##VIDEO ID:H0ky81YAcD4## good evening everyone we call this meeting to order this Sebring city council Tuesday August 6 2024 if yall stand with me the mayor's going to lead us in a prayer and a pledge please by with me Lord thank you once again for the wonderful City that we live in thank you for the staff that we have that keeps it running smoothly we uh ask you to watch over our First Responders as they protect us on a daily basis we ask that you watch over council tonight and help them make sound and right decisions we ask that all we do in your name Jesus Christ amen amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all Hy call the rooll please here here here here here here all right uh business for the audience if there's anyone that has anything they would like to discuss that is not on the agenda you can fill out one of the forms you're on the front table handed in to Clerk kayy and we will get to it a little later in the meeting uh mayor's report uh not much going on I had a good vacation so and I'm back and need another vacation after spending with five grandchildren so all six and under so but it was good anyways uh the only other thing attended the covers grand opening the other day in the middle of the little rainstorm that we had and I think it's going to be pretty good had a lot of people in there and um just in addition to our city so that's about all I got all right council members Mr Carlo I just want to say thanks to Steve Kramer we had a citizen complained about a drain and he has taken care of it quickly and and the citizen is happy as he usually does yes he does and thank you so much Steve Miss mle uh good evening everyone we're so glad you're here and uh I also appla Steven Kramer even though he does like to hear it he's done a great job on our s con Park that we've been working on it looks wonderful and the truest Park also has all the lights up and running vegetation irrigation on both parks it looks wonderful we are so grateful to Steve and our Public Works people and uh I have had some complaints about vegetation growing up around Lake Jackson and impeding is that the right word our beautiful view of our million dooll view of our lake so I just want everybody to know we're looking into trimming up that vegetation and uh seeing who's involved with the properties whether it's private property or city or county but we are going to be cleaning that up and then the other thing I want to thank Paul Sher Paul Blackman he's going to host uh several of us uh groups that are meeting to try to address our homeless issue here see what we can do about that we're going to be having a big meeting at the Sheriff's Office uh this month and um so uh I would be willing to take any calls and input anyone has on that issue it's a very very serious issue and uh we do need to see how to address it in a uh responsible and reasonable way that's all I have thank you just want to give a shout out to um Carlos with the fire department for his work on the grant that got the city 27 ,000 bucks for radios a big deal and a big help when we're in budget time so nice job that's it I'd like to second that thank you Carlos thank you Jared it's huge um great great work this is H three years in the making a lot of work has gone into this and just a huge thing for our city not having to spend that out of pocket thank you I'm looking forward to the next 27,000 that we can find no pressure or anything all right thank you everyone next up is the consent agenda any questions or comments on the consent agenda make a motion we accept the consent agenda as presented I secondment call the board yes yes yes yes Bishop yes all right next up we have public hearing for resolution 2024-25 fire resolution open the public hearing purpose of the public hearing is for the city council to consider resolution that if passed will reimpose a special assessment for the Pres provision of Fire Protection Service within the municipal Municipal boundaries of the city the assessment is currently levied at 23% of the maximum allowed our June 18th 2024 meeting we approved a preliminary rate resolution setting fire assessment rates for fiscal year 2425 at 29.3% of the maximum allowed which will result in rates as shown in exhibit a of our packet uh the fire assessment is expected to generate $ 1.4 million in net revenue and is used to help offset property taxes the purpose of this public hearing is to receive public comments on the proposed assessment following the public hearing uh we will seek a motion to pass the um resolution any public comment on the fire assessment all right any questions or comments from Council all right I will adjourn a public hearing and entertain a motion make a motion we approve final assessment resolution number 2024 D21 second P the board yes yes yes Stuart yes fishop yes all right next up we're going to get an update on a harder hle how are we doing this sounds good all right hello Council good to see you guys always always to be in here Robert Blackman uh it's been a while since I've been in here but um just a table set on why we're here and what we're doing it's not any action item or anything it's just you know I know you guys I've spoken to a number of you get asked about what's going on with the hotel often um and I get asked a lot too uh sometimes I'm more eloquent than others on depending on what what the topic is of the hotel because we do have a you know team of professionals working on it pretty often um and I just want to say where we've you know been where we're going on this whole project um and you know just from my perspective as a little bit of table setting um we bought the place you know nearly two years ago in late 2022 um and almost immediately after we bought it that storm came through and we knew the hotel was in not great shapee before but that really exposed a lot of the deficiencies a lot of the windows were blown out roof damage was continued it was like it was raining in there for days um and we originally tried to very quickly move to replace the roof that was our sole priority uh up front and we uh were on aware of how bad the roof structure really was um you couldn't just put a roof on it which has become a b clear through engineering and through exploration of going into the roof structure a lot of the decking was was rotten a lot of the trusses were bad um and we've assembled the team and even though people maybe haven't seen it since probably November December of last year there's been nine to5 Monday through Friday work going on at the site so we're going to go over some of that today what kind of the timelines are for things uh from our perspective you know we also have done some things I think that are more visible uh clearing out a lot of the the vegetation that was on the site um buying that additional parcel next door for a couple acres uh additional um building out the little Pro Shop and clearing out the inside but uh the team that we've assembled and has been working on it now for nearly a year uh truly I think is certainly the best team we could have assembled in the State of Florida if not the southeast I mean we really did interview people significantly uh this wasn't just a you know we're going to go with the first person we call uh we really really vetted this team and uh we're excited for where we're at we're excited for where we're going and uh again that's it just we we kind of anticipated this being interactive too so please ask as many questions as you can while you have professionals because you're going to get better answers out of them than you would out of me or dad so uh that's kind of it I just wanted to show you guys what's happening so sounds good yep that's where we're at so where we go next coming up is RI you sure absolutely Sor can you just give us your names I'm Rick Rog thr Architects all right I'm John BR Architects and I'm Sam Allison with Ellison construction thanks for inviting we appreciate you making a trip over yes thank start uh with a little bit about our our practice and our fir there we go um we're a second generation um firn that established in Tampa in 1965 by my father our our work as um we're we're our office is located in a historic building an old grocery warehouse downt built 197 so we know what it's like toore an old building to live in an old building work our practice is um is founded on um kind of service and design excellence and historic preservation is one of our main kind of focuses we have done over 100 buildings um 39 of those on the national register stor places 15 have won board trust foror preservation Awards and we' worked on three National very familiar with the secretary of interior standards that um and understand John I'll talk a little bit about that those later understand that um they're kind of a guiding principle and how you restore historic building some of the rules are hard and fast some of are open for interpretation work is uh primarily with historic buildings is um large kind of heavy masonry commercial buildings not a lot of wood frame buildings but large uh heavy masonry public buildings be glad to share a little bit about our Ellison construction and our experience with the historic preservation or restoration renovation projects uh we've been we were founded 17 years ago and before that I was uh came to Florida and opened a business for the Beck Group which is a large national general contractor and was a partner in that business uh was there 44 years and then I retired for two years my son said come on dad you got to come over here and help me build a company so that that's what we just started 17 years ago and that's what we're doing today so next slide this is uh where our office is located uh it's a historic building down in eore City uh we just moved in about a month and a half ago and we love it lot of fun and we obviously redid All the Interiors can't R and this uh is a kind of a representation of a lot of different projects primarily in the Tampa area that uh we've done been very fortunate to do a lot of iconic projects in the town we stored a lot of old buildings buil men to do and thriving venues and uh I'll go into more detail of that as we get to the rest of the presentation there some of the things that we've done with the AIA AIA builder of the year uh three different times which is uh something that's very important to us because we work with these Architects every day and they've come to respect us and they understand that we respect them and uh we've been able to uh get recognized for that and we're very proud of that go through the rest share with you a little bit about some of the work that that we've done and that Elson has done um we're currently working on a project at JC new cigar Factory in E City been working on the project for over five years and see some before and after photographs of um where kind of what it was like when we started and and how it looks today this is stairs third floor the cigar pack where we recreated rolling where they actually do roll cigars uh at said that I was going to share a little bit more detail about our projects that we're going to feature today this is a tapa armure Works building but before that it was a maintenance Barn for The Trolley system in the city of Tampa and this is what it looked like in the bottom left when we first started on it and this shows you kind of what it looks like from the outside to day next slide this was what the inside looked like that was the old bit where the try collar is pulled into and there's a a tunnel underneath that open I guess it's more of a trench that they were able to go in and service the cars from beneath the cars and but we didn't know it was there when we started so we got big surprise we found that lots of other big surprises as well but this is what it looks like today it's a food Hall that part of the project is a food Hall and it's been just unbelievably well uh received and super super successful been kind of a model you see a lot more of these coming around other cities around the country now this was mod that they next slide that's Mr proa yeah we've uh we've been Consulting with the University of Tampa for I guess going on about 40 years now um basically having uh to do with the restoration of Plant Hall uh which was the former uh plant Hotel built in 1892 it's now a main campus Building they have classrooms in it offices in it um and one of our latest contributions to that effort has been what this represents is a laser scan of the entire building from the exterior and interior I think we had over 800 points where we scanned the building and down to the moldings of the doors and and the crown molds and everything else like that and then we took that next slide and it turned it into an actual 3D computer model building uh and and that's part of the technology that we bring to the historic preservation effort here and everything you do to the project after that gets put into a model so you have a live real time assembly of every renovation that you do to the building you can click on a window and it'll tell you that window was rebuilt in 1982 and and it has this kind of glass in it and all that kind of stuff so we're doing the same thing for AR next one of our our slides this is inore City the buildings on the bottom left that's what it looked like when we started the oldest restaurant in the State of Florida was in there called Los natis uh and then the El Dorado bar was next door and the El Dorado bar is very famous for all the mafia stuff that went on in Tampa over the years a lot of stories about that that you ever get a chance to read the book about Tamp Mafia talk about that building but the next the next image the right hand side is kind of what it looks like today that's a very very good addition to eil City this these are uh are Hing uh ceramic actually uh pieces of work by a famous Spanish uh uh artist and they were covered up with plaster so we were going to cleaning off the brick to expose the Old Brick get rid of the plaster and we found these these pieces of art until we preserved them and now they're part of the space wow we find something like that same thing this the ballroom ins the side of the structure where the ballroom is now that's what it likeed beautiful what was the cost of the total project there this one yeah I think it was 42 milon okay I just stayed there great job hope you en next this is St Petersburg High School Roberts Al uh we uh completed the renovation to uh the first million-dollar High School in Florida s High School at the time it was built and U it's a multiphase project that U included the historic preservation of the of the original school as well as a large kind of Campus kind of U campus White Project where we uh Tor some buildings down on some new buildings to create large and then afterward on the right where we've restored terracotta and re reopened The Arches that have been closed up for air conditioning units on the on the front of the school that we found better way to provide air conditioning face restor that next believe we the all of historic spaces through this is another project for Ellison this is a called Oxford Exchange and it's located right across the street from the University of Tampa it uh was three old buildings one of which was a horse a horse stable where people like Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders came in and kept their horses there it was three it's a three story structure it had a round opening in the floors from the first floor up to the third floor and they would throw the hay from the third floor down to feed the horses so uh we turned three old buildings old historic buildings into 13,000 ft facility that's what it looked like when we started and this is the upstairs area right now it's called we have Commerce club that you can come you'll have to have an office you can come in and work there and pay up to belong to the but all that wood up there you see was all reclaimed wood we found it at the Port of Tampa and had it sent it off to Kentucky have it remed and refinish and we put it back in there every B of the wood that's in there is all reclaimed wood this the down area Bo this is part the library that you see on the ground floor that's what it fli right before we started right there and that's all the Shoring and everything had put up to shore the old building in order to uh to build a new structure inside the building to support the old Els and that floor was from Italy we had it uh all the the floor was cut all the tiles were cut in the pattern from a pattern that we sent over to uh Italy to get to get it fabricated and it came back in beautiful went in perfectly next SL The Academy of the hoes restore the historic Interiors of this building for their High School which happens on the old kind of tired School building and kind of made this is enable City too it's an old building it's supposedly the oldest office building in eore city and we went in and basically I don't know how things stand it up foundations underneath the building were just old bricks that they put together to buil the walls up off the off of those old bricks and we had to go in Shore the whole building and put a brand new foundation in and that's what it looks like today Tamp station totally renovated the and on the right shows theob into an active train station see what we started with and now we going to of talk about harder Hall turn it over to my colleague when we uh when we start a project basically historic restoration project the first significant thing we do is delve into a lot of the archives and photos and determine what it was you know try to figure out what what its history was what its former form was what its use was um next slide um this is one of the original um configuration of the hotel still has the servants quarters or the the the staff quarters and the commercial kitchen um on the left hand side there which has since been torn down next slide uh obviously it cannot be disconnected from the golf history uh of the area next l and what we want to show here now is what it used to look like as OPP what it looks like today um one of the major problems we've had with building or or challenges we've had is that the U the staff's quarters and the commercial kitchen were torn down and that basically has undermined um this uh Southern portion of the hotel the foundations are deteriorating and parts of the buildings are separating the elevator for is separating uh one of that's one of the major things next slide that we're uh that we're working on restoring uh is is repairing all the foundations uh this is the condition of the the uh the pera that runs it used to run around three sides of the courtyard now there only two sides next slide this is the interior of the bin Grand salon um showing a lot of the water deterioration some missing materials some floor Wares that's what it used to look like just before it closed next slide uh this is the uh Grand Ballroom uh again used to look like in 1989 just before it closed that's what it looks like today a lot of water damage um the windows the grand openings have all uh been uh vandalized and destroyed or water damaged next Slide the interior of the lobbies um what it looks like in the left hand side uh today uh previous Renovations have gone in and they built uh drop sofits and metal studs and drywall work uh prior to the Blackman's purchasing it all of which is water damage rusted has to be removed next this is the one of the famous features is the cylindrical stairway and this is what it looks like on the left hand side now you can see the condition of some of those grand um openings with the with the fan lights on top and what they look like today the next slide and these are just some of the examples of you know what we're dealing with um collapsing water damage uh bad roofs uh next slide picture wor thousand words next slide uh and here's some of the interior portions after we after we removed tons of damaged water damag materials and this is the condition that the the interior of the hotel is in in general right now next uh This original site plan we will be designing a full new site plan um that honors the the the history of the hotel Resto the uh the linear dock that goes out into little Lake Jackson next slide um yeah this go here is a animation of the actual laser scan that was done VI with drones and lasers attached to drones that we around the building and uh next slide that is a into that's the 3D model of the hotel that we've got now and again every window every door is categorized classified contains all kinds of data within the actual object itself in the computer next line from which then we can project elevations floor Heights next line um start to detail all the root problems and and the root directions that need to be made next line um one of the original issues we had uh to deal with is that the prior renovator uh attempted to put maybe three or four individual size windows into 16 different window openings and they did so by just buying mass quantities of the same window and then furring out all the window openings to the different sizes to make that one window fit in all kinds of different window openings and we're going back and identifying all 16 window types all the eight exterior kinds of doors that are on the exterior and putting back the original next SL and part of that is going into researching you know multiple different window companies manufacturers um you know figuring out how they would fit into the openings how far back they get recessed these are the multiple manufacturers and window types that be evaluated next slide this is a schedule we look ahead at that we'll talk about that we'll talk about that in a second but the next slide coming up is hi I'm Lance Manson uh with McKie brooken the vice president of the company um we've been in business for 38 years now um a lot of the projects that you saw that were presented before that the rose back uh did those projects um unfortunately there's not many pictures of groups because that's not like spectacular part of them um but we did a lot of it so uh historic work has been something uh We've fallen into and it's kind of a ditch because when you go into it there's so many unknowns and it requires a lot of special care it's not a thing you can just run in put it on real quick and run away because you're going to come into all kinds of conditions that You' got to have all sorts of people that aren't just roofers to be able to actually pull back together again um and uh so this is something we've done for for a long time we also do a all the major theme parks as well so when it comes to um trying to do unique projects like this this is this is our our type of work and sometimes it works out for us and we make a little bit of money and sometimes it's a a great big uh picture we hang on the wall so next slide so um we we came in uh and uh these are pictures from uh the initial uh before any was started on the project and uh we had engineer come in and uh assess assess the various areas these are the uh sloped areas that you would see around the center portion of the Tower of the building so you saw like the tile that kind of trim the different levels this is a portion of what we call the maner and you can see that these areas were just completely deteriorate the between uh leakage and mostly uh termites just just uh just annihilate all these structures so um basically when we started taking it apart it was nothing more than look like MCH so next slide um this is the uh roof that's on the lake side it's from the larger Ro of the Tower and of course and this pyramid roof on top you can see that the pyramid uh which just collapsing in on itself so these were um the only good thing for us was that that there was a concrete deck below that you know get a sound structure to to at least be there and we just had to address removing what was bad so that's why everybody saw these you know this massive removal of all these structures is because we had to basically get rid of all the just TI structures and if you actually look and you see all these lines on those on the foot there those are the tunnels from the termites and when we start taking it apart you would see the outside of the board and you look through the top and you can see inside of it because they just hollowed out the boards so that's the kind of damage that existed in the tower next slide so one of the first things that we found out when we started removing the old roof to do a a first like a temporary dry in so that we could get the building dry and start doing the uh repairs to the structure is that it had a whole another roof underneath it so what they had done in a previous project is they covered the entire deck of the North and South wings with OSB which is uh and this is an older style OSB so it's a just a b you know very junky board that they used and they just nailed it any other way well when you pull up a piece of plywood or something like that off your house when you pull it up the nails stay behind when you pulled these up it was a porcupine so they were there was nothing they were holding on to because they were fastened into rotten and damaged wood so so we had to take all this off and a whole another layer of roof underneath it next slide and then we discovered that um much of the buildings had a um tongue roof deck so of course it was something that we could not find so we actually Mill 1 by8 Lumber into it so that we could actually repair the sections of decking that were repairable that didn't need to be pulled or replaced so that we could maintain you know the original uh structure as much as possible next slide so we we had produced and installed 3100 milon feet of mil decking and in larger areas where it was uh greater we had uh almost 11,000 ft of plant decking that all had to be replaced so massive portion of the structure Mi um when we start opening up a lot of these areas we couldn't see anything uh you look underneath it was covered up with drywall or it would get in such a tight Corner that you couldn't even get to when you crawl through the inside of this building and when we started opening up we found that basically all the ends of all these trusses had just rotted out U or were torn up a lot of it was torn up by termites and so we actually had to go around and reframe um the uh truss tails of the entire Northern side next side and then one of the issues we ran into on the nor side is that the trust is stop about 6 in short of the edge of the roof well you got to have to carry the roof out to the edge and it has to be support has to meet the current wind loads and everything like that so in order to basically provide at that that point of attachment we had we had to have a 16 gauge uh steel plate that we installed so that now the new re going over has a place for that first tile and all the edge and everything to be properly secured so that when a storm comes that it doesn't blow off because that's that's where you know the failure starts at the edge so um on the North side we we replaced 1,572 ft of 2x8 lumber on the for the Raptors 326 ft of 2x 12 those were ceiling droids and we had 340 of this 16 gauge plate that had a good next slide this is the South LNG um you can see here that a lot of the areas when we started opening up they just there was nothing left um it just basically a lot of it was being held together by this osv board and when we took the OSB board everything just started basically kind of collapsing in on itself and we got a lot of uh phone calls about our guys not being tied off in this process but what we had to do because the uniqueness of the project is we actually have a 34 inch cable steel cable stand steel cable that runs from one end to the other and then they have retractable stainless steel cables that go and attach along the way so when you look at them from the ground it looks like they're just walking around because you can't see this cable because one of the biggest things was fall Hazard so overcoming the fall Hazard so you guys have seen the stair scaffolds that went up at times for you know being able to access safely and then being able to work in these conditions the the um ball Protection Systems actually won't allow the guys that they try to move quick it stops so that was one of our biggest concerns with how to overcome the safety aspect of of making these repairs so you can see the same type of damage we're seeing on the other side next slide and again all the repairs reild as well next slide rebuilding it so on the on the south L we had 2456 ft of 2x uh course that we all rep and 9 ft 2x2 there that the reason why there was as much 2 x 12 in that area is because the U the ceiling Joys from that side actually sit down lower and are in a pocket in the wall so they're not actually they're not actually up at the top level so it's a little bit a little bit different umu next and then uh some of the current process uh phot and you can see here just the permanent attachment of the uh the base attachment layer the anchor sheet that went down so just all the millions of fashioners Mr Blackman asked me what am I doing to his roof putting all these holes in his new roof I said don't worry don't worry there it's it's not going to go anywhere that's the cable right yep that's the cable yep and these are all the safety devices which they only cost like $2,000 a piece um and once they get anything and I have to but uh and we had to Prime all the plates and then this is one of the the first flies that's on going on and then right before the tile comes we will do we're going to do the last uh the last final ply so it's a it's a multi uh layer system so um you know the building is going to be well protected for the next 100 years with this new tile roof that's going on so it's going to be beautiful and you know we're we're just really excited I was you know it's like I said it's sometimes a problem I came into this place with and met Mr Blackman and his wife and son uh early on in this project and and just when I was out in that courtyard uh next to the ballroom you could just Envision a wedding going on and just how looking at that Lake and how beautiful it was and I was just like I want to be part of this project and I look forward to when it opens so we become all right well this is a schedule of all the activities that going to that are C some of are currently happening takes you all the way through to the completion of the roof title which will be at the end of January 2025 a lot of work has gone into it a lot of work left to be done but we are spending a lot of Mr Blackman's money to make this building safe and secure and make it uh you know be what it used to be we're looking forward to the Grand thank you any questions anybody have any questions for these guys come on up sorry 83,000 people up the street um the base sheet on the roof stick or and tile you getting it a lot of one thing in general to summarize what the building Hason is the walls in the downstairs are it's the wood that wasn't so look like and the real problem that we encountered was through either hurcan Andia but also through vandalism there were several big holes in the roofs and what that led to was water damage from the roof all the way down and fours that were rotten on both the second and third floor so it it's been it's been fun but this is the team to do it anybody else have any questions do you have a do you have a total budget or a rough idea is that a scary question to ask' got okay FR I think you can see time frame don't apply for a job yeah okay hopeful I will [Laughter] live so what can we expect in uh 2025 um for the next Pro uh next steps in 2025 uh the the primary goal right now is to dry it in okay um so that's window replacement door replacement Stucker rep repairs roof repairs roof replacement um will you put tiles on pretty much immediately as soon as it's ready for tile with the tiles are going on or uh you stick back the cover real um there's 23 things that have to happen first right before we can get to the tile um there's going to be a termite you know fumigation the whole building will be tented um we're going to do a bat extraction um because there's bats living in there and that can only happen at a certain time Seas nodding heads yeah aware of that uh we've got a we've got to repair the foundations and to repair the foundations before the windows basically can be completely done because you don't want the walls moving after the windows are in um we're we're going to provide a bunch of micropiles um underneath the foundations and then hold up the that uh that South End of building um but uh in in 2025 basically we will get into the Interiors get into room configurations Plumbing chases air conditioning the entire building will be air conditioned um most of the plumbing has to be replaced a lot of the cast iron's cracked gone bad already um interior design interior finishes um that's once the tile gets on at the at the basically at the end of February that's when we can start delving into the interior and we'll do a laser scan of the Interior the interior has been laser scan because there's actually places in the building you can't you know we could fly a drone through it but we can't walk around in on some of the floors but we'll do a laser scan of the Interior too um am I missing anything that's no we really appreciate you coming over yeah i' I've got some questions okay I did I did want to throw in one thing the the the blacks have specifically gone above and beyond what we have to do for for building code we don't have to bring this building up to impact building code or anything like that but we are putting impact windows and glazing and doors in this entire building so we could actually um remain in in functioning uh in operation while the Hurricane's going on um the historic nature of the building that the national uh the the department of secretary interior standards claim also state that we do not have to bring it up to Hurricane impact that kind of thing but we're doing it anyway issued the purchase order for the window right well I just um first of all the complexity of this adventure is amazing and we're so grateful to the Blackman group for bringing in quality people uh to restore this and make it even probably better than it originally was and it was very wonderful to see your pictures of the other properties that you the other projects that you've had that was so cool so where are you in the process of getting the foundations all firm so like you say the walls aren't moving that kind of thing is is there a lot left to do on that or what um it's it's basically around the uh Southern elevator or um adjacent to where the buil the wings that were torn down that's the that's the main portion that needs to have the foundation so we've uh engaged um both our structural engineer and a geotechnical engineer and a geotechnical pile specialist company and they're currently fine-tuning the final um details about what that um that pil would be how because the windows can't go in then it sounds like until you have that all totally stabilized they can go in elsewhere in the building that one particular oh I see portion of that Wing that's having the foundation problems we wouldn't want to put window in Windows in if the walls were going to be tweaked by the by the miles but the rest of the building you know I think we have a count in there I think there's four 400 window 400 windows and about 200 Doors um um and we could probably put in 380 of the windows prior to that well this is just so exciting and we're so grateful to the Blackman group for uh I don't think anybody in Sebring thought harder Hall could be saved and then to have it being rebirthed in such a a a quality thoughtful respon responsible way I we're just so very grateful to the Blackman's and to you experts that are seeing we're going to have a building for I think longer than a hundred years I mean after you're done with it it's going to be amazing we'll all be gone yeah well when are you thinking that a little portion of it will be open is has anybody been able to pin down any of that um just have to wait it can't be partially partially occupied it's either All or Nothing yeah um from an occupancy standpoint from a life saving standpoint everything has to be in place sprinklers have to be in place everything has to be taken care of before even One Wing of it could be on well it's just amazing we're so grateful to you guys and we're going to keep chickens in ebore City aren't we sure oh absolutely yes that's good 10 years ago when I became became a councilman I got a tour of arter Hall and that's before a lot of the stuff has happened to it and I walked through that place and said who in the world would buy this thing I told Mr Blackman out one day and he goes well you Maddie so I just want to say thank you guys for taking this on I know it's a big Endeavor and and I've actually seen them stabilize buildings I worked with a man one time we had to do some business on in we had to stabilize very large pump houses that had power units and stuff in it and it's pretty unique how they can do that how it's just it's amazing how people have come around to be able to do stuff like that so are you past the most dangerous parts of the construction with the roof no one gets to walk in without a hard hat on all right thanks we appreciate it you guys picked a good crew almost all of their projects that they presented very impressed they do a very good job all right um no business from the audience tonight so City attorney Mr Swain what do you have for us agenda item 12a is a proposed replat of a portion of block four lying south of US iway 27 of suns Sunset Beach subdivision you have in your agenda a fold out of the math itself in your mind's eye this is next to uh for cheers former Checkers near Walgreens across the street from South Publix it's going to be a a really this is creating two lots a car wash and an oil change facility relas that was the last I had heard that the businesses they were going to put in there so this plat is to create those two separate Parcels in the access therefore uh it has the title work or rather the surveying was done by uh germains it's been double checked by sgis on behalf of the city we have a title opinion letter it references a uh Cod lean that Cod lean has since been taken care of and the satisfactions therefore have been recorded and it is on your agenda for your favorable consideration staff is recommending its approval all right anybody have any questions all right another car wash they're getting rid of all the little guys though you're right amount of you're right I I move to approve the replat as presented contingent on receipt of the executed version all the board yes yes yes yes yes all right nothing from the administrator's office yes sir Hy some second for yes yes yes yes yes