##VIDEO ID:mGjU8aQXtf8## so helpful good evening everyone welcome to the Tuesday a October 1st 2024 Sebring city council meeting if youall stand with me the mayor is going to lead us in a prayer and pledge pleas Follow Me Lord thank you once again for the wonderful City that we live in thank you for the staff that keeps us going got the little storm that we had successfully thank you for that we send out special prayers to those that are on the coast up the coast in the states of north of us and the tragedy that they're going through a it's going to be months before many of those and sometimes probably better than a year before some of those talents and citizens get back to World God thank you for sparing us but we also wish that you watch over them we also ask you to watch over the cackley family Kathy H's brother passed Sunday and uh went to a higher calling in a better place a good place I should say we ask that you watch over that family as they honor their brother and their dad and their sons and and uh watch over Steve please we also ask that you help Chris oxygen tank be full do all we do in your name amen amen the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with libery and justice for all call the RO please here here here here Stuart here Bishop here anyone from the audience has something they would like to discuss that is not on the agenda or stand in Renee Renee we'll have a form for you to fill out and she'll get it to me and we'll get it to it later in the meeting uh mayor's report uh I got a few things I'm going to steal some of um Harry's Thunder when was at the time he McGuire dedication the mural dedication at the airport but I want to thank you Terry for helping put that on Mike Willingham and Terry sponsored that but also help put it together and uh it was really it was a nice little event I'll tell you really learned a lot about Tommy Maguire's history which is pretty fascinating from where he was but but thank you and I'm sorry I stole your thought no that's all right I always have plenty we're fortunate uh last week to have Shelly Phelps uh Whitfield from WKA which was the first Hometown takeover Community back in 2021 uh she came and put on a presentation several presentations and visited all three of our towns in Highland County and had a lot of great things to say about a lot of good things to say about how friendly everybody was and what kind of a community and uh wished us success but also gave us a lot of information on what to get prepared for and she said get ready to be in thousands of people that had come and visit and she said that in wuma which is slightly smaller than we are is kind of out in the middle of nowhere not distant and she said in Florida she said people are going to take day trips just to come and see what happen so but I'd like to thank her for what she did also uh was attended a champion for children's event last week and uh congratulations go to Cliff Hall who uh was awarded the award he's a been a longtime coach and Mentor for a lot of kids we have uh a couple things coming up the pink on the C is this weekend the 5th little car show with that and some other events that they're they're putting on for cancer awareness the naughty girl uh is is uh uh putting on the event and then also uh we mentioned that Steve kathle Pass which is Kathy's brother um and his service is one o'clock on Thursday if you if you know Steve he's been a long time well there longtime family the whole kley family is here um and I was an attorney for uh forever here so but and that's all I have that's it okay okay I done I got some more if you want scroll good evening everybody um so glad you're here and uh we did have a very interesting week with the Tommy Maguire Memorial uh a week or so ago that was so great but at the end of it we also had a presentation on our Airport and some of the plans for our airport and I grew up here I've been around here a lot but I didn't really realize what a wonderful airport we have so it was great to hear from Mike Willingham and Andrew Bennett the uh uh assistant Deputy out there at the airport Authority uh some of the futuristic plans they have for that airport so um you know if you get any time go out there and uh look around and ask uh the people out there what's going going on cuz they have some great plans and they'll even give a presentation at different times it's very very in in formative and then also the champion for children Gayla that was just awesome we had a fantastic turnout there even though we had to push it from Thursday to Friday and uh it was just wonderful to see so many of you all there and uh it was just a great evening for our community and Kevin Roberts is our chair at the County Commission and he just does a great job with champion for children so there are a lot of trickle down effects from that um with the different organizations Uh Kevin and his group sponsor and help and uh we really owe him a lot from our community he's pretty terrific guy that's all had an insurance committee meeting yesterday and um it was actually good news for once um we had budgeted I think for a 15% overall increase for health insurance this year and it's actually going to be closer to 3% U which is fantastic and that's all I got Josh and I were able to go to the Moto surf event last week um oh I forgot about that legs are still sore and black and blue and they're at the yellow stage now it was a lot of fun eye opening so the organizers were telling us that they're now going to be part of the the world games and they're on track to they want to be in the Olympics so being a part of that team and for them to come over is super exciting one of the things that stuck out most though uh one of the organizers is in SE now I think on Monday he flew to China he's all over the world came from Czech Republic he said there is no place on Earth more beautiful to see a sun rise than Lake Jackson see so that was just really coolly he that was cool so as we whatever we do with the lakefront 2 as long as we can maybe uh make sure that that event can stay it's a great event I think it's building a lot of traction and it's great for the community glad to be part of it I will give a shout out to the fire department and Chuck Piper who stole the sto show um he made Josh and I look very very bad uh he he took one from the team and uh did a really good job so did we have an increase in uh people that came to see that this year or no I was out of state um was the weekend I was there on Saturday and it looked like there's more people in it was last year so well I was going to uh take part in it if they had a walker division top the motor I'm just making a bad joke but I think it's great but do you feel like it was an increase in the amount of people were more people I think a lot more participation from the public too trying out yeah they trying out the seabobs all that they had quite a few they set I think it was very successful glad that they're doing it for the TDC for putting that on big Community effort big team effort to bring it in I don't think me and Harrison are going to qualify for the Olympic team though that does doesn't feel like we're gonna make it maybe next year perfect I'm gonna stick with the counting and construction all right um next up is the consent agenda does anybody have any questions or comments on any items on the consent agenda make a motion we approve consent agenda I second it all the board yesy yes yes Stuart yes Bishop yes all right moving on item 10A it's our first public hearing for the small cities Community Development Block Grant application coming up to tell us about it is Mr David Fox Bo good evening I'm David Fox Fox Enterprise this wasn't advertised for 20123 2024 cdbd block gr application today's October 1st 2024 was advertis 530m there's a sign in sheet going around everybody would sign in that's included with the application submitt the city is eligible to apply for up to $750,000 in cdbg funds there's four categories under this program the first three you can only apply for one if you apply for one you can't apply for another one until you close out that project so first for your housing Rehabilitation commercial rization and neighborhood vitalization so if you have a housing Grant open you can apply for a commercial or neighborhood or a housing another housing until you close it out the housing categories where you go into loow owner occupied low Moder income households you address all code violations health and safety issues uh Section 8 housing standards the second is commercial revitalization where you going into a downtown area I know youall had these previously and you do some Street skatee work I think you did some work around the park at one point in the center of town that to a commercial revitalization Grant and the third is neighborhood revitalization which is more of an infrastructure project um at least 51% of the people benefited must be low to moderate income if you're doing water lines on the street at least 51% of the people on that street must be inome that's determined by a household survey like I said under categories one two and three you can only apply for one once you have one open until you close that project out you can't apply for another category four is a standalone uh category Economic Development you can apply for up 1.5 million under that category that's the only one you can go up that high the rest one is 750 um for every job created you can apply for $34,999 and at least 51% of the jobs created must be loow mod income hous prior to creating job any question on that slide page three talking about load monor income we're talking about the amount set by Hud based on area median income for example for a family of one it be 39550 that family of 4 be 565 and the family be 746 gives you an idea what we're talking about for load monit four each 200,000 ever put toward the project or toward the application the uh you get one point in the application or maximum 25 points for $50,000 in leverage you can go over to 50,000 in leverage you just don't get any additional points for it you are going have to put in with the additional cost will be for the complete the project if you go in design ready can get additional 50 points meaning your planned inspects are completed and ready to be got for bid including the submitt of applications for permits you don't have to have the permits in hand but you do have to show where you submitted them and you submit a copy of the completed design and the application permits with the application for the 50 points if you go in shovel ready you will not get reimbursed for that cost so that's a cost that's you take a risk for those 50 points normally you're going to do a project that's sh already something you're going to do if you get funded or not because you're not going to get even if funded for that project any question on that slide page five or Slide Five you appoint a s advisory task force these are the steps you did that previously you advertise and hold a CF meeting we had a CF meeting scheduled we actually had scheduled twice and we haven't had a quum the first one then the storm came for the second one so we're going to hold a third one between this meeting and the second public hearing Our intention um advertising hold the first public hearing which we're doing tonight get public comment advertise the whole fair housing fair housing work shop which we're also doing tonight which we' advertised for and then once we get a project completed or design completed application complete then not application completed then we'll present it to you at the second public hearing what we're actually going to submit and get approval to submit it thank you just any public comments anybody have any questions the economic development one you said that it's up to million5 but it's 34,000 per job created yes sir okay that's usually on economic development you're going to do whatever infrastructure is needed to the property line but you're actually not going to do anything on the property of the developer you need a developer involved okay and we've done this before that was the new I Clinic I so we did new that way we also did res anybody from the public have any questions or comments no I talking with staff just give you an idea of what we're looking at um they're looking at possibly and this was if they it's fine looking at possibly doing a neighborhood violence agent application or nebor under the neighborhood category and that would be improvements to Mary Tony Park and Gabe white par so I just want to make sure that with the board that you would that would be the neighborhood C get direction from you make sure that's what you want to do and go ahead move forward with the preparation of the application question on that so Scott then the reason why we're having to get drawn plans for Gabe white is to get the the 50 points of Leverage for this grant yeah that's my understanding is is a requirement okay you would need get plans for Gabe white and Mary Tony okay completed I don't know if there's any permits besides you don't have to apply for a construction permit but if there's any kind of P permit or anything like that we would have to show that we subm that was submitted prior to the applications okay dire that yeah yes sir any questions on the public hearing no all right we'll close the public hearing and uh entertain a motion St second board yes yes yes Stuart yes Bop yes all right Scott do we need to do the the workshop now or we announcing a workshop or t b warehousing Workshop D just there's no action just presentation okay all right housing for all this is advertised Workshop it says give you additional points in the cdbg application and gets information out to the public page two a fair housing act what does it do 42 USC prohibits discrimination housing related to transaction ining sale rental or finan dwellings discrimination includes refusing to rent to someone steering someone away to a particular type of housing or neighborhood zoning measures to exclude particular groups to the membership in a protected class slide three protected class classes are as follows race color religion national origin sex status and disability what is prohibited no one may take any of the following actions based on race color religion sex disability status or national origin you can't refuse to rent or sell housing that's available you can't refuse to negotiate for housing based on one of the categories you can't set different terms conditions or privileges for sale rental of dwelling based on one of the categories F deny housing is available for inspection sell of rental for profit persuad or Tred to persuade homeowners to sell or rent dwellings by suggesting that people of particular race age sex should have moved or about to move into a neighborhood or deny any person's access to membership participating in any organization sell or service Rel to sell rental housing five is in lawful discriminate against a person whose household includes one or more children who under 18 years of age that falls under familiar status 55 or older community you don't have to allow 18 or other to live there but any other class that is required slide six digal protection if you have a disability if you have a physical or mental disability including hearing Mobility visual impairment cancer chronic mental illness or HIV AIDS stantially limits one or more major life activities or if you regard as having such a disability housing provider may not refuse to let you make reasonable modifications to your dwelling at your expense um if you go to move into an apartment building or and you're doing a rental they can't deny you to allow put in a handicap ramp if needed they can require you to take it back to the original uh condition before you put the ramp in when you move out 57 what housing is exempt the federal fa Housing Act exempts owner occupied buildings with no more than four units and single family housing sold or rented without a use of a broker there are senior housing exemptions exemptions some senior housing facilities communities and liability familiar status that's once again that's 55 and over accept stat P you think your rights have been violated contact on the fallowing you can information available from City Hall um there's a local FL Housing Commission on human relations you can buy complaint there there's a Hut office out of Atlanta Georgia which is our Southeast regional office you can file a complaint through them there's actually a website you go through with them and then US Department Housing and Urban Development Office out of Washington DC if you have a complaint these are possible for places to submit your complaint page nine what you'll need to do to include when you submit a complaint complaint needs to include your name and address the name and address of the person your complaint is against the address or other identification of the housing involved which the rental complex the name of the complex in the address a short description leged violation and the date the leged violation occur then at that point you submit it and then they'll do a review 10 what happens when you file a complaint the office receiving the complaint will notify the person following the complaint of leg violation following of your complaint and allow the respondent time to submit a written answer to the complaint investigate your complaint and determine whether there is reasonable cause notify you in response through hug cannot sorry notify you the respondent if hug cannot complete the investigation within 100 days and then the Fair Housing Act has a conciliation clause during the complaint investigation H required to offer you and the respondent the opportunity to voluntarily resolve your complaint with the conciliation agreement any questions that's a lot of information but just wanted to get it out there know there is they anybody have any questions thank you very much thank you for coming in yes sir all right next up Mr bogas going tell us spell lead and copper good evening good evening I get to talk to y'all it's been a while um just to give you a little background on this uh the lead and copper uh rule has been around for a long time but uh EPA came out with a kind of revised revision rule leting copper uh back in uh 20122 we had until this year to submit our first report to them on inventor in other words where do we think we have lead at our service our service area distribution system I'm happy to tell you that we don't find any records uh that we've ever used lead pipe for distribution have in the past used something called a gooseneck which is simply a way to connect the mainline to the meter installation and we've been removing those I remember back when I worked with the Koda commission we were removing those back in the early late 70s and early 80s used to get some big bullets out of them so but anyway this been a process for for a very long time now we monitor for this uh we had to provide this information to our customers and our consumer confidence report CCR report that we mail out annually and I don't know if y'all have ever looked at it very closely but there's just a trace of lead and and a trace of copper in the in the samples that we take just so you know where we get the samples we have we have a pool of 60 accounts 60 locations that are generally in the area of where we suspect this could be a problem we have to contact the customer and get their permission to come on their property because we have to take the from either an outside hostb or inside their home whichever that will allow us so that's a kind of a the process we go through but the uh the rule now the revised rule requires us over a 10year period to make sure that everything is flat fre now that we have control over our system obviously we do not have control over the homeowners what they have pluming or in a supply line and a lot of the older home mine included has a galvanized line going from the meter to the house U and the problem with the galvanized pipe is back in the back in the day apparently some of the metal makeup had a had some lead in it for galvanized pipes uh and corrosion will cause that to be a bigger problem well I'm happy to also tell you that moreover I was talking to Jay about this uh just the other day for over 25 years we have used a chemical called sequest all it's a proprietary blend but it it actually is an anti- corrosion type of NSF course safe to use but it controls corrosion in our in our distribution pipes uh where that's big problem is with duct iron and cast iron lines and we still have a problem but it keeps it from becoming a worse problem that also helps us with lead and copper in the system as well but uh as an ongoing practice whenever we have to replace the meter box or replace a meter we we are now digging up that whole service and and actually documenting with not only notes on the work order but also photographs of what's there whether it's PBC poly uh you know galvanized lines whatever we're find and uh so we're building that database that's what we're actually submitting to D no later than in the 16th of this month uh we did get a price from Gold Street oh back up ahead of myself we also have to provide written notice to customers that they they may have bled in their in their drinking water not necessarily from us but due to their own fixtures and their home and even their supply line could be the cause of that U but we have them we have't may allow to notice it's a trifold it's a it's a color type of brochure much much like we've used in the pass for a consumer confidence report we got a low price the lowest price we got was from Gold Street design agency at the price $7,795 we will be mailing those out and this is one of the main reasons why I wanted to share this information we'll be mailing this out to roughly 15,000 customers not that all of them are going to have you know Leed in their water but we this requirement that we notifi people that we don't know if they have it or not and then it's up to them to decide how they want to go about checking that but uh I suspect that may cause some phone calls so wanted to kind of give youall the heads up that if you get people calling you about this at least you know what we're doing uh I know the brochure and the probably what you got in the backet doesn't look very attractive real thing would look much much better but uh have to answer any questions that you may have anybody have any questions so Bob if I get a call from somebody who's freaked out by that they should call that the safe drinking water hotline to get it tested is that the best step or what uh just tell them to call us okay you we'll you'll test we'll guide them through that we may I don't know I hate to throw out a blanket state but we'll test everybody because I don't know what what to expect but there's different ways that water can be tested we can direct them to sites you can get test kits that sort of thing they're not real expensive okay but we'll we'll kind of hav't kind of got that far with it yet but but we'll we'll take it on a Case by casee basis to start with and see how how big it is and so this would primarily affect homes buil prior to 1987 yes sir okay thank you um and you know Scott and I were talking about this issue yesterday and he was pointing out how you know home uh each home could have their own filter system too people do yeah already take care of that if somebody had a concern and I don't know that much about pipes and all but do they solder them together uh I think all the copper is solder okay now there's different BS you can have now back in the old days solder was the only only way you do now they have uh different I guess compression type of connectors I think is the first one that comes to mind I've used them before in my own home but uh but yeah there's a lot of and that wouldn't leech into the water system and copper really is not they threw copper in there but Copper's not as doesn't do the stuff in that I've been drinking Le for years that's probably my problem anyway all right any other questions no sir thank you all right thank you so much appreciate your help yeah that's right um no business from the audience Mr Swain do you have anything to add no sir thank you all right Scott you have anything yes sir just to follow up on Project report um Westlake Jackson project um they're working on the 100% deliverables uh Echo Park um hopefully we'll have something for you maybe at the October 15th meeting but um it's coming soon I understand that the the judicial court in Texas made a ruling and um they should be executing that contract um uh no update on the road swap yet um relocation of Public Works utilities hope to have that contract on your October 15th meeting okay um definitely in November I would say it's not on the October 15th meeting um mobile home park moratorium staff met with special counsel and their drafting language for council's consideration Lake View Water Sports uh there's no update to that agreement yet um and then vegetation on Lake Jackson uh treatment of the vegetation us27 will begin um as soon as weather conditions permit and that really involves just a calming down of the Winds so that we're not spraying good vegetation when we're spraying the bad vegetation um we've reached out to FWC um I've reached out to the regional director's office they referred me to the uh aquatic plant uh office and uh that that employee or director in that office is currently on vacation so I'm waiting on a phone call back all right thank spr presented second hold the board hello yesy yes yes Stuart yes Bishop yes all right thank you