a certified copy to do for them to approve once they approve then they have to contact their road department to come out and change the signs no ETI no etti and how long that might take so the oneway signs yeah because they intersect their state highway so Karen the state does the oneway sign yes and they do not enter and they do not enter and St signs there the county was very easy with us on the ocean F side they said you can change the signs we're okay we get inwriting email we're fing the changing into a oneway right the county was fine on the ocean side right uh the state was not so make it clear Karen we might not be in time for the summer I don't know I know you don't know I I know it'll I'm anticipating at being adopted on June the 6th and on June the 7th Jen and I will make sure it get to the state and then after that kind of out of our hands except in the part where I will constantly be call there any way we can light a fire you know keep calling them say you know summer's coming blah blah blah wants to down knock on their door no I think that that cover transmitt letter has urgently delivered with a reference that it is definitely safety related I understand and motion now so that we'll definitely get it now at some point when they talk to us again maybe no I I firm believe positive indivual okay anything else on this from Council or if not do we have a motion for first reading I'll make that motion mayor motion by council president will second second by council member condos roll call council president will yes member condos yes council member am yes council member Connor yes council member CRA yes council member R yes motion approved next so resolutions I'll read in a summary fashion 174 appointing class two special Law Enforcement Officers for the calendar year 2024 175 appointing seasonal pumpout boat operators for 2024 summer season 176 authorizing the solicitation of bids for the lease for antenna attachment on Municipal Water Tower and ground space for ancillary support equipment located at block five lot 17 of the burough Seaside Parks tax map as per the discussion at the work session 177 appointing seasonal employees for the Department of beach control 178 authorizing the award of contract for offense for public works and 179 proclaiming June 21st to 23rd as Pride weekend in Seaside Park any other uh questions comments from Council hearing none uh I would entertain any public comments on any of the resolutions if anyone has them if they could give their name and address into the record hearing none a question sir I'm 177 do I need to abstain for that some of those kids work for us part time in the restaurants that's some of the kids on the beach control no okay you don't have to extend any other uh questions comments uh hearing none I would entertain a motion to consider the resolutions as a consent agenda motion by council member crab second second by council member condos roll call council member crab yes council member condos yes council member ELD yes council member Connor yes council member Renda yes council president Willl yes motion approved and that concludes the resolution and the written agenda is there anything further from Council at this juncture and uh by way of announcements I I know all of us joined together uh and inviting and welcoming everyone in the public to our annual Memorial Day service scheduled to be held right outside this building on the uh lawn uh that on Memorial Day itself Monday at 9:30 in the morning uh when we always have our annual uh service to recognize those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice for each and every one of us so that we en enjy the freedoms that we have uh and certainly everyone is invited uh and uh encouraged to attend along with neighbors friends summer visitors who may be uh here at that weekend as well so that by way of announcement I know and we thank everyone has been working hard to put that together including the recreation department the Police Department Public Works our administrator and our clerk putting together uh and the whole Council everyone uh to make sure that is a very uh solemn event which we regularly observe any other announcements from Council anything further if not we'll go into the audience if there are any public comments if anyone has them if they could give their name and address into the record yes first um I have yeah Street um Mr craft I have a question for you you said something about $2600 I didn't catch what that was for um that was the amount of money that is when we uh introduced the budget we were going to collect a certain amount of taxes overall from individual no no no no overall the total from the whole town so that amount went up by $2600 okay I CAU the $2,600 but not where it was coming from you were afraid it was allocating yeah be $2,600 it's actually $256 okay but it's not from it's not from you okay thank you B yes Michelle Michelle Miller 1500 Lake Avenue um first of all I appreciate the council's participation it's been a lot better um I understand that there was discussion of a do park or something for Park Central um or using it for anything is that well i' I'd like to mention I like the idea of a dog park uh but I propose another location um a lot of people do use the Marina and the West End uh and it it seems to work well it's not you know that large um I think that we use a lot of property and we're not getting any revenue from it so if the Park Central area which is right on Central Avenue uh if we had some kind of Commerce or the something that you would be renting out whether it be um a a miniature golf or something like that it would be nice for you to consider um as far as uh the dog park the dog park in Lavalette does have a $25 fee a year so this is revenue uh all the dogs must be licensed which means that they have their rabies it has to be current and it provides you know the owners of the dogs to feel safe about it um it since all the rabies has to be up to date I would think that that might be even more Revenue again because everybody's going to want to get their dogs licensed um the dogs are given tags to identify their right to use the area uh we do have uh a summer issue with the geese at the marina so having dogs there might eliminate that problem um I'd like to um think about the other social part of it as far as the adults about 70% of the population is a senior resident uh Lavalette Park is something that I participate in and there's a few people that use that totally as their social life they go there they meet they greet um this past year there was one woman who got sick we didn't see her for a couple of days we investigated and she was sick so it uh it's a good Public Service thing also um you do okay as far as companions for exercise that is important um I know that it would be important also to find out uh from Chief bog if he thought that this was reasonable and if the cops would be will willing to at least earmark or take a look as they pass by this year we have these bright purple tags on the collar and it's very easy to notify and the people that used the dog park also are very conscientious if somebody comes in and they have three other dogs from another town we do ask if they have their tags and say well you know there is cameras we're going to notify the police uh and that assures us that our dogs will be safe and we haven't had you know any incident so just keep that in mind thank you thank you any other Public Accounts yes chuck chuck app will be 215 10th Avenue um I got a couple things here I actually wrote them down tr get them uh environment committee had the reclaim the bay the other day what a great event I mean we want to do more of those the Historical Society wants to bring in speakers and stuff I mean it really makes the community it's really nice and I want to say I appreciate all that they do um very good um as far as the the budget goes I know this building when we had the tower taken down with the clock I believe that the siding was all asbest so it added to the cost a lot so it's something to consider it happened uh quite a while ago councilman Gallagher I recall said asbest that's all a lie doesn't affect anybody uh that's a bunch of BS from Council I remember that it was pretty funny but it ended up costing us a lot of money and uh they damaged the sidewalks too it took us a lot of years to fix the sidewalks from the equipment they had and stuff so there's a lot to look at when you do a job like that um U my son Charlie graduated keeme University today uh it was really nice he was one of the last kids going to uh Seaside Park Elementary I pulled him out before we closed the school went to Lavalette but he he really you know he had to got some good times there up to like third grade um but uh you know things move on but uh I was really happy about that and it made me uh see something today how much I appreciate Seaside Park go to Newark for a graduation in the morning and you'll see how wonderful Seaside Park is to come back to it is just crazy up there and I just I hate Park Apartments I walk by with my dog and uh the uh I think somebody should look at that grass job that went in I know there was a scope of work for the demo when I do those uh there's topul that goes back it's very grally very hard the uh uh the vegetation hasn't come back as much as I would think that you want you know a contract like that so if somebody could take a look at that it should be you know like 85% growth in there uh and the soil should be good it's very hard compacted and it's not growing very much all weeds and I think in the scope um I I've had contractors come back two or three times to do it redo it because they just skip that part and leave until somebody complains so um if you could review that contract all right our favorite subject the bay flooding committee meeting so this Saturday we're going to have the mayor's committee meeting um there was a flyer distributed by Sher Bano and some of her neighbors I guess um and they went out and they had a response that's overwhelming from responses we asked for comments and concerns from local Bayfront residents it only went the people in a 100-year flood so um we did have a bunch of requests for people to come to our committee meeting and I told everybody out of respect it's a mayor's committee meeting we're having that we have a plan to then meet with the council afterwards and then have a public meeting at some time during the summer verus some date in the future uh not too far away so we want to do that and uh just wanted to let you know that you know we're uh there might be other meetings of residents going on that's what I'm hearing uh about discussions and things like that including the yach club uh so we want to make sure that we're all aware that this is a big situation and we want to try to contain it focus it and try to manage it as best we can can't in respect of everybody that lives there everybody in town um and I uh I think that basically summarizes everything that I had to say and uh oh the the the dog park it is a dog park that that west side of the marina there I go there all the time I'm I'm I'm there with my dog and I just have to try to make sure that no other dogs are around uh councilman frce MCU he was totally against it as a veterinarian I understand I had a lot of conversations with him he didn't believe that the town should be putting dogs together in a in an area like that and I respect that and that was his opinion but I think they are an asset to many communities um and they need to be managed well and other towns do it and the argument was years ago uh oh the GIF doesn't have insurance and this and that you can't do things and that's a bunch of BS I mean other towns do it other towns do a lot of stuff and it's to say that insurance doesn't cover it but it does our insurance covers a lot of stuff um you push the envelope a little bit and you get a lot done so uh I do think that we should pursue that there it would take the dogs away from and we could enforce more at the Ballpark that we just redid uh to keep the dogs off of there because that that one you don't want to have dogs over there I know a lot of people take their dogs over there but if we did have a designated area I think it would be utilized really well or we put trees up I asked all the Neighbors on that street once if they would mind if we put in um leand Cyprus which are the trees at at Gina's house over here um and they would grow similarly and uh that would be a beautiful thing and it would also you know beautify the area a little bit just a one big line across by the sidewalker um and then a fence and whatever is appropriate for a dog PL so I I'd encourage that thank you thank you CH thank you any other public comments yes Shirley shley C 700 birth B Avenue uh what is the tax increase for us I local like are we going up it and it was um it's roughly 4.4 cents 4.44 okay um the well that's supposed to go up or it's been proposed to go up where Desert Palm is um how could you explain what that would look like what you're putting in there or to put in there somewh it would be very similar to the other two Wells it would just be a building approximately 25 by 25 ft okay if it well it's a multi-million dollar piece of property so if we hadn't bought Desert Palm where was another location you would have to buy up three or four homes in a bar site Park to recreate the same thing it couldn't go like on the end Street lot or part of a parking lot so it has to go on a multi-million dollar piece of property it has to be I mean yes and that it has we went it has to be a certain distance away from our existing Wells M and that area has not been tapped for water before okay say we still own desert say that desert Palm's still there we just going to find a place for it I mean not in like a parking lot like that that's only what two blocks down it just seems like if you're putting it up on a multi-million dollar piece of property are you going to be able to sell that later on or are we going to be stuck with it the well is not consuming the entire lot to answer your question so you'd have to subdivide that is correct work still losing money okay how about the auction that went off on um I Street I haven't heard anything about that tonight uh yeah there's an auction and there is a successful bidder and they're working on the closing documents right now okay so it was fine can I ask how much minimum bid $550,000 so we lost like 500,000 on it yeah okay moving right along um somebody had talked to Verizon and uh was asking about you know the FiOS and getting their internet and then asked about the TV service at the base of cable she was told it's up to our town to request them to come and give us the the cable for TVs I don't know if any of you have heard that I'm not sure if this one knew what she was talking about but um can we look into something like that to get H for our televisions fires fires yeah cuz I did it from my internet and I have a lot on through VI Verizon and a lot of us we're really hoping because Cable's a game yeah I realize you know you have to all of a sudden your rate goes up you call well let's see what we can do you know well call back in two months maybe there's a deal you know it it's just getting game playing anymore and if they say you know the town can request it then maybe I would like somebody to maybe look into that and see if we can get into town if that's all it takes I don't think we could check but I don't think it's available um could ask I I don't last time we checked they were just doing FiOS but only through the internet I think that is the service that is the it's like a streaming service I don't think you're I mean you don't want to get cable cable they don't even offer like well I mean Tom you know I Tom server they all have the FiOS through Verizon I what you call a hard wire to a box I just want get rid of and I don't want complicated things like the kids have I want to hit a button and my TV without doing cable I know that's outdated but all right well if somebody could just look into it you know might be worth it um the bur Hall um I mentioned a while ago how disgraceful it looked and the garage doors did get painted the railing going up the front steps is really disgraceful and so can I volunteer to scrape it and then somebody can paint it or can I get volunteers to come scrape and paint it's disgraceful it's a fural hall you know we're supposed to be proud of our buildings and it's I mean if it was on my house I'd be ashamed I mean can you take volunteers to go fix it if nobody else to do it I think part of it too is a lot of the wood is rotted and actually Eric and I have talked about that maybe just replacing it with vinyl the railings really won't match the look of the building but it'll be less maintenance it'll it'll last longer is that possibly like I mean this was I brought this up a while ago some of us have talked about even the window trim on all the whole thing put your we I we've talked about a lot the ceiling believe me I'm up there yeah it's awful it is okay and and just to your point um not this past Christmas the Christmas before I walked up there because we sold badges out of there and I go to go up and there's that round ball on end I want to do this I just pulled off in my hand yeah so sh I hear you and it's it's it's aw Hall should be one of the nicest looking buildings you know I think that was done with a historical Grant and they specified a lot of the material that's why that's why yeah because it was a historical thing but um I mean I'd really like to see at least the the railing so when you know somebody comes to our town and has a question they're not because it is pretty pathetic yeah so if you need volunteers there's a lot of people in this town are willing to volunteer which brings me to another point I just thought of this not even written down um down at the recycling center I know La I know there's a thing about you know how much it cost to have a b employee sit there Lavalette put it out to the public and they had they weren't volunteer they were paid like minimum wage to sit there was older people they gladly sat there the one guy I talked to he said it was a blast he loved it talk to different people coming in he didn't mind sitting there maybe we could look into something like that to free up an employee and put a volunteer in there to do it you know I mean there's there's people sitting around that I'm still working but other you know there are people that you're always afraid it seems like to reach out to the public for different things that maybe it would help out okay I'll leave you with that thank you thank you Sher thanks any other public comments yes what you I have one last question and then a comment um the resolution 174 that appointed the four uh class 2s we know that in Prior discussions with several people um I know that it's hard to entice officers to work here and sometimes when they've signed up they end up going somewhere else is that a possibility with the class twos or is that only a possibility with the class ones like are these four is it possible that we might lose them guess what do you mean by they might go somewhere else that's my question my comment is and um CH a little bit about the program last night so um it was an excellent program and I want to thank the council for funding the environmental committee so that they can bring these programs to us thank you thank you thank you Ed any other public comments hearing none I would yes sir too late waited so patiently hello I am H Dana first time here 504 North bab Avenue um I have a couple things one thing was I I know someone had mentioned Park uh Central uh my idea that I brought up was as was a ad Minature go course on that piece of property uh I'm an owner and a builder of adminer golf uh we do themed Parks you know based on what the town is um so I'd like to actually put that in there and put that out there for someone to think about that and maybe do manure golf I know it's seasonal uh you know we we keep our our properties fore and uh I think that's a great place and a lot of good activi for kids uh I've been here my whole pretty much my whole life as a visitor and uh G bought about 18 years ago as a summer home love it grew up our kids here uh I think it's a great place for kids and families to maybe have an activity dur the summer um that's my suggestion okay thank you all right is that out is that out there I love the town love the town and actually we just uh we just we're from thein we just sold our home mouin and we're here fulltime because of the beach the police the the whole atmosphere was great was great now all right we deal with the flooding you know uh you have to be a certain type of person to be there with the flood uh you know my wife thinks I'm crazy but you know it's water it's going to it's going to come so my question is since I haven't been up on everything here what's the latest and greatest does anybody wa for that meeting that Chuck's gonna have well I mean Chuck you're gonna have the meeting and I will be there no you won't no no not not the meeting of the committee meeting okay the public we're going to have another meeting everybody great that's yeah we wrote a nice letter you did you write a letter yes thank you through all that appreciate that uh but do you guys have any ideas of what's going on where we at I mean I hear you know just being in the town working in town we hear from everybody everybody's got their own uh suggestion of what's going to happen but do you guys have any idea like where we're at is it going to be 10 years from now five years from now next month the uh Army Corp of Engineers for example handcuffs us because they won't give us the permit to proceed on how we want to go right I think it's you know your design everything looks good um I there's something about ear grass and I'm GI from Eel Grass that I'm starting to get familiar with is there Eel Grass there there was there was but I'm talking about now well they want they go in the and look for that see if it was there did and did they find it they found some but not much all right so we're going out 50 ft 4 years ago everything is time remember things are changing so his question is valid is it there hold on I'm out I'm up here I'm up you got it I am not putting any pressure on anybody I just this is new to me and I just figured maybe somebody else would have an idea what's going on something's going to happen I assume uh yeah I know everybody's shaking their head but uh nothing out there besides our meeting that you're going to have I'm afraid to answer this question feel like I should but like this has come up multiple times the same thing you're asking about and the reason I was saying Chuck I didn't mean the meeting that he's having immediately his the Bayfront the mayor's Bayfront committee but that's what all of us including some of us here have been asking for is like let's document everything that's happened I know that we've gotten kind of a a um I had requested from our Engineers like what have we done to date and like what's the next steps and I think the mayor has also documented some things so I think that's what they're trying to put it all together so that you can have a meaningful dialogue when you pull everybody together is that I mean unless you want to add something to that I me I don't think there's anything there's so many different you can't it's a multifaceted problem that uh requires a multifaceted yeah no answer and it's not the answer that we would all love and that is the total elimination of floting but what we are striving for is the maximum effective mitigation not elimination and mitigation from a number of different perspectives so it's more of the wave action you know when it's windy you know everybody knows that when it's windy you know the wave action just that wall is kind of useless at this point that's all I just being a firsttime person here in this meeting I just I mean I could go on hours I had a meeting last week for five hours two County meetings two mayor's meetings uh app we had a meeting a whole number of us up here on the council attended this week it actually was about tourism but it immediately turned into a meeting with each and every barer Island mayor about the impact of flooding on all the barer Island community ities and uh every uh mayor and official and Council mcor was there our administrator was we were all giving our firsthand experience and I I'm up on that I read all the things the notes and stuff I just wanted to just put that out there if there was anything floating around but we don't get the coverage from the ocean star we have our coverage which is excellent but vir Star had covers the mayor's meetings I think uh that and they are informative and we were given very positive initial reactions of a joint application as a shared services application of all nine communities together and each uh mayor was there I think only maybe one exception at that meeting and then the week before there was a similar uh meeting and our town was the first town to pass that resolution and sign on to the agreement and then it'll be taken to the state for funding right and different Avenues to pursue so it's still going on oh and and that's a very important step because it used to be nine people n Bar Island towns all going you know their own way now nine equals one and there's the numbers and things like that but that's a big conglomerate to approach the state or anybody um army Corp of Engineers all together and we're sharing information as we heard at the meeting as we always did with the towns and helping each other out to try to move a lot of this on because you know all these nine towns have the same issue the we yeah so so I love that shared services the state loves that kind of stuff too the county um uh commissioner today he was there and obviously very supportive of things that we suggested to him for this so that is you ask the latest latest latest that just happened this week so 9 equals one going yeah we have as councilman Conor said we had a uh one Commissioner of that meeting and the prior meeting there were two of the five commissioners of the county were there and they have now I didn't know if I was telling Tales out of school but he said it was public so the Ocean County itself has now joined us as a 10th entity for a resilience shared services agreement and so they're a party to it because they recognize obviously here for example and along the b island it's the county infrastructure that's affected it's County tourism that was really supposed to have been and it was a good discussion on tourism but the impact on tourism and home values and people coming here to the shore is directly impacted and in a negative way and it's something we all have have to address each and every town and uh look for the funding look for some avenues for mitigation um there's probably not one different one Avenue itself or one approach but there's a lot of them together that I think we can do that's all I know uh we shley maybe doesn't think we always listen we do listen we do listen I'm listening surely but sure brought up for example I think it was two meetings ago but I I lose it at some point but a couple and she had heard through the rumor mill something that I had heard through the rumor mill that uh at least one other town has had been like we are in CI Park we've asked repeatedly the state do and we've heard in another form they're not the quickest bureaucracy to act about anything I know people throw up their hands here at Cai Park just trying to get a donation in place for a flag pole on do the obstacles that they throw but at any rate we had asked for hookups for the pump out uh stations on the Bayfront they have some very uh negative labels from a lot of residents they call them something else I've heard all sorts of names to them but bottom line SE park has pointed out they don't work uh and they don't work as effectively as apparently they were designed uh our town had asked and even volunteered to help them with their effectiveness and to have hookups allowed uh from the for the D perspective which was not allowed into the system um and I'd heard the same rumor surely had and uh from that man loking had been denied year after year just like we had for a permit from the do and then man loking just within eight weeks did get permission at long last and at this very same meeting we were all attending this week the mayor maning was there and it wasn't one of the four major storm events of this last fall winter but it was a flooding event the last one that occurred their residents reported that the uh effectiveness was maximized and was fairly dramatic in those neighborhoods so he was very happy that the dot had relented so we're pursuing that now to bring to the council um mayor the man loing uh had to spend what appears to be $80,000 for DOT permitting surveys upgrades and Engineering submit that all as a package uh I've written them a d and uh they have not formally responded uh and if they don't we'll follow up on that immediately and if that's the Avenue if they're not going to take our old application with that engineering work and a lot was done yeah you did a lot we had our engineer in fact uh we had drone demonstrations with looking down at the water after floating events just circulating around and around uselessly wasting electricity wasting power wasting everything and not addressing a problem not mitigating so we have an application there that they had denied as but so did manling so maybe they'll accept that but if if they won't I'm sure the council is going to give every consideration to taking the next step and having that resubmitted with the engineering work so there's so many different Avenues all being pursued simult ously it's such a an awful problem that it's growing escalating well my only problem right at this point is uh my wife going to get out of the house so I went and got her waiters I sure you water and I said to her I said well here you can get out of the house and wear you're a trend Setter now she I'm not wear no it's a it's dramatic and I I mean we heard comments and obviously we all experience it those who have lived here all these years you guys been here long than I have it's something above and beyond what we're we have the problem obviously we all know it the land mass of New Jersey is going down it's documented science has shown us and sea level rise is going up so we have two factors but above and beyond that I think everyone's uh pointing out and suggesting that something else is going on and has been going on since Sandy that's maybe uh escalated it made it worse than those two factors so it's changed a little bit since I've been here yeah I mean it could be happen we I mean we're that's one of the Avenues that we want some answers at the state federal level all right good so I'm going to see you eventually at some Mee eventually what eventually I'm gonna go to a meeting that's can I make a com sure CH I just want to thank you for your talk thank you and I do would love to build that man and welcome as a full-time resident thank you thank you it's a lot of fun I I'll bring a three wood to the Minature oh God here goes the [Music] windows so um regarding the flooding uh I just want to say grumpies has the largest uh selection of waiters I just bought a pair for my son $2 like $50 for waiters down there but size size 14 I think so they have a biggest selection anywhere so um I got one left over that my wife won't wear so you can have you want to follow my shoes I bought a bigger boat that's what I do so uh what wanted what I wanted to say is that I was down the inlet a little while ago just last week um where it used to be around 19 ft deep my depth recort it was showing it was 25 ft which which I thought was really significant I was in a spot which I'm pretty familiar with and it just seems to be scouring out deeper um we had a lot lot different fishing this year I mean we're getting big Blues right off the 14th a and drum fish uh I don't know if you saw the fisherman lined up along the bay um things change it's ephemeral it's ever changing the bay and everything like that so we have to go with it um so we have to adjust like mayor said we have the pumps we want to use but the curbing oil has to be raised there's other things that you have to do um um I looked into different Moorings in the bay so there's different moing systems you can put in to reduce the impact on the sub aquatic vegetation so some towns and cities do that type of thing so I did meet with the Environmental committee first time I went back I used I was a family member actually but I went to them and asked them if they are interested because I want to let them know about the bay flooding and everything and they were very interested about being part of it so having the community involved everybody is very important we can't say no to that we have to say we have to embrace that and everybody has a stake in it the largest investment most people have in town is their home and and and they need to protect that and we have to respect that we have to help everybody that you don't want to lose value Asset value not being able to sell and everything like that um but the depth of the bay the change of the bay the water system's changing um uh but if you go back 812 Bay View over here um when I when I was around seven8 years old we'd rent it in the summer and I remember that block there I don't know if you know it's at the fork and it's it's got the two houses on it I used to take my rowboat and row around it we had the FL so it did Flood years ago it it's just getting work worse but the frequency is what's getting us it's happening constantly the worst December ever uh January uh very bad so um we're going to discuss all that and we're going to bring some good ideas we have a lot of smart people in town I don't want anybody to shy away from providing ideas uh everybody walks that Bayfront sees what's wrong we need to correct everything this this this this ni system present it to the council and then the dot and everything and the state New Jersey and try to get some uh resolution to it that pump system I'm telling you that killed the subaquatic vegetation that that pump if you remember the sediment pictures of when it shot all that sand out because they installed it they didn't seal the piping it was all open piping you know so all that sand went out there covered up that um that that's they did it the dot there are worth ever no job done on time and JD so don't count on them we have to count on ourselves that's what we have allk I believed you You Chuck and a whole bunch of us up here and for over the years helped plant the natural plantings and natural growth all along that very area the Bayfront with the root system always having been established we had volunteers from Stockton helped us from Stevens Institute and recor all helped us at no cost they volunteered their time and effort to plant that we had at the time the dop uh Dr Le Holmes Hood I don't know if any if you remember conversation she helped us in person the D assistant commissioner was here we planted all that what did the do do with no permits as far as I know no notice to this town where our resident ripped it all out ripped it up excavated it and left that monstrosity and their design actually had a a planting design and they what did they do they put Stone in they put sand and then they just keep picking up sand dumping and the pumps get destroyed every year i' like to know how much money they're spending for that endless the sand goes in the pumps Destro they should put some thoughty 700 North Bay you I just want to follow up with Dan um about leasing the property at parks Central putting in miniature golf his course in Lavette is fabulous it's packed all the time all ages I mean there's my age there's little kids uh that would be one of the best things this town could do right now because the boardwalk's expensive so when you're down with your kids evening comes or late afternoon or it's a cloudy day where they take their kids they can't take them to the boardwalk all the time it's way too expensive rent's golf is something all ages love and if he's willing to put something in of course leaste the property we won't just hand it over to no offense oh it would be nice but um you can have that put in the garden that Marty had talked about put some benches there right across the street they could get drinks food walk to the bakery it would be something to draw families together and I really think you should consider it if you want to draw up plans I'm I'm sure he could he'll yell at me tomorrow um but I really think that would be like the best thing you could put on that piece of property because we don't have anything that's why when uh the bakery has anything it's packed with families always whether it's the carriage or display of this or that let's bring something that's good for families into this town and we have somebody willing to do it and run it and he runs a great place so please think about it get in touch with them talk to them and figure this out because I think that's what our town needs right now thank you thank you Sher thank you um 21 I Street um surely sort of stole my thunder because I was going to Hope and suggest that you take that into consideration putting in a Min golf course there um other than the great job that Joe took both does with the recreation there's nothing in town for these kids and there's nothing in town for the teenagers there's really nothing except to go up to the boardwalk and as Shirley said it's very expensive it would be something for families to do which we don't have so I urge you to sincerely consider the idea of a Ministry of off course in that b thank you thank any other comments hearing none I make one comment because you brought up flag pole made me think of it the beautification committee donated the flag pole that they couldn't get on Central Avenue because of D it is now installed at 14th Avenue Pier it looks lovely um and thank you to the committee um it's it's a really nice addition to the 14,000 parking lot [Music] yes 381 we're hoping to plan some kind of ceremony for the flag poll possibly on June 14th so the committee will be in touch with Karen and whoever else would be involved we also have to thank Eric because he was very instrumental and helping and it's I think we've been at this for four years so it's it's nice to see it if you haven't take a drive by Maggie texted me on that so I so yeah okay thanks thank you thank you and thank everyone for coming out this evening any other comments hearing none I'd entertain a motion motion by council president will second by council member Al council president will yes council member amille yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member C yes council member R yes motion approv thank everyone for coming --------- time who's all right we'll call our meeting to order this is a work session of the May B Council of B Seaside Park County oan state of New Jersey held on Thursday May 16th 2024 advertised for 700 p.m. pursuant to the provisions of new jerseys public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication the ASB Park Press in the Star Ledger on January 5th 2024 notice of the meeting of the governing body also has been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municipal clerk roll call council member em here council member condos here council member Connor here council member craft here council member Renda here Council president will here mayor Pearson here thank you the first item is discussion of the boardwalk Recon reconstruction project uh from K Street to Fifth Avenue and you see some of the uh recent materials related there to and that includes the notice from New Jersey's infostructure Bank the I Bank uh as to the no interest loan the parameters of same and uh 50% no interest 50% AAA rating interest uh indicates lower than the market and can uh go up to the useful life of the project which is 30 years and a 5year window of time for completion so uh the approval of the loan for Seaside Park was for $ 12,282 se3 for the Reconstruction and I turn it over to I I know everyone's worked on this uh over the years in different uh ways but most recently I don't know if Karen you've talked with the people and Marty you're I think you covered everything in our notes from the meeting mayor it's um work just like a home loan you whatever you take out at that point then you start paying back your interest in the principal going to the bond Council this is the best best source of funding and only borrow as much as we need as we go right correct like we're not taking the whole thing and then not be able to finish in the amount of time project and there's also an opportunity for of forgiveness forgiveness no no no that's that's with the ibank with the water projects with the transportation projects there's no loan there's no principal forgiveness there only 50% no interest 50% um interest is good yeah Triple A rating low in market and the five years currently the way the I bank is structured is they give you two years for design um and then 3 years for construction but there's um a bill in front of the legislature right now that by July 1st I will change that just to make it a 5year window so by the time we actually get this loan it will that we will then have 5 years for everything designed um engineering completion of the project we can do it in phases and and as as U council president W said it's it's like a Hally line of credit you pay your crew interest on what you draw down and on you your cover email of K and I apologize I should have called do you know the details on this or maybe Mar would when it you you indicate that new Ada ramps may be necessary most of the ramps are not in compliant did they give any detail on that because they did we actually had plans for that some them we we do have a set of plans for those I believe they're all approved yeah we do have the plans for all out already yeah how many are need to be I guess redone to Ada all right off the top of my head bill I don't remember one of the reasons I asked is they in the past they drawn some complaints from people as to the railings for example and the make whether they were rust proof whether they were preventing the sweeper from going through and creating a hazard so I don't I don't know what kind they're proposing that's why I asked I think basically it's just to change the pitch of the ramps like like Island Avenue for example is almost like a straight up ramp it's not 88 compliant and so and we have several of those and I don't know the exact number either um but is to bring those ramps into ada8 compliance and what that would also do is line them up with um the crosswalks crosswalks there's several streets in town where the crosswalks on one side and the ramps on the other side and so by doing more of like a switch back we'll actually line up the crosswalks with with the entrance to the boardwalk as well H well br is straight up too so I wonder if that's just a different angle that to that's a special with all the no I know that but people go up there for you know I I'm just asking I I have no idea um there's just access to the boardwalk and not to the beach yeah drive a car so so where we are now we' started the application for this loan um and uh the step is that now is our bond Council would have to do a short-term closing document so that's we need the the uh approval of the governing body are we going to move forward with this loan application or not and then we've already authorized I don't know where the statuses but the engineers made the application for the cppa permits yeah so I don't know how long or what response at this juncture they've received yet I I haven't received anything from the engineer I know they did the application s got a response yet isn't that like a six Monon kind of time frame using the are you uring that nothing moves quickly and trat luy guess what's uh everyone's uh is there a consensus we talked about this in different context previously to go ahead and authorize the loan uh Clos that we didn't get any of the money that we applied for I don't know we have option other than not doing it or not doing other have to go ahead have to proceed and only take out though what we think we can actually accomplish and hope maybe sometime during that five years another opportunity might come up that we could apply for other money and and and the caveat also being that the these construction costs that this $12.2 million loan is based on it's based on an Engineers estimate we don't have a bid yet from a contractor um but we know we'll have to do this in phases because we can't do the all in one offseason so it'll be small chunks and things may change over time we got a 5year window so hopefully we can get it done in say over the course of two or three years once the engineer contractors are available okay and my understanding is from the uh Bond council's submissions earlier the emails that it's just as you described it earlier about uh it's a similar to home equity loan where he would prepare the own documents as if we're borrowing up to that amount but we're not borrowing up to that amount unless that's authorized further as need so is everyone okay definitely has to be done we didn't kick this one down the RO for quite a while so yeah I at those plans over forward okay thank you and the next item for discussion is authorization for cell tower lease bid and that's on the regular meeting agenda it's resolution 224 176 and that came about with the exchange of Correspondence review of the current leases the expiration of the one lease and uh work through our Consultants firm and they worked with uh the administrator and with ceron and worked with the clerk's office so I believe this is a what is proposed for the one leas is a one year is that my understanding this I guess whether it was five years five years years five renewals yeah four five five I guess the one year that we have is with the Verizon the Verizon that was just an extension right there's an escalator in there of um 2.7 CPI whichever is greater so it would never be less than 2.75 correct mayor I done a review I submitted it and they made a number of changes consistent with my review and um I think it's good to go is it more or less than we're getting now it's 25,000 more minimum bid is 65,000 we're getting 43 right now something like that all four carriers have different rates different rates but I think the highest is 43 so this is about 22,000 more talking about okay great they did a survey and said this is consistent with other leases you know up and down the area here good it's a great sorts of passive Revenue too oh absolutely and I know that uh firm had uh worked previously and uh I don't what the word right word recaptured or recovered uh on one of the other leases upwards of $100,000 yeah they they found that there had been a change in this document we didn't have a copy of that uh Verizon did then found that they had been underpaying us for like a year or so because there had been some kind of change agreement so uh and Verizon did pay us the money and now they're paying us the proper rate wow yeah they back to you I make that $3,000 upfront payment we would get from the successful bilder yeah so anything further on that one that is on the regular meeting agenda those were the two big work session item discussions anyone else have anything for the work session if not we'll go into the audience if there are any comments on the work session items we would entertain them at this juncture if anyone has any they could give their name and address into the record yes Ed Ed CL 48 11th Avenue I just have a question and looking over the um I gu it was the introduction budget is what I got a copy of in the capital you know s just the items we discussed okay um I noticed that in the capital section it talks about 14 million um for the boardwalk um my question is I guess is there a reason why that says 14 but we're only considering asking for 12.2 million 14 million was um our best guestimate at the time okay okay thank you any other public comments on work session items hearing none I'd close the public portion and I'd entertain a motion from Council to adjourn the work session take a brief moment and then begin the regular meeting make the motion motion by council member amabile second by council member Connor anyone opposed no hearing none then we'll stand adjourn and take a brief moment then begin our regular meeting