##VIDEO ID:eVsM1ehnsBE## 2024 city of Sebring city council meeting if you'll stand with me the mayor's going to lead us in a prayer and a pledge pleas B with me Lord thank you once again for a wonderful day thank you for the city that we live in thank you for the staff that keeps it going we ask that you watch over everyone during this season um the rainy season as we continue to get storms and keep everybody safe yeah so today is our primary election day that those of you that haven't got out to vote is to get out to vote but also those that do get elected that they run the right course we ask that you watch over councel to make the true and right decisions and we do all we do in your name Jesus Christ amen amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all Hy can you call the rooll please make sure here here here here Stewart here fish here all right uh next uh business from the audience if there's anyone who has something they would like to discuss that is not on the agenda you can fill out one of the forms here on the front table handed in to clerk Haley and we will get to it later in the meeting first up is mayor's report uh just a few things before an important thing uh was able to attain the attend the chamber State of the Union Address uh did a good job and uh had some local flavor to it which gave us some good insight into the industries uh especially the Citrus industry and where that's at or not at in Highlands County right now so it's taken pretty much of a beating but the chamber did a good job with that also seing High football has started they've got a home game this Friday they beat uh Winter Haven last week 62-7 I believe is what it was and so they play Martin County at home so if you guys don't have anything to do come and see a bunch of kids having a good time and for those of you that were involved in any of the HGTV we had a set event that happened at Brad hlip he worked for Signature flooring up on the corner he was did a lot of work for the agency itself for HGTV and the cruise and he passed away uh last week he was 49 years old so just keep his and he recently was married he was the first person to get married in the Gazebo on a circle so so it's pretty prettyy sad event but uh it was a did a lot of work for the city so well we do that now for the good stuff there's a young man that's decided to leave us so if you don't mind coming out Jim all those grand kids behind you tell you this is Jim Jackson with us for a while we have a proclamation but have to introduce his wife also word for right page how many years you for that step behind that's son [Laughter] son got R anyway James J began his appointment with the city ofering Wastewater collection department maintenance work on October transfer the water distribu department M whereas Jim transferred back to the Wastewater colle Department as crew leader on June 8 2009 Jim was promoted to former of the Wastewater collection department on October 1st 2016 where has served the citizens of the city with honor and devotion for nearly 25 years and whereas Jim retired from this position on August 31st is retirement position August 31st 2024 now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and the city council with the city of do hereby Cony their sincere appreciation for the years of dedicated public service to the city and CI thank you so much thank you get the thank that's it all right Mr Carlo um I went to the Florida Le of cities uh convention this past week a lot of good a lot of good information there I brought some stuff back to share with Steve and uh of course I done my ethics training we have to do that everybody knows that but I like to do it in person and also I just want to uh you know the mayor mentioned HGTV and they've done a lot of work downtown that made it nice and and a lot of people are coming to the circle now with their young kids kids and stuff and I just want you to be aware um I was down there I think it was two weeks ago waiting across the road and two vehicles stopped on both sides when I stepped out one of them hit me and uh everybody just needs to be very careful and make sure that they stay stopped and and don't uh you know watch your children yourself so just be real careful up there and it's really you know a lot of people are coming to to to now so when you're driving be careful as well so all I have thank you m mle good evening um a very special time to honor Jim Jackson and we're so proud of him and uh his service to our city and we love our employee family and we appreciate you very much thank you um also I wanted to make note that a wonderful outstanding citizen of SE Mike Jarvis passed away recently and I was so sad to hear about this young man that was uh the first one there to get married under the Gazebo I saw his picture in the paper and uh all of us are just allotted so much time and um we just need to be good stewards of that time um to the people that have I've been getting a lot of phone calls just in this past week again about the vegetation growing up around Lake Jackson on off of 27 impeding The View and um we are working on that so it takes time to get all of that in order but I just wanted to say we are working on that I'd made a comment about that last meeting and um you know it is today primary voting and that's a wonderful uh privilege to be able to vote and it's our duty to vote and our country was founded on judeo-christian values and we need to be searching out for biblical um biblical people to vote for so that our country can continue so take it seriously and uh get educated and vote please thank you thank you report Arison had uh rpac meeting last week really well um I think as we go into next week we talk talk more about it but basically our Pac is wanting to look at a capital CIP for the next couple years which is really good feel like Jared has been talking to Cy as well because he's big into CIP so the next meeting is November 21st and they're looking for every municipality to bring in their top three projects that we want to get funded through arpac so something to be thinking about between now and the meeting Workshop next week of what projects do we want to bring to our Pac and we think about so that's it all right thank you next up is the consent agenda does anybody have any questions or comments on the consent agenda make a motion we accept agenda as presented I second all right P the board please yes yes yes yes yes we Have No old business on to new business we have a public hearing uh public Hearing in ordinance 1529 I will open the public hearing and hand it off to Mr Swain ordinance 1529 if Council chooses to adopt it is entitled an ordinance of the city of Sebring Florida changing the zoning classification of two Parcels that total approximately 18,000 Square ft located at 503 Rose Avenue and 513 Rose Avenue from multif family District R3 to Public quazi public lands District providing for severability providing for conflict and providing for an effective date thank you Miss barnby thank you for the record Marissa barnby with the central Florida Regional planning Council this is ordinance 1529 um properties 503 Rose Avenue and 513 Rose Avenue as shown on the image here you can see Rose Avenue on the North War Street um on the west side and then pal Meadow Avenue and that and the alley that goes there the two Parcels total approximately 41 Acres um the property is owned by border County Commissioners and the request is to change the Zoning for multi family District R3 to Public claz public this is a picture of the intersection of Rose Avenue and Orange Street um taken from Google Maps the photo was from May 20 20.4 next this is the intersection of Orange Street and palow Avenue so you can see the site is vacant um you can also see that surrounding the area there are residential uses in the area we do have the County Complex off on the side the property has downtown Le Redevelopment which is consistent with everything else surrounding it um a downtown mixed use does allow for mixture of uses of residential and non-residential type uses the existing zoning on this site is multif family District R3 there is other R3 properties to the north um and then there's also r3p and then the property that are public uh next slide if the slide U you vot to change the zoning on this this is what your zoning map would look like where the site would have public on it similar to the um sit to this is um the parcels again are shown in yellow the pieces that have the blue outlining our properties in this area that are owned by the um OCCC related to the the jail and and those facilities the surrounding properties have single family business office the county jail and um a vacant use as well there is um public facilities and service to serve this site if and when the county came in with a development plan for it portable water s fa sewer Solid Waste inside um public schools and Recreation open space would not be applicable because this is not a recreation or a residential use and then the developer would be required to do a transportation review for the impacts onto the roads and the intersections at time of development the proposed request is consistent with the future landries on the site it is also consistent with the surrounding um existing uses in that area again as a reminder this is your existing zone map on the left and what it would look like with the change of Public public the Planning and Zoning Board did consider this on August 13th and did vote to recommend approval um your motion options are there and I'm happy to answer any questions you may have thank you I got a question just a moment sure we're getting there uh the purpose of a public hearing is to get questions or comments from the public does anybody from the public have any questions or comments for Miss barie no we'll close a public hearing and now we will have questions from Council yes ma'am um I just wonder did I miss something or you were there going to be Provisions for buffers the the Land Development code does require that um it is my understanding that this site will be developed as a parking lot that would be their future request to support the existing uses in the area and the expansion of the jail um the code does require buffering against the neighboring Residential Properties so we would do that the planning and zoning board did also ask about protection of some of the trees that are on site and that was discussed at the meeting that you know the ones closest to the road that they would be working to try and keep those there you know maintain as much of the tree coverage on site as possible with development of a par one so the buffers would be the trees no they would be installing a buffer adjacent to the to the rec the the existing residential but when you look at the aerial there's trees that run right against the road and planning and zoning board did ask about those trees and what would that buffer look like do you know or um I didn't look exactly but it would it would probably be like 10 feet with Landscaping inside of it as you know I had somebody ask me about that yeah and I just was wondering okay we do have requirements for landscape buffering and and that would be incorporated when the when the site plan application came in thank you all right any other questions all entertain a motion make a motion we approve ordinance number 152 first reading and schedule second and final ratings September 3rd second the board yesy yes M yes Stuart yes Bish yes thank you thank you thank next up item 10B we have a application for a special event this fall the gobble wobble who would like to come up and sorry guys um my name is Alexa Murray I'm from Sebring Florida um I'm on here with Haley on behalf of the chamber um tenil and Paige weren't able to be present they did have a prior commitment and they're very apologetic for that they did send in a letter i I don't know you have a copy of this I will read it or do you want are you going to read it you do okay I'll let you read it then okay uh correspondent sent by tenil thank you for considering our beautiful downtown at the venue for upcoming event I apologize for not being present today is at a prior commitment to attend a conference the planning of this event has been collaborative effort between our local dillery Brewery and Winery we wanted to take time to thoroughly research and ensure compliance with the distinct laws governing each entity's distribution and sales given the limited time available to plan and promote this event I thought it was crucial to get it on the agenda for approval as soon as possible your support we hope to establish this as another annual event that both locals and res and visitors from surrounding areas can look forward to additionally I would like to mention that we have coordinated with Mr Spiegel regarding the setup of the carousel lights and we will arrange our boots in a way that does not interfere with any final preparations may have on this day we agree we greatly appreciate your consideration and support representatives from all the organizing entities are present today to answer any questions you may have and then just more about this event so this will be a tasting event tasting cards much like the ones that we use for the soda Fest and will be sold to patrons who are 21 and up everyone will be required to wear an armband and will also have a stamp to to ensure that they are 21 um the tasting samples will be small 2 ounces for beer and wine and 1 o for liquor or Spirits tickets will be available to purchase if a patron wants to have a full drink from any of the participating organizations um there will be live entertainment and activities throughout the duration all right do anybody have any questions for these young ladies no any questions from the public no all entertain a motion the event as presented condition upon providing the appropriate Insurance ceric showing at least $1 million of liability insurance and naming the city's additional insur at least 10 days prior to the event second all right hold the board yes yes yes yes yes thank you good job next up is item 10c another special event light up the circle pink from Miss Diana Albritton up good evening hello hi so hopefully um prior to this you have information right anything you have a site map that's everything all right the purpose is well I believe and I hopefully I have the year right but since 2017 as the founder of K um kot TTY the naughty girl loves which is a breast cancer awareness and education nonprofit organization we are worldwide but however I do live here I've been a resident for 38 years and a breast cancer survivor this next year 23 years and naughty girl is celebrating her 10year anniversary well what I would like to do is um like since 2017 in front of you have asked could we uh light the circle pink with the lights which back in the old days you had to actually change the light bulbs so that's all changed a little easier but I'm requesting that again and you've uh put the banners up around off the the various streets that uh bring awareness to our organization and I appreciate that but uh we would like to level it up and do a little bit more with the downtown and light up the circle pink you can see all the activities um it is open to the public um we have rented the Circle Theater we are going to have two movies there the hery the classic and then the newer one um again it's open to the public uh I do have a Herby car that's coming we're also going to have a um a car and truck Meetup it is not a show uh I've learned a little bit about this when you have a show you have to give prizes and trophies I'm not here to recognize trophies and money I'm here to spread awareness and education and uh and do something special to kick off the month of October and give back to my community because my community has given to me and um I just um I I'm here for questions um I I I'm requesting the a couple of things from you all I'm paying a a big bulk of it and and I'm okay with that but I understand that there's some things you might be able to help me with we've done the lights and the banners but I love to know would you help me with the stage um I do have the DJ He's listed here he's a gentleman who works with the the school board and very popular I think H TV used them and um let me see what else did I need Public Works to help me with the roads and uh the garbage and a deputy for four hours I thought it would be important for my event since I am doing a car and uh truck uh event they will be parked uh they uh the discussion of where they're going to be staged and driven in and parked all of those things have been discussed um ahead of time um if you ask me how many people are coming because I was say they're going to ask me I have no idea I have a hundred people involved I've asked them to invite five friends and maybe four will come that's my number um this is my first one and I think it's a great event we're going to have where uh we'll do the P care Advent health is bringing a tent um with two young doctors uh female doctors as a resource we will be there as a resource uh I just I don't have questions I'm excited it's really coming together like a beautiful like purpose yeah thank you for doing this I think this is wonderful and bring recognition to this serious issue and it's not just a woman's issue either no one in a thousand men are diagnosed and the reason for my story and the reason she's called naughty girl is um her body right in the middle is a knot and 40% of I'll just use women because that's it's statistic that I have find their own tumor that they will fill something and then they go investigate that when I felt something hard and I went the mamogram said I didn't have cancer so luckily I saved my life and that from the mamogram we went and did the ultrasound and many of you if you've done an ultrasound and we'll just use the example looking at a baby you actually got to see something and what I saw was this and so as time went on cuz I'm in the Insurance business and I'm talking about health quite a bit for this month 20 years and I just felt like I was hiding a story that could save lives and so I'm a big advocate of Education uh not only going for your Wellness visits go you know if you're a female your mammograms but also knowing your body and when you just mentioned about men and I just said one in a thousand there's not a time I don't go to a sporting event and I look around and I just go wow you know and really for men and again I'm not clinical but the men that I've talked to what they'll do because obviously they can't do a mamogram is they do the ultrasound like I did um to be able to see it and typically they can remove it and they do radiation they don't typically do M um chemo and so forth but um also I do know of two younger I think one's 34 one's 35 recently diagnosed and they actually found their tumor by by feeling it feeling something hard under the skin so um I know um when you see pink you do think of the pink ribbon you do think of breast cancer awareness I'm about education I just really the more oh and my biggest oh my B what I'm super excited about is youth I have a lot of Youth involved in this event and it's important to me to educate the Young people and once I realized all the young people that are going to be involved in this I even have 20 of the Young Junior ambassadors a lot of the young men with their trucks and don't get nervous but because their mamas will be there but but um there's just there's a lot of people of all different ages and that excites me because they all have moms and sisters you know they just we've all been affected by it so thank you for your time thank you any I know about the insurance and all the stuff any anybody else have another question I have all right we entertain a motion well hang on AE just because you have a car show doesn't mean you have to it's not a show I know but even a car show I've been to car shows I have old cars and I could care less if there's prizes and anything this is right I just like to talk people about my car you know what I love cars too yeah well mine setting out there yeah I I'll make a motion to approve the event as presented condition upon providing the appropriate insurance certificate showing at least $1 million of liability insurance and naming the city's additional insurer and at least 10 days prior to the event do I need to add the the uh stage and the help from theenda okay I second yeah I may uh the road the stage the deputy lights trash yes what she's what she's request second I second all right we have a motion in a second P the board yes yes yes Stuart yes Bishop yes thank you and thank you for doing this all right we have no business from the audience Mr attorney you have agenda item 12 a proposed resolution 2024 d22 and you'll you have probably seen the resolution that was passed by the uh Avon Park City Council inviting City and the county to negotiate an interlocal service boundary agreement if if Council doesn't offer to participate you're bound by whatever decision and agreement that the the those that do participate uh come up with that may affect you so it is certainly in the city's best interest for the city to participate in the discussion and to pass proposed resolution 20 24-22 to do so all right anybody have any questions no I'll entertain a motion make a motion we approve resolution number 202 24-22 as presented sending a copy to the county manager and city manager of a dep second all right the board yes yes yes yes yes thank you all right Mr n good evening counc item 13A resolution 20247 and a community assetic feature agreement agreement number is 2024 dm-1 91-1 this is an agreement between the city and transportation to continue to maintains City anybody have any questions all right I'll entertain a motion make a motion we approve resolution 20 24-17 as presented is second it P the board yes yes yes yes yes right agenda item 13B is Project report do any of you have any questions and reference to why don't you go through them so the public can see it the first one's Westlake Jackson project civil zerve is presented 90% of the deliverables for phase one of the project to staff and plan to be on Council September third agenda uh with a presentation probably a PowerPoint U for those 90% uh deliverables um just as an aside you've seen or driven that side of the lake lately excavation point um uh for the city has paved certain sections just to smooth it out in interim while we're working on this storm water project and then ultimately a repay end storm water projects of that section Echo Park um the frate trust pass the city executed contract and as indicated it'll be executed um sometime in September uh and that Echo Park is the park that we we applied for grant funding if you will and receive grant funding and be something that did get confir written confirmation rece grund for that did did we get the access question answered about accessing it from the 27 side as well we have not got a final resolution on that the contract provides for them to give us access across the southernly portion I'm not sure that they will actually be able to do that uh there is some access that is available to the county on the North side it's not what you call Great access okay um so we'll that issue will come back to council for you all to consider whether you are happy with the level of access that that we could get through this but it's a it's got to go through some extra layers of approval before we even have a contract to begin with okay the receiver for this is in litigate property the trust that issues in litigation in Texas and out there they appoint a lawyer to handle to be the receiver for the assets and so they're waiting on court approval to enter into the contract and then we'll start our due diligence period gotcha and the contract doesn't provide okay that along with Stu cool thank you um potential fdot Road swap of a portion of State Road 17 as some of you may be aware all of you may be aware we've been talking about potentially acquiring the circle um and in that you know fdot wants one contiguous roadway so that's kind of expanded to something greater than that whereby they would they would give up maintenance of of State Road 17 all the way from 27 all the way to the parkway the city would pick up Mains of that and in trade for that they they would get uh the portion of the parkway that runs essentially from Highlands Regional all the way up to North Bridgewood drive so then you'd have a continuous State Road 17 make a right there and then continue on parking St uh relocation of Public Works utilities having a unified compound um cities negotiating to purchase uh a parcel I believe the city attorney's working on that contract as we speak for mobile home park moratorium special Council has been acquired to assist in drafting that and then Lake be water sports agreement it's been drafted um it'll hopefully be on a council agenda in September uh they have not seen it yet but we'll receive it this week for we at all right thank you very much Miss Haley second board yes yes yes St yes yes thing is there's several vacancies on our boards um the first one being um and Zoning they have one regular vacancy open to be a member of this board must be a resident of the city of Sebring or a non-resident of a city but have an ownership interest in Ro property and a resident of hin County the code enforcement board has one regular vacancy open to be a member of this board you must reside within the city Lal Sebring the CRA as of October first will have two regular vacancies open to be a member of this board you must reside in the city limits of Sebring or be engaged in a business within the city woms as a business owner or employee by business as a full-time employee the VES are published on the city's website along with the applications the applications need be need to be returned to me and the vacancies will only remain open until fil all right if you're leaving you better get going it's about to get wet