okay we'll call our meeting to order this is a regular meeting of the m and b Council Bo of Sude Park County B state of New Jersey held on Thursday February 15 2024 advertised to begin at the conclusion of the work session which has now just ended presern to the provisions of New Jersey's open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication the asberg press and the star rer on January 5th 2024 notice of the meeting of the governing body also has been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municipal clerk roll call council member Amil presid council member condos here council member Connor here counc M yes counc member Renda here counc president yes mayor Peterson here thank you let us all rise together for a moment of silence to be followed by our budget [Music] i al to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible Li and justice for all first meeting on the or first item on the agenda rather is the minutes sought for approval on February 1st 20124 a work session February 1 2024 a regular meeting any comments questions from Council or if not a motion motion Mr Mayor all second motion by council member amab seconded by council president Will Roll Call council member Amil yes council president will yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member CRA yes council member Renda yes what your approve next item on the agenda are ordinances first is Introduction and first reading it's ordinance 20241 amending ordinance number 20209 of the B by fin adopted on September 24th 2020 providing for the construction of the phase 3A watermain replacement project and the phase 3B 3B watermain replacement project and providing for the issuance of $4,999 32 in bonds or notes of the buau to finance the same any uh questions or comments from Council and follow up as to the work session discussion or if not we have a motion for first reading move Mr Mayor motion by council member anabil second by council member Connor roll call council member Amil yes council member Connor yes council member Condes yes council member CRA yes council member Munda yes council president will yes motion approved and second is Introduction of first reading it's ordinance 20242 it's a capital ordinance of the bar Seaside Park County of ocean state of New Jersey appropriating $225,000 for water meters as again discussed at the work session any questions or comments from Council or if not any motion for first reading make the motion there motion by council member craft second second by council member runda roll call council member cck yes council member Renda yes council member Anil yes council member Condes yes council member Connor yes council president will yes motion approved and the third is Introduction and en firstc reading it's ordinance 20243 amending chapter 435 entitled vehicles and traffic article b118 schedule vii6 of the code of the bra Seaside Park oneway Streets Des ated this in particular as to Second Avenue again as per P meetings discussion in the work session any questions comments from Council or if not a motion I'll make that motion there motion by council president will I'll second second by council member Conor roll call council president will yes council member Connor yes council member an yes council member condens yes council member craft yes council member Rend yes motion approve next are authorizations I'll read in summary fashion first is an event regular organization Republican Club of Seaside Park Inc the date third Tuesday of a month time 6:15 to 9:15 location council chambers condition of approval if granted would require an updated Certificate of Insurance after the renewal date second and event oceans Harbor House charity benefit wall date May 5th 2024 time 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. location Boardwalk Stockton Avenue to Porter Avenue the third is an event Seaside Park softball league date various dates from May to September times 6:00 p.m. to 10: p.m. location 13th Avenue Ballfield a condition of approval would require updated Certificate of Insurance after teams register and the fourth is an event New Life Church First Baptist date March 31st 2024 time 5:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. location Brighton Avenue Beach any questions comments from Council as to any of the authorizations or not a motion motion by council member condos second by council president W uh for approval the uh two conditioned on the updated certificates of insurance to be supplied local council member condos yes council president yes council member Amil yes council member Conor yes council member CRA yes council member Renda yes motion approved next are PS of claims it's resolution 22485 payments of claims from February 2nd 20 2024 to February 15th 2024 you Jo list any questions comments from Council or if not any motion I have a question yes sir on the first page K I'm just asking what is the grade Custom Door Point what is that where is it it is on the door that goes into um the municipal clerk and the admin door in ball and the plant are engraved this is yeah a little $115 pla that we put there instead of a piece of paper pla you get $58 15 got a lot that one was $4.98 that's the total for that vendor for Amazon that 5842 is the total for the uh Public Works materials the office supplies for the Cod office and the $14.98 okay and municipals now SP correctly on that door okay just ask any other questions or comments on any of the vills there if not a motion make a motion mayor motion by council member CRA I'll second Mr Mayor second by council member amabile R council member crack yes council member amabile yes council member condas yes council member Connor yes council member Renda yes council president will yes motion approved next are the resolutions all in summary fashion uh 83 memorializing resolution to authorize a private sale of public personal property to the city of Elizabeth that as being the fire truck referen at the last meeting of the governing body with the record reference there in as to the condition of the truck as well as recommendation through the chief number 86 authorizing 2024 raffle license applications 87 authorizing the submission of a local recreational Improvement 2024 Grant application to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs 88 appointing class two special Law Enforcement Officers for the calendar year 2024 89 authorizing an agreement with kendri Le PP of Kyle mcmanis Associates for professional planning Services 90 a resolution from the council appointing Bonnie Peterson as municipal prosecutor bad Park 91 also resolution proposed from the council appointing Steven Zari esquad Brian Wii Barry ster alternate prosecutors B Seaside Park 92 from the council appointing uh second alternate prosecutors Jared dasy Geral Gregory mcgucken Timothy McNichols Martin Buckley C MCU and Anthony Robert Yaki Christopher Connor Thomas Manan Patrick borga George Murphy George schlager Elizabeth mcklin D's alternate second alternate prosecutors uh all the names as required by the AOC uh 93 authorizing the advertisement of and receip of proposals for a licensed real estate broker that being uh as for the last uh meeting for the sale advertisement uh listing of property 94 return of funds and that as per the discussion at the work session uh there is a consensus or sentiment to table that particular one pending another review process yes 95 is establishing a municipal Alliance committee as per prior years course and practice and 96 resolution to terminate all participation under shbp and SE BP 97 appointing scarichi hollenbach as COA counsel for B Seaside Park 98 authorizing 2024 Amusement Gaines licenses 99 awarding the bid for the demolition of the Desert Palm in to Greg lurch demolition Excavating LLC 100 authorizing the B Seaside Park to submit an application to Ocean County for the use of the mobile stage on behalf of the Seaside Park Volunteer Fire Company number one date in question June 22nd number one authorizing the B of Seaside Park to submit an application to ocean county for use of mobile stage for the boots on the Bay Event in the summer uh targeted potential date uh was the 3D Saturday of July but that has not yet been finalized 102 authorizing the appointment of a seasonal employee for the Department of Public Works 103 appointing a class one training 104 resolution to join Central Jersey Regional employee benefits fund and I believe that's that's the list with the one exception being 94 any questions comments from Council on any resolutions the exception of 94 hearing then it's our practice also to allow public comments why not required by law we allow comments from the public of anyone has one on resolutions if you could give your name uh into the record hearing none I would close the public portion I'd entertain a motion from Council as a consent agenda uh with the exception 94 is a application to table that pending further review and investigation so move I'll second that there motion by council member craft second by council president Will Roll Call council member craft yes council president will yes council member Anil yes council member condos yes member Connor yes council member Renda yes approv and I believe that's all the written agendas anyone else in Council have anything else further at this juncture I have one on the um that we get to go with the um permit for for Avenue for the wash that area that that appear the um but it was received for to remove that tide trying to get the exact word the tiand is we need it's not needed so it seems like we can move forward on that project that's good so the DP has uh reconsidered the prior position so that's good news that is good news they made the decision and I know Eric's uh going to give it a shot inhouse for a lot of that work obviously with the weather conditions we've been having is hasn't been getting better it's getting real bad get I know it's been communicated at that all possible to devote efforts to save that tree which has been there for many many decades it's a hanging on I know yes anything else from Council if not we'll go to the audience if there are any public comments if anyone has them if you could give your name and address the record Shirley Shirley prestle 700 North bab okay my usual topic flooding um which we seem to be doing a whole lot of lately um when were the new outfall pipes supposed to be put in I thought that was all part of the whole raise the road type thing new catch basins but none of the new outp pipes were put in either at I or G or H rather uh wasn't that part of the project or is that a whole separate thing they're definitely a part of the the one project that there's a several ongoing and outfall pipes are definitely included and the it was great they did the street but then they kind of it's like not finishing the project um because the water just keeps coming up the storm drains and now that they put one on Bay Avenue I now get the water coming up on my front sidewalk and coming down that way instead of just coming the other way so now I get it both directions and the outflows of course I mean after I brought it up one time I was told making a stone keeping the flap I went over there's no new outflow it's all busted and the one at I Street of course g h h street is all broken so it's like are you going to finish this project as far as the outflow pipes to give us some relief the tide valves were installed in those C catch faes when that project was done the outall pipes were not part of that project that's part of another project the opo pipes do not belong to the town the count the county had agreed to help pay for those I believe wait back there is a list but I don't know exactly what which ones but when you asked the question originally I went and I made an inquiry and those valves are in those catcher basins and those catcher basins are full of sand will they be pumped out periodically which we had tried to do years ago and keep a maintenance on it that's on our agenda for meeting with the county on the March 13th 13 okay and then let's go to h street where the water comes over all the time uh and I know we're still waiting to hear if we could put something there we can they noat youly but what part how did we put sandbags there before they allowed us to do that or was it County because OSHA isn't that like the sand in the bay we're talking curve line who has control over the curb not talking about the sand I'm talking about the curb the high curb is the county well have we talked to them about putting something on that just to slow that they were I mean they were there again this morning with front and loader piling all the sand back up that was all across the street because if you come down when the water starts coming over you see it comes right across in fact the Ducks were swimming out there and then it comes down and then it comes up and I'm talking about the curve I don't want anything put in the bay right now I don't know anything even put on that sand right now I mean the county did get cages put there and somehow they got permission put something get what they must have gotten permission to put those cages with the stone in there oh yeah I did but you know can you talk to the county maybe forget ocean because we're not going out there with it I'm talking about curbline I mean you have to try something or just tell me you're going to try lie to me say sure we're going to really look into it and we'll see what we can do check oh you got try thank you um I don't know when policies are gone over as far as um I guess it would be like almost contract like like the policy for part-time workers that that get so they know what what they can get what they don't get time off time not off but you know in working in retail I also know like if a holiday comes on a Monday and you're scheduled to work Monday now everybody that was off I assume got8 hours pay that's how it usually works oh only employees huh only full-time employees right so when I have a part-time employee get half pay that's how most places do it no okay if a part-time employee loses a spouse wouldn't you think they get a one day paay instead they had to take personal time because a spouse died and I'm sorry I think that is like the cruestv yes part-time because that's what you've made them spouse died and they had to take personal time do you feel anything wrong with that I don't know well know what we're talking about I mean I I just want to just the first question is there a guide yes we spend a lot of time updating the whole Personnel handbook I guess I don't know call hand HR handbook so everybody does know what they're entitled to because that was a big that was a gap that apparently had been there for a while so I mean we got that done ju it's been yeah it's been reviewed and everybody has copies of it I'm not aware of what you're talking about although I'm sure we shouldn't talk about an individual person anyway so I'll talk to you after yeah and the other thing nobody mentioned the passing of Mike to Michel right which I'm I'm surprised nobody mentioned that he was a great guy he worked on Council long time I mean he didn't get along with everybody up there and he tried to fight the best for the people of this town and I think we all you know should recognize that I'm disappointed nobody did thank you that's it any other public comments yes sir yes Ed 8 clim 48 11th Avenue I'm not sure if this is a house housek keeping question or what but in looking over the list of committees that were established at the reorganization meeting I noticed that there is a recreation and I've been meaning to bring this up but I keep forgetting there's a recreation committee which handles tourism Recreation and Beach operation chaired by Joe Conor Gina and rer on that committee then there's also a committee called Beach operations ched by Ray and Joe and Gan are on that committee can you explain to me what the difference in responsibilities are please since they both talk about Beach operations so we separated Beach operations from Recreation Beach operations not to be redundant strictly for the beach high and fireing lifeguards and the badge Checkers and monitor them and Mr Connor's over here will take care of them take care of all the Recreations these of be the uh things we have on o by the marina all those Affairs are the marina kite night and if we have this boots on the ground that'll be Jo's perly separated from the beach separated from the operation of the beach that's what we did it for under the recreation committee it says tourism Recreation and Beach operation I think we separate some of the we have a resolution that we separate I'm asking how are they separate what's what's different Recreation is everything and tourism is everything but Beach um Beach Patrol and Beach control just the so did that get changed is Beach operations no longer under Recreation that's correct okay I mean they same people on the I get that I get that I just didn't know which part of each operations went to which committee but you're saying saying Beach operation is totally not no okay no if I could be factious we made it easy if you have a complaint for the beach you see me see I just didn't I didn't know that beach operations had been okay I it yeah public I if you want to the bestest given um how important Recreation is in this town and how we're looking to boost what goes on Recreation when are you going to admit or cons consider is a better word consider calling this a recreation department I know that's been fought for a while now but I bring that up again it seems to me that a town like this that has all these different things going on and now we're talking about making we got the community center and blah blah blah blah why can't we have a recreation a du partment and I hear that term every once in a while it slips out somebody says recreation department so why can't you formalize that is there a particular legal reason items well part of it I mean I don't know I'll try to answer it I don't want to step over I mean we' talked about it talked about it since I joined because we had a lot of issues that came up you know the past months or so but we're not staffed I mean we don't have enough people to have a department there really isn't enough people so we've been talking about you know the Staffing levels at FOH Hall and can we look to utilize different resources I mean even just doing all the things here you know every event that comes up and use of facilities it's a lot of work um and so to do that we have had discussions about what would that position require um what kind of assistance would the person need that ran that department if it was a department rather than just a because I mean quite frankly I think a lot of us plus volunteers plus people just chipping in is what makes it happen it's not one person a lot well it does and also social media I mean that's another part of this also so there's a lot of things if find me what would change if we had a department what would I think it would be I would be I think it would be status quo well for example I believe the people that are interested in pickle ball wanted to play pickle ball in the school Under the offices of the recreation department there's no Recreation Department um but you know Joe gets Joe gets a fairly nice salary but Joe juggles a lot of balls so I'm wondering if and I don't want to take you know food from the man but I'm wondering if his salary were split and you had another person that that would help and I understand what you're saying about Staffing but if we're talking about increasing programs in the winter time and and all of that and perhaps some money that we could save instead of spending almost 700,000 on a ball field we could use to um hire people to manage their recreation in this town which is a vital part of this town I I completely agree with that winter summer no matter when Recreation is really important in this town so if you're talking about it and thinking about it great keep it up we have been I just want to address to the pickle ball thing because I didn't forget it it's on our list we actually got quotes to be able to ensure groups clubs Recreation sponsored activities or other Town teams to be able to use that we just have to get that formalized and approved so that we can allow that to happen well that's good news thank you for sharing we we have discussed that in her committee I'm sorry in G's committee I me let me with my committee stand cor I stand I stand correct stand correct but we talked about you think if we run a bus to Atlantic City a lot of people in town you know we we just we discussed that you know a lot of people run a bus to the Yankee Stadium something you think we get people in the town to do that abolutely okay then that's what we discussed remember Jo we discussed you know we could get you know enough people you know trial balloon see what happens okay okay up Jina I'm counting on you all right is on the committee and so is right the any other public comments yes chuck chuck app will be 25 avue so I'll put on the uh Seaside Park Historical Society hat we sponsor things um and thanks for helping out and everybody helps out in town we're looking to we had our meeting we're looking to do the Fourth of July parade again uh trying to get the Army banned again which is successful it's been bigger than ever and it's a wonderful thing and we're doing that out Historical Society we're looking to do a breakfast again that seemed to be a really good event that we did last year so we want to continue with that uh boots on the bag and all coordinated with the recreational liaison and not Department we need the full-time person not full-time but an employee to help out I think that relationship with has been working very well work last year it's a lot of work you're right and uh but you seem to work with it um so that's working well um so anybody wants to join us and and help out on those things we're always looking for people to help out and sometimes it's in the kitchen or whatever you know so uh but just everyone can play a part and help out individually we're Community like that you um yeah that's right that's right thanks for helping out for the practice so um so that's that hat the Bayfront committee had um we had the worst flooding ever in in uh in January I was in Florida Fish going I got that phone call that uh you know the got in my basement this time first time ever so we had a couple inches it was the worst ever my neighbor has a boat with a planter in front of his house it floated up and moved which was amazing right I couldn't believe it but um regardless of what we do when the water gets to these Heights it perks up in your yard it just comes up it's not going to be coming up the street all the time it comes to a point it comes up in your crawl space in your house your house it just comes up and we're living with that I'm observing a lot of changes in bnate Bay actually I'm trying to research uh the tides and things like that I think the the core of engineers you know they may not be good but they're expensive they dredge down there at the inlet and I I let I'm trying to look at the flows and see if more water is actually coming in the bay which is my my thought we have the winds and other things that play into this so it's it's complicated um but raising streets raising houses mitigation all around the country that's what everybody's doing they're raising the ground it's a simple as that um you know you don't just put boots on sometimes you got to raise again I bought larger boots last year and they're just barely getting you through now so I got justers but that that is a problem but we're working on it it's just going to take money to to fix so um uh the other thing is the block parties I brought it up before the insurance companies that are out there to ensure these things will not issue Insurance more than a million dollars for a party so I can't go out and get the insurance in order to have a block party like I always do you're asking for 2 million uh in the application uh if you could check with the uh insur you know your your underwriter from the town or whatever and see if that could change to a million otherwise you can't have the same events you can get that through us though with that gather guard program yeah I don't I I checked it out I couldn't I to talk to you about it but um you know we usually just go through a regular uh company I think the company was only like the same company or something I into it um the insurance companies there's changing their uh things it limits on what we can do the same as the town you know you can't have beer here you can't have beer over at the school you know our block party you can't have uh any any alcohol at all and I think that might be the same situation we try to have these things with some alcohol but uh you I just can't get the insurance at over a million dollar excuse me can you get two different insurance companies I checked everyone they're all the same I understand that but can't you get million from one company you want to be insured but you know without having proper Insurance nobody understand but just I just I'm not any defending but people in it's security that was a one to one account no North Jersey can do that yeah all right all right so so the other thing was along the bay I noticed I I did a walk I checked out the drains the town somebody should really go through many more are clogged fully they're not functioning at all there's a curve line that's actually falling back so you can see that it's cracked and it's falling it'll fall into the base so it got a lot worse it the town or the county the loaders out there they're taking sand from the street putting it on live vegetation uh they're piling up too high to where it's just going to flow back into the street or it it just gets washed out into the B and that subaquatic vegetation just gets covered up and killed it's got to be managed a little bit better than beach sand along the bay isn't the exact same consistency the normal sand long the B um these things need to be managed to look better and I think the county has to take a bigger role and just pay for that bait fund stuff and fix those out holes there just too many that are broken right now and uh it's not going to solve the flooding because the water just comes up anyway so that's two separate things three issues five issues lot of issues on bont one at a time see what progress can be made for that's time thank you thank you CH any other comments yes fr sorry we can hear you um this has to do with what Chuck was saying have we as a town had our Engineers check the um like the under pining with this the the waves breaking against the the boards and and that at the edge of of the street have has anybody checked to see that it hasn't underlined it and this whole thing's going to collapse you're talking about the high C Bay High that's County I understand that's County it's on our list for the 13 okay but that goes down quite deep I will tell you or another one that was installed right but it's but it's it it I don't know I mean these weights are breaking against it and undering Ro so I'm not questioning I'm just we do have as uh president reference we have an upcoming meeting with the county about that's the all the priorities are all related to the backr there's some other items but mostly there we have it all out so and um with trucks com I brought up to we have a very active group of beach mayors that meet the nine of us and different Siz towns different backgrounds and obviously the two or three big towns rather that aren't primarily beach towns but their Mayors do regularly appear and it's a part of their economy and their towns and I've been pushing for a study as Chuck has just referenced of there seems to be more water in the bay there are some promises that were made at the state level in terms of judging out the Inland waterway in the channel that weren't fulfilled that may be a factor bonate Inlet may be a factor um obviously we have the sea level rise and the other factors but there's something more going on so uh we have an upcoming meeting with a proposal that's uh a week away obviously the devil's and the details I don't know one of the engineers how how are the towns going to share whether we've been led to believe we might be eligible for some resilience grant money for all of us together if it's a joint shared services application so that's our goal so we're looking at that I what you said makes sense any other public comments I certainly want to follow up on Charley's comment I know each of us in our own way whether attending the mass of the Union Church service sending a card or taking a moment uh certainly uh extend our deepest sympathies to Tom to former council president to Michael's family uh and all his friends colleagues and uh we had joined in and thanking him for his service previously with a town resolution and we certainly uh feel feel very sad as to his passing at a far too young age and uh I I agree with the comments and I know all of us [Music] do it wasn't too long ago that I recall being on many Zoom meetings just within a short time ago a month they were on a zo meetings again following up on Chuck's comment council president Michael was always on the Bayfront committee with me and we attended uh many meetings in person but a lot of them at with the co uh they were Zoom meetings where we were both participated but uh it's a it's a great loss and you're correct anything further any comments uh hearing none I'll close the public portion i' entertain a motion to adjourn from Council I make have motion Mr Mayor motion by council member amille second second by Council membera roll call counc yes council member counc member condos yes council member Conor yes council member C yes counc president will yes motion approved thank everyone for coming out tonight --------- call our meeting to order this is a work session the mayor B Council B Seaside Park County botion state of New Jersey held on Thursday February 15 2024 advertised for 7 p.m. pursuant to the provisions of New Jersey open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of meeting for publication the Asbury Park Press and the Star Ledger on January 5th 2024 notice of the meeting of the governing body also has been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municipal clerk roll call council member annil here council member condens here council member Connor here council member craft here council member Venda here council president will here mayor Peterson here thank you the first item for discussion is uh concerning the lease for the be control concession stand and I know that is shortly up or is up and has to be that and a course of action determined so I'll turn it over to take the Le the lease expired in September it was a threeyear lease um and so we need to put a new RFP out to see what kind of uh concession ER we can in that space where the uh down theore ice cream was M this question this this question is for the counselor I mean in this leas we have to do we have to U specify every you know we had a problem ice cream and last year he was selling bottle war and he was selling um you know shoves and pales and the late mik the Michaels came up to me and said it's not a Le he shouldn't be selling that stuff does that be specify in the least this is only ice cream and that's it I uh I this has been going on for maybe 10 years now and we've had almost litigation over it and the answer is yes we we really believe we need to specify what is going to be done at the concession stand what's going to be sold what items because sorry because the thought is to just lease it and let them let someone do whatever they want sort of doesn't work it has to be this is what's going to be sold right there yeah you can't say what can't be sold because that is openend there's what can be sold out of that we have to I was was the last last specifically excluded alcohol and games of chance yeah so okay okay but then I'm just playing Devil's Advocate I just I can put andies like can't sell Sunan say that say what he can sell you usually have to save what you can sell this the easier way to go to put that in the RFP right put in RFP and because because we have vendors on the boardwalk we have commercial people on Central and so the the thought is it's always been focused on ice cream quite frankly and and and drinks but you know water Gatorade whatever that is so ice cream and that there's no kitchen in there so you're not going to have cooking facilities you're not going to selling hot dogs and hamburgers not going to bring in a pizza oven and start selling pizzas no fireworks it's a you know it really is a shell of a building with water and electric right in the bathroom so they bring in refrigeration units I guess they refri they don't have water in there it's electric electric Refrigeration units so it's usually ice cream and uh and water and whatever they want if you want to go retail and let them retail items that's a whole different issue and that's up to you exactly sure do they not want to come back no when I when I spoke to them again their least they were they were very interested in coming back were hoping we could get this out because I guess the last time the RP went out went out late they barely got in for a Memorial Day Weekend yeah they've been there for a long time now we got some issues with them back and forth and they understand what what the bur's intent is with regard to the lease of the property m it does say under here under the least premises in that 1.1 section though this last one it says specific depiction blah blah storage only vending of ice cream and water on boardwalk and beach so it does say specific no one one says ice cream Italian ice water soda snacks and Sun that's different than this one oh so that's that's this one here is the old beach term my father had it seites Pharmacy Belling whatever we can sell whatever we to that was the old term so you know ice that's what you want that's fine you know the question is do you want to sell clothing you want to sell ba seat beach towel you that's the that's the question it's up to you up to the but you don't want to have a lease to leave it wide open all of a sudden you know something's being sold in the and and it wasn't the intend so that's why we try and specify what what we want you know coming out of that so what's everyone's pleasure then refer that to Steve's office to draw something up similar to what we had last year for Target the next uh meeting I think that' be a problem I think that's good to let get it going work with the committee if any issues come up in the drafting you want to keep it the same end the ice cream Italian ice water soda snacks and Sun want to add anything do we no anything want to take it away the of where the issue arose last year guess I don't know yeah that's not a well the issue came up with the competition to other adjoining businesses or nearby businesses so I don't know uh it's hard to Define Sun very little bit so took nrow you can take it out and you know I don't know what they were selling I know exactly there honestly most of their stuff and I I know what everybody's saying yeah but most of yes it's ice cream and water honestly is the bul bulk bulk of their sales and they have you know remember they have their staff going up and down the beach too with the um you know selling so the definition of sunry is various items not important enough to be mentioned individually that's the definition of like I said anything we can sell you remember my father told me some what does it mean anything we can sell that's sunry so and out issue arose last year also as the location ever uh remember that were selling out of their they had a table table which we did not that was not at least so maybe correct we can again emphasize that point look it can be the same exact thing as last year just whether you want sun or not or or let or specify something I don't know what they were saying or what do you specify something other than the ice cream Italian ice water soda snatches I don't remember sunre being in there I remember drafting that myself it's there here but I don't remember how it got there do we want to to you define whates are well the price is already gone up 3% every year doing so there's that can be so it's already at it started at 27 right 3% 3% so it's up to 20 last 28 644 was the last all right and that's that that'll be a starting point I guess and we're targeting another three year 28644 plus 3% for this year yes and the payment the payment the same right yes I would keep everything the same and 3% to the 28 caring what was it44 644 plus 3% start there and do the same lease work on it and you'll decide the last minute whether you want something than than the U Italian ice cream Italian ice water soda and snacks all right okay that's cool yeah that's good have it for next meeting yeah please okay that's good thank you thank you thank you coun the next item is a discussion or an application for use uh of the Ocean County uh owned mobile stage and that's per suicide Park volunteer fire department and they had reached out to me I put that I know the committee looked at it as well and the reason that's coming up at this juncture with the date uh in the future concerns the level of competition from all the towns all the charitable entities and groups that are trying to have access to those stages we had that last year in part and we ended up there's the other stage worked out bond for our 125th activity but there are only two and they go all over the county I believe they gave us a date as well did they know June 22nd the 23rd I have the the application drafted already so just so that's uh on on the agenda is it not or but this is it this is the authorization it's on it's on the agenda also for a resolution just to say go ahead with it I wanted everyone to be aware of yeah because they they start taking up March 1st March one is when they start start stacking them so it's kind of getting LA and and get yours in and we couldn't send this they want the check when when you send it in too so that we could till March 7th anyway so the fire department is going to have a celebration is that what this is all about new truck new truck that's already up and running but they wanted to have the community help them celebrate and us celebrate have like an affair on the like a better word we're have stands there and music is that what it's going to be I guess so what he's I don't know about the nature of the I believe that a little bit I don't know about STS you said St you know we know people selling stuff I don't think think they they do the music and they sell beer and they sell commemorative mugs right yeah that's usually the traditional thing and there's another one but the date is not yet specified but it's targeted I know at the uh meeting just this week of the Historical Society there was a their recommendation that uh the town consider uh putting together a similar type uh summer fair event as a boots on the Bay last year and that was so successful everybody loved it obviously viously the weather was a nice positive factor not too hot not too no went rain and that that helped but everybody has spoke favor I know they've made that recommendation and that too would entail a use of one of the two County stages so I know that's that's on for discussion and everyone's authorization also the next item is a Grant application for New Jersey fiscal year 2024 local recreational Improvement Grant New Jersey Department of Community Affairs that's listed as resolution 22487 for consideration at the regular meeting and uh different uh discussions had come up and related uh to this issue was uh h on the agenda time permitting uh but I know uh there is a strict deadline on these grants that's coming right up in fact I think it's up before our next meeting is that February 27th turn it over to Karen and F in I know she's worked on it already uh in the other context and the advantage of this particular uh suggestion is that there's plans are already in place we have plans we have projected potential cost uh it depends obviously if we get the grant if we get any loans other grants but I don't know car so the local Recreation uh Grant it comes up every year from the GCA and uh so I I put together this application um and the the grant funding is up to $100,000 um so I so because we have a project already ready for the Improvement of the drainage and the grading at the ball field which we uh also are applying for a low interest loan um the thought behind this is if we can get a grant that takes some of the stting out of the loan as well so um so put together the package and uh you know with the blessing of the governing body we'll we'll file this with DCA and see uh if we can get uh $100,000 or something something less that we go towards that project at the Ballfield which we have engineer plans for it's it's ready to go we just need to bid it out I see no negative to thisd I see no negative to proing with the gr application application I mean I support the grant also I guess I just like to say based on the last session that we had when we talked about it that until we know whether or not we're getting the loan and as a I guess as a council we're deciding we're going to proceed with that project in full or not right this doesn't change that those next steps that still have to happen it's just giving you access to additional Grant monies correct right this this is a true grant it's not a loan it's Grant okay and it could actually be used to actually do the drainage portion of the project independent of the uh the loan portion correct timeline on this February 27 the other side when you if we get approved when will we get the money I'm going show what the award date is okay okay anything else on that one then that's that's on for consideration also at the regular meeting and item D is discussion as per the input recommendation of bond Council it's a bond ordinance for phase 3A and 3B water main replacement project and that's 22401 for introduction of the regular meeting as well I don't know if anyone wants to highlight any of the background information on that that's that's the US da yeah I mean it looks like a really big number you know the 4999 million but this is to take to be able to use the uh the remaining portion of the bond ordinance for the um for the water line uh for the service um you know on Ocean Avenue between Island and Porter so and that amount is for $520,500 and am I correct it also jogs down a little down foter money permitting if we have sufficient money or it's just the ocean originally Josh had thought we might be able to get down the street but completes the whole Loop that that's the idea that and the bond Council uh had I know strongly recommended in in terms of the interest rate that we were lucky enough to get one one. one he said we'll never see that again so to make sure that's utilized and it's basically housekeeping I mean the original ordinance said we going to use us towards the will 10 fil will 10 Filtration plant which we've abandoned that so now we just repur that money to the phase 3D watering placement and anything else on that one item e is discussion of capital ordinance for water meters it's listed as ordinance 20242 for introduction at the regular meeting and I don't know Karen I know Joyce had uh weighed in on it as well yeah the the water meters it's coming out of the 2024 water utility the capital budget and there's about a 20 to 22 week lead time on these water meters when we need the water meter to do the phase 3 the water main um replacement project uh so an ordinance will take two readings so if we can get these ordered by the end of March we should have them on hand for the project which will start in September so it's also worth noting that there is no impact to taxes as result of this nor is there an impact to uh taxes as a result of the uh the previous discussion we just had on the bond orance because that's against the water sewer utility a good point any uh any other input from Council that that two is uh on for to be voted upon for first reading the regular meeting item F has been on the agenda on several past occasions over the last year or so and that's discussion of a draft ordinance to designate Second Avenue as a oneway street it's listed as ordinance first reading 20243 for introduction this evening I know we authorized the attorney to put that together as a result of uh several meetings in the past and he has done so any other discussion I think it's great it's what people have been asking for I think it makes it a safer B we called we have that running west yes yes correct yes thank you to make sure east to west yes C I think we'll pass this I want to take mon to mon it becomes effective sorry I'm sorry just the how long it take the impl say we pass say it gets passed on a second reading Tes it meting yeah okay should have put to have our Public Works put up signs okay so everybody knows this is the first reading right it's the first reading yeah so it has to be published in a newspaper and I don't know probably it'll be will it be on the first meeting in March yeah it'll make the first meeting in March then we have to publish thereafter right publish it with the publication of the adoption adoption yeah so by the end of March or so it'll be ready for April let's do it that way good Public Works appro makes it much safer big time anything else from Council the next item G is a discussion with input from the committee to leave the state health benefits plan as other towns have been doing and it's resolution 20 2496 for consideration of the regular meeting and I don't don't know any input or backgr well in the fall um Joyce and I started meeting with um Healthcare broker in an effort to find ways to try and reduce overall health benefit costs initially we look at a product called a difference card which is kind of a health reimbursement account um seemed a little risky and then the state health benefits plan pulled the plug on it anyway um and so our broker took our actual plans experience and U brought that to the central Jersey Health Insurance Fund and and a hiff is just like a Jeff self-insured there's eight hips in the state um and based on our good claims experience we're qualified to join the hip um and their rates are are better than uh the state health benefits plan uh they're more solvent than the state health benefits plan which has lost um $4 million since 2021 um so uh that's it's so the town not only the town save money but our employees who are purchasing their health benefits through the town because they pay a share based on their salary they they'll save some money as well yeah deductibles are a little smaller in this plan right so so we Curr offer free plans through a blue cross product and uh we'll get those same free plans only it'll be through Etna um so people now who have Horizon direct 10 which is a $10 Cay they'll move to an Etna 10 $10 Cay same thing for Horizon 15 and Etna 15 and so and we have an equal to or better letter from the hip which basically says that these benefits are equal to or better than what you already have um so so the biggest change that I see is that a everyone will pay less um and be instead of it being a blue CR product it'll be an prodct and and Etna has a robust Network in this area um retirees in the state health benefits plan are automatically shifted to an Etna Medicare Advantage plan so they've already moved people into Etna so um and there is a provision like a continuation of care if you have a a medical condition that requires continuation of careless and pregnancy and your doctor's not in feta then you can remain with your doctor through your issue so so basically count it's the same thing with a cheaper chice it's aent a different administ at do cost and it's it's less expensive and overall for all the employees annualized we can save about $90,000 a year yeah and not have the risk of it not continuing to increase at the rate that the State Health Plan that's the part that it's not just the dollars in year it's the outer year projections of what they were going to go to and the percent that they've been increasing over time so their history I was trying to look at that what you told us their history of increases were but I mean insignificant compared to what the state increases and that's the key at least that was the key for me and the what you just added at the end that anybody who's in plan now and if they have anything that they are receiving care for there's an option for them not to have to change their doctors in the middle of the you know some critical if it's somebody has long-term issues they would work with them individually so that you know their privacy was protected and that they would work to get them to be in plant during that duration which I I thought was an exceptional thing that was my biggest concern really and another difference with the with the Central Jersey hiph is that um premium a after the third year your premium is based on your actual claims experience so on the state health benefits plan they treat everybody the same so whether you're in Newark or Camden or Seaside Park everyone gets treated the same after three years they'll review our actual claims experience and if it's better than the norm we can get up to a 2 and 1 half% um dividend MH and and of course if it's worse than the norm then it can go up an extra up to 2 and a half% yeah so so we're going to have everybody out running 2 miles a day Ken we have a very un work for just you J okay I'll take it on we have we have a Caren you sign a contract with them is that how this works well there's a resolution offer tonight two of them actually one is to leave the state health benefits plan because they require 60-day notice and want us to join the hiff because they require 60-day notice so Target date is May the 1st and between now and may the 1st we're going to have um fers made up announcements employee meetings and all that will take place between now and may the 1st okay come December December can make just new we raising our prices you can't we got a contract there this contract will go May one to December 31st every year right anything else from Council on that the item H I had put on time committing uh obviously that's no definitive uh determination needs to be made this evening but General ongoing discussion uh I think is appropriate and that this arose as a result of the Grant application that was being considered that we just did discuss and uh we had the kind gift really of services from a local resident architect who uh prepared a plan based on input from the public and the governing body previously as to potential public uses plans for the former Park Central site and that plan I think that was explained on the easel on the board and everyone looked at it and thereafter uh he had worked with submitting a proposal from a contractor that he had familiarity with and the proposal came in as unfortunately anybody dealing with public entities municipalities it was always they're always higher than what you'd expect and this one came in considerably higher so uh as such the council I think needs to look at and I know the committee already has been looking at various options uh what sounds positive about that particular plan whether it could be done in increments I know that was a very good suggestion I already saw from at least one council member Gina had a good point there whether we can have a part of a working uh Arrangement or use of the facility each year as we move forward devoting certain uh new accoutrements New Uses As you move on uh so anything and everything I think is up for discussion so that's kind of where I know it's Marty's committee and just mayor I'm just a suggestion if we move forward if we were to move forward with the plan things around the fence area and possibly looking into pricing on a concrete pad and see if we can Outsource a um company that produces sheds maybe we to get a price on eight individual units that we can put together and try to get the market and leave the lawn for this at this point and possibly putting in the garden area that's to the north of the property since that utilizes a lot of the material which is already being stored in the barel which is the boulders at the marina then we can put that butterfly garden are in um we try to do all that at workin's house with volunteers when you say Garden that's the butterfly garden plus a more traditional Garden both together or well the the South area has the boulders with the butterfly garden the other area and the the is the Native Garden is was the one in the the corner okay um the corner of the property more toward Central Avenue there were two separate Gardens okay species would be different of plantings there only an option only thr suggestions out there how how feasible would it be or practical may be too hot but I don't uh our committee from last year uh which was uh council president to Michel myself uh and we' met with the school board and there was a lot of favorable comments toward uh putting a botche ball court if that's the right word in this area we even had some specs for different dimensions different sizes uh estimates is that something that we could use to modify the existing plan or would that contradict it take take away from its ultimate goal I don't know well my only suggestion is if we wanted to put Bal Bo I would place that at the um boy building personally since you had the building there you can type use I don't know how that would be incorporated in here if we wanted to open this area up for um seminars or anything yeah no may be tight quarters Recreation areas that's just my my input on that we did have a b at one point at the water tower on decator it did that's where it was originally located I don't know what they yeah what yeah know that was not used or utilized um I think it's a great idea but I would prefer it if the Boy Scout Bing personally if you asking where to put it yeah that kind of ties in with the community center saying you know you're in the community center play B Bo get something to drink and you got a bathroom there bathroom you know air condition that kind of type it's fairly simple to put one in it's not it's not a difficult item to build yeah that could be done in house and you can store the b i people you yeah yeah that's a very simple project I would even volunteer my services for that I'll play you might have said this too when you're saying about volunteers and I don't want to turn around and point anybody but like I mean we always have the beautification committee and the garden clubs and all of that so I would suggest that we tap into some of them too as you know this could be areas that they want to do those for input we that's why we've been putting but I don't think we've had any session really where we've asked for input other than that one reading like when we presented it I think probably have to have a formal there's nothing said since huh there was no input since right that's what I'm saying but I think we can set up a session specifically to get that input maybe we have to have a public session to get the input on can volunteer and who would be interested in helping I like I like doing it in increments because I just think it's overwhelming and we end up spending with all do respect half of the money on engineers and not on the actual product I and it's getting us was good because then you realize what you might want next I'd be happy to help yeah that's cool yeah that's a plan we impose on Marty and his engineering abilities well we look at to we'll look into options nothing firmed up obviously we we look into something to get this thing going I realized the cost was up there but yeah we had to get cost to see where we're at this is something anything else on that from Council Mr Mayor on this park is there a limit how much money we want to spend on it what ask we want to spend 900,000 what we got well that we do that we looking for a basic budget the basic budget yeah okay not sure with every year we do a little bit yeah okay I work with that anyone else on Council for work session items do the only one I I talked briefly to Jenna and then I talked to our attorney there it's one resolution on the uh agenda that I just needed some more background information I got some from Jenna and it's I don't know which number it's it's payment uh back to a bank I think it's uh I think it's 94 year4 94 the tax over payments and I I know there was some difficulty in uh Jo fortunately lost her dad during that time frame she was in ACC and there was who had the codes or and I think our auditor congratulated us cuz no one had I didn't none of us did but I think that contributed to what out that yes it was it was right when um Annie went out sick and joy like you mentioned her dad passed away and so a bank paid US taxes on a property like three or four times in a row because it wasn't it didn't get posted so they paid us they didn't see it posted so they paid us again and then you see oppos it so they paid us again and so um they overpaid us three or four times like 26,000 something like that yeah 266 so um refund that money multiple proper sounds like properties why would it just carry forward the next quarters why don't they get a refund I just would prefer I don't know everyone's out i' defer our attorney I don't know I have have a little more information what if they sold it in that sign or no no no that's a good point get credit why doesn't it go so done a long time of taxes I remember way back when your taxes are actually due January but you're allowed to pay it over the four quarters um so I don't I don't know why it just wouldn't roll over for to for the next why refund I yeah I don't not a tax attorney I'm not an expert at that I'm telling you but I don't know why it doesn't get a credit and go to the next quarter why is it being refunded I don't understand that I I we have to ask our tax collector why wouldn't go over to the next there's people that pay their whole property taxes one ton well technically I remember researching it once I think I don't have the statute on it I'm not going to start doing it now I remember we for some reason I technically the real estate taxes are due in J January whatever the date is in the beginning of the year but they allow you to pay it quarterly yes is that simple that's why you don't pay it on that quarter you get lay assessments you're correct so so I don't know why when technically it is all do in January why are we refunding if they paid an extra quarter or two I just roll over it's paid for the nextcore I just throw that out that's yeah don't understand why we're giving it back my taxes they're going to have to pay anything sense does make sense well they might have an escrow problem that's their problem they paid it okay you don't have to pay it next time we pay yeah I I just we table that for I'd like to receive more information just to be sure yeah that makes senseable anything else from Council on work session if not I'll go into the audience if there are any public comments on any work session items if you have them if you could give your name and address to the mic uh jul 29 I would like to say I'd be more than happy to help build the b ball court thank you thanks you steal your thunder8 um my question revolves around um The Grand application that is designated toward the fallfield correct then how does it get mixed up in the discussion about what to do with the Park Central separate two separate items not okay I thought I heard that the money could maybe be used okay so let's move right on to Park Central are you talking about the plan that I was not at the meeting I will admit that to build little kiosks where people can sell stuff is that what we're talking about and seating and and yeah how realistic is it that people are going to want to come and sell things and um I refer back to the whole discussion about suares are you going to if you go ahead with this are you going to limit what people can sell so it's not conflicting with what businesses in town sell yes yes okay my second point is the beautification committee already has a butterfly by um and I think Gina's idea needs to be moved forward that there needs to be a discussion with the public as far as what the plan is and what people think about that plan and because I don't know what the attendance was at the night when the plan was originally mentioned like I said I was not there um and get some input and see if see if people think that having these kiosks is a good idea or would they rather have a VOD ball court there or maybe not VOD ball maybe I don't know I don't I don't know but I I really encourage you to have a meeting to get public input I think that's one thing that I don't know many residents I'll say a number of Resident feel needs to happen on several subjects we talked about the one about the ball field May have a meeting about that and meeting about this just to get um a beat on where the residents are um before you spend thank you any other public comments J um June for 114h I was at that meeting where we discussed um Park Central and as I remember there were a lot of people that were not really impressed with that and they wanted something that would be more local people centered like Bachi cour or something like that so that was just my memory of that June when you say local people though what do you mean when you say that like local people Center because why would you not use what's proposed what I'm thinking tasks are going to be people outside of Seaside Park coming in to sell things okay right yeah could and and maybe they would be one day a week or or on the weekends it would not be a 7 Day or 5 day week okay so I'm thinking a bot C or a shuffle board or God forbid a pickle Bo you know I'm so pushing for the skate park since everybody's talking box I'm thr my I think that would interest the people who live here all the time more than going and and buing I like I like maybe um f Haring 21 High Street uh this is related but maybe not related um patch I think it was patch or the Lavalette had that we took a loan out for construction and when the actual bid came in it was over $100,000 less than what we had taken that was a loan um what happens to that money loan or what what kind of loan what yeah I I left the paper at home so I I don't know but but I'm just saying if you have you put in um and gotten a loan for whatever project and it comes down under budget under the loan amount what happens to that money so so I think maybe the project you might be referring to is a u Decor of water tower rehab okay so I think we had estimated that would be like $950,000 and the and the price came in in the 750 to 800 range but that wasn't alone that was money that was already in the capital Improvement fund okay which is like a rainy day fund that's money that we already have that we're paying out so we didn't borrow money for that okay I'll go I'll go check it out again and you know bring it up but um I'm I'm with June and trying to find things that are of Interest with the people that are still here in Seaside Park and year round um I was in touch with Joe to about something doing wreck more for the winter type of things some available um lectures or or whatever so that we could got a lot of Seasons that are hold up for the winter the ones that don't go south and um you know sometimes we need something to do so talking about talking about different things to make available you have to consider winter also we actually had a recreation committee meeting and talked about that very topic about we did that everything that not everything but we've done a lot in the summertime and that we wanted to make more formalize the recreation committee Department you know about call it Department um and do more things in the winter whether those be potentially bus trips bringing people in as you just said and I think we're at that point now we're starting to build out the calendar for the year so that's good input okay and that's the other mind okay sh shy cstle 700 North bab Avenue if the B of ball court were to go down by the Scout house whatever we call it now where is it going to go in the parking lot area and do away with the parking lot well the entire lot is a parking lot so we have answering the question the rear is used for storage for equipment right now that we're not utilizing there there's a lot of land there available that needs to be cleaned up okay so it wouldn't go into the parking lot the entire the entire lot around that building is Park lot parking area so to be taking part of it storage necessarily not necessarily you have if you have storage there now if it's cleaned up kind a wash I still think where Park Central is would be a I mean from and I wasn't at that meeting either with the sheds but you know I looked it up and I just don't think that's a nice drive you know it looks actually pretty nice right now and if I don't know if these buildings would really look that great I mean we talked about shuffle board and b ball and I know originally we talked about on the school playground but that's out and you know benches and a Gazo there maybe and shuffle board because I know there's so many people that play up in Lavalette they have groups that come and compete even um and I just think that would be a nice area the garden sound great and even if we have two butterfly gardens I see no problem with that I me you can all have butterfly things in our yards but I think that would be better and I do think you need to because you said you haven't had any more input well we don't know who input to or that you're taking input and that seems to happen a lot if a few people aren't here and that's the only input and I'm curious because we talked about the ball field and how much that was going to cost and you got a lot of input that night and I'm wondering if you consider the input you got or the negativity and I think the negativity came from the price because we're spending an awful lot of money on a lot of things and I do I mean I talk to Jeff tonight and you know there's water but let's take it down from a Mercedes down lower to a more affordable thing but uh I do think we need a public meeting to input on a lot of these things that we've got and are sitting there but put it out there so everybody knows there's going to be a meeting for input on this property and this property thank you thank you Shar any other public comments yes chair Chuck Apple be 151th Avenue um uh whenever I travel around I try to go to places like this I you know they're all around the country out in Washington state they have a lot of of these areas and they all seem to have one thing in common it's it's like a a food truck vending with coffee and some type of food operations and I agreed not to as we enter into this I think trial and error is going to come about a lot and administratively a lot of s they place they just designate the parking in front like in Park Central where a vendor can stay and and try see see how it works um and have like a little food truck type thing uh over time in the summer and and if it doesn't work out you change but you're not investing a lot you're just doing an administrative thing with the parking for a vending truck and they can stay in one spot but they all seem to have some type of food uh it be a loan type of food you know just package stuff not making a lot of uh smelly stuff you know but uh just something there but it's always associated with some type of food or things like that so I think that uh incorporating that in any of the areas is always nice it makes it more Vi people enjoy it and stuff like that but being flexible not installing a lot and paying a lot of money just allowing vendors to come in and do different things because I think they're going to come and go until you find what works over time because every Community is a little different or summertime time when we do this in the winter you know has to be something endorsed in the school I I think negotiations talking with the school board trying to do more with that property is is a positive thing just sitting there and um I think uh my position when I was president of the school board was give it a few years see if it works out and if it doesn't you know have a reverter back to the town and I still think that I think it would given a good shot to see how the school would work and I I do believe that the town will be best uh managing the school at this time you you uh referenced the the food venders in the trucks I think one of the common themes at that meeting I don't know you I was so okay one of the common themes we all agreed on and the audience was we didn't want to compete with the few businesses that we have especially the food businesses so we have to be very careful on that aspect of it I think whatever you put there compete somewhat somebody's going to not be happy with it but what I find is that you have to have something directly adjacent to it and stuff like that to make the whole area work that's just sometimes complimenting rather than competing I don't disagree with yeah you know we have a lot of people in town it goes up to tens of thousands of people so it's getting them down there and being able to grow without adversity impact in the Neighbors which is always something I don't know how loud the bot is but I know that that paddle B what is it called pickle ball is pretty loud stuff so you just got to balance everything out prepare complaints you know you're going to get thank you any other public com some work session hearing none I'd close the public portion I'd entertain a motion from the council for an adjournment and then take a brief moment before we begin the regular meeting I'll make that motion motion by council member amille second by council member Connor anyone opposed hearing no uh no one we'll stand to J then take a few moments and then begin the regular meeting