##VIDEO ID:Whl9mCP8m1E## we'll call our meeting to order this is a regular meeting of the mayor and B Council the B Seaside Park County bution state of New Jersey held on Thursday September 19th 2024 scheduled to begin at the conclusion of the work session which has just now ended pursuant to the provisions of New Jersey's open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication in the Asbury Park Press On The Star Ledger on January 5th 2024 notice the meeting of the governing body also has been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municipal clerk roll call council member Ile pres council member condos here council member Connor here council member craft here council member rotunda here council president wil here mayor Pearson here thank you let us all now rise together for a moment of silence to be followed by our pledge of believe [Music] I pled algi to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all the first item on the agenda six approval of the minutes those are the minutes for September 5th 2024 a work session and September 5th 2024 a regular meeting any questions comments from the council or or if not a motion I'll make the motion there I'll second that mayor motion by council member craft second by council president R roll call council member craft yes council president Willl yes council member Anil yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member Renda yes motion approved the next are ordinances the first is final reading and adoption it's ordinance 22422 and of the B of Seaside Park Ocean County New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 405 entitled streets and sidewalks and chapter 200 entitled development regulations and this came about through uh research from the planning board the committee and the council uh all of whom recognized uh an issue that had uh brought about public input as well seeking to amend the prior ordinance and the application and enforcement concerning what are called or lack of a better term knee walls uh and that could entail uh either wood structures uh pavers uh Paving concrete up to the uh limited height uh all the way out to the sidewalk area with some notice provisions and this had had a first reading is it three weeks back or four week back it was a while back but there was an inter uh intervening week because it uh went to the planning board as required by law and the planning board also had researched it and suggested another uh Amendment which entailed the delay on the second reading and that amend Amendment entailed allowances for certain trees and bushes and the like uh as long as they don't interfere with the site triangle U and that is the history in the nutshell I don't know no you you cover perfectly yeah that's so it's something and it it came about with a lot of concern as it's a a factor to assist uh homeowners and uh mitigation of flooding that was one of the original uh ideas but it's also uh used by homeowners in in areas not necessarily right on the Bayfront per se but uh for Aesthetics and otherwise so and the tree portion came about I those of us who've been around a while remember way back in history the burrow actually had a program with some grant money where trees were planted in that particular area by the town so then a lot of them are still out there and uh add to the Aesthetics as well so anything else on Council if not we'll go into the audience if there's any public comments on Final reading adoption 22422 yes Mitch cman 204 10th Avenue just a general question I I heard the planning board meeting and discussion about having these walls or papers in the right of way and one comment was made if the right of way ever needs to be taken over other people who have it and the the structure or the paper is removed then it's up to that homeowner to deal with it so we have a project that's supposed to start any day now from 14th Avenue down to 8th Avenue on the bay front to redo the streets including the curbs and I live there I now getting a little over lot overweight and uh I'm trying to do some walking and I've noticed as I walk along how many people have put pavers between the sidewalk and the Cur which will be disturbed I'm sure by this project so do those people know that if they get Disturbed it's up to them to deal with it is a lot on that in that section or or am I reading it wrong no you're reading it correctly and a lot of those residents reached out the public works and those all those questions were answered okay lot a lot of the residents did reach out we discussed that at the Public Works meeting little fairness any other comments on second reading 22422 hearing none I would close the public portion and I'd entertain a motion from the counil motion to approve motion by council member condos second second by council president wil roll call council member condos yes council president wil yes council member Emma yes council member Connor yes council member craft yes council member Rotunda yes Mo the NEX is first reading and introduction it's ordinance 22423 providing for the Reconstruction of a portion of the boardwalk in the burrow and appropriation of $1,300,000 therefore authorizing the issuance of $1,300,000 in bonds and notes for the B Seaside Park to finance the cost thereof um and this has been prepared by Bond counsel uh bill Mayer uh who had recommended that that is the full amount of the ibank uh funding which they've awarded to the town uh whether or not the town proceeds with that full amount uh remains to be seen is that fair to say that has not necessarily been determined but this would authorize that funding if that's the direction that that's it any other comments from Council if not any motion I'll make the motion Mr Mayor motion by council member amille I'll second second by council member Connor roll call council member Amil yes council member Connor yes council member condos yes council member craft yes council member Rota yes council president wil yes motion approved and the next is first reading of an ordinance as well it's ordinance 22424 amending chapter 1357 of the code of the B Seaside Park entitled permits required for use of beach rates establishing a fee for the sale of souvenir Beach badges no longer needed for public use as per part of the discussion at the work session and prior research and discussion on numerous past meetings any other questions comments from Council if not is there a motion I I'll make a motion motion by council member Connor yes second second by council member condos roll call council member Connor yes council member condos yes council member Emil yes council member CRA yes council member Renda yes council president will yes M the next are authorizations I'll read them in summary fashion uh one is the ocean running club half marathon in 5K of October 6 2024 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 location the boardwalk pH a to 14th AV and that approval would be conditioned upon obtaining a permit from Ocean County as well the second one of Valor 5K September 21st 2024 7 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Stockton Avenue the 13th on the boardwalk the third Edwards wedding September 27th 2024 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 14th Avenue Pier gazebo that condition uh if approved must be conditioned upon uh an adequate uh Certificate of Insurance that has still not been received um as I don't believe it's been received yet but the County permit um was just approved today okay and the next is the Duella wedding September 28th 2024 2:30 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. at the 7th Avenue Beach the next is the Columbus Day Parade October 13 2024 1 to 3 p.m. uh Bard cross streets between Central Avenue and South Ocean and as a staging in the beginning of the parade itself takes place in Seaside Park any questions comments from Council on any of the authorizations May the only comment i' have the one authorization for the Valor supplements LLC the 5K race their Certificate of Insurance names the certificate holder as the Seaside Park recreation yeah that's inappropriate it should be changed to the burough of Seaside Park so maybe uh okay we can have someone reach out to them and ask them please amend the certificate because I wouldn't want to have an issue that someone says well there is no Seaside Park recreation we should make it clear it's the burough Seaside Park all right thank you good comment and Jen have notify them any other comments from Council if not is there a a motion with Now with uh the several conditions a is condition upon Ocean County permit but I understand that did just come in uh B is conditioned upon an amended Certificate of Insurance naming the B of Seaside Park itself uh C is also conditioned Upon A Certificate of Insurance being obtained so is there a motion with those three conditions yes motion to approve motion by council member condos I'll second Mr Mayor second by council member amille roll call council member condos yes council member Amil yes council member Connor yes yes council member CRA yes council member rotunda yes council president will yes approved and number eight is resolution 284 approving payment itemized claims as set forth on the check registry Bill list for the period of time September 6th to September 19th 2024 any comments from Council on the list or if not a motion I'll make that motion there motion by council president will second by council member C roll call council president will yes council member craft yes council member Ile yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member rotunda yes motion approved and next item on the agenda are the resolutions I'll read in summary fashion 224 285 is authorizing our financial advisors pH Phoenix advisors LLC to provide Consulting Services for the boardwalk project and that entails in particular the New Jersey ibank uh loans projections and Analysis 286 is authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract for website design services and maintenance 287 appointing special Law Enforcement Officers for the bar Seaside Park 288 authorizing a shared service agreement with Berkeley Township for use of the recycling center 289 authorizing a shared service agreement with the B of lav up for the provision of a municipal court administrator Services 290 authorizing the sale of souvenir Beach badges no longer needed for public use for at private sale and 291 setting the compensation rate for Michelle Campo as a part-time clerk one in the municipal clerk's office any comments from Council on any of the resolutions if not I'll go into the audience it's our practice to allow any comments on resolutions though not required by law if anyone has any if they could give their name and address into the record hearing none I would close that public portion I'd entertain a motion as a consent agenda uh from the council for the resolutions I'll make the motion there motion by council member craft second by council member rotund roll call council member craft yes council member rotunda yes council member immobile yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council president will yes Mo approve and that concludes the written agenda anyone else on Council have uh any further at this juncture mayor the um for Scot building the community center the is complete in there as of today make that announcement know you're very happy that is a good announcement back open and running yes 88 compant just pass all the inspections this afternoon we'll get it tied up a little bit tomorrow and have it open probably the by Monday very good and thanks all around a lot of hard work we also received a CRA permit for the board [Music] Pro what was that the PA Permit that's issued by the D it usually takes about six months and I guess that's about what it took and anything else from Council I know we have a lot of thanks but we're going to officially recognize uh some of those involved in that thanks and commemoration at an upcoming meeting it's my understanding but uh we have in the audience naturally we have our our chief we also have uh former mayor condos member of the police department recognized but uh th those things uh go to a lot of individuals and in particular uh to uh a class one and a Class 2 officer for active heroism this week uh we all remember what happened last fall with the uh going buys of the two offshore hurricanes and they only have to be within 400300 miles and we get the rip tides and that hasn't happened as much this year we've been fortunate but it happened this week again as a storm almost formed off the Carolinas and we had the Rip Tide up and down the Jersey coast and we thank all the members of the police department we thank the fire department our Rescue Team uh and everyone involved and if it were not for those uh officers I understand it's uh officer Cox and kimlin uh in particular but the whole department joined together and we thank them commemorate them and I I know we're going to uh the chief uh wanted to have them officially recognized in the very near future and I think that's a excellent idea uh because they we were very lucky to have them and they indeed saved lives literally the the there was one of the the teenagers would have been lost so we thank them thank everybody involved okay anyone else on the councel anything at this juncture if not we'll go into the audience if there are any public comments yes surely JY prestle 700 North baby Avenue thank you mayor for contacting the county I don't know if they ever got back to you no I didn't think so um but I did notice that when the Tide's very low there is a lot of stone there that maybe a possibility since I mean it's been put there it's out in order if that can be pulled back to the the curve line I mean it's there and what's happened is because of the the force of the water has been pushed more towards the water and perhaps during a a low tide either the county or maybe we could even just get the front end and loader and pull some of that stone back to where the flame problem is on that street just the thought the other thing is and I get upset over this we find out most of our stuff by reading lavet shoreby and when my kids were little I used to say you won't be in so much trouble if you tell me the truth just don't lie and I'm standing here saying I think you all lie to the residents of this town because when these properties were taken we were told there was going to be a public meeting with input from the public as to what we would like to see put on these properties and then you read where you've already kind of made up your mind and I don't think it's fair to the residents that you said there would be a meeting and there's never been one and to me that's lying to us what prop so you're referring to just so we know well N Street was one which was supposed to be put up for sale went to auction then all of a sudden we're not selling it um Park Central and Street sold no no we had it up for sale twice and now with the market the way it is we are really stupid to sit on it uh Central and the Desert Palm Mrs erso sat right here when the mayor said to her yes we will have a public meeting and listen to the residents to see what they want to see on these properties and that's where I'm upset because you never did it you went back on your word thank you H I don't know if I I mean no I don't want to I mean I'm not taking it personally when you say lying because I wasn't here for all those things but I mean we did have the public meeting about the Park Central for the one particular idea proposal which quite frankly we can't fund um anyway even if everybody agreed to it and I know you've brought forward many ideas as of other people but there's no decisions been made so I'm not sure where the lying part comes in but because I appreciate your comment it was never advertised to the people those of us that come to the meetings okay we got to hear about that but it's never put out there we're going to have a public meeting uh and discussion about the properties and what you like to on that not just this group there's more residents in town than this that want input you want to be able to hear thank you J I I don't know I I heard my name mentioned but I'm looking at the shorebeat but if you can look out at the audience not that I know but I recognize the person the shorebeat individual writes the Articles listens to the tapes of the meeting which anyone could do that's how they're written I haven't seen that particular writer here for quite some time but uh I second Gina's comments there's no decisions that have been made the one property the End Street one was available for public auction it went out to bid twice and no one bid so that's that was before my time as when actually I out I was the mayor do it a third time now the Market's way up and somebody would buy it I'm sure someone would buy anything at the right price but that one didn't even I don't know what the minimum bid was and at that point you could do a duplex there now you can't so worth more and we got no bids put it up again and was there I don't know if there was a minimum it might have been 250 or something no it was 800 about that no yeah I I don't know any other public comments sh hearing none I would entertain a motion motion motion by council member craft I'll second second by council member Connor roll call council member craft yes council member Connor yes council member em yes council member condos yes yes council member runda yes council president will yes approv thank you everyone for coming --------- ##VIDEO ID:UiETsfNcl9w## and we'll we'll go we'll call the meeting to order this is a work session the mayor B Council the burough Seaside Park County vir state of New Jersey held on Thursday September 19th 2024 advertised for 7 p.m. pursuant to the provisions of New Jersey open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication in the asberg Park Press and the Star Ledger on January 5th 2024 notice of the meeting of the governing body also has been posted in the B Corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municipal clerk roll call council member emab here council member Condes here council member Connor here council member C here council member Renda here council president will here mayor pearon here thank you the first item for informational purposes only its recognition by Ocean County Solid Waste Management for the bar of Seaside Park reaching a total of 63 % recycling rate in 2023 and it references the environmental stewardship of the community and uh everyone working together for collectively uh working in effective recycling this program and the residents yeah and the workforce we were the second highest the only one that was higher than us was they had only by 1% they add this by one 1% but we were getting one and a half points we were getting one and a half so they have less trash hey Drake more oh B so we got to try to get yes the next item is discussion of a proposal for Consulting Services it's submitted by Phoenix advisors for the boardwalk project it's listed for consideration as resolution 224 285 at the regular meeting and of course Phoenix advisers has worked for us for many years already as a consultant yeah the only thing I have ADD is just for audience is is basically the U it's a the rate is $195 per hour and there's no uh you know number of hours or whatever it's just uh by the Sip so to speak for the work and this is related to the uh the boardwalk project mhm anything else on that one from Council the next item is discussion of a proposal for website design maintenance it's submitted by Revis listed for consideration as resolution 224 286 at the regular meeting and I know the committee did a lot of research with Karen and worked on this and looked at the various options this came about as a result of the uh longtime website manager who we had for many years and knew the community very well and it was a general very capable competent good guy uh Jeff camera took a position and I understand they required a uh restriction where employment you couldn't a non-compete Clause it's too bad he should have gone carved out clause Sude Park but at any rate so he can't uh do his his business on the side for this municipality and others so I I think we looked at four different web designers and this one met the needs of the burrow the best um and I I think what we'll see ultimately be much a more upto-date product of a web page a little more intuitive Ed for for our res it's ADA Compliant uh we started looking at the the websites um back in April so it's not as though we've you know just started looking um you we've I think we vetted them substantially so and we ended up with uh with revise I mean they have the uh the best product for the money and speaking of money it's not really that bad and not off what we've been paying but the price is um $5 5,675 per year for five years and that includes all of the web development and yearly maintenance fee as well uh at the end of the 5year period you know they're uh there's a clause in there that allows us to do some re design and uh Karen has found that they've been very cooperative and working with us in the fifth year they redesign at no additional charge I think yes three fth year for design right yep yep we still responsible for all the content being loaded to it like they're going to create like format you but they're not going to load it they're going to Li all of existing but like on an ongoing basis we'll still be able to do it bur all the content right okay there's training there's training built into this that are stiff and content okay good I mean because you're always having to put stuff in you don't want to rely on that okay and from the back end it looks a whole lot easier for us to use on the back end to put content on the on the website okay good and it's looking like we'll be able to integrate some other uh Standalone applications into this yes web as well and that is used by the marina at least and I I know DPW is part of um use of facilities we're looking to integrate so they can just do a fillable form online for the use of facilities and they just get directly to the appropriate person and uh and ideally and this isn't a done deal yet but Beach control applications applications um they people can apply online but if they don't put in information is absolutely necessary to be hired they can't move forward on the application because we went through a lot this year trying to chase people down and get missing information so trying to prevent that to happen again that's good okay up to stand that everybody else uses first it gets us 2000 brings us into the 2000 brings the 20 21 I can help it all an editor I love editing okay my God happy to read and anything else on that one then no I think that's good the next is a shared services agreement as we've had for many years with BKE Township for use of the recycling center and there's a resolution uh on for consideration at the regular meeting any uh background or anything from anyone it's consistent if not identical yeah we TI it yeah and the next is a shared services agreement with the B of lavet and that's the sharing of a Municipal Court Administrator that too is on for uh consideration as resolution 289 at the regular meeting and that has been in effect for some time as well and this is for a period of three years and I and the rate is um you know for the total for the whole year it's $ a court clerk which is a good deal mhm and the next item is discussion of souvenir Beach Badges and that has a ordinance introduction 22424 uh and a resolution 290 at the regular meeting and I know Joe's done some research on that um just I just wanted to bring up that when I read in in the regular um meeting packet that the ordinance the copy of the ordinance that we have here still has our daily permit uh for the boat ramp at $25 and it's 30 so um I guess we would have to correct that it's on the last page of the that's on the ordinance portion yeah that was so section e yes it's already yeah so when you uh prior to filing a motion um to introduce the ordinance you should first make a motion to amend it's $30 yeah you can done e2b I see it and then go ahead first read page e p be yeah it's over in the in the regular work session I mean the regular session you want to talk about the bades though Jo use the facilities okay um you want to talk about the badges yeah it first okay all right but we um we have a lot of badges down there uh in the basement we we go back to like 2017 that we have down there so we thought it'd be a good idea the committee um Rec committee Karen Gina uh and Ray to to sell these badges to people who would want to uh for their collection or whatever or make something out of it or art or whatever you know an ornament whatever they would like to do I thought we thought it' be a nice idea to to sell these and if you read through it it's I think we allow two right two per two per season per customer for $10 uh per badge um it's a good idea so uh we're going to sell them at at barl Hall and also at the um Beach uh control headquarters over there um because we do occasionally get a lot of people to say GE I wish I could buy some now they're probably looking for further back but at least we can start this right now and accumulate them every year and build them up every year and get something for the badges that are sitting in the basement of dust bur Hall collecting dust smart move Joe smart move so it's a good do a little revenue and do that in clean house yes you're a hot item on Marketplace mayor it's funny I see your face it's a hot item on Market Place we're going to make you a shadow box be do you see that sh excuse me uh May so the part where it's talking about the daily boat ramp fees that was just the part of the code for informational purposes but the actual ordinance um doesn't have those fees so the ordinance is okay as written it was just the informational attachment okay thank you J so you're on the last page 13 where it says section subsection B and it says 25 for daily permit yes so that was the the whole chapter of the code was attached to the ordinance just for you guys to know and that hasn't been updated where it has been codified has not been the actual ordinance has cified okay so we do then need the that okay it's just the three-page souvenir Beach badge ordinance okay that you looking at so how we make a copy of this no no we don't it's just informational in other words if you go on the website it'll have the code and the upper left it will say new ordinances oh okay so every I don't know how many years what every two years whatever one year I don't know if we have an agreement Ken with coded is it annual or it's annual so annually they'll take all the ordinances and Rec codify our municipal code to include the ordinances adopted during the previous year I got you so that just hasn't been done yet okay I got you yeah I got you okay got you so that concludes the work session items does anyone else have a work session uh item at this time in the council I do know if not we'll go into the audience if there's any public comments on any of the work session items if anyone has them if they could give their name and address into the record and whatever comment that might be Mitch Mitch cman 204 10th Avenue uh on the first it on the the work session uh I know it's a common section and you're not required to respond to any question but I'm going to POS a couple you choose to or not the first section what by Phoenix oh yeah um I have no idea what the concept or I should say what the uh scope of that Consulting human is what it covers and and I think the audience would like to have a better idea of what the what Council may be telling Phoenix about what we'd like to see the board War project look like what are the the components of it what are the materials what aspects are going to be done I don't know if we ever finalized that but you're going out for a Consulting contract of of a scope I don't even know this is just Financial fin know that because it's not here it's Financial advis got nothing to do with a scope of what engineering or design thank you yep any other public comments on work session items hearing none i' close the public I'd entertain a motion from Council to adjourn the work session and then go and take a brief moment go into our regular meeting I'll make that motion Mr Mayor motion by council member amabile second by council member condos anyone opposed hearing no opposition it we'll stand motion approved we'll stand journ momentarily and then