Council on Tuesday April 2nd 2024 to order I'll uh invite everyone to stand the mayor's going to lead us in an invocation pledge please B with me Lord thank you once again for the city that we live in we thank you for all you have provided us over the the last season that we had and and the Lord has risen we ask that you watch over council tonight and making sound and right decisions although there's not a lot on the agenda we still want good decisions yes um we ask that you watch over our staff as they keep the city running as it is is and our citizens uh that we're so thankful that they're here we ask that all we do in your name amen amen a pledge of allegiance to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all right I'm Miss Haley can you call the role please mayor sh here Bishop here Avery here M here steuart here car all right uh if anyone has any business from the audience that is not on the agenda you could fill out one of these forms here on the front table and hand it in to clerk Haley and we'll get to you at the opportune time uh mayor's report uh just a few things uh the small business organization or Sebring business organization did a good job last Friday um had a pretty good event that they pulled together so thanks to Robert and Chris and and everybody else and that put that thing together this weekend we have the soda Fest so we all come out for the week that and then in two weeks we have sipping on the circle another fundraiser um put on by the Art League and rotary so about all I have okay all right other council members Miss mle uh yes good evening to everyone um Steven Kramer is isn't here today this evening but um he was so wonderful Sunrise Service uh on the circle uh our church had some difficulties technical difficulties and at 6:00 a.m. we got him out of bed and he came down and fixed them for us and we're so grateful we had a very successful and beautiful sunrise service so that was very awesome and then last week I went out with uh Mr Fred Tucker our new director of the municipal golf course went out and toured the golf course which I'm not a golfer and I'd never been out there before and it was just lovely so beautiful and it was so wonderful to hear all his uh ideas for fixing the municipal golf course up and to see his vision for an elite golf course and hear of his experience and his knowledge and making this happen so uh very grateful to have him on the team and I look forward to hearing from him tonight and that was was a wonderful experience thank you so much no report yeah I got one thing um just wanted to kind of prep you guys and bring it before you my rotary club is approaching its 100th year uh anniversary and one of the things that they wanted to do as part of that was a big project uh the first project rotary ever did was public restrooms in Chicago downtown uh and so that was kind of the idea of the club was to do public restrooms in the Sebring downtown uh originally we were looking at the CRA building that the city owns um but the mayor pointed us to a different site that is on North Commerce kind of behind the Circle Theater it's a little tiny oddly shaped parking lot right now um for a new build um so we have budgeted a a floor of 50,000 from rotary um CR has has said that they would be willing to maybe match that or possibly more um that would probably be enough for the existing building at the CRA but for a new build it would be a little bit more so I want to just talk to you guys about it so see if there would be interest in the city funding any part of that um we have a a very rough idea of a plan kind of modeled after some bathrooms that are at firemen's field we'd be extending those a little bit so there might be up to five stalls for men five stalls for women um because this is something that we're going to you know our club is going to put our name on on it it's not going to be a you know cinder block utilitarian looking structure the idea is to make it look really nice um high quality materials uh but still you know resilient um because of course if we build this thing the Rotary Club is Not maintaining it that would it would belong to the city at that point um so I just wanted to kind of bring it up to let you guys know what we were hoping to do after we get some real plans and a a cost estimate I think someone from the club would come present it and go over the it in more details and specifics um but I wanted to put it in your head before we get to to budget time and we would probably be talking about starting it this year I would say maybe by the Fall starting construction and hopefully I think we could probably be done um by Spring of this coming year wow that's wonderful thank you all for doing that because we certainly have a need for that there's a desperate need for it yeah there really is and as we progress and um get to be larger and have more uh activities downtown I know a lot of times the activities have to bring in their porta potties or whatever and so that sure would be nice to have and I would hope that our city would be able to keep it safe from vandalism that's been an issue down at the waterfront of course this would be more in the downtown area right thank you all for doing that we certainly need it well you still got to say yes when we uh you know come formally but uh yeah we like the idea and I think it'll be a great thing for the downtown I'm all forward yeah thank you I think is a great idea sounds great cool all right needed downtown so y all right so probably Carl cool is going to draw up some prints and then we're going to work on a cost estimate and um we'll bring something to council when we have that put together and that would be behind the Circle Theater you said there's a little odd kind of a combination of behind the what's the name of the park Pat Park and Circle Theater it goes over to uh um North Commerce that be a real accessible location y it's visible from the circle um and you know like half a block off the circle when you've got a desperate youngster you need a bathroom right so yeah or a desperate oldster all right good idea very good idea there's no nothing else uh we'll go on to the consent agenda uh any questions on the consent agenda I will ask that you remove item C uh we're going to push that to a later date make a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented excluding I see I second it Miss haly hon yes mle yes Stuart yes yes all right no old business moving on to new business we have Mr Fred Tucker coming to tell us about some improvements that he wants to make to the golf course I think we talked about giving them three minutes right yeah you that is Fred you might want to cut yeah you might want to cut me to three Fred Tucker sabring golf club uh when y'all hired me three months ago one of the things you wanted me to do is bring more golf to sabring golf club uh more Hotel play tournaments um so over the last three months I've studyed real hard on the golf course and the only way that we can do that is to do some Renovations on the golf course um the golf greens are around 15 years old uh they've been declining over the last four years um some of that's uh just Mother Nature this winter um and golf was the worst winter that we've had in golf in over 31 years um a lot of golf courses are rebuilding this summer because of the winter we just had um but there's been other you know issues we have a there's a a insect called nematodes and they eat the root system and we did a test back in or they did before I was there they did a test back in September it was a little bit cooler weather NEOS aren't as active in the cooler but then when it started getting warmer we did another test a couple weeks ago and the levels came back very very high um some of the greens there was a nematode called sting nematode and that's a the bad one um if you're a level 10 you can monitor it pretty good and on a couple of our greens we were over 200 um so that means you'll never grow grass um we overseed it during the winter so we could have play and and get the income for the winter time which we did pretty good we averaged close to 200 rounds a day um during the winter time so on the renovation on the greens um we're going to rip up all the sod and then we'll uh add some sand to it because there's really not a lot of sand in the soil right now and then once we do that then we're going to fumigate to kill all the nematodes and it to kill any other insect that's that's in the green it also kill all the weeds that are still in the ground um I cover that with plastic leave it on for about six or seven days we pull it off once we plant the sprigs which we're going to plant um Tiff Eagle uh sprigs which is what all the golf courses are putting on their greens um the golf hammock just did theirs uh deer runs doing theirs this summer River greens did theirs Spring Lake just did theirs with the Tiff Eagle um once we plant the grass it in 8 weeks we can putt on it so it's a pretty fast process but we have to get it done before it starts getting cooler so if we do it you know May June we'll be ready for the the winter season and uh and we expect to get anywhere from 250 to 260 rounds a day during the winter time once we do this and and doing that so what we do is we raise our rate for the greens feed right now we're 35 in the morning 25 in the afternoon we'll raise at 10 bucks so we'll be 45 in the morning and 35 in the afternoon we had over a little over 24,000 golfers in a year period of time if we keep the same golfers we don't we don't increase our golf play we'll make almost enough money the first year to cover the renovation cost um we expect to have more golfers we want to be up in that 30 to 35,000 range um because 24,000 is quite low but all everyone went to golf hammock and and and the country club and all those courses because of the conditions of the greens that we have now so we already have groups coming back and there we had meetings yesterday with a couple groups that are going to come back as soon as we're done done um which increased the revenue there um then we also have issues with the tea boxes all the tea boxes are very unlevel um if you put your tea you know if you're going to tee your ball up you the ball's either below your feet or above your feet there's no flat surface anymore and that's just over years of of play on it um so my the budget money that I need is to um flatten all the tea boxes and then on uh number 12 Fairway it's uh and I had pretty much had every one of y'all out there it's very bumpy and all the water sets in the holes and it's not draining over to the creek on on the left side of 12 so we're going to level that Fairway out and cut swells to move the water off the Fairway over into a creek to go out to Little Lake Jackson um then we're need to we're going to decorate it with some pine straw and make that look make it look real nice and so we're looking and right right at the $260,000 Mark um which I believe we can pay for fairly quick um and that's that's about that's about it and like I said I've had I appreciate everybody that did come out and right around on the golf course and and I and I appreciate that because it's a it's a lot easier than me just coming up here and telling you I want $260,000 and you hadn't seen anything you know that's why I wanted y'all to come out and and explain expl it to you anybody got any questions does that include uh cleaning those ditches into the bay head no sir that that's totally separate that's we um that's going to be a different um thing there this is just strictly the the golf course itself not the not the ditches well I don't know to get that water off that side of the course what's your question to get the water to drain better over there yeah that's we're going to it's called a Turf planer and it's going to run down the Fairway and and it and they're going to tilt it just a little bit and then cut swells in so when it when it's raining on 12 it lets it slide over to the creek and then we do have to clean the ditches up by the um by Lake View yeah and we have we're waiting on quotes to come in on that right now and if we don't get them pretty soon then we'll just do it ourselves so we have backo we just need to clean the debris out to let that water flow and then we have the um on nine the the ditch going down by the fire station that that needs to be cleaned out and then on the other side of 27 where the coverts come out there's some trees right there that are holding the water up from it from it moving so Fred so would those green fees still make us competitive or similarly priced to other golf courses yes sir um right now uh golf hammock and and the country club they were running right at $45 to 50 um depending on you know they they start a little bit lower than at the prime time they'll go up to in the 50 range sun and lakes was in the 60s um I think Pine Crest was um I think they were 4 $41 but then we're the only one if I tell you it's $35 that's tax included all the other golf courses if they say 50 it's plus tax okay so we we will be very we'll be cheaper than than everybody else okay so you don't you don't think we'll lose golfers because of the Green fee increase no we've lost all the golfers we can lose okay so right yeah all right uh couple of questions how of the 260 how much is for the greens and how much would be for the leveling the level the leveling is is 39,00 ,900 and that's for all the te's in 12 Fairway okay um so the vast majority is yeah so then I think 5700 will be for some rental equipment we need to get a couple tractors and side Cutters things like that um another 4800 is for pine straw um that's going and what the pine straw is going to do if you've ever played golf and at a real nice golf course it's always they don't do mulch they do pine straw and the reason why two one it's beautiful and the other is it stays it lays down on the ground and if it rains 5 Ines it won't float it stays in in place and then it also helps um eliminate a lot of weeds weeds don't grow up through pine straw um so there are a lot of benefits to the pine straw and it's going to give that you know North Georgia Carolina look um to the golf course and then we'll have um I I got a work to deal with a grower that we're going to get some flowers and stuff to put around the golf course and and uh dress it up and make it look real pretty but we got you know you're doing all the the renovations in downtown and making everything beautiful and harder Hall eventually within the next few years I'm sure they're going to be open and we don't want people to stay at Harder Hall and look across the street and see our golf course and go down to golf hammock or the country club you know we want them to look out of their window at the hotel and say you know what a beautiful Golf Course let's go over there and play and and we are they're we're that close to being a fantastic Golf Course um and in the in the thing it does say that um we're going to do a lot of In-House labor um I've done over over 50 Renovations myself growing up um so I'm very experienced in the renovation process um and one of the reasons why I want us to do a lot of the labor is I want my workers to have pride in the golf course and if I have them out there sweating building these greens they're going to have pride when they see somebody up there make a scuff on the green it's going to mean something to them that they put in a lot of work um and we're saving about $60,000 by us doing the work so um now are you going to continue operating while the construction is going on yeah um I would like and and I get with y'all and get with Scott I would like once once we know we got the some of the things we have to bid out so once we get all that that settled I I would really love to to close maybe two weeks at the most just because we're going to have like I have to put 2,300 tons of sand out on the golf course so we're going to have a 100 semis coming in dropping sand I'd like to have a little time that we don't have to worry about cars and people moving around and just get some of the stuff started and then um like for instance if y'all pass this tonight and and I know that we're going to be able to do it we'll start cutting temporary greens uh tomorrow and we're just going to start lowering them down so we're not to scalp them the day that we want to start we'll just start lowering them down and that'll give us you know and what will you do with about pricing with the tempor GRE um I'll get with with Council on that but I'm thinking most golf courses what they do is they charge like 15 or 18 bucks for 18 holes you know and and just kind of get a little bit of play and and two they get to see what's going on CU they won't bother us while we're working because we they'll be the temporary greens will be usually about 30 yards away from the actual green so they won't you know they won't be getting up close to us and what about your Pro Shop staff um Pro Shop I'm probably I'm going to have some of them out there working um but I'll have I'll probably have at least one answering phones um just kind of telling people what's going on and and uh if there's any groups calling in that we can set up tea times and stuff for when we do open back up but once once we put the grass down it's it's it's 8 weeks and we're putting okay and and like I say it's Tiff Eagle um it's the best grass that's on the market and the the hopefully the the the and turf hopefully they win to bid which I think they would but I hope they do because they do most of the golf courses and uh TI and tur applied to graph for golf hammock Spring Lake uh River greens um all of those golf courses so all right got a question um I believe I remembered when I was out visiting with you that you said our Municipal Golf Course had never made any money it was a kind of money losing that's what I hear well this just seems like um to think we would almost recoup this price that we're hopefully going to pass we we will make the money back that we spend that's that's no doubt and it'll be fairly fast that we'll make that back and my my goal is to make money and um my family tell you I don't like losing so I'm I'm gonna do everything I can to make money and if I do it it's been a long time and so I might be coming back y'all asking for a raise and that might be a good thing you should have waited till after they approve this Fred now y'all want it to be good it's the municipal golf course everybody grew up playing on the municipal any City you live in it doesn't matter if it's just Sebring and you know we still have Tom McClair there he was you know he's the one that taught every kid in this town how to play golf and you know he he's still there and all the pros that are in this County all learn how to play golf from him you know so he he's still there so we have a lot of history at the golf course and and I don't know if some of y'all know or not know but um harder Hall back in the 50s they had a a deal with the city golf course where they paid money to for upkeep on the the golf course and for their employees or their hotel guests to play golf and that little pink building they got there was the pro shop for the golf off course um that was back in the 50s so when they get up and running I want to have a relationship with them right off the get-go um not going to let them give all their hotel guests free golf but I want to have a good relationship with them that would be great that would be great all right yeah what's FR I mean we I think I've been out to the golf course three times with you um it it's it's a a big spend but the way I look at it too is I see your vision with what you want to do with this and you want to make it profitable I want you to bring back the mun and I think that a lot of this investment is not just in the golf golf course but we're investing into you and into what we you want to buy in what you want to bring us to so thank you for all the work that you're putting in um I think a lot of the work that you want to do is not just covering issues up but it's hopefully getting to the root cause of all these issues um everything that we've talked about over the past couple months um it's a big spend and I I've been spending all day looking at numbers over the last five years and it it's a large amount but if you can say that we can we can get there we can we can make some money off of it or at least break even that gets me excited um so I mean thanks for all the work that that you put in well I appreciate you coming out the times that you did um yeah I my dad was a superintendent for 50 years I'm I'm 59 I've been in golf my whole entire life I've seen the best golf courses in the world I've seen the worst um and some of the top uh golf courses in the United States are City golf courses um Tory Pines in California is a city golf course they have the US Open they have a few PGA Tour events there um if you happen to watch a golf tournament this weekend that was out in Texas the che Texas Children's Hospital tournament that was at moing Park which is a city-owned golf course um and they have a list of 30 um top uh City golf courses in the United States and we I'd like to be on that list one day and it's not too far away because um the city of Paca right here nearby is ranked number 29 in the United States for a city golf course so I want to be up there us there yeah I think so I got one more question um it seems like I know that and I shared with you that some of the complaints I'd had about from some of the members out there were about the roads or what you yeah what you drive those golf carts on but it seems like for making money then we would be able to pour money back into making future improvements yeah yes ma'am there's there's still a lot of stuff to do um to to make it in a fantastic place um the greens and te's are the first that need to be done but um in the future we do need to look at the cart paths um repairing um areas we have a lot of areas where trees have grown and The Roots have broke the the concrete you know things like that um so I think we should do maybe look at that and start looking at that next year and maybe do a 2-year plan because that can get quite expensive um because we have a lot of cart paths um so things like that um we need to to do some stuff at the maintenance building um we need to we really need to pave the the the lot around the maintenance building um when the guys wash the motors off they're driving through dirt to go back into the maintenance building and they're just tracking dirt in side and it should be you know you clean it should be clean when you get inside um we do have a building there that uh roof was blown off during the hurricane um we need to look at doing something with that down the road um it's a chemical room um so we need to look at you know either put a new roof on it or tear it down and put something else and lots to do there's lots to do yeah and that's that's fine and as soon as we get as soon as we get the golf offers that Renee and I think that we can get I'll be coming back to get some golf carts you know we got 65 golf carts and I can tell you this winter we had enough play that we would stand outside with blowers and new scorecards and as soon as they got off of 18 they took their clubs off the bag we were blowing the golf carts putting new scorecards and loading people up to go right back out wow um because we have 65 golf carts and we could have used about 25 more um this time and we didn't have but a couple hundred golfers you know a day So eventually one day we'll have to get some cards but but we'll know that when good plans for the future though thank you very much yeah appreciate it all right I move to uh approve resolution 20247 authorizing budget amendment number 56 and improvements to the golf course as presented second s Hy yes L yes Stewart yes Bishop yes I appreciate it thank you also I need to thank Jamie Jamie's been working real hard with me getting uh prices and stuff together and making sure we're doing the right right thing with the money so you're going to get with Jared on Capital Improvement plan too what that looks like yeah yeah yeah all right thank you very much appreciate it thank you all right moving on uh we have no business from the audience Mr attorney nothing else tonight sir Scott so I'd like to bring up um trees around the circle and I'm talking about the Outer Circle if you will or closest to the buildings um as you know we've got a lot of trees that are now growing into kind of odd shapes in front of these buildings um in some cases they're blocking signing for the buildings and or the buildings themselves we had a conversation with the downtown Merchants about a year maybe a year and a half ago um they were going to bring back some ideas that's never happened so what staff is looking for as guidance from Council as to whether or not you'd like to eliminate those trees um we're coming up with ideas as to what we might put in their place um but in the interim we could just you know fill in papers or you know some solution that allows um you know people not to to fall into the grates and stuff like that when they would um you we might relocate our trash cans to the great area um that's a possibility but just you know looking for direction to to go ahead and and remove those trees kind of open it up and um allow everybody to see the work that HGTV is doing um on the circle so what are the small businesses or the business affected by this what how what is their opinion about those trees R rip them out yeah brought up I've talked to several of this last few weeks and they want to gone whole thing gone not just trimmed up correctly cuz they trimmed up a couple but they look like a stick with two stickers on I mean it's really kind of and some of them are like the one in front of the soda shops at some point regardless when even when we had a tree board the discussion was then you know you got to replace your trees every you know we'll say 10 15 20 years get too big they're going to do exactly what they're doing now do you look at a different kind of tree or that's kind of what we've been talking about if it's a tree it's got to be a smaller one I think I think those things when you get that size you're going to have to tear them out again but if you had a tree that doesn't grow that big um um you know we've been looking at some other cities that have them or we put you know flower planters out there with topiary type trees in them or you know up lighting or something yeah my personal opinion is is you're eleminating trees and you create more walk space cuz right now anything you put there you got to walk around yeah right and as we grow and as more and more people come to visit the downtown they're going to be more inclined to want to you know spread out on the sidewalk that's true that's true I think there's three of them that are already those grates are up about it's pushing a grates up so they're they're Hazard right now so those at least those we got to get rid of but it's like the one in front of the soda shop is leaning out over Circle Park Drive now so yeah would we remove them ourselves or hire that done I'm going leave that up Steve I think I think we can but I'm worried about ripping everything out when they yeah I mean I you know you got power power almost every single hopefully water in there too so I'll let him take a look at that and make a decision based on you know whether they think they can I'm assuming at this point you're going to have to kind of flush and then come back in with some type of stump grer mhm and remove some form of the root B yeah so so two questions what's the plan for figuring out what goes back or what's what's what were you going to do to figure that out bring some options to you all okay I mean I I got my own thoughts but I mean and if you all have any thoughts what are your thoughts um so my thoughts are is and I don't know that each and every one of you have seen these before but if you go to Epcot you see the LED lighting that comes up from underneath the concrete M and uh it shines patterns if you will or there are patterns in that concrete so theoretically you create different patterns and you just fill in those boxes that the trees are in with now to something like that um and as you're walking around the circle at night you'll have and added looks real pretty yeah that's just one of my thoughts you could also do uplighting that's flat surface surface flat uplighting that would light back towards the buildings or something like that um but I I kind of like the idea of having walkability have um what was your second question it was there but it's gone now well I got another one uh have you talked with CRA to to see if they had thoughts or ideas about this I think they were the ones who put on that meeting with the vendors a year ago right well and that so I'm sure they would Advocate some walkability but um I think at the time the CRA was looking to remove the trees as well what they would like that them replaced with I couldn't tell you so the idea is that you feel like it's urgent enough you want to just remove them now period and figure out what to go back later correct is um is the HGTV film crew okay with us ripping them out or are you talking about after they're completed with their filming we had a little bit of conversation with them would you say mayor they were I would say we talked to Veronica who's their design and um she was a little bit a couple of them she said but then she said started looking at it and I think she felt like she's positive about it you know cuz they're putting Greenery in front of the pillars on a lot of the buildings already so we're not losing a Greenery effect and uh she was positive about taking them out yes yeah so she and then she looked at the buildings the and you can see the buildings see them back the tree which you know and some of them cover up balconies some of them cover up windows so you're kind of you know you're you're restricting some of that but if if you stand on that Circle and kind of look around and so we did and it's like it I mean you can Envision just to seeing those beautiful buildings now all the way around a circle and good lighting you know I I was kind of hurt when they took out the trees over there by Southside Baptist I really didn't like that but it looks a lot better looks a lot better that was a bad Hazard over there they were pushing no sidewalks up and the street walks and that's kind of what's Happening Now with you know the the trees got too big and like they said you have to replace those trees from what I understand I've read several different areas that if you have a tree that grows like that you're going to have to replace those trees every 10 15 years like they said because they just outgrow themselves especially that kind of tree right well I know a lot of the events were having now and even like the the Christmas parade you know we were just maxed with people and I didn't know that word Rock walkability but that's really true we need to look into that as we expand and develop and and uh really get beautified here so what do we what do we do temporarily until we find the permanent solution I think it'd be a good idea so to cover the whole papers we can we can initially put the garbage cans over top you put you know if you put the garbage can over top of for no the hole Yeah if you will where the tree was you can do that for right now you could even put the grates back down and then just put the garbage is that what you're talking about okay do we have enough to do that we have enough garbage cans I think there's more trees than garbage cans there we're supposed to be acquiring some new garbage cans as well um the question is whether or not C is doing them or I think there's enough on the circle cuz there's what do we count nine trees or that what it was 10 trees maybe total cuz some have two some have one tree in front of them so where are the garbage can's place now they're on the sidewalk itself mhm in the middle of the sidewalk in between the curb and the building yeah is there a better more beautiful way to place those garbage scans or would that be in the looking at the plan for the future fut or do you have get PR they want to get prettier cans can yeah they want to get nice they're just what expanded metal now right yeah I'm on board with the concept but I would like to make sure that we get CRA involved in whatever is going back permanently um since they're agree pushing the the look of that downtown I don't want to well they started this conversation too right yeah so this would be for taking the trees out pretty much immediately as soon as we get yeah I would I think I'm for that I'd be fine to taking them out do you know if HGTV is uh excited enough that they would contribute at all or help the process move along I think they're kind of budgeted out right now so okay it's worth it we can ask we can ask all right we have any comment from the public on this Don you're a merchant downtown you want to say anything or you just want to are you awake let me ask you that Don Davies and I have the 301 um I don't have any trees in front of us so we're we're okay but I the trash cans on the sidewalks they're they're a little problematic just because you don't have enough space to really walk on the sidewalk it'd be great to gain some space where you're trying to walk by moving those trash cans where the trees were right okay so I you know I I I hear a lot of complaints about the trees you know nobody said I love them right thank you yes ma'am come on up Flex the only thing I think is I have been to several downtown events your name what's your name ber flex and in the summertime it is beastly hot something with shade would be really good because when there's no shade I just don't want to be there just we're not touching the middle of the circle at all okay all those trees are staying these are just when you're walking on the sidewalks okay okay and most of fr the parking spaces yeah most of that Shades over the parking spaces any okay anybody else honorable Mr Griffin ex employee employe I don't have to introduce myself anymore you're fire Greg Griffin I'm going to be the tree hugger on this one um and I I haven't paid a dramatic amount of or a great amount of attention to the trees that are on the perimeter of the circle I'll be sure to look as soon as I'm out of this meeting but one of the things that sets the downtown Corridor a downtown area the circle specifically aside when you come up Ridgewood it's a Barren Concrete Jungle as you go down and you leave past Wall Street P past D's going north it turns back into more concrete trees offer a dramatic Cooling effect um the more Barren concrete you have the more heat you're going to generate so I'll just be cautious about removing trees and trees can also be trimmed and managed so that they grow more vertically as opposed to as opposed to canopying out um root systems do become a problem as they grow so the if they're in that 10 to 15E lifespan it very well may be a problem but I would like to see something planted back in place that does provide canopy and shade and also provide that Lush downtown you know vegetated feeling because the concrete jungle it pains me as I drive through more and more neighborhoods doing inspections and I see people that are removing a lot of these old growth trees and they're not planting Replacements you know one of the biggest things we do we we should be doing is as people remove trees they should be planning Replacements because temperatures are going to get much hotter during the summer months those trees provide vital shade and a few degrees is is is critical especially when it comes to homes and people don't realize it but they take trees out and and their houses get extremely hot um so there there's a lot of benefit to them as well so I wouldn't just throw them to the Wayside without a good plan as to what you're going to put back in place so but as far as removing the current trees I I haven't looked at them okay so I don't have an opinion one way or another happy to look at them but and I'll do that as soon as we're done here all right um I too am going to drive around and look at them but I think it sounds like the ones that are in it sounds to me like they need to come out and then we make a decision about whether to replant and what kind of there would be yeah okay we need a motion on this to remove the trees yes sir certainly if there's going to be the cost associated with it if it's hired out okay well I make a motion that we remove the current trees that uh have been decided on that need to go uh I make a motion that we do that soon let me ask a question so we're talking around the circle how far down the fokes I think we just do the circle first let that be the test run Wall Street H inside of Wall Street just circle Park Drive nothing on uh North Ridgewood blocking a window mightbe we I didn't look at those really close I haven't I don't know they're the same they're the same same as the ones on the circle what do you think I mean that's probably where some of the vendors were complaining about it too um can we have it at at the discretion of the business owner or property owner it should be uniform I don't want to pull one out going down the spokes though not Circle Drive take take them out but because there's some different trees on I know on South Redwood there's CRP burles down which are smaller you know that I don't think I think those we can probably keep those there they're not real pretty in the winter time they aren't and they're some of my favorite trees they're coming back now you know yeah they look like sticks all winter when we have the most people in so so I make a motion that we take out the trees on the the circle only on the the um not in the in the circle part but the exterior side walks clear around the circle is that what we're thinking it's I think we'd leave it up the discretion of administration to take a look at the trees off the circle to Wall Street we won't go any further than Wall Street or I mean at Wall Street to the furthest right because I think everything from there is Craig Myrtle so right okay all right second okay Miss so you're saying Circle Park Drive but not further than Wall Street I'm hearing or did not hear that correct okay havy yes mle yes Stewart yes Bishop yes all right city clerk's business paying the bills please so move second all right pull the board H yes M yes Stuart yes Bishop yes all right and then next up we have The Changing of the Guard every year Council reorganizes through the election of new officers the president and president pro tempor this agenda item has to do with the nomination and election of the council president you want to explain the procedure um Council can nominate um anyone we will have a on that nomination and then the one with the most yeses will get um selected only one vote to say that confused don't vote for one person so floor is open to nominations um I nominate Roland Bishop to be the uh council president any more nominations any other nominations that's what you ask oh sorry Ray roads coming so hey man I'm I got my training wheels on all right hearing none we will close the floor for nominations and have a vote um on Mr Bishop as council president havy yes mle yes Stuart yes Bishop yes all right next up we have council president pro tempor same process as before sir open the floor for nomination nominate Josh Stewart any other nominations no okay all right the the vote will be to um vote for Mr Stewart for president temper um H yes mindle yes Stewart yes fishous yes all right that does it me