##VIDEO ID:jwjE78m3jtc## a regular meeting this is a regular meeting of the Maron B Council the B Seaside Park County oan state of New Jersey held on Thursday November 7th 2024 advertised to begin at the conclusion of the work session meeting which has now just ended pursuant to the provisions of New Jersey's open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication in the Asbury Park Press On The Star Ledger on January 5th 2024 notice of the meeting of the governing body also has been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municipal clerk roll call council member Amil pres council member condos here council member Connor here council member CFT here council member rotunda yes council president wil here mayor Pearson here thank you and let us all rise for a moment of silence to be Follow by our Pledge of Allegiance [Music] alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all the first item on the minute on the agenda rather is approval of the minutes October 17th 2024 work session October 177 2020 for a regular meeting any questions comments or if not any motion from Council I'll make the motion there motion by council member craft I'll second Mr Mayor second by council member Arab roll call council member craft yes council member Amil yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member Enda yes council president wi yes motion next ordinances there is one for first reading and it is an introduction ordinance 22425 amending chapter 435 of the code of B Seaside Park entitled restricted parking for handicap persons and this as a result of the uh annual and ongoing efforts of the police department to make sure those that uh qualify uh continue to do so if some are abandoned and those additional individuals who have applied and met the guidelines and parameters this is a first reading any other comments uh if not any motion I'll make the motion there motion by council member craft second by council member council member condos roll call council member craft yes council member condos yes council member Anvil yes council member Connor yes council member rund yes counc president will yes motion next are authorizations there is one the Berkeley straper Club tagging techniques time 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. December 8th 20 24 in the council chambers any questions comments from Council on that or if there are none a motion I'll make the motion May motion by council member Conor second second by council member CRA roll call council member Connor yes council member CRA yes council member Emile yes council member condos yes council member Enda yes council president wil yes Mo approved and next are the payment of claims 224 314 approving payment of the itemized claims as set forth on the check registered Bill list for the period October 18th 2024 to November 7th 2024 any questions comments from councel if not a motion I'll make the motion May motion by council member amabile second second byoun council member condos roll call council member em yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member crack yes council member rotunda yes council president wil yes M and next our resolutions are read in summary fashion 3:15 authorizing a 2024 Bing Bingo license application 316 authorizing 2024 raffle license application 3177 confirming the filing of the certification of the local government best practices checklist 318 authorizing a settlement release agreement between the bough Seaside Park and new singular W Wireless PCS LLC which is AT&T 319 authorizing a shared services agreement between the B Seaside Park and the B Seaside Heights for use of a street sweeper vehicle 20 honoring the member the memory rather of Patrick dispoto to be presented at a future presentation to the family 321 designating dates for the observance of official holidays establishing a holiday schedule for the B Seaside Park employees for the year 2025 and 322 authorizing the transfer of the Year 2024 municip budget Appropriations as for JSA 44-58 and 323 authorizing the purchase of an inflatable rusky boat trailer for the Seaside Park Volunteer Fire Company number one4 and 25 and we have 324 I do that from the CL session and that is a resolution of the B Sude Park authorizing the attorney to Institute litigation and that entails uh property block 91 lot 17 uh as authorized or as discussed rather enclosed and number 325 IS renewal of the ongoing shared services agreement with the B of laet for sharing of a court administrator services and that entails uh the additions from the last agreement the last year was in session and that entails the sharing of health benefits costs so those are the two added resolutions any other questions comments from Council as to any resolutions hearing none it's our practice to allow public comments on resolutions they're not required by law we do uh allow if there are any comments on any resolution [Music] and your name good evening Mr Mayor and Council my name is Ruth Buell and thank you very much for allowing me the audience for this evening um I'm the one who proposed a an honorary tribute for Patrick boto and thank you for resolution 2024 320 um I had given Jenna um a handout and um so I just wanted to point out specifically to your attention that um in 2021 um there were eight um there were eight struck by lightning um and the Lifeguard uh Keith Pinto was also hit by lightning and so um that was my whole point about doing a similar Tri for Patrick dispoto respectfully I have to to say that Keith Pinto had been struck by lightning because he was sitting on an aluminum chair Patrick DeSoto on the other hand he saved 12 teenagers on beach he and I were already back in his truck and he went back and he said I'm going to warn those kids so um [Music] I the handout that I had provided it it I TR I tried to focus on I tried to be very businesslike um I'm a 40-year veteran of the Wall Street Market I could do this but this is this is very very personal um on the last page of my handout if you can take a look um J Street um that's what it looks like right now um and to tug your heart um a month before he died he went to newor University because his baby girl graduated college so you can imagine 2 3 weeks later for her to be coming home to her daddy's funeral um I myself have a 22-year-old at home and I had hoped that she would be attending tonight's session except that I had to commit her to a mental health facility two weeks ago because a young brain just can't it it can't comprehend um the loss it he was he was with us every night you know he came home to dinner and then in a flash of lightning he's gone so um but on a lighter note I need to tell you that our community um continues to honor him um it's been four months um yesterday somebody just rang my doorbell and said I made you two bracelets with Patrick's name on it I didn't even know her name um a stranger last month from Staten Island um created this portrait for me um he p was on Horseback with angel wings so there's a lot of love angels all around me um and believe it or not there's a lot of Elvis sightings Elvis is is is is everywhere um in death Patrick dispoto fixed an old lady's flat tire um he fixed somebody's front door light um he fixed an old man's um water sprinkler um those stories continue um because that's the man that he was he was just good deeds all around and so he paid the ultimate price at the end and so that's why I'm urging you to pay it forward and memorialize his values for love and kindness thank you so much thank you thank you thank you thank you any other comments on resolutions hearing none I'll close the public portion and I would entertain the resolution uh as a consent agenda if we have a motion I'll make motion motion by council member Crow I'll second it may second by council member Connor roll call council member craft yes council member Connor yes council member anavil yes council member condos yes council member [Music] rotunda yes yes council president V yes motion approved and are there anything else to bring to the floor from the council at this juncture if not I'll go into the audience if there's any public comments if anyone has any if they could give their name and address into the mic there any yes Al good evening Al over here 1450 street I was wondering if the council or or ba has heard anything from Remington Barrett on the Bayfront I think she was here about 10 weeks ago whatever it might be uh do we have any idea when she'll be back to present her findings in the next presentation on the Bayfront I don't know if you've had anybody's had any contact with who findings but I didn't hear you at the beginning I'm sorry that's okay uh Remington barck and the Bayfront have we heard anything from Remington bar that they want to present again their plans or change in plans that they presented the first time about 10 weeks ago we've had a whole host of meetings ongoing a lot of uh developments some positive some moving forward uh with a another plan uh with burington and berck is is working on um we're close to actually presenting actually covering two bases with one project trying to um we've had some positive feedback from the do but not definitive they've kicked it up to the commissioner's office apparently um but other than that and I know now we had a meeting with the county officials uh also on that the plan that was presented here that that evening right the county seemed very favorable in other words they were going to to sign off on it we want favorable in terms of money as well and sharing so I think I think they verbally have said that I don't know that it's been on an agenda yet anyone I don't Marty has uh was involved in that one meeting I don't think it's on the Freeholder or the commissioner's agenda yet but they they've signed off and agreed to it I know that okay I I was just hoping that they would be back soon to give us a final presentation or or an an approved presentation sooner than rather than later because I guess it's at eight years now we've been kind of waiting around I'm running out of time so uh I'd like to see something done on the bay for the people who live on the bay and then we can work on Lake Avenue so I don't have to take a kayak out uh another question another I guess not a question but a thought um cide park I think now has a friend who has been elected to the Senate and that's Andy Kim and he's come down here and he's worked real hard but I think now as the US senator he may have a little bit more weight and talking to the Army Corps of Engineers and I thought possibly I know the mayor has walked with him along that Bayfront I've walked with him along that Bayfront with the TP and I think he's a friend and I think that maybe our body of elected officials should maybe contact him set up a meeting or at least tell let him know our problems with the Army Corps of Engineers who seem to BK at everything we present to them so just to fo it thank you thanks thanks s thank you a good suggestion get first on his list I'm sure he's newly elected you get a big list but that that's a good point any other public comments yes [Music] Mike Mike bino uh 59th Avenue uh I would just like to uh formally congratulate William Craft and uh Marty wil on their successful uh reelection to council uh I've only been here a few years but as you see we may not have been successful in our bid to get on Council myself and and Dr Thomas but uh you can see we're not going away so thank you we'll be around thank you okay any other public comments clearing none I'll close the public anything else from Council good no no certainly we all join as does the town and congratulating council member CRA council president L as well and thank them for their ongoing hard work and I I I wouldn't do it justice so I will paraphrase something I think uh was written to me long long ago and thank those that are willing to join in the arena even if they weren't successful but to promote ideas dialogue and join in the public forum that too is something to uh thank those who did that and uh including our last speakers anything else from uh Council so if not I'd entertain a motion for adjournment make that motion by council member condos second by Council member amille roll call council member condos yes council member Amil yes council member Connor yes counc yes counc member rund yes counc president will yes and thank you --------- ##VIDEO ID:3eS6bsXHwsw## it's back on time M just like that we'll call our meeting to order this a work session mayor and bur Council the burough seide Park County voan state of New Jersey held on Thursday November 7th 2024 advertised for 7 p.m. pursuant to the provisions of New Jersey open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication in the Asbury Park Press On The Star Ledger in January 2024 notice of the meeting in the governing body has been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municipal clerk roll call council member Amil here council member condos here council member Connor here council member craft here council member Renda here thank you council president wil here mayor Peterson here thank you and we have our engineer here and before we do number four number five is also on for the uh regular meeting with the resolution 224 317 uh this is must be adopted every year by a municipality in terms of a checklist required by the DCA in order to qualify uh for funding uh I want to make sure everyone is aware of that and the burough score has actually gone up considerably this last year uh and in the past you have to achieve on the checklist of points at least 35 uh points for eligibility for funding through the dcda and last uh year we were at 36 and now we're at 42 so does anyone have any questions on that that's on for the regular meeting as well I just had some correction not corrections but possible uh corrections to it I guess I'll give them the car you check here for what I'm sorry the um I have are we talking about that item before the number five on the BCA checklist yeah now I I I went through it all and I I found a couple um things that I thought you know might need to be updated um um those are uh number item number 13 and item 65a and 44 so I mean they might be correct I just that uh wasn't sure if that was the right answer or not just uh I'll just give him to Karen and she could check them out with Karen that yeah it just done those three okay I would have given them to you sooner but I wasn't available number for uh 44 it needs a an answer is that what yes doesn't say yes or no that that's the issue and the answer would be no I I probably just didn't print out I guess properly on this because yeah that one's pretty easy yeah same thing on 13 you know do we have a user friendly budget the answer is yes yeah so I don't maybe they just didn't print out on the printed copy that's what it I'll look on the electronic copy that we submitted just to double check yeah and what was the other ones the other one 65 social media accounts yeah the answer was yes right yeah that one was um multiple choice so I think the multiple options you could choose got cut off okay so when we submit the final that those three items could be noted the resolution or motion of the meeting to raise those three points anything else on that number five then no ma' okay if not we'll go into number four and that is a hearing on the uh phase one of proposed construction of will number 11 and we that too uh is a process necessary in order to be eligible for low interest or no interest uh loans grants Etc U and we have Pam H here from RVE uh turn over to her presentation so how would you like to do this would you want me to take the microphone [Music] and I am going to face the crow all right thank you so much for having me tonight my name is pan Hilla with rington fck Engineers can everybody hear me okay uh so um as a requirement of the uh application that the burrow currently has to uh perform a test well um within the there's an existing application into the I Bank um for the pwell there uh we're looking to have a public meeting to just go over the scope of the project um identify the location um provide you guys with details on um with the with the project schedule with the scope of Works going to include as well as costs and receive U public input from um as it relates to the this project so just to just to touch on um the site location as far as um the proposed test well location is going to be constructed at 1505 North Ocean Avenue so this map right here shows it's located at the corner of Lafia Avenue and North Ocean uh the proposed location is around 1650 ft from existing well 10 which is located along the Bayfront um it is also proposed to be located approximately 1,600 ft from well six and uh just over 7600 ft from existing Wells 9 and Wells 8 uh which are located on uh the the Public Works lot on the South Side Seaside Park phase one of the projects going to include the installation of a test well um so this will be a triple case well um that will be installed on the site to determine the water quality as well as the the specific capacity of the well so the well would need to pump for a period of either 24 to 72 hours in order to determine the specific capacity of the well um as well as the wells in the surrounding area would would be used to to monitor the well and the tone of influence um this this step would be required in order to uh eventually convert the well into What's called the safe drinking water well so that would be phase two of the project so once the the test well is performed you have to do a full analysis of of the well to be able to then convert it into uh a safe drinking water well at the phase two of the project that would entail constructing a building around the well um all the incidentals piping connecting it into the water system as well as a backup generation um and and parking amenities access to the site um as far as the um as far as the the location of the well we did look at um other locations one of the one of the concerns with with the location at well 10 um one the reason why well 10 is not being utilized is because there are water quality issues because of surface intrusion that has caused the well to require filtration um the burough did consider uh installing a Filtration plant at this location but the cost um there were higher costs associated not only to construction but the long-term maintenance and operation of the treatment plan um this will as as as long as it you know produces the the better water quality as seen as as well six 8 and nine um those Wells do not require filtration um they operate they um they have very uh very good water quality and um they just require chlorination before and into the system so um that is why this location um was looked at is better protected from sea level rise potential flood resiliency the existing elevation of the property is about elevation 12 ft um so it is better protected as as it relates to um a critical water facility and I I do know that there there was some uh questions as far as why other locations um we not considered for this well the Park Central uh lot at the corner of third and Central um it is much lower elevation it's about an elevation of five whereas the um the flood resiliency requires the well to be at an elevation of 17 so there would be a significant elevation requirement if the well was located at at that site um with regards to the other property which is located at the corner of N Street in Ocean um that site is in closer proximity to well six um so that that's why the site that's being proposed we feel is uh a better location cuz it is further away away from the um existing well six and one thing I do want to discuss is the cost for the project there's two phases so the initial phase of the project is going to include the test well um it's going to include the pump Test the full water quality analysis um the phase one of the project is estimated to be approximately $1 million phase two of the project um that includes the construction of the well building the generator the amenities the connect the connection to the water distribution system that is also um anticipated estimated to be just over $1 million so with regards to the the loan application to the ibank the the burrow is currently in the process of applying for what's called a nano loan which offers up to um up to $1 million in principal forgiveness for this project so um the the burrow because it is a small water system would qualify for up to $1 million in in potentially grant money to be used for this project but it does require both phases of the project so it's a you know the project would be it would be bid under two different contracts but it would be encumbered under one one loan application um one of the other points that we did want to talk about was we had looked at potentially Drilling in different aquiver um there are other oers in the area um one of the restrictions here specifically is the the critical area one restricts uh drilling another um well in the upper pic Ron um aquifer so there are some restrictions um based off of our experience and and the water quality in the area the Piney Point does offer the best water quality um the other aquifers in this area do require filtration so the Pine Point would be the most it would produce the best water quality um and from an operating and maintenance perspective long term it would it would provide you with the most cost effective option um and then I guess just to kind of you know um wrap this up I I did provide just a a rough conceptual p uh plan um this plan that's that's being presented today it does slightly differ from what the plans um were that are posted online the plans online show the generators will be located between the building and lafette Avenue whereas the conceptual Plan before you shows the generator located um on the other side of the building so it's it's a little bit better buffered from maette Avenue um I did want to just let everybody know that you know at this point everything's still conceptual in nature I also provided some pictures of some existing well houses just for a reference point typically they're either finished with some type of split block finish or some or or siding this house it appears to be a house is actually uh a well a well building this is located in South Seaside Park um this also is you know a you know it looks like a glorified shed someh have size you know there's there's different there's different finishings and there's different options the burrow can pursue once they get to phase two of the project um I just wanted to give people kind of a visual of the size and and the Aesthetics of of the building and what kind of options there are um I do feel that kind of summarizes the project I think that I'd like to kind of open it up to to Mayor counsel and see if you have any specific questions for Pam might mention um that the uh the pump is actually underground the pump is under quiet so everything yes so the pump would be underground um the casing you know would be about 500 ft deep and there would be a pump installed into the well to draw the water up to the surface thank you yes um uh what's the plan he said explain to me test well what what if we drill on water is no good what happens then they got a new site in town we got to look is that what happens the project this project is no good quite obvious I mean you you saying we test well we're going to test the water the water sign is no good then then we go back to the drawing board well you would have to you would have to address it at that point you'd either move forward with filtration or or you'd have to look at an alternative solution to address your your firm capacity issues because you do have you have from capacity issues without another Well online so you would have to either purchase water or find an alternative solution okay can I ask you one also question when you mentioned I know you said we looked at Park Central and the elevations and then I think I heard you say that uh whatever the requirements has at 17t elevation so you'd still have to do some so the current resiliency requirements affiliated with federal grants are you have to design the the critical water anything associated with Safe Drinking Water you have to design to the 500e storm event and then incorporate another 5 foot of free board on top of that for anticipated sea level price so that's why it goes up to that's why it goes up to 17 so between the 500 year plus 5% okay which I've been arguing with the DP a little bit about that um but it seems to be that's their interpretation of of how the new resiliency requirements need to be thanks for that clarification because I I thought that we were up high enough and that was one of the reasons also so it was 12 but it's the five beyond that is to meet that requirement okay gotcha thank you how far we have to drill down 500t 500t P would you mind explaining firm capacity so understand we reference firm capacity why it's so important for us so the burrow currently has a water allocation permit with the D um they they have to look at what all the wells in the burrow are capable of producing okay and they compare that to what your Peak month demand is for well Peak demand is over the last five years so the DP looks at a five-year projection of what your Peak usage is and you have to be able to determine you have to be able to take your largest producing well out of service and you need to be able to demonstrate that you can meet your Peak Demand with the wells in service so right now well 10 is not in service and Wells 8 and nine are um they are restricted from running at the same time they're backup Wells to one another so technically well six is your largest producing well so if you took well six offline well 8 or well n alone would not be able to meet the Burrows firm capacity needs they would not be able to produce enough water during a peak period of usage to to provide enough water to the burrow so that's that's where you're you have a firm capacity deficit right now um which you can go online you know they you know the the D knows well ten is not in operation right now so if you went on online onto the dp's website you know it it would say that there is a deficit so that would impact any potential future development expansion any new housing that the burrow is looking to do it would it would impact that thank you he can you just go through why multiple Wells could not be run at the same time and why six has to be far enough away number 11 has to be far away from number six is possible so with regards to 8 and nine um they are in the same aquifer and there's a cone of influence that impacts the the production of the well um so the D on in the Burrow's water allocation permit strictly prohibits well 8 and N from operating at the same time um theyve it is it is restricting with the with the D so um with regards to a potential uh conone of influence that we have uh the new proposed well you know we would anticipate you know there there could be um draw down within several you know a couple thousand feet from from where the well is um so the location of of the proposed well we're looking to to maximize as as much as possible from well six because well six will remain an active well um and then the goal is for well 10 to be fully decommissioned so um the the goal is to to maintain adequate clearance so that way the wells don't interfere with with one another and that you can produce you can have the the highest specific capacity out of the wells because the closer the wells are together the less you can draw from them any other Council comments or questions or Pam no you want me to put this microphone back for the public I can sit the table Yeah the table yeah we'll entertain and then maybe P we these are all live mics on the table too then we could have any uh public comments or questions and if anyone has them if they could give their name and address into the record is that one near by is that yeah it's alive Jun coron 14h I just have one question what is the difference in price you talking $2 million for the new we what is the difference between that and what it would cost us to do a filtration for well 10 that is already built the filtration um that was that was bid came in around $5 million and that was um and that was just for the construction so the the long-term maintenance and operation it would it would require more electric it would require more chemicals it would require a regular media replacement um which can cost several hundred thousands of dollars every you know 8 to 10 years um there and and just more maintenance with regards to um the operation of the treatment plan 25,000 a year is what would when you're talking 2 million is that all in so the cost so between the construction costs and the selft cost Administration costs um and and the the ibank require bues was called like a contingency um the the loan application was estimated to be around like $2.3 million and then of that there's you're looking at $1 million in grant money principal forgiveness um that will you know not be encumbered by the burrow because of because of the loan opportunity for small water systems it is a great opportunity um for the burrow and um that that is the grant program that we're we're applying for right now thank you thank you yes [Music] sir I'm Tom Joseph 704 South Bay View Avenue I think we do need another well I'm perfectly okay with that and I've read some things about what it's going to cost to treat well number 10 and I agree the cost of doing that's ridiculous so we shouldn't do that so I'm just going to ask some questions because I'd like to think we should do this right so my first question is a pretty simple one the mayor introduced this public meeting as an opportunity to talk about phase one the public notice on the toown website says we're going to talk about phase one and phase two the public notice on the website says the cost of the project the words that are used the project which therefore is Phase 1 and Phase 2 is $1.05 million the public notice is sloppy at best dishonest at worst I don't know where it is but all I know is it's dead wrong so that's the first issue I have with this we've got to do better than that okay set that aside where is the expert based study that tells us what went wrong what we did wrong in drilling casing housing everything with well 10 because without that how do we know that we're correcting those problems if we don't know we're correcting those problems what we're standing here doing is saying let's take a million dooll Dart and throw it at the wall and see what happens cuz that's what we're talking about here and if we know what went wrong with with well 10 and what we did wrong when we drilled it when we housed it when we cased it when we did all the things we did to create well 10 whether it was in the planning or any of the other things because I have no idea what was wrong with well 10 but if we don't know the root cause of why well 10 isn't useful how do we know we've made the corrections for well 11 when you look at the plan for well 10 the profile of the well down the hole and you look at the profile for well 11 the first order they look very similar and I'm not an expert I can't look at them and go oh I see why this one is better than this one why before we spend a million dollars to throw a dart against the wall wouldn't we spend 20 or 30 or $40,000 to hire an expert who knows what they're doing who is not getting up and saying well I think it's this way or I think it's that way but is actually an expert with credentials and licenses who can tell us either here's what you did wrong or there's no way to know but this is our best opportunity wouldn't it be worth the investment because a million dollars to me is a lot of money I hope it is to you guys but I wonder so that that's the first issue I have with this my second issue is the location of the well and I mentioned this two weeks ago at the last council meeting but I'm going to mention it again Pam said when she was standing up there because of the draw down issue Wells have to be aart she said a couple of thousand feet it's, 1600 and some odd feet according to your drawing so they're not a couple of thousand feet apart 6 and 11 so she's already said that the site you picked out is wrong that was is what was presented here I said the core of influence can be up to a couple thousand feet exactly that doesn't mean that Wells can't be within a couple thousand feet but I'm going to come back to my question which is if we look around and ask where in the city could we put this well there's all sorts of places that are more than a couple of thousand feet away from there but the most obvious one is Park Central the well as plan on Desert Palm is it gray and then it's cased up 4 feet to get to that 17 ft so it's got a 48 foot inch casing at the top of it to make its effective height 17 feet the elevation we need to hit to meet the requirement for flood and all the rest of the 500 gear stuff that's great but if you go to Park Central that just has to be taller above grade it's just a thick metal tube that extends up as high as it needs to 17 ft above a let's just say it's 6 ft there then then it's that's 11 ft it has to go up so all total when you build the wellhouse it's going to look like a two-story building instead of a one-story building I don't believe that's the reason why we can't put it there come up with something else maybe but if you put it at Park Central it's 6/10 of a mile from well 6 and it's 510 of a mile from Wells 8 and N that makes it farther away than this one is to me and when you add on on top of that the Desert Palm is Ocean Avenue real estate I Come Away with we're taking the most expensive and dollars per square inch lot that we will own at some point and I don't know when that is whether it's in the past or the future and we're going to put a well on it thank you Karen I have more questions but if my time's out my time's out any other questions or comments yes Ed CL 48 11th Avenue my question is when this project is finished and I drive by that property is everything under that little house or is there something outside of that little house generator the generator right now is shown to be outside of the house and what would the approximate Dimensions be of a generator I do have a a photo that shows a generator so I'm not sure you can see this but this is kind of this is a visual of the generator there are generators at all the The Other Well locations okay so Al together it's about 8T by 12T long so Al together what chunk of the Desert Palm property are we talking about we're looking at the northern the northern section so there would have to be an access Drive um right now the building is shown about 25 ft off this property line and then there's a generator that would be behind that so so it would be about a quarter of the property okay is and that would be enough of a buffer that if something else was decided to do with the rest of the property it could be done I I'm not sure what the borrow has planned for the rest of the I'm not asking what they've had planned I want to know if possible if they once I'm going with the wells in the wells in okay is it possible then to section off the rest of the property for example and sell it could that be done is there enough of a buffer between what the well requirements are and the rest of the property is that a possibility I I'm not saying that's what what's planned I'm just asking if that's a possibility I would say yes okay thank you any other yes B if we did not own Desert Palms where would you be putting the we you must have been looking at a couple different areas I would think so you didn't own Desert Palm we be doing about a will now we would be doing a treatment plant for $5 million we couldn't put it on end Street on the back of that property we just had testimony to that it's it's too close to it's too close to J Street how far away is that from N Street it's about two [Music] blocks two blocks I it's about it's a it's about a th000 ft and that would not be possible I'm looking at the value of the property we're talking about if you put it in the back of End Street and I meant to look up the dimensions of the lot I did not um but cost effectively if End Street and again it's a little further away from the well that didn't have good water so isn't that more advantageous to get a little bit away from that because the other well that was put in was way too close and if this water's bad this water's bad so I would think that trying to get a little bit further away from the bad water might be more avation plus we could get a whole lot more for that property if we were to turn around and sell it or is it all a court thing going on right now and that's why we have to put something there and is that why the the owner has Us in court no no has nothing to do high places I have answer is no I have no answer so we have to do it well what if we didn't own desert P to which we still don't right now we haven't had any money transaction do and we don't even know what he's going to ask for it correct no we do what's the figure he wants pending litigation you really can't comment you can't get the taxpayers an AM first of all I'm not doing litigation second of all as I understand in condemnation the B already has title to the property the only argument is how much has to be paid money was put in escrow they're arguing X doll the buau is arguing y doll and it'll be decided by the court but the the already owns the property they have title even though so we can end up paying a lot more for this than we originally anticipate a number of years ago with the price going up it's going to end up deciding the number and I'm not doing the litigation and so we don't have put the well there for any Court decision no okay then I want I want an answerers to why it can't go in the back of End Street so we could sell that whole big piece of property and get lot more money for it I'm just thinking here I'm thinking here with you you know and I know Excuse me yes and I want to sell in street if we put that well on the street who's going to buy that lot who would buy that excuse me who would buy that lot with well who's going to buy that with a well on it we got more property we got more property on last property to make go around that okay you put on that street you're killing that whole lot okay then what I suggest is you work with bar and councel can get that lot sold thank you you know com yes sir Bill 68 Gator my question pretty much encapsulates what these folks have been saying why can't we have a detailed benefit cost analysis on Alternatives such as end stream as shley mentioned that's basic to making any kind of important decision in local government I ask you can't you do that before you roll this thing out yes Cory 336 um we 10 is is decommissioned or not working am I correct cuz it's the cloudy water it is currently an operation it's not decommissioned well you don't get to give this water the D that has idity and odor issues and that's in the Ping Point aquifer that is so we're going back into that aquifer on a perpendicular line away from it and we think we're going to put a test swell in and even if it doesn't come up clear it comes up Sandy or you know cloudy whatever that the 10 was you're going to have to spend more money again CU you can't you're not are you going to put a filtration on it or you move at the well again because you're not going to give it to it I mean you're saying we all saying that we're not doing 10 a wellhouse and so forth because of the cost and you're also doing a test well which I know you have to do but it if it's going into the same aquifer because originally we weren't even supposed to put 10 there but I won't go into all that so 11 is up there and so I mean the so the 2 million is could be a different could certainly be a different amount of money by the time we're done well the the the loan the the the burrow is going to qualify for principal forgiveness on the test no no I I understand that but the the the goal is to perform the test well to evaluate the water quality based off the location and the analysis uh of of the engineers within our office you know we do feel feel comfortable with the the location um with the separation um with the separation from well six and they're they're in this location the Piney the point piny point is known to probably draw um much more water as you go further south along along I remember this you do you you lose capacity in the well okay so they're there is so the further south you go the less water you can produce out out of but I the the residents are concerned over the fact that we are putting the wealth and we obviously need a wealth we're not going to do the stuff with 10 and up on this piece of property that's on ocean front and I think that the question also is is if we didn't own Desert Palm or that property on Ocean Avenue what would we have done right now because you weren't going to fix 10 and I may I also say that for the last three years we've listened every time the bids came in no one took the we 10 bits cuz it was too expensive then and that went on for 5 years so we could have had this done and fixed 5 years ago that's first the last thing I want to say is about where the location is anybody can go on the web and find the appell court case there's 18 Pages filed and it talks about the burrow uh locating the uh well up there cuz they found out that needed the well after they bought the property and I know that that's in you know being held up and he's trying to get it into sup the Supreme Court but the well business happens to be in the public Court Division and anybody here can read it it is a public so it is part of that pace thank you any other yes well Ronnie Walker 1401 North Ocean um I have three questions number one um how much sound is going to come from the generator I I live right close by that I'm just curious it's an emergency generator when we do not have electric okay so it doesn't go one it's not on Conant okay and there is a sound attenuating enclosure that it would be okay second question if you test this first well and it is bad and then we do have to filter it are we back up to the $5 million will it cost $5 million then for this well to be filtered versus 5 million for The Other Well to be filtered I mean you're looking if if filtration is is the way the burrow is going to proceed that yes there would be so we could possibly still be paying $5 million vers here versus there third question um when do you feel that the hotel is going to come down I live across from it and it it is an eyore I mean it's Fallen apart there's there's you know all kinds of furniture and stuff outside out of curiosity do you have an idea when we're going to take that down so that we're not staring at that I don't I I have no knowledge on tell us we can as soon as the court tells us what we can I mean any [Music] hi ger Martin 812 North bayew just one question with all the new technology and everything don't new welds come equipped with filtration systems I mean to just hate to say Common Sense have it built with it so that it alleviates problems in the future or they don't do that yet so a filtration device is is a large it's it's like it's like a large vessel that has media inside to like remove any contaminants that are in the kind of like what you have in your water filter So currently the the burrow has three Piney Point Wells within the within the um burrow that are currently active at at well six 8 and N so they don't require filtration there is no filtration because the piny point produces very high water quality and um they don't have filters they just have a wellhouse and and they you know pump directly into the water system so we wouldn't we wouldn't install filters without the need for it okay I just thought they make them now they're like they're large they're large vessels that are 8T in diameter by 20 ft long that would be above ground so they would actually you know they would be a substantial structure there would be a treatment plant um it's it's not it's not something that be it's not something that would be underground it would be something that would be above ground I just thought maybe they make them with it to alleviate the problem that could ever arise but no thank you thanks meeting 48 11th Avenue I am really confused well 8 and nine are in ping point a correct and so as well six and so as well six correct what aquifer is well 10 well 10 and well 7 both Piney points so well well 7 was was um the Burrow's largest producing well for close to 30 years well 7 developed a water quality issue after being in operation for a very you know substantial amount of time that is why well 10 was drilled well 10 was drilled within a close vicinity of well 7 because of a permitting restraint um but the impact to well 7 and well 10 um the the surface the surface encroachment into the aquifer was contained with that within that area so they both in they both had the same water quality issues okay so all the current Wells whether they're working or not are in the py point equiter correct six 8 n 10 correct and the proposed well is in the P Point correct and you are limited the burrow because of the critical area one the burrow would not be able to drill a a well within the deeper deeper aquafer okay so please help me if 10 is in pining point and 10 has problematic water how is 11 anticipated to not have problematic water does 10 have problematic water because after a certain number of years that can happen I guess I'm asking isn't all the water in the same aquifer the same quality I mean know I guess it isn't because 10 is not good it's not because it it it it appears that there's been some intrusion so like along the Bayfront there there has been settlement between between um you know there's there's been construction driving piles you have you have things that have caused some type of interference that's caused that well to draw in surface water that has a turbidity issue so there's been some type of compromise in issue within that specific area that is causing the water poil issue because it did at one Point produce clean water it it it ran for for decades and It produced clean water there was something that compromised the aquifer in that area thank you for explaining that that's the first time we've heard or that's the first time I've heard that so that helps me to understand why the water from wellon is from the same aquifer but l s produced like clean water for several decades okay thank you that answered my question any other other comments yes sir Mike spino 59th Avenue uh I have a couple questions um that Peete capacity if you have to shut down six I've never quite understood because nobody's been able to show me uh 10 is portable water yes and but because of turbidity and odor how bad is it I mean is it like if I had some water from well 10 and well from well 7 and I held them up would I'd be able to immediately say holy crap I'm drinking mud were we talking about a slight cloudiness you could see visual you know you you could visually see the difference I mean it it is noticeable if you compare them in clear glasses you would be able to to see the difference but and I'm I'm going to be honest with everybody the the issue with well well 10 it is something that um there there was a permit in place that the it's not harmful it's not harmful but it is more of an aesthetic issue like the odor and tastes like it it would be treated with with chlorination um to address any bacteria issues but there was a permit to operate that gave the Bur the opportunity to turn well 10 on or off first first you know last on first off the problem is the residents wouldn't be happy you guys will not would not be happy with the quality of the water but I'm saying again if it would be if well shut down and you know to meet that requirement of peak capacity whatever you said it was uh the water would be drilling would be p from 10 as well as from 7 at the same time wouldn't they I mean those Waters would be coming to the faucet from both Wells at the same time it wouldn't be like you only get money you know water from 10 over here and you're getting from seven over there if you're on those streets they do come to the same pump point to go to the town right not well the wells when the wells are on they fill your Towers so basically they pump like people draw down the water as the wells are running you would you know people are drawing down the water as they're running but basically the pumps are turned on to fill up your elevated tank so like all the water would yeah it would depending on which well if only well 10 was running then you know you would notice some more significant right right so if they were together it might not be not I'm saying that that's what I want us to do I'm just trying to have a full understanding how the water and the capacity goes the parro does have an emergency interconnect with Shore water and with uh Seaside Heights as you know as an emergency issue but that does not address The Firm capacity issue all right I understand that now the second thing uh the driveway length that you have up there about how long is that driveway it's a it's approximately 50 ft I want to say I I I can verify that here's one I was thinking is why have this long driveway why not have a smaller driveway smaller so that it empties out on to Lafayette and then you have more capable use of the remaining property rather than this long driveway that's just something for you to think about no I no I understand your point and that is something to consider you know for the burrow um as they approach the second phase of the project and if you'll give me just enough time to ask this last question we got plenty of time okay uh is our water here Flor is our water floridated no so there's no fluoride in our present water system only chlorine only chlorine okay good then we don't have to worry about what RFK thinks okay any other question yes okay yeah [Music] um Haring 219 Street I sat there and I listened um I'm wondering about timing and I also you said that with they test well it would be running for up to 72 hours so in order to Ping out in order to get what's called your water allocation permit renewal like uh Amendment you you would need to provide them with a pump test um there's two there's two options for the burrow um they applied for what's called uh an aquifer waiver which would allow them to do a 24-hour pump test um it hasn't been officially approved by the D D um we're the goal is to run a 24hour pump test to establish the firm Capac or the the specific capacity of the well um however they may be required to do a 72-hour pump test um that that that is we're trying to get the approval to do the 24-hour pump test okay the first thing that came to my mind is if be planning to do this um quickly uh we're in severe drought and if you're running a pump and you're pumping wter out for 72 hours where's that water going it would have to be piped Into the Storm drain and we're in a severe drought and we would be wasting all that we're not doing this anytime soon it's not happening tomorrow I it's you know it's just drops been going on for quite a while yeser 1401 North Ocean where do Seaside Heights get their work they do have deeper off they have deeper wells so they're in the upper not a treatment plan or anything they have treatment they have treatment facilities so they have they do have a different water quality than than um than Seaside Park but they they draw from deeper wells and they do have filtration could we do a filtration on this number 10 and and not have to use that property for well and sell it and get the return money back I mean they're so close why don't you work together to do this so where I live we everybody uses the same what are people you know I I don't understand why you don't work together maybe you can use what they have or build a plant that can filter all the water and you don't have to dig Wells on Prime Property that's worth of Fortune okay um in your firm is there somebody that specializes in Wells that understands the I know yeah we have you we have several we do have I am not the wellth specialist right uh Joe mingle in in our office and Monica Bell um they are our our Specialists that have so they've looked into all the problems with the water down there and they feel that that yes will be good yes thank you yes [Music] minutes joh Joseph still at 704 South bayw well7 operated for decades and then went bad exhibiting something like these kind of symptoms is that correct as it was turbidity and odor yeah okay well 10 was it turbid and with odor from day one yes from from my understanding yes okay any other comments if not we'll close the hearing and thank [Music] you anyone else on couns anything at this not to if anyone has comments on any of the agenda items hearing none I close the public portion and we have resolution the open public meetings act permits the exclusion of the public from meeting in certain circumstances and the governing bodies of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist in terms of a discussion as to pening litigation contract negotiation specifically of shared services agreement and minuts will be kept once the man involving a confidentiality of the above is no longer required confidentiality then the minutes can be made public do we have such a motion I'll make that motion motion by council president will second by council member Amil roll call council president wil yes council member Amil yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member craft yes council member Menda Jerry on on car hello on mute yes thank you motion approved we will go hopefully very quickly a motion to back a public session excuse me one the record thanks are you okay John yeah okay motion by council member Conor second second by council president will we are uh take a roll call council member Conor yes council president will yes council member Anil yes council member condos yes council member craft yes council member attended yes motion approved and I would entertain a motion to adjourn the work session take a brief recess and then begin our regular meeting Mo second by council member C roll call council member am yes council member cra yes council member Condes yes council member Connor yes council member attendant yes counc president thank you [Music]