##VIDEO ID:lvrLFuY0YIQ## our meeting to order this is the B of Seaside Parks annual reorganization meeting held on January 2nd 2025 advertised for 7 p.m. pursuant to the provisions of New Jersey open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by sending a copy of the notice of the meeting to the Asbury Park Press On The Star Ledger on December 6th 2024 notice of the me me of the governing body has also been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and the office of the municipal clerk we'll begin our meeting this evening if we could all rise together for the Pledge of Allegiance our congi to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with and justice for all it is next my privilege to welcome here this evening someone special uh who is near and dear to the community of Seaside Park and indeed the Greater Community of Ocean County and our state and I welcome Father Michael lawrenson of St junip Pera Sarah Catholic parish of Seaside Park to give us his words of invocation father thank you again for coming let us pray good and gracious God in this season when it is proclaimed peace on Earth and Good Will towards all we implore your peace on our burrow on our mayor on our Burrow's councel and of the friends and neighbors here that live here in the burrow of seesi Park As We Gather here together this evening for this reorganization meeting we seek the blessing of your wisdom and your guidance we come here in solidarity with our sister sisters and brothers of New Orleans and Las Vegas in this time of Terror grief loss and hope of healing and peace for all of the world we stand here in solidarity with all who are victims of war in every part of the world and we seek your peace your goodness your Justice and your love for all of God's children this night and forever amen am amen thank you Father [Music] there we go thank you it is now my duty to read from the county votion the official general election results for November 5th 2024 and I have before me from the Ocean County Board of canvases the signed sealed original document also uh bearing the signature of our County Clerk Scott colello and that's a certification as to the election number of votes the signature copy register register of Voters the whole number of names of the voters and the poll books of the El ction districts for this election for which has just occurred and this was a certification of November 20th 2024 whereby the bur of Seaside Park elected two members to the burrow councel and the determination from the Board of Elections uh deems and certifies the election of Martin E wol Jr and Bill craft elected as members of the burrow Council and the true and correct correct statement of that determination will remain on record with the county otion as well as with the B of Seaside Park related there too it is my uh privilege to administer the oath of office to our newly reelected officials and I'll begin uh we go up front to the uh podium our current council president Marty Rook for a three-year term to expire December 31st 20 27 yeah and [Music] hold the Bible and assist in the administration of the oath of office to council president will we recognize thank and honor a longtime former council member of the burough of Seaside Park who has donated countless hours herself to the burough of Seaside Park in many roles including but not limited to a council person and she continues to donate those hours currently as a member of our planning board and that is former council member Nancy Carlson whom we welcome here today and if you could repeat after me I say your name Jr do solemnly swear doly swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments and to the governments established in the United States and in this state established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and I will faithfully impartially and justly partially and justly perform all the duties of the office of member of the Seaside Park burrow Council perform all the duties of the office of member of the seide park bural Council according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations official M thing yeah it was I think do you want to say no and now if we could uh welcome as well and congratulate and thank our newly reelected council member Phil crab and holding the Bible for bill will be someone who as well donates many hours of town of time to our town whether it's the uh helping with the PBA and the volunteer uh fishing tournament for the kids whether it's the senior luns and all other activities so we welcome and thank Pat graft who's here as [Applause] well small it is that's I'm ping good raise your right hand and repeat after me I I say your name Willam C you s only swear I only swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States to the governments establish in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and I will faithfully impartially and justly partially and justly justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of member of the Seaside Park burough Council of the office of member of the Seaside Park burrow Council according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] thank you Mr thank you do you want to say a few words or no me [Music] here are the and next congratulations and thank you thank you congratulations to conratulations hopefully for again congratulations [Music] congrat congratulations and next on our agenda I will uh turn the floor over to our clerk for the r call council member anfield pres council member condos here council member Connor here council member craft here council member runda here council member wil here mayor Pearson here thank you next on the agenda I would entertain a nomination for the the council's selection for the 2025 council president make that nomination Martin wol Junior and motion by council member condos second second by council member rotunda roll call council member condos yes council member runda yes council member anfield yes council member Connor yes council member craft yes council member wil yes M next are announcements of mayoral appointments to the Seaside Park planning board uh those include the mayor as a class one member for this calendar year the chief of police chief b as a class two member the council president Marty R Jr as a class three member Frank rosi who is the current Vice chair of the board as a class four member for a 4-year term expiring December 31st 2028 and Dominic bchi as a class 4 citizen member also for a 4-year term expiring December 31st 2028 the next item would be a resolution from the council to confirm the mayor or appointment to the planning board and the uh recommendation from the office of the mayor is for Martin W Jr as a class three member for a one-ear term do we have such a motion I'll make the motion motion by council member Conor second second by council member condos roll call council member Connor yes council member condos yes council member ELD yes council member craft yes council member Renda yes council president wil yes and item 10 is a resolution confirming council member appointment as the aone to the environmental advisory committee and the proposed resolution 22503 would reappoint council member Amil to that position do we have such a motion I'll make that motion motion by council president woke second second by council member runda time car all right council member runda call council president wil yes council member runda yes council member am yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member craft yes Mo your approve and item 11 are resolutions appointing uh or confirming rather mayoral appointments to the environmental advisory committee in each of the three cases these are reappointments and those uh citizen members are Patricia Ura for two term expiring December 31st 2026 Sydney Clea for a 2-year term expiring December 31st 2026 and Linda Roberts for two-year term also expiring December 31st 2026 do we have a motion motion mayor motion by council president will I'll second Mr Mayor and second by council member amabile roll call council president will yes council member amabile yes counc member condos yes council member Connor yes council member craft yes council member Renda yes motion approved and item 12 are appointments requiring buau Council confirmation by resolutions I'll read in summary fashion uh those appointments in each instance are reappointments in this case and those of bur attorney the s h off zarski firm special counsel dasty Stager Law Firm Kevin Reen esar LLC Parker McKay and rostine mandelo home and suani labor attorney rostine Mandel Strom h ciani b auditor homman frenia Allison B appraiser Henry J Mancini and Associates Bond Council dtus Fitzpatrick Cole Giblin with Mr Mayor in charge and uh as providing services for many years uh B engineer tnm Associates special project Engineers CME Associates LLC Remington verick Engineers carer engineering and design Morgan engineering Morgan Municipal LLC Suburban Consulting engineering Inc B public defender rump Law PC financial advisor Phoenix advisor LLC do we have a motion as a consent agenda for the uh resolution confirming those appointments I'll make a motion there motion by council member Connor I'll second that second by council president wil roll call council member Connor yes council president wil yes council member Emil yes council member condos yes council member craft yes Council rotunda yes motion approved and resolution 22 is that appointing a deputy Emergency Management coordinator this too is a reappointment for Allan Manz III for a one-year term expiring December 31st 20125 with the cons compensation as remaining at $2,500 a year for the 2025 calendar year do we have a motion I'll make the motion there motion by by council member craft I'll second Mr Mayor second by council member amabile roll call council member craft yes council member am yes council member pz yes council member Connor yes council member Renda yes council president wil yes sure and next are appointments to the Emergency Management Council the coordinator these two are individuals uh with own only one U change no strike that there are no changes in this group they're all reappointments in terms of the coordinator uh Chief B the deputy manage Emergency Management coordinator Alan Manz III the mayor the council president the water superintendent Joshua Fox the Public Works supervisor Eric rowski the fire chief Dennis Vincent Cho first St Captain Marie Rice zoning officer George McFalls the B administrator Karen Crome broadcast media meteorologist representative Alan Casper and the designate from the Ocean County Department of Health and the Ocean County Board of Social Services and those are appointments we don't need a resolution we did and that too then if we could consider that as a consent agenda I would entertain a motion from Council May will make that motion second motion by council president wi second by council member condos roll call council president will yes council member condos yes council member Emma yes council member Connor yes council member craft yes council member rotunda yes motion approved and the Emergency Management volunteer staff includes the coordinator Chief B the deputy coordinator Alan matz the radiological officer Timothy Slickers the resource management damage assessment Daniel piter the operations Communications Jane McIntosh operations Carl Doan the operations Communications Cindy Clea radiological officer John Clea public information officer Andrew cassoles operations Robert debia Matthews operations council president will and council member Bill craft and do we have a motion to consider those as a consent agenda take a motion May motion by council member condos I'll second it second by council member condos roll call council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member ameld yes council member CRA yes council member Rota yes council president will yes motion approve and 13 is request for approval of a payment of claims Bill list it's resolution 25 approving payment by itemized claims as set forth on the check registry Bill list for the period December 20th 2024 to January 2nd 2025 any questions comments from councel or if not is there a motion make motion by council member craft I'll second that mayor second by council president roll call member C yes council president will yes council member Amil yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member Renda yes motion approved and the next are a number of resolutions in terms of reorganization itself uh and I'll read in similar fashion in contemplation of a consent agenda as well and in many uh cases those are uh reestablishing and reappointing individuals in particular positions uh 26 is establishing burrow Council committees which after caucusing the council had determined would remain in place with the individual leaon as for the 2024 committees establishing meeting dates with certain exceptions when there are holiday days involved Remain the first and third uh Thursdays of the month designating official newspapers the Asbury Park Press and then there is a the Ocean Star Ocean Star as the uh Star Ledger is slated to be no more and a uh public uh print edition which probably is somewhat unfortunate sign of the times but that's for another day I suppose but uh that that is a change also by law there's a resolution adopting a temporary operating budget adopting number 30 the cash management plan 31 fixing tax interest establishing the 10-day grace period by Statute 32 establishing a petty cash fund for certain municipal offices 33 establishing change funds for the year 2025 34 as designated Ocean County Municipal joint Insurance Fund J Commissioner 35 designating Ocean County Community Development block block grant cdbg committee representative 36 designating a tax search officer 37 designating tax assessor as a tax appeal agent 38 designating affirmative action public agency compliance officer 39 designating assessment search officer 40 designating police matrons 41 authorizing salary increase water sewer superintendent 42 authorizing salary increase tax collector 43 authorizing salary increase for the supervisor of Public Works 44 authorizing salary increase for the tax assessor 45 authorizing salary increase municipal clerk 46 authorizing salary increase for the marina supervisor 47 salary increased authorization for the recreation leader and by way of summary background those all entail a 2.9% uh increase uh subject where indicated to contract negotiations which may be subject to modification in the future 48 is authorizing the purchase of goods and services in accordance with the provisions of njsa 4A 11-12 concerning contracts entered into on behalf of the state of New Jersey by the division of purchase and property in the Department of Treasury 49 appointing Municipal Alliance committee members for the year 2025 50 approving 2025 raffle licenses 51 appointing Class 2 special Law Enforcement Officers for the calendar year 2025 52 authorizing FSD Enterprises LLC to provide Professional Services for wireless telecommunication counsel consultation as they have been ongoing and continue at present same with 53 authorizing the execution of a professional service agreement with Frank Panucci of Pasha Consulting LLC for the provision of special administrative mentoring Grant Consulting Services any comments from any council member otherwise is there a motion on the floor for the approval of the resolutions as a consent agenda I'll make motion there motion by council member Connor I'll second there second by council president wol roll call council member Connor yes council president will yes council member Emil yes council member condos yes council member CRA yes counc Renda yes motion approved and that concludes the published reorganization agenda and business on the agenda as well are there any uh comments further from Council Members certainly we all join in uh wishing everyone in the public all our citizens visitors and residents as well as the B family the bur counsel the happiest healthiest and most successful New Year possible and good health especially uh we thank everyone to coming out and we offer our thanks and congrat congratulations in particular to our two newly reelected council members council president wi councilman craft and thank them for their past and ongoing service and their willingness to continue to serve much appreciate it it's sometimes a thankless job and sometimes you don't uh make friends up here that's part of it and you certainly it cannot please everyone but you both are to be congratulated for your willing to serve and digging into each and every past issue and I'm sure any future ones doing your homework and considering all sides and all perspective so it's much appreciated by the town the public and all members of the governing body thank you thank you anything else from Council if not we'll go into the audience if there's any public comments if anyone has any if they could give their name and address into the record as per the open public meetings act here now I would close the public portion and I don't know if uh Father Michael if I'm calling on on without any announcement but uh we sometimes over the years have had a a benediction if if you like to say a few words if not that's certainly understandable as well I not prompted him to to do that so I I we would welcome I me you're always uh very inspirational and much appreciated so please if you this will only take about two or three hours Point number one no just uh we ask God's blessing on all of us in this new year we ask uh a blessing on the United States Congress as they gather tomorrow uh and uh we ask your blessing on a smooth transition um between um in the executive branch of the United States and keep our members of uh military services and diplomatic services at home and abroad safe and bless their families as well as the members of uh local state and federal law enforcement and our firefighters and our First Responders keep us all as faithful children of God working together to seek justice for all of God's people and the common good so that we may all live in peace this night and forever amen amen thank you thank you Father Michael and thank each and every one of you for coming out on the cold Monday night and much appreciated as well and we wish everyone a Happy New Year and we will then uh stand a journe okay we a motion too that would be by council member runda second by council member and roll call counc member Menda yes council member anavil yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member PR yes council president will yes okay and everyone's welcome to