##VIDEO ID:PRguaILFTFY## September 17th 2024 if you will all stand with me the mayor is going to lead us in a prayer and a pledge please B me Lord thank you once again for a wonderful day thank you for a wonderful City appreciate all you have provided for us we ask that uh you watch over our staff First Responders as they protect us and move us forward we also have uh events coming to town and we ask that you watch over the people as they travel here and and uh showcase our city for us we ask that all we do we do in your name amen pledge algi to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right thank you for that call the rooll please may here car here here m here steart here here if anyone from the audience has something they would like to discuss that is not on the agenda you can fill out one of the forms here on the front table hand it in to Clark haly and we will get it to it later in the meeting mayor's report well I got several things uh going on it was uh able to attend a habitat house dedication last week um for drill and jam um pretty neat to see people that put in over 400 hours into to a home and it becomes a home drusilla's home burnt to the ground so we brought her back up and did good uh attended the chamber launch I want to thank uh to uh Christie and Casey and Anna for uh kind of organizing an HGTV discussion to see where we're going to be when uh they come back for our kind of wrap up next spring or um early summer um it's kind of exciting to get to know that and following up with that next week their uh visit evening has organized a tourism lunch in at the chamber office um it's and Shelly uh phelp Phelps Phelps is going to be here she is the chamber exec for watka which was the first HGTV Hometown takeover City and she's going to come and give us some insights but also on Tuesday morning that's Wednesday at noon so if you want to go you got to contact chamber Tuesday morning at the Civic Center is a she is shell is going to hold a kind of a town hall meeting with anybody that wants to come just to see how they handled uh httv the the event after event and all so um so it's going to be kind of exciting also coming up next month uh we have or this end of this month is the naac freedom fund Gayla uh if you want to attend you can go online and find out where tickets are for that in October we have a slurry of events and I think I'll wait till October to get that so I don't take up so much of good time a final thing that I have is uh is anybody here blind no anybody from the Lighthouse of the blind we have a proclamation that we do on an annual basis and it usually show up um so I'm going to read the proclamation please uh join me whereas the white cane or guide dog which every low vision blind citizen of our city has the right to use demonstrates and symbolizes his or her ability to work productively in a competitive employment whereas the white cane or guide dog by allowing every low vision blind person to move freely and safely from place to place makes it possible for him or her to participate fully in and contribute to our society and whereas motorists should be aware that the law requires that low vision blind pedestrians carrying a white cane or using a guide dog shall be given the right away whereas Florida law calls upon employers both public and private to be aware of and ize employment skills of low vision blind citizens by recognizing their worth as individuals and their productive cap capacities as employees and whereas through the public education and Outreach efforts of the lighthouse Vision Law Center and red Kane support group the citizens and our community can look forward to a continued support of information and educational classes through the support groups and other opportunities for and greater acceptance of low vision blind persons in Highland County community and now therefore be a proclaimed I John sh mayor of the city of Sebring Highlands County Florida to hereby Proclaim Saturday October 19th 2024 as white cane Awareness Day in Sebring Highland County Florida for the purpose of bringing a greater understanding of blindness and what it means to be a low vision blind what it means to be low vision blind to the citizens of our community and all citizens to recognize the white can and Guy dog as instruments of safety and self-help for law for Low Vision Lind pedestrians on our streets and highways on October 19th uh it's a Saturday they will have an event downtown that starts at 9:30 and then they'll go down to the Civic Center um and have a uh they do this on an annual basis kind of an educational process to to go through um I need to ask the uh favor of the city council if we could approve the waiver of the Civic Center fees for this event make a motion we approve waiver of fees requested for rental of Civic Center as request I second all the board please yes H yes M yes Stewart yes Bishop yes I've got one more item okay is that okay go for it I know your time frame is going to be 7:30 tonight so I just don't make sure you make it but we do have another big event this weekend the motor surf is back um we appreciate the guys coming here Matthew and Mike coming in and um I believe it's Mike right Mark Martin not Matthew Martin Martin got too many M's here going so um but motosurf is uh they're back again it's it's a neat event to see a power Moto uh Power surfboard and skateboard so um but it's pretty cool so we welcome you guys back and I appreciate you coming and and highlighting our community so thank you for doing that we'll see you this weekend it starts I think Friday is a series of events that go on and then Saturday and Sunday so but uh appreciate it and I'm sorry for missing the name H so but that's all I have okay and they'll be up and presenting to us on the agenda so M Miss mle um good evening to everyone uh take a look downtown at the S con park it is continuing it it's pretty much finished now Steven Kramer our director of Public Works and the con family has done a great job uh we got the new s in New orange trees and there's an orange sculpture there painted the benches orange and it just looks great so very happy for that this week we have a recognition remembrance of uh major Tommy Maguire one of sebring's Hometown fighter Ace pilots and so we'll be remembering him and some of our war heroes this week thanks thank you Josh no report uh September 11 Fire Department in the county they put on a a bench just they suited Up full gear walked up the down the steps of bleachers the fire field um I was in jeans and a dress shirt and I was sweating I can't imagine doing what they did just a good in remembrance of uh everybody who lost their lives and the First Responders uh sacrificing their lives so thank you for fire department and the county for being a part of that it's a a great thing that you all did great thank you next up is the consent agenda does anybody have any questions on the consent agenda entertain a motion I make a motion approve the cons agenda second all the board please yes yes yes St yes yes all right we have no old business on to the new business item 10A we have the concept comprehensive plane evaluation and Appraisal up to present this is Miss Marissa barnby good evening for the record Marissa barnby with the central Florida Regional planning Council um thank you so the city's like comprehensive plan which is adopted in 2010 um we go through a process the state requires an evaluation OFA of the comprehensive plan every seven years um this helps set the foundation of the plan as we move forward um because the 2030 Horizon is getting ready to Sunset so it'll carry through to 2050 um it also looks at what is the progress the to uh the city has made towards reaching the goals that are established in your plan making sure the plan is current with um current uh requirements out of Florida Statutes and also addresses Community concerns and goals the evaluation and appro Appraisal affidavit is due to the state on October 1st um the state requires you to send a letter and an affidavit which is signed by the mayor um saying that the city will complete evaluation and appraisal report comprehensive plan updates because I said the the timeline is expiring and and that so the the notification package will include the letter and then a statement that um we are having to do amendments because we need to extend the period out and address um requirements that are in floor session the affidavit which example or it's up there um it is signed by the mayor it is uh basically it says that we will you know we're doing this consistent with Florida Statutes that the comp plan is being updated um to extend the period to make sure we are consistent with all the requirements of Florida statutes for our elements that are in our comprehensive plan um to ensure we have at least a 10-year period and that we um certify where we get our population projections from what the source is and the date those population projections creative um so this is a document that goes up when it goes up to the state they set the date for your ebased amendments to complete which would be one year from when they receive that document so this is essentially a housekeeping document that will keep you consistent with the stage requirement for your your evaluation happy to answer any questions you may have anyone have any questions anyone from the public can't imagine that they do all right I'll entertain a motion I'll make a motion we approve the EA are affidavit and authorize a merit to sign I second hold the board please yes yes M yes steart yes Bop yes thank you thank you up next is item 10B we have uh a couple people who are going to come up and talk to us about the Oto surf event first up is Miss Casey Hart hi good evening everyone for the record Casey Hart with the Highlands County tourist Development Council um we are super excited to have as mayor sh mentioned Moto surf back we just Martin and I just recollected it's the fourth year that they've been coming here and he reminded me in 2021 you know the travel restrictions were not great and they're traveling from the Czech Republic so we had to work a lot of magic just to get the guys here but we got them here and we love the event um one of the things I did want to mention they've been doing for the past couple years is a community event the Thursday before from 3:00 to 7M anyone from the community can come try the boards for free um it's been great I know last year a lot of kids from the after school after school spot or after school program came by and had a really good time trying the boards and I think that last year Martin was out there on his birthday for about six hours taking people on the board so um we're so excited to have them here um the role that we play as the TDC is that we um actually pay for the advertising component so the show is recorded and then there's a post show that airs on CBS Sports there's actually two different airings it's a 30 minute recap show and we pay for that component of it so it gives great exposure not only for the actual event but also for Sebring the downtown everything that we're kind of doing and bringing to life here we also love this event because we are home we are the birthplace of endurance racing and Sebring so what we're growing to become is not just racing on a racetrack but we're racing in the water we're racing uh bicycles we're racing all different kinds of things so it's really growing us as being known as a racing destination which I think is really important to our identity so um with that I'm going to let Martin and Matthew come up and tell you more about the growing Sport and Moto surf we're really excited to see it grow to something that's like on the verge of becoming an Olympic sport um but I'll let them take it over and and tell you all about it so thank you and very good evening everybody uh thank you Casey thank you very much it's been uh great working with you and with the city of Sebring for last uh four years and for bringing motos surf uh here here and um it's um great to come back and to um say a couple of words about where the motor surf has come in the last four years and um I would start probably with uh the thing that motor surf is now officially recognized under the international Olympic Committee and is fully structured under the uim which is the international power booing Federation and um that um very soon it will be coming to one very very special event event uh which is bringing us even closer to our big dream which is Olympic Games and u m will tell you a bit more just to introduce what uh we are doing about and for for the uh organization of these uh motorized Sero racing I work as a promoter of the world championship and of the and as the competition manager for the world games and Matthew is the uh uh Sports Development um manager for for for our sport so um thank you very much for having the possibility uh of being here and for presenting Moto serve as uh at for coming to coming to beautiful Sebring before before we jump to the B big event which is ahead of us next year I would also also like to say that M surf is a complex platform for everyone for every age or every gender we race in seven different classes men women Juniors boys and girls we also have 100% fully electric racing class and uh our brand new brand new this uh not discipline but class is uh Masters which means that there are it is for people that are 40 plus years old so also people in this age group that are still hungry to uh to race they they can they can enjoy their own own age age group and they they don't have to um fight with the with the teenagers right and this this complexity actually brought us to um to really big event which we are um really um glad about and this is the world games um world games as I like to describe it is like an Olympics for non- Olympic sports even though there are already like um on the next one there are already like seven sports that are part of the Olympics as well which means that it's also um that it shows that it really is or the sports are really able to make it to the Olympics which is also our goal with Martin to to make it and motorer would be actually like one of the first or even like the first ever motorized discipline at the Olympics what actually brought us there or why why we can be at the at the world games um we are consistently trying to um follow the sustainability approach um we race with uh certified biofuels and as I said we also have the 100% fully electric uh race class we're also trying to reduce our carbon footprint by planing trees so for every board produced we are planning trees to to the forest um the engines have uh all kind of certifications like APA uh c car and we also try to do like the community outreach so we work with the community same as uh case mentioned what we do on on thur day before the before the motorer games event we invite the communities in the cities we let them try the board uh try the sport and maybe maybe grow grow with Sport with it as well and uh yeah also what I wanted to say is um we work with the with the youngsters because without them we wouldn't be really possible to to make it to make it happen um we plan um Junior training programs um all around the world what we did here uh in the US last year was a training program for for juniors where we let um the the Juniors use boards for free during the during the H season they they could basically raise the mot Ser Games season um without without any any fundings and um actually two of them already made it to to the world championship so and they will be trying to get their uh at the world games next year Martin do you want to add something yes it's always when we speak about the about sustainability it's always all about let's say the political correctness about biofuels oring carb fiber so and so for us the real sustainability and the real approach for the future is just the youngsters it's all about the youngsters it's all about the families it's all about um the people that can afford paying and bringing people and bringing their kids to the sport enjoying the sport and being able to finance it that's the future for any sport I always say that without athletes and without families and without the Juniors none of the Olympic Games would ever exist so that's where you need to U be heading and that's where we need to um support especially the the Young Generation and uh and um and and then the families of course to to be able to practice support then all the biofuels electrics and all that it's nice it's nice for promotion it's nice for marketing but U we love the smiling being best maybe we can have a t of photo how how it looks the enjoyment wom's grren and [Music] located florid land lake is also as theost races where trip points up grabs additionally there was an electrifying that was awesome and thank you for the plug for beautiful saing thank you thank you for well know it's uh we race all over the world we race in in U Saudi Arabia we race in Emirates we all over all over Europe but we always discuss internally the Sebring and the Civic Center and the and the Lake Jackson where we eras it's like Tyler made place for for us it can fit fit in there we can build the cour around the pier there the Civic Center it's just a wonderful place and um of course we speak about about the world games and about the world championships and and so but without the Continental championships and and without the national championships it would never exist that's that's why we are so happy that we can uh build the base of the national championships Championship bring the people into the sport we can work with them we can uh we can let them improve up to the the um up to the world championship level and um and then to to um organize the big um events there but but uh it's super important for us to make racing in America Europe Asia and then to bring everybody at one place and and to be able to showcase our for um edible games which is the very tough so thank you very much for for being our great help in in building motosurf and uh then we can see where where we brought motos serf after after just a couple of years of resent organizations e gu wow awesome it's even it's even more interesting the the last edition of the World Games was organized in uh United States the next Edition next year is coming to China and will be feuring about all these big sports like uh Trion rowing karate um bowling and all these makes us super super proud well thank you for coming definitely good job thank you back wonderful we would also like to to invite you all to come to see us to experience uh what we bring here to to see the to see the racing to actually see the fastest rers in the US and also if you if you would like to come on first day and maybe try the board we got one secret tip on two people that we would like to challenge might might be able to do it um C and C Stewart the only ones that fit the the only ones that can get out of the water start at I will try and be there yeah same for sure we have all live helmet for everything will be ready so do you have balance can I Bor that with somebody we actually do have we have like a Jeter Cube training training wheels that's I might need that I need a couple yeah all right thank you guys thank you Casey all right next up is item 10c St Greg Griffin going to talk to us about the current conditions of Lake Jackson which is a little bit ironic because they came here Greg um so two parts for tonight's conversation first part is we were requested to look into managing uh the vegetation mainly the the tree islands that are on Lake Jackson the vegetation that's in between those and fishing Wildlife is screen light of that so we'll go ahead and manage that um expected chemical costs we have a contract with the city so expected chemical cost can be somewhere around $2,500 for multiple treatments we'll do that over the next few months if if Council so Scott you take action on that first then go into the P we conversation or do you want to do everything you take official action I I think it's our expectation that it does get done but Council feels more comfortable giving instruction to make sure it gets done matter take a motion I just have I have a question is that not is Lake Jackson because it's in the city it's our responsibility is not part of the county rotation okay we want to manage it think the the county has an invasive plant Management program so they're going to spray hydr High Water Lettuce things that are that are are regulated invasive species they aren't going to manage necessarily native species and they aren't going to man they aren't going to manage species that aren't hybrid Bas you know so the Exotics are what they're looking for the Exotic in basis but not not anything that's it's generally you know the areas between the tree Islands um you got Carolina Willow which the primary nesting habitat the fishing Wildlife wanted to say when we did that restoration back in 2008 um the the vegetation that we're looking at managing is primarily Brazilian pepper and um Prim Ro will um there's some there's some small deciduous grassy vegetation that grows under that that will also spray out it's just to create viewports for the for Highway 27 it'll enhance the the view of the lake got it and we're Happ happy to do that so the county manages mostly in water stuff understood do we need to take action on this or we just going to say do it okay do it I'll instruct staff to execute the spring no objection that no objection I I just have a question um and as I understand from talking with our city administrator um the her herbicides and all and chemicals and different things are not going to damage the lake at all and have a minimum effect on the fish and everything yeah so all the herbicides that will be used are are regulated and they're all regulated in terms of being being able to be utilized in water environment or in the marine environment so they go through various degrees of testing it takes years for permits to come to or for herbicides to come to the market and get an actual permit for use they tested for what the maximum quantity or what the minimum quantity is that would cause damage to both Verte and invertebrates while looking at the impact on vegetation these have been proven there they commonplace uh herbicides that can be utilized throughout throughout the state and envirment good to know all right next up next up um I I want to start and preface by stating that aquatic vegitation is critical to the health of any L any water body um there's a lot of very good vegetation in Lake Jackson um up late we've seen a very very very large grow out of a a species called Illinois pondweed uh it's my understanding fishing Florida fishing Wildlife Conservation Commission in coordination with Highland County Natural Resources planted stems of Illinois pond around the lake and there I've seen it previously prior to Hurricane Irma there was sand of paon weed uh that was growing on the back side of Don Jose's but Irma did a pretty good job of wiping the entire L clean of most vegetation and putting it on Blake you drive or 27 or wherever it was um there some of this may be native stems but there's certainly a large amount the the growing season this year was was exacerbated by a few things so one we had an extended drought period the water levels were lower than they would have been historically the presence of that vegetation the presence of it in shallow water where it had higher than normal temperatures water temperatures were up earlier this year we started seeing algae at an earlier at an earlier period um that coupled with uh extended daylight hours as should go into the growing season think the grow bread and then we had of course a a series of strong rains which flushed a ton of nutrients into the water so these are the nitrates and phosphates which aquatic plants are meant to manage and they do a great job keeping the lake in balance the problem is is these shallow areas where the Illinois pond weed had taken seed it was the perfect perfect environment for what I call some sort of a perfect storm and it has exploded on the lake we've probably gone from I would say less than an acre of pond weed within the last six months or even I would be able to say a year uh to tens of Acres at this point you can see it most prevalently if you drive starting at Veterans Beach and head towards Don Jose on a cal morning if you look at out you'll see little brown patches um that are kind of growing in the Sandy in the Sandy areas that's all Pond weed my concern with only Pond weed from Lake Jackson is about 10 15 years ago they had introduced it to Lake June for nutrient management uh it grew at an extraordinary rate to the point where FWC had several Town Hall meetings they brought uh brought folks in they decided to spray it the spray didn't work fast enough because it grows in in excessively deep I mean ill Pond weed can top out in in as deep as 25 ft of water um without proper management it got it started to take the lake over some folks got a hold of legislators in tasse next thing you know clar were introduced to the lake the problem with carp being introduced is carp were going to eat the food that's most easily digested first your car your Nel your other alal type species which are easily digested they move from that to the next species up which are your grasses and finally they get to the Target which is the problem with that is you have a lot of collateral damage from carp and you end up killing a lot of really beneficial plants before you can even get to the point of managing the plants that are that are causing the the issue um my concern for Lake Jackson at the at the rate in which it's growing is that we're going to experience another late June type issue um I spent a lot of time in the air and 15 20 years ago used to fly over Lake June it looks like Lake Jackson does today it's a nice clear nice Clear Lake if if you look at if you look at Lake Jackson or Lake June from the air today it's got a very notable decree view to it uh there's there's pretty significant um Al Al growth going on driven driven largely by nutrient loading in the lake so again that ve vegetation in the lake is absolutely critical they're in my opinion there are species that can be more easily managed that can accomplish the same T So recommendation and I think M some people here that speak to it my recommendation be to set workshop with h County natural resources and Fish and Wildlife so that we can have a discussion to at least see what their management plan is for this species so that we make sure we do not end up with a situation similarly June where we have issues with with aquatic taking area I'll give a good example I mean in behind my house we have a significant overgrowth the cost for me to manage the the species just behind my house is close to $110,000 for the chemical um this is something that wasn't there a few years ago so the cost across the board for private citizens to manage the species is going to be very expensive because it's granard and the efficacy of the herbicides at this point is not as good as as it should be I mean it's going to take multiple treatments again it's it's very costly anybody from Council have any questions for GRE so you're recommending the herbici side as the way to go I would recommend setting up well I would recommend setting up a workshop with fish and wildlife so that we can discuss a management plan for the species in the lake um I have concern that we're going to end up in the same situation that they wound up with in late June and I'll tell you this my son fishes on the uh High School Bass team and we Fish Lake June last weekend and we fish it a few weeks before el pon weed is incredibly healthy in that Lake it is it is everywhere um and it's it's a pretty solid stand so the management the C in that Lake we saw one was probably 15 lbs and uh you may have made some dental Pond wheed but it's it's very impressive GRE what do you think the timeline is till actually needs to happen most of the pond weed that you can see can't see it top down in deep water there's a there's a sandar that runs around the Ring of the lake 99% of that at this point is strapped inside so between The Sandbar and the shoreline It's relatively easy to treat there um you're looking at pounds of herbicide per acre of foot so if you if you think about it you have it three acres you're going to put you're having three feet of water you're going to put 60 pounds of herbicide actual active active ingredient in that 3 Acre area if you have it in 25 fet of water you have to again take that that 20 pounds per acre and multiply by 25 so the cost goes up exponentially the the amount of herbicide you have to use goes up exponentially my biggest concern is we do have a lot of good native vegetation on the lake as this plant as this particular species inter intermixes with spatterdock and bull rush and other other quality species you get what's called collateral damage so as you spray the target species you end up killing the species that are around it we don't want to do that we want to make sure that we have a healthy stand of vegetation well I really appreciate your work on this to keep our Our Lake beautiful what's it what's the timeline we getting with the FWC we'd like to I would recommend if we can set up a workshop uh in the evening hours because I know there are folks that live on the lake that would be interested uh sometime in October if that if that works for it's going to say how fast can we move on it uh that'll be up so Aries is the is the branch of fishing Wildlife that's responsible for Habitat restoration um they're really going to end up driving the boat on this they they planted the species and introduced it it's really going to be up to them to determine what the management plan is I think the more public input you have better chance you're going to get of a of a more aggressive management like I say my concern if you go to dinner Lake it's another local Lake that lake has Pond weed that's stopped out 20 plus feet of water and we have a we have some clients on dinner Lake that spend a tremendous amount of money annually to keep a small swim area open I mean there are certain areas the Sandy Bottom Lakes it grows very aggressively yeah so the kill off of the pond wheed does that make our um the body more Mucky and all in the lake the killing off the the species that is as it sits now should not increase significantly the amount of what we call ttis or organic material that settles on the bottom sunlight will break that down in time um obviously anytime you kill kill vegetative material you're going to end up with some of it break on the bottom I don't know that it would be a notable difference from what we see what we see yeah I was just wondering because we really don't have an option we need to manage this so that would be my expectation you I think fish and wildlife is going to look at it and probably say wow we had great success here but sometimes that success is a little too great I think that's what we're going to experience this year so Greg you said it for Lake June and winter it took multiple um Community workshops and then legislators being contacted is it because FWC was dug in on it or I think to a degree and that's what you're trying to get ahead of here and I think what we're experiencing and and I we work with fishing while on a lot projects I don't want to in any way shape or form throw anybody under the bus or get in any type of a confrontational situation I I think what what's transpired is there's been per se a Changing of the Guard a lot of younger folks who who may not have the experience or have have the knowledge of what transpired on late June um that are making some of the decisions for vegetation introduction into some of these water bodies and um you know with that I think that I think that may be where we're at somewh presp on my part but I'm I'm concerned that we took the same general type of water body and we put the same species that was problematic took that same species and introduced it into a similar water body which at the rate in which it's growing is going to have a similar outcome maybe you too can give us your own report after you ride the I mean I've seen this you know if any of you guys want to go out and look at it take I didn't know what this stuff was but I have a friend who lives on that stretch between Veterans Beach and Don Jose's and his little beach is covered in it really yeah um little section near my house I'm not on the lake but of a walkable area it's I can see that stuff all the time it's growing very dress yeah okay all right do we have any questions or comments yes sir come on up tell us you are Danny cop first of all I want to thank breaking this up because I've been watching it progress It's Growing at an alarming rate and if you don't know what top out means that means it's growing from the bottom of the soil to the top you can see it sticking out of the water so as you ride along you'll be able to see I've been a resident 45 years I actually work for invasive plant man for is County so I'm kind of on the other side of this coin telling you it needs to be dressed I was out there Sunday riding around I'll be glad to take the whole crew of be on a pontoon to take you for a ride out there and show you you'll be shocked how fast this is growing wow it needs to be address somebody like him take lead on it please listen to him thank you anybody else no spot I'd like to call up for a minute you might join us Carl manages each each month he does Carl he was taking a nap sorry Carl didn't mean to wake up uh the premise for introduction of species in Lake June was nutrient management water quality issues Carl's been doing water quality sampling on Lake Jackson he does it every month he can tell you more about it he've been doing for what 10 years now yeah it's been doing it for quite a while it's it's a there's a bunch of volunteers uh people live on the lakes that care about the lakes and once a month we go out and get water samples and we send them take them down to the Agra Civic Center and they are sent to University of Florida and they're analyzed and there's reports from that they let us know how is the water quality of your Lake doing and we get reports I I've given Scott and and the mayor uh some copies of the reports and the good news is the quality of Lake Jackson is actually better than than it used to be lard and I can tell you when we were in 8th grade in 1963 our PE class walked from what's now the middle school down to the Civic Center and changed into our swimming suits and we had PE in Lake Jackson and I recall the Slime fights we had down there get a water go down get a water slime throw it against your budd's head that was what we did for fun that was PE in in 8th grade 1963 we don't have that slime un like Jackson as we used to but the water quality is uh give you a real simple summary one of the things we do is there's an 8 inch white disc called a SEI disc that's the name of the guy that invented it it's just a white piece of plastic and you let it down in the water and then you record how far it goes before it goes out of sight and the further down you can see it they're clearer of the lake Lake Jackson sey deps last month was uh a little right at 10 feet that disc I proceed at 10 foot in depth late June and late plet their SE deps are under three feet Lakes about same size as Lake Jackson theirs go out of sight way faster and the reason is they have more algae in The Lakes algae is a microscopic plant and it needs three things to grow it needs water we got a lot of water it needs sunlight and it needs fertilizer that fertilizer part is where we come in as people if we don't put fertilizer in the lake then the algae levels will be down way down if you have a lot of runoff and there's a lot of nitrogen phosphor phosphorus that go into the lake then you got the fertilizer you got the water and you got the sunlight and Allergy grows so the good news is things that over the last 30 40 years have have been happening around Lake Jackson are right and the water quality is not going down but getting better just out of my own curiosity what would the pyy depth be of a lake Denton or lake Isis Lake Denton or Isis they'll be in the neighborhood of 30 feet or so okay I've been swimming and and and and scuba diving down uh a marathon out there and and and I could see a disc that would be 80 foot deep it can get that clear but Lake uh Lake Denton uh it it would be 25 ft or so okay but Lake Jackson for a 3,000 acre Lake it has good water quality and it's not going down and so that's so having and managing the weeds is is important uh they're aquatic vegetation but rest was called Wheats we don't want we call Wheats and we had that problem in L um dinner Lake where uh Illinois pondweed it was topped out and it was messing up the uh propellers in the in the boat and and we that we got under control and I don't think we have that big of a problem now but it's it's one of those plants that'll come in and you have to deal with it or it can be a real big mess but it's not because we have really poor water quality water quality is not bad you know um I'm just so grateful to hear that our water quality is good because I've noticed since we retired back to Sebring I'm a little bit older than you guys I remember going swimming and my parents always put alcohol in my ears when we came out and I still do that now but I noticed that when we came back 10 years ago to retire here amongst your friends and all people would say the water wasn't as clean as it used to be so I'm so grateful to hear we have a good quality water if you need copies of the report that shows the sey depths over here it shows the nitrogen levels the phosphorous levels the second deps it we have that that that's been documented water quality samples have been taking have been taken on Lake Jackson for at least the last 30 years and I've done them for about the last 15 myself every month water quality and there all I think water quality samples were being taken on Little Lake jaon U but I can tell you the water quite a little Lake Jackson is better than it was 10 years ago you can used to the SE deps over there about three foot now there'll be five or six foot wonder and and so the closing of one of the uh golf courses may have had something to do with that because you don't have the runoff going in there well runoff golf courses are loaded with with f with with a a fertilizer and fertilizer and water and and sunlight grows plants good good advice that Carl before you an eye on it Carl organizes a Lake Jackson cleanup and there's one coming up is it I just Pro the council we're hoping you can come out it's a fun day we'll have a lot of boats the Rotary Club has sponsored it I think this is like our sixth or seventh year in a row we come out Saturday morning from 8 o'clock till noon and the date uh o it's on your agenda October 26 I believe was the date okay and so uh we have a good time and we'll get two or three dumpsters full of stuff that we take out of the lake and it it's it's that helps that really isn't causing a lot of the really good water quality but it certainly does help getting that junk out of the lake do a good job and appreciate you doing that thank you any other questions so I think at this time I'll just instruct Greg and staff to try and get a meeting on the calendar we act need to act quickly on this I don't know what their availability is but we usual pretty available all right thank you Greg Carl thank you no business from the audience tonight Mr attorney do you have anything uh nothing specifically under my business okay all right Mr n so got a couple items one project report you have any questions on the project report itself no sir I do not anyone else no okay and then I've got another item IED the agenda this afternoon and this is a request that came from the community redevelopment agency and it's for an eastment for um the Board of Trade building which is the building that you own and they lease on the circle um at 309 Circle Park Drive and uh they're looking for a utility easement that would be underground uh that would enable the old Shoemaker building at 305 Circle Park Drive uh to connect to utilities that are in the ralway water sewer Des um and we're seeking uh approval staff looking City attorney and C to draft suitable eent for approval by council at okay does anyone from Council have any questions on this that that bu was never hooked to the SE here so I don't know what type of connection SE right now I don't but they'll be looking to potentially and there are different ways to do this as I understand but potentially a greas strap so it would be a greas strap that would be accessible from the roadway itself if you will but it would be a GRE trap on ground if that's how they choose to do it I also understand if you rest straps on syn system like that that's one of the super bonus do currently have gas my recollection right off maybe I'm wrong but some of those services are currently getting supplied um through the current C office this would enable separate connection any other questions I have a question okay and I know you've talked to me a little bit but as I've told you Scott um I've had several people call me about the uh view from uh 27 of our Lake because of vegetation and all and you've told me where are where is that is that in in this about uh managing some of the vegetation not that has to do with the health of the lake that was in Greg that was in Greg okay well I I wasn't sure that people heard that because I've been getting a lot of phone calls so we're working on that uh having the view look better and some of that cut back that doesn't interfere with the health of the lake or the bird population we are working on doing that okay we gave Greg instruction to start spraying the the bank next to 27 MH well now we're talking about this y some of the bigger bushes and plants need to kind of come out so but we're looking at all that what I'm getting at okay any other questions on the C East any comments from the public come on up sir well I believe you pretty much addressed uh what what we're going after um we all know who you are but tell us your name gentlemen Chef mag if some you might know me is um I am the uh one who is leasing the 305 property from the CRA um and uh we are investing in the Reconstruction of it which are underway right now doing all that what we're needing is 10et of easement for like you said the plumbing sewage greas trap electric um that building was and is tapped into the CRA building so we have no existing back we were under the uh uh we thought that we had 10 ft if they they had mapped out an area that we presumed was what we could do that what we proceeded forward with rehabilitating this uh building so what we're trying to do is get that easement so we can tap in we're getting a big Hood system thrown in this week so it's uh it's moving forward just need that uh back area to tie into we're glad to hear it start dining at our restaurant all right I'll entertain a motion make a motion we approve staff working on the City attorney with the city attorney and the CRA to draft a suit e approval by Council second all the board yes yes yes steart yes Bishop yes anything else one more item okay tennis courts next door as you can see we removed the fence we have con surrounding it we're proposing to just demo the rest of that Court that's okay with Council demo ripping up the asphalt and making a grass or is there whatever we go ahead is there a need to demo it can you just leave it we're in theory just gonna Park on it right overflow right now we've got several holes around the outside of it maybe we can thrill all that in that's what you prefer that' be cheaper he's not here Steve's not here so I was going to ask him whether we were planning to do it in house so if we do it in house I the demo you're talking about but you got a mow it correct but it doesn't look real good right now so we ought to fix it then is the demo going to include soting it as well then and we have to S it and you want us to do some further research I can't imagine that a couple pallets of be is going to cost much and we're in house well you got to irrigate it then too you don't have to okay um I think we got to look into yeah do do me since Steve isn't here why don't we meet with him find out if there's even ACC access to irrigation around there I would like to see it irrigated just because in March or febru or January through June is going to look like worse than it is now yeah we can probably push so if we could look and see okay what the options are if he can dig it up with a front end loader I mean it shouldn't be that difficult there's no base under it another Zone to City Hall what's that add another irrigation Zone to City homeall just yeah it's going to take a couple so you want more research then broughty it back to council back to council yes hopefully by next meeting we can get that all right anything else all right Miss Haley bill please second board yes yes yes yes yes and just one more thing announcing the public budget public hearing the second and final one tomorrow at 5:15 yep and Josh are driving a bus tomorrow night thank you